Museum of Art History in Vienna. Quencing the thirst for knowledge in the Museum of Art History Pictures in the Vienna Museum

Museum of Art History in Vienna. Quencing the thirst for knowledge in the Museum of Art History Pictures in the Vienna Museum
Museum of Art History in Vienna. Quencing the thirst for knowledge in the Museum of Art History Pictures in the Vienna Museum

In Vienna, more than 100 museums. It is not possible to get around them all during the trip. See Rating of the 10 Best Art Gallery Vienna and choose what you like more.

1. Art and Historical Museum

Albertina, photo Theron Labounty

The gallery (Albertina) has a collection of world import graphs (about 65,000 drawings and more than 1 million printed graphics) with such works as a "field hare" and "hands of a prayer" dürer, outline of female portraits of Clima, sketch of children of Rubens. Albertina has architectural and photocolties, which presents vintage construction schemes and drawings, architectural layouts and plans, photos. In permanent exposition, the canvas of the Impressionists of the beginning of the 20th century (French, German, Russian artists) are presented. In Albert, temporary exhibitions pass.

6. Viennese House of Art

(Künstlerhaus) on Carlplatz was built in 1865-68. By request of the Austrian artistic community. Today in this building, on Square 2000 m², creative seminars, summer festivals, forums are held. In the house of the artist, exhibitions of painting, applied arts and sculptures are held; Architectural exposures. In the lateral wings of the building work the cinema and theater.

(Museum Im Schottenstift) is open in the premises of the former residence of Prelant on Square (Freyung). The public is presented a collection of works by the Dutch and German painters of the XVII-XVIII centuries., Flemish paintings, Viennese painting Bidermeier. The key exhibit is a lateral altar created by an unknown master of the XV century. A large panel with multicolor painting on biblical plots is interesting not only as a work of art. On the two panels, topographically accurate city landscapes of Vienna 1470 are depicted. Among the Schottenstift exhibits are tapestries and furniture, the versions of priests and monks, historical documents.

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The Austrian capital with the affectionate name of Vienna is primarily associated with the name of the King Waltz - Strauss, with the charming sounds of his music, with Viennese salons, with musical evenings and festivals. But this is also a city of old architectural monuments and remarkably interesting museums, which leaves deep impressions. So, the list of the best museums of Vienna.

With its appearance, the largest museum of art is obliged to an enlightened fan of painting and graphics to Duke Albert (1738-1822), which gathered a huge collection of art works of great masters of the brush of various eras. Today, the museum contains in its funds over 900 thousand copies of graphic works, 50 thousand watercolor sketches and drawings da Vinci, Rembrandt, Rubens, Santi, Durera, Picasso, Dali and many other famous artists. The Albertina Museum Building itself can also be called the work of architecture art.

After the reconstruction of 2003, a titanium slab (64 m) was installed on the entrance, successfully complemented the appearance of the museum and its modern symbol. Impressive bronze monument to the founder of the museum - the Duke of Albert, sitting on the "Horseing" horse. Now in Albertin in several demonstration halls there are permanent and temporary exhibitions, there are a solid library, a large reading room, a souvenir shop. On permanent expositions, the works of Monet, Picasso, Renoara, Bekon and other brush creators are posted.

To make a more complete picture of art masterpieces, the museum provides an audio guide service (in many languages, including Russian).

Opened every day, from 10.00 to 18.00, on Wednesday - until 21.00.

The former summer residence of the Imperial Dynasty of the Habsburgs is a magnificent park-palace ensemble, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b1.2 km wide - 1 km. The majestic palace, accompanying the 1441 room, is built on the project of Johann von Erlach in the style of the Austrian Baroque, is striking with its scale and pomp. For sample, the architect took the Versailles Palace in Paris. The adjacent Park admires its landscaped landscapes, a "palm house", a pavilion of Henrietta, wondrous fountains, a labyrinth in the spirit of pseudorim ruins and the oldest in Europe of the Zoo.

The ancient botanical garden (1753 years) is a real work of floral art, with rare species of trees and shrubs, deserves separate attention. Today, from all the halls of the palace, only 40 belong to the museum, 190 - rental by private traders. Traveling through the luxurious rooms, you can estimate the degree of wealth of Austrian emperors, to see the story of the genus of the Gabsburgs, whose representatives were born here and died, renounced the throne.

Over the years, Charles IV, Franz I, Franz Joseph, Mary Teresa lived in it. Here, in several halls, Napoleon headquarters were located at one time. Schönbrunn - the focus of incredible beauty, luxury and dazzling wealth. Since 1992, the complex has been taken under the protection of UNESCO.

Not inferior to Schönbrunnu Beauty and splendor Architectural and landscape pearl Vienna - another palace and park ensemble Belvedere, uniting two luxury palaces and wonderful park. The Nizhny Palace was built before (1714-1716), and the upper one - in 1722 by order of Prince Evgenia Savoy. The magnificent palaces became his residence, between which, on the project of the famous landscaped designer, Girarn was smashed a beautiful park. Now in the lower palace there is a Museum of Baroque and the art of the Middle Ages with marble, mirror, grotesque halls; With the gold office.

Here the Palace Stable and Orangery turned into exhibition halls. The Belvedere Gallery, conquering masterpieces of famous artists of Klimt, E. Shile, O. Kokoshki, Bökl, and other painters of Austria, posted in the Upper Palace. The original planning of lawns and park fountains is a real miracle of landscape design. The park between the palaces is a comfortable place for relaxing parents with children, lovers and students who are preparing for exams. The elegance of snow-white sculptures on the background of bright beauty of flowering trees and shrubs of the park, sparkling splashes of fountains, the luxurious view of the palaces, the contents of the museums leave the best memories of Belvedere.

Open for visits: Upper Belvedere - 10.00-18.00, every day

Lower Belvedere - from 10.00 to 18.00, on Wednesday - 10.00-21.00.

Belvedere Gallery

Baroque palace-park complex Belvedere is a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design of the Austrian capital. Amazingly beautiful mansion was erected in the 18th century and served as a summer residence of the great commander of his time - Prince Evgenia Savoysky. The architectural landmark consists of the lower and top belvedere. Today in the luxurious halls of the palace there is a national gallery, consisting of a collection of painting of outstanding masters of the XIX-XX centuries. Here the works of Van Gogh, Renurair, Shil, Monet, Kokoshka and many other great artists are collected.

The museum contains not only artistic canvases, but also sculptures made of plaster, marble and wood. It is of particular interest to the interiors of the golden, marble and mirror hall of the Lower Belvedere. Walls and ceilings are painted with frescoes, decorated with bas-reliefs and statues. The main pride and pearls of the gallery are the cult works of Gustav Clima. His works fascinate spectators with deep motives shining love passion for women.

For many of their works, the artist used real-coal gold, thanks to which he reached the unique effect of painting perception. Gallerous visitors can see such famous paintings by Klimt as "Kiss", "Adam and Eve", "Judith and Head of Oloferna", as well as the "Portrait of Fritz Ridler". The cost of visiting the Upper and Lower Belvedere is 22 euros. Gallery is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00. On Fridays, the museum works until 21:00.

Another magnificent Baroque Palace (1700) is the memory of the former generations of the Note Austrian Prince of Liechtenstein, whose representatives collected various art objects. The beginning was made by Karl I who fed the weakness to the road to the dear furniture, to the exquisite decorations of gold, silver and precious stones. His descendants continued collecting for 4 centuries, accumulating during this time a large number of valuable rarities. They began to be exhibited for everyone to be exhibited from 1805 until 1938.

Now in the Museum of Liechtenstein there are works of painting Italian, Flemish, Dutch, Austrian masters of different eras and directions. Here are the masterpieces of Rubens, Rembrandt, Rafael, Ricci. Unique samples of antique furniture, hunting weapons, ivory products, bronze, jewelry are presented. The pride of the museum is the Gold Coach, which was manufactured for the paradinary courts of Prince J. Wentsell - the 4th prince from the genus Liechtensteins. Rococo decorations, manufacturer's virtuosity make the crew of the art and an invaluable treasure.

Every Friday in the museum has massive excursions with an audio guide, on other days you need to personally agree with the owners of the palace to get into it.

Address: Furstenqasse 1,1090 Vienna. Login - 20-25 euros.

In the palace and park complex Hofburg, numbering 19 palaces, 18 different buildings, 2,600 rooms and halls, everything affects the greatness and beauty. Here you can have a whole day to consider architectural masterpieces in the style of Gothic, Baroque, Ampira, Renaissance and admire the high artistic level of architecture of past years. The first palace took his inhabitants already in 1279 during Leopold VI, but Hofburg received the status of the winter residence of Hofburg in 1533, when new palaces, office space, a magnificent park appeared.

Each new emperor sought something to complete, build another new palace, and thus the present architectural and park miracle got into the inheritance of Vienna. Today at its 240 thousand square meters. ME there are several museums, administrative and government agencies, congress center of international importance, chapel, "house of butterflies" and other institutions. "The Swiss wing" is the oldest part of the complex in the form of a fortress, where the Guard service once carried.

Luxury apartments of emperors are now a popular museum where thousands of tourists come to admire the chic interiors of the halls, amazing objects of dishes, wonderful antique furniture, unique dining silver. Registration of 19 halls, bedrooms, living rooms in accuracy corresponds to the genuine historical setting of the Habsburg era. Especially many visitors are in the chambers of the famous Princess Elizabeth (Sisi), hotly beloved by Austrians. In the halls of the empress, its numerous luxurious dresses, prostine, other personal belongings, gymnastic shells serve as exhibits.

A peculiar landmark of Hofburg - Cafe Demel, where you can buy delicious branded delicacies: Cake Zaher, Cracked violets, chocolate "cat tongues", etc. To enhance the 19th century, the waitress is dressed in the fashion of that time.

World Museum

In the southern wing of the Majestic Palace Ensemble, Hofburg, which is one of the main architectural landmarks of Vienna, is located ethnological and anthropological museums. More than 250 thousand valuable artifacts that personify the historical, religious and cultural heritage of the numerous peoples of Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Oceania are collected for universal ferris.

It is noteworthy that the exhibits previously belonged to famous seafarers, politicians, emperors and patrimbs. The basis of the Museum Fund is a collection collected by the famous travelers by James Cup during their distant expeditions. In 14 halls, decorations, weapons, armor, coins, dishes, clothes, figurines are exposed. Also here are the objects of cult, masks, manuscripts, jewelry, musical instruments and other historical things.

Special attention deserves the only headdress of the leader of the Aztec tribes in the world. This decoration consists of ketsal bird feathers, skin and more than a thousand gemstones. Open daily, except for the medium, from 10:00 to 18:00 and until 21:00 (on Friday). The price of the entrance ticket is 12 euros.

In the round tower with thick walls there is a museum, the exhibits of which do not cause delight from most visitors. This is a pathoanatomy museum, where various physiological deviations of the human body are demonstrated. Here are decorated freaks, heads of various people (on rumors, dead criminals), lung smokers; amputated hands and legs; Human organs affected by venereal diseases (only about 4,000 exhibits). Despite their unpleasant appearance, these "masterpieces" are useful in writing to see people with bad habits.

This name of the museum was inherited from the previous appointment of the 5-storey tower, where patients with psychic deviations of varying degrees were previously kept. The fact that among them was violent, there are massive doors, iron chains present in each of the 139 chambers. Among the gloomy exhibits is the head of the killer of Empress Sisi.

Address: Spitalqasse 2, University Campus Territory.

Increasingly, on the walls of the strict buildings of Vienna, you can see a bright, bold artistic painting, striking by your originality and an extraordinaryness. The art of Street-Art got its development from graffiti, but gained great scale: "the canvas" of street artists occupy huge walls, facades, cuts of roads and sidewalks. Works of Street Art reflect various plots, carry a deep meaning and ideas, so this art has become very popular.

Vienna Street Art Gallery (2006) - a logical continuation of the development of this new type of artistic painting, where artists innovators have the opportunity to demonstrate their brilliant work. Public recognition, high estimates of visitors contributed to the expansion of the Street Art gallery space. She recently "moved" to a new place on the 1st floor of an ancient building (170 sq. M.). There are regular exhibitions of artists around the world, workshops on the exchange of experience are organized. Visitors are waiting for interesting meetings with fantastic masterpieces of Street Art, making the life of cities more fun and joyful.

Address: Stiqenqasse, 2/3.

Opening hours: W. - Spot. - 12.00-18.00, Sat - 12.00-16.00, out-E - Vid, Poned.

A unique residential building with amazing facades is built by the famous architect Friedrich Nundertvasser, which can be considered by Austrian Gaudi - so similar to their architectural creations in originality and expressiveness. A vivid example of the fantasy thinking of genius from the architecture is the house of Nundertvasser in Vienna. It can not be noticed: kaleidoscopically colored facades, the lack of familiar straight corners and lines in the architecture of the building make this house with an unrealistic fabulous object.

Such an avant-garde style was the fruit of a long creative quest for an extraordinary Creator, who studied impressionism, transautomatism and founding his workshop of creativity - Pintoarium. Considering that the urban residents are bored live in standard multi-storey boxes, he created a "funny" colorful house, with different levels of roofing and windows. The facades of each apartment are painted in different colors; Round balconies with openwork railings are seized by ivy and curly flowers. In some places, the trees grow straight from the windows or on the roof - the synthesis of urbanism and wildlife, which, according to the architect, does not have enough city.

Before the entrance, an unusual type of fountain of the intricate design, laid out around the mosaic wave-like paving. 50 apartments are populated by residents, of which not everyone is withstanding the pilgrimage of tourists, the crowds coming to the famous architectural miracle. You can only consider it outside, it is impossible to enter inside.

The Museum of the famous psychiatrum is open in the house where he lived with the family of 47 years. Expositions illustrate the life, life and medical practice of the Great Medic Scientist. Freud's personal belongings are presented here, its working office, a library with scientific literature on psychology, antique art objects from his collection. The situation of the reception, the working office, the waiting room, carrying those present in the Freud's era, is reliably.

Address: ul. Bergasse, 19. Open for visits: 09.00-18.00 every day.

The magnificent building, decorated with carved stems from sandstone, with a 60-meter dome, accommodates the Grand Museum of Arts, with the richest collections of paintings, antiquity monuments, valuable archaeological relics and numismatic rarities. The Museum Picture Gallery is a huge number of artistic masterpieces of Bruegel, Durera, Titian, Rubens, Veronese and many other classics of painting of different times collected by generations of Habsburgs.

During the years, the museum has undergone significant destruction, and again it opened only in 1959. The most valuable exhibits were hidden before the war, so the museum collections are fully preserved. A visit to the museum is a journey through the beautiful world of art, which cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Address: pl. Mary Teresa, u 2.

Takes visitors: in summer every day, 10.00-18.00, Chetver. - Until 21.00. Spring-winter; Tuesday - Sunday. - 10.00-18.00, Thursday - 10.00-21.00.

Museum Leopold

On the territory of the museum quarter of Vienna, a snow-white building, having a form of rectangular parallelepipeda, is elevated. This is a unique structure where the masterpieces of the leading Austrian artists-expressionists of the late XIX century of the XX centuries are exhibited. Oak parquet and an abundance of metal decorative elements give the interiors of the Museum's premises special originality.
The basis of the exposure was the private collection of anavided by avant-garde picturesque art - Dr. Ophthalmologist Rudolf Leopold.

The connoisseurs of the era of modernism will receive true pleasure from the perception of the works of Egon Shile, Gustav Clima, Oscar Cocker and other no less well-known artists. In the exhibition halls, benches are installed so that visitors can have the opportunity does not rush to consider extravagant, booty and sometimes excessively frank canvases. Works every day, except Tuesday. Institution doors are open from 10:00 to 18:00 (on Thursday until 21:00). The income price is 13 euros.

Museum of Natural Science

The right is considered one of the best scientific and educational institutions in Europe. There are more than 20 million exhibits representing historical and archaeological value. It consists of 39 exhibition halls, in which an impressive collection of unique specimens, demonstrating the evolution of animal and plant world, as well as the development of geological processes. Exposition is divided into several thematic scientific departments: Mineralogy, Paleontology and Zoology.

The history of the formation of the first collections takes its beginning since 1750, when the Spouse of Empress Mary Teresia began to be interested in rare minerals, precious stones, snail shells and various fossils. As a result, it was collected about 30,000 amazing natural objects. Over the years, representatives of the Habsburg dynasty complemented a meeting with new specimens. The opening of the natural science museum took place at the end of the XIX century. On the square of Mary Teresia, a luxurious Renaissance Palace was erected for the placement of exhibits.

Impressive visitors with their spacious premises, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 8,700 square meters. On the ground floor there are insects, birds, fish, reptiles, various mammals, skeletons of dinosaurs and primitive people, as well as stuffed extinct animals. The second floor is filled with rare minerals, precious stones, fragments of meteorites and all sorts of minerals. No less interest causes luxury interiors of the Palace: wall and ceiling frescoes, bas-reliefs and sculptures.

Tourists who seek to know the world can visit the museum from 9:00 to 18:30 (on Wednesday until 21:00). Tuesday - day off. The price of a ticket for an adult is 12 euros, for children and adolescents until 19 years old entrance to the museum is free.

Military Historical Museum

It is located in the south of the veins in the old complex of the buildings of the former barracks and workshops for the production of weapons. It impresses with its originality the ensemble of buildings built from red brick and located square in an impressive territory. On the facades you can see the distinctive features of the styles of Byzantine, Mauritanian and medieval architecture. These are gothic roses, openwork arches, oriental dome and gear walls.

The museum fund is divided into five thematic halls in which exhibits belonging to various historical epochs. A collection of valuable artifacts covers periods from the XVI to XX century. This is a small rifle and cold weapon, military equipment, military units, helmets, armor, casual things soldiers, samples of equipment, artillery guns, ships and submarines, signs, signs of differences and much more.

History lovers will be interested in exhibits dedicated to the attempt on Erzgertzog Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Museum objects reflect details of events that served as the reason for the beginning of the First World War. Attention attracts a car in which the heir to the Austrian throne was shot. Next to the car exposed the main attributes of the fateful day: the bloody uniform F. Ferdinand and the genuine weapon of Serbian criminals.

Open daily from 9:00 to 17:00. Ticket price - 6 euros. You can visit the complex every first Sunday of the month.

Technical Museum

The exhibition consists of 80,000 exhibits, clearly demonstrating the history of scientific and technological progress. The basis of the collection is the equipment that was widely used in energy, household, mining, heavy industry, mechanical engineering, communications and culture. Many copies are presented in a natural value, which causes genuine interest among visitors of all ages. You can see cars, aircraft, computer devices, industrial machines, steam machines, locomotives, electric cars, bicycles and much more.

It will be engaged in a rare collection of household items of the last century. These are refrigerators, gas stoves, irons, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, TVs and other self-respecting home aggregates. Even recently, they were an integral part of the household, and now occupied the honorary posts of the exhibition pavilion.

On weekdays, open from 9:00 to 18:00. On Saturday and Sunday, the exhibition is working from 10:00 to 18:00. For the entrance ticket, adults will pay 13 euros. Pensioners and students (19-27 years) can enter the museum for 11 euros.

House of Music

Invites tourists to plunge into the magical world of musical works and the tonalities of various sounds. Exhibits are located in the house where the founder of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra lived - Composer Otto Nikolai. A part of the museum's expositions is devoted to his creative activity. Here you can see awards, carved sticks, plates, concert suits, music luminances and many other personal stuff composer.

Satisfied with unusual exhibits representing a multimedia platform with visual effects. One of the halls demonstrate all sorts of fluctuations around the world. Here you can hear the rustle of the foliage of trees, the noise of the metropolis, the root of the spacecraft starts, the sounds of the fetus in the mother's womb, animal voices, laughter, sneezing, cough and much more. Museum visitors have the opportunity using interactive screens to create their own musical masterpiece, experiment with different shades of their voice, listen to music with exemplary acoustics and even control the conductor with a symphony orchestra.

It is no less knowledgeable to familiarize yourself with the presented expositions dedicated to the greatest composers: Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss, Gaidnu, Shenberg and other musical luminaries. Opened every day from 10:00 to 22:00. The cost of entrance tickets: for adults - 13 euros, for students - 9 euros, for children under 12 years old - 6 euros.

Museum of Contemporary Art Mumok

In the museum quarter of Vienna among the ancient buildings of the former stables, a stylish rectangular gray building with an expedited roof and narrow horizontal slits instead of windows is towers. This construction called Mumok has become a container of modern outrageous arts. The foundation consists of 9,000 exhibits. In the snow-white spacious halls of the complex are original and sometimes enough provocative specimens, most of which contradict common sense. These are paintings, sculptures, audio and video installations, performances, abstract graphic images and photos.

Many artistic creations leave an ambiguous impression or make them think about the socio-political problems of the modern world. The exhibition is working daily, from 10:00 to 19:00 (Tuesday-Friday), from 14:00 to 19:00 (Monday), from 10:00 to 21:00 (Thursday). Ticket price: 12 euros.

Museum of Applied Art

It is one of the most meaningful exhibitions of European institutions. The public is presented by the exhibits of different eras, starting from the Middle Ages to modern days. These are invaluable artistic designer masterpieces that were intended for aesthetic pleasure and practical use in everyday life. The exhibition took the first visitors in 1872. On the basis of the museum, a school of applied art was founded, where famous artists of Klimt and O. Kokoska were trained.

The total exhibition area is about 2700 square meters. Numerous glass, porcelain, silver and textiles, as well as interior items and magnificent rary furniture are exposed in spacious halls. A rich collection of Persian carpets and tapestries, forged sets and precious dishes, Eastern figurines and exquisitely painted VAZ, Venetian lace and Viennese chairs cause enthusiastic feelings from the audience.

Works every day, except Monday. The exhibition is open from 10:00 to 22:00 (on Tuesday) and from 10:00 to 18:00 (from Wednesday to Sunday). The cost of visiting the museum is 12 euros. Every Tuesday from 18:00 to 22:00 Top tourists will cost 5 euros.

Museum of Hours and Clockwork

In the old three-story Vienna building, there is an exhibition of clocks and time mechanisms. The collection has about three thousand different copies that demonstrate the history of the development of technique of manufacturing and decoration of the instruments of the watch craft from the XV century. The exposition presents a collection of pocket, wrist, fireplace, desktop, sun, outdoor, street and pendulum hourly mechanisms. Skilled creative work and designer chains of watchmaking wizards amazing. Dials decorate paintings, vases, figurines, caskets, porcelain and jewelry, as well as other interior items.

The unique astronomical clock "Cajetano", made in the XVIII century, deserve attention. They show the duration of the day, the movement of the planets in orbit and even solar and lunar eclipses.
The kingdom of time mechanisms takes its guests from Tuesday to Sunday. You can visit the museum from 10:00 to 18:00. Ticket price - 7 euros for adults, 5 euros for pensioners and students under 27.

Museum of Criminalistics

In the old building of the former soil of the XVII century, a small museum was opened, dedicated to loud crimes, organizing a police order and a judicial system of the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The exhibition halls are saturated with a gloomy atmosphere of terrible criminal cases. The exhibits are genuine protocols and a dossier with the description of atrocities, as well as the guns of the murders, the photographs of the victims, the texts of sentences, real evidence, uniforms of the police different years, the skull of criminals and even the disgraced fragments of human bodies. The museum is recreated the interior of the room, where visitors will see tools for torture treated.

It is possible to plunge into the chilling blood of the world of crimes and forensics for 6 euros. Opened from 10:00 to 17:00. Mode of operation: from Wednesday to Sunday.


Not far from the Ringstrasse boulevard rings, the original building of the cubic form, stand out against the background of the magnificent architectural ensemble of Vienna. The facade of the structure is crowned with a gilded dome with openwork ornaments in the form of intertwined laurel branches. This is a gallery of sessesian, where artworks are placed, reflecting modern forms of artistic expression. At the end of the XIX century, the famous Austrian master Gustav, the Community of modernist artists was headed by Gustav Klimt.

The main goal of the union of talented painters was to be separated from traditional conservative flows in art. The first exhibition of Sesisison took place in 1898. A new direction in the artistic culture made a storm impression on the audience, who met the works of Van Gogh, Eduard Mana, Auguste Renoara and Edgar Degas. The main exhibit of the museum is the famous work of Klimt - "Beethoven Fris". The cycle of wall-mounted picturesque canvas is devoted to the cultic ninth symphony of Beethoven.

Opened every day, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00. The cost of the input ticket -9.50 euros. In compilation you can see not only the works of modern artists, but also video stations.

Children's Museum Zoom

This is an entertainment complex with thematic interactive exhibition halls for children of different ages. Expositions are divided into zones, each of which is aimed at the development of vision, hearing, coordination, attention, motility and creative potential of kids.

Children accompanied by adults will be taught to create art installation, animated films, sculptural compositions, musical works, make dance pas, to conduct research and know the world around. The guys have a wonderful opportunity to comprehend the ads of the profession of a doctor, a seller, a builder or test yourself as a parent.

Takes his little guests every day, except Monday. On weekdays, the complex works from 9:00 to 15:30, on Saturday and Sunday - from 10:00 to 16:00. The price of the ticket begins from 5 euros. The cost of visiting depends on the choice of the thematic studio.

House Mozart

In the historic center of Vienna, near St. Stephen's Cathedral is an old residential building, where the apartment of Wolfgang Amadei Mozart was located on the second floor. This is the only preserved apartment in which the Great Austrian Composer lived from 1784 to 1787. It was in this house that Mozart wrote one of the most famous works - Opera "Wedding Figaro".

Today's apartment Mozart is a popular museum. The exposition is aimed at recreating the conditions in which the Great Composer lived and worked. Here are placed rare furniture sets, interior items, musical instruments, scores, manuscripts, costumes, music watches and composer's personal belongings. Also in the museum there are video stages showing interesting facts from the biography of Mozart.

The apartment-museum is open every day from 10:00 to 19:00. Ticket price - 11 Euro (adult), 9 euros (for pensioners and students).

Jewish Museum

Its exposition is devoted to the history of the numerous Jewish community of the capital of Austria. The impressive part of the collection talks about the creative and social activities of the famous Viennese Jews, such as the psychologist Z. Freud, writer S. Collega, politician T. Herzl and composer G. Maler.

Picturesque artistic canvases, jewelry, diverse dishes, printed publications, household items, elegant figurines, ancient manuscripts and other precious artifacts give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rich cultural identity of the Jewish population. Thanks to the animation technologies, visitors to the museum can see the former beauty of the ruined synagogue destroyed. Accepts guests from Sunday to Friday. Opening hours: 10: 00-18: 00. The cost of the entrance ticket amounts to 12 euros.

this year celebrates anniversary - 125 years from the date of discovery, and presents a magnificent gift: digitized and laid out in the open access more than 10 thousand images of exhibits. Titian and Caravaggio, Tintoretto and Archimismo, Bosch and Jan Wang Ayke - enjoy the beautiful works of art.

Giuseppe Archimboldo, "Summer". 1563.

Now you can create your own selection of your favorite paintings, select exhibits for clarity of learning the history of the arts, place them in social networks, and simply "shindle" in the electronic library of the museum, looking at the magnificent paintings in all details.

Note that the main language of the site. Languages \u200b\u200bare provided with only general information about the museum. The simple "strolling" preview of 10,000 works is tiring, besides, the canvas and sculptures go there. Therefore, for convenient navigation, we recommend filling the search string - to make the name of the artist in Latin. So, we were interested in Archimboldo, and the search for the word Arcimboldo issued a preview of all his works from the collection, including those canvases that only attribute to the master. Illustration above - a detail of one of the paintings of the wizard. And this is not a limit limit!

Madonna in Greens (Madonna in the meadow or Belvedere Madonna)
Rafael Santia
1505, 113 × 88 cm

The Museum of Art History is considered one of the largest in the world and stands in its importance and riches of collections in one row with the Hermitage and Louis. In the main building of the museum - 91 Hall, where the meetings of Eastern and Egyptian antiquities are presented, a collection of antique monuments, works of Western European sculpture. But the heart of the museum is the world-famous picture gallery, in which special attention is paid to the art of the Renaissance and Baroque. Hundreds and hundreds of masterpieces: Dürer, Rubens, Rafael, Velasquez, as well as the richest collection of works by Peter Bruegel.

Peter Bruegel senior. Snow hunters
1565, 117 × 162 cm

Detail of finding Quentin Massais from the site of the museum.

Peter Paul Rubens. Coat. Portrait of Elena Furmen (1636/1638)

Detail of one of the paintings of Rubens from the collection of the Vienna Museum

Georgeon. Three philosophers
1504, 125.5 × 146.2 cm

Precious canvases and exhibits were gathered by Habsburg from the XV century. However, the moment came when thoughtfully and exquisitely composed collections of the Austrian imperial court ceased to be placed not only in Hofburg, the urban residence of the emperor, but also in other buildings belonging to the Austrian crown. In the 1860s, the question of new museums began to be actively discussed, and Emperor Franz Joseph I, accustomed to getting all the best, invites the famous architect Gottfried Embrella to design a new complex for the new Street Ringstrasse. It is planned not only to expand the territory of the city at the expense of the Imperial Forum - such a name Zemper gave its architectural project - but also to build separate museum buildings for the imperial collections.

Jan Vermeer. Allegory of painting
1660s, 120 × 100 cm

Hans Golbien Junior. Portrait of Jane Seymour, Queen of England
1536, 40 × 65 cm

A huge complex, conceived by the author of the buildings of the Dresden Opera and the Dresden Art Gallery, was embodied only in part, but Emperor Franz Joseph I still received the believed museums, where the rich collections of the Austrian courtyard were transported. The spaces of the museum are impregnated with Renaissance: from the huge web of the Mihai Munkachi "Apotheosis of the Renaissance", adorning the ceiling above the main staircase, to the beautiful frescoes made by Gustav Clime, his younger brother Ernst and another Franz Mach.

Peter Paul Rubens. Head of Medusa
1618, 69 × 118 cm

The Museum of Art History is one of the pearls of the Museum Quarter of the Austrian capital. Rather, these are two pearls: in the square of Mary Teresia, there are as many as two luxurious and practically similar to the building built in the Spirit of Renaissance. In the second building there is a museum of natural science, where there is a huge collection of natural exhibits collected by the family of Habsburgs. Among the treasures of 39 of his halls - the collection of insects Ignats Schirel, the skeleton of the diplodok, an almost full of composite skeleton of steller cows and other fossil and rare finds.

Peter Paul Rubens. Four parts of the world (Four River Raja)
1615, 208 × 283 cm

If you go through the square, then we will fall into the treasury of works of art, the basis of which laid the Austrian Erzgelce Leopold Wilhelm (1614-1662). Being a governor of Flanders, Erzduchg regularly visited the famous Brussels artistic market. In the short term, Leopold Wilhelm created a significant artistic collection, selected with a great taste and understanding. Leaving Flanders, ERCGERSOG took his treasures into Vienna - paintings by Dutch, Italian, Flemish, German masters. This meeting was replenished with centuries. In 1918, both museum - the history of art and natural science, like all the collections of Habsburg, were expropriated and became the property of the state.

Jacopo Tintoretto. Bathing Susanna
194 × 147 cm

Now the Museum of Art History consists of several expositions. Thus, the military collection of emperors is exhibited in the halls of Neuburg (in the Flegele Castle Hofburg). The Museum of Old Musical Instruments, the Ephesus Museum and other expositions is also opened. Separate assemblies - in Stallburg, in the castle of Schönbrunn and in the castle of Ambras near Innsbruck.

Of course, the discharged collection of the Vienna Museum of Art History is a great contribution to his employees in the popularization of art. However, nothing can be compared with a visit to the luxurious rooms, where you can not only enjoy the artwork of art, but also to feel the touch of genuine history. The museum is huge, so if you are in Vienna, plan a separate day to visit it.

The content of the article

Museum of Art History in Vienna(Kunsthistorisches Museum) - belongs to the number of the world's largest museums, in the meeting of which the famous masterpieces of Western European art are stored, was opened on October 17, 1891. Currently, the state of the state is under its protection, in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture.

The museum project was developed by architects Karl Hazenauer and Gottfried Zemper. The museum building is one of the twin buildings that are part of the museum ensemble built in 1871-1891. The Museum of Art History and the Museum of Natural History stands on two sides of the Square, in the center of which is located the majestic monument of the Empress of Mary-Teresia, the work of Tsumbush.

The main building of the museum includes 91 halls where the collection of Eastern and Egyptian antiquities is located, a collection of ancient monuments, works of Western European sculpture, a numismatic office, as well as the world-famous picture gallery.

The history of the museum

The Art Collection of the Museum of Art History was originally a private collection of the Austrian Imperial House. The emperors, kings, erzgertsy from the Dynasty of the Habsburgs collected artwork, starting from 15 V.

The fundamental contribution to the process of formation of the modern museum was the activities of the ERCGerzog Ferdinand II (1529-1595), the staff (governor) of Bohemia in 1547-1563 and the ruler of the Alpine Land in 1564-1595, which complied with the collection in the castle of Ambras in True Museum Mandes. Subsequently, the best things from this meeting were taken to Vienna.

Emperor Rudolf II (1552-1612) arranged in Prague Grad, where he suffered the capital of the Empire, the art gallery and kunstkamera. Most of all Rudolf II admired the works of Albrecht Dürer and Peter Bruegel senior, which are now pride of the Vienna Museum. Later, the most significant things were transported to Vienna, which became the capital of the Empire of the Austrian Habsburgs, which included almost the entire Central and South Europe in 16-17 centrals., Including the South Netherlands.

The founder of the Vienna Museum is considered to be ERCHeltsoga Leopold-Wilhelm (1614-1662). From 1647 to 1656, ERCGERSOG was a settler (governor) of the South Netherlands. In Brussels, who at that time was the center of trade of works of art, he acquired scenic values. From England, after the fall of Charles I, the extensive collections of the English aristocracy (Duke Beckingham, Graf Erandela) were brought to the auction (Duke of Beckingham, Graph Erandele, as well as part of the paintings from the collection of Karl I, who were bought by Leopold Wilhelm. In a short time, they created the best picture gallery in Europe. In his collection were the canvas of Georgeon, Titian, Veronese, Andrea Manteny, Tintoretto, Jan Wang Eyka, Peter Paul Rubens, Jacob Yordans.

During the rule of the Empress of Mary Terezia (1717-1780), it was decided to improve the art gallery: following the ideas of enlightenment, artistic treasures were discovered to the public, and produced a new systematization of the meeting. For this, of all those who belonged to the Empress of palaces, residences, the castles were brought the most significant artwork in art. For the first time, the basis of the exposition was the historical principle: the paintings were grouped on national schools and hung in chronological order.

The imperial meetings were available to the public and before the official opening of the Museum of Art History, but were scattered at different places. The imperial picture gallery was first located in the castle of the Upper Belvedere, the meeting of the Egyptian, Eastern, Greek and Roman art, the objects of the Renaissance era of gold, bronze and ivory, as well as the works of the Baroque era - in the castle of Lower Belvedere. Many masterpieces of decorative art, including dynastic regalia and family jewels of the Habsburgs, were kept in the Treasury of Hofburg, the Imperial Palace. In several halls of Hofburg, coins and medals were exhibited, as well as collections of minerals, shells and other wonders of nature, which are now included in the Naturhistorisches Museum.

Even before the official opening of the Museum of Art History by Emperor Franz Joseph (1830-1916) in 1891, his various departments were re-classified and became accessible to visitors. The first among them was the Armory Chamber (Leibstrammer), the memorial of the Austrian military glory, with armor and armament. Now the Military Collection (Waffen-Samlung) is exhibited in the court, hunting and weapon halls of the Noyebeurg castle, which is the outflage of the old castle of Hofburg. In Hofburg, in turn, the Museum of Vintage Musical Instruments, the Ephesus Museum and other expositions opened. These meetings, as well as meetings in Stallburg, in the castle Schönbrunn and in the castle of Ambras near Innsbruck, although different, but constitute a single property of the Museum of Art History.

In 1918, the Vienna Museum, like all the Habsburg collections, was expropriated and became public heritage.

The museum building suffered greatly during World War II, but the monuments mostly were taken out and hidden in 1939. In 1959, the museum was open again for visitors.

Art Gallery of the Museum of Art History

The most significant part of the museum collection is art gallery. It is considered the fourth largest in the world and includes the picturesque cloth of the exceptional value of Western European artists of 14-18 centuries.

Section of the Netherlands Art

15-16 centuries. Includes works by painting painting of the Northern Renaughter - Yana Van Eyka (OK.1390-1441), Rogira Van der Vagen (1399 or 1400-1464), Gogo Van der Gusa (OK 1440-1482), Sereter's Breygel Peter (1525 / 1530-1569).

Jan Van Eyk: Cardinal Nikkolo Albergati. (OK.1431), Jeweler Jan De Leu(Leeuel) (1436).

Roguer van der Wayden belongs to the altar Triptych with a crucifix (OK.1440-1445), and Googo Van der Gusu - Diptych Original sin and Mailing Christ (1475).

Huge value is the world's largest collection of Patter Senior Pather's painter - half of all the preserved heritage of the Netherlands artist 16 in. (15 works). The most significant works of painter - landscapes, originally included in the cycle Seasons From six paintings (1565): Return hunters(Winter), Cloudy Day (Spring Eve), Return of herd(Fall), as well as two compositions on the rural theme: Peasant Wedding and Peasant dance(OK.1568).

Flemish Painting

the museum presents a collection of works by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Jacob Yordans (1599-1641), Antonis Van Dequee (1599-1641). Peter Paul Rubens: Altar Sv. Ildepso (1630–1632), Portrait of Elena Furmen., Usually called Coat (OK 1638), Self-portrait (OK 1639).

Jacob Yordans: Feast of the bean king (OK 1638).

Antonis Wang Duck: Prince Ruprecht (with Danish dog), Prince Karl Ludwig Pataltsky (1631/1632), Portrait of Warrior B. gilded lats. (OK 1624), etc.

Section of Dutch painting

the museum is small, but saturated with authentic masterpieces of France Hals (1580/85-1666), Rembrant Wang Raina (1606-1669), Jan Vermeer Delftsky (1632-1675), Herard Terborh (1617-1681).

France Hals: Male portrait (OK 1654).

Gerard Terborch: Lady, cleaning apple (1661).

Rembrant Harmens Wang Rhine: Portrait of an artist's mother (1639), Big self-portrait (1652), Small self-portrait (OK 1657) and Portrait reading Titus (OK 1656).

Late Picture of Yana Vermeer Delft In the artist's workshop (OK 1665) are often called Allegory of painting.

Section of german art

masterpieces of the Renaissance: Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Lucasa Senior Krahana (1472-1553), Hans Golbien Junior (1497-1543) and others.

Of the eight works of Albrecht Dürer, you should allocate: Portrait of emperor Maximiliana I. (1519), Maria with infant (1512) and one of the main works of the artist - the altar image Worship of all the Holy Trinity (1511).

Lucas cranes Senior: Hunting on deer Kurfürst Friedrich Wise (1529), Judith with head Oloferna(OK 1530).

Hans Holbien Jr.: Portrait of jane Seymour, Queen of England (1536), Portrait of a young merchant (1541).

The Italian collection is famous for the abundance of the names and masterpieces of the Renaissance, 17-18 centuries: Andrea Manteny (1431-1506), Raphael Santi (1483-1520), Georgeon (OK 1477-1510), Titian (Titiano Tits) (OK. 1490 -1576), Paolo Veronese (1528-1588), Tintoretto (1518-1594), Mikelanelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) and others.

Andrea Manteny: St. Sebastian (OK 1460).

Rafael Santi: Madonna in Green (1505).

Among the several paintings by Georgeon (George Yes Castelfranco), the picture takes a central place Three philosophers (OK. 1508).

Titian: Altar image Be man (1543), Portrait of Jacopo. de suffer (1567–1568).

Paolo Veronese: Lucretia (1580).

Tintoretto (Jacobo Robusti): Susanna and Elders (OK 1560).

Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi): Madonna with rosys (OK 1607) and David from Goliath head(OK 1606).

Collection of spanish painting.

The main decoration are the works of Diego de Silva Velasquez (1599-1660). The court painter of the Spanish kings wrote numerous portraits of the king, his children, courtesy: Portrait of Infanta Margarita-Teresia. (1659), Portrait of King Philip IV (1652–1653).

Department of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient East

The Egyptian meeting of the Vienna Museum is not only one of the largest in the world, but also one of the oldest. The works of ancient Egyptian art began to flow into the vein before the pan-European interest in Egypt, which arose after the military campaign of Napoleon in 1798. The most ancient exhibit was acquired by another 16 century, and to the first quarter of 19 centuries. The collection numbered almost 4,000 items. In the 20th century The main arrivals took place due to archaeological studies of the Austrian scientists, especially in the necropolis of the pyramid of Heops in 1912-1929. The Vienna collection is of great importance, thanks to the excellent samples of the sculpture of all periods of the history of ancient Egypt. These are deeply realistic portraits of Pharaohs, sculptures, introducing us with important dignitaries, and scrupulous images of animals. In the halls, the collection of reliefs, architectural fragments, statuettes of stone, bronze, wood and other materials, sarcophagus and objects of the burial rite, papyrus, scarabs, amulets, decorations.

Museum halls in which this collection is located, transfer us to the world of ancient Egypt not only because of the richest meeting, but also thanks to the decorative and finishing work that brilliantly imitate the inner decoration of the temples of that era. Architects used three genuine granite columns (approx. 1420 BC), and also decorated halls with paintings, which repeat the frescoes of burial cameras.

Department of Antique Art

The ancient collection includes Greek, Etruscan and Roman values, as well as the treasures of the great resettlement of the peoples of the early Middle Ages, found in archaeological excavations. From the 16th century Missed coins, medals, carved stones. In 18 V. Scattered collections were combined, scattered through the territory of the huge empire of the Habsburgs, and the archaeological expeditions of the 19th century. significantly enriched this section of the museum subjects of sculpture and architecture.

The pearl of antiquity is a series of unique gamps. Cameo Ptolemaev (274-270 BC), made of nine-layer onyx - a masterpiece of Hellenistic gliptic depicts portraits of the married couple of Ptolemyev dynasty. Gemma Augustus (End of 1 c. BC) - two-layer onyx Roman work is striking by its multifigure composition. Often, jewelers of subsequent eras used the works of their predecessors: Italian masters of 16 century. Decorated antique antique rim Eagle (27 BC).

Sculpture is represented by statues made of marble, bronze: Head Aristotle (4 V.Do AD), Samazon sarcophag (4 V.De N.E.), found in the 16th century. In Cyprus.

The large collection of gold and silver things of the era of the great resettlement of peoples found in 18-20 centuries. In Europe: decorating the finest work, decorated with precious stones, a variety of vases and cups.


The exposition of this department continues the collection of art of the early Middle Ages, covers the entire period of the European Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Baroque era, Rococo - until the beginning of the 19th century. The core of this department is formed in 16-17 centuries. The group of the most significant exhibits comes from the treasury of the German kings and emperors of the Middle Ages, the so-called. "Imperial treasury." Items from this "golden pantry" pronounced the religious orientation of medieval art, while continuing many traditions of the ancient world, the Ancient East, Germany: Grinding jug (12th century). The museum has two excellent samples of medieval art: Madonna from Krumau. (OK 1400), Madonna sculptor rimemshider (OK 1500). Applied art in this section is a variety of bowls, cups, clocks made of crystal, gold, precious stones and pearls fade, luxurious forms. The most famous exhibit - Salonka. Benvenuto Chellin (1500-1572), manufactured by the author (1540-1543) of gold, partially covered with enamel, ebony for the French king Franciska I. In Kunstkamera, the trellis of the finest work, wound out of wool and silk in the first half of the 18th century. Amazed by grace, sophistication and virtuosity of execution small in size figurines and the most complex sculptural compositions from ivory 17 V.

It belongs to a rare variety of museums disclosing the highest artistic achievements of humanity from ancient times. In Russia, this type can be attributed to the Museum. Pushkin. The art of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome here is united with a collection of paintings by Dutch, Italian, Flemish, German Masters of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is noteworthy the museum building itself, opened in 1891 in a pair with a twin museum, which runs the Museum of Natural History.

1. Buildings for both museums are truly huge. Although in each of them only two floors, they look very impressive.

2. The Mary Teresia Square was spread between the museums with a monument to Oya, surrounded by the already closed Christmas fair (on the courtyard it was January 4, green grass, on the bushes recently trimmed fresh leaflets).

3. At the entrance to the museum we immediately fall into the lobby, decorated with a lush paint under stucco.

4. Quickly overcoming all the formalities, such as the purchase of tickets and the delivery of things in the wardrobe, we go to the main staircase. At the site of the ladder there is a sculpture of Antonio Canova "Testa, killingken-killing".

5. Imperial lions.


7. Walls are decorated with ventals of Franz Joseph and Elizabeth, under which the museum was built.

8. New Year.

9. Plafond above the front staircase.

10. He is decorated with a huge web "Apotheosis of the Renaissance" of the Hungarian artist Micah Mukkachi.

11. From the stairs, we get to the upper, even more magnificent lobby under a huge dome.

12. Now it is a cafe, in the center of the well, looking at the lower lobby.

13. Side corridors are not inferior in the magnificence of the halls.

14. The paintings of the arches remind me of Hermitage.

15. The second floor of the museum is completely given to painting.

16. The enfilad of large halls around the perimeter is surrounded by a number of smaller.

17. Pictures are often hanging in many rows, there are no signatures for them. But there is an audio guide in Russian.

18. There are sculptures in the halls, but infrequently.

19. Democrito Gandolfi, "Yakov and Rachel at the Well."

20. Caesar.

Northern Italy has long been part of the Austrian Empire for a long time, so a huge number of works of almost all art styles of Italy accumulated in the museum - early and high revival, mannerism, baroque, Caravaggism, Master of the XVIII century, etc. Nagi body of lush southern beauties could not fail In this post.

21. Corredjo, "Io and Jupiter" (1530).

22. Tintoretto, "Susanna and Elders" (1555).

23. Dirk de Quad Van Salvesign, "Recreation of Venus".

24. Parmajanino, Amur, Making Onions. One Cupid seems to be frowned.

25. Andrea Del Sarto in the picture "Archangel Rafael with Tobias" people managed much better dogs)

26. European Middle Ages cannot be submitted without paintings on religious topics. Triptych Rogira van der Waiden on the topic of crucifixion.

27. When the frame is almost equal to the picture, the altar is obtained. He belongs to the brushes of Albrecht Dürer and is called "worship of the Holy Trinity" or "Landauer Altar" (1511).

28. Sebastian Jeanardi, "Virgo Nursing / Mammal".

29. Peter Paul Rubens, "Miracles of Saint Francis Xavier".

30. Student Leonardo da Vinci Andrea Solaryo, Salome with the head of John the Baptist. "

31. Bernardino Luini in the same plot Salome looks for some reason more cheerful.

32. Many paintings are devoted to the topic of a terrible court, like this Flamian Flamian Flanis Flanis.

33. Hell on the painting of David Trekkart.

34. Luke Jordano, "Archangel Mikhail overthrows the revolting angels."

35. And this is not a terrible court, but the "wonders of St. Ignatia Loyola" Rubens.

36. In many pictures, the theme of the death of physical, not spiritual is traced. Skulls in the picture of Antonio de Provision "Allegory Vanity".

37. Maria von Osterweyk, "Justa fuss" (1668). The skull is shown on the still life to strengthen the feeling of the strugnure of human life next to the bouquets of flowers.

38. Guido Canyacci. "Death Cleopatra" (1658).

39. It is also funny to observe the canvases of various reptiles and fighting them. For example, confrontation of a tiger with a crocodile on a large allegory of Rubens "Four continents and four great rivers."

40. The famous biblical scene "Holy George, affecting the Dragon" Brush Leonhard Beck.

41. Rafael, "Holy Margarita" (and "Smerekot").

42. "The chopped head of jellyfish" Rubens.

43. Let us leave the Renaissance era and then let's move towards more peaceful late plots. David Tenirs Jr., "Erzgelitg Leopold Wilhelm in his picture gallery." Funny European tradition to use paintings instead of wallpaper.

44. Samuel Dirks Wang Hogstrained, almost all the pictures of which are depicting a person in the window.

45. Lorenzo Lotto, "Male Portrait."

46. \u200b\u200bBernardo Bellotto, view of Vienna in the XVIII century.

47. Schönnbrunn Palace.

48. For many years, an artist who makes copies of paintings has been working here. It is almost always possible to meet in the halls. Bamboo stick serves her support for writing small details.

49. Here you can enjoy the fun of the 20th century - stereo photography.

50. Then I will show the pictures that were familiar to me before visiting the museum. This is a "self-portrait in the convex mirror" Parimjanino (1524).

51. Peter Bruegel Senior, "Babylonian Tower" (1563) - Probably the most famous picture in this museum.

52. Construction came to inspect Tsar Nimrod - the legendary conqueror of Babylon in the II millennium BC.

53. His "peasant dance" (1568).

54. "Battle of Carnival and Post" (1559).

55. The picture depicts a holiday held in medieval France and Holland on the last day of the carnival before the great post and consisted of the comic battle of Maslenitsa and supporters of the post.

56. "Snow hunters" (1565).

57. Small, but a separate hall is assigned to the famous paintings by Archimboldo.

58. "Winter" from the series "Seasons".

59. "Water" from the series of "Elements".

60. The top of the head is larger.

61. "Fire" from the "Element" series.

62. "Summer" from the series "Seasons".

63. It would seem what to do in the art museum blind? But they also worried about the meticulous Austria.

64. Here is the portrait of a jester brush fua.

65. But its option for blind.

66. Having finished on this with painting, go down to the first floor to continue inspection.

67. A good collection of various objects of Austrian art is collected here.

68. Sculpture, decorations, different little things - everything is here.

69. Due to the difficulties of identification, signatures on the photo, alas, will not.





74. Dutch prayer nut from Samshat - Iconostasis in your pocket.











85. Finally, we reached the exposition of ancient art. The most magnificent Egyptian hall, where the ceiling is supported by original granite columns exported from Egypt.

86. Different images of the god of wisdom and knowledge Tota, VI century BC

87. A bunch of all small things, as in the Cairo market.

88. The Egyptians caught Nyuh and now separate it.

89. Dried Nile crocodiles.

90. The outer layer of the funeral "Matryshka".

91. A bunch of sarcophagus.


93. Collection of Greek VAZ V-VI centuries BC


95. After the capture of Egypt, the Egyptians of the Egyptian Empire began to apply portraits of the buried, made in Hellinskaya style. This woman lived with a necklace in 161-192 AD.

96. Mosaic from the Ancient Roman villa, depicting a minotaur maze, is transferred entirely from Salzburg.

97. Tiered lion with gates of Goddess Ishtar in Babylon (604-562 BC). Whistle the gates are located in the Pergamsky Museum of Berlin.

98. In general, the Vienna Art Museum leaves an indelible positive impression. It should be noted, with what care is made by the individual illumination of exhibits in the ancient sculpture department.