Sugar cotton sale: business idea. Business Plan for Sweet Wool

Sugar cotton sale: business idea. Business Plan for Sweet Wool
Sugar cotton sale: business idea. Business Plan for Sweet Wool

Sweet or sugar wool is a sweet pleasure from our childhood. Now there is not a single adult and a single child who has not tried this delicacy. Even during the time of the USSR, even when Pop Corn (air corn) was unknown and we were replaced by corn sticks, the sugar wool already existed. And the trading point is sweet cotton (in cinemas, cafes, circus or amusement park) has always been surrounded by children and adults. How old is this treat?

The history of the emergence and names of sugar wool

Sweet (sugar) cotton wool is known worldwide, but under different names. So, in the US, it is known called Cotton Candy (cotton candy). In Australia - Fairy Floss. (Magic Pooh). In England, the name turned out to be combined - Candy Floss. (Sweet Pooh). In Germany and Italy - Sugar Yarn (thread, wool) - Zuckerwolle and zucchero Filato., respectively. And in France, sweet cotton is called and at all - barbe a papa. (Father's beard).

Despite the differences in the names, the process of manufacturing the wool is the same and, practically, does not change since its first appearance - December 23, 1987, it is on this day two inventors from the United States William Morrison (William Morrison) and John Wharton (John C. Wharton) Application for a patent for the device for the production of sweet wool. The patented apparatus was the selling of all modern devices for the manufacture of sweet wool. Despite the long term, the fundamental scheme of the production of sugar wool has not changed.

Sugar is melted to the state of the liquid syrup, after which it is extruded through a special device with thin holes, the resulting syrup threads due to centrifugal force drops onto the walls of the tank from the centrifuge, at the same time cooling with the help of injected air. The threads due to cooling are quickly crystallized and the so-sweet wool from sugar is obtained. The threads are collected by the operator in the ball with a wooden, cardboard or plastic stick from the walls of the tank. In the first devices of inventors, heating was carried out with the help of a gas burner, a centrifuge and air supply were mechanical at the expense of a foot drive (both on sewing machines). With the spread of electricity, the devices simplified and received an almost modern appearance.

To demonstrate its apparatus, the inventors chose the World Trade Exhibition-Fair in St. Louis (USA) in 1904. In the reporting materials of this exhibition, it was recorded that the company of inventors ELECTRIC CANDY COMPANY. Earned $ 17164 by selling 68655 boxes with sugar wool at a price of 25 cents per pack. For reference, for 25 cents then you could buy a male shirt. With this fair, sweet wool began to develop as a popular and profitable niche for business.

Advertising devices for sweet wool, middle of the XX century

By the way, this Fair of 1904 (St. Louis, USA) distinguished himself not only with sugar wool. It is on her, for the first time, sandwiches were demonstrated. Hot Dogs., cold tea Iced Tea., waffle packaging for ice cream Roller and in the form of cone and confectionery with peanut butter. In essence, most of the modern focus business industry, sweets and delicacies began with that fair.

Modern business on sweet cotton

Although the principle of making sugar wool from the beginning of the 20th century has practically not changed, modern devices can be much larger than just the production of sugar wool. The entire process of manufacturing wool in commercial machines is automated. There was an opportunity to add food dyes, flavor additives and flavors. Sweet wool from such cars has various tastes, odors and color. The first wool was albeit sweet, but absolutely nothing smelled and did not have a pronounced taste.

To begin work, you will need to register LLC or IP. To open a point for the sale of a sweet sugar cotton, the state does not impose any special requirements. Perhaps in your region, power will independently introduce any additional requirements, however, most often all requirements are reduced to sanitation. That is, in addition to the installation, you will need to purchase a protective cap on the machine bowl, to prevent dust from entering the finished product.

Where to open a dot selling sugar wool

Many sites with business ideas recommend opening an exit point for the sale of delicacy. However, this approach has several significant drawbacks. The most important and insurmountable - seasonality of the business. Such a point can function not more than 6-7 months a year, thereby disturbing the principle of any business - equipment should work all year round. In addition to seasonality, the following outdoor dials are not taken into account - the supply of electricity (additional purchase of the generator), cloudy days (it happens that all summer is cloudy, and in the rainy days the cotton will not work, sugar takes moisture from the air).

the site recommends discovering the sale of sugar wool on the territory of commercial and entertainment centers, cinemas and other institutions with great traffic. In such institutions, demand will be stable all year round and even expensive rent will quickly pay off. Also, large institutions guarantee you to comply with sanitary conditions, which significantly saves you time for registration of business, since permits from fire supervision and the SES you will receive with the help of the administration. Then, having mastered, on the summer period, you can expand your business outdoor points.

Modern sugar wool production devices have an additional equipment that will allow you to draw attention to your point. We are talking about sound and light alarm. You can "twist" music at your point (matching it with the administration), and bright illumination will attract children and adults. Correctly picking up the flavor for the Wool you will receive the third element of attraction - the smell.

Figures in business on sweet cotton

The cost of modern devices ranges from 13-40 thousand rubles. Approximate productivity - 2-3 kg of sugar per hour. One portion of the wool requires 20 grams of sugar, therefore, in an hour of continuous operation, you can make 150 portions of sweet wool. The average price of serving is 100-150 rubles. Wholesale price for 1 kg of sugar - 35-40 rubles (for 2016).

For example, we assume that you are working in the mall. 8 hours a day. On the day you sell 50 portions of wool at a price of 100 rubles per serving. Excluding festive days, where the number of sales is significantly higher.

For 30 days you sell 1.5 thousand servings. The total profit will be 150 thousand rubles.

Costs. The cost of 1 portion is 20 grams of sugar, packaging + wand.

  • Sugar: 0.02 kg * 1 500 \u003d 30 kg, 40 * 30 \u003d 1 200 rubles;
  • Chopsticks and packaging: 2 rubles per portion * 1 500 \u003d 3 000 rubles;
  • Salary 1 of the operator, but will need 2 operators working shifting - 15-20 thousand rubles. 40 thousand rubles for 2 operators.
  • Various expenses for consumables and point maintenance - 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • Rent - 20 thousand rubles.

Common expenses will be 74 200 rubles. Monthly profit less expenses and excluding taxes - 75 800 rubles. Taking into account holidays and proper marketing, the profit can be doubled. Additional earnings can be obtained using various equipment: mechanical trading, an automatic for the production of air corn or the sale of fresh juices. The cost of entering this business is 100-150 thousand rubles. Payback is achieved in 1-5 months.

Video: Main marketing secret of profitable sale of sugar wool

Looking at the video, you will understand that in the trade of sweet cotton demand is stimulated (mainly in children) with a colorful presentation of the product. Having studied a simple technique for the manufacture of such beautiful and bright delicacies, it is possible to increase profits without any additional types of earnings.

Since the cottage from sugar is not a perishable product, it can be performed on an industrial scale, packing wool using vacuum. This will require workshop and special equipment. The scale of this business is different from outlets. So, for example, only sugar per month you will need several tens of tons. And the cost of entering this business will be calculated by millions.

Summer, perhaps, it's time to be loved by all. It is a season of vacation, rest, tanning, fun, and a lot more. But even summer is a great time in order to start your business, or at least just make a little. One of these ways of seasonal earnings is the production of sugar wool - delicacy, which, without a doubt, to taste and children and adults.

What do you think in France can call "Grandfather Beard", in England "Magic Silk Thread", in the United States "Cotton Sweet", and in Germany "Sweet Wool"? Most likely, many immediately guessed that it was about the product, which in our country received a more prose name, rather than abroad - sweet cotton. However, the name does not affect the popularity of this delicacy in Russia, or somewhere else - a multicolored sweet, almost anonymous ball on a stick is equally loved and adults and, of course, children.

That is why the production of sugar wool is considered one of the most profitable seasonal types of business from a category that requires minimal investment to open your case (how to find a business idea for your business, read in the selection of books on business ideas). This is especially attractive for those segments of the population that do not have solid starting capital in order to invest in some larger project, and for those who do not want or for some reasons cannot take a loan to open their own business.

Manufacturing technology

The process of producing sugar wool is surprisingly simple. In the unit for the manufacture of sugar wool, ordinary sugar sand is covered, which, when the device is turned on, is first brought to the molten state, then the mixture is spinning with a centrifuge, forming thin fibers with liquid sugar syrup. That's all. It remains only to add that, along with the amount of cotton wool, your income is growing. By the way, the sale of sugar wool is something similar to the production of soft ice cream.


The main equipment for the start of business is a device for the production of sugar wool. Here the range is so wide that, without a screaming of the soul, it can be said - suitable on any wallet. The cost of the devices varies from one and a half to sixty thousand rubles. Of course, the quality of the product depends on the price of equipment. But, again, the main thing to start. And even with the help of a cheap model, you can earn enough for one week enough to allow you to purchase a more modern and functional device.

In the equipment market, apparatuses for the production of sugar wool are represented by Russian and imported manufacturers. You can compare the characteristics in a small review, which indicates the most commonly used devices in our country:

  • Econo Floss manufactured by Gold Medal. The dimensions of the device - sixty-five per sixty-five centimeters, height - forty centimeters. Ideal for accommodation on any summer table. Weight - seventeen kilograms, eats two hundred twenty volts, while consuming power no more than an electric kettle. In one hour, Econo Floss is able to produce two hundred portions weighing fifteen grams - a large bowl of sugar wool. The price of such an apparatus from different dealers ranges from thirty-five to thirty nine thousand rubles.
  • Tornado. This apparatus produces the same Gold Medal firm. Tornado is much more impressive, described above the aggregate. Its dimensions make up eighty-sixty-five centimeters, the height is sixty-five centimeters. Weight - thirty five kilograms. But the performance is much higher - more than six hundred fifty portions per hour. There is such a device about sixty thousand rubles.
  • We now move on to domestic representatives. The device called "Parallel" produces "total" sixty-five servings in one hour. The word "total" I put in quotes, because in order to sell even such a "small" volume of portions, you will have to sell them every minute. There is a "parallel" about ten thousand rubles.

"And where are the devices by one and a half thousand rubles, which was said at the beginning of this section? - you ask. The most popular representative of the apparatus of this price range is the CANDYMAKER unit worth a total of a thousand three hundred rubles. It is not intended for the production of sugar wool in sales, but is used at home, but, as I have already written: with the help of this device, with a good spreadability of the Wool in one week (maximum two) to make money on a more serious apparatus.


You may be surprised (personally I was amazed), learning that for the manufacture of one portion of sugar wool you need only a half-two tea spoons of sugar sand. However, the sand is not all needed to deliver joy to people, and their profits. You will need to buy food dyes and Flossine flavors, without which your wool will simply be a sweet piece of snow on a wand. With the help of Flossine, you can give your products a variety of tastes: orange, mint, banana, apple, peach, if not mistaken, the number of different flavors reaches twenty items. Also Flossine will paint wool in any color.

But that's not all. You also need wands for wold winding. Designer thoughts here were also raised, and wands can be purchased any: wooden, plastic, paper. Children especially like sticks with merry drawings.

Little things remained: a canopy for the sale of sugar wool, which will protect not only you from the scorching sun, but also your product from outdoor dust.

Where to organize sales

You can sell sugar cotton at almost anywhere - and in closed rooms, and in the fresh air. You can arrange your point next to the institutions where many children usually happen: kindergartens, schools, leisure centers, cinemas, etc. Buying their child with sugar wool ball, not every adult will hold back from the temptation to acquire itself inexpensive sweet pleasure. A good option of production and sale of sugar wool using vending devices. Read more about this business here.

You can also organize your sale in shopping and entertainment centers, where people usually come for several hours. Conditions for placing a sugar cleaning point are such: the presence of a number of source of electricity (you can use an electric generator, but in this case the costs will increase), a canopy or dome (this is one of the requirements of sanitary services), the water source nearby (this is already the requirement of fire services ), in the case of a place in the room - the presence of ventilation and maintaining a certain humidity so that the wool does not stick.

Attracting buyers

In many ways, it still depends on how correctly you will choose a point for production and sale. In addition, there are several professional "chips", for example, how to wind up sugar cotton candy in the form of various figures: fungus, flower, or some funny geometry. In combination with multi-colored dyes, it gives products so attractive as it is difficult to resist even adult sweets, what to talk about small! A description of such tricks will not be much difficult to find on the Internet.

Profitability of a business idea

Few business project boasts a number of arrivals in four hundred percent. The difficulty is that this business is still more seasonal, although in cinemas, especially outdoors (about such cinemas read by

In this material:

Sweet wool is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a successful way to earn. Special apparatus for sugar wool (for business) costs from 10 thousand rubles. and higher. Without it, it is impossible to start a business. Choosing this type of business activity, it is necessary to consider that the sale of sweet wool is a seasonal business, but profitable. Plus it also in the fact that the cost of buying equipment for business is minimal. Popular sites of delicacy are parks, zoos, entertainment centers, embankments, where children often appear, as they are the main fans of this sweetness.

The device needs to be selected correctly, a person with any capital can acquire an inexpensive model. The cheapest miniature apparatus costs from 2 thousand rubles. For more expensive, but professional sugar wool apparatus will have to pay over 10 thousand rubles. Quality and functionality will directly affect the value of the unit. If it goes uphill, over time it will be possible to purchase more expensive equipment to increase your profits.

Popular professional apparatus for making sweet wool

To date, Russian and foreign manufacturers offer a huge number of sweet cotton vehicles. Popular models:

  1. Apparatus for the production of sweet wool brand Econo Floss from Gold Medal. This model has a width of 65 cm, height - 40 cm. Econo Floss is suitable for home use, and for mass production. It can be placed on any table or countertop, as the places it takes quite a bit. It can be connected to a 220 V network, the unit does not consume a lot of energy, but its weight is about 17 kg. The price of ECONO FLOSS is 35 thousand rubles. For one hour of work, this unit will prepare up to 200 portions of sweet wool. With this performance, costs are justified very quickly.
  2. The machine for the production of sugar cotton Tornado has more impressive dimensions: width - 80 cm, height - 60 cm, weight - 35 kg. Such a car produces more: on average, per hour, you can get more than 600 servings of air treatments. The price of such a car - from 60 thousand rubles. For a successful business, this is quite an acceptable price. Such equipment for the production of sweet wool quickly justifies.
  3. The apparatus for the production of sugar wool Parallel is the brainchild of domestic production. For an hour it will prepare a maximum of 60 servings. At a price, it is very attractive for a beginner entrepreneurs, for the equipment will have to pay only 10 thousand rubles. Such an aggregate is good to purchase for home use, for example, to pamper your kids.
  4. The cheapest representative is the kid Candymaker. It is suitable exclusively for use at home. If the budget is quite small, but I still want to go seasonal business, you can start with such an aggregate. It is only 1500 rubles.

Buy Cutter for Sugar Wool

Additional raw materials

Sweet wool is prepared from ordinary sugar sand. For the manufacture of one portion, only 1.5 tbsp. l. Sugar sand. If there is a goal to do business, then you need to purchase more and special food dyes that will attach a sweet cotton not only color, but also a pleasant taste. It is recommended to pay attention to Flossine's dyes. Their arsenal has nutritional supplements with taste of mint, orange, peach, apple, banana. Only 20 items. They paint sweet cotton in different colors.

Wat will need to get out on something, and here it is not necessary to do without special sticks. About 15 years ago, only ordinary wooden sticks were used, to date, the manufacturer has slightly expanded a choice. Today you can purchase for your business both wooden and plastic sticks, there are also paper on sale. Especially for children invented wands with various colorful ornaments.

Do not forget about the sanitary standards of food production, so any aggregate for the production of sweet wool needs a special cap, which will protect the rotational drum from dust from entering it. It will be necessary to think about the mobile trolley on which the device can be moved. If all equipment for the production of sugar wool will stand in one place, then you need to take care of the purchase of a tent. It is necessary to think about exactly where to store the device.

It is best to look for a place to implement not far from some building where you can rent a small room.

Electricity should be connected to the tent. In the extreme case, it must contain a generator.

Realization sites and predicted revenues

It is best to implement sweet cotton in places of massacre of people and especially where there are many children. You can make various entertainment centers and sites, cinemas, zoos, children's entertainment festivals, central streets on holidays. It is not necessary to be placed on the street, sugar wool can be sold in the premises, the only requirement is a certain humidity in which the cotton will not stick together. You can not just wink sweet sugar threads with round sakes, but also try to make various figures from them. To learn this art, you can see special videos.

To get revenues, you will have to first spend funds for the purchase of the device and components. On average, the apparatus for sweet wool, a tent, food ingredients, as well as additional equipment can take about 60 thousand rubles. The price of renting essential premises will vary from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. The total costs at the initial stage will be approximately 80 thousand rubles. Subsequent months will be much less costly, as it will be necessary to spend only on sugar, dyes, sticks and rent.

Immediately need to take into account that this business is seasonal, so the income it will bring only a few months - from about May to September, the maximum of October, if it comes to southern cities, where summer lasts long enough. For 4-5 months, it is possible to earn about 180 thousand rubles. Subsequent seasons can be more profitable.

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The idea of \u200b\u200bopening a business on a sugar car is a great way to earn decent money in the summer season. The work process itself is quite light, does not require the cost of physical forces. Starting capital requires a small one. In order to sell sweet cotton, you do not need to have special skills and special knowledge is not required, it is enough to accommodately approach the issue of becoming your own profitable business.

How can I stand out among competitors

Before opening a business at a delicacy, you need to decide on the title. It must be memorable, which can play an important role in further expansion in the city. Important and exterior design:

  • main materials should be different quality - wood, plastic or metal;
  • all colors are bright and saturated;
  • the workplace should always be clean and neat (for this you can additionally pay the salesman to the product).

The realization business is not much different among the others, therefore the basic principles of creation and successful prosperity are the ability to stand out among such competitors and offer something new to the buyer. Special attention should be paid to the product itself. The idea of \u200b\u200boffering it on a bright colorful wand with various drawings or ornaments is a great way to stand out among competitors with the familiar wooden "holders" from ice cream. The product can be any color or several shades immediately, if you can buy two special devices at once.

The product will be much more interesting and tempting for the buyer, if you add inexpensive flavors and natural dyes to it. Procurement price for them is low, special skills for use are not required.

Where you can start working

The idea of \u200b\u200bdiscovering the implementation of such cotton is perfect for someone who does not have experience in making sweets and never tried to create their own business from scratch. The best time to start this business is spring warming (the second half of April or the beginning of May). You can sell sugar wool all summer season and whole September. If the business is successful, close the outlet is optional: you can continue in a large shopping center with a lot of daily permeability.

To start work, suitable places are:

  • various art exhibitions;
  • amusement and recreation park;
  • resort area;
  • embankment of the city;
  • plots in front of supermarkets of children's goods;
  • the circus;
  • entertainment center;
  • summer cafe;
  • zoo.

In cases where it is not possible to find a good place to sell such a wool, there is an option to buy a special branded trolley and carry it from different urban areas and squares, inside large shopping centers.

This method can significantly increase sales and, accordingly, profit.

Mandatory equipment

The main thing is required for the sale of delicacy - a special apparatus for the production of this product. And this is the most cost of everything that will be required to create such a type of business. Small expenses will cost the design of individual entrepreneurship for the implementation of legal work, as well as verification in SanEpidemstation, which gives consent to the production of the product and its sale. The check is necessary for the seller to be guaranteed to be protected from problems associated with the quality of its goods, with the possible complaints from buyers.

The machine for making the product should be chosen as powerful as possible. It is recommended to acquire American-made equipment - the most reliable of all. The speed of portions of portions depends on the power of the aggregate. The optimal option is 300 pieces in one hour. There is a more powerful technique issuing up to 700 servings, but such a device is required for very large settlements. It is not necessary to leave the quality of raw materials without attention, since sales directly depends on this. Bad low-quality sugar is unlikely to leave a satisfied buyer.

The cost of white sugar is not very high, experienced businessmen advise to choose a reliable supplier who, depending on the time of year, can provide significant discounts on the product.

Approximate costs

In order to open its business to sell a delicacy, it is necessary to have about 30,000 rubles. This is enough to buy special equipment. The import version is considered more reliable compared to domestic counterparts, much longer will last without serious breakdowns. In addition, money will be required for the following (in rubles):

  • registration of the enterprise is about 7,000;
  • monthly rental rental rental - 4,000;
  • monthly electricity costs on which the technique works - about 1,500;
  • acquisition of a cart for mobile business - 15,000;
  • buying decorative wands for wool will be about 2,000;
  • purchase of food dyes: 1 Packaging is designed for 400-500 servings - 600.
  • colorful signboard with product name - 2,000.
  • acquisition of the umbrella from the Sun, a color bright, attracting the attention of adults and small clients - 2,500.

Sugar is best to buy on wholesale bases at minimum cost.

Profit from business selling sweet wool

In the very first month of work, the profit profit will become more than it was originally invested in this business, even subject to the sale of goods in the amount of 100 pieces per day. If one portion costs, about 30 rubles, then the revenue will be equal to 90,000 rubles per month. At the cost of one portion, equal to 60 rubles., Monthly income will be 180,000. Such numbers are considered minimal, especially for the summer season, when up to 400 servings can be sold per day. It all depends on the scale of settlement, the location of the point of sale, passability. The income from the sale of delicacy can reach 500,000 - 600,000 rubles. per month.

Lease expenses are deducted from the amount obtained, the costs of equipping the device with electricity, an additional purchase of mandatory ingredients. In general, more than 20,000 rubles should not leave for all of the above. Everything else remains at the owner of a profitable business. In order to successfully continue to work, it is not necessary to organize a large advertising campaign in order to increase sales of your product. It is enough to equip your trading point and buyers will not be able to pass indifferently without buying cotton. You can attract attention by making it multicolored, to provide it with attractive bright sticks.

Disadvantages of business selling sweet wool

The advantages of the opening of the enterprise's implementation of the product are obvious: minimum costs, fast payback, big income. However, there are a number of "minuses", which may be negative and even critically affect the success of their own business. This is primarily the danger of buyers poisoning by the final product of production due to poor-quality unverified raw materials. In such negative cases, the entrepreneur must be responsible for law or to incur corresponding punishment.

It is important to choose space for sugar procurement from suppliers who comply with all the necessary product storage requirements. Overpayment will be insignificant, and quality is guaranteed. If the owner decided to sell this Wat on his own, then there is a problem of extensive costs of physical forces, since all the working day is in the legs in a strong heat enough hard. If the entrepreneur has a hired employee, it is impossible to accurately track the good faith of his work, which involves considerable losses for the owner.

Safe cottage, of course, a profitable and successful case that does not require significant investments, a large number of equipment and all sorts of accessories. With the right definition of the territory on which the product will be implemented, and the competent organization of the workplace, the business will go up, and buyers will remain satisfied with the purchased goods.