The story of one familiar grandmother. Stories about my grandmother grandmother's stories teach grandchildren with love joy

The story of one familiar grandmother. Stories about my grandmother grandmother's stories teach grandchildren with love joy
The story of one familiar grandmother. Stories about my grandmother grandmother's stories teach grandchildren with love joy
Grandma, Grand-Mere, Grandmother ... Memories of grandchildren and granddaughters about grandmothers, famous and not very, with vintage photographs of the XIX-XX centuries Lavrentiev Elena Vladimirovna

Grandmother's stories E. P. Yankova

Stories Grandma

E. P. Yankova

I was born in the village of Bobrov, who bought the deceased grandmother, Batyushkin Mother, Euptrase Vasilyevna, Daughter of the historian Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev. In the first marriage, she was behind the grandfather, Mikhail Andreyevich Roman-Korsakov, and she had only two children from him: Petr Mikhailovich's father and aunt Mary Mihaylovna Volkonskaya. Soon widowers, the grandmother married Shepelev (seems to be Ivan Ivanovich); They did not have children, and they soon dispersed<…>.

Grandmother Epraxcia Vasilyevna was, they say, very cool in the lava, and as a noble and big lady, was in great honor and was not very ceremony with small neighbors, so many neighbors did not dare and enter her on the front porch, and all on the girl wing.<…>

That's what I also told about the grandmother Eupraction of Vasilyevna. Our Mother, Marya Ivanovna, who was in her grandmother by a girl's girlfriend: "The general was very stringent and the stroke; It happened, as they would be known for whom out of us, immediately and remove the shoe with the legs and vividly spacked. How to punish, so worship in the legs and say: "Sorry, the sovereign, to blame, do not be angry." And she: "Well, I went, a fool, do not do ahead." And if someone will not seek, she will also beat ... True was a lady: Highly kept himself, no one with her, no dare; Just look Grozno, so you will be wrapped up with you and huddling you ... a truly lady ... God rests her ... not the fact that the current gentlemen. "

Grandma was at one time very well brought up and scientists; She spoke well in German, I heard that I heard from Petra Mikhailovich's father.<…>

In 1733, her grandmother bought at seventeen versts from Kaluga Village Bobrovo and there constantly lived most of the year, and in Moscow had his own house near Ostozhenka, in the arrival of Elijah, and we lived in this house when I got married in 1793, And there was married.<…>

The grandmother was very good and manty and generally to the clergy and the monastic. She was delivered to her son to never leave the house without reading the 26th Psalm, that is, "Lord enlightenment my and the Savior, who is a good." Batyushka always observed it. And for sure, he had always strong enemies, and although they tried to damage him, but, however, the Lord pardoned and retained from death.

Grandma has always taken the assemblers' monks: it happened, I will call for yourself, feed, go, will give money, makes it to take the room where to spend the night, and let everyone go to her with its satisfaction. Here once they tell her: a monk came to collect. Ordered to call: "Where, father?" "From there," says the monastery. - "Sit down, old man."

Ordered to make than treat it. Sit, talk. Monk and tells her: "Mother, and I and my son, Peter Mikhailovich, I know." - "How so? Where did you see him? " - "There", "and starts the grandmother to talk in detail about the Batyushka; And for sure, according to the words it is clear that he knows him. Grandmother still settled down to the monk. Just suddenly, during a conversation, a person runs and reports her grandmother: Peter Mikhailovich arrived. The monk turned out: wants to leave the room, the grandmother will persuade him to stay, and meanwhile the father enters. Staying with my mother, he looked at the monk. He is alive either dead.

"How are you here?" - shouted to him the father. That in my feet: "Do not destroy, to blame." Grandma looks, it can not understand what happens. Batyushka and tells her: "Do you know, Mother, who did you find taking? This is a runa soldier from my company; It has long been learned. " "Do not destroy," he repeats.

The father wanted, it was, to send it to the stage, but the grandmother persuaded his son not to sink her at home and did not put his hands on the guest who he was neither. He promised to appear in the regiment himself from himself; I do not remember now, whether he fulfilled the promise. Grandma though did not cease to take collectors' monks, but since then it became much cautious, fearing so that under the guise of a real monk, do not take some fluid, and the father, remembering this case, always feared the collectors.<…>

Grandmother Euptrase Vasilyevna was still alive when the father was married, and she was very good to her mother and picked up my sister (the second daughter of Batyushkina), which, as well as me, was called Elizabeth. I have preserved a letter written by my grandmother to Mother on the occasion of my birth: she writes that he congratulates and what he sends her with her husband fifty ruble to their homeland and the name day. Grandmother Eupraxia Vasilyevna was weak, although the years were still not at all old: she hardly had sixty years old.

In 1792, Grandma, Princess Anna Ivanovna Shcherbatov, died. She lived more in the village, in the village of Xiaskov, also Kaluga province. It was her own estate, dowry. Aunt, Countess Alexander Nikolaevna Tolstaya, lived with his grandmother. Her husband, Count Stepan Fedorovich, when he was married, was already a minor and was a brigadier. He has only a state and there was only: a gilded double carriage and a pair of poggy horses, and the aunt also, like Mother, got 1000 shower in the dowry.

Grandma Princess was very small in growth, she always walked in a black dress, like a widow, and she was not cape, but just a silk handkerchief. Only once and happened to me to see my grandmother in the entire parade: she drove to us in Moscow from somewhere with a wedding lunch or from a wedding: there was a dress with a gold grid and an elegant cape with white ribbons. We were still all the children, ran towards her towards it and, seeing her in an extraordinary dress, began to jump before her and shout: "Grandma in Chepts! Grandma in Chepts! "

She preteen to us for this:

- Oh you, fools girls! What kind of coloring, what am I in Chepez? Grandmother in Chepts! And you thought that I can't wear a cape, I could not wear ... So I had a sort of ears for this ... I came to the father, she complains of us:

- The fools were swung to me and shout: "Grandma in Chepts!" Know, you don't really eat ears that they are not honored.

The father began to calm her down: "Mother, do not ask them to be angry, the children are stupid, nothing else is meaningful."

After the grandmother left, I also got to us from the father's race for it; Then I was hardly more than five years old. We rushed to the grandmother Shcherbatov in the village and after Matushkaya death, she had a long stayed, and before he had arrived in Syskov for several days. It happened almost always in the fall, because I was introduced to get to the grandmother's names, September 9. She was in honor of and named, the youngest sister Anna, and me the name Elizabeth was given in honor of Wzimkova, who almost baptized the father. Grandmother got up early and eaten at noon; Well, it became, and we had to get up even earlier to be ready when my grandmother came out. Then I sit down to lunch, it happened, in the living room before I am sighing, silent, we are waiting for the grandmother to ask us something; When asks, stand up and answer standing and wait for it to say again: "Well, sit down." This means that she will not talk to you anymore. It happened, and at the father, and in the mother never dare to sit down, until someone says: "What are you standing, Elizabeth, sit down." Then only sit down.

After dinner, the grandmother rested, and we will say: "Well, deubs, you, tea, boring with the old woman, are sitting in a vigor; Widdle, my lights, in the garden, watch there, look, there is no branches, and I have a rest to rest. "

Do you know what this means: Branches? These are the most ripe nuts that remain in the unaware of the bushes at the time when nuts take. Then they ripen and fall to the ground with bushes; These are the most delicious nuts, because you will divert.

In Xiangov, at that time the garden was predicted, there were few flower gardens, and the flowers then such good, as now, did not happen: Rozans terry, rosehip, tavern, daffodss, bosom, peonies, jokkili. The gardens were more and more fruit: apples, pears, cherries, plums, prunes and almost everywhere nuts alleys. Now there are also such varieties of apples, which I was in the youth of the meal; There were a father in Bobrov: a muzzle, a small long apple, upward narrow, just like a face of some animal, and the bell is round, flat, and when it gets completely, then the grains are precisely thunder. Now these varieties do not know: when Brother Mikhail Petrovich got Bobrovo, as I wanted to get vaccinations from these apple trees; I was looking for - did not find, they say, fell.

In Xiankov, there were also many apple trees and all sorts of berries and pre-cut walnut alleys: is it whole now? Since then, more than seventy-five years have passed! .. Grandmother Shcherbatova was very mantalous, but at the same time very superstitious and had a lot of admission that believed. At that time it was not as strange, but now and remember it's funny, what she was afraid, my baby bullshit! So, for example, if she sees a thread on the floor, it will always go through it, because "God knows, who is this thread, and is it not intenting like?". If the circle is on the sand somewhere in the garden from the watering can or will never oversail through it: "Not good, deprived." Under the first number of each month she went to eave at the door of the girl and by what the word hears, concluded whether the month would be safely or not. However, the girls knew her weakness and, when he wanted that the princess was scaring with legs, bravely and would immediately lead such a speech, which I could have interpreted to well-being, and the grandmother would immediately go to the maiden to capture on the Word.

- What did you say that? - She will say.

The girls pretend that, as if, did not hear how she entered, and he was heated by any peep and then add:

- This is a prince's sovereign, know, to well-being.

And if she hears anything awky, plus and go back.

Sometimes it will come and tell the aunt: "Aleksashyanka, that's what I heard," and will tell her, and then flow together together, which means this word to well-being or not to good.

She believed witchcraft, eye, werewolves, mermaids, leishers; I thought you could spoil a person, and had many different accepts that I am now and I do not mention.

In winter, when the windows will run, examined the patterns and judged on the figures too: to good or not to good.

The aunt, the Countess is thick, which, until the death of her, all lived with her, together, did a lot from her I will take and had big oddities.

It is very clear: lived in the village, there was no lessons, so they sit and invent all sorts of things.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

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Stories of my grandmother © Vyacheslav Zagorn in society, where there are still alive eyewitnesses of certain events, it is difficult to change the story. It is difficult even where there are still those who heard the stories of living eyewitnesses. This live memory in some cultures passes through the century, keeping grains

Pants he came to us in the atelier. A good man was, prominent, two meters gabardine left for him. And we have a Blockingman Ninel worked. Nilel, just like. Ninka She. was, a profreet from Zazopinsk. Golden hands, and the cow herself is old with a pile of non-agar hair. And the eye was bad with her was, the fucking such an eye - forever men around the pond pond and shyInsects. Both husband and friend of childhood and another man from the neighboring restaurant - Ashot called. And so apparent nininka to himself these two meters in Gabardine pants, for a short-term love connection. I assigned and assigned, but here I had a misunderstanding left: my husband lit up.

If you are alternately twenty years old, your husband is released in free swimming can not - die. I corrected my face a couple of times, of course, and said "You and I am once." I can soon stop the cycle, and I still do not know anything about forbidden pleasures. My husband, dear man, the party - did not want to divorce too. Well, he says, my soul, not soap is not sinking. I bless you on a unite adulter. And if you bring me in Poland, the French disease is bad - I will poison my own hands, I tell you as a doctor-pediatrician. And laughs, kidit means.

Well, after that case, I have discovered as a window in both of it in Europe. I began to notice, What is done on the sides.And predicted. Pnilel is growing at the week a man of Togo, Gabardine to us in a clouded, and head so impatiently jershits: leave the girlfriend's moss for a while, we will check the quality of the fabric. "Yes, right now," answer casually. "There is nothing to blame here, go to the office to yourself, check the furniture for strength." And standing, cut myself further, and I look at the gabardine, like that cute "schos low head tilge." And I think "Idiot is a piece that you found this in a ninelk. Look, I have a mouth of a hundred percent sugar, a bra lace and borsch with pampushki. " And the ninelka stared at him, see also inspires.

The man did not break away from such hypnosis, but did the only correct choice. Poor fellow. Ninelka called him anharged and said to go to a well-known address.
A man crumpled to female rudeness frowned, introduced himself by Volodya and began to drag me. Nilel, of course, a couple of times in me Iron dropped, not counting small packs. Yes, and I also did not find myself in leaky under the sink. I gnawed falsetto, ninenel's scissors squeakly sinked and easier for our African passion.

Six months of Volodya, I showed me kamasutra. I already leave him gathered, not so that he was happily, but tired like a dog. I do not know how others, and I have been an unbearable cargo to the Ajulter. Work, children, husband -weps "Yeah, delay? Order urgent? You do not escape yourself. " Also, I, Torquwemada, what was asked.

Volodya, meanwhile, and at all. Called thirty times on the day. "I woke up, I walked, I worked ..." And all this with confidence in passion is inconspicuous. I swaw, dark. Yes, and earned Volodya not that decently. On two families. Well, told him. It's time to part, I will never forget you, well, you yourself know everything. And Volodynka is suddenly in his knees - Buk and signed "I read the stupid books about perversion, Dao love is called, I dragged you the car's car and got used to the boors as a mother's sis. I'm even a harvest with giving now on three shares: in the family, mom and you. If you leave me suddenly, then I am a means to clean the toilet production of the GDR, and a block on the tram paths all in tears and with a note of vile content. " Well, something in such a spirit.

The female heart is soft as wheat porridge, that's what. Moreover, Volodya turned out to be very capable of studying the aforementioned Tao. Well, the bagpipes thus stretched on.

And the Volodynka regained as it should be - on nonsense. Wife, do not be a fool, Something felt. Of course, you will feel here when the second year a third of the crop left floats. Malina does not give birth, the potatoes of Coroed Coroed, the salad tomatoes did not get rid of this year, I'm sorry dear, I did not coal. Volodya runs everything in the studio runs. So I decided to see all my own eyes. They have not yet come up with these Besky Internet, there remained one opportunity to learn everything - to hide in the closet during the injury of the harvest.

Volodya arrived Once from the cottage, there is no one, only on the plate of some kind of hot pan with a pickle boulevard. Yes, and let's put everything on three handhes: it's my mother, and this is in the atelier. "What kind of atelier? - stood with an artificial fur coat in the closet of Volodynikina's wife. Younxiously worthwhile to the man's care, and then let's look at the book by his notebook with the addiction. The book was suspicious: Some Ivan Petrovichi and Vasily Alekseevichi. Baba alone was found in the letter A Atelier Luda. In my wife, of course, in the goiter, the breath of the breath. And she decided to spoil my life finally, as Santellites. I called, and my husband's husband invited.

Her husband, Merchant agreed with the hunt, with the entertainment in our time somehow was not very. Came to a botanical garden in a gray suit with a large newspaper - a sign for recognition. And there is a wife, nervously runs around the fountain. In general, she invited us to poison us with Volodya. He suggested that the bench was thrown back and glances on my. And my medic, they have a very sense of humor specific.
"Good," says mine, "I agree to everything." Only first you are yours, otherwise I do not really trust stranger my wives.

So, what is next? - I ask. We are sitting on a leisurely conversation with one familiar grandmother, we are waiting for children-grandchildren from English courses. - Gave a laxative?
-Salabient, - Cruise pulls grandmother. - Bromo gave. Horse dose so sure.

The grandmother gently rolled the newspaper secret materials. By that time I was between the chairs and just thhrew from delight.
"No," adds a strict grandmother, remembering something about something, "we didn't have sex. There were no passions, but there were no these disgusts. So know!

Here are some stories of my relatives.
1. This story told me my grandmother's sister - b. Nina. Everything described below occurred during the Great Patriotic War. Babushka Nina then was another girl at the same time (she was born in 1934). And somehow Nina stayed to spend the night from his neighbor, aunt Natasha. And in the villages it was taken in the house to keep chickens in the fence. And the Aunt Natasha Kura was also. That's all went to bed: t. Natasha on the bed, and her children and Nina with them - to the oven. The light was redeemed ... Kuras were calmed down too ... silence ... suddenly sharply in the dark one of the chickens - Rrrrzraz! - And he jumped over the fence! Chickens were worried. T. Natasha got up and the chicken drove back. Only I got enough, and again - Rzra! - Chickens scored, and again one flew. T. Natasha got up, Lucked Lucina and turned to the invisible spirit, who was disturbed by the chickens: "Hudoshushka-Atamanushka, to Houdo or good? "And looks: it stands in front of her a little such a peasant, an increase of about a meter, in such an interesting coat with a striped, with a belt, and pants are the same. He says: "In two days you know." And then grabbed one chicken, strangled and threw to the oven for children. And after gone underground. Two days later, Natasha came the funeral from the front: the husband died ...

2. And this told me my grandmother. Somehow her deceased mother of Evdokia after a labor day lay on the furnace to rest. And alone stayed. And here hears - someone is very close, as if even at the bottom of the stove, the knife sharpens. The sound is characteristic: the metal grinds about the bar. Evdokia was afraid not for a joke. It looks from the stove down, and there is no one. Only falls, looks into the ceiling, hears - again someone sharpens the knife. "Well, Evdokia," my death came! " And in the mind of all prayers, which only knew, sort and baptize. And hears - this sound is distinguished, removed, and then disappeared at all ... Grandma says, before in the villages, the furnaces were made with salt, and the evil spirits, as you know, the salt is afraid. So, perhaps, without reading the prayers, Evdokya would not have died.

3. And the grandmother told me this story. She worked once a janitor. They sat with the Baba somehow on the shop, rested, talked, and it was about unclean power. Here is one woman and says: "What to go far? Here is what the story happened to me. I sat at home with a child, only my son was born - Vanya. The husband went to work in the morning, Vanya in the cradle slept, and I decided to build up. I am lying, I'll sleep and feel - someone pulls me under the bed. I jumped out, ran out from the apartment! And immediately to his neighbor. I resort, I say: "Please help me bring me out of the apartment! I am very afraid to go! " And my neighbor was the military and the service was in a hurry. He says: "Oh, there is no time for me. Ask someone else, Won Maria Fedorovna, for example. " Maria Fedorovna is also our neighbor on the landing. Well, I am faster to her. And she says to me: "You go to your apartment, the threshold is over the threshold around themselves, and then boldly walk and do not be afraid of anything." I did so. Once spoken - nothing, the second time began to spin - I see, it stands in the apartment of some strange creature, or a person, or something else. I already snatched my eyes, the third time spinled, I look - and there is such a very terrible man! Looks at me with the square, as if even with the journey and says: "What, guessing?! Now look for your Vanya "- and disappeared! I rushed into the apartment, faster to the cradle, and there is no child there. I was already frightened: did he drop off from the balcony?! We live on the third floor. I quietly looked from the balcony - no, no one lies on the ground. I began to look for in the apartment, I looked everywhere, I barely found. This is the essence of the child of my dyeing and put into the space between the wall and the gas stove. And the Vanechka sleeps itself and hears anything. And then I learned that there was once a man in our apartment, a bitter drunkard, who hanged himself in this entrance. "

Grandma and grandson

- I still want to walk! - said Volodya. But the grandmother has already shot her coat.

- No, dear, walked, and enjoy. Dad and mom will come soon from work, and I'm not ready for me.

- Well, even a little bit! I didn't go!. Grandmother!

- I have no time. I can not. Undress, play at home.

But Volodya did not want to undress, rushed to the door. Grandmother took his shovel from him and pulled the cap for the white pompon. Volodya grabbed her head with both hands, wanted to hold the hat. Did not resist. I wanted a coat that was not spread, but it was unbuttoned itself - and now it is already swinging on a hanger, next to Grandma.

- I do not want to play at home! Want to walk!

"That's what, dear," said Grandma, "if you won't listen to me, I will leave for my home from you, that's all."

- Well, go! I have a mother!

Grandma said nothing and went to the kitchen.

For a wide window - a wide street. Young trees are carefully tied to pegs. Have delighted the sun and grind out somehow everyone suddenly. Behind them - buses and trolley buses, under them - a bright spring grass.

And in the grandmother's garden, under the windows of a small country wooden house, too, probably came spring. Daricissians and tulips on the flower beds were fed ... or maybe not yet? Spring always comes a little earlier.

Grandmother came in the fall, help Volodyina Mom, - Mom began to work this year. Volodya feed, with Volodya to take a walk, Volodya to sleep to bed ... and even breakfast, and dinner, yes dinner ... The grandmother was sad. And not because it's sad that I remembered your garden with tulips and daffodies, where it could be warm in the sun and do nothing - just to relax ... for myself, for yourself, for yourself? Sad became a grandmother because Volodya said: "Leave!"

And Volodya sat on the floor, in the middle of the room. Circle - Machines of different brands: Clockwork Little "Victory", a large wooden dump truck, a truck with bricks, on top of bricks - red teddy bear and white hare with long ears. Slow bear and hare? Build home? Take the blue "victory"?

Became the key. So what? Sundered "Victory" across the room, buried on the door. Once again started. Now the circles went. Stopped. Let stand.

Began Volodya Brick Bridges to build. Did not complete. Opened the door, went out into the corridor. Carefully looked into the kitchen. The grandmother sat at the table and quickly cleaned the potatoes. Thin curls of the peel fell on the tray. Volodya took a step ... two steps ... the grandmother did not turn around.

Volodya walked quietly and became nearby. Roasting potatoes, large and small. Some are completely smooth, and on one ...

- Grandma, what is it? As if the birds are sitting in sockets?

- What birds?

But the truth is a little bit like the chicks with long, white, slightly yellowish necks. Sit in potato yam, as in the nest.

"This is a potato eyes," Grandma said.

Volodya glanced his head under the grandmother's right elbow:

- Why does her eyes?

It was not very convenient to brush the potatoes with a woven head under the right elbow, but the grandmother did not complain about the inconvenience.

- Now spring, potatoes starts growing. This is a sprout. If the potatoes put in the ground, will grow new potatoes.

- Grandma, and how?

Volodya climbed the grandmother on his knees to better see the strange sprouts with white cakes. Now it has become more inconvenient to clean the potatoes. Grandma put as off the knife.

- That's how. Look here. See, a very tiny sprout, and this is already more. If the potatoes put in the ground, the sprouts will replete to the light, to the sun, green, the leaves will grow on them.

- Grandma, and that's what they have? Legs?

Stories about my Grandmother. MY GRANDMOTHER. My grandmother has always said that the whole truth of life is concentrated in small children. And I think that both old men, like small children, are true in their old age. My grandmother was born in a small town in Belarus, in a big and poor family. From hunger and cold, almost all members of the once larger family are extinct. Grandmother on his century made a lot of grief and deprivation. Her childhood and youth passed in a period of turbulent shocks - revolutions, wars, hunger and ruin. She walked early, gave birth to three children, was a bit for her husband many times with all that he fell at hand! Bullary and beating ended only after he, throwing a family, disappeared forever ... A lot of tests fell to the share of my grandmother, but she always, as a flexible tree after a storm, found the strength to straighten up and carry their burden further in life. At first she raised her children, and then we were their grandchildren! She was lucky to see and love his great-grandchildren with all his heart. It would seem that life adversity and storms were to spoil grandmother's character, turning it into a person unfriendly and fierce. But my grandmother, a woman, though a poorly educated, possessed a chain everyday mind and kind, responsive heart. It was completely absent in the evil and envy. She lived a long and meaningful life, although he rarely left his city. Grandma possessed a restless character. She loved to sing, adored the cinema, knew how to listen to other people, it was interesting to tell all sorts of fairy tales and non-residents. My grandmother was wished by a wise man. Often our neighbors came to her with their troubles and problems. And she, without possessing special knowledge, tried to help them all could. Her tips were taken and appreciated by our familiar. I and now, more than years, I hear someone from the neighbors is dying my grandmother and asks her to express her opinion on this or that matter. Often, her sharp little lying or expression became the property of the whole street. Sometimes the word was wrong, and the emphasis was not delivered where necessary. But it did not prevent my grandmother to express my opinion and do not look like funny or incomprehensible. In these small tracks, I, her granddaughter, decided to remember, and in his own way to perpetuate the person's dear to me - my Grandma! .. Regnant my grandmother. Television came to our modest dwelling much earlier than many household appliances that could facilitate the difficult life of the family. About the refrigerators did not even dreamed. In general, to indulge in dreams and fence was not in the customs of our family. Everyday struggle for normal existence made realists and my grandmother, and my mom. They took life, everyday concerns "about the bread of urgent" stoically. The refrigerator was replaced by a cellar. All hostess of our yard, and all nearby houses, in the morning and at the very late evening, they again with bowlers, pitchers and jugs, saucepans and huge saucepans, pancakes - from the cellast to the house, and from the house, after another adoption of food by each member of the family in separate, or everyone together, in the cellar. The staircase, which had to go down to the cellar, was covered with slippery nails. It was necessary to own certain skills to be repeatedly descended and climbing such a staircase, remaining without bruises, without breaking and not spilling what you carry. Molds and damp smells there always mixed with the smells of provisions. Products were laid in the cellar for the whole cold long winter. In large barrels, cucumbers and tomatoes were peeled. All this was very angry in our hot splashing apartment, under the downside of the wind in the chimney. Without such reserves, live and survive a low-income family, it was incredibly difficult. Thoughtlessly my grandmother without any objections responded to all the requests of his adult children, grandchildren, and even their friends and classmates. Only ended breakfast, lunch or dinner for some, how everything began to first. And again, my restless grandmother, on the old dexcable staircase, again back and forth with pots and pots, saucepans and saucepans, frying pan and pitcher, trying to please everyone, to feed everyone, to treat everyone ... Grandma and Esther Field. I remember the grandmother's stories about one strange man - Esther Field. Maybe he was not so called, but my grandmother called him that way. Under this name, this person remembered me forever. This character was often mentioned in various life situations. Whether such a person really existed, or it was the character invented by life, she herself did not know. Babushkin Hero lived in Ukraine, in the glorious city of Odessa. He, persecuted by the need and claims of the authorities, like many other compatriots, was forced to emigrate into the believed America. Not everyone was destined to get to this blessed land. Most likely, Esther field was lucky more. He got the same to America, took this country in his good and responsive heart with all its advantages and disadvantages. And he noticed there only everything is good, unlike many other immigrants. And flew to the former homeland endless letters about his live - be in the new edge. Esther field in his messages with delight described everything they saw - all the delights of the local life. Looking into the windows of cafes and restaurants, peering in the rooted happy faces of the indigenous Americans, he, Rol Rat, rejoiced to someone else's life, forgetting that his own passes by ... Oh, this esther field, Esther Field! ... when someone at my grandmother enthusiastically, and with Eustice, there was an extraneous prosperous life, other regions and customs, she, waving his hand and with a light grin on his lips, always uttered the same phrase: - Well, again, again, new and The indestructible Esther field appeared on our horizon ... The meaning that my grandmother put in this phrase, became clear to me much later. And although not every person in this world is able to sincerely rejoice in someone else's happiness and sufficiency, my grandmother, a worker and realistic, such people like Esther field did not like. They seemed to her empty and miserable people. And the one with her praised someone else's wealth and wealth, without having nothing, was my grandmother ridiculous and uninteresting. She got used to be content with although something small, but his own. And for it, it was always very expensive and important is only what she herself possessed. And this strange person, Esther Field, still forever entered our life ... Grandmother and the live shop. Once my grandmother led to us home an ancient elder. Someone from the neighbors told her that he was an experienced cook. Grandfather turned out to be high, with a long gray beard. There was this old man deaf, incredibly evil and angry. About his bad character, unhealthy habits, and about many other things we, to our most regret, learned much later when it was not so different from it. The stove in our difficult life played a very important role. In the summer, all available means purchased coal, huge wooden lamps on small firewood saw. This furnace warmed us all winter. In the most randry autumn, and in the cold winter days it was possible, clinging to her all body, forget about the sorrows; Get away from everyday life. Accept the eye, carry in your dreams to distant, inaccessible countries and continents. Under the melodic crackling of firewood was nice to dream of something with his purely personal, secret and intimate ... This furnace was not only the main source of heat in our home, but also the soul of this house. She created that unique microclimate, without which it would be difficult to live, and survive in our difficult being. Under her buzz, we fell asleep, listening to the cod of burning firewood; Immersed in the sweet world of Greaz and dreams. Our oven was a special character. Sometimes she chewed us with their warmth and heat, and sometimes she did not want to obey the will of people. It was necessary to constantly take care of her, as if it was not a stove, but a living being ... The cook had long agreed about the price. Then he needed a deposit. Having received a somewhat - the long time disappeared. And, having arisen, he began to break the old stove with trembling hands and lay out a new one for some reason in the middle of the room. Each incoming has many doubts about such construction, but we have not expressed our doubts out of time before. We still lived hope that we misunderstand something in a bary. With each day of work, the old man became more aggressive and evil. And at that moment, when bricks began to fly around the apartment in all doubters and dissent, we realized that it would be much more difficult to part with this employee than we had previously expected. Sometimes it is pleased that everything in this world has its own beginning, and its end. True, our family had to pay off him, otherwise a happy parting would not happen! Eupy of us, Lord, from such Pecs! .. For many years later, even when our family has already lived in a new, with central heating, an apartment, we sometimes remembered this evil elder. With its way, we always associated incompetence and greed. And our grandmother still fell into different and all sorts of stories ... Grandmother and complete solar eclipse. And the day of complete solar eclipse occurred on Earth. And multinational, many-sided and multi-voiced my courtyard, enthusiastic cries welcomed this long-awaited event. All the inhabitants of our cheerful alley were preparing for a long time and purposefully. The place was sought, from where it would be the most convenient to observe such an amazing and rare phenomenon as a solar eclipse. The kids learned the windows, which, then, were kept for a long time over the fire, so that they would have blocked stronger. A fuss, waiting for such a significant event, made a variety of our everyday life. What the guys may be more interesting than becoming an eyewitness of any significant event! Yes, and participate in it! My grandmother, engaged in ordinary household chores, listened to our conversations. She was very interested to see this sight. She clarified the time many times that would accidentally not miss it. As you know, the longer you are preparing and waiting for a pleasant one, the sooner it ends, the faster the happy moments of our being run. In the day laid by nature and an hour, the entire population gathered in the middle of the courtyard. All expected a miracle. And the miracle happened. It became dark. All those surrounding, and my grandmother, including, we expected that such a darkness comes, in which a number of worth the standing person, it is unlikely that you can distinguish and see. Absolutely in that confident, my inquisitive restless grandmother, who did not lose interest in life, jumped out of our apartment into the courtyard, in a short night shirt and a frying pan in his hand. Her appearance was unexpected for the entire population of our restless courtyard. My grandmother was met by the friendly laughter of those present, which moved to hysterical laughter and recreation. Neither the laughter of neighbors, and nothing else, did not embarrass my grandmother. She firmly believed that the great solar eclipse would cover her with his own shadow, she would save from immodest eyes ... A merry, nobody, not planned incident distracted the public from the solar eclipse. It also rapidly ended, as it began. Everything in this gloss has its own origin and its end. We have only memories who impose a lot of sadness by what will never return - for the long-last childhood, cloudless adolescence, according to our friends. For all those who left us forever ... and in front of my eyes, as if in the old movie, I froze the frame, and in it my restless grandmother, forever frozen with a frying pan in his hand, looks at the dark sky ... Grandmas grandchildren and granddaughter. My mother in his incomplete twenty years was already a mother. And my grandmother in forty years old, all the patronycies: "Isaakovna". And not because grandmother has impressed the old man. Just in those who, still young summer, she was already a grandmother for grandchildren and granddaughters, whom she loved and balung, despite all sorts of prohibitions of our parents. Especially she adored her grandchildren. She has always had a special attitude to the boys. After all, her granddaughter lived with her, and grandchildren separately from Nyuy. And she, balusa them, allowed them to do everything that would be pleased. He tried to catch the time when they were away from her. All grandmother's grandchildren and granddaughter, not realizing this, enjoyed her love and indulgence. She always could be scored a rugger on pocket expenses. The grandmother could easily be convinced in many respects without making it much effort. She instantly reacted to all our requests. Always supported us with everything that could. We knew that our grandmother was our faithful ally. And so that it does not happen to us, it will always be on our side. So it was always throughout her life. Such she forever remained in our memory and in our heart - a restless, loving, disturbing .... Our grandmother, like all of us, was a frantic cinema fan. It was not much difficult for her to defend the longest queue for tickets to the new film. My grandmother was annoyed and suffered as we, as we, if for some reason I didn't have enough tickets. In those distant, now years have existed a boom to French films. We are all, from Mala to Velik, were violent cinema admirers. To persuade the grandmother, go to the courtyard in the cinema on the morning session was simpler. And if there is still ice cream "Skalir" sold, then the day was not in vain by all of us. Hiking in the cinemas of the city were loved by all the inhabitants of our yard. Extremely rare we missed the show of new films. Over the years, television has become cinema. But it happened much later. Our grandmother first-demand could boil potatoes in the "uniforms", eggs. Quickly collect us, her grandchildren and granddaughters, everything you need to travel to the river, to the forest. Not believing with his time, neither with his state of health tried everyone to pamper everyone, to all please. Of course, sometimes the grandmother lied with us extract and patience. Could dig, get angry, shout. But none of us was offended for a long time. Following the quarrel immediately followed a truce. She was not in age naive. All of what we had accepted as the truth. But we rarely cheated my grandmother, as they knew that she trust us unconditionally ... If there was a bad weather on the street - she had a heavy snow, or lil, without stopping, raining, and nature once again presented their surprises to people - on such days grandma Always tried to detain us at home. She worried about us, not understanding that we grew up, matured. And, the growing, her grandchildren and granddaughters turned out the duties from which the bad weather would have already impossible. But our grandmother still saw in us small children who are able to fall, scratch, smear in the rain, get sick. She had a sorry ... And we had her excessive care and love already. We craved freedom. We chose our way - good luck and failures; mistakes and misses; takeoffs and falls; Hope and disappointments. How it is found at all times and in all centuries, none of us really listened to her instructions and advice. We naively believed that they themselves know everything and we understand much better than our relatives and loved ones. And only having live most of your life, you begin to understand the wisdom of those who left us forever. And their concern, then annoying, and now so necessary. And unlimited love, which is impossible for any wealth in our insane world ... ... after years, and now even through a century, I hear alarmed grandmother's voice through my years. She shouts after his grandson, my cousin, on his unique adverb: - \u200b\u200b"The player, playing / Igor / don't go to the street naked ..." - And this phrase also meant that her grandson Igor ran into a frosty day On the street without a coat ... My grandmother, our porch and wild grape bush. Grandma, mother and my sister, then two little girls, loved to sit on a wooden porch, look at the starry sky and listen, and sometimes singing, grandmother. The porch was a favorite holiday destination for the whole of our small family. Little wooden porch, seized with a bush of wild grapes, made a hard life of my family more joyful. At this low space it was possible to relax; drink seagull; Just sit on the steps, listening to the night shavors of a short summer night. It was convenient to sput with girlfriends about something, very important and intimate. It was interesting to stand on a porch clouds, follow the movement of the clouds and dream of something far, unknown, inadequate ... A wild grape bush grew next to our porch. No one specially sled him, no one grown, no one cared for him. Once upon a time the crazy wind brought seeds and threw them into the fertile soil. In winter, this bush lost his foliage and it seemed that severe frosts and cold winds were trapped forever his roots, barely sticking out of the ground. But with the arrival of spring, with the first rays of the warm spring Sun, he came to life. Nature, tired of long and tightening winter, returned to the unpretentious bustle of his swampy crown. For many years, this bush of wild grapes rightly served us. His leaves, intertwining among themselves, shelted us from strong wind gusts, from the rays of the sultry sun, from rain, and even from curious views. Decades of wild grape bush fought with quieties of nature, constantly winning this heavy unequal battle. We did not imagine our lives without this bush, as without a young tree, also grew up next to the porch. It was a cherry tree. The most delicious cherry in the world grew on this tree. It does not always be fruitful. Sometimes the tree gave us to their fruits for our love and attachment to it. Every year the grandmother landed next to the cherry flowers. They always had a bright color and a sharp, teasing smell. Summer evenings, after a hot and no longer day, we rested with all our family on our beloved wooden porch. Often the grandmother flew the same song. This song had a pleasant melody and uncomplicated words. Sang there about distant countries; about the seas and oceans; About the girl who embroidered the canvas with silk threads, of which "she lass"; About the brave and beautiful sailor who lured the girl aboard a huge ship, promising all the goods of the earth ... This song ended with the words addressed to the young man: - - We are three sisters: one in the graph, - another duke wife, - And I, All chasing and beautiful, should be a simple sailor! On the sad words of the girl, the young man answered: - Do not worry dear, "leave sad dreams," you will not be a simple sailor, "and the queen will become! The song has always pointed as unexpectedly, as it started. And my sister and I tried to imagine that the girl, fraudulently thrown into someone else's ship, and that brave sailor, who promised her all the benefits of earthly for love ... Was the maiden all promised? Was she the queen? Or all the worst of a young sailor and remained only empty words? ... Already a long time ago a childhood has passed. There is also a small wooden porch, seeing wild grapes. Everyone has sweated, sharply smelling flowers. Girls grew up and turned into adult women. And I have long been not with us our unforgettable grandmother, saven in the silence of the night two little girls unnewned words simple songs ... Alive only our memory ...