Italian female names - poetry and beauty of everyday life. Italian male names

Italian female names - poetry and beauty of everyday life. Italian male names
Italian female names - poetry and beauty of everyday life. Italian male names

Italians are bright as the South European Sun, hot, like Siesta and unpredictable, as april thunderstorm in Milan. Burning brunettes, they can fight any out of one glance. And the names of them should be their owners - bright, sonorous, boiling passion and pressure. Let's get acquainted with the hot Italian people on the example of names that the characters, culture and the most soul of the male half of the inhabitants of Italy are better transmitted.

Popular names

  • Abremo - Responsible and prolific. As a rule, this name was given to Son in those Italian families, where it was customary to have a rejection of children.
  • Fitu - Favorite, long-awaited and adored child of his parents. So the name was the first or difficult children.
  • Adolfo. - The name literally means "noble wolf". His owner had an unbridled temper, combined with the concepts of honor and dignity.
  • Alberto (Alberto) - The name of the bright, beautiful and noble senor, quite often occurring in our time in all corners of the globe.
  • Alessandro - This name was called boys prone to the establishment of justice and the protection of weaknesses.
  • Ambrodzhino - The name is translated as "immortal." This boy always goes dry out of the water.
  • Amerigo - The name of the hardworking and purposeful person, as undoubtedly indicate as many as two continents, named in his honor.
  • Angelo - "Sent Angel", long-awaited or perhaps a blond child.
  • Antonino (Antonio) is the name of the "invaluable", pleasant and talented in all respects of man.
  • Augolo. - The name of the child from a venerable, noble and wealthy family designed to continue the case of parents.
  • Baldassara - a noble and unmountable warrior, born to protect the king and the Fatherland to the last drop of blood.
  • Basilio (Basilio) - The name of the royal blood person or having every chance to get into a noble family.
  • Bernardino (Bernardo) - Brave, brave and disruptive defender of the family and the king, faintless, like a bear.
  • Bertransdo - The name is translated as "Bright Raven", that is, they called the wise and resourceful person, perhaps a very attractive appearance.
  • Valentino - The name of a person, breathing health, force and hardworking.
  • Vincent (Vinzino) - The name of the conqueror, warrior and the winner, which is always in finding a new and better.
  • Virgilio "The name of a person who is not far from political circles, which is destined for a career ambassador or official.
  • Vitala - The name of a cheerful and vitality, always preserving a positive attitude and optimism.
  • Gabriel "A strong and invincible envoy of the Divine Forces, with this beautiful name a man felt under the auspices of the Most High.
  • Gaspar (Gasparo) - these name most often called boys from the hereditary families of messenger king and court suite, literally it means "Valid Bearer."
  • Guido - Literally "Forest". Usually the name of a person born in a simple family is probably the industrial hunting or mining of firewood.
  • Dario - The name of the person from the wealthy and usually mighty family.
  • Giuseppe - "Multiple". Such a name could give a boy in a family close to the financial sector or expecting to continue and expanding his father's affairs.
  • Jacob (Jacob) - Literally "destroying." The name of a person close to the military business or even perhaps the executioner.
  • Innocene - "Innocent, virgin". The boy with this name was usually quite modest and most often born in a family close to the church and was intended for the service of God.
  • Carlo (Carlos) - The name means directly "man." Good, responsive, possibly from the caste of healers.
  • Clement "The name of a man of a good and compassioning, whose grateful has all those surrounding to him."
  • Leonardo - The name of a strong and brave person, literally translated as a "strong lion".
  • Leopoldo - translates as a "strong person." This name belonged to a man with a strong mind, spirit and body.
  • Mario - "Mature man." The names of Mario more often called boys, in which the family lay special hopes.
  • Massimo - Large, even more likely a big man, not only in the sense of size, but also an immense soul.
  • Oracio - The name of a man of begging and able to see the hidden meaning where others cannot.
  • Pietro. - The person is adamant and invincible, like a stone mountain, Pietro could rightly be proud of his sonorous name.
  • Fabio - Literally "Bob". For the name of this most often called boys born in the farmers family.
  • Faustino - The name of a person who is everywhere and in any of his endeavors should be accompanied by luck.
  • Emilio - "competing". A person with the same name everywhere and always wants to be first, often not believing with the ways to achieve the goal.


Without much difficulty, it can be noted that for the most part Italian names of men carry mention of a particular character of the character that parents would like to see in their child. However, there are often mention of professions or areas of activity that the future man should, on the understanding of parents, is engaged in the future. Also, the professions and the origin of the fathers of the Italian family, who inherit the little Italian, are also mentioned. In this sense, the choice of names for boys in Italy is not much different from the principles of name name of any other people, quite clearly reflect its culture, customs, crafts and the most valuable features of a national character.

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Italian names

Italian male names and their meaning

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Italian names. Italian male names and their meaning


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Colosseum in Rome

State in the south of Europe. Capital - Rome. The population is about 61 million (2011). 93.52% - Italians. Other ethnic groups - French (2%); Romanians (1.32%), Germans (0.5%), Slovenians (0.12%), Greeks (0.03%), Albanians (0.17%), Turks, Azerbaijanis. Official language is Italian. Regional status have: German (in Bolzano and South Tyrol), Slovenian (in Gorizia and Trieste), French (in the Aosta Valley).

Approximately 98% of the population professes Catholicism. The center of the Catholic World, the city-state of the Vatican, is located on the territory of Rome. In 1929-1976 Catholicism was considered a state religion. The followers of Islam - 1 million 293 thousand 704 people. The third to spread religion is Orthodoxy (1 million 187 thousand 130 followers, their number has increased due to Romanian). The number of Protestants is 547.825 people.

The identification of official statistics of names in Italy is engaged in the National Institute of Statistics (ITAL. Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Istat). It was created in 1926 to collect information about the population. This institute organizes the census of the population in Italy, collects operational statistics. Including in the most frequent names of newborns. On the website of the institute you can find data on the 30 most popular names of newborn Italian citizens - separately for boys and girls. For each name, the absolute frequency and relative (percentage of targeted) are given. In a separate column (third), accumulative statistics are given (in%). On the website of the Institute, the earliest statistics on the name refers to 2007

I will show the 30 most frequent names of boys and girls who were born in the families of Italian citizens in 2011-2013. The data for several years are given to be visible to the dynamics of preferences in the field of personal names. No more relevant data yet.

The names of the boys

A place 2013 2012 2011
2 AlessandroAlessandroAlessandro
3 Andrea.Andrea.Andrea.
4 Lorenzo.Lorenzo.Lorenzo.
5 Mattia.Matteo.Matteo.
6 Matteo.Mattia.Gabriele.
7 Gabriele.Gabriele.Mattia.
8 Leonardo.Leonardo.Leonardo.
9 Riccardo.Riccardo.Davide
10 Tommaso.DavideRiccardo.
11 DavideTommaso.Federico.
12 Giuseppe.Giuseppe.Luca.
13 Antonio.Marco.Giuseppe.
14 Federico.Luca.Marco.
15 Marco.Federico.Tommaso.
16 Samuele.Antonio.Antonio.
17 Luca.SimoneSimone
18 Giovanni.Samuele.Samuele.
19 Pietro.Pietro.Giovanni.
20 Diego.Giovanni.Pietro.
21 SimoneFilippo.Christian.
22 Edoardo.Alessio.Nicolo "
23 Christian.Edoardo.Alessio.
24 Nicolo "Diego.Edoardo.
25 Filippo.Christian.Diego.
26 Alessio.Nicolo "Filippo.
27 Emanuele.Gabriel.Emanuele.
28 MicheleEmanuele.Daniele.
29 Gabriel.CristianMichele
30 Daniele.MicheleCristian

Names girls

A place 2013 2012 2011
1 Sofia.Sofia.Sofia.
2 Giulia.Giulia.Giulia.
3 AuroraGiorgia.Martina.
4 Emma.Martina.Giorgia.
5 Giorgia.Emma.SARA
6 Martina.AuroraEmma.
7 Chiara.SARAAurora
8 SARAChiara.Chiara.
9 Alice.Gaia.Alice.
10 Gaia.Alice.Alessia.
11 Greta.Anna.Gaia.
12 Francesca.Alessia.Anna.
13 Anna.Viola.Francesca.
15 Alessia.Greta.Viola.
16 Viola.Francesca.Greta.
17 NOEMIGinevra.Elisa.
18 Matilde.Matilde.Matilde.
19 VittoriaElisa.Giada.
20 Beatrice.VittoriaElena.
21 Elisa.Giada.Ginevra.
22 Giada.Beatrice.Beatrice.
23 Nicole.Elena.Vittoria
24 Elena.Rebecca.Nicole.
25 Arianna.Nicole.Arianna.
26 Rebecca.Arianna.Rebecca.
27 Marta.Melissa.Marta.
28 Melissa.Ludovica.Angelica.
29 Maria.Marta.Asia.
30 Ludovica.Angelica.Ludovica.

Come up with the name of the newborn girl seems simple, while you will not encounter it yourself. The easiest way is to be called in honor of the saint to which the day belongs when the baby was born, but in Italy, they went on and their children can paint as Friday, Sunday, Tuesday. Naturally, in translation into Russian, the Italian girl name may look ridiculous, but in the very language Friday will sound like a veninger, and Sunday is a domain. Who did not dream of such beautiful Italian names? So, jokes to the side, because it will be even more fun.

Funny Italian Women's Names

An even more interesting method of Italians to give the name of girls - by numerical. This custom came from those times when families were more familiar and called newborns in order of birth: the seventh, the first, the eighth, fifth. In Italian, these names sound also beautiful: nettima, prim, Ottavina, Quinta. Just do not confuse the numeric and ordinal numbers in Italian: the figure is three translated into Russian - "Tre", and the numeral "third" - Terzo. Agree, what is not the name for the child?

Now it is clear where such beautiful Italian female names come from. One thing is strange, why do they like the usual numerical? It is difficult to understand the Russian person, because we have not gotted such a custom, and they do not run through the streets: the first, third and even seventh. How to love your tongue to see poetry in the word "eighth" and so they admire that to call the daughter in honor of this word, and she, in turn, be proud of the name and not cry at night over the passport.

We want to remind you that the boys in Italy are given the same names, but with another end, so that you do not think that the wing of the ordinal name only women's Italian names.

Italian Women's Names and Family Traditions

Previously, for the name of the child, strict rules were observed, and basically it concerned the ancestors: the firstborn children called the grandfathers and grandmothers, and the rest - on the great-grandmothers and the names of Uncle and Aunt. In such a custom, the reverent attitude and reverence of family bonds in Italy is visible.

If you consider this family custom in more detail, then the daughter who was born is the first, will be the name of the mother of the Father. Second, respectively, mother mothers. The third daughter was called by her mother, and the fourth - on her father's grandmother. The fifth newborn will be the name of a aunt or cousin.

Let's say moreover, in Russia they try not to call a newborn in honor of the recently deceased relative, but in Italy they treat it differently and the baby can call as a recently deceased member of the genus.

Influence of other countries and religions in the name of the formation in Italy

At the moment, fashion is growing on foreign names for girls and boys, and do not forget about the tradition called the name of the saint, the child was born on the day. The Roman Catalic Church brought to the name of the names of Italian children Roman origin.

The most popular women's names in Italy: Domenka ( Domenica), Julia (Giulia), Alesia (Alessia), Chiara (Chiara, in our world), Francesca, Sarah, Federica (Federica), Silvia (Silvia), Martina (Martina), Eliza (ELISA) . Lasted-diminishing derivatives from such names are approximately so: Ellie, Lesia, Fede, Fraz, Julie.

More information about the culture of Italy in the article about the State Anthem:

Your passion for Italy is not accidental? Are you planning to move? Then information about working for Russians in Italy, which will be useful to you.

Meaning of italian female names

Translation of names carries unimaginable poetry and beauty of Italian. Suppose Dominica received his name from the day of the week "Sunday", which means "belonging to God." Felice means happy, and pearl - pearl. Immacolate translated into Russian means impeccable, Angela - Angel, Selvadgia - wild. Reading this list of Italian female names, involuntarily begins to envy their diversity, this is not 20 newborns per day in one maternity hospital named Nastya. Customers these Italians, must be admitted!

List of Italian female names and their meaning in Russian

  • Agostina - respectable
  • Agatha - good
  • Adalin - noble
  • Agnes - Holy, chastity
  • Alessandra - protector of mankind
  • Allegra - Merry and Live
  • Albertina - Bright nobility
  • Alda - Soborny
  • Anneta - benefit, grace
  • Beatrice - Traveler
  • Bettina - Blessed
  • Bella - God - beautiful
  • Bit - Traveler
  • Bridgeid - exalted
  • Bianca - Belaya
  • Violet - purple flower
  • Velid - hidden
  • Vittoria - Conqueror, Victory
  • Wanda - moving, wanderer
  • Vincenza - Caucasian
  • Vitelia - vital
  • Gabriela - Strong from God
  • Grace - Pleasant
  • Deborah - Bee.
  • Gemma - Gemstone
  • Dzhidna - God's God
  • Jioconda - happy
  • Giorgina - Peasantka
  • Jisell - hostage
  • Jiekinta - Hyacinth Flower
  • Jolenda - Violet Flower
  • Juliet - Young Girl
  • Domenic - belongs to God
  • DonEtella - this given
  • Dorothea - a gift of God
  • Danil - God's judge
  • Elena - Luna
  • Iliari - joyful, happy
  • Ines - chaste, holy
  • ITELIA - Name Old Italy
  • Caprice - Capricional
  • Carmela, Carmina - Sweet Vineyard
  • Clara - Bright
  • Kolombina - the right dove
  • Christina - the sequence of Christ
  • Crowtte - Cross, Crucified
  • Caprisia - Capricional
  • Leticia - Happiness
  • Leah - forever tired
  • Lorenza - from Lorentum
  • Luijina - Warper
  • Lucretia is rich
  • Luciana - Easy
  • Margherita - Pearls
  • Marsell - Woman Warring
  • Maura - Blacks, Mavr
  • Mimi - Favorite
  • Mellola - admiring
  • Michelina - who is like God
  • Melvolia - ill-gratefulness
  • MARINELLA - from the sea
  • Noise - Darkness
  • Nicoletta - victory of people
  • Noelia - Christmas of the Lord
  • Norm - standard, rule
  • Ornell - blooming ash
  • Orebella - Golden, beautiful
  • Paola - Little
  • Patricia - Woman noble
  • Perlita - Pearls
  • Pyrina - Rock, Stone
  • Peskulina - Easter child
  • Renata - born again
  • Roberta - famous
  • Rosabella - Beautiful Rose
  • Romola - from Rome
  • Rosaria - Rosty
  • Rossella - Rosa
  • Sandra - protecting humanity
  • Celeste - Heavenly Girl
  • Serafina - Mining
  • Simon - listening
  • Sarhrist - Fame
  • Susana - Lilia
  • Santazza - Saint
  • TizIen - from Titans
  • Fileella - a small flower
  • Felisa - lucky
  • Ferdinend - prepared for the trip
  • Fiorenz - Flowering
  • Francesca - free
  • Fulvia - Yellow
  • Chiera - Clear, Bright
  • Edda - militant
  • Eleanor is a foreigner, another
  • Elettra - shining, bright
  • Enriches - home-based
  • Ernest - a wrestler with death

Italy continues to affect its identity and inspires new discoveries. Reading about its culture, traditions, nature and attractions, you still want to come there again and again. And what to do those who have not yet been in Italy? Be sure to put the goal there to go!

Choosing the name of the baby begins when the baby has not yet been born. Already in childhood, the girls come up with the names with their future sonsides, yes pretty. Over time, it appears the opportunity to realize these dreams into life. Many are called the sacnesses, in honor of relatives, some consult with horoscopes and fail when Mercury is in the constellation of the Virgin, and others are simply followed by fashion.

The child needs to give a name immediately after birth: for him, SNN (Codice Fiscale) is given, which includes the name, surname and date of birth. Here, a clear case, it is necessary and the last name is to be determined. If the couple is not painted, they must both officially recognize the child (first the mother, then father). If the father recognizes the newborn, the child receives his father's family, if not, the last name of the mother. After discharge from the hospital with a birth certificate, you need to contact the municipality of the settlement, where they will make a birth certificate. This act of parents is not issued - it is stored for seven seals in the city hall, they give out an extract, a sheet of A4 format with the coat of arms of the municipality and the seal. Such statements can give as much as you like.


There is a special law of the Civil Code, which regulates the peculiarities of the award named after the newborn. In Italy, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich cannot be, since the patronymic is missing, and, therefore, to distinguish two Alessandro with the same name will be bureaucratically difficult. You can not call a child with the name of brother and sisters (if they live and live). You can not use the surname as a name. Finally, it is impossible to call the child with a funny or offensive name.

If the parents want the child to wear a "noble" multilayer name, this can be done: Angela Stella Giovanna or Janmar Francesco Massimo. But! Maximum - three names, and then in the future, a person climbs to put his full signature.

Well, if the parent fantasy wants to call the child with some asbaryn, and there is no obstacle. It is important that the name is written by Italian letters, and the diacritical signs characteristic of foreign names can be used (tildes, tone accents, etc.).


Some, however, in their desire to seem original, manage to surpass all laws. For example, the famous football player Francesco Totti and his wife - TV presenter Ilari Blazi called the daughter of the name, which is forbidden, - Chanel. The "Formula Uno" manager, as well as the lifespan of the life of Flavio Briator and his wife, the fashion model of Elizabetta Gregorchchi called their son Nathan Farco. Nathan is understandable, ancient European name denoting "given by God". But Falco, friends, translates from Italian as "Falcon." Falcon you are my clear!

There is such a rock singer Dzuckero, or Adelmo Furnaceari (Zucchero, Adelmo Fornaciari). He was uncomplicated by Adelmo (like himself, beloved, which is forbidden), adding Blue (ADELMO BLUE). Poor boy!

There is still a wonderful pair of John Elcan (grandson Gianni Anielei and the head of the Fiat Group) and Lavnia Borromeo (just a girl of blue blood). Leone called their children ("Leone" - "Lion" - the name exists, but its other options are more common: Leo, Leonardo), Ochoano (Oceano - "Ocean", or in honor of the little-known Lidia Saint IVV.: ABOUT DAY His memory on September 4 they got married) and Vita ("Vita" - "Life").

Simple Italians also want for children sonorous names

Oh, how magicly it sounds Italian names! Maurizio, Marcello, Giovanni, Janbattist, Beatrice, Lucia, Francesca ... just music for ears! But why simplify everything. Recently, in fashion foreign names.

Girls name Noime (Nomi - from the Hebrew "joy"), although there are Italian "joy" - Joya (Gioia). Another tribute to the Hebrew Tradition: Girls Rachele and Sarah and Boys Aaron and but e.(No).

Tribute to the Anglo Saxon Tradition - Sharon (Sharon), Kevin (Kevin), Patrick (Patrick), Brian (Bryan), Richard (Richard), Mike aboutl (it is written exactly as follows: Italian, as he hears, and writes: maikol; Well, people did not know how Michael is written).

The Italians of the French are disliked, but the names for girls are used by: Sophie (Sophie), Nicole (Nicole: not say, and "l"), Michelle (Michelle).

Today it is fashionable to "safe" names. Usually, male names end either on "O" (Carlo, Pietro, Savorio, Giacomo), or on "E" (Raff e.le, D. butform, Garbrik. e.le, Dani e.le). Now many boys named CR andstaen, D. butniel, Samuel, although all of them in Italian would have to end on "E".

Somehow Syria and Asia observed at the beach at the same time. Many girls named Sofia.

The boys are also called Matias, Lucas, Nicholas, Marcus.


Personally, I met completely absurd names related to the love of the older generation to Russia or the USSR: Katia (Katia), Katyusha (Katuscia), Women's name (Vania), Maslova (!), Yves butn, Igor (Igor), Yuri (Juri - Children born in the 60s.), Vladim andrO (abbreviated as m andrO).

North and South

There are purely southern names that do not meet any indigenous milaner or tourist: Gaetano, Salvatore, Antonino or Antonio, Carmina, Jennaro, Chiro and others.

Reductantly lasty

As such diminutive names do not exist. It is very funny to see a tiny pup, barely making on the curves of the legs, which grandmother be called: "Federico! Let's go change the diaper! " If desired, of course, some reductions are possible: the same Federico is called Fede, Antonella - Anto, Antonio Nino, Salvatore - Toto, Giuseppe - Pepppe or Pippo (also abbreviated from Filippo). Plus there are wonderful descriptive male souffixes: "Ino" - Paolino, Leonardino, Danielino and female: "INA", "UCCIA", "ETTA" - Angelina (Angelina), Mariuccia (Maruchetta), Nicoletta (Nicoletta). But most often these derivatives are self-sufficient.