How to learn tectonics at home in a short time. How to learn to dance tectonik at home? The history of the occurrence of tectonics

How to learn tectonics at home in a short time. How to learn to dance tectonik at home? The history of the occurrence of tectonics
How to learn tectonics at home in a short time. How to learn to dance tectonik at home? The history of the occurrence of tectonics

Like dancing in clubs? Would you like to stand out among the peers at the party or draw the attention of the opposite sex? In this case, learn how to dance tectonics. Several uncomplicated exercises every day - and you are guaranteed success on any dance floor.

This fashionable direction arose quite recently in the French metro. Dance connected Loking elements, techno, hip-hop and other styles. At first he was the lot of young people, and at the "big stage" appeared only in 2007, on Paris Techno Parade. A distinctive feature of the tectonics, like most club dances, is impeccable coordination of movements, the ability to listen to your body. Therefore, start learning from exercises developing flexibility and coordination. Simple exercises with apples will improve coordination: we take into each hand on the fruit, put the legs on the width of the shoulders, close your eyes and throw apples, trying to catch without going out. Instead of fruits, you can use tennis balls .. walking, try to walk along the narrow edge of the border, but entering the transport, do not stick to the handrail. Here are some basic recommendations before the start of classes:
  1. Prepare a place to occupy. Ideal a large room with a mirror in full growth. Items should be located at a considerable distance from the workout site.
  2. Need comfortable clothing and shoes. For a start, there are stacking sneakers and leggings or sports pants in which you are comfortable. Top - Top or T-shirt, you can Balahon.
  3. Find on the Internet video lesson or better training course. Try to use videos with professional dancerswhere all movements and ligaments are very clearly demonstrated.
  4. Pick up the appropriate musical accompaniment. Ultra-modern melodies with a clear rhythmic pattern are suitable. Dance is the music of the soul. Give the advantage of clockwork, drive tracks.
  5. Located on the floor Sport rug. This will significantly reduce the noise, which is important for your neighbors, and will also allow moving more unfavorable, without fearing to harm yourself.
  6. If you strive to quickly master tectonikRecommended to devote more time classes. It is desirable 2 times a day with intervals at 5 o'clock, or to engage intensively for 2-3 hours as possible.
Tectonics has absorbed many modern dance styles, but this is an independent direction, the essence of it - " dance hands" Learn to feel rhythm and feel musical accents. Surrender all the melodies, expressing it with your body. Yours plastic and acrobatic tricks Must be fully combined with nuances of music. Learn to catch the pace, at first, "count" the rhythm in the mind.

Improve flexibility will help slopes of the body, "bridge" (try to get the floor or at least a table) and yoga. Constantly improve power of foot, speed movements. For the development of this, alternate running on the spot (pace at the maximum), with the movements of the hands (sharp blows forward). The duration of classes is 30 seconds, one approach, only 10 approaches for running and 10 on strikes.

For textonik training professional We'll have to go to school dance. Trainers will teach the Azam technology and help bring to perfection of movement. But this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve excellent results. Remember: the more intense workout, the better the result. And having natural abilities, you can surpass professionals by adding a little soul into a dance pattern.

The world overwhelmed a dance wave! And it is not surprising, because the dance is an excellent means of entertainment and recreation!

Tectonics is a pretty young dance direction. However, already gaining powerful revs around the world. Usually this dance is performed under the Electro House music.

The tectonics is a bit like hip-hop, techno and rave, but still this is a separate dance direction, the essence of which is "dance with hands."

What's the point?

Electro Dance - so also called the tectonics, it is based on the elements of Glowsticking. But the dance is not limited to the hands. Harmony should be in everything, which is why dancers actively use feet, knees and hips in tact music.

Without music Tectonics is impossible. That's why we strongly advise you to get a suitable music in order to learn how to dance tectonics at home.

A little about the appearance of the dancer Tectonics: usually it is a narrow jeans, tightening a shirt or a t-shirt with emblem, sneakers, swelling, usually white belt.

So, here are some tips to those who want to learn to dance tectonics at home, on their own. They will differ significantly from the recommendations to those who want.

First: you will die listen to music! Without musical accompaniment, the dance will not take place! There is a good expression that characterizes the dance:

Dance is music expressed through plastic.

Therefore, before you need to learn how to feel rhythm. They develop it like this: retry the melody, slam it.

Learn to allocate accents in music. From the overall sound, try highlight one tool. The highest pilot cattle is to feel the music (for example, hearing a hearing tool) intuitively, predicting the next clock, surrender to the will and the flow of music.

Music must be singing with your body, and not just get into it.

As you can see, the level of the dancer depends not only on plastics and acrobatics, and music nuances. Do not worry, you can develop a musical rumor. Moreover, you can learn how to dance tectonics, the main thing is to very much. And let you not perform in tectonik-batlah, do you need it? The main thing is to do your favorite thing and have fun.

But if you want to do tectonik professionally, home preparation here can not have to be enrolled in the school of dance. Good news: the more you train, the better you get. This is how to walk on yoga. Special courses, of course, better than one way.

So. Tips for those who think how to learn to dance tectonics at home.

  • Little to listen to different music - a lot and high quality.
  • Learn to sit down rhythm.
  • Download from the Internet Training lessons on tectonics.
  • Find your idol and repeat it.
  • Do not be afraid to improvise.

Do you like electronic music, and you already want to know how to dance tectonics? There are many videos and tutorials for beginners, but all this will not bring the result if you give little time learning and training. What is this style? What are his features? How is the tectonik at home in a couple of months? Read the article - and you will learn everything!

Style History History

This type of youth dance gained popularity with the development of electronic music in the early 2000s in Paris. Several young guys decided to show the unusual dance in and thereby stand out from the crowd. This style of performance won love and recognition, and after a few years he learned the whole world. Tectonics - mixing elements of various dances, namely hip-hop, Lokkin, Jimstayl, techno and popping.

What is the dance?

The rhythm of the dance is quite fast, the movements of the brushes are relaxed, directed up and down, but at the same time you need to keep track of the hands alone over the other. Due to the velocity of the elements, an interesting effect is created. Feet and hands work in one rhythm. The basic movements of the feet include Mahi sock and heel. For example, for Maha heel, you need to get up to the side, then perform your sock, shift the weight on the heel and then make a sharp drop to the right or left. Clear foot movements and high speed hands are the main conditions for those who want to know how to learn how to dance tectonics.

This type of dance develops flexibility and

A couple of months of diligent learning at home, motivation and self-discipline will make you a star of any nightclub, and you will conquer the hearts of many girls.

Looking at professionals dancing this newly emerged type of dance, unwittingly want to repeat these uncomplicated motion at first sight. However, they immediately understand that everything is wrong. After that, there may be a question of how to learn to dance tectonics.

A bit of history

Dance Movement, which emerged at the beginning of the XXI century and combining such currents as techno, hip-hop, Jamplel, etc., boasts to its uniqueness. Tectonics is a modern dance, which is part of a separate culture. This word has long been almost a brand, and they are often called not only the style of dance, but also certain styles in music. Modern youth dancing tectonics everywhere: on the street, in clubs, on scenes, in underground transitions and even at home.

The direction has acquired broad fame in 2007 thanks to the videos from the Festival in France Techno Parade Paris, which flew around the whole world.

This was the reason for the appearance of a plurality of fans and followers of the tectonics at each point of the globe. You do not need to think that only young people were among this public. The dance is able to prevent the attention of the representative of any age. It is hard to pass by the dancing guys, without stopping their eyes. A little later, we will talk about how to learn how to dance tectonics.

France or Belgium?

Very common in certain circles is a dispute about where the tectonik originates from Belgium or from France. Many are inclined to believe that Belgia served as a "springboard" for the subsequent development of tectonics in the world. Young people danced in the style of JumpStyle, working in the tact of bass for various music, including Eurodance and EUROTRANCE.

In parallel with this, in the French Metropolis Club, youth, bringing novels during dance culture, actively moved to energetic music, comprehending the first lessons of the tectonics during the Tektonik Killer parties. However, the supporters of Belgian origin consider the French wave of tectonics to the imitation of Belgian moods.

Where to begin?

One of the questions that will arise from our reader will: "How to learn to dance tectonics?" This question is the reason for the part of our discussion. But soon the reader will come to mind the question of whether it is possible to do this and how to dance tectonics at home. Such a situation in most cases is more desirable for any person, no matter what he has learned. But in this case, you should not forget that home conditions limit you in the level of those goals that can be tried to implement in the direction of the tectonics. After all, one thing is to prepare at home, to dance for myself, in my pleasure, and be prepared for the exit to the village of the local dance floor on weekends, and another is to set a goal of mastering professional skills at the highest level. In the second case, home exercises can serve as the beginning of the beginning, and a straight road then to special professional dance schools.

First of all, pay attention to the music. Perhaps there are dances, you can learn without it, but this is not a tectonik. Music must be experienced. Do not worry if there are problems with hearing. This is the corrected business, and it can be worked out. No wonder to many dancers at the stage of study, the task of clapping the tact of the melodies is raised, chanting it. So it produces a sense of rhythm from the dancer. It is necessary to dive into music, feel certain notes of various tools in it. Having learned to predict the next beat during the composition, you can safely begin to master the lessons of tectonics.

What kind of music to choose?

The movements of the tectonics are predominantly energetic, and the music should be appropriate. To begin with, there will be a pair of top three tracks selected for this topic. Having used to them and hearing, and the body, it will be possible to try to work out movements and under the other compositions. You can search for thematic mixes or albums with the names of Electro Dance, Tektonik Killer, etc. in the modern world and with such progressive use of the Internet will not be difficult to find a lot of suitable options. For example, teachers of the largest school tectonics in Russia presented their musical suggestions on the distribution of FIRST PRO TUTORIAL. And these guys probably know how to dance tectonics. You can see other options. Start with simple and small: filter out the composition most of all in the soul, and make a rhythm through and comprehend the movements. But to keep up with the times and keep up with musical trends, it is useful to try to find fresh works. And the freshest, the better.

Useful with pleasant

A very important point is the development of plastics, flexibility, power stamina, and so on. Both any load and dance, especially such an active, requires good general physical training. If there is difficulty with this, the desire to learn how to dance tectonics can serve as a good motivator to action.

And than in the best form there will be a study, the easier it will be given a dance. And the better and more energetic it will dance, the better it will be physically developed. Such a positively closed circle with interdependent circumstances, allowing a person to successfully improve in parallel directions. Formula is simple: Learning to dance tectonics - we give yourself a good physical form. However, we should not forget that everything should be in moderation, and you need to start, as in sports, gradually, without fanaticism.

Important details

I remember that we decided to learn how to learn at home, a number of factors should be taken into account, at first glance, insignificant. The most important circumstance, which should not be forgotten, is most likely the presence of your neighbors. And behind the walls and floor below. If the walls with the walls are more difficult to solve, then you can put a carpet on the floor or purchase a non-footing gymnastic mat. In any case, so you will feel much freer.

One of the most necessary elements will be the usual mirror. It will be very important to look at yourself during the fulfillment of ligaments. Especially acute this can be felt at first. Pay attention should also be on the quality of the musical instrument. Because of its unimportant quality in a week, or even much earlier, the taste for your new passion may be the abyss, and without giving it to reveal. In this case, the best solution, it seems, will be really looking for a dance school or a group of like-minded people who organized their club or a company with a workout site.

Preparing, kneading

If the memory has already been inhabited, as and when the last time you were engaged in sports, it is very important to pay attention to high-quality warm-up and heating muscles and joints. It can be devoted to this and before you begin to find out how to learn how to dance tectonics, and before the start of dance training.

It will be useful will remember the slopes to the floor, without bending the knees; Sitting, reaching alternately to the left left and right legs; Remember the "bridge", and should not be consolidated by the elbow joints and the spine. A good physical form will play a good service and in terms of coordination of movements.

Exercise elements

Getting started directly to the performance of dance movements, we must remember that here, like any sport, has its own special exercises. For the development of coordination of movements, juggling is good. To begin with, you can arm tennis balls or small balls and try to catch them, throwing back in turn. Gradually developing the coordination of movements and confidence, you need to come up with time to do it in the rhythm of playing music. Persicate attention should be paid to foot training, as they take part in all movements, and taking into account the control of the rhythm also lies on them, it is impossible to neglect.

The next object of attention of the student should be hand. Objectively, they perform a smaller role than legs, but from the side of the eye rushes first, as a rule, it is the work of the hands. It is recommended to study and train the movements of the hands and legs separately, and when they will already be honed to perfection - combine them.

The main source for drawing up a training program and a complex of special exercises will be video tutorials. It will be great if the familiar is also fond of this dance - it will be possible to share with each other experience and something additionally learn.

First fruits and changes

The main thing - perseverance and an inflexible desire to bring the idea to the end. Showing these qualities, a person will surely wins, and his first victories begin with himself. After all, it often finds lazy or just do not want anything, but it is important not to succumb to both methodically, step by step, go to the goal. And you will surely come down. Lyrics - lyrics, and regular classes will definitely teach you to dance. In parallel with the practice of exercises, it is possible to study the culture of the style of representatives of the tectonics and several update their wardrobe. For a more complete picture. Why not? Initially, dancing tectonics put on narrowed jeans, short shirt or tie t-shirt (often with symbols of tectonics or bright color), white belt, basketball sneakers and bright leggings on hand.

Also, the indispensable attribute are both frighteners on hand brushes. However, in our days, it is increasingly possible to notice dancers that do not apply to the original dress code. And the main and unchanged aspect is the convenience of dancing.


Since you spent the first lesson of the tectonics for beginners, some time passed, and you already know how to do something. Enough in order to confidently go to the dance floor and realize the first fruits of their activities. Any undertaking must be brought to some kind of logical result, and the result of this should not be a star from the sky. The most important thing is the feeling of internal harmony and pleasure from achieving the goals. Favoring new skills and skills, we can successfully develop them or take on new tasks. The dance is art, tectonics is its element. Falling at least a particle of this art, you certainly become a head higher than when it just began to be interested in how to learn to dance tectonics.

Pick up music. Tectonics is dancing under different types of electro, such as dirty, progressive or new; Many also dance under a house of electro. But stop at the House of Electric, as it would be strange to dance tectonics under hardcore, right? You can try it, but in the club everyone will look at you with perplexity.

  • Need ideas? To begin with, good performers will be DJ Ivan Flash, Marc De Siau, Dj Milok and Teckologist. You can also search for remixes of popular songs: The Black Eyed Peas, David Guetta and Bastille - just a few examples of artists who have suitable remixes.
  • Make big hands. Tectonics is a dance in which about 80% of movements with hands and 20% of the movements of the legs. While there are some standard movements, all that sharp, in the style of chi-hop or the fir, and the feeling of rhythm will help you look like a professional on a dance floor.

    • Some describe this by the phrase "windmill" or "like your body rubber tape." Others can describe it as an eccentric way to direct traffic, but whatever you choose the view, you will see that this dance is intense, dramatic, with a very systematic and painted manner. Your hand can move directly or aside, and then make circles above your head. This is madness, but it also combines music.
  • Turn legs from side to side. Electronic music is fast enough, so try to keep your legs for the rhythm. Move the heels with socks from side to side, back and forth. When you have to get, you can add crossing and moving weight.

    • Blows with foot. Lift the leg to the pope, preparing for a blow. Then remove the leg and push it forward and put it on the ground. You can repeat it several times, all the time driving hands.
  • Move your hands around and through the head. One of the distinctive movements of the tectonics - movement with hands before head, around it and sides. If you have a bang on your head, smash it rhythmically.

    • Most often your hands will be somewhere near the shoulders sticking around, above your head or roll-in circles around the neck. For any of these items, pull out the right or left hand to the index finger down and move the circular movements in the opposite side from the head.
  • Cross your hands in different ways. The usual movement of the tectonics is crossed hands in the wrists move in their orbit during circular movements. You can also twist forearm and cross your hands into complex patterns. Many hold one hand in the center, and the second move aside, in front or above it, focusing on the rhythm of music.

    • Make sure you work at all levels: i.e. low, medium and high; Right, in the center, left. Take everything! What is the diverse your dance, the less he is repeated (and more impressive)!
  • Add your own barcode. While the tectonics has rather standard movements, a good solution for you will add your own sense of style and rhythm to it. Take the foundation - structured and intense movements of the hands, and align them with the movements of the legs - and execute it. While you feel this rhythm, you will be ready for everything.

    • Experiment with work at different levels with the whole body. Transfer the torso down, knees up, schitrate and move. Come up with intricate patterns with your hands, binding wrists, playing with your elbows, and move with quick on slow motion. Everything depends on you!