Why do I wear a pectoral cross. Do I need to wear a pectoral cross

Why do I wear a pectoral cross.  Do I need to wear a pectoral cross
Why do I wear a pectoral cross. Do I need to wear a pectoral cross


Every baptized person wears a cross with the image of Christ on his chest. This is not a decoration, not a mark of distinction, it is a symbol of faith. The cross that a person receives at baptism must be worn all his life. It is not recommended to remove it. The cross does not interfere at all with going to the gym, swimming in the pool or going to the bathhouse. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there were special wooden crosses in the bathhouse, which were given out to people going to the steam room. It was believed that a person should not be defenseless.

What is the difference between an Orthodox cross and a Catholic

It would seem, what's the difference, the cross is the cross. Jesus on the cross, the difference is only in the details. But, these details fundamentally change everything. On the Orthodox cross, there must be the words "Save and preserve." The Savior himself seems to be lying on top of the cross, with his arms he is open to everyone who turns to him. The figure radiates peace and grandeur. God loves us, he protects us, he is in everyone who wears his cross on his chest. The pectoral cross is a silent prayer for help. Wearing it, we pray to the Lord, even when we do not utter the words of the prayer.

The Catholic cross depicts the suffering of man, but not God. He is very naturalistic. A wreath of thorns, a man nailed to a cross, immense suffering.

How and what cross to wear

You can wear any cross that is consecrated in the church. If you really want to, you can wear a large and richly decorated cross. If you do not consider it as decoration, as an excuse to demonstrate your wealth and importance, as an attempt to decorate yourself and outshine your neighbor. The cross is a symbol of faith, it is valuable in itself, regardless of whether it is golden or wooden. You can wear a cross on a ribbon or on a chain. But, it is not good to flaunt your cross. This is what it is called - underwear. It is worn under clothing. Only priests wear a cross over their clothes, although they also have their own cross, which they do not put on public display.

The Church considers the widespread opinion a prejudice that you cannot wear someone else's cross, you cannot pick up a cross on the street, you cannot lose it. Any priest will tell you that the cross just needs to be consecrated, whatever its origin. And if the cross is lost, then you need to buy a new one, consecrate and carry on. It was not for nothing that the custom existed earlier to exchange crosses. Such people became brothers. Wear your cross, it will certainly help you in difficult times.

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What cross is considered canonical, why is it unacceptable to wear a cross with the image of the crucified Savior and other images?

Every Christian, from holy baptism to his death hour, must wear on his chest the sign of his faith in the crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord and God Jesus Christ. We wear this sign not over clothes, but on our body, which is why it is called wearable, and it is called eight-pointed (eight-pointed) because it is similar to the Cross on which the Lord was crucified on Calvary.

The collection of pectoral crosses of the 18-19th centuries from the settlement area of ​​the Krasnoyarsk Territory indicates the presence of stable preferences in form against the background of a rich variety of individual craftsmanship by craftsmen, and the exceptions only confirm the strict rule.

The unwritten traditions contain many nuances. So, already after the publication of this article, one Old Believer bishop, and then the reader of the site indicated that the word cross as well as the word icon, does not have a diminutive form. In this regard, we also ask our visitors to respectfully treat the symbols of Orthodoxy and monitor the correctness of their speech!

Male pectoral cross

The pectoral cross, which is always and everywhere with us, serves as a constant reminder of the Resurrection of Christ and that at baptism we promised to serve Him, renounced Satan. Thus, the pectoral cross is able to strengthen our spiritual and physical strength, to protect us from devilish evil.

The oldest surviving crosses are often in the form of a simple, equilateral, four-pointed cross. This was the custom at a time when Christians venerated Christ, the apostles, and the holy cross symbolically. In ancient times, as you know, Christ was often depicted as a Lamb surrounded by 12 other lambs - the apostles. Also, the Cross of the Lord was depicted symbolically.

The rich imagination of the masters was strictly limited to the unwritten concepts of the canonicity of pectoral crosses

Later, in connection with the acquisition of the authentic Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, St. Queen Elena, the octagonal shape of the cross begins to be depicted more and more often. This is reflected in the underwear crosses. But the quadruple did not disappear: as a rule, the octagonal cross was depicted inside the quadruped.

Along with the forms that have become traditional in Russia, in the Old Believer settlements of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, one can also find the legacy of an older Byzantine tradition.

In order to remind us of what the Cross of Christ means to us, it was often depicted on the symbolic Calvary with a skull (the head of Adam) at the base. Next to him you can usually see the instruments of the Passion of the Lord - a spear and a cane.

Letters IНЦI(Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews), which are usually depicted on larger crosses, are brought to memory of the inscription mockingly nailed over the head of the Savior during the crucifixion.

Under the titles, the inscription ЦРЬ СЛВИ IС ХС СНЪ БЖИЙ says: “ King of Glory Jesus Christ Son of God”. The inscription “ NIKA”(Greek word means Christ's victory over death).

Individual letters that can be on the pectoral crosses mean “ TO"- copy," T"- cane," Yy"- Mount Golgotha," GA”- the head of Adam. " MLRB”- Place Skull Paradise Existence (that is: Paradise was once planted on the place of Christ's execution).

We are sure that many do not even realize how perverted this symbolism is in our usual deck of cards ... As it turned out in, the four card suits are a hidden blasphemy against Christian shrines: baptize- this is the Cross of Christ; diamonds- nails; peaks- a copy of the centurion; worms- this is a sponge with vinegar, which the torturers mockingly gave to Christ instead of water.

The image of the Crucified Savior on pectoral crosses appeared quite recently (at least after the 17th century). Pectoral crosses with the image of the Crucifixion non-canonical , since the image of the Crucifixion turns the pectoral cross into an icon, and the icon is intended for direct perception and prayer.

Wearing an icon hidden from the eyes is fraught with the danger of using it for other purposes, namely as a magical amulet or amulet. The cross is symbol and the Crucifixion is form ... The priest wears a cross with the Crucifixion, but he wears it in a visible way: so that everyone sees this image and is inspired to prayer, inspired to a certain attitude towards the priest. The priesthood is the image of Christ. And the pectoral cross that we wear under our clothes is a symbol, and the Crucifixion should not be there.

One of the ancient rules of Saint Basil the Great (IV century), which entered the Nomokanon, reads:

"Anyone who wears an icon on himself as an amulet must be excommunicated for three years."

As you can see, the ancient fathers very strictly followed the correct attitude to the icon, to the image. They stood guard over the purity of Orthodoxy, in every possible way protecting it from paganism. By the 17th century, it was customary to place a prayer to the Cross on the back of the pectoral cross (“May God rise and swell to foil Him…”), or just the first words.

Women's pectoral cross

In the Old Believers, the external difference between “ female”And“ male”Crosses. The “female” pectoral cross has a smoother, rounded shape without sharp corners. Around the “female” cross, a “vine” is depicted with a plant ornament, reminiscent of the words of the psalmist: “ Your wife, as the vine is fruitful in the countries of your house ”(Ps. 127: 3).

It is customary to wear a pectoral cross on a long gaitan (braid, braided thread) so that, without removing it, you can take the cross in your hands and cross yourself with the sign of the cross (this should be done with appropriate prayers before going to bed, as well as when performing the cell rule).

Symbolism in everything: even three crowns above the opening symbolize the Holy Trinity!

If we talk about crosses with a crucifixion more broadly, then a distinctive feature of canonical crosses is the style of depicting the body of Christ on them. Widespread today on New Believer crosses the image of the suffering Jesus is alien to the Orthodox tradition .

Antique medallions with a symbolic image

According to the canonical ideas, which are reflected in icon painting and copper plastics, the body of the Savior on the Cross was never depicted as suffering, hanging on nails, etc., which testifies to His divine nature.

The manner of “humanizing” the suffering of Christ is characteristic of Catholicism and borrowed much later than the church schism in Russia. Old Believers consider such crosses unfit ... Examples of canonical and modern New Believer casting are given below: the substitution of concepts is noticeable even with the naked eye.

The stability of traditions should also be noted: the collections in the photographs were replenished without the goal of showing only ancient forms, that is, hundreds of types of modern “ Orthodox jewelry ”- the invention of the last decades against the background of almost complete oblivion of the symbolism and meaning of the image of the honest Cross of the Lord.

Related illustrations

Below are illustrations selected by the editors of the site "Old Believers Thought" and links on the topic.

An example of canon body crosses from different times:

An example of non-canon crosses from different times:

Unusual crosses, presumably made by Old Believers in Romania

Photos from the exhibition "Russian Old Believers", Ryazan

A cross with an unusual back that you can read about

Male cross of modern work

Catalog of ancient crosses - online version of the book " Millennium of the Cross "- http://k1000k.narod.ru

A well-illustrated article on early Christian pectoral crosses with quality illustrations in color and additional material on the topic on the website Culturology.Ru - http://www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/150713/18549/

Comprehensive information and photos about cast kiot crosses from Novgorod manufacturer of similar products : https://readtiger.com/www.olevs.ru/novgorodskoe_litje/static/kiotnye_mednolitye_kresty_2/

The cross is an indicator of belonging to the Christian faith. From our article you will find out whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and why it cannot be worn over clothing.

The cross, according to the clergy, should always be on a believer. But there are also prohibitions associated with it. Some of them are nothing more than superstitions that a believer should not even think about. These include, for example, the darkening of the cross. But this is far from the only question that a believer may have about his cross.

Can't be worn on a chain

There are absolutely no restrictions on the chain. Here, rather, the question of convenience and habit is more fundamental. If a person wants to wear a pectoral cross on a chain, then he can do it, the church does not prohibit such actions. The most important principle that must be followed in this case is that the cross does not get lost and does not fly off the neck. Both lace and chain are acceptable. Superstitious people, however, assure that, by all accounts, the cross is not lost just like that.

Cannot be worn over clothing

This is an absolutely correct statement. The cross is a symbol of faith and protection. Without wearing a cross outside, a person shows the sincerity of faith, without making it ostentatious. Also, all the warmth and blessing that the priest bestows on the pectoral cross during the consecration, in this case, is transferred only to you.

Can't give

You can always give a cross. Of course, it is great if parents or godparents take care of this as one of the christening gifts. But this does not mean that the other person cannot give you a cross. There is also a tradition where two people exchange body crosses, becoming brothers or sisters in Christ. Usually it is done by close people.

Cannot be lifted if found

A superstition that has absolutely no foundation. Let us also recall that superstitions are completely not recognized by the church and are considered incompatible with the Christian faith. There are people who believe that by lifting the found cross, you can take on the problems of the person who lost or left him. The cross, since it is a shrine, must at least be brought to the temple. Or keep it for yourself and store it in the red corner of the house.

You can not wear someone else's cross

If you got a cross from a parent or someone you know, you can wear it. The church does not establish any prohibition here. Especially if you don't have a cross. Many people believe that things are endowed with the energy of their owner and it can be transferred to a new owner. It can also be argued that by giving up the cross, a person is giving away a piece of his Destiny. Only such beliefs have nothing to do with the Christian faith and relate to the occult worldview.

You can't wear a cross with a crucifix

Another superstition not worth paying attention to. There are people who say that a cross with a crucifix will bring a hard life on a person. This is not at all true, only the speculation of people. Such a cross symbolizes the salvation and sacrifice of Christ, there is nothing wrong with it. But it must be worn correctly: the crucifix must be turned not towards you, but outward.

You can not wear a non-consecrated cross

It is best to consecrate the cross. But as such, there is no prohibition on wearing an unconsecrated pectoral cross. It is believed that the evil spirits bypass even two crossed sticks. Nevertheless, a believer should still sanctify his creed.

You can choose any cross that you like: gold, silver, copper or wood. The material is not very important. It is important to consecrate it and not wear jewelry purchased in a jewelry store as a cross. It is necessary to understand that the Orthodox church cross, which symbolizes faith in God, is different from beautiful, but purely decorative crosses. They do not carry a spiritual load and have nothing to do with faith.

There are also many signs and beliefs associated with the cross. Believe in them or not, depends only on you. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2016 06:16

Our dreams are reflections of our consciousness. They can tell us a lot about our future, past ...

The domes of Orthodox churches are crowned with crosses. Believers wear crosses on their chests to always be under the protection of God.

What should be the correct Orthodox pectoral cross? On its reverse side there is an inscription: “Save and preserve”. However, this attribute is not a talisman that can protect against all misfortunes.

The pectoral cross is a symbol of the “cross” that God gives to a person who wants to serve Him - in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Whoever wants to follow Me, turn away from himself, and take up his cross and follow Me” (Mark 8, 34).

The person who wears the cross gives a pledge that he will live according to the commandments of God and steadfastly endure all the trials that fall to his lot.

Our story about what to be guided by when choosing an Orthodox pectoral cross will be incomplete if we do not turn to history and tell about the festival dedicated to this Christian attribute.

In memory of the discovery in 326 in Jerusalem, near Golgotha, where Jesus Christ was crucified, the Cross of the Lord, the Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday, which is called the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord. This holiday symbolizes the triumph of the Church of Christ, which has gone through a difficult path of trials and persecution and spread throughout the world.

According to legend, the mother of the Emperor Constantine the Great, Queen Helena, went in search of the Holy Cross in Palestine. Excavations were carried out here, as a result of which the cave of the Holy Sepulcher was found, and three crosses were discovered not far from it. They were placed in turn on the sick woman, who was healed by touching the Cross of the Lord.

According to another legend, a deceased person who was carried by a funeral procession resurrected from contact with this cross. However, how exactly the cross on which Christ was crucified looked like is unknown. Only two separate crossbeams were found, and next to it is a plate and a foot.

Queen Helen brought a part of the Life-giving Tree and nails to Constantinople. And the emperor Constantine erected in 325 in Jerusalem a temple in honor of the Ascension of Christ, including the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha.

The cross began to be used as a symbol of faith thanks to the emperor Constantine. As the church historian Eusebius Pamphilus testifies, "Christ, the Son of God, appeared to the emperor in a dream with a sign seen in heaven and commanded, having made a banner similar to the one seen in heaven, to use it for protection from enemy attacks."

Constantine ordered to place images of the cross on the shields of his soldiers and installed in Constantinople three commemorative Orthodox crosses with gold inscriptions in Greek “IC.XP.NIKA”, which means “Jesus Christ is the Victor”.

What should be the correct pectoral cross?

There are various graphic types of crosses: Greek, Latin, the cross of St. Peter (an inverted cross), the Papal cross, etc. No matter how different branches of Christianity may differ, this shrine is revered by all confessions.

But if in Catholicism Jesus Christ is depicted sagging in his arms, which emphasizes His martyrdom, then in Orthodoxy the Savior appears in power - as a victor, calling the whole Universe into His arms.

The palms of Jesus on the Orthodox cross are usually open; the figure expresses peace and dignity. In Him are embodied the most important His hypostases - Divine and Human.

The Crown of Thorns is an attribute of the Catholic crucifixion. In the Orthodox pictorial tradition, however, it is rare.

Also, in Catholic images, Christ is crucified with three nails, that is, the nails are driven into both hands, and the feet are folded together and nailed with one nail. In the Orthodox crucifixion, each foot of the Savior is nailed separately by its own nail, and there are four nails in total.

The canon of the image of the Orthodox crucifixion was approved back in 692 by the Tula Cathedral and remains unchanged to this day. Of course, Orthodox believers should use crosses that are made in accordance with the Orthodox tradition.

It must be said that the dispute about what should be a Christian cross of the correct shape - eight-pointed or four-pointed - has been going on for a long time. In particular, it was led by Orthodox believers and Old Believers.

According to Abbot Luke,
"In the Orthodox Church, its holiness does not depend on the shape of the cross, provided that the Orthodox cross is made and consecrated precisely as a Christian symbol, and not originally executed as a sign, for example, of the sun or part of a household ornament or decoration."

What shape of the pectoral cross is considered correct in Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church recognizes four-pointed, six-pointed, and eight-pointed types of crosses (the latter, with two additional partitions - inclined to the left for the legs and a crossbar at the head, are used more often), with or without the image of the crucified Savior (however, such a symbol cannot be 12-point or 16-point).

The letters IC XC are the Christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ. Also, the Orthodox cross bears the inscription "Save and Preserve".

Catholics also do not attach much importance to the shape of the cross; the image of the Savior is not always found on Catholic crosses.

Why in Orthodoxy is called a cross?

Only priests wear crosses over their clothes, and ordinary believers should not wear crucifixes for show, thereby demonstrating their faith, because such a manifestation of pride is not appropriate for Christians.

It must also be said that the Orthodox pectoral cross can be made of different materials - gold, silver, copper, bronze, wood, bone, amber, decorated with ornaments or precious stones. The main thing is that it must be consecrated.

If you bought it in a church shop, you don't have to worry about it: they sell already consecrated crosses there. This does not apply to products purchased in jewelry stores, and such crosses will need to be consecrated in the temple. During this ceremony, the priest will read prayers calling to protect not only the soul, but also the body of the believer from evil forces.

At the same time, one of the most familiar and most mysterious jewelry for those uninitiated in the secrets of religion. We have prepared a guide for you who will answer all your questions.

Pectoral cross: decoration and symbol of faith

Despite the fact that now the cross is extremely common as a decorative element and is often perceived in a break with Christian traditions, its origin and symbolism should not be ignored.

Historical models of pectoral crosses

Religion insists: it doesn't matter how much the material from which the cross is made costs. It is primarily a symbol of the Christian faith. In the same time tradition to honor the cross, which is always with you, turned it into a piece of jewelry and a luxury item.

There is an opinion that it is true religious pectoral cross should be simple in design and worn under clothing. Now this is not entirely true. The main difference between an extremely decorative and a truly significant thing is whether the cross is consecrated or not. The church will not refuse to consecrate a product covered with stones, nor will they demand to hide it under clothes in the summer heat.

What the truth should be paid attention to is not metal, but something whether the shape of the chosen decoration corresponds to the Orthodox or Catholic tradition.

How to distinguish between Orthodox and Catholic cross

The form

In the Orthodox Church, the most common six- and eight-pointed crosses... By the way, the latter have long been considered the most powerful talisman against evil spirits. A small crossbar in the heads symbolizes the tablet, which denoted the crimes committed. But since no one named the crimes of Jesus, in the Orthodox tradition it may have the abbreviation I.N.Ts.I. or І.N.R.I, Catholics in Latin write I.N.R.I. This is an abbreviation for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."The slanting bar under the feet symbolizes the path from sins to righteousness. In turn, Catholic pectoral crosses are as simple as possible and consist of only two crossbars.


Besides the inscription I.N.TS.I., on Orthodox crosses on the opposite side of the crucifix may be engraved "Save and Save"... There is no such thing in the Catholic tradition.


Orthodox Christians believe that Jesus was nailed with four nails, Catholics - that there were three nails. Therefore, the feet of Christ on the Orthodox cross are located one next to the other, and on the Catholic one they are thrown one on top of the other.


T oh what should be depicts Jesus on the crucifix- the subject of fierce disputes between representatives of both denominations Catholics adhere to the most naturalistic image that reflects the mad suffering on the cross. At the same time, the Orthodox believe that such an image speaks of torment, but does not mention the main thing - Jesus conquered death. Therefore, in the Orthodox tradition, his figure rather reflects the happiness from the transition to a better world.

Difference between Orthodox and Catholic cross

Symbols of the main Orthodox crosses

Eight-pointed cross

This is one of the most canonical Orthodox crosses. Above its widest horizontal bar there is a short one (often with the abbreviation I.N.Ts.I.), and at the legs there is a short diagonal bar (the upper end is directed to the left, the lower end is directed to the left, if you look at the cross directly). The lower part is a symbol of support under the feet of the crucified Jesus, as well as the transition from a sinful world to a righteous one. In fact, the presence of this false support only prolonged the torment on the cross.

Six-pointed cross

One of the oldest options. In this cross, the inclined lower bar symbolizes the inner scales of each of us: which wins - conscience or sin. Its meaning is also interpreted as a path from sin to repentance.

Four-pointed teardrop-shaped cross

It is believed that the drops on the ends of the bars are the blood of the crucified Christ, who atoned for the sins of mankind. This symbol is often used to decorate religious books.


This cross is often used in heraldry (for example, on the coat of arms of Chernigov), but many people also fell in love with it as a cross. The ends of the bars of such a product are decorated with semicircular leaves. Sometimes they also have beads - "cones".

Latin four-pointed cross

This is the most common Christian cross in the West. The horizontal bar is located 2/3 of the vertical height. The elongated lower part symbolizes the patience of Christ in the atonement. Such crosses are a very old tradition. They appeared around the 3rd century in the catacombs of Rome. At that time Christians gathered there.

How to choose a cross for a christening

Traditionally, the first pectoral cross or vest, as it is also called, is assigned to the rite of baptism. Disputes over whether when to baptize a child: still an infant or at a more conscious age - still have not stopped. For adults who have decided to undergo this sacrament, special restrictions in their choice sacred decoration not. But to be right choose a cross for baptism for newborn Oh, there are several factors to consider.

Women's and men's body crosses

There is no particular difference between crosses for men and women. Their average size is about 4 centimeters. The main difference is in design. Silver and gold men's crosses are usually more concise in implementation. Their crossbars can also end with drops, petals and trefoils, but the overall composition is simpler than that of women's products, and the decoration itself is slightly more massive.

Crosses for the fair sex are often decorated with precious stones. If a piece of jewelry is consecrated, its decor does not affect the sacred meaning in any way. Rarely, but still in the church, they may refuse to consecrate a decorative cross with too curved and figured crossbeams. Although, of course, the main thing is your own feelings. Does he warm you or not.

It is assumed that the cross will remain with you forever. But at the same time, the church does not in any way condemn the change of this decoration. Let's add that wearing it on one chain with some other pendant is bad manners. The only thing that can be worn with the cross is a frankincense.

How to consecrate a cross

Crosses purchased from church shops have two advantages. First, they are exactly in line with the traditions of your religion. Secondly, they are already sanctified. If you bought a cross in a jewelry store, you can consecrate it in a church. It is better to have time to come before the start of the service and make this request to the priest. You can also ask for the ceremony to be performed in your presence and take part in prayer.

As a rule, pectoral crosses are consecrated only once. Exception - the decoration was badly damaged.

What to do if you find a cross

It is believed that finding a cross is a bad omen... Allegedly, along with him, the sorrows and sorrows of the previous owner can be transmitted to you. At the same time, the church advised us not to pay attention to such superstitions, explaining that everyone has their own temptations and their own troubles.

Found a cross - keep it freely at home, you can give it to the one who needs it most, donate it or wear it yourself.

It is better to pre-consecrate the found pendant cross

Is it possible to give a pectoral cross

It is possible and necessary. The Church does not prohibit this. And for a loved one, such a gift will be especially symbolic. If you have chosen a gold or silver cross in a jewelry store, before giving it, go to the temple and consecrate it. The decoration will take on a special meaning.