The most interesting and informative facts about music. The most interesting facts about music

The most interesting and informative facts about music.  The most interesting facts about music
The most interesting and informative facts about music. The most interesting facts about music


What's in life ordinary people looks like an anomaly, for geniuses - almost the norm. Especially strange habits and eccentric actions are characteristic of musicians - as if belonging to the abstract sphere of sounds makes them aliens from another planet. Interesting Facts from the life of composers is a vivid confirmation of this.

Beethoven's father suffered from alcoholism. This tendency was hereditary: the grandmother of the great composer, immediately after the birth of her son, was sent to a monastery to cure her addiction to strong drinks.

Beethoven's father, who dreamed of making his son a great performer, forbade him to compose music - the child should not be distracted. Fortunately for the arts, the boy turned out to be naughty.

Well educated in the field of literature, art and history, the composer did not get along with arithmetic until the end of his life. Perhaps the reason for this incident was not at all a humanitarian mindset, but the fact that the boy, from the age of 13, actually supported the whole family and rarely appeared at school.

Beethoven, despite his outward gloom, was an amazingly generous and magnanimous person. He helped his friends financially and until the end of his life he supported not only his own younger brothers but also their children. And when the marriage of his beloved Juliet Guicciardi (who refused to marry Beethoven) collapsed, he helped her with money too.

Handel is a contentious football celebrity

Handel was a hot-tempered and proud man. He refused to be awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Oxford, not wanting to become a colleague of "these talkers." You had to pay a little money to get a diploma, and this seemed humiliating to Handel. And when, during an opera rehearsal famous singer Francesca Cuzzoni refused to sing the aria in the manner suggested by the composer, who, in a rage, literally tried to throw it out the window.

Handel independently mastered the harpsichord, accidentally stumbling upon an instrument in the attic of his home. He was 4 years old. The composer's father was against his hobby, not counting music as a serious profession. Not wanting to upset his parent, Handel entered the Faculty of Law and even managed to graduate.

Hymn European League Champions - an arrangement of Handel's "Zadok-Priest". It was written on the occasion of the coronation of George II and is associated with biblical themes.

The prodigy, the gambler and the dormouse

The musical prodigy Mozart toured the world since the age of 7 and was deprived of a normal childhood. During one of the concerts, a cat ran into the hall, and the boy, forgetting about the audience, rushed to her. And having received the title of academician at the age of 14, the teenager, in response to his father's congratulations, asked permission to "walk a little".

Mozart loved to sleep - it was incredibly difficult to wake him up. Only one method worked flawlessly: as soon as a chord was played, the composer instantly woke up and began to improvise.

Mozart was passionate about billiards. For the evening he could spend all his fee - by the way, rather big: in those days it was possible to feed an average family for a month. The habit of living on a grand scale and ruined the composer. They buried him like a poor man - in a common grave.

Mediocre musician Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky's first teachers considered him a mediocre musician. He trained to be a lawyer and even worked for several years in the Department of Justice. Only at the age of 21, Tchaikovsky decided to take up music, having entered ... courses for amateurs!

The composer was distinguished by an impossible curiosity. In addition to literature, history and art, he was engaged in botany and zoology (when he was in Berlin, he first ran to the famous zoo), astronomy, medicine, was interested in technical innovations (for example, he was the first in the country to try Edison's phonograph) and loved to play solitaire.

Tchaikovsky got married only at the age of 37. Obsessed with him, Antonina Milyukova overwhelmed the composer with declarations of love, and he did not want to be the cause of her misfortune. But in fact, the marriage lasted several weeks - the young woman turned out to be by no means Tatyana Larina. The unsuccessful marriage only reinforced rumors of Tchaikovsky's homosexuality. Nevertheless, until the end of his life, the composer supported Milyukova and even helped her children born of other men.

Tchaikovsky was obsessed with hygiene and was constantly washing his hands. Paradoxically, he died of cholera after inadvertently drinking raw water during an epidemic. Although there is a version that the tragic oversight was not an accident, but a suicide.

Sviridov his musical career owes much to the mother. She, a peasant woman, was given a reward for hard work for the good of the USSR: a cow or a piano. Noticing musical ability son, she chose an instrument and this determined the fate of the boy.

During his studies, Sviridov lived in a hostel in one room with 20 neighbors. Fellow students prophetically teased him as a "great composer" - no one but him attended the writing course.

All his life, this Soviet musical genius and winner of the highest government awards rented an instrument from the Union of Composers. There was simply not enough money to buy their own.

Sviridov loved fishing, but at the same time he was distinguished by extreme disgust and could not dig worms. If there was no other way out, Sviridov washed his hands for hours after this procedure.

Another interesting fact from the composer's life is connected with his diaries. All his life he kept notes, using for this not only notebooks and notepads, but also tape recorder, fields of books and magazines, scraps of paper, reference books, telephone books and even his own musical notes.

Chemist and musical genius

Borodin, a friend and associate of Mendeleev, was a doctor of medicine and a professor of chemistry, headed a laboratory and did several important discoveries in science. He even opened the Women's Medical Courses, absolutely innovative for that time.

The famous portrait of Borodin by Repin was painted not from the composer, but from a person similar to him. Alexander Porfirievich himself was no longer in the world.

Once the Austrian police broke into the train on which Borodin and Mendeleev were traveling across Italy, looking for an escaped political criminal. The specific appearance of the composer aroused suspicion, and Borodin was searched and interrogated for more than an hour. When he was finally released and the train started, it turned out that the real fugitive really was hiding in this car, but the policemen occupied by Borodin simply did not notice him.

Music is not only inspiring works of amazing beauty and power of influence, a variety of genres, instruments and playing techniques. There are many interesting facts connected with music. You will learn about some of them now.

Fact 1. "Music both heals and cripples"

Various musical rhythms surround us from birth. But at the same time, we rarely think about the influence of music on the human body. Meanwhile, various melodies serve as a kind of tuning fork for the body, capable of attuning it to self-healing.

The question of the influence of music on the human body has been relevant since ancient times. Even then it was known that with the help of music you can create joy, relieve pain and even heal from serious illnesses. So, in Ancient egypt choral singing was used to treat insomnia and relieve pain.

Doctors ancient China and were discharged at all musical melodies as a recipe, believing that music can heal any disease. The great mathematician and scientist Pythagoras suggested using music against anger, rage, delusion and passivity of the soul, as well as using it to develop the intellect.

His follower Plato believed that music restores the harmony of all processes in the body and in the entire universe. Avicenna used music very effectively in the treatment of mentally ill people. And in Russia, for the treatment of headaches, joint diseases, removal of damage and the evil eye, they used the melody of the bell ringing. Modern scientists explained this by the fact that bell ringing possesses ultrasonic and resonant radiation, which can instantly destroy most viruses and pathogens of dangerous diseases.

Determined that:

  • Mozart's music and ethnic melodies help relieve stress and control emotions;
  • lively and vivid melodies improve coordination of movements, mobility and labor productivity, transferring their energy of their movement to people;
  • classical music is able to eliminate muscle tension, reduce nervousness and improve metabolism;
  • as opposed to healing action classical music- the destructive property of country music. Statisticians have calculated that America has the most large percentage personal disasters, suicides and divorces occur among those who are admirers of country music.
  • composition "Helter Skelter" worldwide famous group « The beatles»Can provoke abdominal or sternum pain in listeners. And due to the fact that the rhythm of this melody is practically similar to the rhythm of the human brain, the coincidence of their frequencies can cause a person to go crazy.

The influence of music on the human body is enormous. But magic power music gains only when a person purposefully resorts to it in order to improve his psycho-emotional state. And here is the so-called background music can only harm the body, as it is perceived as noise.

Fact 2 "Note is a language unit"

For the past three hundred years, innovative philologists have been tormented by the idea of ​​creating an artificial language. About two hundred projects are known, but almost all of them are currently forgotten due to their incorrectness, complexity, etc.

Interesting facts about music, nevertheless, included one project - musical language Salt-re-salt. This language system was developed by Jean François Südre, French by birth. The rules of the musical language were promulgated in 1817, and it took Jean's followers forty years to design grammar, vocabulary and theory.

The roots of the words, of course, are the seven notes we all know. New words were formed from them, for example:

  • si = yes; before = no; pe = u (union);
  • mi = or;
  • fa = he;
  • re + do = mine.

Of course, such a speech could be played by a musician, but the language itself turned out to be more difficult than the most complex languages in the world. Nevertheless, it is known that in 1868 in Paris, even the first (and, accordingly, the last) compositions were published in which the musical language was used.

Fact 3 "Is water a source of inspiration?"

Interesting facts about music are associated with the classics as well. Beethoven, for example, started composing music only after dipping his head into a large basin, which was filled with ... ice water. This strange habit became so firmly attached to the composer that, with all his desire, he could not leave it for the rest of his life.

Fact 4 "Do spiders listen to music?"

If you play a violin in a room in which spiders live, insects immediately crawl out of their shelters. But don't think that they are connoisseurs of great music. The fact is that the sound makes the threads of the web vibrate, and for spiders it is a signal of prey, for which they immediately crawl out.

Fact 5 "Identity card"

Once it happened that the great Caruso came to the bank without a document proving his identity. In those days, there was no television or the Internet, and few could know celebrities by sight. Since the matter was urgent, the famous client of the bank had to sing an aria from Tosca to the cashier. After listening to famous singer, the cashier agreed that his execution would prove the identity of the recipient, and issued the money. After, Caruso, telling this story, admitted that he had never tried so hard to sing.

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Musical instruments are an integral part of the amazing and diverse world of culture. These melodious products keep many secrets and interesting stories... They made life more interesting and filled free time people with funny, sad or romantic tunes. People sang and danced to the rhythm of the music, with the help of songs the experience was passed from generation to generation. Let's take a look at some interesting facts about musical instruments.


Of interest are not only the instruments themselves, but also their history. Scientists agree that the most ancient musical instruments of mankind that we use, and now are the flute and harp.

Chinese carillon

The tuning fork, with the help of which the tuning of symphony orchestras is carried out, now sounds much higher than before, this is due to the fact that this instrument was not the same before and, accordingly, in different countries sounded different. So, in the 17-18 centuries, the highest sound of a tuning fork was in Italy, and the lowest in France. Over time, Europe began to strive to ensure that symphony orchestras in all countries sounded the same. However, the specifics of the new large concert halls and the desire to make the performance vivid and memorable led to the fact that the orchestras began to tune loud noise... Accordingly, the sound of the tuning fork began to be raised.

Archaeologists found ancient notes during excavations Sumerian civilization... They were images left by the Sumerians on special clay surfaces.

Cuneiform notes

Expression " crimson ringing»Denoting the beautiful sounding of church bells comes from the Belgian city of Malina, because in the 17th century this city was the center of bell making.

The ancestors of pianos and grand pianos were the harpsichord and clavichord.

In the 19th century in Great Britain, during concerts, special sheaths were put on the legs of the piano in order to make it look more decent.

Archaeologists found the harp in an ancient tomb in the city of Ur. They were made of gold, thanks to which they are well preserved. Images of this instrument are found in ancient Egyptian paintings.

In the 16th century, the guitar was played with a bow.

Unusual guitar

Musical instrument makers claim that the strings of violins made from light horse hair, as opposed to dark hair, give a soft sound.

The creator of the Fender company specializing in the production of guitars, L. Fender, who designed the world famous electric guitars, never played this instrument, and did not know how to tune it.

Since Stradivari violins are the most famous and by far the most expensive, they are considered to sound the best, but this is not the case. In 2010 there were experimental study, which was attended by 21 musicians. Violinists had to play 3 musical instruments modern production, 2 Stradivari violins and 1 Guarneri violin. At all stages of the research, the musician did not know which instrument they were testing. After that, the researchers came to the conclusion that modern violins sound much better than their ancient counterparts.

In Finland there is a competition for playing the air (imaginary) guitar. Participation in this competition is accepted by people who do not own this musical instrument, but are good at playing the guitar. The winner of the competition is the one who plays the nonexistent guitar more emotionally and artistically. To the thunderous applause of the audience, the participants heartily play on air strings and fall to their knees.

Wind instruments

Non-standard musical instruments include a pyrophone, which emits sounds through special pipes, with the help of the movement of air masses heated by fire.

Chinese legends say that the man who invented the music was called Ling Leung. He invented a bamboo flute and began to make sounds on it similar to the singing of birds.

Vegetable pipe

Despite the fact that the saxophone was invented back in 1840, it became popular in the 40s of the last century, when jazz appeared.

In America, the Lureyskie caves were equipped with unique organs made of stalactites, 37 stalactites that have different sounds were connected to the pipes of the organ.

A bazooka is called not only a formidable weapon, but also an instrument resembling a trombone.

Do you enjoy your favorite tracks every day and cannot live a day without them? But even the most ardent music lovers cannot know everything about their hobby. But the world of music hides many interesting facts. "Which ones?" - you ask. You will learn some of them in this material.

Without notes

To begin with, let's pay attention to interesting facts about classical music.

Probably not everyone knows, but in order to perform classical works, you don't have to be musically literate. Perhaps for a modern artist it sounds a little strange, but in fact it is. For example, such as Luciano Pavarotti did not understand anything in addition, he did not even try to hide his inability to read notes. World renown and rank the greatest tenor He earned the 20th century only thanks to his unique hearing. In addition, Pavarotti developed his own system by which he taught operatic parts... This news should be pleasant for lovers of classical music, because you can become a real professional in your field, even if you do not have music education... But unfortunately, contemporary performers consider it bad manners to deviate from the original sheet music.

But it was not always so. Let's remember Every musician who wanted fame and recognition had to include something of himself in the part. If he did not do this, the audience considered such a performer rather boring and uninteresting. A little later, Franz Liszt, who lived in the 19th century, adhered to the same rule. Critics at the time wrote that the familiar music played by Liszt sounded different every time. It can be argued that even now classical music sounds differently, depending on the soloist, orchestra and, of course, the conductor.

Bloodthirsty music, or "cat's harpsichord"

Do you want to learn bloodthirsty, but interesting facts from the world of music? Then we will tell you about such a musical instrument as the "cat's harpsichord". This invention appeared in the Middle Ages, when even the concept of "music" was adjusted to the wishes of the church or the Inquisition. This time it was the unfortunate cats. They were seated in a long box that was divided into fourteen compartments. Before distributing the animals to these boxes, they were "tapped": they stepped on their tails. The reaction of the animals was natural: they started yelling. Depending on the pitch of the voice, the "tuner" determined in which compartment to put each of the sufferers. But this is just the beginning.

The heads of the animals were thrust into special holes, and their tails were firmly fixed under the keyboard. Each key had a needle under it, which dug into the tail of the fluff with each press. Thus, the "musicians" tried to get from the "instrument" a kind of melody.

According to historians, such a "cat's harpsichord" existed at the court of the Spanish king Philip II. Why were the poor animals tortured? Quite simply: the church has declared them to be the henchmen of the devil. So to live long life the animal couldn't do it anyway.

Cognitive and interesting facts about music

In the Middle Ages, there was a special profession associated with music - the piper-rat catcher. It is unknown why, but the rats could not listen to the sound of this musical instrument. Thus, the bred rats were driven out of the city with an ordinary pipe. By the way, there are some interesting facts about rock music. When a rock concert was held in one of the ancient English castles, not a single rat remained in the premises after it.

It is difficult to find music that I did not like more than the works of Glinka. In this regard, he sent the guilty soldiers not to the guardhouse, but to the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

It is interesting that the phonogram is not a modern invention, as many believe. The fact of its use was first recorded back in the 19th century. One of Italian composers for each of his performances he brought a phonograph on which his works were recorded.

Contemporary music surprises

And now interesting facts about modern famous performer Whitney Houston I will always love you most often used at weddings in America. This same song, but already in Britain, is the most popular among the funeral.

In Islamic countries it is forbidden to whistle, as this sound is perceived as "the music of the devil."

In America, a study was conducted on the impact of music on mental condition person. Scientists have come to the conclusion that most of all suicides, depression, divorce and other personality disasters happen to those who listen to country music.

The creators of the famous band Offspring were not guided by musical interests when choosing a guitarist. They just wanted to buy alcohol without hindrance. The fact is that at the time of the creation of the group, Holland and Chryssel were still in school and, accordingly, were minors. The future guitarist - Wasserman - was officially already able to buy alcohol.

One of the American radio stations in 1991 decided to change the format to rock. In this regard, the DJ was forced to meet the police twice. For the first time, the guards were summoned by a compassionate listener, who suggested that the DJ had a heart attack and therefore did not switch the composition. At that time, the radio station played the song Stairway to Heaven, which is known to be performed by the group Led Zeppelin. By the way, this group was Saddam Hussein's favorite, so the second listener suggested that the radio station was captured by Iraqi special forces.

In the repertoire Russian group"Aria" is the song "Will and Reason." It is interesting that this is exactly how the motto of the Italian fascists sounded during the Mussolini government. Fortunately, neither the musicians themselves nor the Soviet officials knew about this when they were allowed to release a disc of the same name.

"Musical tremor"

You will learn more interesting facts about music below. For example, such a phenomenon as "musical tremor". Many people managed to feel it on themselves when they listened to music that corresponded to their preferences. Here the expression "goosebumps" gets new meaning... Scientists have confirmed that some compositions can be so like a person that they cause a physical reaction in him. It is expressed in a rapid heartbeat, a slight increase in temperature, changes in breathing. Such a reaction can appear in almost every person, but much more often the "musical tremor" happens to creative and sensitive natures.

The pleasure of music

Scientists continue to find more and more interesting facts about music. For example, recent research has shown that the human body reacts to music in the same way it does to drugs, food or sex. Regardless of what of the above a person was doing, his body begins to produce dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter that allows the brain to feel euphoric. But at the same time, no scientist can explain why this is happening.

Mozart's music

The interesting facts about music are completed by compositions, which are considered the pinnacle of world classics. Of course, we are talking about the works of Mozart. The same scientists have proven that it contributes to the mental development of people. The thing is that his music creates certain vibrations that have a positive effect on the brain. At the same time, rough music, which is now at the peak of popularity, leads to dullness, so listening to it is not recommended.

There are many interesting things connected with music. These are not only works of amazing beauty, a variety of musical instruments, playing techniques, but also interesting facts about music. You will learn about some of them in this article.

Fact number 1 "Cat's harpsichord".

In the Middle Ages, it turns out, not only people who were recognized as heretics by the Pope, but even cats were subjected to the Inquisition! There is information according to which the king of Spain Philip II had an unusual musical instrument called "Cat's Harpsichord".

Its construction was simple - a long box with partitions creating fourteen compartments. In each compartment there was a cat, previously selected by a "specialist". Each cat passed the "audition" and if her voice suited the "phoniator", then she was placed in a certain compartment, according to the height of her voice. The "discarded" cats were immediately burned.

The head of the selected cat protruded into the hole, and the tails were rigidly fixed under the keyboard. Each time a key was pressed, a sharp needle sharply dug into the cat's tail, the animal naturally screamed. The courtiers' amusement consisted in "playing" such melodies or playing chords. What caused this cruelty? The fact is that the church declared the fluffy beauties the messengers of Satan and doomed to destruction.

The violent musical instrument quickly spread throughout Europe. Even Peter I ordered a "cat's harpsichord" for the Cabinet of Curiosities in Hamburg.

Fact # 2 "Is water a source of inspiration?"

Interesting facts about music are associated with the classics as well. Beethoven, for example, started composing music only after dipping his head into a large basin, which was filled with ... ice water. This strange habit became so firmly attached to the composer that, with all his desire, he could not leave it for the rest of his life.

Fact number 3 "Music and heals and cripples"

Interesting facts about music are also associated with an incompletely clarified phenomenon, health. Everyone knows and scientifically proven that classical music develops intelligence, calms. Even some diseases were cured after listening to music.

In contrast to the healing effect of classical music, it is the destructive property of country music. Statisticians estimate that in America, the largest percentage of personal accidents, suicides and divorces occur in those who are fans of country music.

Fact number 4 "Note is a language unit"

For the past three hundred years, innovative philologists have been tormented by the idea of ​​creating an artificial language. About two hundred projects are known, but almost all of them are currently forgotten due to their incorrectness, complexity, etc. Interesting facts about music, nevertheless, included one project - the musical language "Salt-re-sol".

This language system was developed by Jean François Südre, French by birth. The rules of the musical language were promulgated in 1817, and it took Jean's followers forty years to design grammar, vocabulary and theory.

The roots of the words, of course, are the seven notes we all know. New words were formed from them, for example:

  • si = yes;
  • before = no;
  • pe = u (union);
  • mi = or;
  • fa = he;
  • re + do = mine;

Of course, such a speech could be played by a musician, but the language itself turned out to be more difficult than the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Nevertheless, it is known that in 1868 in Paris, even the first (and, accordingly, the last) compositions were published in which the musical language was used.

Fact # 5 "Do spiders listen to music?"

If you play a violin in a room in which spiders live, insects immediately crawl out of their shelters. But don't think that they are connoisseurs of great music. The fact is that the sound makes the threads of the web vibrate, and for spiders it is a signal of prey, for which they immediately crawl out.

Fact number 6 "Identity card"

Once it happened that Caruso came to the bank without an identity document. Since the matter was urgent, the famous client of the bank had to sing an aria from Tosca to the cashier. After listening, the cashier agreed that his performance would prove the identity of the recipient and issued the money. After, Caruso, telling this story, admitted that he had never tried so hard to sing.