Natalia Votorova in contact official group. Psychic Natalia Votorova - Reviews

Natalia Votorova in contact official group. Psychic Natalia Votorova - Reviews
Natalia Votorova in contact official group. Psychic Natalia Votorova - Reviews

Thief must sit

Sister went to Vlaskova. Although one right answer did not give. On Nara would be this creature.

Psychics does not happen, it's just a scam of the 90s, to knock out money from desperate people. If there were real psychics, then the reception would be free

N. Collars 5 years ago, paid 40 thousand. It came, late for 2 hours, immediately took the check for payment. (I understand why). He said, but nothing came true. The same nonsense as the magazine "7 days". LURNY !!! How to return money and is it possible for participating in Lochotron?.

Last online four years ago. He spoke a lot in the photo and all good promised. Nothing came true. Conclusion: hand. Walking a full zero and a cheater. And the money will return to me. These are real scammers. People do not believe.

Do not believe the collar. She is just a frauduger. Nothing knows and does not foresee.

I heard about Natalia, I heard a long time ago, from the first season of the show of psychics, and in the news, her person regularly flashes. I dreamed of sign up for the reception and set a few questions that worry me back from distant childhood. I called the phone "Magic Force", signed up at a convenient time. The announced price of the session, of course, was very bitten, but what can I say - after all, the person is promoted. Now it is extremely disappointed. I stayed alone with my problems, I spent money, but I was just offered to sign up for another sessions. Is Natalya really working with everyone? Already can not believe ...

An extremely angry look at Natalia ... Honestly, after the visit, I had an unpleasant precipitate for her, and my problem was not solved. He was recorded in a few weeks. That is, some banal service does not have to speak. It seems that the Votorova can only predict the personal life of the show-business stars, and it is not able to solve the problems of an ordinary person. About the price is generally a separate line I want to say. Everything is paid, and the prices are translated. I do not have financial problems, but I love to pay for the result, and here it was not. As a result, after two sessions, decided to turn to another extrasenssession. The result is 20 thousand rubles into the pipe. Do I see for help to Natalia Vottle? Decide to you, but I hope that my personal experience will help someone to make the right choice.

Very long tried to get to the reception to Natalia. Started on the Internet reviews and thought it was really strong extrasens. There were quite serious problems in the family, and for their decision I was ready to go almost to everything. Rates for collar is very high. After receiving consultation and records on the reception, I was announced at 85 thousand rubles. I can say with complete confidence that the service of Natalia is absolutely not worth it. And I did not in vain, I mentioned the word service, and not help. Natalia is fits extremely challenged to his work. It seems that I should be grateful in general that I was accepted, and the fee at the same time due to itself. Very pleased and I do not recommend!

i went to Natalia's page, I always liked her very much. I watch the promotion - free viewing on the photo for the repost. I do repost, I write her, she "familiar to me?" I say "I am in stock" and then:

  • Natalia.
  • This promotion is closed yesterday
  • Well, what is open now? Or wait for the following shares?
  • Natalia.
  • Free Nothing.
  • and from paid? Tarot?
  • Natalia.
  • From paid is

And silent. After that I do not want to contact - the meaning, if this is true, "on the duties"

evil such! Horror, as if I had a mercy to ask her, one hand takes money, another Hamit. disgusting!

My dear! I happened to see me in Living Natalia Collar, I wanted to contact her with my questions, but she didn't even talk. Everything is just paid, and how shows our business to piano and tell someone many times marries and divorced it so please ..

Neutral Reviews

It is a pity that people do not believe God, but believe, charlatans! Contact the original source! Our Lord Jesus Christ will never leave you !!!

Eka Natalia looked at Hapchah from the gullible public! All glare!

Was in 2012 Already one thing was supposed to come true but did not come true. I do not know this backstake backlash for a couple of years as in battle or Suggestion. But in any case, impressions were pleasant. He felt on himself as scanned me, although it was sitting in 3 meters - this is not thinking. By payment, Natalia led himself democratically and took only half, because he sent to the healer right there. Slightly talked to esoteric topics and about the life path.

Positive reviews

Bazarov Olga

I communicated with Natalia 19 years ago, all that she foresaw came true! Everything !!! To avoid this impossible-fate. That time she was still quite a young girl, very unusual to see and hear, looking at you a girl, looking at the usual, but unusually hear the facts from your life that could not be known for her !!! But she But God is not, she says what will happen, but is it possible to prevent? So do not blame her !!!

I enjoyed advice from Natalia Collar via the Internet, and I still use it for half a year, I often appeal for advice and additionally, she did not take anything with me.

Helped to figure out the confused presence in the death of a child, thanks to her we found the perpetrators.

and the one who writes that this scammers just seem to some kind of calculations whether the Cossacks are sent ....

Dear Natasha!

I love you, what to write to you, rightly, tell you about what I sincerely try to get to your cherished, at the reception to learn your verdict. But the circumstances are so folded by any disclaim that the year has passed and two comes, but we still do not meet with you. One nice to me that we soul with you sometimes communicate, break all the distances.

Your sincerely, Sergey Borodin

I was at the reception of Natalia Vlaskova in October on personal life issues. At the reception even got angry when Natalia told me that my man betray me and I need to part with him, the faster, the better, otherwise I would be very victim from him. Of course, I suspected that in our relationship something is wrong, but what happened in just a couple of weeks, just turned my life from the legs on the head. My boyfriend was detained for the fact that he had some pills, and he, without blinking the eye, began to say that I was persuading it to engage in someone's business to spread pills so that the money was always. So I stayed alone and barely twisted from this story. Thank you, Natasha, for a warning, it is a pity that I immediately did not do what you told me.

I had aunt at the reception, but it was even before the battle. She applied for her husband and predictions for the future. Natalia the whole situation of the past and present described very accurately, made a prediction for the future. Of all that she listed, and it was the purchase of a plot and building a house, treason and divorce, as well as career prospects, it was not mistaken. The only thing that she saw the death of her husband, he did not die, but he was on the balance of death, he had a heart attack, he treated him in Germany, the doctor said another cigarette and you would die. In general, the aunt is very pleased.

Natalia Votorova was remembered by many due to the fact that he became the first winner of the domestic "battle of psychics." The talent of clairvoyant truly surprised critics and skeptics.

In the article:

Psychic Natalya Votorova - biography

The name of psychics on the passport - Votorova Natalia Yuryevna. It was born in 1976 in the Tula region. Birthday - April 10. Almost the entire family of Natalia possesses paranormal talents. Parents are healers and psychics. Mother Raisa has a reputation of a strong magician. The younger brother, also received a family gift. After the sister ranked first in the mystical show, Maxim decided to try his own strength. It is known that in the second season, the magician took third place by giving way to stronger extrasens.

The turning point in the life of Natalia was two clinical deaths that the girl survived even in infancy. Votorova believes that clinical death has strengthened its ability. Forces were manifested in early childhood: at first the girl knew how to predict only bad events, which, according to most psychics, it is easier to see. In more mature age, as the abilities develop, clairvoyant learned to make positive predictions.

Future extrasensus Natalia Votorova graduated from a conventional secondary school. Received a diploma of a medical sister, released from the school. Some time worked as a nurse. The abilities of the collar did not remain unnoticed in the hospital: thanks to the attention of Natalia, the patients were recovered faster - even seriously ill people were rising to their feet, which they did not survive.

Natalia practically since birth has a powerful energy. To learn to control the forces, Natalia graduated from the International Academy of Human Development.

The ability of Natalia Woods was proved during scientific experiments. Experts revealed that a clearly strong bioenergetic field. After receiving knowledge and skills at the Academy, Natalia decided to stop working in the hospital to begin to engage in healing at a more professional level.

Currently, leading together with his brother with whom Natalia connects strong friendship, conduct seminars, take those who need the help of a clairvoyant or healer of people and help others in other ways.

The choice of psychic Natalia Vollarova became a conscious refusal to family and children. Clairvoyant was not married. At Maxim, Maxim Votor is also a problem in personal life. According to Brother Natalia, a joint life with psychics is too complicated for an ordinary person.

"Secret Knowledge" - a book about the famous psychic

Book " Secret Knowledge"Not written by the very collar, Mikhail Komlev from her words. Paper edition issued as part of the "Heroes of the" Battle of Psychics "series.

The book, according to the author and readers, really contains secret knowledge. The text has practical recommendations for novice esoterics. In the book, you can find some facts from the biography of Natalia, which is not in any interview, the discontinuity of psychics and the secrets of reincarnations:

Back, back, back. Go back back, - Natalia said.
- I see her. She looks at me.
- Back, back, back. Perform an order, go back to your body. We take a deep breath, open your eyes and feel ease and calm. Breathing calms down, come to themselves, otherwise you will shake you for a long time. Inhale-exhale, rhythmic.
I lay on the couch, opening my eyes, breathing more smoothly, after a few seconds I said:
- I do not feel hands and legs. I do not feel.
- Fully all sensations are returned. Now everything comes to normal.
- My paintings go, images.
- Forget about the paintings. Stop up. Now these pictures will be held. Images still work, they will work for a while. We arrive, come to yourself.
- Cold somehow.
"Here and now, entirely," Natalia repeated, "the full return.
- I returned? I asked myself. - Yes!

There is a book and secret technicians who use the whole family of collar:

Natalia taught this practice as a child - the girl was then 12 years old. Has her grandfather, Lester, a very cute grandfather, who saw something in the girl and began to teach a child, as needed to go through the forest. Natalia as a child was a forest girl, she and now the forest loves, and in childhood there was such an opportunity, and she spent most of the time in the forest.
"I can listen to the forest, I know how to understand it, and if necessary, I will never lose there, I don't need a star or something else there, I will find it: where leads, and I will go," explained Natalia.
This practice is very useful. It is possible to use the technique not only in the forest, but also in a big city. Works great. A person begins to navigate and go to go.

Natalia Votorova at the "Battle of Psychics"

The energetics of the collar is so powerful that the light bulbs are constantly exploding or burning around the extrasens and come into malfunction of the electrical appliance. It is not surprising that in 2007 it was clairvoyant to obtain the main prize of the first season of the "battle of psychics".

The participants of the program and member of the film crew often noted that strange sensations appeared from Natalia's view, similar to the tide of energy. Many believe that clairvoyant has x-ray vision.

The victory in the project has given not only psychics, but also her family. Maxim imbued with an example of the sister and decided to participate in the "battle of psychics". Claiming thanks to the victory was able to receive an invitation from the James Randy International Foundation. The organization is ready to provide a million dollars to a person who will convince all other participants will demonstrate paranormal abilities.

In 2011-2012, the Votorova took part in another project - "Psychics are investigating". During filming, a clairvoyant revealed a lot of crimes, solved the mysteries of deaths and told about other events. Since 2012, the witch began to make regular forecasts for the "7 days" magazine, which concern exclusively

Natalia Banteaeva became known in Russia as the winner of the ninth season of the "battle of psychics". Extrasens does not mind if it is called a witch or sorcerer, but emphasizes that dark magic does not do. Gives private advice on difficult everyday issues, willingly communicate with journalists, writes music and reads rap, is interested in geopolitics and news of information technology, genetics and medicine.

Childhood and youth

As Natalia told in an interview with, its real biography differs from the official. The girl was born in Kamchatka, where she served her father. He was in autonomous swimming on a submarine, and his mother was preparing for childbirth in the tiny village of fisherman. On February 16, 1975, a future witch appeared to the world, not submitting signs of life. The baby was thrown on ice, and the mother was sent to Vladivostok to the hospital.

But the next morning the child came to life. The mother who survived this stress was not able to feed the baby to the baby, and there were no other power supplies for the baby in the military settlement. Therefore, the seminal babe went to Leningrad, where he was brought up in the grandmother's family. Natalia's childhood in the old Lidval House on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt was happy: to four years, the girl played on the piano, read, drawing on the walls and Lepila.

Grandmother read the granddaughter poems, drove into the Hermitage and, most importantly, believed everything that the girl spoke. When a five-year-old Natasha during the funeral said he sees a ghostly figure of a man, the grandmother calmly agreed that this is possible.

Natalia's ancestors were also familiar with the world of unknown: the great-grandmother and grandmother were walked on maps and coffee, communicated with spirits on spiritual sessions.

A happy childhood ended, when the unfamiliar daughter came to Leningrad, who just entered into a new marriage. The unusual abilities of the girl did not meet an understanding of any family or at school. At six years, Natalia took up basketball, but at eight years she was disqualified for a fight with a Czech athlete.

Strange in the behavior of the child forced their mother to ask for help from psychiatrists who tried to heal Bantean from hallucinations. By 14 years, the girl learned to apply talent for enrichment. People easily revealed before her, issuing among other things where the money was kept.

At the age of 18, Natalia Banteaeva was in prison, where he quickly became an authority in the Enchanted Environment. In the chamber, a young witch took the library of esoteric literature and for two years improved the qualifications of psychics.


Questions than a modern witch differs from medieval predecessors, Natalia Banteaeva is in detail. Psychic uses publicly available information and can work with it. By the time of the liberation of Natalia, life changed: replaced the name native country, the economic situation has changed, the former bandits went into business, the information became affordable, and the girl matured.

Self-education continued, re-read a lot of literature, visited Tatyana Chernigov's lectures. He received the formation of a pulmonologist, cultureologist and a psychologist, studied dentistry, worked in morgue. The vocation was the specialty of the adviser - the witch could find a clinic in which a person will definitely cure, choose the university, lawyer and place of residence. Customer base formed, who were constantly followed by the Council and received them without cards, hoods, candles, balls and rites.

Psychics play gambling well, but does not use this ability. Not practicing any dark magic. Curses, targeting damage and deception do not bring to good. Natalia was convinced of this on personal experience. When her health stumbled sharply, they managed to recover only after full repentance and years of life in the monastery. This year brought the sorcerer of a valuable spiritual experience, now the gift of Bantean serves only good.

"The fight of extrasensories"

When a girlfriend Banteaeva, Natalia Votorova's pathologist, decided to participate in the "battle of psychics" on TNT, she only laughed - why compete with sorcerers? But the Votorova won in the first season of the project, and friends sent an application for participation in the ninth season on behalf of Bantean. Natalia, who then dreamed of dogs, was delayed in the nursery and was late for the beginning of the selection.

There were many strange characters on Casting, but there were interesting people. The witch described in detail, whose photo in a closed envelope lay on the table. And it turned out to be on the screens of TVs than frightened some long-time acquaintances, who considered Natalia deceased. One of the goals of the project's creators was to convince people to see the problem and solve it - these are two different tasks.

But during the tests of Banteaeva, not only saw the diseases of people, but also gave the effective tips on combating ailment. For example, drug addict she advised not only professional assistance of a narcologist, but also recommended to live in a monastery, working and pronunciation of prayers. Natalia did not have a goal to win in the "Battle" - she knows that great accomplishments are easier to make playing, in a good mood, and not tightening with all his might.

Personal life

Personal life Natalia prefers to keep secret. In conversations with journalists, psychics refute the view that witches are always alone. So it was in the Middle Ages, when the witchcraft was burned not only a witch, but also family members. Witches from Coven Banteuma welfare married, but prefer not to represent chosen elections to leisure gossip groups.

In "Instagram" of psychics, you can see the photo on which it will fool along with Maxim Pavlov, Director of University of Magic. Signature says:

"People can drink together, live under one roof, make love, but only joint classes in idiocy indicate mental intimacy."

It is not known whether the first part of the quotation belongs to Bantean and Pavlov, but they are spiritually close.

Natalia Banteaeva now

After the victory in the "battle of psychics", Natalia remained to consolidate success. She founded the Banteeva Group Production Center, which operates a team of psychics. The sorceress records musical conspiracy (Calkhana), using the ancient occupy spells and help Raper ATL. Conducts business training for future millionaires, created Vosko clothing line that helps each person to reveal inner power.

He teaches in his own school of magic, helps the police in the investigation of crimes and gives advice to people who attend the official website of Bantean to ask a question or make an appointment. Natalia's serious problems helps to solve only after a personal meeting. The BANTEEVA Group center opens up new projects, subsidizes studies of genetics and gerontologists.

Spectators who carefully followed the performances of Bantean to the psychics show and not lost interest in her person, notice the change of the sorcerer image. The woman changed the hairstyle, makeup, lost and looked. Gossips claim that Natalia made a plastic surgery - at least, the course of "enclosures of beauty" was held, and how maximum did a suspender and plastic facial.

Attentive glance in the photo before and after the "battle of psychics" will show that the face form has changed little: nasolabial folds in place, and the skin on the cheekbones stretched after loss of excess weight. Natalia itself does not comment on the change of appearance, probably believing that beauty and mysteriousness are professional witch's qualities.


  • 2010 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2010 - Production Center BANTEEVA GROUP
  • 2011 - Closed School Natalia Banteva University of Magic
  • 2012 - Youth Clothing Shop BG Showroom
  • 2012 - Tarot Casino

Natalia Vorotnikiva (Natalia Vorotnikiva) - Psychic, clairvoyant, healer, participant and winner of the first season of the show "The fight of extrasensories" on TNT. Within a few days from the birthday, Natalia Votlinova survived two clinical deaths.

Biography Natalia Votlenikova

Natalia Votorova Born on April 10, 1976 in the Tula region. In the first days of his life, Natalia survived two clinical deaths. At birth, she was diagnosed with the 4th degree of asphyxia, the child was twice wrapped in cord. And when Natasha was two weeks, she chokes with maternal milk. These events have become largely determining in the life of Natalia. Her mother, Raisa Ivanovna, remembers that Natalia from an early age felt his difference from others, not understanding the causes of what is happening. Natalia grew, and her extrasensory abilities grew up, and her family and her family and her family benefit. Since childhood, Natalia could predict unhappiness and tragic events. Natalia Collar has yet been a child called a witch, after a ragid girl began to call the time.

"Fear and curiosity is always near. Since childhood, I constantly frightened the surrounding various terrible predictions. If I saw death, then the man always died, and in those times that I predicted. The fact is that negative information is more pronounced and is easier to read with a person. After the foresight came true, people first went to me side, but after all the same started to reach me. Curiosity is one of the engines of all mankind. "

With age Natalia Votorova He learned to predict not only troubles, but also joyful events.

Natalia has studied for a medical sister, she worked for some time in the hospital, leaning patients after operations. Her concern and the invisible manifestation of the healing gift helped to recover before the deadline even underlying patients. The hospital remembers the case when thanks to Natalia managed to save a person after stopping the heart, she insisted on the continuation of resuscitation events, even when the time had passed, for which the heart could be rented.

Despite the seemingly positive gift, the Natalia family suffered from the side manifestations of her strength: in the house burned household appliances, light bulbs and electrical appliances. When Natalia Votorova has studied at the International Academy of Informatization according to the method of V. M. Bronnikov, the "side effect" of the manifestation of her gift went to no. In the Academy, people developed extrasensory abilities, and Natalia studied to interrupt the spontaneous manifestation of abilities, control time and strength.

After working in the hospital, Natalia was professionally engaged in healing. She believes that the gift of clairvoyance was inherited: all women in her family had extrasensory abilities. By the way, the brother of Natalia has a gift for clairvoyance, Maxim Collarswho took part in the second season show "The fight of extrasensories"and as a result of the finalist.

Natalia Votorova believes that its appointment is to help people. It was for this reason that she began to work in the hospital, learned to manage his gift, began to professionally engage in the healing of sick people. In order for all his strength to give healing, it consciously does not marry and does not give birth to children. Natalia notes that he knows his destiny and will come to all.

Natalia Votorova at the "Battle of Psychics"

Natalia Votorova took part in the first season of the franchise "The fight of extrasensories" in 2006. Long before the finals of the test heroes and observers noted Natalia as one of the strongest psychics among the participants. In addition, her gift of the healer was affected: after a conversation with a clairvoyant, people felt better, felt inner calm. View-Radar Natalia Votlarova felt the leading program Mikhail Porechenkov.

Natalia Votlinova believes that the meaning "Battle of psychics" Not to identify the winner among people with extraordinary abilities, because many have the gift of foresight, can predict the winner. She believes that the main goal of the show is to tell the people that there are people with extrasensory abilities, and show what they are.

"Nobody knew who would be the winner. Strong specialists reached the final, and each of us was striving to be the best. In space until the last test, there was no such information, and it was impossible to consider it. "

The most difficult task during the tests, according to Natalia, was to focus on situations, a person in a situation of time limits, a tense atmosphere under the sightseeing cameras.

After ether "Battle of psychics" To Natalia addressed the actor Alexander Pankratov-blackwho participated in the show as an observer, asking to find a missing friend. Natalia not only assured the actor in the fact that the friend is alive and pegs, but also saw the terrain in which he was located, called the letters from the name of the village. As a result, the missing person was successfully found.

Psychic abilities Natalia Vologne not only the heroes of the tests, but also skeptics, including Mikhail Vinogradov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Psychiatrist-criminalist, head of the Specificity Department. He studies psychic and manifestation of the gift of clairvoyance in people since the Soviet times and on the basis of his experience declares that Natalia Votorova is a psychic with a very strong positiveinate.

"W. Natalia Vologne All three well-known directions of psychics are well developed - bioenergy (healing), clairvoyance (prediction of the future) and clarification (assessment of this and past). Agudit this I can on the basis of my own observations and experiments and analyzing laboratory studies of colleagues and testing of the 1st season "Battle of psychics".

In 2011-2012, Natalia Votlinova took part in the program "Psychics are investigating , trying to find the causes of strange deaths and murders. Natalia Votorova conducted investigations in pairs with participants and winners of other seasons, including along with her brother Maxim Vottlenikov. In parallel with this, Natalia leads a column with forecasts about the ratios for the popular Internet portal "Seven Days".

In 2017, Natalia became the leading transfer of "Wizard" on the TV channel "YU". Her coordinents - Mediums and Psychics Sisters Snezhana, Svetlanaand Nadezhda FilaretovAlso known as "peak ladies".

The girl's show reveal the "magic" secrets of happy relationships and good health, getting rid of the negative energy and add money and wealth.

Making predictions, Natalia Votorov about Joan Friske could not tell almost anything truthful. However, its forecasts for other celebrities were largely able to justify and proved the presence of a very strong gift from this woman.

In the article:

Natalia Votorova about Zhanna Friske

Prediction about Zhanna Friske, as you know, did not come true. It was made in 2013, when few people knew about a terrible diagnosis of the famous actress and singer. At that time, she expected a child and gave birth to him after he got sick.

Natalia Votorova

The famous psychic reported that the Union of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev will be broken by mutual agreement. The child will not save their relationship. However, pleasant events were expected in the personal life of Zhanna. According to psychic, she had to make marriage with an American. Her future husband had to be older than his wife for seven years. This marriage was supposed to be more successful. In it, Zhanna would give birth to another child.

According to clairvoyant, Jeanne was supposed to live into two countries. Her career in his homeland has developed successfully and ended in old age at his own desire of celebrities. If you believe this prediction, Zhanna Friske was supposed to live to old age and rejoice in grandchildren. However, as you know, she died in 40 years from the inoperable brain tumors.

Natalia Votorova about Pugacheva and Galkin

Natalia Votlinova made predictions about many stars, including Pugacheva and Galkin. According to psychic, Alla Pugacheva is not inclined to forgive mistakes of other people. She never closes his eyes to shortcomings and misses others.

Primadonna domestic pop has stunning intuition. She knows how to see the things hidden from other people. However, Alla Pugacheva refers to this philosophically.

But Galkina should be careful. The only thing alla is not able to forgive is a betrayal. She always enjoys great luck. Never leaves Alla Pugachev. However, despite the fact that it seems to be all a strong woman, in nature, the star of the Russian pop is rather rasamy and often crying. Clairvoyant recommended that it takes more attention to his health and avoid negative emotions and overvoltage.

Natalia Votorova about Sergey Bezrukov

Prediction of Natalia Woods about Sergey Bezrukov can please him to delight him. Extrasens is confident that in the family of the famous actor, harmony reigns in all its manifestations. Sergey loves his wife, and she corresponds to him. They were always true to each other. In their marriage there is an understanding, sincerity and care for each other.

Natalia says that Sergey and his wife are aware that their meeting occurred not by chance, and thank the highest strength for what it happened. She believes that this marriage can be considered an example of an ideal marriage. Sergey and his wife complement each other.

However, a warning for the future winner of the first season "Battle of Psychics" was still given. She advised Sergey more closely to his health, on which there may be a negative impact of the constant lack of sleep, a rich schedule for filming, overwork and significant professional loads.

Natalia Votorova about other celebrities

Natalia Votlinova made quite a lot of predictions both about the Western and domestic celebrities. So, it is known that Jennifer Aniston with difficulty came to himself after breaking with delirium Pitt. She tries to seem a strong and independent woman, but she never managed to become, it's just a mask. Now Jennifer Aniston receives a lot of tenderness in relationships with Justinian Tera, but psychics doubts that they will be together for a long time. She will have a child, but unknown, from Justin or from another man.

An ideal pair of clairvoyant called Sasha Savelyev and Kirill Safonov. She did not see large quarrels and divorce in their lives. Two children will be born in this marriage. Sasha and Kirill have a lot of envious, but no one can harm their union.

Strong union was counted the extrasens and the Union of Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov. They will always be happy together, because they are well suited to each other in nature. However, both possess an emotional character, so the small quantities and disagreement will not be avoided. However, Vladimir appreciates the sanity of Natalia, and she, in turn, supports it in all. They will have two children.

Yana and Alossu will have three children. They are perfectly suitable for each other, despite completely different traits of character. The relationship in this marriage is very warm, the couple lives in full harmony with each other.

Alexander Domogarov, who had four marriages, is not going to stop. It is still waiting for at least two attempts to find family happiness. During one of them, his daughter will appear. These attempts are not due to the fact that the actor is trying to find his chosen. He already found her, it was his first wife. Alexander regrets that he gave her to leave. However, try to return Natalia Sagoyan, he did not try, because he knows that she will not agree to the second attempt. All the following wives Alexander Domogarov compares with Natalia. In his soul there will never be peace, because the actor is committed to novelty, but he himself gets tired of it.

In general, the predictions of collar on celebrities may be erroneous at least due to the fact that they were made in many ways for a glossy magazine, where the facts and truth pays less attention to the co-trends of the market and shocking revelations. However, even considering this, the majority of situations predicted by clairvoyant come true.