Hero of our time The history of human soul. History of the human soul (according to the novel M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of Our Time")

Hero of our time The history of human soul. History of the human soul (according to the novel M.Yu.Lermontov
Hero of our time The history of human soul. History of the human soul (according to the novel M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of Our Time")

Work move: - Get acquainted with the history of the establishment of a novel, genre features; - Get acquainted with the history of the creation of a novel, genre features; - find out the reasons for the mismatch of Fabul and the plot; - To reveal the place of Pechorin - the main character of the novel - in the system of other characters.

The history of the creation of a novel Roman started in 1837 - 1838. Finished in 1839. Initially, the head of the future Roman was printed as independent in 1840. In 1840, the novel first was called "one of the heroes of the beginning of the century" "Hero of our time" n and s in a n and e

Balnaya genre "Maxim Maksimych" "Taman" "Princess Meri" "Fatalist" Romantic novel essay psychological novel adventurous novel is a witness-taist "SEVTOR" story Notes Note Romantic Novel Socio-psychological philosophical novel

System of narrator Three points of view Traveling officer Maxim Maksimich Pechorin Old Officer gives an objective assessment judging itself and executes what the hero Pechorin is presented - a mysterious and mysterious person. Attempt to give an explanation to non-actions. Tragic confession of the hero.

The attitude of the heroes to the past Pechorin Maxim Maximych all the past would not be painfully and does not want to remember calmly, especially the story with Bala pain in the soul - can not forgive the story with Bala (her death) All the past cute memories - the basis for a conversation that is looking forward to Memories of the past give some significant story "Maxim Maximych"

Pechistan's ratio to the characteristics of the story: at the beginning of a hanging end to the top of the blind boy Undine "Unpleasant Impression" the fate of the boy is sympathy, despite the fact that he robbed Pechorin. "A strange creature ..." has a strong, decisive, almost male, character in combination with such qualities as cunning and pretense.

Werner - "Double" Pechorina by defining Pecherin, "Man Wonderful" deep and sharp mind, insight, observation knows people a good heart ("I cried over a dying soldier") hides its feelings and sentiment under the mask of irony and ridicule whether Pechorin and Werner can be Friends? Pechorin: "We soon understood each other and became friends, because I am not capable of friendship: Of the two friends, there is always one slave of another, although it's often not some of them in this; I can't be a slave, but in this case - the work is tedious, because you need to deceive with it ... "

Grushnitsky - Caricature on Pechorin in Pyatigorsk Grushnitsky arrived to "make a novel hero" "... I was engaged in a whole life in one way," says "lush phrases", "to produce an effect - his pleasure" "... I feel that we will ever encounter On a narrow road, and one of us is not proper "Eyes of Pechorin's eyes, the reader's eyes are able to meanness and deception (duel with the peopling) all the time trying to imitate someone next to the peopist looks pathetic and funny

Duel with a pearly excerpt from the TVBeptacle "Pages of Pechorina magazine", du. A. Efros, 1975 Pechorin - Oleg Dahl, Grushnitsky - Andrei Mironov excerpt from k / f "Princess Mary", dir. I. Annensky, 1955 Pechorin - Anatoly Verbicksky, Pereshnitsky - L. Gubanov M.A. Vrubel, 1890 - 1891 g. YES. Shmarinov, 1941

Scene chase for faith "... I thought my breast would break; All my hardness, all my coolness - disappeared as smoke. The soul was exhausted, silenced soul ... "" When the night dew and the mountain wind fresheled my hot head and thought came to normal order, I realized that it was useless to chase the deceased happiness and recklessly ... "Incomprehence, duality of the hero 33 The resulting data is the lack of purpose in life - The main source of the tragedy of Pechorina, so the chalks of his actions, empty and fruitlessly his kipping activity. Very true noted by V. G. Belinsky, that in the hero of Lermontov "there is a secret consciousness that he is what it seems to himself ..."

Allery.com company logo courage, thirst unknown, will distinguish Pecherin from his generation people and allow the author to sympathetically follow his fate and call him a time hero ...


The essay will also suit the topic "The features of romanticism and realism in the novel." In his novel, the "Hero of our time" M. Yu. Lermontov wanted to show the "Human Soul Story". Despite the fact that the vices of Pechorina reflect the defects of the whole generation of the youth 30s of the 19th century, this image is very individual. This is a very smart, educated, subtle person who does not deprived of concepts about honor, dignity. The author illuminates the pattern of the narrative, violating the chronology of the work of the work. This technique helps the author to reveal the image of his hero much deeper. First, Pechorin is given by the eyes of other people. He tells about the wandering officer headquarters-captain Maxim Maximych. So we learn about Pechistin, outragetting His attitude to the young Cherkishhenka Bale, we are experiencing along with Maxim Maxim, its tragic death. But the headquarters-captain only schematically delineate the image of Pechorin, it is impossible to understand the whole depth, complexity and contradictory of this nature.

"When walking did not smeared with his hands"), the passionality (wrinkles at the noble forehead, "the marvelous concern that was mentally mentioned in minutes"), the evil temper, or, or rather, "deep constant sadness" ("his eyes did not laugh when he laughed "). The outer portrait of the hero helps to understand his character deeper. Then the diary of the Pechorin itself appears on the pages of the novel. In it, the hero is very accurate, deeply, truthfully describes his feelings, experiences. The reader is immersed in the complex inner world of the hero. "Taman", "Princess Mary" and "Fatalist" is a bright psychological self-portrait of Pechorin.

Despite the fact that Lermontov wrote the "history of human soul" nor in the novel as a whole, nor in the "journal" there is no story of the soul of Pechorin. All that would indicate the circumstances in which it was formed and developed by its character is omitted.

But in the story of "Princess Mary" in front of us, the inner world of the hero appears in detail. Lermontov uses all kinds of psychological self-analysis: the hero tells about the events of his life in the form of a chronic diary.

In the "Hero of Our Time" there are features of both realism and romanticism. Realism mainly concludes in the psychologicalness of the novel. Pechorin is a typical representative of his time. The author deeply reveals his inner world, describes the experiences, thoughts, feelings of the hero. Lermontov notes that Pechorin has "immense powers", but it cannot fully realize them. So time and society in which the nature of the main character was formed. The generation of the 30s caught the gloomy era of refusal from any ideals, aspirations.

At the same time, there are features of romanticism in the novel. For example, in Bale, a popular romantic story was developed about the love of Europeans, educated by civilization, to the "Dicark", which grew up among the "Children of Nature" and living under the laws of his tribe. But Lermontov does not idealize the mountaineers, their morals are described quite realistic. Romantic Bala's image itself and her tragic death.

"Tamani" is romantic than the image of "honest smugglers", especially the Undines girls.

"Fatalist" reminds a romantic novel on the philosophical theme. In the center of actions and reflections of heroes turned out to be "predestination", that is, the fate, rock.

"The hero of our time" is connected by realistic and romantic traits.

It was M. Yu Lermontov for the first time in Russian literature put the problem of lost generation. The writer expressed in his novel "Hero of our time" deep duality of man, his strength and weakness. Passive rejection of public changes gave rise loneliness, fears, doubts, spiritual fierce.

swim downstream. In his understanding of the epoch, a senseless protest, Pechorin suffered collapse, but his thinking is the pupils of the best people of that time.

"Water Society", secular rounds, representatives of the noble class, Pereshnitsky, Dr. Werner. The generation of the 30s caught the gloomy era of refusal from any ideals, aspirations. This lies the reason for the conviction by the author of his generation: it is slugging in inaction, passivity, indifference. The generation of Lermontov lived in fear, humility before the government. That is why such a close connection of the ideological content of the whole novel and poem "sadly I look at our generation".

for passages from his diary. Pechorin was formed as a person in those circles of the noble intelligentsia, where it was in fashion to ride all sincere manifestations of man. This imposed a fingerprint on his character, squeezed the hero morally: "My colorless youth proceeded in the fight against him and light; The best feelings, afraid of ridicule, I buried in the depths of the heart; They died there. " Lermontov depicted not just the portrait of the hero of the era, this is the "History of the Soul of Man."

it is recognized that he considers itself the reason for the unfortunates of others, he was tired of the pleasures of the highest light.

"He began skilled in the science of life." The hero is closed in himself, suffers from loneliness. Pechorin was waiting for a lot of translation into the Caucasus, but soon and the danger became familiar to him. Did not bring the heart update the love of Bala. But it is not possible to stay alone. He constantly entails communication with people. He is attracted to the danger, everything that worries blood.

Lermontov is favorably different from other contemporaries in that it is disturbed by the issues of the awareness of human being, goals and meaning of life. He feels the power of the immense, but does not know how to apply them

The world surrounding Pechorina is built on spiritual slavery - people torment each other to enjoy the suffering of the other. Initious, in turn, dreams only about one thing - to take revenge on the offender, to humiliate not only him, but also the whole world, the whole world.

Left alone with himself, Pechorin is mercilessless not only to his opponents, but also to itself. In all failures, he blames, first of all, himself. Pechorin constantly feels its moral damage. He constantly talks about two halves of the soul, that the best part of the soul "dried", "evaporated, died." The hero accuses the world, people, time in his spiritual slavery, is disappointed in everything that once pleased him. Starting from the second half of the XIX century, the definition of "superfluous man" was strengthened. Lermontov sincerely regrets the bitter fate of his contemporaries, many of whom were unnecessary people in their own country. Arguing about whether there is a predetermination in life, Pechorin turns his life into a chain of experiments on himself and others. According to Lermontov, the generation, which lost faith in good, justice, deprives himself confidence in tomorrow. Pechorin himself notes that his generation is no longer capable of victims.

"Water Society" with their small passions, on the other hand, the line of generation find their expression in the image of the main character, his sufferings and searches. The author calls his generation not to sail downstream, not to adapt to evil and violence, do not wait, but to act, resist adhesion and passivity.

« History of human soul »

(according to the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time")

Educational work

Well knowing and deeply understanding the historical essence of his reality, the twenty-five-year-old Lermontov created the image of the hero of his time, which summarized the large life material, the features of the whole generation of the Nikolaev reaction living in the era.

Belinsky, the first revealed the typical features of Pechorin - "a man with a strong will, brave, suggesting in storms and anxieties." Ever critic explained the reasons for the splitness of Pechorin and convinced that Lermontov was the "determiner of important contemporary issues."

Following the first preliminary review of Roman Lermontov Belinsky in the second half of May, 1840 made a detailed analysis of the "Hero of our time", which revealed the widespread circles of Russian readers ideological and the artistic importance of Roman Lermontov in the history of Russian public life and in the history of Russian literature. Hot protecting Pechorin from the preachers of the hypocritical state morality, Belinsky saw the embodiment of the critical spirit of his time in the image of Pechorin.

Simultaneously with Belinsky, shortly after the death of Lermontov, Gogol rated the "Hero of our time" even higher than its poetry: "No one wrote from our us right, I spoke beautifully and prokuchna. Here you can see more inlections in reality life - the future great painter of Russian life was preparing ... "

Recreational and protective criticism, on the contrary, crumpled "immorality" of Pechorin. She condemned it and opposed him the image of Maxim Maximich corresponding to her ideals. However, advanced youth, solidarizing Belinsky, perfectly figured out the meaning of Pecherin's images and Maxim Maximich, in relation to them Lermontov.

The creative story of Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" can be restored only in the most common features. There are so scanty materials that there is no possibility to trace in detail how this is the most significant work of our poet. The novel was created during the period when one of the most important tasks in the Western European and Russian literature was the task of creating a hero of his time, an advanced young man, to tell about the attitude of this hero to the society. So, from the outside of the historical, abstract hero of the early poems and the poets, expressing the alarms and the gusts of the young poet, Lermontov moves to the creation of living, specific historical images, to the creation of "typical characters in typical circumstances" in the most significant creation, in the novel "The Hero of Our Time "

Psychological portraits in the novel

Female images

Surprisingly, Lermontov could so accurately and fully show in the novel all the variety of characters and features, so unlike each other of people. Not only men's, but female images in the novel are very realistic. Among women, the following bright images can be distinguished: faith, princess Mary and Bal.

Especially poetic in the novel, the image of Bala. Much can be said about her even by her appearance. Grace and mobility of Bail are often discussed in dancing: "Casting your tambourine, began to sing, dance and jump ..." "How she dances!" - praises her azamat. Good, high, slim, Bal was attractive for many young people. But not only sophisticated beauty attracted the attention of Pechorin. Proud and volitional nature, unprofitable and strong - that was the difference between Bal, from all the people who met the Pechist. Even when Pechorin kidnapped her, she does not consider himself a prisoner, she did not conquer him, but loved him as a free princely daughter: "And if it goes on it, then I will leave himself: I'm not a slave," I am a princely daughter. " Passion, courage and pride merge in its character with touching femininity. Gorky, passionately and devotedly loves Bala Pechorin. The story of the short life and the tragic death of the Bale, told by Maxim Maxim, which leaves a sense of sorrow and deep regret for a long time.

Of all women derived in the novel, the most difficult, diverse and interesting nature is faith. Her spiritual wealth and the complexity of nature distinguish it from the rest. Faith is the original type of woman, which can be called the martyr of his feeling. It is impossible, however, to say that she loves blindly, slave, unconsciously. No, she knows how to distinguish Pechorin among other secular, externally cultural men; She knows how to understand and appreciate his thin, artistic nature, a kind of charm of his strong demonic nature, his disappointment and charm ... The image of faith does not have household "lighting", certainty. Its appearance is transferred to the most common features, in the impersonal "passport" of its description by the Werner, nothing is clearly individualized, except for the charming complex of the face, and the most characteristic detail -

black Mountain on the right cheek, nothing determines in the identity of faith. Only one or two features, marked by the peopling themselves, but they are not so much to show faith, but they do not say that the psychological impression is transmitted: "Cute voice," deep and calm eyes "... In the image of her inner world there are only three paints : Love, jealousy, suffering, and, in fact, the last two - only shades of all-consuming first. The situations in which it is shown is just a friend with Pechorin or a silent presence in Ligovsky's living room when he happens there. We do not know anything about her lifestyle, no relationship with people (except for Mary, to which she is jealous), nor about her mental horizon, we do not hear her conversations with anyone except Pechorina. Indeed, it seems that it exists outside the medium, almost free of life; Life is just an easy scenery for her meetings with the people. But this is all - not a lack of attention of the author, not the weakness of Lermontov, but the artistic feasibility is strictly justified by the idea. The faith should be like that, for it - the image of the lovedness, selfless, self-challenging, not knowing the boundaries, crossed through the prohibitions of the medium, is nothing losing the deficiencies and vices of the beloved. Only such love and can reveal the fierce and thirsting heart of Pechorin, turning away from women "with character." Lermontov almost completely expelled out of the appearance of the faith of any definiteness of a secular color, and this is understandable: the light and sincerity of the feeling - the beginning of hostile, mutually exclusive, and faith is a feeling that does not know any contradictions or resistance. The line of relations of Pechorin and Faith is assigned to the background of the novel, while the turns are large, painful problems - about activities, about the goal, about society. She silently arises next to the peopling, when loneliness, fierce, the nonsense of life pushed his thirsty soul to the "soul of his native". However, love for faith cannot fill out entirely and subjugate Pechorin's personality. She will not lead Pechorin and to reconciliation with people and good: Pechorin is not looking for rebirth in it. The novel of Pechorin and Faith is needed in the outcome of the image of the hero of our time because Lermontov allows you to see the depth and strength of Pecherin's feelings under the appearance of a cold egoist.

An important thing in the novel is the image of the princess Mary. Its image is a collective, summarizing the impressions of the poet, obtained by him at different times from different persons. And if, drawing faith, Lermontov leaves everything in the shade, as regards its psychological and cultural ties with its environment and society, then, drawing Mary, on the contrary, Lermontov extremely clearly draws it as a person of his time, social status and its cultural environment ... Young Moscow Princess, whose mother, Princess Ligovskaya, is proud of the mind and knowledge of his daughter, "who read Byron in English and knows the algebra," attracts the attention of young people of the very "water society". Pretty, young, sophisticated Princess won the heart of Junker Grushnitsky, thereby interested in Pechorin, who quite cynically speaks of her beauty: "She has velvet eyes - it is velvety ... the lower and top eyelashes are so long that the rays of the sun are not reflected in her pupils. I love these eyes without shine: they are so soft, they seemed to be ... however, it seems, in her face only there is a good ... "Naive, good and full of imagination, Mary helped the Grochnitsky, when he could not raise a glass, and learning Its better, she tends to perceive the Hushnitsky in a romantic haloe and idealizes it. However, it should be noted that if she knew that Grushnitsky was not demoted and not exiled that he had no dueling history, "her interest in him and the" Tolstoy Soldier Schinel "would sharply decreased. Princess is most interested in Pechorin, even though she feels that it is a rather difficult and dark hero: "Mr. who has such an unpleasant, heavy look." As for Pechorina, his meeting with Mary and the search for her love was most likely the main admission of His struggle with Hushchnitsky than the manifestation of an emerging, still unconscious feeling of love for her. Because Pechorin says Princess: "I don't love you," he tells the truth. From Mary is connected with Pechorin not love, and one of those dangerous experiences of the development of the female heart, which he had so many in his life and who, in the end, they knocked him. Mary was not prepared for life tests and suffered deeply, from the Games Pecherin. "Princess, like a bird, fought in the networks placed in a skillful hand, writes Belinsky. - She made to fool himself, but when he saw herself deceived, she, as a woman,

deeply felt his insult ... The scene of her last date with the peopling excites her strong involuntary participation and the image of her poetry shine.

Male images

Among the male images, consider the following: Maxim Maksimych, Dr. Werner, Grushnitsky and Pechorin.

The first male image that appears in the novel - Maxim Maximych. A simple army officer headquarters -capitan Maxim Maximych is a honest and good-natured man, cooked and refined, served all his life on the front Caucasian line. Belinsky highly appreciated his image, seeing the type of "old Caucasian servant, hardened in the dangers, writings and battles, which the face also tanned and severely, as the manners are rustic and rude, but who has a wonderful soul, a golden heart. This is a type of pure Russian. " And, indeed, the ability to apply to the customs of the peoples, among whom it happens to him, clearly visible in the statements of Maxim Maximich, the whole story of which allows Pechorin to make such a general conclusion: "I involuntarily struck the ability of a Russian person to apply to the customs of those peoples, among which he happens To live ... "In Maxim Maximi, thus finds its expression a typical character trait and behavior of a Russian man, his national feature. This is the understanding of the psychology and customs of other peoples inherent and Pechorin. The appearance of Maxim Maximich is also interesting: his tube, his tanned face, his ironic smile, his sympathetic attitude to the Kabardians, his cold courage, the very tone of his little conversations. In the novel, we will find him with an old servant, which is fifty years old. We do not know His past, the story of his life is only guessed by separate hints. However, Maxim Maximich has something to paint, and he, as he managed to notice his interlocutor, rather loudly, but about himself, about his fighting life there is little and very modest. Maxim Maximich is modest and restrained by Maxim Maximich's manner.

Dr. Werner is the only character in the story "Princess Mary", for which a certain and indisputable prototype can be specified. Many contemporaries Lermontov argue that "Dr. Werner is written off from Nikolai Vasilyevich Mayer," who served at General A.A. Veljaminov. N.M. Satin, A.M. Miklashevsky, N.P. Ogarev, F.F. Tornau, A.E. Rosen, N.I. Lorera unanimously celebrate high portrait skill with which Lermontov reproduced in the "Hero of Our Time" features and character N.V. Mayer in the image of Dr. Werner.

Skeptic and Motherist, Dr. Werner was a man very unusual outdoor: "Werner was slightly tall, and thin, and weak, as a child; One leg was shorter than the other, like Bairon; In comparison with the body of his head, it seemed huge ... "But what Lermontov pays special attention to the eyes," his little black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. " In the clothes of Werner there was a great taste, but from the color scheme he chose only black. He was nicknamed by Mephistophele, that in fact he was very stolen. In spite of everything, Werner still enjoyed great success in women, "there were examples that women fell in love with such people to madness and would not exchange their disgrace on the beauty of the freshest and rose endimions." Thus, Werner was distinguished from others, not only with his appearance, but also by character, beliefs ... Therefore, Pechorin immediately allocated it among others, and in the end they became friends. You can notice some similarity of Pechorin and Werner, they perfectly understood each other: "Doctor! We definitely can not be accepted: we read each other in the soul. " According to the correct definition of Durylina, "Juncher Grushnitsky is the second contrasting figure, set by Lermontov near Pechorin: as Maxim Maximich contrasts with him in Bale and Maxim Maximi, so Pereshnitsky is contrasting Pechorin in the" Princess Meri ". "Contrasting" Maxim Maximich is based on the opposite of its peopurin in age, the nature, social situation, education, - and this contrast is well aware of Pechorin, and Maxim Maximesome, - but does not prevent them from both feeding the feelings of respect and friendship.

The contrast between the pechers and the pearshnitsky, at first glance, it seems much less significant: the Grushnitsky is only five years younger than Pechorin, he lives, apparently, in the circle of the same mental and moral interests in which Pechorin lives, he feels like a man of the same Generations and the same cultural medium to which Pechorin belongs to. In fact, the contrast between the Pereshnitsky and Pechorin, not being so straight and defined, as between him and Maxim Maximy, is sharper: the seemingly proximity of their cultural and social positions is the proximity of the imaginary: there is a real - psychological, cultural, social disappearance. , putting them, as obvious opponents, against each other with a weapon in their hands.

This opposite of Pechorin and Grushnitsky, opened by Lermontov with all the completeness of psychological and historical truth, was brought to this generalizing figure, which gives the right in the contrast between the pechers and the pearshnitsky to see the opposite of personality and lichnik, individuality and imitativeness, free thought and follow the stencils. "

Among the "Moscow Frances" and fashionable "brilliant adjutants", which the hero of the Roman meets in Pyatigorsk mixed society, the Hushchnitsky stands out especially. This is a straight antipode of Pecherin, even a parody of it. If Pechorin attracts attention to himself, not at all taking care of it, then the Pereshnitsky is trying to "produce the effect." If Pechorin is truly deeply disappointed in life, then the Pereshnitsky plays frustration. It belongs to people, the passion of which is to pose and reclaim, without understanding and not feeling true of the beautiful in life. Such people "It is important to be draped into unusual feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering." Belinsky wrote: "Grushnitsky is the perfect young man who flashes his ideality, as Notebooks are fed up with his fashionable dress, and" Lions "- the donkey is stupid ... His passion. He says fanner phrases. " All the actions of the Grushnitsky moves petty pride. Belinsky stressed that the pride is the main weakness in the nature of the Hushchnitsky: "The pride assured him in an unprecedented love for Princess and love Princessed to him; The pride forced him to see his opponent and the enemy in Pechorin; Self-died solved him on a conspiracy against the honor of Pechorin; The pride did not allow him to obey his voices of his conscience and captivate the good began to admit to a conspiracy; The pride forced him to shoot him in an unarmed person: the same proud and focused the full strength of his soul in such a decisive moment and made it preferred to prefer the right death to be rescued through recognition. This person is the apotheosis of petty pride and weakness of character ... "

Psychological portrait of Pechorina in the novel

The protagonist of the novel, the hero, for which there were so many different opinions, as many critics, the hero who is ambiguous, who touches the hearts and minds - Pechorin. In his diary, we find his sincere confession, in which he reveals his thoughts and feelings, mercilessly by the bile inherent vice and weaknesses. There are also a random of his character, and the explanation of his actions. Pechorin - the victim of his time. But does Lermontov justify his actions, his mood? In a sleepless night, on the eve of a duel with a Hushnitsky, the hero of the novel seems to bring the results of the lived life. "I run in my memory all my past and ask myself unwittingly: why did I live? For what purpose did I born? .. And right, she existed, and, right, there was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my power, immense ... But I did not guess this destination, I got carried away by the bait of passions of empty and ungrateful passions; From the horror, I came out

surgon and cold as iron, but lost forever the dust of noble aspirations - the best color of life. "Negough and difficult recognition! But we can not not see that Pechorin on the head is higher

the people around him that he is smart, educated, talented, brave, energetic. We are repelled indifference to Pechorin to people, his inability to real love and friendship, his individualism and egoism. But Pechorin carries us thirst for life, the desire for the better, the ability to critically evaluate their actions. He is deeply incomplicted to us "the fleet of action", an empty waste of his forces, those actions he bringing suffering to other people. But we see that he himself is deeply suffering.

The peculiar character is complicated and contradictory. The Hero of the novel speaks of himself: "In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him ..." What is the reason for this splitness? "My colorless youth flowed in the struggle and light; The best feelings, afraid of ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there. I told the truth - I did not believe me: I began to deceive; Having learned the light and springs of society, I became skillful in the science of life and saw others without art happy, using the gift of those benefits that I so tirelessly achieved. And then in my chest, my despair was born - not the despair, which is treated with a pistol spirit, but cold, powerless despair, covered by courtesy and a good-natured smile. I became moral trowe: one half did not exist, she dried, evaporated, died, I cut it off and threw, - whereas another moved and lived to the services of everyone, and no one noticed that no one knew about her existence dead half; But you now woke up my memories about her, and I read it to you with an epitaph, "said Pechorin. He learned to be secretive, became malicious, bull, envious, ambitious. In Roman Lermontov, as in his verses and poems, a lot of "bitterness and anger." The Hero of Roman Pecherin is inherent in disappointment in life and pessimism, which is directed to the secular society. Think about the ulcer and very taking characteristics, which gives Pechorin to representatives of the aristocratic secular society, which gathered in Pyatigorsk on the water. Peer in their faces, watch them behavior, listen to their conversations, and you will see and understand that the "Water Society" is a gathering of the nursing and fake gentlemen, rich and titled idlers, all the interests of which are going to the gossip, card game, intrigues , pursuit of money, awards and entertainment. Pechorin calls himself and his generation of "pitiful descendants", waving on the ground without belief and pride, without pleasure and fear ... incapable of more than great victims for the good of humanity, nor even for their own happiness ... ".

Whatever different images in the novel, each of them amazes the reader of the depth of thought, everyone has its own vital philosophy. And as it was said earlier, the ability to think - the first confirmation of the mental development of man. As an example, take the main character of Roman Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. His journal in which he describes the episodes of his life is his confession, from it we will learn a lot and about his character, and therefore about his soul. "Evil breeds evil; The first suffering gives the concept of pleasure to torment another; The idea of \u200b\u200bevil can not enter the head of a person without wanting to attach it to reality: ideas - creating organic, said someone: their birth gives them a form, and this form has an action; He, in whose head more ideas was born, the more other than others ... "- Pechorin argues. His thoughts are deeply philosophical, logical, interesting, not to mention how Pechorin sets out. Each word, each proposal carries the meaning, there is nothing superfluous, everything is interconnected. "... the fullness and the depth of feelings and thoughts does not allow rabid gusts: the soul, suffering and enjoying, gives a strict report in everything and is convinced that it should; She penetrates her own life - shelhes and punishes himself as a beloved child ... "- writes Pechorin about the soul. Not only his records, but also actions that he performs, thought out to the smallest detail. This may be confirmed by how he stole Balu: as he felt thin and understood that he would influence the azamat, so that he would agree to steal sister; And how he sought love Princess, playing her feelings. He reflects: "Women would have to wish, so that all men knew them as well as me, because I love them a hundred times more since they were not afraid and comprehended their small weaknesses."

Emotions and feelings of heroes

The novel shows the amazing gamma of feelings, a whole storm of emotions and passions, diverse and unique. Love is young princed, so clean and bright: "Or you prize me, or love me very much! Maybe you want to laugh at me, outrage my soul and then leave ... It would be so inflounted, so low that one assumption ... oh no! It's not true, "she added a voice of a gentle power of attorney," isn't it, I don't have anything that would exclude respect? ". Love faith, such a strong and forbidden: "There has been a lot of time since then: I penetrated all the secrets of your soul ... and I was convinced that something was hope in vain. I was bitterly! But my love has grown with my soul: she darkened, but did not fade ... " Hatred of the Grushnitsky and his pride: "I despise myself, and I hate you. If you do not kill me, I will drop you at night from behind the corner. We have no place on Earth ... ". Compassionation Princess Mary: "At that moment I met her eyes: tears ran in them; her hand, leaning on my, trembling; cheeks were burning; She was sorry for me! The compassion is the feeling that all women are conjugated so easily, let her claws in her inexperienced heart. " Jealousy Faith: "Now I saw faith. She tortured me his own jealousy. Princess, he thought, it seems, to turn her heart secrets: must be admitted, a good choice! " The friendly feelings of Dr. Werner, the proof of which can serve at least that he worried about Pechorina in front of a duel, and Grigory Aleksandrovich remarked this: "Why are you so sad, Doctor? Have you ever spent a hundred times a few times with the greatest indifference? " About many feelings in the novel still say: despair, infractiveness, suffering, contempt, pride, anger, resentment, joy, pleasure, tenderness. One replaces the other, so fast and smoothly, as in the raging stream.

Reflection of the inner world in the appearance of heroes.

The reflection of the inner world of a person in his appearance is a very important feature of the novel. Lermontov makes no emphasis on the guise of a person so that the most clearly shower the reader features each soul. For example, the image of faith. As already mentioned, this is the image of the love itself, selfless and self-safe. In its image there is no certainty of the secular color. Only one or two features remain from all its appearance, which not so much show faith, how much is the psychological impression: "Cute voice," "deep and calm eyes". The fact that faith says what she does is directly connected with her feeling, with love. Jealousy, passion, experiences - this is what distinguishes faith. It is these feelings that the main thing that I wanted to show Lermontov in this heroine, which they reflect her portrait.

Another example is Dr. Werner. A stunning portrait gives an amazingly clear concept of his character. His actions, and especially appearance surprise. Lermontov writes: "His appearance was from those who are impassing unpleasant at first glance, but who later like it when the eye will learn to read the imprint of the soul tested and high." And really the appearance of the doctor was extremely unusual: "Werner was slightly tall, thin and weak, like a child; One leg was shorter than the other, like Bairon; In comparison with the body of the head, it seemed to be huge: he cut her hair under the comb, and the irregularities of his skull, nude, thus struck the french a strange plexus of opposite inclinations. " This is what more striking is that even such a detail, like the unevenness of the skull, the strange plexus of opposite inclinations is so echoes with a description of the character of Werner: "He is a skeptic and a mothersist, like almost all doctors, and with this poet, and not Joke, - the poet in fact is always and often in words, although he did not write two poems to life. He studied all the living strings of the Heart of the Human, how the corpses were studying, but he never knew how to take advantage of his knowledge ... Ordly, Werner Ideasika mocked her patients, but I saw he cried over a dying soldier ... He was poor, dreamed of millions, And for the money did not make an extra step ... "Lermontov writes:" His little black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. In his clothes

the taste and tidiness were noticeable; His slender hands were concerned in light yellow gloves. His shirt, tie and vest were constantly black. The youth nicknamed his Mephistophele, he showed that he was angry for this nick, but in fact it stalled his pride. " So, this amazing description is closely connected with the same amazing soul, and it was important in the novel, since it was Werner who became a friend of Pechorin, it was with him Pechorin was able to find a common language, because he found the amazing similarity of the shower: "Look, here are two smart people ; We know in advance that everything you can argue to infinity, and therefore we do not argue; We know almost all the innermost thoughts of each other; One word is a whole story for us; We see the grain of each our feeling through the triple shell. The sadness is ridiculous to us, funny sad, but in general, in truth, we are quite indifferent, except ourselves. "

The influence of society per person.

Often, in order to understand a person, you need to learn the sphere of his interests, friends and acquaintances. There are many different factors for each person, but nothing changes man like a society in which he lives. So the princess Mary appears before us. It was her Lermontov specifically draws as a man of his time, social situation, cultural medium. The educated young princess, which attracts the attention of young people of the very "water society" with his youth and beauty, the young, sophisticated coquette, breaking the hearts of his rippers and flouring like a moth, from the ball on the ball. Pechorin easily understood her, and could conquer her heart. He has repeatedly met such girls, he grew up in this society himself, studied him and knew him to the smallest detail, so he was tired of him. So, Pechorin speaks about his life Maxim Maximich: "... I have an unhappy character: how did the upbringing made me like that, God created me so much, I do not know; I only know that if I have the reason for the other others, it myself is no less unhappy ... In my first youth, from the minute, when I left the care of my relatives, I began to enjoy all the pleasures that you can get for money, and, of course, The pleasures of these were conveyed. Then I went into the big light, and soon society was also tired of me; In love with the secular beauties and I loved, - but their love was only annoyed by my imagination and pride, and the heart remained empty ... I began to read, learn - sciences are also tired; I saw that neither glory, nor happiness from them depended at all ... they soon transferred me to the Caucasus ... I hoped that boredom did not live under the Chechen bullets - in vain; A month later, I was so used to their buzz and the proximity of death that the right, paid more attention to mosquitoes, and I became more boring former, because I lost almost the last hope. " Pechorin was looking for an answer to the questions of life, he was looking for meaning, dismantled in himself, frankly admitted in his shortcomings and suffered greatly. Belinsky writes: "... in it two people: the first acts, the second looks at the actions of the first and argues about them, or it is better to say to condemn them because they are really worthy of condemnation. The reasons for this split, this quarrel with themselves, very deep, and they consist of a contradiction between the deepness of nature and the fleet of the actions of the same person ... "

Thus, the goal is achieved. We have proven that M.Yu.lermonts writer-psychologist.


"The hero of our time" is a psychological novel. "The history of the human soul", represented by Lermontov, gives the reader to see and feel that

at first glance, it seems mysterious and incomprehensible. The history of Pechorin is reflected, as in the mirror, in the human heart .. and it is very important to remember that the human soul is developing with a person. If you do not strive for its development, if you forget about its existence, it will die, and the hero will die with her, and a person will perish: "My colorless youth flowed in the fight against himself and light; The best feelings, afraid of ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there. I told the truth - I did not believe me: I began to deceive; Having learned the light and springs of society, I became skillful in the science of life and saw others without art happy, using the gift of those benefits that I so tirelessly achieved. And then in my chest, my despair was born - not the despair, which is treated with a pistol spirit, but cold, powerless despair, covered by courtesy and a good-natured smile. I became moral trowe: one half did not exist, she dried, evaporated, died, I cut it off and threw, - whereas another moved and lived to the services of everyone, and no one noticed that no one knew about her existence dead half; But now you woke up my memory about her, and I read it to you with epitaph "

"Fool me or villain, I do not know; But it is true that I am also worthwhile ... In me, the soul is spoiled by light, the imagination is restless, the heart is insatiable; I'm still not enough: I'm as easily accustomed to sadness, as a pleasure, and my life becomes an empty day by day; I have one tool to travel. As soon as it is possible to go - only not to Europe, get rid of God! - I will go to America, to Arabia, to India, - maybe somewhere die on the road! " - He says Pechorin.

List of used literature

Belinsky V.G. Complete essays in thirteen volumes. M., ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1953-1959, XI

Dobrolyubov N.A. What is a breakdown? . Collected Works in 9 volumes. T. 4. M. - L., Goslitisdat, 1963, p.307 - 343

Lermontov M.Yu. Collected works in four volumes. M., ed. True, 1969, 4 Tom, p. 196 - 336

Manuilov V.A. Roman M.Yu.lermontova "Hero of our time." Comment. M. - L., ed. Education, 1966.

Fogelson I.A. Literacy teaches. M., ed. Education, 1990.

Encyclopedia for children. Human. Volume 18. Part Two. M., ed. Avanta Plus, 2002

VG Belinsky. Complete essays in thirteen volumes. M., ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1953-1959, xi, p.508.

VG Belinsky. Complete essays in thirteen volumes. M., ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1953-1959, xi, p. 316

"The hero of our time" is a very exciting work of Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov. This novel contains many philosophical thoughts. In addition, it is narrated by the history of the soul of the main character - Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorina.

It is important to note the unusual compositional system of the novel. Chapters in it are not located in the right chronological order, so the reader is initially confused by the behavior of Pechorin.

The first in chronological order itself should be the head of Taman. It is from this part that the Diary of Pecherin begins. Gregory turned out to be in this city on official business, while the city does not like the city with everyone: "Taman is the most bad town of all seaside cities of Russia. I've never died there with hunger, and even in addition I wanted to drown" in addition to all this Pechistan gets a rather strange and suspicious environment.

In the chapter "Taman" Lermontov began to disclose the character of Pechorin. He does not think at all about other people, cares only about his own interests and needs. Pechorin has freed the fate of other people, what he himself argues: "And why was the fate to throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers? How the stone, thrown into a smooth source, I alarmed their calm and, like a stone, I almost didn't go to the bottom!"

Next follows the most voluminous part of the novel - Princess Mary. It can be highlighted as an independent story. This chapter discloses the difficult relationship of Pechorin with society, his ability to feel the change of his soul. The reader sees the full disclosure of the entity of Pechorin. The complexity and beauty of the plot of chapters can attract any person.

The head "Bela" is very meaningful in this novel. It is easy to notice the contrast between the peopling and the white one. Bela is ready to sacrifice the sake of love, and for Pechorina, there is nothing more expensive for him. This part of life is very instructive for the main character. He realized: "Docca's love is no better than love of a notable lady." Pechorin hoped to find happiness with white. But, alas, Bela tragically dies. After this incident, Pechorin was desperate in search of love of all his life.

The head "Fatalist" completes the novel, in addition, it is the last and in the diary itself of Pechorin. The basis of this chapter is betting between the guarantor of the wallet and the peopling. Then Vulich offered Gregory to check whether a person could live independently of the predictions of his destiny, or everything is destined over.

Gregory makes bets and loses him - the gun gave a misfire. Here, Pechorin showed himself as a cynic: "Everyone was separated, accusing me in egoism, as if I was betting with a person who wanted to shoot, and without me, I could not find a convenient case!" Pechorin convinces itself in the existence of a safe fate. Another evidence for this was the death of volyach: "After all this, as it were, it seems, not to deal with the fatalist? How often do we accept the conviction of the deception of feelings or missions ..."
The chapter "Maxim Maximach" in time of action is the mostst. She takes her deserved place in the novel. Chapter describes the last meeting of Maxim Maximich with Pechorin. However, Pechorin was cold enough to an old man. Maxim Maksimach concluded: "A, right, it's a pity that he is badly over with ... and you can not otherwise! I have always said that there is no procuer in who forgets old friends!" His words became prophetic - Pechorin dies in Persia.
Creativity Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, and especially the "hero of our time", had a great affair to Russian literature. His narration of the development of the human soul is the presence of Russian literature of the XIX century.

Works on literature: "History of the human soul" in the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" In the preface to the novel "The Hero of Our Time", Lermontov determines its writing task - to draw a "modern man", "the portrait made up from the vices of all our generation." Belinsky called the novel "Sad Duma about our time." The feature of the novel is that the portrait of time is drawn as the story of one human soul. Pechorin himself, reflecting on his life, finds a lot in it with the fate of his generation. "We are not able to more than the great victims for the good of humanity, nor even for our own happiness, because we know its inability and indifferently go from doubt about doubt." The task to recreate the story of one soul allowed Lermontov to draw a complex and controversial character of the hero. In the actions and thoughts of Pechorin a lot of cruel and selfish. He is emphasized coldly costs Maxim Maximesch, who enthusiastically met him after a long separation; is the cause of the death of Bail; He plays the feelings of the Princess Mary, so she believes that he is "worse killer." He cynically argues about friendship ("Of the two friends there is always one servant of another"), about love ("Women love only those who do not know"), about happiness ("What is happiness? Saturated pride"), about suffering and joy Others only in relation to yourself.

Pechorin brings sufferings to everyone who meets: Bale, "honest smugglers," Mary, Grucnitsky, Maxim Maxim. But this does not prevent him from all the rigor to treat himself. He calls himself a "moral cripple", "executioner" ("I play a miserable role of the executioner", "I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate"). He realizes that life has lived empty and aimless: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born?" He does not see the meaning and joy in life: "I am like a man yawning on the ball who is not going to sleep only because there is no more of his carriage." However, the soul of Pechorin consists not only from the dark sides. This is a hero who craves love, good and beauty capable of good. Sometimes it breaks through his "cold, powerless despair".

Lermontov depicts his shock by the death of Bali (although hidden from prying eyes), his passionate tragic love for faith, the ability to feel the nature (in the scene in front of a duel with a pearshnitsky). The charm of Pechorin's personality is in his acute mind, in the ability to look at itself from the side, in the power of character, in the desire to create his destiny itself. "I always bolder go ahead when I don't know what I expect." Even in sorry for Trudytsky, he hopes to see the awakening of nobility and conscience. With all the originality and uniqueness of the personality of Pechorin, his life is a "smooth way without purpose." This is the tragedy "Hero of his time." What could send his rich spiritual possibilities of Pechorin? The socio-psychological conditions of the epoch, requiring blind obedience to traditions and obedience, do not give a prostitute and the true meaning of the life of such a person. Disappointment and skepticism - also the trait of time.

Describing the Pechorgin Generation, Herzen wrote: "Forced to be silent, we learned, closing in yourself, to enter your thoughts - and what thoughts! .. That there were doubts, denial, thoughts, full of rage."