The Christian shrine has arrived in Russia - Drain of the relics of the Great Martyr George.

 The Christian shrine has arrived in Russia - Drain of the relics of the Great Martyr George.
The Christian shrine has arrived in Russia - Drain of the relics of the Great Martyr George.

The Great Shrine of the Christian World - the ark with the desire of the relics of the Great Martyr George of the Victorious, the Heavenly Patron of Militia and the city of Moscow - arrived in Russia today, reports Sinfo.

His siban was delivered to Moscow with Hagia Mount Athos to Vnukovo-3 airport. This significant event is timed to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Bringing the Table of Great Martyr George Victorious from the Ksenofont Monastery is carried out on the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the decision of the Sacred Cinema of the Saint Athos Mountain with the assistance of the Charitable Foundation named after the equivalent prince Vladimir.

For two months, the ark with relics will visit several heroes: Smolensk, Orel, Tula, St. Petersburg, etc. The first place of worship of the shrine will be the Yaroslavl Metropoline, within which it will be from April 24 to May 5, 2015. In Moscow, the shrine will return on May 6, on the day of the memory of the saint, and will be in the Temple of Navy. George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount until May 11th. Detailed information with the schedule, the addresses of the shrine stay in Russia can be found on the website of the official infoartner of the attachment:

In Russia, the shrine accompanies the delegation of Afonitov's monks led by Archimandrite Alexia, the abbot of the monastery of Xenophon, where this sacred relic of the Christian world is stored, as well as the miraculous icon of the Great Martyr George found in Athos in the 9th century, which is also brought to Russia. This image of the iconoclands tried to destroy, but it was preserved. Many centuries of the monks of this ancient monastery, founded in the century, are assessed in front of the prayer, being witnesses of numerous miracles committed by prayers to St. George.

The attachment of the shrine to this significant year will serve to unite the Russians, their joint prayer about the world. Holy George has always been particularly reading in Russia, our ancestors appealed to him for help. The coat of arms of Moscow speaks about it eloquently, where St. George is depicted in silver armor at a horse, striking the golden spear of Black Zmia.

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According to legend, George was born in the third century in the city of Beirut (in Malaya Asia) in the Christian family. Entering the service in the Roman army, he became famous for his courage, was noticed by Emperor Diocletian (284-305) and put forward to senior military leaders. George made a lot of taut feats and miracles, for which he was called victorious. When Emperor Diocletian began persecuted on Christians, the warrior distributed his property to the poor, appeared to the emperor and declared himself a follower of Christ. Neither persuasion nor the torment could be inclined to paganism - and by order of Emperor Georgy was beheaded. The execution was made on May 6 (according to a new style) 303 years.

Of many miracles performed by the Holy Great Martyr George, the most famous is imprinted in iconography. This is a defeat of a snake that inhabited in the lake at the foot of the Lebanese Mountains, near Beirut, and the everd. By killing the snake, Saint George got rid of the faithful death of the royal daughter, who was supposed to become another victim of the snake. The bay, on the shores of which Beirut is located, and today wears the name of St. George.

In Russia, George, the victorious staff has long been worshiped as a defender of the Orthodox man. The son of the Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav Wise, in the baptism of George, was the first to confess the reverence of St. George Victorious among Orthodox. He founded the Yuryan monastery in Novgorod, erected the church of St. George in Kiev. The name of St. George of the Victorian wore the founder of Moscow Yuri Dolgoruky. With the prince of Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy St. George acts as a patron saint of Moscow, his image becomes the coat of arms of the states of Moscow, and later part of the Russian state coat of arms - the Russian eagle. In 1856, the emblem of the Moscow province is established with George the Victorian image.

The coat of arms of the Russian capital was restored by the Law of Moscow of February 1, 1995. The basis of the coat of arms is the plot of the "Miracle of George about Zmie". The coat of arms is a quadrangular with rounded lower corners and akin to the dark red heraldic shield depicted to the right from the viewer of the rider - St. George Victorious in silver armor and blue mantle (raincoat), on a silver horse with a silver gathering hitting the golden sneezer .

Saint Navy. George Victorious read as the embodiment of military valve and devotion to debt.

Damnie George Victorious brought to Moscow. How long will she stay there? Where else can you touch the shrine? Answers in our article!

Drain of George Victorious

May 6 - the day of memory of the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious. Since ancient times, he is the Heavenly Patron of Moscow. His famous victory over the snake is immortalized on her coat of arms. It is noteworthy that the Great Orthodox Shrine - Drain (Right Brush) of George, who he kept his sword, arrived at this festive day to the Moscow Earth, arrived at this festive day. All the anniversary celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Victory will remain in the capital of Russia. Until May 12, everyone can make it to her in the temple of George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount.

Together with the desk, the monks of the Holy Mountain Athos brought a list with an ancient miraculous icon of the Great Martyr George.

"The history of the Orthodox Monastery of Xenophon, the history of the Orthodox Monastery of Xenophon, told" Komsomolka "the rector of this monastery Archimandrite Alexy (Mazziris), who accompanied the shrine in Russia. - In Constantinople, the iconoborets wanted to burn her on fire. But the flame turned out to be powerless. Tried to cut out the dagger. A miracle happened - blood expired from the icon. And on the image is still notched blade. But the face remains unharmed. The iconoborets, frightened, threw it into the sea. But God was pleased that the miraculous icon arrived to the bank of Athos, where the Monastery of Xenophon was satisfied. Monks are reverently found the icon. The monastery began to be called the inhabitant of St. George. The Great Shrine of the Christian World - Drain of St. George is also kept in our monastery.

- Can I use details?

- Unfortunately, in 1817, a terrible fire happened in the Xenophon Monastery. Many books burned down. Ancient manuscripts, chronicles of the monastery were destroyed. But the church legend preserves that together with the acquisition of the icon in our monastery, the relics of the saint. Not everyone is amenable to life and is investigated by reason. We have a lot of shrines. Need to believe. And St. George is a great assistant to people who refers to him with faith.

It was repeatedly seen in the monastery limits rider on horseback. One monk saint appeared in the refectory monastery. He very grieving that he had to fulfill obedience and prepare the Kushan, when everyone else was prayed in the temple. It was the day of memory of the saint. And then Saint George comforted this monk, imagining it. And the meal is the continuation of the liturgy, too, love for people. Holy George appears during service, in the altar. On March 17, 1915, one monk saw Saint George in the military robe, standing next to the icon.

- Everyone knows that George Victorious is a patron of warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. But the Orthodox also appeal to it with requests for healing from different ailments.

- Since the appearance of the icon on Athos, the abode captured thousands of miracles associated with Saint George. One of the wonders - Icon came across the sea on the holy mountain ... Standing. On the shore, at the very place where the monks gained her, scored the holy water stream. Many historical facts testify to the healing of men. In 1744, the Russian pilgrim, writer Vasily Barsky cured from severe illness by entering this water. In the monastery, its own entries are stored. This water to this day has healing power.

One of the miracles was observed in our monastery more than 400 people. For St. George's Day all over the temple, fragrance and incense disagree. The power was silent for several hours. There have been a lot of healing in men who were in the temple.

His icon, which is worshiped by a miraculous, main in our Xenophon monastery. The holy sits on the throne, the birds trample. Birds are associated with diseases. In the monastery of St. George called the healer. It helps in getting rid of the kidney disease, the urinary tract, other ailments. Since 1730, there is another miraculous icon in the monastery - the Mother of Odigitria (guide). According to the prayers of the Virgin, children are born in fruitless couples. We also know about healing patients with cancer and mentally ill people. The icons of St. George and the Mother of God "Odigitria" are engaged in gifts to commemorate the gratitude of the people who received heavenly help, healed.

- Clear why you are talking only about men. Women many centuries have no right to step on the holy mountain, the territory of Our Lady.

- The opportunity these days to touch the relics of St. George is the great Lord of the gift for your people. Moreover, women who never visit Athos. And now Holy George himself came to Russia.

Church of St. Great Martyr George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount

- On Athos, many Orthodox shrines. However, brethren reluctantly releases them outside the Holy Mountain. In the cinema - the official authority of the management of the monastic republic - every time representatives of all twenty monasteries vote. And do not always give good. With what heart the monks this time sent the shrine to Russia?

- With joy! We received a request from Metropolitan Yaroslavl and Rostov Panteleimon. The resolution of the Universal Patriarch Bartholomew followed. Then - the resolution of the cinema. Everyone voted unanimously! The blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill was obtained. The Greek government supported and approved shrines in Russia.

- So many procedures?!

- All by law. But the attainments of the shrine to Russia would be impossible without the assistance and assistance of the Charitable Fund of Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir and Personally, Lord Viktor Kostina and Vladimir Babia. Their contribution to this is invaluable.

- What does it mean for the monks of Athon Anniversary of Victory over Hitler, who is considered the main antichrist of the twentieth century?

- For us, this is a great holiday of liberation of the Orthodox people! The first act of surrender was signed on May 6. Fascist Germany fell, when Athos and Russia celebrate St. George's Day of the Victorian. It is very symbolic. About Hitler I do not want to talk. This is a political question. We are monks. It is very important for us - not to condemn. We every day on Athos pray for the world in the world.

The Hospitality of St. George and the list with the ancient miraculous icon of Muscovites and guests of the capital can be attached from 6 to 11 May.

Address: Patriarchal Compound, Temple of IML. George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount (Victory Square, 3b).

How to get there: Metro "Park Victory"

Help about George Victorious

According to legend, the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious (III century) grew up in Cappadocia (Small Asia) in the Christian family. Emperor Diocletian has long stacked George to renounce Christ. But he remained firm in his faith. After eight-day heavy torture was beheaded on May 6, 303. Therefore, George is counted for the facial of the Great Martyrs as the victim for the Christian faith. Handling Holy (right brush) is stored in the Xenophon Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos.

His reverence as the saint immediately spread throughout the empire and was confirmed by many wonders. The most famous miracle is a victory over the snake who devoured people. Therefore, the icons are depicted by a rider who is hit by a snake or dragon. Symbolic image value - victory over the devil.

From the XIV century - the heavenly patron of Moscow. The victory of St. George over the snake is immortalized on the coat of arms of the capital of Russia.

Where else can you touch the hand of George Victorious?

In the last week of April, the ark of the Horseman (right-handed brush) of the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious, the Heavenly Patron of the Movie and the city of Moscow, arrived at Vnukovo-3 Moscow Airport.

The shrine arrived from the Athos Monastery of Xenophon in connection with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. For two months, several cities of Heroes will visit the ark with relics: Yaroslavl, Stavropol, Elista, Volgograd, Belgorod, Krasnodar, Podolsk, Kolomna, Schkin, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Tula and Ekaterinburg.

Within the limits of Yaroslavl Metropolis, holy relics were from April 24 to May 5. In Moscow, they arrived on May 6, on the day of memory, George Victorious. The relics were taken to the church of the Saint on Poklonnaya Mount.

Today, the volunteers of the Orthodox Organization "The Miraculous Capital" arrived in the Church of St. George the Victorious to worship the shrine and transfer the notes of all believers who have requested to submit the demand during the residence time of the relics in the capital.

In Russia, the shrine accompanies the delegation of Afonitov's monks led by Archimandrite Alexia, the abbot of the monastery of Xenophon, where this sacred relic of the Christian world is stored, as the miraculous icon of the Great Martyr George found in Athos in the 9th century, which is also brought to Russia. It is worth noting that this image of the iconoclands tried to destroy, but it was preserved. Many centuries of the monks of an ancient Afonovsky monastery, founded in the second century, are assessed in front of the way prayer, being witnesses of numerous miracles committed by prayers to St. George.

The shrine stay in Russia is as follows:

Yaroslavl: 04/24 - 5.05
Moscow: 6.05 - 11.05
Stavropol: 12.05 - 14.05
Elista: 15.05
Volgograd: 05/16-21.05
Belgorod: 22.05-24.05
Krasnodar: 25.05-27.05
Podolsk (Moscow region): 28.05 - 29.05
Kolomna (Mosk. Obl.): 05/30 - 31.05
Shkin (Mosk. Obl.): 1.06
St. Petersburg: 2.06 - 7.06
Smolensk: 8.06 - 13.06
Tula: 14.06-18.06
Ekaterinburg: 19.06-25.06

Patriarch Moskovsky and All Russia Cyril drew attention to the special role of George Victorious for Russians. The noble is that the Guards Ribbons of the Soviet Army are ribbons from the Order of George Victorious.

According to legend, the Saint Great Martyr George Victorious was born in the III century in the city of Beirut (in Malaya Asia) in the Christian family. Entering the service in the Roman army, he became famous for his courage, was noticed by Emperor Diocletian (284-305) and put forward to senior military leaders. George made a lot of taut feats and miracles, for which he was called victorious. When Emperor Diocletian began persecuted on Christians, the warrior distributed his property to the poor, appeared to the emperor and declared himself a follower of Christ. Neither the persuasion nor the eight-day heavy torture could not be inclined to paganism - by order of the emperor on May 6 (according to a new style), 303 Georgy was beheaded.

Of the many miracles committed by the Holy Great Martyr George, the most famous is the defeat of the snake that inhabited in the lake at the foot of the Lebanese mountains, near Beirut, and the eyed people. By killing the snake, Saint George got rid of the faithful death of the royal daughter. Therefore, on the icons, he is depicted by a rider who is amazing a snake or dragon. Symbolic image value - victory over the devil. The bay, on the shores of which Beirut is located, and today wears the name of St. George.

In Russia, George, the victorious staff has long been worshiped as a defender of the Orthodox man. The son of the Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav Wise, in the baptism of George, was the first to confess the reverence of St. George Victorious among Orthodox. He founded the Yuryan monastery in Novgorod, erected the church of St. George in Kiev. The name of St. George of the Victorian wore the founder of Moscow Yuri Dolgoruky. With the prince of Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy St. George acts as a patron saint of Moscow, his image becomes the coat of arms of the states of Moscow, and later part of the Russian state coat of arms - the Russian eagle.

For two months, the ark with relics will visit several heroes: Smolensk, Orel, Tula, St. Petersburg, etc. The first place of worship of the shrine will be the Yaroslavl Metropoline, within which it will be from April 24 to May 5, 2015. In Moscow, the shrine will return on May 6, on the day of the memory of the saint, and will be in the Temple of Navy. George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount until May 11th. Detailed information with the schedule, the addresses of the shrine in Russia can be found on the site of the official infoartner of the attachment:


According to legend, George was born in the third century in the city of Beirut (in Malaya Asia) in the Christian family.

Entering the service in the Roman army, he became famous for his courage, was noticed by Emperor Diocletian (284-305) and put forward to senior military leaders. George made a lot of taut feats and miracles, for which he was called victorious. When Emperor Diocletian began persecuted on Christians, the warrior distributed his property to the poor, appeared to the emperor and declared himself a follower of Christ. Neither persuasion nor the torment could be inclined to paganism - and by order of Emperor Georgy was beheaded. The execution was made on May 6 (according to a new style) 303 years.

Of many miracles performed by the Holy Great Martyr George, the most famous is imprinted in iconography. This is a defeat of a snake that inhabited in the lake at the foot of the Lebanese Mountains, near Beirut, and the everd. By killing the snake, Saint George got rid of the faithful death of the royal daughter, who was supposed to become another victim of the snake. The bay, on the shores of which Beirut is located, and today wears the name of St. George.

In Russia, George, the victorious staff has long been worshiped as a defender of the Orthodox man. The son of the Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav Wise, in the baptism of George, was the first to confess the reverence of St. George Victorious among Orthodox. He founded the Yuryan monastery in Novgorod, erected the church of St. George in Kiev. The name of St. George of the Victorian wore the founder of Moscow Yuri Dolgoruky. With the prince of Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy St. George acts as a patron saint of Moscow, his image becomes the coat of arms of the states of Moscow, and later part of the Russian state coat of arms - the Russian eagle. In 1856, the emblem of the Moscow province is established with George the Victorian image.

The coat of arms of the Russian capital was restored by the Law of Moscow of February 1, 1995. The coat of arms is based on the plot "Miracle of George about Zmie". The coat of arms is a quadrangular with rounded lower corners and akin to the dark red heraldic shield depicted to the right from the viewer of the rider - St. George Victorious in silver armor and blue mantle (raincoat), on a silver horse with a silver gathering, striking the golden spear of black sneeze .

Saint Navy. George Victorious read as the embodiment of military valve and devotion to debt.

Based on the materials: Synodal Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church

Press service of the Novospassky Monastery

In Russia, George the Victorious staff has long been revered as a patron of military and assistant farmers in field works. From the XIV century, he is considered the heavenly patron saint of Moscow, and the victory of St. George over the snake is depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian capital.

May 6 - the day of memory of the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious. Since ancient times, he is the Heavenly Patron of Moscow. His famous victory over the snake is immortalized on her coat of arms. It is noteworthy that the Great Orthodox Shrine - Drain (Right Brush) of George, who he kept his sword, arrived at this festive day to the Moscow Earth, arrived at this festive day. All the anniversary celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Victory will remain in the capital of Russia. Until May 12, everyone can make it to her in the temple of George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount.

Together with the desk, the monks of the Holy Mountain Athos brought a list with an ancient miraculous icon of the Great Martyr George.

From her, the history of the Orthodox Monastery of Xenophon is beginning at the end of the 9th century, "Archimandrite Alexy (Mazziris), accompanying the shrine in Russia, told" Komsomolskaya ". - In Constantinople, the iconoborets wanted to burn her on fire. But the flame turned out to be powerless. Tried to cut out the dagger. A miracle happened - blood expired from the icon. And on the image is still notched blade. But the face remains unharmed. The iconoborets, frightened, threw it into the sea. But God was pleased that the miraculous icon arrived to the bank of Athos, where the Monastery of Xenophon was satisfied. Monks are reverently found the icon. The monastery began to be called the inhabitant of St. George. The Great Shrine of the Christian World - Drain of St. George is also kept in our monastery.

- Can I use details?

Unfortunately, in 1817, a terrible fire happened in the XENFON monastery. Many books burned down. Ancient manuscripts, chronicles of the monastery were destroyed. But the church legend preserves that together with the acquisition of the icon in our monastery, the relics of the saint. Not everyone is amenable to life and is investigated by reason. We have a lot of shrines. Need to believe. And St. George is a great assistant to people who refers to him with faith.

It was repeatedly seen in the monastery limits rider on horseback. One monk saint appeared in the refectory monastery. He very grieving that he had to fulfill obedience and prepare the Kushan, when everyone else was prayed in the temple. It was the day of memory of the saint. And then Saint George comforted this monk, imagining it. And the meal is the continuation of the liturgy, too, love for people. Holy George appears during service, in the altar. On March 17, 1915, one monk saw Saint George in the military robe, standing next to the icon.

- Everyone knows that George Victorious is a patron of warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. But the Orthodox also appeal to it with requests for healing from different ailments.

Since the appearance of the icon on Athos, the abode captured thousands of miracles associated with Saint George. One of the wonders - Icon came across the sea on the holy mountain ... Standing. On the shore, at the very place where the monks gained her, scored the holy water stream. Many historical facts testify to the healing of men. In 1744, the Russian pilgrim, writer Vasily Barsky cured from severe illness by entering this water. In the monastery, its own entries are stored. This water to this day has healing power.

One of the miracles was observed in our monastery more than 400 people. For St. George's Day all over the temple, fragrance and incense disagree. The power was silent for several hours. There have been a lot of healing in men who were in the temple.

His icon, which is worshiped by a miraculous, main in our Xenophon monastery. The holy sits on the throne, the birds trample. Birds are associated with diseases. In the monastery of St. George called the healer. It helps in getting rid of the kidney disease, the urinary tract, other ailments. Since 1730, there is another miraculous icon in the monastery - the Mother of Odigitria (guide). According to the prayers of the Virgin, children are born in fruitless couples. We also know about healing patients with cancer and mentally ill people. The icons of St. George and the Mother of God "Odigitria" are engaged in gifts to commemorate the gratitude of the people who received heavenly help, healed.

- Clear why you are talking only about men. Women many centuries have no right to step on the holy mountain, the territory of Our Lady.

The opportunity these days to touch the relics of St. George is the great Lord of the gift for your people. Moreover, women who never visit Athos. And now Holy George himself came to Russia.

Church of St. Great Martyr George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount

- On Athos, many Orthodox shrines. However, brethren reluctantly releases them outside the Holy Mountain. In the cinema - the official authority of the management of the monastic republic - every time representatives of all twenty monasteries vote. And do not always give good. With what heart the monks this time sent the shrine to Russia?

With joy! We received a request from Metropolitan Yaroslavl and Rostov Panteleimon. The resolution of the Universal Patriarch Bartholomew followed. Then - the resolution of the cinema. Everyone voted unanimously! The blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill was obtained. The Greek government supported and approved shrines in Russia.

- So many procedures?!

All by law. But the attainments of the shrine to Russia would be impossible without the assistance and assistance of the Charitable Fund of Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir and Personally, Lord Viktor Kostina and Vladimir Babia. Their contribution to this is invaluable.

- What does it mean for the monks of Athon Anniversary of Victory over Hitler, who is considered the main antichrist of the twentieth century?

For us, this is a great holiday of liberation of the Orthodox people! The first act of surrender was signed on May 6. Fascist Germany fell, when Athos and Russia celebrate St. George's Day of the Victorian. It is very symbolic. About Hitler I do not want to talk. This is a political question. We are monks. It is very important for us - not to condemn. We every day on Athos pray for the world in the world.

The Hospitality of St. George and the list with the ancient miraculous icon of Muscovites and guests of the capital can be attached from 6 to 11 May.

Address: Patriarchal Compound, Temple of IML. George Victorious on Poklonnaya Mount (Victory Square, 3b).
Visiting time: May 6: 12.00 - 20.00
May 7-11: 8.00 - 20.00
How to get there: Metro "Park Victory"

Help "KP"

According to legend, the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious (III century) grew up in Cappadocia (Small Asia) in the Christian family. Emperor Diocletian has long stacked George to renounce Christ. But he remained firm in his faith. After eight-day heavy torture was beheaded on May 6, 303. Therefore, George is counted for the facial of the Great Martyrs as the victim for the Christian faith. Handling Holy (right brush) is stored in the Xenophon Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos.

His reverence as the saint immediately spread throughout the empire and was confirmed by many wonders. The most famous miracle is a victory over the snake who devoured people. Therefore, the icons are depicted by a rider who is hit by a snake or dragon. Symbolic image value - victory over the devil.

From the XIV century - the heavenly patron of Moscow. The victory of St. George over the snake is immortalized on the coat of arms of the capital of Russia.

Where else can you touch the shrine?

May 12 - 14 - Stavropol,
May 15 - Elista,
May 16 - 21 - Volgograd,
May 22 - May 24 - Belgorod,
May 25 - 27 - Krasnodar,
May 28 - 29 - Podolsk,
May 30 - 31 - Kolomna,
June 1 - Village of the Moscow region village,
June 2 - 7 - St. Petersburg,
June 8 - 13 - Smolensk,
June 14 - 18 - Tula,
June 19 - 25 - Ekaterinburg.