Lecture: Novella Gofman "Golden Pot". Dvouliiria problem in the work of the writer

Lecture: Novella Gofman
Lecture: Novella Gofman "Golden Pot". Dvouliiria problem in the work of the writer

After reading the work of the "Golden Pot" of Hoffmann, we see the first thing that relates to the features of romanticism - this is the use of grotesque. All the work is built on the bizarre interlacing real and fantastic. With the help of fiction, Hoffman creates the effect of doamirine. Metamorphosis is present in the product of the corrugation, that is, the conversion, an example of such a transformation can be a green snake, which turned into a girl. A lot of digresses are found in the work, in which the author explains the copyright position, namely the author's irony. The irony also inherent in this work, the interlacing of two worlds leads to an ironic situation when Anselma considers the crazy after his stories about the other side of reality. Fantasticity and fabulousness are manifested throughout the work, the magical world, witchcraft, metamorphosis, fantastic heroes of the work, etc. Fantasy in the Gofman in the "Golden Pot" is not hidden, but just the opposite is clear. Also, the features of romanticism in the work of the Golden pot of the "Golden pot" include such features as unity with nature, it can be seen in the episode when Anselm sees three green snakes of thrown branches of elders, after they disappeared Anselm. Standing, hugging a bush Bezins. As for Anselma, he is a romantic hero in this work, he does not betray his dreams. Despite the events taking place, even being in the flanque, he is not amenable to persuasion of the sorcerer.
As you know, romanticism is associated with all the most bright, cute, with flowers and elegant gifts. It turns out that in our time you can be a romantic. For me, for example, I became a discovery of a bouquet of sweets as an original gift to your beloved person. It is very original, nice and romantic.

In the history of romanticism, two stages are distinguished: early and late. The division is not only a chronological, but based on the philosophical ideas of the era.

The philosophy of early romanticism is determined by the Divine Mir: the world of "infinite" and "finite" ("has become", "oblique"). "Infinite" - Cosmos, Being. "Finite" - earthly existence, everyday consciousness, life.

The artistic world of early romanticism embodies Dwymiria "Infinite" and "final" through the idea universal synthesis. The dominant of the world's overgrowth of the early romantics is the joyful reception of the world. The universe is the kingdom of harmony, and the world chaos is perceived as a light source of energy and metamorphosis, the eternal "firing of life."

The world of late romanticism is also a disastrous world, but already another, this is the world of absolute dvool. Here "final" - an independent substance opposite to "infinite". Dominant of the Minority of Late Romantics - disharmony, Space chaos is perceived as a source of dark, mystical forces.

The aesthetics of the gofman is created on the crossing of the early and late romanticism, their philosophical interpenetration.

In the world, Heroes of Hoffmann there is no only true space and time, for each there is its own reality, its topos and its time. But the romantic, describing these worlds, in its own consciousness connects them to a holistic, although contradictory world.

Favorite hero, created by Hoffmann, Craisler in the "Musical Suffering of Kapel Muser Johannes Craisler" describes the "tea evening", to which he was called like a tapper playing dancing:

"... I ... completely exhausted ... a bent lost evening! But now I feel good and easy. After all during the game, I took out a pencil and right hand sketched on page 63 under the last variation of several successful deviations, while the left hand did not stop fighting the stream of sounds! .. I continue to write on a revolving empty side<…> As a recovering patient, does not cease to talk about what he suffered, describing in detail here the hellish torment of today's tea evening. " Craisler, Alter-Ego Hoffman, is able to overcome the drama of reality through spiritual being.

In the work of Hoffmann, the structure of each text creates "Dvuelira", but it enters through " romantic Irony.».

In the center of the Gofman Universe - the creative person, the poet and the musician, the main thing for which - act of CreationAccording to Romantics, "Music, Genesis of Being". Aesthetic Akt. And it allows the conflict between the "material" and "spiritual", life and being.

Tale from the new Times "Golden Pot" It was the focus of the philosophical and aesthetic concept of Hoffman.

The text of the fairy tale reflects the world "VNEECs" and at the same time an individual, characterizing the personality of the Hoffman. According to Yu. M. Lotman, the text is " author's model of the world", Through all the structural components of which, chronotope and heroes are embodied by the real world. The philosophy of romantic militia is determined by the plot and fabul fairy tales, composition and chronotope.

To parse the text we need theoretical conceptsWith which students, as a rule, are called Anselma to the main character of the fairy tales, and two - the city of Dresden and the magic and mystical world in his two hypostatas - Atlantis (bright start) and the space of the old woman (dark start) are distinguished. Thus, the outlined chronotope of the fairy tale cuts off separate parts of the composition, reduces the plot twice as well, reducing it to the Fabulm on Anselm.

If for actor Characters of this Faboy Anselm, Veronica, Geerbrand, Paulman, Lindglist and Old Lisa are sufficient for creative fantasies of stage incarnation, then for Director This composite deconstruction leads to the loss of the meaning of the fairy tale and its main character - romance.

Theoretical concepts become indicators of art and ideological values.

Chronotope - "... interconnection spatial and temporal relations, artistically mastered in the literature "[p. 234].

The author-creator is a real person, the artist "distinguish the image author, narrator and narrator. Creator author = composer As in relation to his work as a whole and a separate text as a particle of a whole "[s. 34].

The author is the "carrier of stress-active unity of the completed whole, a whole hero and a whole work.<...> The consciousness of the author is consciousness, the comprehensive consciousness of the hero, his world "[s. 234]. The task of the author is the knowledge of the form of the hero and its world, i.e. Aesthetic assessment of someone else's knowledge and act.

Narrator (narrator, narrator) - "This cold Figurewhich belongs to the whole literary work. " This role invented and accepted by the author-creator. "Narantor and characters in their function are" paper beings ", Author the story (material) can not be confused with narrator of this story. "

Event. Two types of events are distinguished: Event Artistic and Event Scene:

1) An artistic event - in which the Creator and reader take part. So in the "Golden Pot" we will see several similar events, about which the characters do not know ": this is a structural division, the choice of the genre, the creation of a chronotope, according to Tynyanov's remark, this event" introduces a hero in prose, but the reader. "

2) The story is changing the heroes, situations, the dynamic deployment of the fabul in the space of the plot.

The text "Golden Pot" is a system of several art Eventsenshrined in the structure of the composition.

The beginning of these events - division into the text "Printed" and the text "writing".

First event - This is the text "Printed": "" Golden Pot "Fairy Tale from New Times." It was created by Hoffman - The author-creator - And it has a general character with the rest of the work of Hoffman - this is a crawler, the main character of Craislerian.

Second event. Creator author in your text introduces another author - The narrator. In the literature of such the narratorthere is always a real author alter-ego. But often the Creator author gives it a subjective function of the author-storyshirt, which turns out to be a witness or even a participant in the real story, which is narrating. Golden Pot just has such a subjectivated author - a romance writer who writes "its own text" - about Anselm ("writing text").

Third Event - This is "writing text" about Anselm.

I event

Turn to K. First Art Event: Creation by the author-creator "Golden Pot".

"Printed" Text is the result of the work of the author-Creator - E. T. A. Gofman.

He gives the name of the work (over the semantics of which the reader still has to think), determines the genre ( Tale from new times), the plot, composite structure, including such a composite element, as a partition to the chapter, in this case " vigilia" It is through this title of chapter of Vigilia, the Creator author defines the space of the narrator - the author-Romance and transmits it to him. It is he, romantic narrator, firstly, shows the reader the process of writing history, how and where it happens (place and time) and, secondly, presents the created by him ( author) Text about Anselm.

first, it structures its text "Golden Pot";

secondly, it includes two more Events:

Romance text (history of Anselm).

In addition, by introducing the name of the Craisler, the hero of his other text, the Creator Author embeds the text about Anselm and the general Golden Pot to the artistic holistic system of his work.

At the same time, Hoffman includes the Golden Pot - in the cultural series. The name of the tale "Golden Pot" refers to the fairy tale Novisa - "Heinrich von Ofelydingen". There is a blue flower in it the main character, and the whole novel is illuminated by a blue color sign. The symbolism of the blue flower, as the color itself (blue, blue) is a sign of world synthesis, the unity of the final and infinite, as well as the journey-disclosure of a person through self-knowledge.

E. T. A. Gofman also offers his hero a kind of purpose - a golden pot. But the symbolism "Golden Pot" is a mesh, gilded happiness, which will face a romantic sign. The "Golden Pot" in the context of the works of E. T. A. Gofman gets a value that in turn sends the reader to another sign. In the fairy tale of Kroashz Tsakhs, the hero is badly sinking in nightpot. Thus, the "Golden Pot" sign is even more profanied by the definition of "night". It turns out that the author of the Creator begins a dialogue with the reader already named the fairy tale.

First event, dispersal space and time, fixing them for different authors and characters, introduces the philosophical motive finding truth: What is really or it all depends on our perception?

Immediately, after the name and definition of the genre, the reader "fit" the temporary and spatial marker of transition to " test another author. " This is the name of the first "chapter" (and in a fairy tale 12) - Vigil .

Vigil (Lat. Vigil a) - Night Guardian in ancient Rome; Here - in the sense of "Night Vigil".

Nightvery important day of day for aesthetics of romanticism: "Night is a keeper. This image belongs to the Spirit, "hegel wrote.

According to Romantics, it is at night that the human soul comes into an intimate contact with the spiritual content of the world, it comes to life and wake up feelings drunk in the day of external (often, imaginary) surface of life. A significant role in this process, as the studies of psychologists showed, play brain patterns, various functions of the right and left hemisphere. The left ("daytime") hemisphere responsibly for mental operations, the right ("night") - for the creative abilities of the person. Night - and not only romantics - the activity of the right hemisphere and productive creative work.

Through. art Marker - "Vigila" And the first time and the space in the "Golden Pot" are set: a personalized figure of the narrator, invented by the Creator, is introduced - new Author - Romance.

one - demonstration the process of creating history About Anselm,

second - itself History Anselma.

Second andthird events

take place at different times and at different levels of the text "Golden Pot": a pillar and plot.

Fabul - "Vector-temporal and logically deterministic sequence of life facts chosen or fictional by the artist" [S. 17].

The plot is "a sequence of actions in the work, artistically organized through space-time relationships and the organizing system of images; The combination and interaction of rows of events at the author and heroes levels "[ibid, p. 17].

Considering the space and time of the "Golden Pot" as a story and a headquarters, we use these definitions.

Scene space - "Multidimensional, multidimensional, movable, variable. Standard space There is in real measurements of reality, it is one-dimensional, constantly attached to certain parameters and in this sense static. "

Stall Time - "The time of events." Scene time - "The time story about the event. The storytime, unlike the phabuline, can slow down and accelerate, move zigzago-like and intermittently. Stall time exists not out, but inside the storyteen "[S. sixteen].

Second event - Creative process experienced by a romantic, creating their text. In the structure of the whole fairy tale, it organizes a storyline and time. The main task of the event is to create a "story about Anselm", which has its time and place.

Twelve Vigili, twelve nights the author writes - this is scene time. We are witnessing the creative process: in our presence, the story about Anselm is written and the "for some reason" is not obtained by the 12th Vigil. All the activity of the author is directed, first of all, to draw up the composition of his work: he chooses heroes, puts them at a certain time and place, connects the headquarters, i.e. Forms the Stabul of the History of Anselma. As the author, he is free to do everything he needs with his text. So, in front of the reader, he performs the function of the "author of the Creator" of that text, where the main character is Anselm.

Substitutional narrator and at the same time a tale character from the new Times "Golden Pot", a romantic artist creates the text about an unusual man Anselm, whose individuality does not fit into the Society of Dresden, which leads him to the world of Lindglist, Magic and the owner of the kingdom of Antlanty.

This magician and magician Lindglist, in turn, is familiar with the musician, a cappermaster cruisler, the hero of the "other text" - "Creislerians" belonging to the author-Creator - Hoffman. Mention of the cruisler as a loved one Romance, i.e. The author of the text about Anselm, connects the worlds fictional (from different texts of the corrugation) and the world is real, in which Hoffman creates.

It is in this compound that the romantic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Hoffman himself is embodied in the history of Anselme - the lack of two worlds, the synthesis of "infinite" and "final". But it connects these worlds of Hoffman through the artistic reception of romantic irony. "The irony there is a clear consciousness of eternal animation, chaos in an infinite wealth", according to F. Shelling. All of the fullness of global life in irony and through Ironia keeps his trial over flawed phenomena that attracted independence. The romantic irony of Hoffmanna elects collisions, which put a whole against the whole, the world of romanticism against the Meshchansky world, the world of creativity against the mediocre, being against life. And only in this opposition and inconsistency is the fullness of life.

So, romantic artist in Golden PotPerforms 3 functions:

2) he character created by the History of Anselmthat we find in 12 Vigil (his acquaintance with the character invented by him by the same character - Lindglist).

3) he "Romantic artist", Blowing boundaries invented "History on Anselma". Introduction to his story figures of Craisler, the hero of the "other text", belonging to only the author-creator, it makes it the most romance, the author about Anselm, log in the world of Hoffmana as his second I am-alter-ego.

Scene Topos of the Second Event Make up the self-romance self-space and the text created by it. His home is "Camorka on the fifth floor" in the city of Dresden. Of all the attributes that belong to him, the reader sees the table, lamp and bed. Here he brings a note from Lindglist (the character of the text that composed by him as the author). Lindglist character offers its creator assistance: "... if you want to write twelfth Vigil<...> Come to me "[s. 108]. From their meeting in the house of Lindglist (Phava Topos text about Anselmand the plot topos "Golden Pot") We learn that the best friend of the author is Kapellasister Johann Creisler (a very significant character who is a genuine enthusiast for the Hoffman himself; it is through this image that the "Golden Pot" is associated with other works of Hoffman).

We also learn about the presence of the author "decent Mood as poetic property ..." in Atlantis (invisible space of the author-Romance). But in the plot topos is space poetic Mise Serves the role of the compound, identification of the author and the author-creator, the Craislerian Creator.

first, lives in the city of Dresden,

secondly, in Atlantis he has a manore or manor,

thirdly, writes the story of Anselm,

fourth, meets with the hero of his own work (Lindglist),

and finally, fifth, he learns about visiting Cruisler, the hero of another text of the gofman.

Motialized space of the author (his dwelling) subjective space (Mazz, readers), finally, fictional space - the text about Anselm, and the process of writing it - all this elements of Space II Events.

Development of "History on Anselm", her chronotope - staffing and time.

But since this is the story of the spiritual state of the author-Romance, then its "materialization" becomes simultaneously a fixed event, forming text in the text. Romantic ranks defined spatial position In the "Golden Pot" along with the text, they are created.

Timeduring which the text is written (12 nights), "develops" the head (vector) measurement and turns out to be a storyline. Because it is not only a perceptual time calculated by 12 days (or at night), but also subjective, conceptual time. In the eyes of the reader, the linear time goes into a rampant, through the world of the workman text goes to the spiritual world of poetry - in eternity.

Time and space are losing parental importance through the game with "Fabuli-stories" in the plot, lose formal signs and become spiritual substances.

Third Art Event - This is the text of the author-Romance, the story dedicated to the "Carts" of the young man by the name Anselm.

Phabomatic history of history: Dresden and Mystical World - the Kingdom of Atlantis and Witch. All these spaces exist autonomously, changing the overall configuration due to the movements of the characters.

In parallel, the "material" Dresden secretly dominates the two opposing forces: Prince of good spirits of the kingdom of Atlantis, Salamander, and an evil witch. Finding out your relationship, they are trying to drag the Anselma at the same time.

All events begin with a household incident: Anselm turns the basket of apples in the bazaar and immediately receives a curse: "Get under the glass", - what podaBloy Immediately determines the presence of another space - the mystical world.

The story about Anselm is mostly happening in Dresden - the provincial German town in the time of the corrugation. Its historical, "temporary" parameters: the city market, the embankment is the place of evening walks of the citizens, the Meshchansky House of the Pulman official, the office of the archivist of Lindglist. In this city there are their laws, there is their own philosophy of life. We learn about all this from characters, that is, residents of Dresden. So, more than all the rank, profession, budget is valued, it is they who establish that a person can, but what is not. The higher the rank, the better, for young people it means to be in the position of corrugated. And the limit of the dreams of a young heroine of Veronica is to marry a corrugated. Thus, Dresden is a Burgers-bureaucratic city. Everything is immersed in life, in vanity fuss, in the game of limited interests. Dresden, from the point of view of opposing spiritual and material values, within the framework of space-time oppositions acts as a closed, "final".

At the same time, Dresden is both under the sign of the old Lisa that embodies the devilish, the Witermanian beginning of the universe and under the sign of Lindglist and his bright, magical Atlantis.

Third Event, Anselma's story, easy to read with students quite easily, and perceived as the immediate content of the Golden Pot Fairy Tazzle and with independent text analysis, most often remains the only story of the entire plot ...

... and only a deep analysis, knowledge of theoretical concepts and knowledge of artistic laws help to see and understand the holistic picture of the text, to expand the meaning and its own imagination.

The "closed shopping state" (1800) is the name of the treatise of the German philosopher I.G. Fihte (1762-1814), which caused great disputes.

"Fanshon" is the opera of the German composer F.gimel (1765-1814).

BAS-General -the doctrine of harmony.

Iphigenia - In Greek mythology, the daughter of the Greek of the King Agamemenon, who in Avlida brought her sacrificing the goddess of Hunt Artemide, and the goddess moved it to Tavrid and made his priestess.

TUTY. (Ital.) - Simultaneous game of all musical instruments.

Altsina Castle - The castle of the magician Altsina in the poem of the Italian poet L.Aryosto (1474-1533) "Furass Roland" (1516) guarded the monsters.

Evhon (Greek) -euphony; Here: the creative power of the musician.

Spirits Orca - In the Greek myth on the battle of the spirit of the underground kingdom, where the singer orphea descends to bring his deceased wife by Eurydich.

"Don Juan"(1787) - Opera of the Great Austrian composer V.A. Motsarta (1756-1791).

Armid - The wizard from the poem of the famous Italian poet Ttasso (1544-1595) "liberated by Jerusalem" (1580).

Allest - In Greek mythology, the wife of the Hero of Admet, who sacrifted the life for the sake of rescue her husband and freed from the Underground World Hercules.


Modulations - Change the tone, transitions from one music building to another.

Melism (Ial.) - Melodic decoration in music.

Lib.ru/gofman/gorshok.txt Copy on the site Translation from German Vl. Solovyov. Moscow, Soviet Russia, 1991. OCR: Michael Seregin. Here the translation of V. S. Solovyov is erected. Final paragraphs were translated by A. V. Fedorov. - Ed.

"Musical sufferings of Kapelmeister Johannes Craisler" // Hoffman Craislerian (from the first part of the "fantasies in Kallo's manner"). - E.T.A. Hoffman Craislerian. Lights Cat Murra. Diaries. - M.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Literary monuments, 1972. - P. 27-28.

Bakhtin M.M. Questions of literature and aesthetics: - M.: 1975, p. 234.

Ibid, 34.

Once again think about these concepts, in a specific text analysis, they will help you vamp the meaning of the whole text..

See 4 and 12 Vigil "Golden Pot".

Egorov B.F., Zaretsky V.A. and others. Plot and Fabul // In Sat.: Issues of plotting. - Riga, 1978. P. 17.

Tsilevich L.M. Dialectics of the plot and fabuli // in Sat.: Issues of plotting. - Riga, 1972. p.16.

Golden Pot

The name of this fabulous novel is accompanied by an eloquent subtitle "Fairy Tale from New Times". The meaning of this subtitle is that the actors of this fairy tale are the contemporaries of Hoffman, and the action takes place in real Dresden of the beginning of the XIX century. So rethinks by the Ien tradition of the genre of the fairy tale - in its ideological-artistic structure, the writer includes a plan of real daily judge.

The world of the fairy tale of Hoffman has pronounced signs of romantic dwellemic, which is embodied in the work in various ways. Romantic Dwellemiria is implemented in stories through a direct explanation of the characters of origin and the device of the world in which they live. There is a world of the local, earthly, weekday and other world, some kind of magic Atlantis, from which there was once a person. This is what is stated in the story of Serpentina Anselmu about his father-archivius Lindglist, who, as it turned out, is the prehistoric Spirit of fire by Salamanndom, who lived in the Magic country of Atlantide and the prince of Spirits by Phosphorus for his love for the daughter of the Snake Lily.

Hero Novels Student Anselm is an eccentric loser, endowed with a "naive poetic soul", and this makes it an affordable world of fabulous and wonderful. Man on the verge of two worlds: Partially earthly creature, partially spiritual. Faced with the magic world, Anselm begins to lead a dual existence, getting out of his prose-friendly being in the kingdom of a fairy tale adjacent to the usual real life. In accordance with this, the novel and compositionally built on the interlacing and interpenetration of the fabulous fantastic plan with real. Romantic fabulous fiction in its small poetry and grace finds here in the gofman one of its best expressives. At the same time, a real plan is clearly described in themella. A widely and brightly detailed fabulous plan with many bizarre episodes, so unexpectedly and, it would seem randomly invading a story about real daily days, is subordinated to a clear, logical ideological and artistic structure. The bibinability of the Creative method of Hoffmann, Dwymirie in his worldview affected the opposition of the world of real and fantastic.

Dwellemiria is implemented in the system of characters, namely the fact that the characters clearly differ in affiliation or tendency to the forces of good and evil. In the "Golden Pot", these two forces are presented, for example, by the archivist Lindglist, his daughter Serpentina and an old-witch, which, it turns out, is the daughter of the black dragon feather and beets. The exception is the main character, which turns out to be the equilibrium influence of the other force, is subject to this changeable and eternal struggle of good and evil. Anselma's soul - "Battlefield" between these forces. For example, as easily changing the worldview by Anselma, looking at the Veronica Mirror: Only yesterday he was crazy in love with Serpentin and recorded the history of the archivist in his house with mysterious signs, and today it seems to him that he only thought about Veronica.

Dvoulimiria is realized in the images of a mirror, which in large numbers are found in the story: a smooth metal mirror of the old women, a crystal mirror from the beams of light from Pars on the hand of the archivist of Lindglist, the magic veronica mirror, enveloped by Anselma. Mirrors are a famous magic tool that has always been popular with all mystics. It is believed that a man endowed with spiritual vision is able to easily see the world invisible and act through it, as through a kind of portal.

The duality of Salamander is that he is forced to hide his true essence from people and pretend to be secret archivist. But he allows its essence to manifest itself for those whose eyes open to the world invisible, the world of higher poetry. And then the one who could have seen his transformation into Korshun, his regal appearance, his paradise gardens at home, his duel. Anselmu opens the wisdom of Salamander, incomprehensible signs are becoming available in the manuscripts and the joy of communication with the inhabitants of the world of invisible, including Serpentina. Another resident of the invisible is an old woman with apples - the fruit of the Dragon Feather Union with beets. But she is a representative of the forces of dark and in every way trying to prevent the implementation of the designs of Salamander. Its worldly double - the old woman Lisa, the sorcerer and the busty, headed by Veronika misleading.

Gofrat Geerbrand - Double of Anselma's corrugated. In the role of the groom or her husband, each of them duplicates the other. Marriage with one corrugated is a copy of a marriage with another, even in detail, even in earrings that they bring as a gift to their bride or wife. For Hoffmann, the word "double" is not entirely accurate: Anselma Veronika could exchange not only on Geerbranda, but for hundreds, on the great many of them.

In the "Golden Pot" not only Anselm has a twin in this sense. Veronica also has a twin - serpentine. True, Veronica itself does not suspect this. When Anselm prompts on the way to the beloved Serpentine and burst into the dream - Veronica, like a social twin, comes to him. And Anselm comforts the social, common detail - "blue eyes" and cute appearance. Replaces Serpentina on the same grounds, on which Veronica Anselma changed on Gerbrand's corrugated

The twin is the greatest resentment, what a human person can be applied. If doubled, the personality is stopped as a person. Double - Individuality is lost, life and soul is lost in lively.

The misfortunes of Anselma Student. - FULL TABACA OF THE CONTRATOR OF PULMAN AND GOLDEN GREEN Snakes.

On the day of Ascension, the clock is about three afternoon, through a black gate in Dresden, a young man was swirling rapidly and just got into the basket with apples and patties, which the old, ugly woman traded, - and got so successful that part of the basket content was crushed, and All that safely avoided this fate, scattered in all directions, and street boys happily rushed to prey, which a clever young man delivered them! On the screams of the old woman, the bidders left her tables, followed by cakes and vodka, surrounded the young man and began to scold him so rude and frantically, that he, onmayev from annoyance and shame, could only remove her small and not particularly full wallet, which The old woman greedily grabbed and quickly hid. Then a close circle of traders persuade; But when a young man jumped out of him, the old woman shouted him after: "Runly, the devils of the son, so that you are separated; We will fall under the glass, under the glass! ... "In a sharp, the piercing voice of this woman was something terrible, so that the walking with surprise stayed, and the ranking was first with a laugh of a fence. Anselm student (young man was he who he) although at all did not understand the strange words of the old woman, but he felt an invalid shudder and even more accelerated his steps to avoid the explosive crowds aimed at him. Now, breaking through through the stream of elegant citizens, he heard everywhere talking: "Oh, a poor young man! Ah, she is damned Baba! " Strangely, the mysterious words of the old woman gave a funny adventure of some tragic turnover, so everyone looked with the participation of a person who were not completely noticed at all. The female sex in view of the high growth of the young man and his fraudulent person, the expressiveness of which intensified with his anger, wouldingly apologize his awkwardness, as well as his costume, very far from every fashion, namely: his pricker-gray fuca was designed in such a way as if The tailor, who worked, only knew him about modern fittings, and black satin, well-preserved trousers gave the whole figure of a master's style that the gait and posture did not fit.

Each people have their fairy tales. They freely intertwined fiction with real historical events, and they are a kind of encyclopedia of traditions and household characteristics of different countries. Folklore fairy tales existed orally for centuries, while the author's fairy tales began to appear only with the development of typography. Tales of Geesner, Viland, Goette, Gauga, Brentano appeared fruitful soil for the development of romanticism in Germany. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, the name of the Grimm brothers, who created an amazing, magical world in their works sounded loudly. But one of the most famous fairy tales was the "Golden Pot" (Hoffman). The summary of this work will allow you to familiarize yourself with some features of German romanticism, which has enormous influence on the further development of art.

Romanticism: Istock

German romanticism is one of the most interesting and fruitful periods in art. It began in the literature, giving a powerful impetus to all other art types. Germany of the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century was not much more than reminded the magic, poetic country. But Burgerian life, simple and pretty primitive, turned out to be, oddly enough, the most fertile soil for the birth of the spiritualized direction in culture. The door opened Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman. The Character Craisler's insanity created by him became a proclaimer of a new hero, beyond the feelings only in the most excellent degree immersed in his inner world more than in real. Hoffman belongs to the amazing product of the Golden Pot. This is one of the peaks of German literature and the real encyclopedia of romanticism.

History of creation

The Tale of the Golden Pot was written by Hoffman in 1814 in Dresden. Outdoors and whistles of the Napoleonic Army were torn off the window, and at the table of the writer, an amazing world filled with miracles and magical characters was born. Gofman has just experienced a cruel shock when his beloved Yulia Mark Parents issued for a wealthy merchant. The writer once again collided with the vulgar rationalism of Filiuterov. The ideal world, in which the harmony reigns of all things - that's what E. Hoffman eager. The Golden Pot is an attempt to invent such a world and settle in it at least in the imagination.

Geographical coordinates

An amazing feature of the "Golden Pot" is that the scenery for this fabulous story is written off from the real city. Heroes walk along the castle street, bypassing the links of the bathing. Pass through black and lake gates. Miracles occur on the most real folk festards on the day of Ascension. Heroes ride a boat, Osterst's young lads apply to Veronica. The registrar Geerbrand tells his fantastic story about Lily and Phosphorus's love, drinking Punches on the evening of the office of Paulman, and no one even leads the eyebrows. Hoffman so closely twists the fictional world with real, which the line between them is erased almost completely.

Golden Pot (Hoffman). Summary: Beginning of amazing adventures

On the day of the holiday of Ascension, about three hours of the afternoon, Anselm student swiftly steps on the pavement. Having passed through the black gate, he accidentally overturns the basket of the shocks with apples and, in order to somehow rode his guilt, gives her his latest money. The old woman, however, not satisfied with compensation, pours out a whole stream of curses and curses on Anselma, from which he captures only that he threatens to be under the glass. Near, the young man is starting aimlessly to wander around the city, when a slight rustling of elderberry hears. Looking in foliage, Anselm decided that he sees three wonderful golden snakes eragging in the branches and something mysteriously whispering. One of the serpeakes brings his elegant head to him and looks closely into the eyes. Anselm comes to a wild delight and begins to talk with them, which brings down the perplexes of passersby. The conversation interrupt the registrar Geerbrand and the Paulman Conditioner with daughters. Seeing that Anselm is not a bit in themselves, they decide that he has slept from incredible poverty and bad luck. They offer the young man to come to the CONFTER in the evening. At this receipt, the unfortunate student receives a proposal from the archivist of Lindglist to come to the service as a calligraph. Understanding that he does not have to count on to count on, Anselm accepts an offer.

In this initial section, the main conflict between the seeking wonders of the soul (Anselm) and the landlined, concernedly consciousness ("Dresden characters"), which is the basis of the drama of the Tale of the Golden Pot (Corrugation). The summary of the further adventures of Anselma follows.

Magic house

Miracles began as soon as Anselm approached the archivist's house. The door hammer suddenly turned into the face of the old woman, the basket of which turned the young man. The lace of the call was the white snake, and again Anselmu was heard the prophetic words of the old woman. In horror, the young man ran away from a strange house, and no persuasion helped convince him to visit this place again. To establish contact between the archivist and Anselm, the registrar Geerbrand invited them both to a coffee shop, where he told the mythical history about Lily and Phosphorus. It turned out that Lindgorst this lily accounts for a great-grandfather, and Royal Blood flows in his veins. In addition, he told that golden snakes, so captive a young man - his daughter. It was finally convinced Anselma that you need to try again with happiness in the archivist's house.

Visit to fortuneulk

The daughter of the registrar of Geerbrand, imagining that Anselm can become a surrender adviser, convinced himself that she was in love, and set out to marry him. For loyalty, she went to the fortuneteller, who told her that Anselm contacted the evil forces in the face of the archivist, loved his daughter - a green snake - and the advisor he never become. To somehow console the unfortunate girl, I promised to help her, making a magic mirror, through which Veronica will be able to shock Anselm to himself and save him from an evil old man. In fact, there was a long-standing feud among the fortune and archivist, and thus the sorceress wanted to bring accounts with her enemy.

Magic ink

Lindglist, in turn, also supplied Anselma by Magic Artifact - he gave him a flask with the mysterious black mass, which the young man had to rewrite letters from the book. With each day, the symbols became everything clearer Anselmu, soon he began to seem to seem that he knows this text for a long time. In one of the working days, he was Serpentin - a snake, in which Anselm fell in love without a memory. She told her father from the tribe of Salamander. For his love for a green snake, he was expelled from the magical country of Atlantis and was doomed to stay in human appearance until someone can hear the singing of her daughters and fall in love with them. As a dowry for them was promised a gold pot. When hollowing, Lily will grow out of it, and the one who can learn to understand her language will open the door to Atlantis for himself and for Salamander.

When Serpentina disappeared, giving an anselma kiss for goodbye, the young man looked at the writings he rewritten, and realized that everything was said by the snake was found in them.

Happy final

For some time, the magic Veronica Mirror has worked on Anselma. He forgot the Serpetin and began to dream of Powlman's daughter. Having come to the archivist's house, he discovered that he stopped perceiving the world of miracles, writing, even recently read by him with ease, again turned into incomprehensible stokers. Cropped to the parchment ink, the young man was imprisoned in a glass jar in punishment for his oversight. Looking around, he saw a few of the same cans with young people. Only they did not understand that they were in captivity, mocking the sufferings of Anselma.

Suddenly, grumbling came from the coffee maker, and the young man found out the voice of the notorious old woman in it. She promised to save him if he marries Veronica. Anselm refused with anger, and the witch tried to escape, grabbing the golden pot. But then the path was blocked by the Terrible Salamander. A fight took place between them: Lindglist won, the chairs of the mirror were sleeping from Anselma, and the sorceress turned into a nasty bed.

All Veronica attempts to bind Anselm to themselves eventually ended in failure, but the girl was sad for a short time. Conditions Paulman, appointed by a surrender adviser, suggested her hand and heart, and she gladly gave her consent. Anselm and Serpentina happily wrapped around and found eternal bliss in Atlantis.

Golden Pot, Hoffman. Heroes

Anselma's enthusiastic student is not lucky in real life. There is no doubt that Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hofman associates himself. The young man passionately wants to find his place in the public hierarchy, but it stumbles against the rude, deprived of the imagination of the world of burghers, that is, ordinary people. His inconsistency of reality is brightly demonstrated at the very beginning of the story when he overturns the basket of the emanker apples. The powerful people who stand firmly standing on the ground are sweeping over him, and he acutely feeling his exclusion from their world. But as soon as he is arranged to work for the archivist Lindgord, his life begins to instantly improve. In his house, he enters the magic reality and falls in love with a golden snake - the younger daughter of the archivist Serpentina. Now the meaning of its existence becomes the desire to conquer her love and trust. In the image of Serpentina, Hoffman embodied the perfect beloved - the elusive, elusive and fabulously beautiful.

The Magic World of Salamander is opposed to "Dresden" characters: Conditions Paulman, Veronica, Registrar Geerbrand. They are completely devoid of ability to observe miracles, considering faith in them by manifestation of mental illness. Only Veronica, in love with Anselma, sometimes a curtain over the fantastic world is open. But she loses this susceptibility, as soon as the Soviet Counselor appears on the horizon with a proposal of a hand and heart.

Features of the genre

"Tale from the new time" - that's what the name presented the Gofman himself with his story "Golden Pot". Analysis of the characteristics of this work, conducted in several studies, makes it difficult to accurately determine the genre in which it is written: a chronic plot allows him to take it to a story, an abundance of magic - to a fairy tale, a small volume - to the novel. Real with his Littleness and Pragmatism and the Fantastic Country of Atlantis, where the entrance is available only for people with aggravated sensitivity, exist in parallel. Thus, Hoffman argues the principle of dvouliiria. The erosion of forms and duality was generally characteristic of romantic works. Drawing inspiration in the past, romantics rushed thirsful eyes to the future, hoping to find in such union the best of worlds.

Hoffman in Russia

The first translation from the German fairy tale of Gofman Golden Pot in Russia was released in the 20s of the XIX century and immediately attract the attention of all the thinking intelligentsia. Belinsky wrote that the prose of a German writer opposes the vulgar daily and rational clarity. Herzen his first article devoted an essay from the life and creativity of Hoffman. In the library A. S. Pushkin there was a complete collected works of Hoffman. Translation from German was performed on French - on the then tradition to give this language preference before the Russian. Oddly enough, in Russia, the German writer was much more popular than at home.

Atlantis is a mythical country where the harmony of all things is unattainable in the reality of the harmony. It is in such a place who seeks to get a student Anselm in a story-tale "Golden Pot" (Hoffman). The brief content of his adventures, unfortunately, can not enjoy the smallest turns of the plot, nor all amazing miracles that the Hoffman fantasy scattered on his path nor exquisite, characteristic of only German romanticism style of the narration. This article is designed only to wake up your interest in the work of a great musician, writer, artist and lawyer.