Development for knowing on "Monuments literary heroes". Monuments literary heroes

Development for knowing on the topic
Development for knowing on "Monuments literary heroes". Monuments literary heroes

There are many interesting monuments in literary characters in the world. These heroes are known due to resourcefulness or courage, optimism or unusual actions, sense of humor or nonsense. In our country there will be monuments not only to the characters of the national classics, but also the heroes of foreign literature. The main thing - not on which land was born a hero, and where he fell in love with the whole soul.

Mermaid Andersen in Copenhagen

This monument is installed in the seaport of Copenhagen. Created this monument to the sculptor Edward Eriksen in 1913. The little mermaid has become a symbol and a business card of Denmark - every anniversary of the mermaid is celebrated at the state level. How loved this sculpture to the residents of Denmark, so this monument was subjected to vandalism. The sculpture was poured paint, sawed their hands and head, exploded. The sculpture was invariably restored and returned to their place.
Today, the monument to the mermaid is among the ten most famous monuments of the world. In 2013, the mermaid will celebrate his centenary anniversary.

Its sculpture of Mermaid was until recently in Vladivostok.

The two-meter sculpture of the mermaid was installed on Vladivostok sports seafront in June 2003. Gone under the water in April 2010.

It's nice to realize that their sisters, located in Brazil, fate is happier. That, in his original form, relatively recently cited his half a century anniversary.

Judging by the number of monuments established by Don Quixote is one of the most popular heroes of world literature.

Where only there is no monument to this glorious knight - in Cuba and in Omsk, in Moscow and in Gabrovo, in Varadero and Brussels - and this is not a complete list. We will show some of the most successful, in different styles.

The most famous Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa are at the foot of the monument to Cervantes in Madrid.

There is a copy of the same monument and in Brussels installed on a high pedestal.

In Spain, you can find a lot of sculptures to the heroes of Cervantes.

And such see Don Quixote Cubans, who established a monument to the Knight in the New Havana Park.

And his faithful squire.

And these statues of the heroes are located near the Museum of Don Quixote in Guanohuato (Mexico)

And from Gabrovo.

Well, the craftsmen from Omsk managed to create a monument to Don Quixote almost from scrap metal.

Another Don Quixote in Omsk (apparently, they love this noble character there)

And in Izhevsk.

In Donesk.

And this is in Georgia.

Donkey in Kakheti is a sacred animal. Kakhetinti, who set the monument to the hero of Cervantes, believe that Sancho Pansa wandered in the Kakhetian donkey.

Sancho Pansa in Moscow.

The following characters may be the heroes of Romanov A. Duma "Three Musketeers"

This sculpture of D "Artanyan, the main character of the" Three Musketeers "A.Dyum since the beginning of the 30s of the last century rises above the citizens of their native city of Osh in the very center of Gasconi.

D Artanyan in Paris at the pedestal of the monument to A.Dume.

Monument to d'Artagnan, Maastric, Netherlands.

The monument is installed directly from the Tong Tower, the place of death of the Gasgona in 1673 during the Franco-Dutch war. And not invented Dumas, but the real, Charles de Batz-Castelmore D "Artanyan, the captain of the royal musketeers, who became a prototype of his beloved hero.

Musketeers in Gasconi.

September 4, 2010 In the ancient French town of Kond, in Gaskoni, on the square in front of the temple San Pierre opened a monument to Musketeers in Dumas Jackets.

Tsereteli tells: "Five years ago, the descendant of D'Artagnian, Count Emery de Montcape, was headed by Armagnac Musketeers Society. And in it, by the way, more than four thousand members from around the world. And some of them came to the opening of the monument"
The monument was opened with the most solemn way - with the parade of the current musketeers and in the presence of important persons, the ceremony was attended by the General Director of UNESCO Irina Bokova, the mayor of Bernard Gallando, Senator Emery de Montcape and others.
Together with Zurab Tsereteli V.Smekhov and V. Sirnitsky solemnly accepted Musketeer's Society. They were welcomed by 650 colleagues on the rank who came to Gascon from different countries.

Mary Poppins

The monument was solemnly opened on March 13, 2004 in the suburb of Sydney, in the Park of the city of Eshfield. Author "Mary Poppins" P.L. Travers was from Australia (from the city of Maryborough).

Romeo and Juliet - the heroes of the most romantic and tragic history of love told the world of English playwright V. Shakespeare.

Romeo sculptural image and Juliet is located in New York Central Park. Sculpture installed in 1977. Its author is the sculptor - Milton Hebald. Statue poses Shakespeare's lovers in an embrace before a kiss. Romeo Bronze Figures and Juliet, made in human growth, are installed on the granite pedestal before entering the theater of the current.

In 2008, in Batati, a small town near Rostov-on-Don, a monument to Romeo and Juliet of the famous local sculptor Anatoly Sknarin was installed in front of the Palace of Culture

And this is the most famous monument to Juliet

The monument to Juliet is located in Verona (Italy), directly opposite the "his" house (tourists show this house as a juliet house), under the balcony.

On the courtyard wall in love with a couple, you need to leave your initials, then stroke the Juliet (according to one version - in hand, on the other - on the chest, both places are polished to the brilliance), and then their love will be stormy and happy.

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Robin Hood in the form of an arrow of onion.

Residents of Nottingham love to arrange a national holiday in honor of Robin Hood. Competitions are held in shooting, fun battles, ceremony in the Sherwood forest.

Moorum seems to be in New Zealand

Platform Harry Potter, London

And here are our heroes.

Ostap Bender and Kis Vorobyaninov in Odessa.

The county leader of the nobility in the yellow tie, stopped shoes and strained in dust with a hat according to the scenario as if asked for a challenge: I did not eat 7 days, I didn't eat 7 days, give a former deputy of the State Duma. Tourists gladly throw coins and bills in a hat to the greener of the nobility. They say in order to return to Odessa again.

Sculptural composition "Antilopa GNU".Open: April 1, 1999.
Sculptor: Honored Artist of Ukraine A. Tokarev.
The crew "Antelope-GNU" is the main characters of the satirical novel I. Ilf and E. Petrova "Golden Calf".

This is also a monument to the 12th stool in Odessa.

Ostap Bender is a very popular literary hero and his figure decorates many cities.

Starobelsk Lugansk region

Krasnodar, near the cafe-restaurant "Golden Calf"

Original Monument to Osta Bender. in Kharkov.

Kisa Sparobyaninov is there.

The bronze sculpture on a small marble pedestal depicts the figure of Sparrobyanin with a long-standing hat and asking for the laying. In the left hand of Vorobyaninov there is an old slaughtered leather portfolio, in which a huge through hole is visible. Initially, there was a sign with a comic inscription under the monument: "Let's hold down his hand, otherwise he will stretch his legs."

Kisa and Ostap in Pyatigorsk.

It is also worth showing the Ostapy Bender and Kisos Vorobyaninov's composition in Yekaterinburg.

And another composition from Berdyansk. In the hand of Balaganova, a glass of beer, and next to Ostap - a blank chair with the inscription on the seat "Beer only comes from the trade union."

Ostap Bender. Elista, Kalmykia

The key from the apartment where money is lying, in Vinnitsa

On the pointer - cities where the left

Ellochka-oteiloch From Kharkov

I think to imagineEllochka-Butter, another heroine of Ilf and Petrov's novels, it's pretty difficult enough. For the Ellochka you can see the figure of Panikovsky. There is also a monument to Fedor Fedor also in Kharkov

The monument is set on the 1st platform of the South Railway Station in Kharkov. It serves as an illustration for the episode of the novel, in which Father Fedor writes a letter to his wife into the county city of N from the Kharkov railway station, as well as to the mention of how Fedor's father saw on the Donetsk railway: "He ran on the platform with a kettle boiling water ... ". Father Fedor is depicted in the image embodied by the Soviet film actor M. Pgzkoy in the film "12 chairs" directed by L. Gaiday (1971 g).

Creative sculptors are trying to perpetuate in bronze almost everything - from the melted cheese to the accident. Sometimes they rub separate details to glitter - for happiness and good luck. But literary characters still stand a mansion: we believe that Russia still remains the most reading country.

"Evening Moscow" recalls the most funny, ridiculous, touching monuments with literary heroes.

Don Quixote Laman

The fact that the monuments of the knight of the sad image is much in Spain, surprise does not cause. Although there are more monuments of Sancho Press, naturally, along with a favorite donkey. But here in Russia ... Let's honestly: Survants in the school "pass" literally by tops, among the fashionable writers, Cervantes is clearly not listed. But look at: in Omsk, for example, there are already two monuments of Don Quixhot. One - in front of the entrance to the local Tyuz, the other - before entering the office of one of the banks. By the way, the other sculptures of the knight of the sad image are set in Moscow, Gabrovo, Donetsk, in Georgia, Havana, Tobos, in California, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Alcala de Enares, Panevezis and many other cities.


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I do not know if there is a monument to brave four in our country. Other is known - in the very center of French Gaskoni, there is a monument to which our compatriot put his hand. Who! Zurab Tsereteli. He presented a monument to Mr. Montesquie, the descendant of the genus d'Artagnan. But Mr. Montesquieu for some reason presented this monument to the city by Kond, who is considered the Musketeer capital of Gasconia. Now he stands on the main square of the city. The faces of the Great Musketeers are very similar to the artists who played in our film. At the opening of the monument to the author of the sculptural composition and Russian Musketeers, Stormov and Smirnitsky solemnly accepted into Musketeers.


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Petersburg, famous for his monumental sculpture, recently decided to gain new, very peculiar, monuments. For example, on a fountain opposite the house 6, where the Imperial School of Justice was located before the revolution, Chiizika Figurine was installed - torture, the hero is well familiar to all the songs. After all, in this place he is soap either, whether vodka drank. Why exactly here? Yes, because future lawyers involved in the aforementioned School wore yellow-green uniforms, for which they were glad to Chižiki - fawn. This is the smallest monument in St. Petersburg. Its height is 11 centimeters, and the weight is 5 kilograms.

Brave soldier Shvekek

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Stands in St. Petersburg. He stood in his full growth (160 cm.) On the beer barrel, serving a pedestal, on the Balkan Square of St. Petersburg. The right hand of this warrior gives the honor, and the left squeezes the beer mug, hiding her behind his back. At this place, the Swiss "settled" is not accidental. After all, it is from here that the street Yaroslav Gashek takes his beginning. By the way, his Lviv double, settled more conveniently. He sat comfortably behind the table with a tube and a mug of beer in one of the oldest and most popular coffee shops of the city of Viedenskii Kavi, which was opened even during the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

White Bim Black Ear

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The most touching Soviet film of the seventies and the wonderful book Troypolsky. How many children's tears were spilled over the fate of the right setter. Bim, still not found his owner, sits in Voronezh - on the square in front of the theater of dolls right on Earth. You can approach it, stroke, but it is impossible to move the bronze figurine from the spot - he hardly waits for the only one who once prevented his dog's heart once. Unfortunately, Gabriel Troypolsky was not destined to see her beloved Bim in Metal - the monument was opened in 1998 three years after the death of the writer.


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If in Italy there is a monument to the immortal pinnocko, then in Russia - Pinocchio, the hero of Alexei Tolstoy. He stands in the capital of Udmurtia Izhevsk on the square of the eastern village. The fact that it is made of iron is, not from wood, does not reduce the love of the naughty boy of citizens, which on holidays bring flowers to him and pour ... a stack of vodka. I wonder what a strict Malvina would say?

Hedgehog in Tumane

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Another fabulous character - the hero of the fairy tale Sergei Kozlov and the famous tape Yuri Norstein, who received from experts in the field of animation art Palm of the Absolute Championship on the "Lope's Cartoon Festival" in Tokyo, decided to perpetuate the bronze in Penza. The figure of 1 meter of 20 centimeters, cast in bronze, stood on one of the central squares of the city - at the cultural school building.

Invisible Man

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Next to the library named Belinsky in Yekaterinburg, a monument to the hero of Novelles Herbert Wells - a man - invisible was opened. It is a small slab with an engraved inscription "The world's first monument to Herbert Wells, the first in the world, and, according to the authors of this unusual project, is a kind of symbol of the loneliness of a person. For its manufacture, it took some concrete and one naked foot of each of the wheels ...

Baron Münhhausen

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He was put in Kaliningrad. The sculpture is donated by the city in 2005 by the inhabitants of Bodenverden, from where it was from Baron Münhhausen's prototype - Karl Jeronim Friedrich Baron von Munhgausen. It is also known that Baron visited Königsberg twice - on the way to St. Petersburg and back. On the pedestal, on the one hand, the inscription "Konigsberg" is knocked out, and on the other - "Kaliningrad", in order to emphasize the historical connection of the German city with Russian. By the way, another monument is at the Metro Metro "Youth", where the sculptor A. Orlov in 2005 established a monument to the Baron Munhausen, stretching himself and his horse from the swamp for her hair. For a while, the monument was considered to be self-employed and wanted to demolish, but the monument "passed."


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And this is a completely new monument that appeared in Moscow on July 31. The initiators of the idea were fans of the comic "X-People", which via the Internet collected funds to finance the project. The author of the work performed Andrei Aseryanz, creating sculptures mainly from scrap metal. According to the master, the super heroes are ideal for producing them precisely from iron, as the artist is interested in working with various small details. I do not know how you, and me a nail hedgehog. Lonely hedgehog that goes and goes in the fog ...

Monument to the heroes of the Plevna - and the icons of the Mother of God "Sign", a unique structure on one of the squares in the center of Moscow, which united the features of the monument and church architecture. It is a cast-iron eight-marginal tent on a low pedestal, topped with a small dome with a cross.

The memorial chapel was established in memory of the Grenadiers who died in the battle near Pulve (Bulgaria) during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Means for the construction of the monument were collected by the remaining Grenadiers with the support of the Moscow Archaeological Society. The construction was led by the famous Moscow architect and sculptor, author of the historical museum on the Kremlin Square Vladimir Sherwood.

The monument was solemnly opened by the Decade Anniversary of the Battle - December 11 (November 28) of 1887. In honor of this event, a parade of parts of the Grenadier Corps was arranged, which General Field Marshal, Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich senior.

In the Soviet period, the chapel was looted and closed, most of the interior decoration is lost, the public toilet is arranged inside. After the war it began to put in order. In the late 1950s, the monument was covered with protective black paint. In December 1992, the chapel was transferred to the Church. In 1998, a solemn consecration and discovery of the renovated monument in the presence of the Patriarch Alexy II and representatives of the Bulgarian Embassy took place to the 120th anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria.

Interesting facts about the monument to the heroes of the Plevnes

  • The temple is decorated with four corners: 1) Russian peasant blesses the Son-Grenader before the war; 2) the Turkish warrior takes her child's mother-Bulgarian; 3) The Grenader takes a departure of the Turkish soldier; 4) A dying Russian warrior breaks the chains from a woman who symbolizes Bulgaria, liberated by Russians from Turkish yoke.
  • Inside the chapels were installed bronze plates with the names of the dead Grenadiers - 18 officers and 542 soldiers. They were lost in the Soviet period.

Blog "Know your own native land" is a virtual journey for children in the Pskov Territory and is an embodiment in the Internet space of the main materials of the project of the Centralized Library System of Pskov, "Know your land of native!".

This project was developed and implemented in the libraries of the Centralized Library System of Pskov in 2012-2013. - library - the center of communication and information, the children's environmental library "Rainbow", the library "Rodnik". S.A. GOLDENA AND IN THE INNOVATIVE - METHODICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY.

The main goal of the project is to provide an idea of \u200b\u200bthe historical past of the Pskov Territory, its present, about people (personalities), glorifying the Pskov Territory, about the wealth and peculiarities of the nature of the Pskov Territory.

The project united the united goal of library workers, participants in the educational process and parents.

"The upbringing of love for the native land, to the native culture, to the native village or the city, to the native speech - the task of paramount importance and there is no need to prove it. But how to raise this love? It begins with small - with love for his family, to her dwelling, to his school. Gradually expanding, this love for his native land goes into love for his country - to her history, its past and true "(D. S. Likhachev).

Pskov. Fot. Peter oblique.
Our region has made a notable contribution to the formation, development and protection of Russian statehood, to the spiritual life of society. The Pskov region, both in the past and in the present, more than once, was an example of an understanding of all-Russian interests, gave birth to a local experience that became the property of society, put forward bright heroic personalities, major scientists, writers, artists.

Project Implementation Partners:

Schools of the city:
· Secondary school № 24 them. L.I. Malyakov (teacher beginning. Classes Grigoriev Valentina Ivanovna)
· Secondary school №12. Hero of Russia A. Shiryaeva (teacher and teacher Ovchinnikova Tatyana Pavlovna)
· Border - Customs - legal Lyceum (teacher and teacher of Ivanov classes Zinaida Mikhailovna)

Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Education:
Easter Tatyana Borisovna - Methodist on history, social science and right Pippro

Pskov State University
Bredikhina Valentina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Humanitarian Education Pskovgu.

Blog Editor:
Burov N.G. - Head. Department of Information and Communication Technologies TsGB of Pskov

Currently, despite the fact that the project originally appeared to create this resource is completed, our local lore blog continues to exist successfully and develop. As an informational and cognitive resource and a good help for those who want to get acquainted with the Pskov and the amazing Pskov Territory (especially for the guys), be the opening of the monument in Pskov or in the Pskov region, impressions from Trips to one of the corners of the Pskovshchina, the creation of a new local history game or photo gallery and, of course, we always inform our readers about the release of new books about Pskov, designed for young local historians.

Materials of this blog can be used in school classes, and in library events, and can be read just like that - for self-education!

We are waiting for the pages of our blog that are not indifferent to the history of Pskov and the Pskov region of the guys, and, in turn, promise to please our visitors with new materials. By the way, the blog update can be traced in the section

Infusion project

Project author:
student of grade 7, MOU "SOSH S. BERDYUZHIE"



Purpose: Expansion of knowledge of literary monuments of Russia.


1) S.

2) I.



Infusion project

"Monuments literary heroes"

Project author: Abramov Vladislav Gennadevich,
Student of grade 7, MOU "SOSH S. BERDYUZHIE"
Leader: Schuchalovich Ekaterina Petrovna,
russian language teacher and literature



1) S. pringicue information on "Monuments of literary heroes" :;

2) I. to heal the monuments of the literary heroes of Russia: what a literary hero, where, for which a monument is set, in which his unusual

3) make a presentation of photos of monuments literary heroes from the Internet

4) to acquaint and interest school students with this project.


I. Introduction

II. Main part. Traveling in Russia.

III. Conclusion.

1. Introduction

In this academic year, I first participated in the district stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in literature. One of the tasks was: "What the literary hero would be set, where, how would he look, why?"

I remembered with the lessons of literature that there are a lot of such monuments around the world. As I could, I coped with the task, but decided to learn as much as possible about the monuments of literary heroes as possible. The literature teacher invited me to make a project on this topic, and I agreed with great desire.

To clearly understand. What is a monument, I looked into the intelligent dictionaries.

"Monument - It's all that is done to facilitate memory, in order to remember ... ", - says the dictionary V.I. Daly. In the dictionary S.I. Yogegova such a definition:"Monument- sculpture or architectural structure in memory of anyone (outstanding personality, historical event). "
I believe that the first definition is most suitable for the concept - monuments of literary heroes.
I also found out that all the monuments of literary characters can be divided into 4 groups: symbols of the country (Nr.: Mermaid, Bremensky musicians), real people (Nr.: Ivan Susanin), unusual monuments (Nr: Chizhik-Pyzhik , Nividimka), monuments of animals (Nr: Moumu, Bim). I decided to stay at the monuments posed by literary heroes in Russia.

Together with the teacher, we conducted a slight study by asking questions with students of 7 and 10 classes.

1. Do you know the monuments of literary heroes?

7 cl. - 20% of students know 10 cl. - 55%
2. If you were offered to put a monument to the literary hero, who would you choose?

7 cl. - Heroes of fairy tales and epic, 10 cl. - heroes of program literary works.
But nobody could call a specific hero.

Based on this, I wanted not only to get information on the topic itself, but also to introduce others with her.
The purpose of our work: Expanding knowledge of literary monuments of Russia.

To fulfill the goal, we set several tasks:
1) S. pringicue information on "Monuments of literary heroes"
2) I. to heal the monuments of the literary heroes of Russia: what a literary hero, where, for which a monument is set, in which his unusual
3) make a presentation of photos of monuments literary heroes from the Internet
4) to acquaint and interest school students with this project.

Such a project is provided to you.

Grateful descendants remember the literary heroes, they establish monuments to them.
To put monuments with literary heroes - a tradition that has one decades. Existing only in the fictional world of the artistic work, literary characters sometimes have an exceptional power of influence on the minds and the hearts of living people, make you cry or laugh, admire or indignant, think about them and about our lives, to suffer over insoluble questions.

There are many interesting monuments in literary characters in the world. These heroes are known due to resourcefulness or courage, optimism or unusual actions, sense of humor or nonsense.
In Russia, there are not few cities in which monuments are installed in favorite literary heroes. And I want to tell them about some of them.
Each monument, like every person, his fate.

2. The main part.

So, we go on a trip to Russia.
First we will go south in Geliedzhik.
I think you learned the heroine of the story of A.Grina "Scarlet Sails" - Assol. Sculpture was solemnly open on June 3, 2011. In the city where dreams come true, the choice of this image is not accidental. A symbol of loyalty, love and faith in his dream. The power of the dream is able to change life, create a miracle. There is nothing impossible in life. Model-actrix Anastasia Vertinskaya, who played a major role in the film "Scarlet Sails". The author is a sculptor, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia D.V. Lyndin.
Another sculpture of this city is a cat-scientist. Solemnly open on June 6, 2008. The idea is inspired by lines from the poem A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila": "At Lukomorya Oak Green, the Children's chain on the oak Tom, and the day and night the cat's cat goes around the chain around ..." Cat with a book is a symbol of wisdom, scholarships. Lapa froze in the teaching gesture - Like a cat broadcasts something important, intelligent. Students before the exam clutch his clawed paw. Author also D.V. Lyndin.
And now st. Petersburg, Turgenev Square.On the wall of the house on a memorable plate hanging a dusty Apron Gerasima, there are his boots, near them, curling the ball, lies Mum. The sculptural composition with a lopukhoy drank, cast from the cast iron, stops passersby at the wall of the house number 95 - next to the club-cafe "Muma" on the square of Turgenev, as an act of repentance in front of our smaller brothers. This is the first step to the creation in the city of the club of friends of the Muma under the motto "For Human Relationship to the Dog."The discovery in 2004 was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the release of the famous work, which appeared in March 1854 on the pages of the magazine "Contemporary". Sculptor: Aram Arevikyan.
And again, St. Petersburg, Avenue of Voznesensky, Facade of House No. 11.Installed in 1995. The author is the Georgian artist Rubo Gabyadze. The monument is a bas-relief made of color marble and weighs about 100 kilograms. In 2002, the nose was stolen. As joked in St. Petersburg, the habit went to take a walk. As you know, Major Kovalev's nose could leave his owner and freely walk around the city. Fortunately, in 2003 it was found and set to the previous place.
Here we are in Taganrog.The city of Taganrog is the birthplace of the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - remembers and honor him not only in numerous museums and monuments of an outstanding and famous personality, but also in the monuments of his literary heroes. The monument to one of the most famous Chekhov characters - "a person in a case" is open at the homeland of the writer in Taganrog. This event is timed to the 150th anniversary of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The 500-kilogram bronze statue in full growth is set near the building of the gymnasium in which young Anton Chekhov studied. Characteristic detail - Monument set without pedestal. According to the plan of the sculptor David Begalova, the "man in the case" should organically join the stream of people who have been hurrying in his affairs, as it should be coming from life.
Later in the city there was another monument to Chekhov's heroes.The author of the composition Dmitry Lyandin turned to the famous episode of "Kashtanka". Despite the fact that the monument recently appeared, the inhabitants of the city appeared signs: if you make a desire and rub the pig of the pig, then it will certainly come true. Piglet is already glittering from touches, and the composition itself rarely dwells alone due to its popularity. Chestanka is a special character of Chekhov. She is not just a small redhead dog. Many hearts, souls in this Chekhov work. Many complex questions put a writer in front of his reader. What is the main thing in life? What is faithful, love? What are you like? Why do we love? Probably where they were born there and come in handy. It is impossible to use heartfelt, close to something different, on a circus, for example, like chestnut. She stays where she loves and love her. The monument to Kashtanka and its circus animal friends meets all of the city of Taganrog.
BUT directly opposite the "Claws of Czech", everything is in the same Taganrog,On May 13, 2010, during the passage of the annual Chekhov Book Festival, they established a multifigure composition based on the story "Thick and thin", made by the sculptor David Begalov. The composition consists of four bronze figures, each half-meter high, the pedestal is also completely made of bronze. The sculpture organically fit into the crossroads, the characters as they came out of the shop and retell the latest provincial news.
Next city eagle, therethere is a very interesting monument to N.S.Leskov, this is the birthplace of the writer, against the background of the temple of Mikhail Arkhangel. The writer himself sits in the center, and the compositions from its works are around: Left -sha, a stupid artist, Sobiuchno, Lady McBet Mtsensky County, Enchanted Wanderer.
voronezh - the birthplace of the writer G.N. Troypolsky. In the center of Voronezh, on a noisy area, the puppet theater "Jester" was frozen in the middle of a human stream the bronze figure of the PSA. Everyone knows what the name is this setter - the White Bim Black Ear - the hero of the famous and sad story of Gabriel Nikolayevich Troypolsky with the same name. The cast in Metal Bim, still not found his owner, sitting right on Earth. You can approach it, stroke. Only the bronze figurine from the place does not move. He stubbornly waits for the only one who once presented his dog's heart once. In anticipation of the owner, he will not come down from his place, peering in passersby. Created his Voronezh sculptors Ivan Dikunov and Elsa Pak. And consulted them by G.N. Troypolsky. The monument to Bima, open on September 5, 1998 in Voronezh, is the only one in the world a dog's monument - the literary hero.
Special relation to the inhabitants of Voronezh to Pushkin. In Voronezh, the heroes of the most favorite fairy tales A.S. Pushkin are emerged. Sculptures -Starls and Tsar Dadon from the "Tales of the Golden Cockerel". Old man and sea waves from the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish." Heroes of fairy tales "On the Pop and an employee of his Bald".
Old Russian city of Pskov.
Installed in Pskov The monument is devoted to the heroes of Roman V. A. Kaverin "Two Captain" - Tatarinov and Grigoriev. Sculptors - M. Belov and A. Ananyev. The senior captain is clearly attached to the features of the hero - the polar explorer and the scientist O. Y. SMIDTA. The younger is a matured boy from Pskov, who put in the Unte and the headset to open the secret of the death of the Expedition of Captain Tatarinov. Opened July 22, 1995. Monument to courage, honor, loyalty, knightly self-sacrifice in the name of a cherished goal, in the name of friendship and love.
Further, our path lies in Murom.In the garden, where the inhabitants of Murom love to walk, stands boat with a sword in his hand. And around the age trees come around - Oaks and Vyazy. Far below can be seen, similar to a smooth ribbon. Folk talesmen say that Ilya Muromets is an invincible warrior, ready to face the silicone of Bogatyr with any evil. For the feats, their great bogatyr was ranked saints. Sculptor: V.Klykov. Opened in 1998, highness of the monument together with the pedestal is 17 meters.
smolensk - motherland of the poet of A.Varkovsky.The monument "one for two" is installed in the city center for the collected fund of funds. Sculptor captured them during a conversation sitting on a log. The figures are made in full size. The name of Terkina became legendary in the days of the Great Patriotic War. Responsible, brave, never a dick soldier was a character fictional, but perceived at that time as a real living person. Sculptor: Albert Georgievich Sergeev. Opened on May 2, 1995. To the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory.
In the Moscow region Orekhovo-Zuyevothere is also a monument to Vasily Turkin. A small, slightly more human growth, the sculpture is installed in Orekhovo not very long ago, in the fall of 2009, and gilded to the century of his author himself, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky.
As you already understood in the Moscow region. In Yamenskoe there is withadovo-park sculpture "Cheburashka and his friends." Monuments Cheburashka, Crocodile Genze and Shapoklyak the size of the growth of the child. Sculptor Oleg Ershov.Installed in 2005.
Two more famous characters, Cat Matroskin and the dog of the ball, from the city of Ramensky.
In the city of Lukhovitsa of the Moscow region
A monument to the postman Pechekin is installed. Near his friends Matroskin, a ball and galcoon. The author of the monument to Polina Gorbunova.
Here we are in Moscow. The most beloved Muscovites and guests of the capital Monument to I.A. Krylov and his heroes.
The burners on the pedestal of the monument I.A. Krylov represents the heroes of his Basen. I. Krylov is surrounded by its heroes: here there is a closing bear with Musicians of Mount - Orchestra, and a boastful Moska, barking on an elephant, and unlucky Martha with half-haired glasses, and donkey, that he taught Solovya's singing, - Characters of the 12 most popular Basen. The sculptural ensemble, compositionally consisting of four opened bronze "books" - "Pages" of which are covered with burners illustrating funny scenes of the Wallevian Basen. The ensemble center is installed at a very low and wide granite pedestal, the seventure figure of the poet - the life of the skeptic and at the same time good grumble.Installed in 1855. Sculptor P. Kolodt.
Unusual monumentmoskva, in front of the Palace of Pioneers in the Lenin Mountains. Bronze Cybalchish collects all the boys to drive the damned bourgeois, take revenge on the dead fathers and brothers. The five-meter monument is dedicated to all the guys who gave lives for their homeland. Sculptor: V.K. Frolov, architect: V.S. Cubasov.This first monument in the capital of the literary hero was established in 1972.Opened on May 19, 1972.

  • "Steamboats swim - hello to the boy!
  • Polls fly - hello boy!
  • Run steam locomotives - hello boy!
  • And pioneers will be held - Salute Boyshu! "

Residents moscow, too, love Pushkin.The old man's sculpture with a goldfish is located in Moscow behind the shopping complex "Okhotny Ryad" from the Aleksandrovsky Garden. There is a sign: to an old man with a fish, students and applicants are asked to ask for a happy ticket on the exam or that the teacher does not notice the crib. Fish will fulfill any desire only if it is correct to ask. The author of this sculpture is Z.K. Tsereteli.
And this is the famous Pushkin Lukomorier in Moscow.

Now our way lies in Tatarstan, Elabuga (The old city at Kame, until 1780 - the village of Three-Watt, renamed the county city of Vyatka province by Decree Catherine II.) The three-meter sculptural group depicting well-known literary and animated heroes is made of cast iron and decorate Children's Park "Cheburashka". Installed in 2003. Authors: Moscow sculptors Alexander Golovachev and Vladimir Demchenko.
We are in Siberia. On Pushkin Square, or rather on a short boulevard called Ordzhonikidze Street in Kemerovothere are quite a few monuments dedicated to the Great Russian Writer. Just recently, another sculpture has been added to the already existing. Goldfish ascended on the ridge of a stylized wave, leaning on the tail plumage. The fish turned out to be bright and brilliant, not asked it is called gold. In the dark, highlighting with special lamps installed at the base of the pedestal is provided.
The brilliant wrought-iron monument "Tsar Fish" was established in 2004 to the 80th anniversary of the writer Viktor Astafieva and is one of the main symbols of Krasnoyarsk. He was erected in honor of the same name, in which the generalized meaning of the struggle of a man with nature was laid. "King Fish" is a sturgeon, which is a symbol of the taming and development of nature. In a fairy tale, a person tries to tighten the animal, the struggle ends dramatically - the wounded king of fish, without conquering a person, leaves him in the sea, carrying a lot of hooks in his body. A wonderful observation deck is located near the sculpture, which is very popular among tourists who keep the way to the village of Oatsean - the Motherland of Viktor Astafieva.

Urals also honor literary heroes. This is M.amyatnik Evgeny Onegin Hero of the same name Roman A.S. Pushkin in Chelyabinsk. Sculptor A. Tishin.
In 1999, a monument to a man of invisibility appeared in Yekaterinburg.This is a meter plate size on a meter, with footprints and with the inscription: "The world's first monument to a man-invisible, the hero of the novels of Herbert Wells." The monument was the place of dates and photographs. The authors of the project: the writer Yevgeny Kasimov and the artist Alexander Shaburov. Established in 1999 on the days of the festival "Cultural heroes of the 21st century". On a low pedestal, casting from bronze, only the impressions of the bare feet are visible and the inscription, which begins with the words "the world's first monument to a person-invisible ..." Each of the authors of this creation decided to leave his sculptural trail, so the prints turned out to be asymmetric. Go there, I do not know where, I do not know what. Approximately such a task was solved by the creators of the monument. The monument has become a real symbol of hopeless loneliness. It turned out to be simple, witty, touching.
And we will put in the cities of our beloved Tyumen region. Tobolsk. Monument P.P. Ershov and his heroes. The opening of the monument to the poet took place during the celebration of the 420th anniversary of Tobolsk. The sculptor depicts the young hersow standing with the feather-bird pen in his hands. Next to the poet - the horse of the hunchback of dwarf sizes. Under the legs and hooves standing on the pedestal of figures - the wonder-yudo fish-whale with Tobolsky Kremlin on the back. The author of the monument is an academician of the Academy of Artists in Russia Sculptor Mikhail Vladimirovich Pereyaslavl.

In the city of Tobolsk in 2007, a monument was established by the popular literary hero of Daniel Defo Robinson Crusoe. On the pedestal next to it cast in bronze Friday and husky. The whole sculptural composition is in one of the squares of the city, which is called the name of Robinson Cruzo.

g. Ishim is called the city of Skate-Gorbunk.Horbi skates live throughout the city. All visitors already at the station are encountered Ivanushka with Gorbound.

d. Bezrukovo in honor of the writer was renamed Ershovo. In the courtyard of the Ershovskaya rural school there is a sculpture depicting Ivanosha in the company with Gorbound. Sculptor - L. Kremnev.

3. Conclusion.

Monuments of literary heroes used to be rare. But lately they appeared in almost every city, there are so many of them that even when a fluid review cannot be placed in one project. Calculate how much monuments are established by literary heroes, it is impossible. Of course, I only told about some of the monuments, I know these heroes in terms of works, so I reflected them in my project.

How many more remarkable monuments exist, and we are almost nothing unknown about them. The history of each monument is unique and deserves to continue their study.

After examining only the small part of the monuments of literary heroes located in the cities of Russia, I came to the conclusion that creating the monuments of grateful readers give tribute to their favorite heroes. For your favorite literary heroes, there are no boundaries in no time, nor in space. The monument of the monument is a literary character - a significant event. I think that soon new monuments will appear in our country, and we will find out about them.

List of used literature.

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2. Denisov A. from the book - on the pedestal / A.Denisov // Children's literature. - 1983.-№7.-C.36-37.

3. Two captains - the continuation of the attachment // Showcase.-1996.-№11.-p.13.

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5. Heroes for all times // Sketch.-2005.-№5.-S.7-8.

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13. Yuriev V. Monuments put not only the great people of the surroundings of the village // and why? -2000.-№9.-C.22-24.

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15. Internet:; http:; http: