Andrei Kovalev: biography, personal life, family, songs, musical career and photos. The main thing in life is the love of the birth of Kovaleva

Andrei Kovalev: biography, personal life, family, songs, musical career and photos. The main thing in life is the love of the birth of Kovaleva
Andrei Kovalev: biography, personal life, family, songs, musical career and photos. The main thing in life is the love of the birth of Kovaleva

Andrei Kovaleva is called a wagon, a person whose activity does not fit the fracture frameworks and patterns. He is the author and artist songs, a successful radio and TV presenter, frontman of the Pilgrim Group. And also - organizer of rock festivals, producer, entrepreneur, public figure and member of the United Russia party.

Childhood and youth

The versatile development and scatter of the interests of Andrei Kovalev becomes clear after acquaintance with his biography. Music talents from a Muscovite, which appeared in the summer of 1957, from Mom, the opera singer, who was released on the lard of the Bolshoi Theater. And the tenacious and practical mind got from the Father, a military person who retired in the rank of colonel.

Businessman and musician Andrey Kovalev

The boy had a rumor at 4 years old, which immediately noted mom. The woman did not hesitate - Soon, the son performed simple works on the piano. For the development of Andrei talent, he was taken to a music school, where he was engaged in 4 hours a day. Soon the son pleased the parents, playing on the violin, cello and double bass.

After graduating from a music school, the teenager aimed at entering the school at the Moscow Conservatory. But the dad-military, such addictions seemed to be "non-Muhno", and he made his "lept" - bought the son of a motorcycle. The calculation turned out to be correct: having received a school certificate, the guy entered the road university.

However, the creative veil again reminded himself: Kovalev became interested in sculpture. Yes, so that I threw the institute and became a student of the Stroganovsky Art School.

While studying Andrei Kovalev again switched to music. Earlier, having mastered the bass guitar, gathered like-minded personnel and created a musical group. Soon she was called Pilgrim.


Of course, the 1980s - distracted Andrei Kovalev from creativity. It was necessary to look for a lesson who brought income to put on his feet. The young man plunged into the world of business. Under the curtain of the 1980s founded the firm for the manufacture of furniture. Soon Kovalev became the Deputy Head of the Forest Department, then there was a place for him in the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy.

The stormy 1990s became a harsh test for state-owned enterprises that were closed in the capital hundreds. Andrei Kovalev did not touch the muddy waves of economic chaos and found the use of closing plants. He reconstructed the enterprise and created the business centers on their base.

Entrepreneur Andrei Kovalev

In the summer of 2007, a successful businessman acquired the first macaroni company that was not worried about the best times. It contains 3 unprofitable factories - in the capital, St. Petersburg and Smolensk. The purchase cost Andrei Kovalev at $ 55 million.

By making a profitable factory, the entrepreneur sold them to Italian businessmen, switting attention to other industries. In 2008, the mild hands of Kovalev, who never forgetting about the main love - music, a media holding 1rock appeared. It consisted of a satellite television channel, a radio station, the main direction of which was rock, magazine and rock club, which were called the Holding. The little "rock empire" existed until 2010.

Andrei Kovalev in the Forbes list

In 2011, Forbes magazine amounted to a list of Russia's largest ribbean, in which the company of Moscow businessman has been away. Andrei Kovalev managed to earn a fortune of $ 55 million, leasing real estate objects.

Two years later, Kovalev shared in an interview that she had gone to "clean creativity": composes poems to which songs appear. Business affairs began his ex-spouse.


Andrei Kovalev really did not really forget about music. In early 2005, he, remembering his student years, founded the Rock group, which gave the same name - "Pilgrim". The repertoire of the musician songs in the genre of Hevi Metal, the theme of compositions is patriotic motifs and lyrical ballads.

Andrei Kovalev and Pilgrim Group - "Pilgrim"

Frontman and musician Kovalev Group attracts to cooperation stars of show business, and not only domestic. For shooting a video clip on the Rock Ballad "Road Motors" in Moscow arrived. The star played the bride of the oligarch, which he stole from under the crown biker. Andrei Kovalev took this role.

The "Pilgrim" team starred in the ishless picture of the Hollywood Star, which came out under the name "Dangerous Gastro", and recorded the soundtrack.

Andrei Kovalev, Pamela Anderson and Pilgrim Group

Rock Group cooperates with foreign rocker colleagues. In the second album "Pilgrim", called "no choice", there was a joint composition recorded by a Russian team and a quartet of cello from Finland "Apocalyptic". A spectacular clip appeared on the song.

In the spring of 2010, the frontman presented the fans album "7.62", "Coding" in the title of the caliber of small arms. After 6 months, music lovers, the faithful fans of Pilgrim, received a new gift - the dual album "March".

Andrei Kovalev, Pamela Anderson and Pilgrim Group - "Röv Motors"

In 2011, Andrei Kovalev recorded a lyrical solo album, calling him "my woman." The presentation of the album was held in April 2012 at the stage of the Metropolitan Estrada Theater, and in October of the same year, the singer and composer noted the anniversary on this scene - the 10th anniversary of creative activity. The show participated in the show ,.

Andrei Kovalev and Anastasia Panina - "Airports"

Today, the musician remains faithful to creativity and gives fans of 3-5 new compositions annually. From 2011 to 2015, the audience saw clips on the music TV channels for the songs of Andrei Kovalev, in which the stars of show business shone.

In the video on the song "Road" starred and, and in the video on the song "Airports" appeared. Later video appeared on Kovalev's hits, in which they participated, and.

Andrei Kovalev and Agata Motation - "And I all with your eyes"

Andrei Kovalev showed himself as a radio and TV presenter. And he is author 4 poses of poems. The last title "Only love can save" came out in the spring of 2017. The poet and the musician works over the 5th book.

Andrei Kovalev and Critics. With crushing articles on his work and a group, Pilgrim "walked", reproaching the musician and his team in vulgarity and indulging in the tastes of the "public-fools". Shenderovich's special fury called Cermaker to the revolutionary hit of "change".

Personal life

A wealthy and talented artist does not have a lack of female attention. In the first marriage with a girl named Tatiana in 1990, daughter Julia was born. And although Andrei Kovalev married, being far from the young man - in 30 years, marriage for unknown reasons collapsed.

The man did not stay alone, and soon met love - the Odessa beauty Maria Bulgakov, which is much younger. In 2014, Masha gave her husband to Nikita's son, but not in a hurry to register the marriage.

Andrei Kovaleva's desire to become an official guardian of the Son caused rumors and speculation. There were those who explained this desire by paternity of the musician.

But the friends of Kovalev and Kalashnikova argue that Andrei is a godfather of the boy, so he does not want a skeleton to grow without parent.

Andrei Kovalev now

In the spring of 2018, it became known that the composer and singer acquired the estate of Grebnevo in the Moscow region. The complex, founded in the XVI century and the honored in the XVIII-XIX centuries, has historical and architectural value. Once he was the residence of the princes of Trubetsky, Bibik and Golitsy

The private investor and the authorities of the Moscow region announced their intention to restore the estate, to organize a private museum here, to hold festivals at its base.

Singer is a frequent guest in broadcasting and TV projects. In March 2018, he became a guest of the word "word for the word" on the World TV channel, where psychics, actor, singer and composer Django, model Emilia Vishnevskaya were visited with him.

Andrei Kovalev - "Sunflowers Art & Food"

Andrei Kovalev is the famous Russian singer, the leader of the Pilgrim Group. To date, he is 61 years old, he is married. By the sign of the zodiac man twins. Many people do not understand how he in his years can combine the work of the body - and the radio friendly, soloist of the group and solo artist, as well as a successful businessman.

Biography Andrei Kovalev

Our hero was born on June 7, 1957 in Moscow (Russia). He owes his mother to his talents, who was an opera singer and performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater not one dozen years. Dad Andrei Kovalev from early childhood dreamed of a military career. He reached his goal and retired in the rank of colonel. From him the boy inherited perseverance and focus. Thanks to the father, Andrei grew up a real man.

Further fate Kovalev

The musical rumor in the little Andrei Kovalev was seen at the age of 4. Mom immediately decided to act, she took him to a music school into the piano class. Soon the son pleased the mother in small works. With the teachers he was engaged on a weekend 4 hours daily. It was a very effective work. After a while, the guy mastered the double bass, violin and cello.

After graduating from school, Andrei Kovalev planned to enter the music school in the capital. However, his father was against such a "not male" classes, so I purchased a motorcycle. This has played a role, the Son went to receive the driver's education in a road university.

The guy's creative deposits did not leave him alone, over time he decided to do sculpture. Moreover, he decided to quit an educational institution, and entered the Stroganov Art School.

In the period of study, he was also fond of music, mastered the bass guitar and soon gathered the guys like-minded people. They decided to name "Pilgrim".


In the 1980s, Kovalev slightly moved away from his hobbies and began to look for something that could bring him a stable high income. So, he decided to plunge into a business. He came to the discovery of its own company for the manufacture of high-quality furniture. Soon in the biography of singer Andrei Kovalev, a new graph appeared - the owner of the furniture production. Then he was called to a high position in the forest fund department.

In the difficult 90s, Kovalev was able to survive among hundreds of enterprises that were victims of the economic crisis in the country. In addition, he had an idea to reconstruct old abandoned plants under modern business centers.

In 2007, Singer Andrei Kovalev spent more than $ 50 million for the purchase of the first pasta factory. As it turned out, at that time the production was experiencing difficult times, and he decided to use it. He put the factory on his feet, then sold it to Italian entrepreneurs.

In 2011, our hero became one of the richest, which were in the Journal of Forbes. He took the 23rd place. It said that only at the rental of real estate, an enterprising businessman was able to earn $ 55 million.

A few years later, Andrew again "hit" in creativity. He writes poems and sometimes composes music. Business on doing business, he handed over the former spouse.

Music in the life of Kovalev

About creativity, despite the tight schedule and permanent employment, our hero never forgot. In 2005, he again decided to create a group, which, as ever in student, called Pilgrim. Andrey put considerable funds to the team, connected to the work of some stars of the Russian show business.

On the shooting of the video to the rock ballad "Road Motors" he invited the famous Pamela Anderson. She reincarnated in the bride of a wealthy man, which is stealing biker directly from the wedding ceremony.

Also, the "Pilgrim" team took part in the shooting of the famous film "Dangerous Gastro", he recorded the soundtrack to this picture. The guys became famous and collaborated with many famous rock bands from abroad.

In 2010, Pilgrim pleased the disk fans called "7.62". After a few months, they released another album, which was called "March". Many could not understand what was invested in the name of the record, the female name or month of the year. Andrei Kovalev's songs and his groups were mainly about love, sense of life and lyrics.

Solo career

In 2011, Andrei again pleased the people of the album. This time with its solo, who gave the name "My Woman." For the first time, the compositions from it were presented in the metropolitan pop theater. There were also such celebrities of the Russian show business, like Katia Lel, Diana Gurzkaya, the Reflex group and Irakli.

Now Kovalev is still engaged in creativity, he does not represent his life without music. So, every year fans have the opportunity to enjoy 3-5 new hits from their idol. Also in the clips on the songs of Andrei Kovalev regularly starred the stars of the Russian pop.

In addition to the artist's career, Kovalev is the author of several collections of poems. One of them came out in 2017. At the moment, Andrei works over one book, which promises to be released next year.

Personal life of Andrei Kovaleva

A talented and prominent man has never been deprived of female attention.

The big army of his fans always gave him compliments, gifts, various suggestions that, of course, he liked. However, after a meeting with the future wife, other girls stopped.

His spouse was Tatiana. They made a marriage when Andrei was 30 years old. After some time in the family, the daughter of Julia was born. The couple was separated due to misunderstanding and household differences. At least, said Kovalev in one of his interviews.

The man has a short time was lonely, soon he met a girl from the glorious Ukrainian city of Odessa. Her name is Maria Bulgakov. They have a big difference in age, but it did not prevent a pair to inflate with strong feelings to each other. They are not painted, but in 2014 the girl gave Andrei Son, whom they called Nikita.

The press recently appeared information that our hero plans to issue official guardianship over the son of Anna Kalashnikova (model and famous actress). It is rumored that he is a god of this boy, and would like him to have a real father. Also, many were talking about the fact that Andrei is a biological dadium daniel (son Kalashnikova). The singer himself denies this information, and the model reports that the father of her son is Prokhor Shalyapin.

Kovalev today

In 2018, our hero became the owner of a large land plot in the suburbs. The complex that Kovalev bought has historical value. So, from reliable sources it is known that the princes of Bibika, Golitsans and Trubetski have ever lived there.

Andrei plans to restore everything that has lost its former appearance, and organize a huge museum on this territory. The wife supported such a husband of her husband, she promised him to help him than he could.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 5

    ✪ Andrey Kovalev - Airports

    ✪ Andrei Kovalev - it does not erase from the memory (the premiere of the clip!)

    ✪ Andrei Kovalev and Elena Corikova - "My Woman"

    ✪ Andrei Kovalev - Favorite Women / Video Album /

    ✪ Andrey Kovalev and Olesya Sudzilovskaya - God given to me



A family

Andrei Kovalev was born in Moscow in the family of a military and opera singer. Mom Kovaleva, for 35 years, sang in the Bolshoi Theater, Father - Colonel of the Soviet Army.

Divorced, daughter Julia born in 1990.


Musical instruments have mastered the preschool period: "Violin, Cello, Double Bass - four hours of classes every day." After school, Kovalev was planning to enter the School at the Conservatory in the class of double bass. However, fate ordered otherwise and he graduated. Later, carried away the sculpture, entered the Stroganov Higher Art School, where he studied for several years.

Business and charity

Actively participates in charitable concerts and promotions aimed at social support of Moscow residents, helps students of boarding schools for orphans, pupils of the Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps, war and labor veterans, lonely mothers and other representatives of categories of socially unprotected citizens.

Musical career

In the student years he played the bass guitar in the Pilgrim group. The musician itself remembers:

Our own group was called "Wings of Wrath"Later "RUS '". Almost at each festival, we had a new name, and so it went on until I accidentally met that very guitarist, who suggested that we return the old name "Pilgrim". And I wrote the song "Pilgrim" on the same day ... We performed more and more Music "Deep Purple"

In 2005, Andrei Kovalev became interested in Hevi-Metal, recreated the Pilgrim group. In 2007, at the Basinfirefest Rock Festival (Czech Republic), Andrei Kovalev and his Pilgrim represented Russia. In 2008, "Pilgrim" switched, after the split in the Master group, Guitarist Alexey Straik and Drummer Alexander Karpukhin. The group produced several albums in the style of heavy metal.

Video clips

Andrei Kovalev talking about the work on the clip "Sol, Tequila and Slice Lyme" (director Alexander Solokha and operator Eduard Mashkovich, 2004), where the author's own "Harley Davidson" of the author and a rare cabriolet "Cadillac" of 1964, noticed that the plot Borrowed from Robert Rodriguez's tape "Desperado": "El Maryacho" opposes gang of bikers:

"Despite some comical hyperboles, this" action "is very close to me and partly reminds my biography."

With Pamela Anderson, I am friends for a long time. Even the song wrote about her, discontinuing the history of our relationship. The last two lines are there such: "If you don't come back to Moscow, change you from Lady Gaga". Pamela was married twice, but never put on a wedding dress, and she did not have a single real wedding. Therefore, when she found out that she was offered to play in a wedding dress - immediately agreed to participate. In addition, she liked our song "Ryiv Motors".

In another clip "Pilgrim" ("Do not quench a candle", 2009) Dolph Lundgren starred. In his interview, Andrei Kovalev reports ::

In 2011-2012, the musical channels of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus broadcast 12 new clips: "Martha", "forgotten", "if you could only", "fly", "maple leaf", "I will wait for you all my life" , "I'm not a hero", "Pamela", "My Woman" with Elena Cinnova, "God given to me," in which the actress of the theater and the cinema Olesya Sudzilovskaya starred, "Turn the fire to me" with the participation of Olga Budina and the New Year's clip on the song "Snow goes".


Andrei Kovalev - author of the music and words most of his songs (they are written more than 600 songs in different styles). In 2004 he published a book of poems "Pearl and velvet", in 2006 - "Sky Xin". In April 2012, the publishing house "Academy of Poetry" released the third collection of poems "You are one".

Television and radio

Andrei Kovalev led a number of broadcasts on television and radio, including:

  • the author's program on the radio "says Moscow",
  • "Formula of Success" (Capital Channel),
  • "Visiting Kovaleva" (Capital Channel),
  • "Man and woman" (Radio "Pops"),
  • "Live Sound" (Public Russian Radio).


The deputy himself noticed in his public speeches:

To the question, whether the wrestler is not afraid of the fans with the financial interests of show-business players and "repeat the sad fate of Banker Andrei Kozlov or singer Abraham Rousseau", the deputy answered:


The identity and work of Andrei Kovaleva is actively highlighted in the mass media, receiving contradictory feedback from journalists and critics.

The same opinion about Kovalev was Nikolai Fandev. Reviewing the album "Sky Sin", he wrote that it was "A vain attempt of a unlucky singer perform a mixture of restaurant music and tasteless of the Soviet pop in the 1970s of the last century" .

The media presents mention that in the 1990s Andrei Kovalev was associated with criminal groups.

Many neutral and positive publications are dedicated to the fight against speeches under the phonogram.



  • 2004 - "Salt, Tequila ..."
  • 2005 - "Sky Xin"
  • 2007 - "Nine months"
  • 2007 - "Loda and Flame"
  • 2007 - "Man and woman"
  • 2008 - "Author's Song"
  • 2008 - "The best songs of Andrei Kovaleva"
  • 2008 - "Romances"
  • 2012 - "My Woman"
  • 2014 - "Songs about love"
  • 2014 - "March"


  • 2007 - "Slava of Russia"
  • 2008 - "Concert in the rain" (DVD)
  • 2009 - "Triz $" (single)
  • 2010 - "March"
  • 2015 - "Kill Dragon"


  • 2007 - "Forgot"
  • 2007 - "Nine months"
  • 2007 - "Love Koston"
  • 2007 - "City of Angels"
  • 2012 - "And I all dreams of your eyes"
  • 2012 - "You are my tenderness"
  • 2012 - "Road"
  • 2012 - "My Woman"
  • 2012 - "I will wait for you all my life"
  • 2014 - "Man and Woman"
  • 2014 - "Train of Love"
  • 2014 - "Syrotinushka"
  • 2014 - "Salt, Tequila"
  • 2014 - "Martov Cat"
  • 2014 - "Give me, Lord, this woman"
  • 2016 - "It will not erase from the memory"
  • 2016 - "I was waiting for"
  • 2016 - "Such a woman"
  • 2016 - "I don't want to be with you"
  • 2016 - "Work, Brothers" (Memory of the Hero of Russia Magomed Nurbagandova)

Video clips

Year Song
2011 Only love can save
2011 Forgot
2011 Martha
2011 Nine month
2011 Man and woman
2011 If you could only
2011 Little angel
2012 My woman
2012 Fly
2012 God given to God
2012 I'll wait for you all my life
2012 Turn to me that fire
2013 Snow goes
2013 Take-off landing
2013 Give me, Lord, this woman
2014 Road
2014 And I all dreams of your eyes
2014 Revolvers and dolls
2014 Airports
2015 It will not go out of memory


  1. Andrey Kovalev and group Pilgrim History of the Pilgrim Group
  2. The court recorded 9.5 million rubles from O2TV in favor of the Singer-businessman Kovaleva
    "Deputy Moscow City Duma Andrei Kovalev:" Earth in the capital should be sold at market prices ""
  3. Kommersant firm - Fatal Investment
  4. Pasta can rise in price one and a half times due to grain rise in price (Neopr.) . Society. (October 19, 2010). - President of OJSC "First Makaronny Company" Andrei Kovalev said today that due to the rise in price of grain prices for pasta can grow one and a half times. Date of appeal June 13, 2013.

Andrei Kovalev and Elena Corikova, the song "My Woman", video

Andrey Kovalev

Singer, producer, organizer

Andrei Kovalev, during his creative life, tried himself in a wide variety of horses. He writes poems and music, performs his own compositions, led the transfer on radio and television, organized rock festivals. For many lovers of domestic music, he is known as the front-man group "Pilgrim". In the mid-2000s, thanks to him, a series of festivals of "Slava of Russia" was held in various cities of the country: Moscow, Orel, Nizhny Novgorod. They used well-deserved popularity: for example, about forty thousand spectators came to the festival. Andrei his skill is divided with novice musicians. So, he organized the festival "on takeoff!", In which young groups try their strength. He also created, overseels and financially provides a number of rehearsal sites on which novice groups can wrap their skills for free. In 2011, Kovalev actively engaged in solo career, preferring to perform lyrical songs.

Family and education
Andrei was born in Moscow. His father dedicated his life to his homeland, becoming a colonel of the Soviet army. Mom, opera singer, three and a half decades performed arias in the Bolshoi Theater. The influence of mom in creative plan has decaned early on her son. From the small years daily at four o'clock Andrei mastered the double bass, violin, cello. Father had influenced his father in his own way as a real man. He gave Andrei a motorcycle, which the young man was very happy and even wanted to tie his life with appliances. In 1979, he became a graduate of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute. The first work was held at the enterprise having a secrecy mode. But Andrei did not part with the motorcycle and was even a permanent participant in motocross competition. But the creative start was not ruined: he was a french sculpture and from the first sunset became a student of the famous Stroganovsky school.

Musical career
Andrei did not plan to engage in seriously music. But, in his life there was a rocky love and feelings demanded incarnation in the real world. Kovalev expressed them in music, and the first compositions were immediately appreciated by professional musicians. The first success inspired him to think about the musical career. In 2006, Andrei Kovalev headed the creative team of the Pilgrim Group. Five years later, he preferred a solo career. Today, his speeches are held in the metropolitan "pop theater" and the Alma Mater Club. Their halls are not empty during these speeches.

Rock group "Pilgrim"
The rock band "Pilgrim" originated at the time when Andrei Kovalev still studied in Madi. Together with like-minded people, he organizes the vocal instrumental ensemble. Our hero began playing the bass guitar. According to the memoirs of the musician himself, the group changed his names hardly every festival in which he participated. There were "wings of anger" and "Rus". But one day he met a guitarist who threw the idea that became brilliant: "Return the old name of the group - Pilgrim. So the musicians did. And Kovalev himself on the same day under the influence of this idea created the composition "Pilgrim".

The presentation of the clip on this song took place in October 2006. The composition has become a debut single to a new album. Clipmaker was attracted by the director Alexander Solokha. The video, which is accompanying the song, turned frowning arration into the unreal world of the future.
Next year, Kovalev with the Pilgrim group spoke from Russia in the International Rock Festival Basinfirefest in the Czech Republic.

Opponent phonogram
Andrei Kovalev is one of the few modern musicians opposing the use of the phonogram. This position is manifested not only in the fact that at all his concerts he sings "alive." He initiated a number of concerts in support of his beliefs, such as "We are for a living sound!" And "Pops without a phonogram", on which the stars of the Russian music scene were made.

Also Kovalev participated in the creation of a Moscow legislative initiative, providing for informing viewers of concerts on the use of phonogram performers. The draft law, unfortunately, was not adopted. However, Andrei Kovalev believes that the very fact of visualing this problem is already important. In the mid-2000s, when these concerts were held, the Russian musical market was sent, and, in particular, the central TV channels stood firmly on the fact that there would be no lively sound. Yes, and journalists were convinced that the viewer comes to a concert in order to see the star, and he doesn't care how she sings.

- And today the most rating television musical projects, as the "voice" of the first channel, "Factor A" with A. B. Pugacheva TV channel "Russia 1" suggests only a living sound. The same with national musical premiums - MUV TV, RU TV. Here, the creator of the "New Wave", Igor Krutoy stressed that at the festival of this year everyone will sing live, which led to the fact that half of the participants immediately dropped. My beginnings of the time, as you see, are embodied. Nowadays, an increasing number of performers come to the thought, which we then actively promoted: "Singing under Faneru should be ashamed," says Andrei Kovalev.

Discs and Star Duets
The release of the first album Andrei Kovaleva "Salt, Tequila and Lyme" took place in 2004. The plate was named by the name of the song, quickly became hit. A video clip on this composition with his story is reminded of the film Roberto Rodriguezo "Desperate". Mexican musician - El Maryacho fights a biker gang. According to Andrei himself, such an action is close to him, since some facts of his biography are not less saturated. Harley Davidson Motorcycle Cadillac Motorcycle Motorcycle Harley Davidson was attracted to shoot a video clip.
Next year, the second record of the musician was published - "Sky Xin". The clip on the title composition, as well as such videos, as the "New Year's Tale" and "Spring of the 45th" were actively rotated on TV channels and remembered to the audience.

Andrei more than once performed a duet with the most famous domestic performers. With Sasha Project, they together performed the song "Santa Claus", with the Tutsi group - "Train of Love", with Lyubasha - the composition "Fall", with Katya Lel - two songs at once: "New Year's history" and "man and a woman", With the referring Loc-Dog - "Snow dropped slowly."

But perhaps the most popular for Kovall was the duet with Diana Gurtskaya. Their composition of "nine months", published in 2006, until today enters the rotation on many radio stations. The song has become a soundtrack in the Kinolent eponymed, shown on the first channel. And almost immediately "nine months" began to head many radio charts.

Video clips
Foreign stars starred in several video clips of the musician. So, in the "Roeing of Motors" (2008), which is more a mini-film rather than a video, Pamela Anderson starred. Andrei Kovalev model has long been friends. Pamela agreed to participate in shooting for several reasons. First, she liked the composition itself. And besides, she got married twice, but she never had a real wedding. And miss the opportunity to wear, albeit on the shooting area, a wedding dress, she could not.

In the 2009th year, the actor and director Dolph Lundgren starred "do not quench a candle". And he himself offered cooperation. The fact is that Lundgren then removed the picture "Command Performance", where the terrorists take hostages at the musical festival. And the "Piligrim" musicians were invited to play in the picture of themselves that the guys were happy and made. And then they already made the picture from the frames. In the same year, the video of Judas was released, which "Pilgrim" was made with the Apocalyptica group.

Andrei Kovalev has always been responsible for shooting video clips. For 2011-12, no little, 12 videos made to the main musical channels, not only Russia, but also of Ukraine with Belarus. And again in these works, everyone famous people participated. So, in the clip "My woman" shot Elena Korikov, in the video "God given to me" - Olesya Sudzilovskaya, and in the work "Turn the fire" - Olga Budina.

Certificate of such attention to video climbing was the title of "Clipman of the Year", which TV channel RU.TV awarded Kovalev with colleagues for the largest number of video clips for the year - nine!

Andrei and today actively removes clips and again attracts the stars. In the video mode on the song "And I all dreams of your eyes" starred by the famous Agataya Metzing. And in the video dedicated to the actor Vladislav Galkin, Alexey Panin and Vladimir Guicechin starred from us.

Andrei Kovalev is known not only for his songs, which he wrote about 700, but also poetry. The debut book of the lyrics "Pearls and Velvet" came out in 2004. The lyrics of Kovalev immediately appreciated critics. So, the famous writer Alexander Govorov in the preface to the collection was unequivocal, saying that Kovalev is a real lyrical poet who will find his reader. Two years later, the second book of lyrics was published - "Sky Xin". And last year I saw the light of the third collection - "You alone.

Andrei Kovalev himself says that the engine of his work is undeveloped love. His poems and songs are not artificial exercises, they are born from the fact that the musician and the poet survived himself. Probably, this is what attracts his fans.

TV and radio
In the diverse creative life of Kovalev, there was a place and maintenance of radio and telecast. At the station "Says Moscow", it was published by its author's project, on the "Capital" channel - the transfer of "Formula of Success", on the Radio "Pops" - the program "Man and a woman", and on the public Russian radio - "live sound". Today, Andrei is often invited to participate in various talk shows on television and broadcast on radio.

Being a deputy of the Moscow Gordeuma (convened 2005-2009), Kovalev initiated a number of concerts "Pops without a phonogram" in the 2005th year of the city. Actively speaking for "live performances" of Russian pop artists, he oversaw project "We are for a living sound!". In addition, he organized the rock festival of "Slava of Russia" of the patriotic orientation and the festival of beginner groups "on takeoff!".

Understanding how hard young musicians make their way, Kovalev arranged five special rehearsal bases in the capital. For them, young groups and performers can rehears completely free, using all the necessary musical equipment. And it does not matter whether the guys are going to become the second "metallic", or music for them is just a hobby, a sweat in severe reality.

Kovalev invariably participates in charitable concerts, the profit from which comes to social support for various categories of residents of the capital. These are war veterans and large families, lonely mothers and orphans.

Interesting Facts

Andrei Kovalev in 2005 made the accusations of the Bank "Oil" in the fact that he raid tricks seized a block pack of shares of Auto-Prestige 1.

Andrei Kovaleva's gods were the son of Stepan Menshchikov Ivan and daughter Kati Lel Emilia.

On June 30, 2010, the unique Bike Andrei Kovalev was kidnapped, which the musician was collected on request in the famous European tuning studio Fred Kodlin. Fortunately, shortly stolen bike was found.

Andrei's creativity is interesting to all ages. Some of his fans already went ninth dozen ..

In May of this year, Andrei Kovalev made an accusation of the Chairman of the Board of Rosbank Vladimir Golubkova and Senior Vice-President Tamara Phantamina in the extortion of a large bribe. On May 15, these top managers of the Bank were charged.

Andrei Kovalev - a healthy lifestyle adherent. This year he got rid of 25 kilograms of excess weight.

The main thing in his life Andrei Kovalev considers love, even if she is unrequited. This feeling he puts above the career, work and all worldly affairs.

The music that came to mind Andrei Kovalev immediately writes to the phone. And then writes in the studio where more than 300 compositions have been created.

Andrei Kovalev is fond of unusual collecting - he collects turtles. Passion originated spontaneously - from a gift of one friend. Today, every familiar Andrei knows what to give him a birthday or bring from a foreign journey, so the collection is constantly updated.

(In the "Pilgrim" group)
"Slava of Russia" (2007)
"No choice" (2008)
"Concert in the rain" (DVD) (2008)
"Triz $" (Single) (2009)
"7.62" (2010)
"MARCH" (2010)

As a soloist
"Salt, Tequila ..." (2004)
"Sky Xin" (2005)
"Nine months", "Ice and Flame", "Man and Woman" (2007)
"Author's song", "The best songs of Andrei Kovaleva", "Romances" (2008)
"My woman" (2012).

Andrei Kovalev has long been known not only as a popular performer, but also as a poet, a composer, leading television programs, an active public figure, politician. Being a singer himself, he, however, defends the interests of the listeners and viewers for high-quality music. Always speaking live, besides other performers. It is noticeable to his patronage and with respect to young musicians, with whom he provides full support. Of course, for many years, Career Andrei Kovalev became far from a poor man. All these qualities are associated with presentable appearance cannot leave indifferent women. Among the fans of the singer's talent ladies of absolutely different ages. Wife Andrei KovalevOf course, it is difficult to withstand the onslaught of loving fans. If, of course, she has it.

A reliably known fact is that the 58-year-old poet and the musician has already been officially married. His first wife is Natalia. Daughter Julia, which is currently 25 years old from the Union of these two people. As they write in all sorts of publications, despite the fact that the marriage broke up, the first spouse of Andrei Kovaleva did not remain without livelihood - the singer, the poet and the musician gave her a prosperous business at its disposal (the company "EcoOkis"), which is now disposed of Natalia. Andrei Kovalev himself is engaged only by solo career. Taking into account the fact that today the singer is absolutely free and, in principle, looking at his photo he will not give His valid age, Andrei Kovalev - quite enviable fiance.

Moreover, he is for the girl who came from the Russian depths and with difficulty and enormous efforts to storm the domestic show business. That is how critics and worships characterize Svetlana Kuritsyn, chief singer. I would like to note that the girl has already reached some noticeable results in his desire to settle in Moscow. She is the leading one of the channels with a very numerous audience (NTV). And reached it absolutely independently. Of course, it may not like many as a media person, but a bad opinion is also an opinion. And in show business, the main thing is that you are discussed, and in what context is a minor matter.

Moreover, Andrei Kovalev repeatedly emphasized that he chose Svetlana Kuritsan as his wife, because she, unlike secular lionic, has an open and good soul. In general, the singer bribed the same simple naivety, which led the girl to television. In June 2013, Andrei Kovalev, as it were, in the proof of seriousness of his intentions against Svetlana Kuritsyn, went with his beloved home to her parents. At that time, he was absolutely sure that he wanted to make her his wife. Unfortunately, two years have passed since then, and there were no wedding reports. Therefore, it is not known whether this relationship is real, or simply mutual PR.