From the history of the bells and bell tongues. Church bells

From the history of the bells and bell tongues. Church bells
From the history of the bells and bell tongues. Church bells

The bell ringing causes a joyful surprise among each person, independently believes he or not. Overflows of bells make people beyond the will to look toward the temple and smile.

The bell tower with several singers - the pride of each temple. The bell ringing with the healing force for the Orthodox souls, depending on the type, "calls" people to the ministry, "sings" during the celebration and sounds like a nabath, with danger.

Hearing the bell ringing, you need to cross and pray

What is the appointment of church bells

In the arrangement of the Christian temple, each thing has its own purpose. The souls of Orthodox Christians when listening to church overfills are filled with light, joy, peace, peace. When the bells sound like a nabath, Christians know, trouble happened.

Orthodox ringing is filled with an amazing force with the ability to penetrate human hearts. In church sounds and overflows, Russian Orthodox people have learned to distinguish the celebration, calling and anxiety, hearing a certain ringing.

An amazing phenomenon - when the sound of bells, pigeons, prototype of the Holy Spirit, do not figure out, but on the contrary, they rush to the temples.

I heard bell tall overflows, the Orthodox people in a hurry for worship, to which the rhythmic bells are called. Merry and joy fill the hearts of believers, announced by the celebration of the Church and festive ministries. Celebration and reverence cause chimes during solemn services.

Types of bell tower

Having loved the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people connected with him all its solemn and sad events. The Orthodox bell tall is not only an indication of the service of worship, but also by filling joy, sadness and celebrations. From here, various types of stall appeared, and each view is name and value.

The ringing can be only a church man with certain qualities:

  • inland ace;
  • a sense of rhythm;
  • knowledge of the sound row;
  • knowledge of the technique of execution;
  • knowledge of church charter.

The rhodes must be a prayerhouse and observe posts, so that through the overflows of sounds to convey to people the celebration of Orthodoxy.

Ring draws a sound as an artist with paints

Hearing uniform blows of a large bell, Orthodox know that it is , calling to the Worship .

The fact that the event is, the bigger the God's voice is chosen:

  1. Festive Blagovest sounds at Easter or on special holidays, for his sound it is necessary to bless the abbot of the temple.
  2. Sunday sponge sounds on Sundays, linen - for special minions.
  3. Daily services begins for a weekly Blagovest, a great post - lean.
  4. Nabat announces trouble, thank God, it sounds extremely rare.

With alternate repeated impact on all the bells available in the temple, the chime, the vibrant prayers, liturgy, temple holidays are announced.

With the actual bell tongue, the rod hit two bells.

The sober spokes for himself, at this time all bells work, large and small, each time it produces three shocks with a short break. Low and ringing sounds fly straight into the sky and the souls of Christians, reporting the beginning of the service or the end of the Blagoves.

Morning, monastic healing from all diseases

The history of the appearance of bells

The first mentions about the bells are found in documents with which more than 6 thousand years. The prototype of the wondrous work is the flower bell, whose petals come in motion at the slightest blowing of the wind. The first task of the bells was to serve a signal. They were put on domestic animals, hung on the door.

China's homeland is considered to be China, where the bells are used in purification rites. According to the legend, the wizard could not mix the necessary metals to achieve the desired sound, all products or gave cracks, or did not sound. On the advice of the monks, the Master's daughter rushed to the molten metal, and the first large bell "the adorable flower" sounded at all China.

Egyptian monks first began to use the bell ringing for convening Christians to ministry.

For information! The greatest dissemination in Russia church chime acquired in the XVI century, surpassing everything available in European countries by weight.

God's voice became an element of Russian culture. According to the belief, the bellows are distilled off with an unclean force, so during the time of Mora, the invasions of enemies church kilns did not cease.

Over time, even a notion grade for playing on these unique works of human hands has appeared. In Russia, the festivals of the bell tongue are often arranged, filling everything around God's glory.

The world's largest Assumption Bell - "King Bell"

The healing power of the bell tongue

Scientists have proven that the bell chimes possess the healing force not only when the space is cleansing from the unclean, but also when improving people.

The amazing discovery made by the researchers shows that church sounds spread in space by the waves in the form of a cross, providing a positive effect on the physical, mental and spiritual state of a person.

Repeated Christians noted recovery, getting rid of generic diseases after staying under the cover of the overflows of God's glaze. Especially the bell ringing has a healing force in psycho-emotional diseases.

Modern achievements allow you to listen to various overflows of church music in the record, while indoors, thereby cleansing the surrounding space from unclean power.

Tip! Turn on the songs of bell tower overflows and enjoy joy and rest in your home, not forgetting that sound therapy lasts no more than half an hour.

Bell ringing. Cleansing space and healing

Quote communication Orthodox bell ringing

"The bell is a prayer in sound, icon sounding"

Bells are one of the necessary accessories of the Orthodox church.
Bell ringing is used to:
1. Correct believers for worship
2. Express the celebration of the Church and its worship
3. It is not present in the temple on the time of committing particularly important parts of worship.

Initially, before the appearance of bells in Russia, a more general way of convening believers for worship was decided on the VI century, when they began to use bila and klepala. Bila (and candy) - these are wooden boards, and klepala - Iron or copper strips bent into semicircle for which they hit with special wooden sticks. And only at the end of the X century bells appeared.
Russian Orthodox ringing is significantly different from the bell tower of other denominations. If Western European Slans contain melodic and harmonic bases / Karelone-bell organ /, then in Russian stons it is practically absent. The Orthodox Store is based on rhythm and character. Slavar, thanks to the inner alarm, the feeling of rhythm, the excellent knowledge of the sound and possession of the technique of execution, on the basis of the charter, prayer and personal worldview, can pass the joy and calm, deep sorrow and the celebration of the spiritual content of church service through the bell tall. In the souls of believers looking for peace with the Lord God, the church bell ringing excites a bright, joyful and peaceful mood. So a person can determine the condition of his soul on the bell ringing. In the Orthodox Kill, there was a wonderful force, deeply penetrating into human hearts.

Having loved the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people connected with him all its solemn and sad events. Therefore, the Orthodox bell tall is not only an indication of the service of worship, but serves as an expression of joy, sadness and celebrations. From here, various types of stall appeared and each kind of stall has its name and value.

The international center of bells is a unique archival record of the festive storn performed by the legendary master of Ivan Vasilyevich Danilov and his student Andrei Anatolyevich Dyachkova. Arkhangelsk, Wooden architecture Museum Small Korela, 1997.

Types of stons and their names

The bell ringing was divided into three main types:

Chime, overweight
Actually ringing

Blagovest - This is single dimensional blows into one big bell. By this ringing, the believer is announced by the benefit of the news of the beginning of the service in the temple. Blagovest is festive, everyday and lean. In the word "bl butgovsti "Emphasis is put on the first syllable!" Blagovest "is always the name of the ring, and not the bell. The bell, in which the Blagovest is produced is called - the Blagovetta!
Chime - These are alternate blows (from one to seven to each bell) from a large to small, bust bells from the largest bell to the smallest or vice versa with a different number of blows to each bell. There are two main chimes: funeral and affiliated.
Actually ringing - It is a characteristic rhythmic ringing using all the main groups of the bell skews. The zonom of this group includes: festive ringing / sober, a bonus /, domestic ringing, as well as the Slans compiled by the ring themselves, which is the result of creative work and self-expression.

Blagovestit is intended to announce the upcoming start of worship. Blagovest "... not only noticing about the time of the start of service, but also prepares Christians to her ... He, in fact, there is no service," Professor Mikhail Skaballanovich is inexplicable Tipikon. Blagovest is committed, as mentioned above: in the Great Holidays - in a festive bell, before Sunday services - in Sunday Bell.

Starring, as follows from the instructions of the Tipic, before the ringing it should be taken from the Primate (the priest who will have to commit worship) blessing for the ringing. The blessing of the priest determines the Blagovest, as well as another ringing, the status of liturgical action.

The position of the ringing is performed by paragraves and in the modern version - the Ponoloire, Altarist or Chrant. However, in our time the call is the right of one who blessed this priser, regardless of whether this person belongs to the category of clerics, tenants or is just a parishioner.

Rock up at the time of Blagovest is recommended to read immaculate (17th cafesma) or 12 times the 50th Psalm. "The same goes go down to the great company not soon, singing is not possible, or verb Psalm 50th 12-y" (typicon, ch. 2). From this instruction it follows that the duration of the ring corresponds to, about 20 minutes. However, now, due to the fact that the ringing carries more symbolic, rather than the practical meaning, the blessing time decreased and amounts to about 10 minutes.

At the beginning of the Blagoves, two impacts are made to the appointed bell until the sound of sound is completely attenuation, and the third strokes begin. The interval between strikes should be chosen such that it corresponds to the voice of the bell, otherwise the ringing can be gualed, if the blows are too rare, or alarming, in the case of very frequent blows.

Based on these statutory recommendations, the Zvarya Charter of the Patriarchal Cathedral was compiled in the name of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The text of the Cathedral Zvonar Statute, approved by the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy.

To date, many temples still keep the unique selection of church bells. Troiso-Sergiyev Lava, Novo-Devichy Moskovsky Monastery, Kirillo-Belozersky Vologda Monastery, Bishops' Dvor and Assumption Cathedral in Rostov Great - and this list of monuments of Russian history can be transferred for a long time. Under the concept of "selection of bells" is understood as the selection of a certain number of bells collected in a particular monastery or temple. Such a selection creates a complete musical harmony of all tones and sounds issued by various sizes of bells. There were cases when the selection of a particular temple was collected for a long time. So the selection existing in the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra was collected as much as 486 years. In this selection still stored bells dated 1422. Most of the unique bells could not survive the terrible era of worn in Russia, when the Soviet power of Barbarian ruined the temples and destroyed their property. True, during the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet government attempted to spend some restoration of some Russian temples with their bell tower.

Healing bell ringing

In the Orthodox tradition, the bell ringing is not only the value of the signal calling for prayer, but also a configuring person to a certain way, causing profound contact with the highest forces. No wonder the bell is called the "sound sun", Blagoves. Bell tongues are used in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Today it has already been proven: the acoustic wave under the bells is expected in the form of a cross. This mathematically calculated in the Scientific Laboratory of the Moscow Zila when restoring bells for the christmas christ of the Savior. Doctor of Technical Sciences B. N. Nyunin created an accurate diagram of the radiation radiation of the bell. The sound, going down from heaven to the ground, as if the county is baptized. Maybe therefore the effect of the bells per soul is so great. One of St. Petersburg Psychiatrists treats mental diseases precisely bell ringing. However, not only mental ailments are subject to mystical sound. Scientists installed: a wave propagated by the bell kills the pathogenic bacteria within a radius of several kilometers! It turned out that the bells in the ultrasound range act as an energy generators. Our ancestors, guessing this, during the epidemic called the bell around the clock. And vs. Each specific kill is a special ringing.

It is not for nothing that says: "If the icon is a prayer in the colors, the temple is a prayer in stone, then the bell is a prayer in sound, icon sounding. This is the sound of the bronze sound, which the Russian ear of an Orthodox man chose for himself as an ideal." The Orthodox man was born, lived and died with a ringing. Numerous cases are known when the bell's suddenly, the bells prevented a crime and suicide, led to repentance, called for a desperate person who received peace and gained the vitality and the meaning of existence in him.

1. General

N a date in the Christian world there are three types of bell tonguesEach of which presents its requirements and to bells.

1. Orthodox ringing - It is based on rhythm with the dynamics inherent in it and the interaction of timbres. Therefore, the bells are appreciated primarily by the colawering (good-lepi) and the wealth of timbres, and the absolute value of the main tone here does not play. The number of bells in the belfry is usually from 5 to 12. The ringing is fulfilled - the language of the tongue to which certain requirements are presented. Proswly is achieved by the competent selection of bells and the skill of the ringing.

2. Catholic ring - It is based on solitary or double blows of a lightweight language about the swinging or rotating bell, which is usually equipped with a counterweight so that the center of gravity passes through the axis of rotation. The nature of the bells in the bells is usually from 2 to 6. By tradition, the bells are selected or molded under a certain The main tone with a limited number of overtones. From here, the ringing itself is not as rich and depends on the number of bells, as well as the amplitudes of their swing or speed of rotation, so the skill of a particular importance does not matter. In some countries, along with a traditional ringing, a ringing is also practiced by rolling the tongue.

3. Brown ring - It is based on the execution of the ringtone ringtone on notes using a set of bells, which make up the speaker in 2 - 5 complete octave. The ringing is usually carried out by keyboard device (reminding the organ of the organ). It leads to movement of languages \u200b\u200bor hammers of bells through mechanical traction or electromagnetic drives. The bells are usually pushing exactly in a note, while trying to remove extra obverseon and reduce the time of its sound to 4 - 5 seconds, otherwise it will interfere with the melody execution. If the carillon is equipped with automatic software control in the form of a drum or an electromagnetic device, then it turns into a chimes.

Carillon music has nothing to do with church ringing ..

Knowing the main differences between the Orthodox and Western traditions of the bell tongue, it is easy to understand how different requirements they push to casting and selection of bells to create a solid ring.

2. Basics of Orthodox Store

Olocola is one of the necessary accessories of the Orthodox Church. Church ringing is used in order to:

• Corge believers to worship.

• Express the celebration of the Church and its worship services.

• Suggest unaccepting in the temple about the time of the commission of particularly important parts of worships.

The Orthodox ringing serves not only for the goals of worship, but also is an expression of joy, sadness and celebration of the people. Hence, various types of bell tongues appeared.

In the church distinguish 4 canonical stall: Blagovest, bust, chime and sober.

Blagovest - One of the most ancient stalls of the Orthodox Church and is called so because it bears the good, joyful news of the start of worship. This ringing also obsesses the making the sacrament of the Eucharist on the Liturgy and the reading of the Gospel in other services. Blagovest can sound both independently and as part of other stons.

Big - Or the funeral (funeral, wired) ringing expresses sadness and sorrow about the mustache and consists of two parts: directly canonical (as such a busting) and free (sober).

Chime - more complicated compared to the Blagovest and Bust. It also consists of two parts: canonical (that is, the chime itself) and free (sober). Classically chime is a ringing alternately into each bell (one or several times in each), starting from more to the smallest (sometimes with a strike "at all"), and so repeat many times.

Sober - the most complicated compared to other canonical stons, but is the most bright musical attitude of the bell tower, since the sober is not limited to church charters in their form and therefore differ in both the composition of the bells used, and has a diverse form of execution, rhythm, texture and tools.

3. Groups of bells

There are usually several bells in many churches, and they differ among themselves the magnitude and power of sound, and are combined on these features in three main groups:

I Group - Bass

• Blagovets

• Festive

• Polyeligne

• Sunday

• Postech

II group - tenor and altovye (selective)

III Group - Triolny (sprocket)

The following bells differ in many temples:

• Festive

• Sunday

• Polyeligne

• Simple-free (subsidian)

• Small (or fifth)

However, the bell ringing is one of the brightest features of Russian life - he had not only litroinstorm. They were welcomed by high guests, they gathered the people in the evening, announced the recruit set, reported a wedding, death or execution, warned about the approach of the enemy and fire, pointed out the road to the travelers, sent signals of time. The stons were "bluntful", "silent", "veneer", "siege", "call sign", "rational" ...

4. ring-healer

Creating a delay bell ringing - Elena Zadubovskaya in the book "Treatment of bell ringing" notes: "Russian researchers still in the 70s of the last century established that such ailments, such as unfortunate anxiety, fears, nervousness and insomnia, are perfectly heated by a bell ringing.

The conclusions were made (but overwhelmed by the state) were simply stunning. It turns out that the raspberry ringing audio recording actually acts even on the most nervous. And listening to the musical works performed on the bells, heals the most severe types of depression and other mental illnesses. Perfectly heals insomnia and raspberry church ringing. "Very recommends healers, and all people who care about their spiritual well-being use the bell ringing!

Generally, it is noticed when the bell regularly uses the church, the number of parishioners increases by 2-3 times! Therapeutic cleansing effects of such a service also increases at times!

Album: Bells of Russia (Bell Treatment Treatment)

Year of release: 2009

Format: MP3

Quality: 320 kbit / s

Total time: 48 min

Total size: 108 MB

  1. Blagovest and Damnant Bell Tall
  2. Variations on the topic of the play R. Fippa "Nagorny Sermon". M. Kapranov, A. Ivanov, D. Petrov
  3. Sunday Bell Talk V. Kaichuk
  4. Tinning A. Ivanova
  5. The ringing M. Kapranov
  6. Iona Akimovsky bell ringing (K. Kyansev)
  7. Bell tongues of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral (Petersburg, Red and Georgievsky)
  8. Rostov Kremlin's bell tongues (Water and Budnichny, Egoryevsky)
  9. Festive bell ringing №1
  10. Festive bell ringing number 2
  11. Festive bell ringing of the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery
  12. Festive bell ringing of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville
  13. Preobrazhensky D.Petrov
  14. Rostov red bell ringing
  15. Wedding bell ringing
  16. Etude D. Petrov

It is impossible to imagine Russia without temples, singing of church choir, temple painting, bell tongue. This unique merger of faith, art and lifestyle was created by Orthodoxy, which had an impact on all parties and the lifestyle of our people.

Church ringing - not for concerts! So it was long ago: Bells are spiritual testimony to the whole world, a symbol in bronze, and their ringing is a symbol in sound. No wonder the bell ties call the "voice of church", and this voice calls for spiritual revival and repentance. And it is no one for the church bells idle to broadcast with the bells (the ringing is not eligible to even rehearse on the bell tower, call extracurricularly or for the fun).

Bell ties are accomplished only on church canons: at a certain hour, in a certain way. But there is one week a week, when (not simultaneously with the church service) is allowed to call Vddol, on the joy of the whole world. This is an Easter bright week. It should be remembered that the church bell is a shrine that should always be worn and honored. The ringing is the decoration of the Temple (Cathedral, Church), and let him always be clever!

More information about the bells can be viewed on the website about the bells.

Big collection of bell tongues can be downloaded and listen

In practice, the bell church clinks are divided into two main types: 1 - Blagovest and 2 - the sound itself.

The most ancient canonical ringing of the Orthodox Church is an evaluation, that is, the good, good news about the start of worship, which is a measured blows into one of the large bells in order to call the believers on the prayer to the temple.

Appearing at the time when the churches could have at least one bell, this kind of stall continued to exist along with other, more complex. Since then, it has changed only that the role of the burglasting bell, respectively, rites, began to perform various (as a rule, the largest) bells. They are often called adulteners.

Announcement is performed like this: first there are three rare, slow, outstanding shocks (until the sound of the bell is stopped), and then follow the dimensional strikes. If the bell is very large, then these dimensional strikes are made by the swinging language in both edges of the bell. If the bell is relatively small, then in this case, the tongue is attracted by the rope quite close to its edge, the board is put on the rope and the leg pressure is made.

The tap adolescence, as well as the choice of blows (in one or both edges), depends on the ringing, the magnitude of the bells and the stall system. When you defend a small bell, there is an opportunity to adjust the tempo, but if the tongue is connected by the rope with the pedal - the ringing is made only in one edge. In large pagan and heaven bells, the tempo does not depend on the desire. In the first case, it is established by the frequency of the movement of the pendulum language, and in the second - the rate of collision itself of the bell itself.

If there are several large bells at the temple, and this happens with the cathedrals, laurels, large monasteries, then large bells (adolescents) in accordance with their intended purpose differ in the following:

  • - Festive - the biggest and heavy bell in the weight of the Bell, in which he was anxious in the two-month and great holidays, as well as some other especially solemn cases;
  • - Sunday - the second largest bell used during Sunday services;
  • - Polyelnaya - the third bell, for the blegse on the holidays of the apostles and the saint, as well as the saints, which the charter serves the Polyel Service;
  • - daily or weekday - the next largest, for the ring on weekdays;
  • - a great - a bell that is gone during the Great Post.

The weight of bells intended for the same case, but located on different bell tower, was poured. For example, a bell, close by weight with a lintel or a week-old one bell tower, could be festive to another, etc.

Of course, it was not on every bell tower and there is such a complete set of adolescents. Usually in the parish churches of large bells there are no more than two: the first one fulfilled the role of festive, Sunday and Polyelin, and the second - everyday life and the good. And even in general one, which can be observed on the bell tower of the Novgorod temples of St. Apostle Philip and St. The righteous laspberry of the quivera-day in the Western cemetery.

In addition to names related directly with liturgical practice, the bells can wear names or nicknames. For example, in the pre-revolutionary time on the belfry of Holy Yuryev of the Novgorod monastery there were several blesses. As a "festive" used bell "Unpassed Kupina" (1838, 2100 poods), "Sunday" the bell was called "Cross" (1838, 1140 poods), "Polyelin" bell "Georgy" (1827, 523 PUAD) , "Daily" - "Archangel Gabriel" (1828, approx. 267 pounds), and "Nikolai Wonderworker" (1838, 134 Powa) or the "Holy Prophet Nafan" could be used as a "force" (1838 years old) (1838, OK. 63 pounds).

It should be noted that the names and nicknames of bells are not significant for the stall statutes, they are used only in the context of titles in descriptions or other cases that are not directly related to their status.

Depending on the rank of worship, large bells-adolescents, in accordance with the church charter, are used for the following types of blegse: festive, Sunday, weekday three degrees of solemnity and lean.

The festive Blagovest is submitted during the celebration of the two-month holidays, and its ringing is carried out by frequent blows in both edges of the largest bell ("Bolshak"). Sunday - on Sundays and on the eve of large church holidays in the second largest bell ("scorched"). The Blagovest to the All-Night Way is relying at first in a large bell slowly and for a long time, and large holidays are more solemn and longer. Polyeligne - performed by the Polyelnaya Holy, as well as in some other cases. For a subsidiary, the least solemn worst is appointed to a small evening, the vorter, an amid and a clock and beaten by his mild frequency blows everywhere in the smallest of large bells or medium. Small, or lean, Blagovest is used in the Known of the Great West Services and to the beginning of a small evening and reproduced by rare blows. If only one big bell in the temple, then it is the only blessed and is used in all cases.

Another type of bell tongue is the opposite, when they call it immediately into all the bells or several bells. The ringing to all bells is varies on the sober, a border, chime, bust. We will examine them somewhat more.

The sober is the most difficult and many-voice view of the bell tower and is a ringing into all the bells, then a small break and a second ringing into all the bells, again a small break and the third time the ringing into all the bells, that is, the ringing into all the bells three times or ringing into three receptions .

The sober on its form is not limited to the church charter and therefore may be different in the composition of the bells, in the form of execution, rhythm. The character is varied depending on the magnitude of the bass bells, asking the tempo. If they are very large, then the pace will be moderate, and the ringing will turn out to be magnificent, solemn and strict. On the contrary, if the bass bells have the ability to give a more mobile pace, then the ringing will be alive.

Depending on the amount of bells used, the sober can be: small (small and medium bells), medium (all, but without the largest) and great ("in all rod"). Nowadays, the sober was called not only the ringing in all the bells three times, but, the ringing to all the bells in general.

The two or more bells are ringing twice (in two receptions). The leading function of the disorder is the alert about the beginning of the second part of the vigil vigil - the uterus, expressing the joy of the Nativity of Christ.

Chime - a ringing consisting of alternately in each bell (one or several shots in each), starting from the largest to the smallest. In different traditions, the chime can end with chord to all bells. There are various types of chimes. Each ringing has its own established in some kind of specific sequence or form of a variety of chime, originality and beauty depend on the fantasy and talent of the artist. The chime can be applied as an entry into the main ringing or as a bunch between different parts.

In church practice, rare, or slow, and frequent chimes are the most common.

A slow chime is a slow single blows one by one in each bell, starting from the largest, powerful sound, reaching gradually to the finest and high sound of a small bell. According to the established tradition, such a chime is made twice a year: on the passionate sadmice - in the Great Friday and the Great Saturday. He symbolizes the "deprivation" of the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of all Christians.

A frequent chime is distinguished by frequent and rapid multiple blows (from 3 to 7 times) to each bell. It is installed for the rank of initiation in the bishops and to consecrate water. In a water-binding ring, quite frequent and strong blows in a large bell are picked up by the next largest bell, reaching the smallest in the smallest, and when the cross is immersed, the sober is performed.

Busting is a funeral, wired, or funeral ringing, expressing sadness and sorrow of the dead man. According to the classic canons, it is performed in the reverse order than the chime, i.e. It consists of a slow, alternate, one-time stall in each bell, starting from smaller to more, followed by a blow to all bells. Nevertheless, in church practice there are cases when the execution of the interaction is carried out by the corrosion.

Slow bust of the bells from the smallest to the biggest symbolizes the increasing human life on Earth from the cradle to maturity, and the simultaneous strike of bells means the prevention of the earthly life of the human death, in which everything that is acquired by a person for this life is left. Busting necessarily ends with a brief sober, symbolizing the joyful Christian faith in the resurrection of the deceased. Thus, when carried by the departed, a mournful bust takes place to funeral to the temple, and when it was introduced into the temple - sober. After the funeral, with the removal of the deceased of the temple, the bust takes place again, ending the sober.

Especially loved in the people of holidays, among which the so-called red ringing is distinguished, which is performed in all the bells ("for all grave"). In the church charter, it is so called the ringing to all the bells without much in Holy Week and from Fomina to all the saints. As a rule, the red ringing happens in the cathedrals, laurels, monasteries, i.e. Where there is a large number of bells. Red ringing can be performed as one ring and several. First of all, it is used to designate a beautiful, festive ring with a consonant selection of bells, performed on the days of large holidays, during joyful and solemn events in the life of the Church and society. Usually ringing calls their best sober and care that this ringing, glorifying God, is red and sprayed.

However, the above species does not exhaust all the variety of bell tongues. Classic stons have become the basis for the appearance of a whole constellation of various bell tower: everyday, wedding, native and others. Thus, the cellular ringing was practiced in particularly important cases - for Christmas, Easter, during the celebration of the event that had state importance (the intronization of the Patriarch, the Edema for the throne, the birth of the heir, etc.), and depending on this had its own characteristics. Easter ringing, along with the ringing in all the bells during the godfather around the temple on Easter, is also considered as a ringing produced throughout the Easter Sedmian by anyone who will decide to rise to the bell tower and try himself as a ringing.

In the history of the bell tongue, there are counterparts. They were performed by following a high official, including spiritual, in all passing churches and wore a raised-festive character.

Having loved the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people connected with him all its solemn and sad events. Therefore, the Orthodox bell tall is not only an indication of the service of worship, but serves as an expression of joy, sadness and celebrations. From here, various types of stall appeared and each of them has its name and meaning.

The bell church ringing is divided into two main types: blagovest and actual ringing.

Blagoveste Called dimensional blows into one large bell. With this ringing, believers are convened in the temple of God for the divine service. Blagovette this ringing is called because they are proclaiming, good news about the start of worship.

Announcement is done like this: first there are three rare, slow, lengthy blows (the sound of the bell is stopped), and then follow the dimensional strikes. If the bell is very large or huge, then these dimensional strikes are produced by the swinging language in both edges of the bell. If the bell is relatively small, then in this case, the tongue is attracted by the rope quite close to its edge, the board is put on the rope and the leg pressure is made.

Blagovest, in turn, there are two types:

1. Ordinary or frequent - produced the largest bell;

2. Lean or rare - It is performed by the magnitude of the bell, on the saddemic days of the Great Post.

If there are several large bells at the temple, and this happens at the cathedrals, large monasteries, laurels, then large bells, in accordance with its purpose, differ on the following bells: 1) festive; 2) Sunday; 3) Polyelin; 4) stenter or weekday; 5) Fifth or Small Bell.

Usually in the parish churches of large bells there are no more than two or three.

Actually ringing Call called when they call at all the bells or in several bells.

It happens a few species:

1. Sober - This is the ringing to all the bells, then a small break, and the second ringing to all the bells, a little longer break, and the third time the ringing into all the bells, that is, the ringing of all the bells three times or ringing into three receptions.

Sober expresses Christian joy, celebration.

Nowadays, the sober began to call not only the ringing to all the bells three times, but, in general, ringing to all the bells.

2. Bouncer - This is the ringing to all bells twice, in two receptions.

3. Chime - This ringing is alternately into each bell (one or several shots in each bell), starting with a lot to the smallest, and so repeat many times.

4. Big - This slow ringing is alternately into each bell one, starting from the smallest and ending with the biggest, and after hitting the big bell, they hit all the bells together immediately, and they repeat many times.