Family secrets Academician Likhachev. Granddaughter for his grandfather: Frank story Zinaida Kurbatova about the inheritance of Dmitry Likhacheva

Family secrets Academician Likhachev. Granddaughter for his grandfather: Frank story Zinaida Kurbatova about the inheritance of Dmitry Likhacheva
Family secrets Academician Likhachev. Granddaughter for his grandfather: Frank story Zinaida Kurbatova about the inheritance of Dmitry Likhacheva


Leading - Anna Worldwide
Guest - Zinaida Kurbatova

Topic: 100th anniversary Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhacheva

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Dossier:Zinaida Yuryevna Kurbatova, illustrator artist, journalist, editor of the Petersburg edition Russian television, granddaughter academician Dmitry Likhacheva.

Zinaida Kurbatova - There is nothing casual in life. When from the apartment and faith ( cousin Zinaida Kurbatova, legal heir to the archive of Likhacheva - ed.), and the Likhachev foundation took all the necessary things, desirable for them, and I have already become collecting everything that remained, I accidentally fell into the hands of the grandfather's blue suitcase, which he kept from his headboard ... And in this blue suitcase, a number turned out to be Documents, including the film that we managed to restore, where the grandfather sings Solovetsky songs. He did not have a hearing, but he all sang them, because he knew that no one would remember the motive.

Zinaida Kurbatova "Of course, we would like the museum to be in a Pushkin house, or at least a memorial office." Grandfather received a separate office in 1987, when he became chairman of the Soviet Foundation of Culture, because walkers came to him very much. And before that he had a joint office with Lvi-Alexandrovich Dmitriev, and there were also employees of the department. We thought that perhaps this room would be given to the museum, but the leadership of the Pushkin House ordered otherwise. They said that they have no room for things Likhachev. And now in this office there is a library of a scientist Putylov, too, the deceased, and in general it would be unethical of this library to be crowned. So there they are together, there are two portraits and so on.

Zinaida Kurbatova - There was a conversation with the previous leader of the Museum of History of the City of Boris Arakcheev, he promised me that there would be a permanent exhibition on the English embankment in the Rumyantsev mansion. And they said that there would be three halls: Olga Bergolz, Likhachev and Shostakovich. And the Likhachev Hall - it will be a story not only about him, but about a scientist, intelligent of the 70s. We passed the entire setting of the cabinet, personal belongings, gifts, collection of plates. Because everything is very interesting.

Zinaida Kurbatova - When we sat down dinner, the player always turned on. Listened to Vertinsky most (the grandmother loved him very much), listened to Galich, listened to George Brasans, Grandfather loved brass orchestras. Listened to writers - "Voices sprouted again." Was classical music With donating inscriptions. Grandfather was friends with Maria Yudina, famous pianistwhich was close to the Harms circle. Richter gave plates ...

Zinaida Kurbatova - Unfortunately, there is no Likhachev Foundation. I mean, when all things and photos, costumes and furniture are all collected in one place. Unfortunately, all painted different funds.

The granddaughter of the philologist and the enlightement, at our request frankly told about the inheritance and heritage of his grandfather and why her attempt to create an academic museum had not been crowned with success.

There is a breaking phrase that history does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination. But as often, when we are in despair from the fact that you cannot change the course of events, we say yourself: "That's if ...". So I can start a sad story about the heritage of my grandfather Dmitry Likhacheva. Now, if my mom had been alive, Faith Likhacheva, a favorite daughter of academician, professor at the Academy of Arts, - everything would not have happened. Maybe the grandfather thought so. After all, he hoped that the daughter of Faith would be a continuing his business, she trusted, together they wrote articles, he spoke with pride: "The faith is my character. She is a fighter. " But Vera Dmitrievna Likhacheva died in a car accident on September 10, 1981. I'm in last time I saw my mother at breakfast before heading to school. The grandfather, after her death, destined to live for a long year to eighteen. These will be bright years: the restructuring will begin, publish the previously prohibited books, the grandfather will come up and create a culture fund, will attract Raisu Gorbachev to work in it, the Foundation will make a lot of brilliant and important fund. Grandfather will finally publish his "memories" that could not be published in soviet time. He will write memories and about his beloved daughter, hide them away, lies in the books at the cottage. In the farthest corner. In order not to find and did not destroy people who did not love faith. On this notebook, he will write: "Zina and her children." That is, this notebook would have to find, but it turned out otherwise. It turned out bitterly and unfair. And who promised that everything should be fair?

Grandfather after the death of his daughter, my mom, destined to live a long year for eighteen years so, in order. We lived all together - grandfather, grandmother and family of two of his daughters - in the apartment on the square of courage, an ordinary brick house, but the apartment is large. Grandfather loved the outskirts: green parks, silver ponds ... When Grandfather died, a very sick grandmother, Zinaida Alexandrovna remained in the apartment. It was a very difficult period. Soon, someone Alexander Kobak appeared in the house, who suggested to the grandmother to sign the paper that she agreed with the formation of the Likhachev Foundation. The 92-year-old grandmother put his signature, not quite understanding, however, what and why this fund, she was still. Her Mitya was no longer alive, and she wanted to connect with him faster. At the same time, myunt Lyudmila Likhacheva, the second daughter of the grandfather and grandmothers, was incurable. It turned out that the grandmother and aunt died almost simultaneously: the grandmother did not want to live without a loved husband, three months later, Lyudmila died after her. At the Komarovsky cemetery, there was now a whole necropolis of the Likhachev family. I did not know about the grandfather's leaders about the heritage. It turned out that the archive he bequeathed to Pushkin's home, but all the contents of the apartment, all the values \u200b\u200bthat, of course, were a bit, and the copyright - daughters Lyudmila. Archives in Pushkin House gave a grandmother during life. Lyudmila destroyed a part of the grandfather's diaries, censored some records about the family. It was the beginning of misfortunes associated with archives. When Professor Helian Prokhorov learned about this, grandfather student, he cried out: "Yes, how can I destroy the records of Likhacheva!" But it was too late. As a result, the daughter of Lyudmila became the only heir to the daughter of death, my cousin, who bears the name of Vera. Since 1982, she lived abroad. And lives there to this day. Dacha in Komarovo she immediately sold. A small part of the books fell into the library of the village thanks to the regional Irina Snowdly. In these books, she found a brown notebook, the memories of the grandfather about my mom. I am very grateful to Irina for the fact that these memories, this notebook, she gave me. Books in the specialty I handed over to Pushkin House: For several months, employees came to my apartment, disassembled, selected what they need. Finally, the day came to export all these volumes with a huge grandfather's bookcase. Gelian Mikhailovich Prokhorov helped me. Now books are located in the department, which Grandfather led many decades. We agreed with KUZIN, and all rarities, the entire setting of the cabinet was given to the Museum of the City History, the director of whose director Boris Araksheev in words promised to arrange a separate exposition or even the Cabinet of Likhachev. No exposition, no office. In response to all my questions I was answered: "You are not the heir." I tried to merge the cousin for communication with the museum workers, to set the requirements, control. In vain. From Manchester everything is seen otherwise. Now the things transferred by us Dmitry Sergeevich are in different funds. And the city history museum is not going to change anything. For several years I have written letters to different instances, I ask strong Mira This is about the Likhachev Museum. Recently, the city culture committee answered me by writing, which says: "The creation of the Likhachev Museum is not possible." And explained that such a decision was taken collegially, together with the staff of the Likhachev Foundation and the staff of the Pushkin House. Were really museum workers and curators at a meeting, where they accepted such a decision, I do not know.

November 28, 2016, on his grandfather's birthday, Governor Georgy Poltavchenko said that the Likhachev Museum would be. Now the subordinate committee refuses him. Somehow illogical. In response to a letter to the executive director of the Foundation of the Likhachev, the answer came: "Foundation Likhacheva - social organization And museums are not engaged. " So where is the logic? If the Likhachev Foundation does not engage in museums, why did this fund, together with the Committee on Culture, made verdict, that the exposition is impossible? I can only guess. The reasons for such an attitude to the memory of a great man, such a lot made for the country and the city, can only be lazy, indifference and fasting. Qualities so inherent in last years My native Petersburg. Well, as for the Likhachev Foundation, the secret here, apparently, is that his leadership does not need a "competing firm": if if there is a museum, then the money will go there, by the Foundation.

I do not museum workerbut I understand perfectly that modern Museum It can be done without memorial items - it can be virtual, based on documents and photos. And all family photo albums and rare documents remained with me.

Now there is confidence that a small museum is organized in Solovki, where Grandfather served concluding in Gulag. We agreed on this with Igor Orlov, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region. He is a strong man, a good owner, quickly accepted such a decision. We discussed the exhibition option in the Arkhangelsk Museum, but stopped at Solovki. Orlov asked the blessing to the Museum at the Holy, and it was recently obtained. They decided to settle the Barack outside the monastery, which directly obeys the Patriarch, and make the exposition there. The barracks are indirectly, but are associated with the name of the grandfather: they housed a children's colony, where the young ZEK Likhachev often had, saving difficult teenagers. This is an important side of his stay in Solovetsky camps special purposeabout which little is known. Likhachev believed that children should be kept in separate barracks that they would soon die with adult criminals. At Solovki could well hold excursions about Likhachev. Show, for example, "Likhachevsky Stone": On him Grandfather with a friend, nephew famous writer Korolenko, knocked his last names. To keep the memory of them if they perished. Grandfather survived. Vladimir Korolenko shot on the island in 1937.

I am strange that the officials of St. Petersburg or the Foundation of Likhachev do not consider their duty to perpetuate the memory of the first honorary citizen of the city in newest Story. List how much is done by Likhachev, you can endlessly. It is easier to say that grandfather failed to protect. All his life he fought against the destruction of architectural and history monuments. His first article on this topic in " Literary newspaper"Released in January 1955. She was dedicated to the protection of wooden churches of the Russian North and the Krasnogorsk Bogoroditsky Monastery near the city of Pinega. Last year I was there - the ruins. It did not succeed at him to save and the church of the rescue on the hay. He sent a telegram to the head of the city, but he said: "I'll get this telegram tomorrow." And the church blew up - the late academician Alexander Panchenko told this story at one time. I myself remember my grandfather of Petrovsky taught in Sestroretsk. He walked around her, photographed. She sent a letter to the leadership of the city that this hut should be declared a monument and it is impossible to demolish it. What do you think? Demolished in a week. Now, driving by, I see four birchs that they grew under the windows of the hut. Why should it be destroyed? Calked. But he sought his grandfather more often. For example, everyone knows the hotel "Leningrad", now "St. Petersburg" on the Neva embankment - so, she should have been according to the original project of the altitude, vertical. Likhachev fought against the skyscraper, fought as a lion, and the hotel was made horizontal. Today I think how good that the grandfather is not alive: he would not have survived the "Mont Blanc" and other structures of the Heavenly line of St. Petersburg. By the number of monuments saved, the entire Nevsky Prospect can be attributed, which wanted to displease, making absolutely all the first floors of the buildings are the same - with windows of glass and concrete. Thanks to him, he managed to preserve the historical appearance of Novgorod, restore the estate of Alexander Bloka Chekhmatovo, to create a museum of Pushkin in Zakharovo, Mendeleev in Boblovo, to make a museum-reserve Park Montrepo under Vyborg. He defended the house of Marina Tsvetaeva in Borisoglebsky Lane in Moscow, who wanted to demolish. He scored an alarm when a fire happened in the library of the Academy of Sciences: I went to Moscow and knocking a fist in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He protested against the insane project of turning the northern rivers, thanks to him was printed, and then hit the television with lectures the creator of the theory of ethnogenesis Lev Gumilev, although their views were different.

Soviet and then Russian Foundation Cultures under his leadership was a real combat organization: thanks to the enormous international prestige of grandfather, he returned to Russia the value of culture, engaged in the restoration of spiritual and cultural connections Russian abroad with the Fatherland, looking for young talents around the country, defended our great small towns and the museums of the Russian province. When Sothebis's auction house trading in London was put out a draft manuscript "fathers and children", Likhachev called the then USSR premiere Nikolay Ryzhkov, explained that everything needs to be done so that the manuscript was in Russia. Bought This operation was especially proud of this operation. And Turgenev's Things academician himself transported across the border to return to the Writer Spassky-Lutovinovo. On the call of Dmitry Sergeevich to transfer their libraries and the archives to their homeland and the archives responded with many Russian emigrants, who gave the cultural fund most expensive - hundreds of storage units. They did it first of all because they believed Likhachev. For several years, De Birscu at the request of the Academician sponsored the program "Return": I managed to return to the home of the Letter with Tsvetaeva, Bunin, Remizov, a huge archive of Mark Aldanov, full sets of magazines "Modern Notes", "Numbers", Almanac "Airways ", Photos with autographs Fedor Chaliapina, Anna Pavlova, Matilda Kshesinskaya. The grandfather made friends with Lydia Borisovna Warsano, a very wealthy Frenchwoman in Russian origin, and she helped young musicians, the wards of "new names", among whom was a pianist Denis Matsuev. When in the early 1990s in the Pushkin house turned off warmth, Likhachev said that he would come out of the Academy of Sciences, if the heat would not give. Dali.

Grandfather was a real fighter, and his voice was not at all quiet, although in relation to him in turnover included the expression "quiet voice of the intellectual." It was a loud, even a very loud voice. And how can you live such life, so much to do and be quiet? It is impossible.

August 19, 1991, when on television and radio reported an attempt by the state coup, undertaken by the GCCP, the grandfather was at the cottage in Komarovo. He immediately began to call his shovel - you need to go to the city immediately, to speak on the palace. The second person to whom the grandfather called was Daniel Granin. His homely said that Garin left early in the afternoon, collecting blueberries. The grandfather left one, spoke on the square, said that the return to the Soviet system for the country of death is similar that this cannot be allowed. The Granin appeared, only when it all ended, "no one does not remember this now, everything is forgotten very quickly. Grandfather never afraid of anyone. He was fearless. And when after liberation from Solovkov in the early 1930s, the camp rarities with me "for the mainland", for which one another time could receive, "he already understood that it was a story. In the 1970s, he was not afraid to tell Alexander Solzhenitsyn everything that he remembered the camp, and the head in the "Gulag Archipelago" about Solovki was written entirely from the words of Santa. But for it, then it was quite possible to suffer. He did not sign a single ugly collective letter against academician Sakharov and other dissidents. Our apartment was set on fire, and grandfather beat on the stairs in November 1975 - and it was revenge. For courage. For having interfered with party officials.

He did not have a compromise. He could be very cool to quarrel with people, if he believed that they were wrong. I never thought about my personal benefit or benefit for members of my family. Probably, it distinguished him from the heroes of the current era. Therefore, he will not be equal in the near century. Are many people with such a biography: first modest young man, the best university student, then the camp ZEK in ripped calories, then the unemployed Yazzennik, then a brilliant candidate of science, then a blocked dystrophist, then the Oxford Doctor, and at the end of the way - the first cavalier of the revived Order of Andrei First-Called. By the way, this Order of his Cavalier immediately gave to Hermitage.

Dmitry Sergeevich wrote about himself: "All my life I did not remain an observer. I have always had to be a member. Always intervened and got a bump. But if there were no cones, it would be more unhappy. And when he wanted - he received joy. " In the difficult time of restructuring, it was Likhachev who was able to take responsibility for Russian culture, for historical monuments, for the spiritual life of the country finally. The "Declaration of Rights of Culture" was a peculiar result of his work in the culture foundation, which he handed over to Mikhail Gorbachev. He believed that we did not state program By culture. He thought greatly, globally. He was on and believed - and simple people, and the power of the property. His performances on television, transmission, interviews, are just as relevant, as well as thirty years ago. Likhachev is a moral landmark, our national idea, which is so much talking about. And his museum is needed, even classical, even virtual. Photo: Zinaida Kurbatova, Leonid Aronchikova

Dmitry Likhachev with the granddaughter Zinaida on the day of his 90th anniversary. Pushkin house. 1996
Photo from personal archive Zinaida Kurbatova

- Zinaida, a lot of Academician is written about Academician Likhache, and what do you remember your grandfather?

- Unfortunately, I did not understand until the end that he was per person. It was too complicated and sharp he was. As I now regret that I did not guessed to ask him about very, very much, that I talked too little with him, and with great people from his surroundings. With the same uncle Sasha Panchenko, who now also gone

I, as a TV journalist, constantly have to meet with people, and I also hear what, if Dmitry Sergeevich is alive, he would help. The grandfather always addressed the most different issues, starting with requests to warn some mistake, correct the injustice, to support something, to help someone.

The grandfather had one amazing trait. To many now it is simply not clear: how it is to put public interests above personal and family. I understand that people are largely reflected by the time for them, and after all

When the construction of the hotel "Leningrad" began, the grandfather immediately began to protract against the construction of a multi-storey monster. The hotel portilate the species of the embankment, and in addition, because of her it was necessary to demolish the Museum of Pirogov. The project was engaged in the workshop of the Speransky, among his employees there was a young architect Yuri Kurbatov - my dad, grandfather son-in-law. As a result, the dad had to look for another job - the colleagues began to look at him.

- How did your grandfather responded to the trouble?

- Grandfather seems to not know about it.

- Zinaida, Is it difficult to be the granddaughter of Academician Likhachev?

- Difficult. I was brought up in rigor, even drove the stick. This is already when moms have not become. The grandfather constantly reminded that I should be very modestly dressed, in no way better than other students of the Academy of Arts.

Grandfather always said: "What is permitted to others - you can not do. It's special, close attention to you, and the little things become in the eyes of people with unforgivable, monstrous errors. " He was generally categorically against any privileges, believed that it was indecent. Once - he was then eighty, then he went to the clinic, and they found out and spent in the doctor's office without a queue. Grandfather returned upset. Says: "What shame! I go out of the office, and in general queue Sits academician Boris Petrovich Nikolsky. Also, because I could pass through the acquaintance just like that, and did not. What kind of person! " He had a bad mood for a long time.

Five years passed - and it seems he was alive yesterday ... as if I saw a grandfather yesterday, leaning on a stick, goes around the leaves of the track in Komarovo. And sometimes I go past our old apartment, light burns in the windows and it seems that the grandfather sits in the office for a typewriter. It seems I hear his voice: "An intelligent person should not block the speech by the jargonisms!" I put the grandfather about how the intelligent person must behave, I still remember, although I do not fulfill everything.

- And how should an intelligent person should be conducted?

- An intelligent person is obliged to keep a diary. You can only talk on the phone only in the case and no longer two minutes. The answering machine is an absolute indecent invention. Children at the table should be silent, only if you turn to you, you need to answer. Sports and dancing - meaningless spending time. The main thing is self-education, you need to read a lot. An intelligent person should collect a good library in the specialty. And the grandfather said: "Take music more, I regret that I was not taught to play the piano. Pray for the night and to cross the pillow, read the "Father".

- comply with such requirements and really not easy.

- Santa was very very strong character. Hard, irreconcilable, heavy. Grandfather brothers were completely different - also very beautiful people, talented, working, but at the same time a little, you know, bonvivans.

- What do you think it explains that Dmitry Sergeevich was an exception even from the family rule?

- His interests were formed under the influence of the library of one friend, who was kept in the hard years in our house. Grandfather became the only humanitarian in the family, there were some engineers around. Homemade, by the way, his choice was not approved. Then he influenced the university - teachers, students, the situation itself, but most of all, according to his own words, - Solovki. There at that moment was the color of science, art, old Russian officers, the meeting could not do not affect the survivors.

- And you yourself were in Solovki? And how is the granddaughter Dmitry Sergeevich, and as a journalist?

- Yes, I came there with the memories of my grandfather and a book, where he did everything on the plan - where his camera was where what companies. Everything disappears rapidly, in front of her eyes. In the grandfather's chamber, the Museum made accounting with renovation. What to do, they take the monastery to the territory, they need to be approved, there is not to the "elephant" and his sidelles.

It often becomes in itself from thought how quickly the present becomes past. Recently, I was sent a script written by the Swanidze TV company. There was such a phrase "Likhachev in general in Solovki was lucky."

- And this, and the fact that later, in Norilsk, concluded was much worse. And still there are wording, which in some cases, in my opinion, are unacceptable. How was it lucky in the camp? Yes, grandfather returned, but absolutely sick.

Now only grandfather nephew remembers Sergey Mikhailovich Likhachev, and he is almost 80 years old. Recently, Sergey Mikhailovich told me how his grandfather had been in Moscow in the mid-1930, as he lay all the time, there could only have a porridge on the water, what pains he had. My great-grandmother, Vera Semenovna, said: "I don't know how the Mitya will live, how will he survive?" He generally died many times, his health, not as an example character, was weak. The grandfather had a striking will to life and the consciousness of what he was obliged to do. He even worked, lying in bed. It began to feel better only in the early 60s, after surgery.

I still remember the grandfather died in the hospital. Already unconsciously distilled off someone invisible, tried to get up, take a stick. I shouted: "Go to hell!", Although in life I did not hear such words from him. He really did not want to die.

- There is a decree of the president, according to which one of the St. Petersburg streets should assign the name of Dmitry Sergeevich, but, as far as I know, he is not yet fulfilled.

- This is a whole story, and not very beautiful. Grandfather Colleague Boris Fedorovich Egorov, who heads the Commission of the Academy of Sciences on the heritage of Likhachev, proposed to be called in his honor the embankment opposite Pushkin's house. It would be logical, especially since this embankment does not have the name, and the grandfather was an opponent of renaming. Boris Fedorovich's idea was supported by Daniel Alexandrovich Granin, Alexander Alexandrovich Fursenko, Lyudmila Alekseevna Verbickskaya, Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky, other respected people. The governor handed their appeal to the toponymic commission, but it refused.

- Do you know, why?

- Only with other people's words, I was not invited to this meeting. Later I learned that some kind of construction is planned for this embankment with the participation of the British and the French and that some are interested in this. influential officials. Why do they need some kind of Likhachev? Well, let it be the embankment of Europe, I do not mind, not the worst name. Worse than the other: since the president's decree will not go anywhere, the name Likhachev decided to call the alley in the Vyborg district. I really hope that the Lord members of the Commission do not know what this place is, otherwise it would be mockery. The alleged "Alley of Likhacheva" is a nameless walkway, where residents of the surrounding houses walk with dogs. There is no and there will be no one at home since it secured territory. Accordingly, there will never be the address "Petersburg, Street Academician Likhachev, one house." It is pretty offensive, so it's better not to call anything at all. Still saddled with grandfathers.

- Tell me.

- At one time, my cousin, who has long been living abroad, wanted to take the things of his grandfather to England - in Oxford there is a Museum of Honorary Doctors. It was after the director of the Pushkin House said that he could not accept Grandfather things, as there is no place, and the library is not interesting at all. Then Kuzina and offered the English version. I convinced her that it was wrong, I was then sure - the medals and the mantle of his grandfather, his typewriter, his table should remain in Russia, in St. Petersburg.

We gave the library to Grandpa Pupils. Now Grandfather books are in the specialty there, where they were not taken. To be honest, it is very offensive, especially since about at the same time Pushkin House for sponsorship has acquired a library of one folklorist. I can not say anything, he is a worthy scientist, but still not Dmitry Sergeevich! I'm not talking about the fact that Pushkin House is obliged to grandfather to many. For example, when Prince Charles arrived and offered to give money to the facsimile edition of Pushkin manuscripts, he did it only because he knew the grandfather.

Now, after it passed 5 years after the death of the grandfather and two and a half years after his things were given in the Museum of the City History, I'm not sure what I did it right ...

- And what happened?

- At first everything was very nice. Museum staff came, they all looked around, they said that they were very interested and that the more we give them, the better. Things gave and gave everything: the Order, the mantle (Oxford Mantushka Manta was the only one in St. Petersburg. Akhmatovskaya Mantle is going somewhere, and for the Museum of Anna Andreevna sewed the mantle of my grandfather's mantle), a collection of diplomas, a Cabinet atmosphere, ranging from the carpet and ending A typewriter, gifts that grandfather got from all over the world.

First we promised to make a special exposure, later they explained to me that no one promised anything, and then I learned from third hands that part of things turned out to be in one people's Museum. Apparently, they were unnecessary. I rushed there, everything was confirmed. They were able to hand over two boxes from Dmitry Sergeevich's things with any things, including the grandfather's diplomas very much.

Personally, I do not understand how the competent museum can break the collection, because it is interesting only when it is intelligible. In short, I saw the grandfather cap, carpet, records, and became me very sad. True, then in the museum of the history of the city there was an exhibition of new arrivals, there was a corner dedicated to the grandfather, but I did not go there. It was hard to look at the remnants of familiar things.

- You really hurt when Dmitry Sergeyevich is poorly responded or writing?

- I try not to pay attention. The identity of such a level can not be delivered from gossip, rumors, worship. As you know, the stones are thrown only into the fructing trees, and the Pugs on the elephants were ledali and bark.

At one time, Uncle Sasha Panchenko, Grandfather, a student and a great scientist, loved to say "rotten intelligentsia." Grandfather was angry, and I was hearing this 20 years ago. And Painchenko simply, apparently, looked ahead. Unfortunately, domestic intellectuals are now mainly or crushed, sluggish, or naughty. They are unpleasant to remember the grandfather - a bold, bright person who has always had its own opinion and never afraid of anyone.

- Tell us about your grandmother, what was she for a person, what kind of relationships were she with Dmitry Sergeevich?

"Grandmother Zinaida Aleksandrovna, in whose honor they called me, arrived from Novorossiysk, but became a real St. Petersburg. In particular, she managed to easily and quickly get rid of the southern dialect, you would never have learned in her a native of the south.

The meaning of grandmother's life was the service of the grandfather. She lived his interests, everything was doing that he was comfortable, in all his problems, in all the plans. They were exclusively friendly couple, together worried and good and bad. And they are lying around. Thanks to the government, which helped put the cross on the grave of the grandfather and grandmother. At one time, the grandfather drew what he would like to see. Although this will be fulfilled by his testament.

- A very personal question, but are you going to somehow celebrate the five-year anniversary of the departure of Dmitry Sergeevich?

"We will go to the cemetery in Komarovo, remember my grandfather Mitu - Academician Dmitry Likhacheva. Colors on this day always come sector employees old Russian literature Pushkin house. From his best friends alive, there was no one left - the grandfather was destined to survive everyone, as well as two brothers and daughter - my mother.

Once we had no family - a real clan of Likhachev. September 30, grandmother always baked pies - celebrated Name Day. The birthdaynitz was somewhat - now there is no family, and the day of the angel is only at my daughter faith.

The sad date was combined with the holiday - it always happens in life.

St. Petersburg

Probably make a film about close person very difficult. What was the main difficulty in work on the script?

The main difficulty was that there is a generally accepted idea of \u200b\u200bDmitry Sergeevich, which is not already belonging to me and not a family, but stories. There is a stereotype that, probably, even well. I perfectly understood that my script would be in some way to break this. And for sure, many will have a question, why should it be done. But I was held two points. On the one hand, Dmitry Sergeevich was not a blessing elderly with a quiet voice - namely, numerous memoirs and cinematographers are increasingly inclined to such a portrait. And he was completely different. I remember him well since it was 70 years old, even a little earlier. Dmitry Sergeevich was a man full of strength, very sharp, sufficiently powerful and in family life In many ways not easy. But if he were so soft and quiet, as it represents, I think he would not be able to achieve so much. This is one. Another reason I decided to take up work on this film was a difficult relationship with my grandfather. To tell about it is difficult. They say if you are tormented by some inner, psychological problems, you need to write about it or draw it, then it will become easier. Perhaps I have happened.

Your film is very sincere. Not scary to open the soul in front of hundreds, thousands, millions of people who will watch this movie?

When we with my husband, the director Maxim Katushkina, decided to do "private chronicles", he told me: "Write just that it was a stream of consciousness. There are photos, family documents, chronicles. And just as you tell me, looking at the screen, "this is a grandmother, that's how she dressed, such hats wore, these are grandfathers brothers," just as simply talk, with the same intonation. "

When old films were renovated, and we began to paint them, I had a shock. I didn't know that there: I remembered something - no, some films were completely disappeared at all ... And when we began to watch, I was so happy that my grandfather grandfather brothers in the frame, there is even my nanny! I was so nice to see everything, and I told Maxim about them. And he explained to me: it is necessary that this intonation is that confidential and very personal. The film without a rigid structure, which preserved the impedition of perception. I think that for some viewers, maybe Dmitry Sergeevich himself was not interesting, like what the film was touched family themeswhich are very important for everyone. One my colleague after watching said: "How interesting, and I don't know who I have a great-grandfather, I did not ask my mother ..." We, fortunately, was the cult of the family, the clan, and cultivated knowledge of what ancestors did for the city For St. Petersburg. Stored vintage photosAlbums, all names, patronymic were recorded. Therefore, it became possible to make such a film.

If you return to the topic of your film, what was the main thing for you in communicating with Dmitry Sergeevich?

I had a very good childhood. After all, childhood for each person is a charge for the entire upcoming life. And that charge helps then survive and not get back from the course. Grandpa very disciplined. He himself did not lose time, did not spread, constantly worked. And I was striving to teach this same. In general, I was taught to work, to be purposeful, which highly helps in life. And, of course, the grandfather was very interesting. He is a special scale personality, it was clear to me and then.

"Now I would still ask him a lot - how not to bend my back, do not fall into depression, do not whine how to keep a blow. How to collect will, how to configure yourself?

You know, some say: "It was just a grandfather for me, and not an outstanding scientist, I didn't think about it." In our family it was clear: my grandfather is not just a grandfather. The film is stated in the film. Moreover, Dmitry Sergeevich lived such a life and so worthy that it was very interesting to ask him. Unfortunately, in lately He was already hard, and I tried not to distract him with conversations. Especially since it attacked the mass of people with demands, suggestions, they penetrated the house with all ways, not always correctly. In general, we tried not to disturb him, although now I would still ask a lot about - for example, about self-discipline and how to worry complex moments in life: professional, public. How not to bend the back, do not fall into depression, do not whine how to keep a blow - that's probably that now I would be interested.

In the film you say that when they became older, Dmitry Sergeevich moved away from you. Maybe he wanted to prepare you for greater independence?

By this time, I had no feeling that my childhood continues: my mother died when I was 15 years old. I think my grandfather was angry with me ... Dmitry Sergeevich had certain strict ideas. For example, he believed that a decent person from such a family, as ours, should be engaged in science. Perhaps he was disappointed when I did not deal with what he wanted. Dmitry Sergeevich was a very secretive person. He, in fact, and there was no friends. But man has lived enough long life. Were familiar open housewhich many came, but there were no friends. In his memoirs, he wrote: "My only friend in the 30s was Mikhail Ivanovich Steblin-Kamensky." Probably, he was friends with Mikhail Ivanovich. Although each other they called you. And anyway, it was more of interest.

And what Dmitry Sergeevich especially appreciated in humans?

Oddly enough, in people he did not really understand. He grasped for some detail and often, if he liked something, he did not pay attention to everything else. For example, I really appreciated family people. If, suppose, he had a young researcher with some request and it turned out that this person, let's say, two children he loves, this was enough. Grandfather began to help him and believed that it was - wonderful man, since he has a wife, children and he is about them so much. Or if a man came dressed modestly, clean, in a white shirt, he also reacted very well for it. And I know that some of the Lord used it. They prepared for a meeting with Dmitry Sergeyevich: dressed up accordingly, left their cars somewhere in the forest, said that they came by train, "there were such cases.

You did not try to write memories?

My material dedicated to Dmitry Sergeevich last year was published in the magazine "Our Heritage".

Will there be the continuation of your telemetry?

"Private chronicles. Dmitry Likhachev "showed grandfather's birthday, November 28th. I know that many waited for this film, I even asked about him unfamiliar peoplewho came to put flowers on the grave of Dmitry Sergeevich in Komarov. And, of course, it remains only to dream that the Culpture Channel will ever offer our team to continue the "Private Chronicles" cycle. Materials for this is.

Photo: Andrey Chepaakin for "RR"; From the personal archive of Zinaida Kurbatova

And, as it turned out, north of Zinaida Kurbatova special attitude, long-standing and strong feelings.

- Zinaida Yurevna, your arrival is already the news in itself. As before, do you work on material or film?

This time I decided to go on the expensive heart of the Russian north on vacation. Dear - because I loved these edges for a long time, even before I came here for the first time. When I studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, we had a cult of painter Viktor Popkov. I liked the style of his letter, which was transformed from "harsh" to lyrical. I liked the compositions, I liked the places where the ass wrote. And he traveled just into the Russian north, which our intelligentsia began to "open" in the 1960s. After all, then went here on the expedition and philologists, and linguists, and art historians.

- When did you come here for the first time?

In 1989, with two friends, we went on foot from Konevo village to Kargapol in places where the ass was writing etudes. It was best journey of my life. Verchinino, Portornian, Masliga ... No places Better! Forever I remember the combination of the bright blue sky, gray bodies and pink Ivan tea. Well, and then my thesis - Illustrations for Roman Fedor Abramova "Brothers and Sisters", which was marked by the Silver Medal of the Academy of Arts.

Since then, I dreamed here. Many years have passed, I changed the profession, became a journalist on television, moved from his native St. Petersburg to Moscow. And a year ago, with the operator Leonid Aronovikov visited Volkol, removed a special report for the TV channel "Russia 24" - "Babiya Share".

- And according to the results of the current trips, what can we expect?

Most likely, I will write a lot of things about the north. How not to describe what you see here ... There is also an important goal. We met with the leadership local Lore MuseumDiscussed the creation of a museum exposition dedicated to my grandfather Dmitry Likhachev. It is likely that such an exposure will be. Just should be.

Live along a great man

- Have you ever been to Solovki, where he was in imprisonment?

I was first in Solovki in 2002. I came to send reports for local Petersburg television. We were then accompanied by a researcher of the history of elephant Yuri Brodsky. Of course, he showed me the camera, where she was sitting anyone then not a well-known prisoner, a recent student of the University of Leningrad University Mitya Likhachyov.

Does his personality, his fate is some kind special meaning, philosophical, perhaps it is in your life? And is it possible to appear the personality of such a cultural and spiritual level today?

Philosophical meaning? You see, Likhachev was my grandfather that add here. Since childhood, we knew that we live near the great man. So they brought us up. Is there any such personalities today? Of course not. How impossible to appear lion humil and dozens outstanding people of that generation. To become such a person, you need to get very a good educationAnd there is no such university now. And you still need to survive hunger, prison in Solovki, blockade, miraculously escape ...

The main value of north

- Where did you visit the time of travel?

Matching my dream to visit the village of Kimzha, where he wrote ass. I was surprised to my limit. Gray Odigitrian Church became white - she is now restored.

Then the way was lying in Matigora. I got acquainted with the head of the Administration Alexey Shorty. The most important value of the North is people. And Alexey is just like that, they speak with him and seek clean unmandable water. How much does he do for his native village! Thanks to him, he was not built up with new houses of the field around the unique Resurrection Church. But so many examples when the fields are built when destroying the landings of valuable plants when they spoil historical species. Alexey shortly confirms reasoning about how great the role of personality in history. There would be another leader, and the Cutlery of Matich would no longer be, the dome would stick out due to the red roofs.

Then we went to Kholmogora, and after - to the Stastian district.

- Romance of the road. Is she charming? Or our off-road does not leave the place feelings?

I can't say anything bad about your roads. I have visited a lot. Perhaps the roads of the Saratov region are worse. And already about the path from St. Petersburg to Pskov and I do not say: all the soul is shaken.

People province

Any journalist has some particular purpose in professional search: people, plots, stories. What are you looking for?

Objectives are different depending on what you are shooting or writing. When Leonid Aronkikov, Leonid Aronchik, were filmed in Vorkia "Baby share," it was necessary to show people who opened the second front. Who brought the victory. These are the last Russian peasants, those that Jali Sherp, worked for "sticks" in the collective farm. In our film you can see the dignity and beauty of these people. Their scale. Not minor people. After all, you can be a famous, but small professor, artist, writer. And you can have four classes of education, but to be truly large person. About the intelligence of northern peasants, by the way, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev wrote.

Is the statement rightly that the capital and province today exist on different planets? What do they differ in the mental plan if there are differences?

Capital we have Moscow. She is one. People come here to work, and the rest of the time to do everything to not soy the work of health. There is little peaceful communication here, here is not called visit. What I was immediately surprised when I moved to Moscow. Take some kind of famous artist Interview, and he never asks what is your name. And the interview is always prescribed at home, but in an institution. Saint Petersburg - The same province, only without provincial slowness and pure white snow. My native city Rapidly became provincial in recent years, alas.

- How much does the fate lead you in your work and travel?

Signs of fate, of course, is. If you do the right important thing, then there will be help. I have known for a long time in my work.