Parents of the famous pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were sectarians. Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya: New Skeletons in the Cabinet of Ex-Spouse Dzhigarkhanyan

Parents of the famous pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were sectarians. Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya: New Skeletons in the Cabinet of Ex-Spouse Dzhigarkhanyan
Parents of the famous pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were sectarians. Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya: New Skeletons in the Cabinet of Ex-Spouse Dzhigarkhanyan

Parents of Vitaly - Victor Romanovsky and Lydia Tsymbalyuk still worked in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. All the leadership of the theater knew that they had addiction to one religious society. At one talk show, stalking details that the parents of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya pianist are confirmed by a system of beliefs and practices, which was created by a science fiction writer from America Ron Hubbard.

In 2015, the court decided to close the "Scientological Church of Moscow" and "Church of Scientologists of St. Petersburg". According to the neighbors of Gigarhahanyan Emma Kutsabenkova, Vitalin brought every day to the Department of Culture a scenario of a new play, which was written by Scientologists. The pianist itself does not give any comments on this.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Nationality Who was her parents: who is such Scientologists

Scientology is a religion that includes knowledge. The main truth is that a person is a spiritual creature that has great abilities. He can decide own problems, seek goals and achieve new states that he did not even dream about.

All religions of the world entail the hope of spiritual freedom in which there are no suffering and material restrictions. However, there was always a question as to achieve such a state. Scientology claims that every person is able to get rid of all problems.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Nationality by whom her parents were: Pianist's personal life

According to Vitalina, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was her idol since the age of 16. For a long time, the couple hid her relationship. But the difference in age at 44, did not prevent them from finding mutual language And be together. So, in 2016, Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya got married. At that time, Dzhigarkhanyan was already 80 years old, and Vitaly was only 36. Wedding took place secretly, only the closest relatives knew.

But their happiness lasted not long, in the fall of 2017, Dzhigarkhanyan flatly refused to see and talk to his wife. At the same time, he filed documents to a divorce, accusing it in theft. In November, the court satisfied the lawsuit of Dzhigarkhanyan and officially dissolve their marriage. Today, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is in the run, which confirmed her former representative of Elena Mazur. She left the country with her parents.

Vitalina Viktorovna Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Born on December 8, 1978 in Kiev. Former cEO Moscow dramatic Theater. Under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Ex-wife of actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya is the name of her great-grandmother on the maternal line.

Parents - engineers worked in design institutions. Later, his father took up business.

FROM early years Engaged in music. Graduated music school According to the class of piano.

After graduation, he studied at the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky. Laureat. international Competition in Paris.

From her youth, she said, was in love with the actor.

As Vitaly told, for the first time she saw him in the play in 1994, when the Mayakovsky Theater was toured in Kiev. Gigarchhanyan played in two production: " Last victim"And" Cat on a hot roof. " "Armen Borisovich produced an indelible impression on me. I was 16 years old, I was still in school. Then he tried to walk on all the performances with which Gigarhahanyan came to Kiev. Basically, it was an entrepreneur. As a rule, once a year Armen Borisovich necessarily experienced In Ukraine, "she shared.

They met in 2000. Vitalina was 21 years old, she just ended the National Music Academy in Kiev. They brought them a friend of Vitaly, who worked in the theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesi Ukrainka administrator. Vitalin wrote a note by Gigarchhanyu, and her girlfriend handed over to the actor. Dzhigarkhanyan called her back and offered to drive up to the theater.

It is not known whether Armen Dzhigarkhanyan attached to this hand, but since 2001, Vitalina was in Moscow, where he entered the State Classical Academy named after Maimonide.

By the way, it was soon after Vitalina closer to Moscow moved from Kiev and her parents were settled in the near Moscow region.

It is known that in 2002, when the actor fell ill, then near him were sister Marina Borisovna and Vitalin.

Next, Dzhigarkhanyan decided to put musical performance And he invited Vitaly to work in his theater - to learn songs with actors. And after some time she has already become institution music Moscow Theater under the leadership of Gigarchhanyan.

Officially, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya serves as theater of Gigarkhanyan since 2008. He worked as the head of the music part, and from June 18, 2015 - Director of the Moscow Dramatic Theater P / R Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

A number of actors who for a long time worked at the Dzhigarkhanian Theater accused Vitalyna Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the fact that she actually destroyed the theater with its leadership methods, surviving a significant part of the artists. For example, this was stated, which was exposed from the theater after 14 years of work.

In October 2017, scandal hit. At first, the actor went from his wife with two buddies in an unknown direction and stopped taking a phone phone. "Since then I have not seen him, but said it once. He said that he would kill me. I do not understand anything," -

Next, she found her husband in one of Moscow hospitals. However, the spouses could not see. The police that helped Pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya find traces of the spouse, reported that they could not do anything: "He just doesn't want to see you."

Then the information appeared that.

The actor said: "The most difficult thing is that in my life there is not very good processes. I had a wife like normal man. Then this woman turned out to be - or I don't like me, or she. I am talking about Vitalyna ... Although nothing threatened. Sad, sad. Vitalin, I, with difficulty, I will pronounce her last name, I brought me a lot of unfair pain. Always afraid when people close to me suddenly begin to approach me. Oh, I say no: "one minute. Let me think myself and take some decision. "... no, I'm not ready to forgive her. Now I say so. Even thinking, I feel confident not. I'll speak rude words. She led himself vile. Thief, she is a thief, not a man ... Yes, I'm talking about Vitaly. "

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accused Vitalina Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya in theft. Live

According to Dzhigarkhanyan's friend - Arthur Sogomonian - A few years ago, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya changed the statutory documents of the theater in such a way that, according to the new charter, Armen Borisovich - artistic directorBut all decisions take the general director, that is, she.

According to Soghomonian, Vitalin can even dismiss Armen Borisovich, and he is not. According to a friend of the artist, all the accounts and apartments of Gigarkhanyan His spouse Vitalin also reapel upon himself.

After public accusations from Dzhigarkhanyan in theft. At the same time, its representative stated that several apartments owned by Vitalin, she bought independently, even before marriage, so after the divorce they will remain her.

In January 2018, information about the Vice President of the Academy Russian television, Member of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Emmy (USA), Vice-President of the Council of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), President of the Transcontinental Media Companies.

In the fall of 2018, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya announced the novel with. Many found this novel by PR-move. But Vitalin and Prokhor themselves assured that they are all serious. "We generally want children first, and only then the wedding. I believe that no one wedding is surprised now. We are happy with Vitaly, and I have long been ready for the fulfillment of parental duties for a long time, "Prokhor said to journalists.

Vitalina for a long time blackmail made public intimate pictures. As a result, herself. "I quickly persuade this blackmail not to lay out pictures on the network. Every time it was very unpleasant. The pressure was seriously intensified after I became a famous public person," she explained.

In November 2018, the court in Moscow sentenced the former wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalyz Timbalyuk-Romanovskaya to 200 hours of correctional work. In addition, the ex-wife of Dzhigarkhanyan should pay a fine of 200 thousand rubles.

The court recognized the Tsymbalyuk-Romanovsky perpetrator in the installation hidden camera In the working theater office of the spouse. Later, writing from this camera was demonstrated on the air federal Channel. Thus, the secret of the personal life of Dzhigarkhanyan was broken.

In this article:

Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: biography, personal life, children

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Welcome to our portal new star - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya ! The Director General of the Moscow Drama Theater is known for relations with the cult actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Let's try to figure out the situation. But let's start gradually, with the biography of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Biography of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalin was born in the capital of Ukraine in 1979. FROM young years She was fascinated by the music, behind her shoulders - a music school, according to the class of piano. After the graduation, he entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after Tchaikovsky. Won the title of laureate international Festivalwhich took place in Paris.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Romantic feelings for Armen Borisovich Vitalin experienced feelings from young age, which does not hide.

According to Vitalina, she remembers how he noticed his first time - it was 1994, when Armen spoke with the performance of Mayakovsky theater in Kiev. At that time, Dzhigarkhanyan took part in two performances at once.

On that moment Vitaly was 16. She was still a schoolgirl. But Armen made it on her unforgettable impressionAnd since then she did not miss the opportunity to visit the theater when his last name was conquered on the billboard.

How Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya became acquainted

Acquaintance took place in 2000. The 21-year-old Vitalin graduated from the Academy, and just during this period she was brought with a famous actor her friend.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in youth

In 2001, Vitalin moved to Moscow, and her mother with dad was emigrated to Russia - they were founded in the near Moscow region. History is silent about how the Armen Borisovich Yunoy Vitaly with these moving helped.

In 2002, the actor came down with a serious illness, and Vitalin was keen from the sister of the actor - Marina Borisovna.

After that, Dzhigarkhanyan invited Vitalyna to try his hand to his theaters, learning songs with actors. Events developed rapidly, and very soon Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya has already led the music director of the Moscow Theater.

June 18, 2015 she received the position of the theater director. Not to all the actors who worked here for a long time, her leadership was to her guide - many still believe that her decisions in this post led to the destruction of the theater and the loss of many eminent artists.

Personal life Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

What to say here? According to Vitalina itself, she is in love with Armen from the young age, and a huge difference in 44 years for her problem did not seem. As she says, the most important thing is mutual understanding.

Note that her novel with a famous artist for a long time was hidden from curious journalists.

Officially, they were published only in spring in 2015, and in September 2015, Armen divorced his wife - actress, Tatiana Sergeyevaya Vlasov. It is easy to assume that it immediately began rumors that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya married. So it happened, the truth is a little later, in the spring of 2016.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: Divorce?

A year and a half withstood a couple in official marriage status, and thundered. In October 2017, the actor left his wife and disappeared in an unknown direction with his two friends. Vitalina stated that he did not take the phone.

The husband was found in the Moscow Hospital. But she still did not want to see her. What happened there is unknown, but immediately after that, information appeared in the media that Armen filed for a divorce with Vitaly. The final point set the actor, on the air program "Andrei Malakhov: direct ether" out of his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Schemers.

According to the journalists of the artist Arthur Soghomonian, a little earlier Vitalya secretly made a change in the charter, according to which she became the only person, which is entitled to make decisions. It turned out that she could drive out of the theater of Armen Borisovich, and he could not do in response to this document. In the same theater ... In addition, bank accounts and real estate also turned out to be decorated on the spouse.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya did not stand offeen accusations from her husband and filed for a divorce. Do you think it really happened there?

Vitalin Viktorovna Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - General Director of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in 1979 in Kiev. From an early age I was engaged in music. He graduated from a music school in the piano. After graduation, he studied at the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky. Winner of the International Competition in Paris.

From her youth, according to her, was in love with Actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. As Vitaly told, for the first time she saw him in the play in 1994, when the Mayakovsky Theater was toured in Kiev. Gigarchhanyan played in two productions: "Last victim" and "Cat on a hot roof". "Armen Borisovich produced me an indelible impression.

I was 16 years old, I still studied at school. Then she tried to walk on all the performances with which Dzhigarkhanyan came to Kiev. Mostly it was entrepreneurs. As a rule, once a year, Armen Borisovich was necessarily in Ukraine, "she shared.

They met in 2000. Vitalina was 21 years old, she just ended the National Music Academy in Kiev. They brought them a friend of Vitaly, who worked in the theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesi Ukrainka administrator.

Vitalin wrote a note by Gigarchhanyu, and her girlfriend handed over to the actor. Dzhigarkhanyan called her back and offered to drive up to the theater. It is not known whether Armen Dzhigarkhanyan attached to this hand, but since 2001, Vitalina was in Moscow, where he entered the State Classical Academy named after Maimonide.

By the way, it was soon after Vitalina closer to Moscow moved from Kiev and her parents were settled in the near Moscow region. It is known that in 2002, when the actor fell ill, then near him were sister Marina Borisovna and Vitalin.

Next, Dzhigarkhanyan decided to put a musical performance and suggested Vitaly to work in his theater - to learn songs with actors. And after some time, she has already become a music part of the Moscow Theater under the leadership of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Officially, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya serves as theater of Gigarkhanyan since 2008. He worked as the head of the music part, and from June 18, 2015 - Director of the Moscow Dramatic Theater P / R Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

A number of actors who for a long time worked at the Dzhigarkhanian Theater accused Vitalyna Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the fact that she actually destroyed the theater with its leadership methods, surviving a significant part of the artists.

For example, this was stated by Alexey Shevchenkov, who was exposed from the theater after 14 years of work. Actor Alexey Shevchenkov told in one of the interviews: "Vitalin immediately began to delve into all the cases.

And if someone did not obey her, Gigarhahanyan fled to complain. Because of her, I think, and all conflicts went ... I have a believer man, but it was an opportunity, I scored scorpions and threw it into her bag ...

If they are good together - the sake of God, but these relationships should not be reflected in humans. And as a result, almost the entire troupe left from Armen, including remarkable artists Elena Xenophon and Vladimir Kapustin. "

In the gentle age of 16 years in his native Kiev Vitalin visited the performance with participation famous actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. The girl remained delighted with the production in general, and from the game Armen in particular. When Vitalina took an autograph from the idol, she realized that he belongs to Gigarchhanyu much warmer than just good artist.

Upon arrival in Moscow Vitalin, through acquaintances, I found the number of the phone Armen and began to arrange a meeting with him. In 2002, Armen had a microinsult. Vitalin offered its chipping care. Gigarchhanyan was terribly touched by the care of a young person.

Rumors about the novel of Armen and Vitaly, the difference in the age between which is 44 years old, appeared immediately after their acquaintance. However, the actor and pianist disproved such gossip. However, they could not led the public behind the nose. In the end, they admitted that they were associated with romantic relationships. And on February 25, 2016, the lovers played a modest wedding.

An Aptota CCCP APMENA Dzhigapxañana Bitalytna Timbaluk-Poama's accumulation of Poccia. There is an easy-to-eat on the ether of "UK-EFF" in the support, З0 КОТАТАТ, Зайнила ЕЕe предствалелель Элена Maze. This is a zembailyuk-PoamAxca with the fact that COPTE COPTEMI "IN CONCRETE CERPENCE".

It is not enough, they have a nappy in Hyu-yopk, Tele-Aviv or Ky. Po Calus Maze, Bitalyn has taken from the bottom of the screen, poking the effects of the email. In this way, it becomes like the capes, which are Cymbaluk-Poaming Claus on the Cups of the Cups of the Cups.

26 Oktay in the MackCell DPMAKAKOM TEATPE APMENA DzhigapxaNa has an option. This is a connection of the 82-launthouse ACTEPA in the simplified OPGAs with the fact that it becomes acknowledgment of PACPOPTA.

It has a footpiece in this way, which is MLOHN NEGO NA 50. AMMEN DZHIGAPXAYAN - NAPY APTICT CCCP, ACTEP and TEATING THICKEP. ON IHPAL in Takix Krattinax, as "ZDAPAVUTETE, I am worth it!", "MeCTO will share a nickname", "CABA NA CENE", "SPILED-USE".

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - Ukrainian pianist, the former general director of the theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Biography Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya ^

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in the Ukrainian capital in 1979. He studied in Kiev. Became international laureate music Competition in Paris. He graduated from the music school in the class of piano, then the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2001 he moved to Moscow, where he entered the State Classic Academy named after Maimonide. Subsequently, she taught here at the Faculty of World musical cultureAnd then the director Vladimir Yachmenov recommended Vitalyna to the theater of Gigarhahanyan.

Even in Kiev, the 16-year-old Cimbalyuk came to the performance with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan ("December 32", "Zero City", "Hello, I am your aunt!", Green van, "Life Life"), took an autograph and from this The moment was looking for a reason for meeting with a famous actor.

Through friends found his phones, in Moscow sometimes they could even meet, dine together. When the artist fell ill, only his sister and Vitalin was nearby. In 2002, Armen Borisovich had a microinsult. Tsymbalyuk decided to support him, began to help the sister of Dzhigarkhanyan to care for him.

After a while, Armen invited Vitalyna to work to the theater, in which the pianist began to serve since 2008. At first, she worked as the head of the music part, and on June 18, 2015, Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya took the chair of the director of the theater of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Soon, the media began to shoot with scandalous news related to Vitaly's official decisions. In particular, in 2011, the troupe left several famous artists, Including Andrei Merzlikina ("Boomer", "Biranha Hunt", "Fortress") and Stanislav Dzhnikov ("Kamenskaya", "Graphomaphy", "Voronina"). Elena Xenofontov, Alexey Shevchenkov, Vladimir Kapustin joined the theater team left.

In 2016, it became known about another impartial situation - several employees of the Theater of the Dzhigarkhanian Theater complained that they were thrown into the street. Then the spouse of the eminent actor reported that all relevant questions were settled.

Personal life of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: Love Story with Armen Gigarchhanyan ^

About the novel of Gigarhahanyan and Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya was known for a long time. However, until the winter of 2016, the couple was limited to civil relations, which, in total, launched, according to Vitalyna itself, 15 years. With the second wife, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, the last six years almost did not communicate, as she lives in America. After receiving a divorce in September 2015, the artist made a proposal of the hand and the heart of a young beloved.

"Armen Borisovich invited me to his home for a cup of tea with a chamber. I came and saw, or rather, I felt that he was very alone. We did not build long-term plans. Armen Borisovich for a long time could not believe in the selflessness of my intentions, but over time he understood how much I love him. "

Wedding with Dzhigarkhanyan

February 25, 2016 80-year-old Dzhigarkhanyan married 36-year-old pianist. Earlier, Vitalin was not married, she does not have children. For Armen, it was the third marriage. A 44-year-old difference, according to lovers, did not interfere with the pair to find happiness and find a common language with each other.

The marriage ceremony took place in the secretness atmosphere - only the closest events knew about the event. True, the registration of marriage was under threat, as the actor on the eve of the temperature in the temperature.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya:

"The situation was stressful: on the eve of Armen Borisovich fell into the hospital with the flu, and I did not know before the latter, whether registration will take place. But he escaped from the hospital. Thanks to friends who have made an arch from orchids and bought a bouquet of the bride. But about the rings I took care myself. I wanted something simple and elegant. The combination of white and yellow gold with diamonds seemed a worthy option. No peters, fireworks, endless toast, contests and leading. Moreover, after the registry office, we went to the theater. "

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan:

"I can not say what exactly the Vitalin hooked me. This is a very difficult question. There are many things about these things, it is said, invented, but there are no truths. Yes, and thank God, because then there is a chance to come up with life. And if you know the answer, then you are a person from KVN. "


In the autumn of 2017, a black cat ran between Vitaly and her spouse. On October 16, Zymbalyuk wrote a statement about the disappearance of Dzhigarkhanyan. She explained that the actor, in her opinion, was kidnapped. However, Andrei Malakhov took to find an eminent artist. As part of his current show "Direct Ether", a journalist Valentina Pimanova said that Armen Borisovich was put on the 57th Moscow hospital for a while, because he was slightly punished, but in general it was all right.

Wherein national artist The USSR in a sharp shape stated to the correspondents who have visited him that his young wife from now on to see he does not want and has already filed documents for divorce.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan about Vitaly:

"She led himself vile. She is a thief, not a man. From my pocket, I took the money. I do not feel sorry for me. I am pitying this process ... "

It turned out that before going to the hospital, Dzhigarkhanyan left a note in his theater, where he said that he was dismissed by the director Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

What accuses Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya? Why did he call her aft in the program "Direct Ether"?

October 18, 2017 on the air of the first channel as part of the current show "Let them say" was shown exclusive interviewThe journalist Dmitry Borisov has taken from Armen Borisovich. Dzhigarkhanyan confirmed his intention to divorce Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, again accusing her the fact that she was robbed him, called the young spouse "a bad man who climbed into his pocket," and added that he, thanks to the efforts of Vitaly Viktorovna, now just nowhere live.

Let them talk

On November 27, the Judicial Plot No. 202 of the Kuntsevo district in Moscow satisfied the lawsuit of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan about the divorce and officially dissolve artists. On the day x now, an officially free Timbalyuk Romanovskaya came to the studio of the program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether, "where for the first time commented on the divorce with Dzhigarkhanyan and frankly told about resonant history.

Andrei Malakhov showed an entry, where Dzhigarkhanyan tells an anecdote about the difference between a man and male: "A man is the one who has money." It sounded especially sad in the light of the fact that all the property of the spouses, in particular all the property, recorded on Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In addition, according to some information, shortly before the process of Vitalin, four million rubles took off account, but she refused to talk about it in the studio. "I do not understand why this should be public domain," said ex-wife Dzhigarkhanyana.

Vitalin began a conversation with Andrei Malakhov: "I am joying that I meet this message is not alone, sitting at home, but in your studio." The pianist told that he did not appear in court today. Instead of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya at the meeting, her representative Elina Mazur was present. "I congratulate Vitalina. This horror that lasted for several months ended. Vitalin and Armen Borisovich are no longer a spouse. The nightmare ended, "Mazur admitted.

The representative of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Elina Mazur said that after dissatisfied with the marriage with Armen Gigarhahanyan, she plans to move to Paris and start a new life:

"Vitalyna is called in France and Germany. Do not forget, she is a professional, talented pianist. She likes the first option more, and in mid-December she plans to fly to Paris to find out the terms of the contract. In Moscow, Vitalin acquired apartments and will soon finish the repair. And Dzhigarkhanyan has already changed several removable apartments. He does not like anywhere - in a new place spent the night a couple of days, and then returns to the theater, to his office. Friends of Armen Borisovich spent more than a million rubles for rental housing. "

Pregnancy: latest news, rumors and facts ^

A number of media extended sensational news: 36-year-old ex-wife Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is pregnant. According to anonymous sourceArounded by Artists, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya even lay on preservation in the Georgian clinic. Moreover, for the court session on the claim for the divorce of the pianist was not precisely because of interesting position: Alleged doctors strongly recommended Vitaly.

Fans of artist poured her pages in social networks on pregnancy. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya did not hide and stated that she was not waiting for a child: "I do not know about it yet, but the press is clearer."

Also, the former wife of Armen Borisovich noted that he would not be surprised, even if the journalists would come up with a non-existent child. "I already sit and wait. I don't even need anything, "- commented on Vitalin on his Facebook page.

After the divorce: it became more beautiful ^

The ex-spouse was transformed on the advice of girlfriends

Fans have ceased to learn Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. And all over the recent campaign of the pianist to the cosmetologist: the ex-wife Armen Gigarhahanyan has passed the procedures aimed at rejuvenation and now boasts the result in front of friends.

Vitaly fans with great warmth responded about its transformation. "Proportional", "Brilliant", "Charming defenseless lady," - commented on the photo subscribers.

Meanwhile, last week Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya again became the heroine of the show "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov. This time the topic of the issue was not the personal life of the pianist, but the beating of her girlfriend Elina Mazur. True, in course the result on the set, the scandal broke out between Vitaly and Armen Borisovich was still discussed.

Vitalin did not want to publicly accuse someone in the deed, but clearly made it clear that he was guessed about who was behind the beating of Mazur. "I tried to get through to her, but the phone was turned off. I would not blame someone without evidence, how do some do, discussing me and Elina. I would not want to be allowed to do this level to look decent, "said Pianist.

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