Vadim Samoilov group composition. Vadim Samoilov: "I still feel like a modest provincial young man

Vadim Samoilov group composition. Vadim Samoilov:
Vadim Samoilov group composition. Vadim Samoilov: "I still feel like a modest provincial young man

They were not quarreled because of money and not even because of politics. Yes, indeed, between them serious disagreements on the financial issue. Yes, one adheres to opposition views, and the other supports the power so much that even played on our military base in Syria. But the reason is much deeper. With the brothers, it happened about the same thing that with notorious 14% and 86% - native people became incompatible so much that they could not talk to each other, do not want to meet. In their case, it ended with a decay of one of the best Russian groups. What will end for the country, do not even want to think.

It is believed that the main songs of Agati were created under the influence of the Great British group The Cure, but in Asbest, where the Samoylov brothers, punk and decades grew up for a dozen British groups. Dilapidated houses, low sun over a huge asbestos career, atmosphere of decay and hopelessness. And both with youth was "sympathetic hell", as it comes in the song "Opium for anyone". But they went to him with different roads.

They are very similar, despite six years of difference. At the concert video of the nineties equally full of faces, violent vortices hanging on the eyes, like the leader Cure Robert Smith. Both of both Smith-sized and at the same time as if a crying voice. Almost twins. But even then, they consciously cultivated this masochist love-hatred: "I love you for not loved by me."

Gleb in those years adhered to left and even anarchic views. Friend with the Prokhanov communist newspaper "Tomorrow" (and is now friends). An important detail: not all oppositionists - liberals, there are such as Gleb. All this did not prevent "Agate" to take part in the Yeltsin pre-election round "Vote or lose." And later, at the initiative of Vadimas supported the Union of Right Forces. Liberal was just he.

Vadim generally engaged in a lot of groups. Produced records, agreed on concerts. We had such a layout: Gleb with the keyboard player Alexander Kozlov wrote hits, and Vadim attached to all this commercial appearance, took care of success. He, however, and the musician is ignorant, without his guitar, it is unlikely that anything would come out.

Both were then sitting on drugs and did not really hide it. In each second text - opium, hashish, cocaine. It is difficult to say, in whom of them was stronger than the thrust for self-destruction, but the words "Hali Gali, the roof, where will you be tomorrow?" belong to Gleb.

This is a strong rock and roll story with all those inherent in the genre of madness. The Sado Mazo was mentioned in the songs, and the Gestapo, and a red cock ... few could sing about that everything flies to hell and there him and the road so convincing how they are. So that the whole country sneak. It is important to remember the historical background: Anpovskaya old women were high in riot police cobblestones, the miners were knocked out at a humpback bridge, in the clubs there was an incessant Rave under Ecstasy, the Limonians shouted "Yes, Death!", People became millionaires and beyond ...

But the most rock and roll went in zero, madness reached a new level - they pulled them into politics.

Vadim made friends with Vladislav Surkov. Gleb made friends with the poet Ilya Kormaltsev, one of the most radical culturerers. His publishing house "Ultrakultura" - a symbol of resistance is not power even, but control over the way of thoughts, inertia, serness. And the breadwinners, and Gleb Samoilov wanted freedom in its extreme manifestations, were not afraid of the most extreme extreme.

Vadim at this time almost alone records the album Surkov Surkov "Peninsula". Surkov is also not alien to decades and gothicity. His love for cold immoral statements is quite consistent with the ideology of Agatha.

Gleb Tandem Vadim Samoilov - Vladislav Surkov actively dislike, but the band continues to play. In 2004, the Tliller plate comes out. Part 1 "with a key song" In the interests of the revolution ":" I will be cool when the eye of your store, so dangerous and sexually clowning ... While you are clean, while you are fighting, any doll will die of happiness on you" A rare example of their joint creativity at that time. Only Gleb wrote seriously, glorified heroes and radicals, and Vadim mocked and paroding.

In the same year, the first Maidan happens. Surkov collects rockers to meet. It does not require some kind of superlook. Requests only not to warm up protest moods. At the meeting there are combers, Zemfira, "Tea" ... and Vadim Samoilov. Gleb, naturally, did not come.

It will take another five years, and the brothers will decide on the collapse of the group. The bowl overflowed, they can no longer work together.

2010th. Rockers meet with President Medvedev. This time the meeting was organized by Vadim. Makarevich is present, who Vadim helps to perform the song "For those in the sea." Shevchuk is not present. "He takes a sufficiently teenage, nonconformist position, and in such meetings it is still necessary to strive for a dialogue," says Senior Samoylov. Gleb, naturally, either.

Vadim Samoilov, Andrei Makarevich, Sergey Galanin and Dmitry Medvedev. Photo: RIA Novosti

During these years, Gleb turns out to be practically outside. Part of personal, part of financial circumstances. He generally, unlike Vadim, Blessless. Computer, a couple of guitars - that's all he needs for life. Among the fans there is a legend that when Gleb was once again taken to the police, pulled him out from there Vadim. Surely it was, and repeatedly. Policy policy, and fraternal love is not so easy to destroy.

2011th. Protests begin. Artemy Troitsky, once promoting the work of "Agati", calls Vadim, "trained poodle at Surkov", Vadim sues (the judge on the process is the same Boris sat). And Gleb at this time participates in protest movement.

2012. Vadim Samoilov is a trustee of Putin.

2014. War begins in Ukraine. Gleb with his new group The Matrixx records the song "Live" about the events of the second Maidan: " What will no longer do special forces that no one will do the riot police. Each is aimed at us, every rocket on fire. It means I'm still alive" True, calls what is happening a civil war and accuses both parties: " Hands in all in blood».

Vadim rides with concerts in Lugansk and Donetsk, Gleb - to Kiev.

And suddenly they are united for two nostalgic concerts on the initiative of Vadim. The influence of the elder brother on the younger is still preserved. True, it is from now on that financial differences begin - Gleb argues that Vadim did not give him money for performances, and there are considerable amounts there.

After a short time, Vadim unexpectedly breaks. At the solo concert from the stage, he begins to explain in love Gleb and wishes to him well. Looks like he himself does not understand how it happened. Spontaneous manifestation of feelings.

In June 2016, the film "Agata Christie. As in war. " The most heartbreaking moment: Gleb sits and waits for a meeting with his brother to talk at least in human. Drinks tea, looks at the clock. Vadim does not come. Then, in June, the court begins, which is still not over yet. The next meeting in September.

They are quarrellied and always the closest, to do not care. This is also visible on Russia's relations with Ukraine, and on the split inside the country.

Why does this happen, to say it is difficult, but you can: no one has serious plans for the future, and therefore it makes no sense to keep relations. People are just waiting to end all quickly, burn it fire. Catastrophic consciousness, decadence. It stimulates creativity, but it is still impossible to live.

When you once again hear that the wife drove her husband with a scream "Our Crimea" or (on the contrary) "Russia will be free", the workers of Uralvagonzavod have expressed the desire to dispersed the rallies, and the residents of the Patriarchs called the inhabitants of Biryuleva locust, remember the history of the brothers Samoilovy, she explains a lot.

Vadim Samoilov is the founder of the cult musical group and its saund-producer, a singer, performing music in the style of rock, composer and poet.

Musician Vadim Samoilov, a senior of two famous brothers, was born on October 3, 1964 in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). The father of the future star worked as an engineer, and his mother was a doctor. The difference with brother (born in the 1970s) is 6 years. Later, parents moved to Asbest (Sverdlovsk region).

In one interview, Vadim calls himself a "musician by vocation", not imagining life without music. As a result, it becomes the most important for him. About childhood, remember Samoilov does not like too much. It is known that leadership abilities, along with musical, manifested himself in his kindergarten, where he invariably performed the organizer of the Games.

As for music, she loved Vadim even in early childhood. The boy loved to hum and listen to the melodies. He picked up the first song for the piano in 5 years, being visited. It was a melody from the K / F "Therent of the Republic".

At 7 years old at the insistence of the mother entered the music school. There he was best given Solfeggio, and it seems to be the "museum" items for aspiration.

Vadim's own music began to create, studying in the third grade, something meaning appeared in the fifth-sixth. In the same period, acquaintance with Sasha Kozlovy, the game in the ensemble and rehearsal in the Komsomol Committee. The memory of the period is captured in the song "Hurricane". Foreign hits in English are recorded, for example, etc. The future musician has never been a fan of English rock and roll. From the favorite groups it should be noted "Urfin Juice" and.

Vadim Samoilov graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute, having received the specialty "Construction and production of radio equipment". The knowledge gained more than once was useful in the recording studio. Since 1983, in the role of the SSO "Impulse" fighter.

In 1983-1986, it becomes a laureate of festivals dedicated to the amateur song. In 1986-1987 performs songs within the framework of KVN.


Vadim Samoilov is known, first of all, as one of the founders, producers and musicians of the famous group "Agata Christie". It was the creation of the VIA RTF-UPI Group in 1985 for student speeches. The team was founded by Vadim Samoilov, Alexander Kozlov and Peter Mahe. After completing your original purpose, it did not break up. This was the first step towards creating modern Agatha Christie.

In 1987, Vadim invites you to the "Agata Christie" group of the younger brother Gleb. He himself becomes a permanent member of the collective, performing numerous functions in it: vocalist, sound engineer, arranger, sound producer, composer. The development and popularity of the group is largely merit.

The main goal of Vadim Samoilov and the group was "playing their music." Restore and continue the activities of the group helped the audience enthusiasm: "Come on, come on!". "Agata Christie" was afraid to become another fashion group for one season. To record the album "Hurricane" (1996) all forces were thrown, it was necessary to "turn inside out".

The team that existed over 20 years, managed to release 10 albums, 5 collections and 18 clips. The first wave of popularity caused fear. Many accused the group members in the use of narcotic allusions (hints). Yes, and the lines were interpreted by the audience in different ways. But this special worldview was Vadim.

The peak of popularity came from Agatha Christie in the 1990s. The gold composition of the group "Agata Christie" is "Agata" with the participation of the Samoylov brothers, Alexander Kozlov and Andrei Kotova (1990-2001). Over time, writing texts to the songs began to engage more Gleb Samoilov.

Despite the cessation of the activities of the group "Agata Christie", the number of its fans does not decrease. Listeners of the radio station "Our Radio" included 5 hits of the group in the top 100 of the best songs of Russian rock.

In 2006, Vadim Samoilov, a project "Hero of our time" of a charitable orientation for helping novice musicians is being created. Since 2007, a new round of the biography of Samoilova begins, the musician becomes a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and fights the problem of plagiarism and piracy. Acts as a member of the author's council of the Russian author society.

In 2012, officially registered in the role of a trustee applying for the presidency.

The scandalous claim of Samoilov in the amount of 1 million rubles to the musical criticism of the compensation of moral damage is indicative. The reason for the conflict was the quotation of a journalist from the film on the "Ren TV" "Protest notes" that the musician is not more than a "trained poodle with Surkov", politics and author of "sovereign democracy", simply put the poetry of the official to music. The lawsuit was rejected and then resumed.

Along with the group "Agata Christie" Samoilov participates in other projects. In 1994, he acts as an arguer of the album "Titanic" of the group "Nautilus Pompilius" and. Senior Samoyov will produce popular rock bands, for example, "semantic hallucinations", and solo performers, among whom.

Speech by Vadim Samoilova and Picnic Group - "Violet-Black"

In 2004, he saw the light joint album Vadim Samoilov and the group. They wrote a soundtrack to k / f "I don't hurt" with in the lead role. In 2010, Vadim appeared at the concert "Songs for Alla", where, together with sink, het "Tell me, birds."

Solo Album Samoilov Elder came out in 2003 and was called the "Peninsula". Since 2006, fans have had the opportunity to listen to Peninsula-2. Vadim tried his hand as a radio friend. The musician became the voice of the Rockless program on our program.

Speech by Vadim Samoilova and Mak Makarova "Tell me, birds"

In 2015, Vadim Samoilov visited Donbass concerts, and soon visited Syria. Gleb Samoilov, whose political views do not coincide with the preferences of the brother, was indignant by the use of his name (it was also indicated) on concert posters. In addition, after the "nostalgic" tour of Vadim did not pay a part of the money, which was due to Gleb. A quarrel broke out between the brothers, which finally spoiled the relationship between them. According to financial disagreements, the court fell on the side of Gleb, but when he demanded from Vadim through the court not to use songs in solo concerts, whose authorship belonged to him, the judge rejected the petition.

In the media there was an interview with Gleb, where he expressed outrage in the fact that his songs sound at pro-creek events. In response, Vadim promised to submit to a brother to court for appeals to extremism, which, in his opinion, sounds in the songs of Gleb Samoilov. Such an accusation threatened the younger brother with a real term. To reconcile sons, their mother has placed video graduation on the Internet.

In November 2016, Vadim Samoilov introduced in the social network "

The controversial vocalist of the contradictory group on the contradictory stage of his life is in a paradoxical interview with odious magazine!

Alexander Malenkov

Nikolai Gulakov

So, Vadim Samoilov, a musician, former vocalist "Agatha Christie", 53 years old. At what creative and life stage are you now?

This period can be called "Postage". "Agatha Christie" is two thirds of my life. Since 2010, I took a creative pause to rethink everything. It turned out that I have a lot of unrealized things. Records from institutes, compositions that have not included in Agatu, and things that have been published only for their own. And, on the one hand, I want to walk into something new, on the other - you need to deal with these anchors. Show newly, who I am, is a difficult task. In life, there is also a lot of things happened. In recent years, I approached some public institutions, I was bothering me the fate of the Fatherland, people and humanity in general. Exploring yourself, I wondered, and what is a person in general. These topics are metaphysics, psychology - I am very interested in me now.

Do you think you still have to create something no less significant than "agate Christie"?

"Agata" is still not my individual self-expression. Of course, there is a huge part of me, but I still have a lot of things, which asks outside. I think I can still say something. While I try to get rid of the feeling of competition with myself, and then we'll see. In any case, something will work. At least from the point of view of understanding itself.

You have a solo album on your approach. Tell about him.

Yes, album on the approach. It has three vectors. This is not in the "Agatu Christie", this was once not published and this is something completely new. And I'm trying to put it all in some one concept. As a fan of rock music of the 70s, I try to think conceptual albums. I have such a head in my head, during October I will work on it and after that an opinion on it.

Plunge into history. You formally treat the first wave of Russian Rock 80s, but your flourishing fell on the 90s. Did you associate yourself with Russian rock?

Want you do not want, you need to associate. It was the continuation of traditions. Maybe not "Tea" and "Chizhi" ... For me, the Russian rock is "Urfin Jus" and early Nautilus Pompilius. But the influence of Western music on us is also noticeable.

What groups did you influence you?

In general, the first thing that shook me greatly is a Soviet filmus. Artemyev, Tukhmanova, Petrova, Zatzapina, Rybnikova is a grandiose in terms of musical drama. The following shock for me was psychedelic music: Yes, Tangerine Dream, Genesis, Pink Floyd.

But what about the cure?

Well, it is more connected with the then exterior of Gleb, the 1988th, say, year. We painted eyes following the buds and kinchev, then all these arrows painted. The Cure I then, honestly, did not hear.

In general, is your appearance for you a part of self-expression?

Not. Of course, I have some addiction to the color, some kind of asceticism, but I can not call himself a modist. I want to thank my dear wife again for the fact that she decides for me these problems.

You said that the group was not ready for frantic success in the 90s. Tell in details.

Imagine, three guys from the city of Asbest of the Sverdlovsk region. They played, played, they reached their move to Sverdlovsk, then to Moscow. Simple, ridiculous provincial guys, we just wanted to be heard. We did not understand that this is attached terrible touric charts, terrible attention of the press, gossip, insane fans ... We were not ready for this part. Fans have always learned where our studio is located, and each departure from her became evacuation. They pulled drunk fans from under the wheels of my car, which was thoroughly flushed by their fur coats. Chase, broken glass in buses. But we did not happen close contact with the fans: it was too frightening community. We were modest ... Yes, I still feel like a modest provincial young man. But this is me and defended me from numerous illegible connections at that time.

And the classic of the genre? Such letters came: I have a child from you, hello?

Came. The most extreme letter was from a fan that she had a child from Gleb. And we have calculated that in order for it to be true, Gleb should have been on tour in Kharkov in Harkov.

They say you were treated from narcotic dependence. Do you want to tell your story in the idiot of youth?

Yes, in the 90s I had a chemical dependence on opiates, and a couple of years of life had a strong influence on me. All that was then available, we tried for a company with many: Efesbobes, actors, musicians, bankers ... Then I just stopped. Now I often speak in rehabilitation centers, where the guys are treated from drug addiction and alcoholism, even happens, I sit in their psychotherapeutic groups, I tell my story. The image of "Agatha Christie" as the terminal drug addicts, of course, is exaggerated, but such an experience was - why deny it? An important nuance: then at least everything was natural. What is currently used is a synthetic that sometimes leads to death from the first dose. It is better not even to try, we do not know the resources of our body. I saw people-bulging, which instantly lost the will and self-control, and at the time of the cancellation syndrome it was possible to twist the horn.

Doping can help creativity?

I can only say for myself. I could not compose anything sensible under doping. All I did, it was on a clean head.

And drug addicts inspired you?

If you take, for example, the song "Opium", none of us then did not know what it is. The song is generally inspired by Vertinsky. Aesthetics of the Fall as such. Eternal topic.

When you performed at our event in the summer, you turned to the public with the call "Forgive each other!". It sounded somewhat unexpected. What did you mean?

For some reason, I am pulling me now on this kind of messeni. I hope I'm not too intrusive. I watch the world and people, I watch my life and understand that we all need to learn to live a good neighborly with each other. Look, everywhere - in the media, in business, in politics, in Hsek - all each other just shuffle. At the same time, everyone wants happiness. It seems to me that the first step towards changing this paradigm is forgiveness. Even your enemy. I would not want to sound a religious missionary, but the absence of omitism, anger when the views are inseparable - this is an important key. These resentment on each other, they are buried.

Would you like you to make up with Gleb?

Well, of course, everyone would be better. And it would not only matter in reconciliation, I would like to go soon or later with clarity. Still, we are two brothers, complex relationships hidden from all. Senior and younger. In total, we do not even understand, but I would like to understand. I would like, in the end, the family synergy somehow to feel. I hope that sooner or later we will come to this.

Did you inspire each other?

We complemented each other, which means that they inspired. And I would have not diminished here the role of Sasha Kozlov, because when we stayed together, the third party disappeared, which was balastively. Because in creative plan - you will laugh - we had a vote. We jokingly called ourselves "primary composer cell." Is this solo in this song? Voted. It was a very convenient formula.

Is it possible to maintain friendly relations with a person whose beliefs are not divided by important issues?

I think you need. We all really need it. Now, for example, some scold musicians who go to Ukraine, and I, on the contrary, believe that it is very correct and very important. This is the transfer of energy that says that, in spite of everything, we are friends.

Are you still a fan of the DPR or already graduated?

I'm not the fan. I just wanted to see with my own eyes what people want, why it happened. And I get there periodically and I will continue to ride. As well as I would love to go to Ukraine, if there was no criminal case on me. Be sure to go. When I perform in Rostov-on-Don, in Belgorod, in these parts, there, I know, often arrived from Kiev with spectators with whole families. And also, when I perform in the Donbass at mass events, where many thousands of people, I propose a brotherly brotherly to the Ukrainian people at each concert. And you will be surprised, but all this is supported, all these thousands of people.

Your creativity is decades, irony, sex, and if blood and violence, then some cartoons, Tarantinovsky, solid quotes. In short, postmodernism.

Yes, that is right.

At the same time, you sang fighters in the DPR, inspiring them to feats. Somehow it does not fit me in my head. Anyway, as if Harms performed in front of the fighters of the Red Army.

I understand what you mean, but it doesn't matter what you sing. It is important that you, as a person, came to support them, just please people in their isolation. Yes, and I will tell you: these are normal people, too ironic. To die so with music.

In different periods of life, I am sure you had different priorities. Why did you come now, what is the main thing?

The main thing is the opportunity to live life, feel. Worlds change, a person remains. Money, gadgets are all the world. And the value of life is greater than the value of the world. All this tinsel - things, food, all the momentary - interests me less. Singularity is approaching, and I hope that the energy of conflicts will turn into something more creative.

To write this material, I was pushed by a school notebook, written by a small children's handwriting, which I discovered in my apartment. An unknown 17-year-old girl from Rostov-on-Don throughout the year tears shed in my ex-beloved. "I remember you promised to return. I still can not forget the night. You said that you love that I never met the girl more beautifully me ... in front of me there is a dangerous razor. Today's number I lied with a red felt-tip pen. If I do not hear your voice in two weeks, I will do ... "- on these lines the diary broke. Apparently, the young Rosovchanka thus decided to remind the idol about himself, so I sent a group of bands with southerling revelations to the Fan Club. The notebook came to the addressee and ... turned out to be abandoned for my sofa.
It is unlikely that I can convince this and thousands of other girls sobbing under the gloomy melodies of the Ural Rock Group that none of these musicians are worth our tears. But then dispel the myth about the carefree, cloudless, happy existence next to the rock stars, I hope I will succeed.
His name is Vadim Samoilov. Status - Rock musician. Group - "Agatha Christie".

Lantern love from bench

A week later, you are traveling on a business trip to the cities of Russia with musicians from the group "Bravo", "Lyapis Trubetskaya", "Agatha Christie", - the deputy editor-in-chief told me.
"Oh my God! How will I communicate with these people? Drugs, alcohol, girls - this is what awaits me on this trip, "I did not doubt ... Naturally, there was no thoughts about any novels.
Always so will be: those who love us,
We cut wings and quench the light.
And the cosmos will take us, drives the stars
There, where people are no road.

The first city, where our train was stopped, was Nizhny Novgorod. HOUR OF NIGHT. A press conference began in a specially equipped car. Tired, sleepy artists who were still able to customt before the press center were planted for a round table. He sat in front of me. Mutual look, cigarette in the teeth, long hair, falling on the face, - I never liked such men. But here something hooked and tight enough. That night, we did not even twist a couple of words. But the next morning the first person with whom I ran into the platform was he.
"Hi, my name is Ira," I started.
- Very nice ... - he brought long hair from her face.
To his shame, I did not know his name. He, in turn, did not introduce himself. The group "Agata Christie" was clearly associated with the two Samoyl brothers and with the song "I am on you, as in war." I also remembered that one of the soloists is called Gleb. That's just whom? So I had to spend a few hours to find out his name.
- In the evening we have a concert, be sure to come, then sit somewhere, - he suggested.
However, that day I was scheduled for an interview with another artist. I did not put the meeting for the singer of "AK". After the concert, Vadik Samoilov returned with a new acquaintance.
That evening the tour drank tightly. All gathered on the platform. At midnight, our train was supposed to move. There was only it.
- Gleb, and where is Vadik? - I tried to disperse another soloist "Agatha Christie."
- Fucks your Vadik, - Gleb muttered.
Ten minutes before the departure of the train, there was a missing rock musician. Nizhny Novgorod girl fled next with wet away eyes.
- We will still see you? - she sobbed.
Vadik no longer heard her.
- Where did you disappear, I have not seen you at a concert? I terribly missed and it's a shame, "Samoilov turned to me.
Up to seven in the morning we talked to the drilled tambour.
- Have you already tied up with drugs? - I asked.
- For a long time. I have not accept anything for a whole year, "he assured (although at that time did not even think to pursue from doping).
A few days later, our train has stopped in Kazan. We walked around the Kazan Arbat, drank dear alcoholic cocktails, and Vadik really wanted to make me a memorable gift.
"Unfortunately, there is nothing to choose from," he was upset.
At the station we saw a beggar. She sold lanterns.
"This is you," he handed me a small lantern. "When you fall asleep without me, turn it on, and I immediately remember you." So we can constantly maintain a sort of space connection through this toy. And we will definitely note the new year together. With banal candles and with a bottle of champagne ...
After two weeks, my business trip approached an end. This ended a beautiful novel. I went to Moscow. He is in Kemerovo. We celebrated the New Year in different companies.

How much money can go to debt, drugs and parties?

Oh, decadence, random meetings,
Table, preference, burning candles.
Plate played on the sapon
Goya sit and listen sting.
Rum and-and cocaine
Yellow fingers in thin nostrils.
You offer to go together ...

The fact that the stars show business bathe in the money is another myth. Vadik Samoilova had chronic money shortage. Stable salary - three thousand dollars plus fees from concerts (about $ 600) went on debt, drugs and parties.
That the rock-stars have no money for such a magnitude, confirms that none of the musicians "Agatha Christie" for ten years of residence in the capital and could not buy their own apartment. Vadik Samoilov sometimes could not afford to remove even a one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city. Personal car was for musicians luxury, and not a means of movement. The second soloist of the group, Gleb Samoilov, still moving around the city through the Moscow subway.
Once I happened to get acquainted with the first director of the rock band "Agata Christie" by Elena Pischik.
- In fact, the whole group is seriously ill. Each of them survived a lot. "Agatha Christie" is a real family, the patient first of all each other. Somehow Gleb told me such a thing: "We were lonely people, we are lonely and remain." They were constantly in depression, which each of them removed alcohol and drugs. They did not notice the situation when external factors began to manage them. This is a tragedy of all provincials. Although I thought they were not a province. While the guys lived in Sverdlovsk they were normal. As soon as they found themselves in Moscow, relations began with the local producers, glory appeared, breaking the breaking immediately. They felt the capital from their feet that they could remove any mannequin and can do what they want. Popularity is always a test. They could not stand it. Fucked. Then the drugs appeared, and Vadik broke up with the wife of Tanya, who many years was his military faithful girlfriend. He traded a family with a child on a novel with a girl who was not worth the mother's Mizinz. Now the growth of growth has passed a bit, very hard passed, no one is so hard from Rock-n-rolls hurt.
By the way, Vadim Samoilov like no one else considered himself a superstar. Once we were not allowed to one of the closed restaurants in Moscow.
"Young man, here the entrance is only around the club cards," the guard tried to explain.
"My business card is my face," Vadim insulted.
- Who are you? - Surprised guard.
After these words, Vadik arranged such a scandal that the director of the institution was forced to personally apologize to the rock star.
"They will also regret the incident that happened, the more of my legs will not be here," said Samoilov.
Such a relation to the surrounding manifested itself. Any refusal of Vadim perceived "in the bayonets." He could forever part with a man if he did not lend him money (he was always at least 1000 dollars) or did not let over the night.
He often cursed on journalists who attend presentations for the sake of "free" buffet. He himself did not miss a single such event. And if his acquaintances gathered in the club, a rare case when Vadim paid out of his own wallet.
On March 1, in the group "Agata Christie", the keyboard player Alexander Kozlov died from a heart attack.
"I thought that I was the first to leave," a familiar voice punched voice rang in the telephone tube, and I unpleasantly shook me in his intonations ... Jealousy - it was unfair, he was the best.
Then I will be surprised more than once how Vadim easily put himself on one board with musicians, whose glory is already tested by time. "Do you want to marry me? He exclaimed. - Want to be like Nastya Bashchechev, when I go nowhere? " Samoilov even chose himself a date of death - the day after the planned receipt of the "Ovation" award, he was going to commit suicide and told me about it, tragically rolling his eyes, a whole month.

"I swear that I will never hurt you again."

I'm on you, as in war,
And in war, like you,
But I'm tired, the battle is over
I take Portwine, I go home.
Complete battle, worries fire,
And nothing remains ...

Our love relationships resumed just as unexpectedly, as they fell. I had a birthday. Vadik was on tour in St. Petersburg. At seven in the morning, the call rang in my apartment. On the threshold stood a young man with a huge bouquet of roses. "It's from Vadima," he said.
Then there were pathos restaurants, dear perfumes, stupid plush toys that were barely placed in my apartment, endless recognition in love ...
Once he came to me with a bouquet of white wedding crall.
"Then, in the train, I could not afford to stay with you, I sat on ... In general, I did not have the right to deceive you," he said. - And now I need a person to whom I could trust. I am very bad now ... And lonely ... I swear that I will never hurt you anymore.
Why did I believe him? Apparently, it was bought on a missing male tear on his cheek. Then I have not yet knew that Vadik loves to cry much more often than any girl. And not always his tears are sincere.
"Listen," he noticed after a while, "maybe I live you?" We all all the time together, and the apartment will disappear the need to shoot! " A week later he transported his belongings. Along with the self-self-person in my house, the corresponding flavor of the rock musician arrived - a collection of discs of foreign rock, home theater with huge speakers, phone calls with female voices, an incredible amount of alcohol, constant absence of money and depressive mood.
- Let's note our first day in a special way, - suggested Vadik and put the movie "Dorz". - We will live today's night on the scenario of this film.
These were strange sensations that were not limited to one night. All our further communication has become a copy of Jimmy Morrison's story. Vadik always dreamed of looking at him.
"I really want to die young, like Jim Morrison, probably, I don't even have anything to do for this." I feel that I have quite a bit left ... - he constantly stole.
The first depressive breakdown from the leader "Agatha Christie" happened a week later. It was a month of rehabilitation after a long admission of potent drugs. Daily Vadik consumed a dozen tablets, drinking alcohol medicine. But alcoholic beverages did not produce that effect, which usually occurred after a dose of white powder. Once, drinking a half-liter vodka, Samoilov began to smash the furniture and shout:
- Why are you silent? Or do you like what I'm doing? So know that I do not love you! Don't you see, I just have nowhere to live, so I moved to you. I used you!
That day he left. I heard the same night by phone: "Hi, what are you so dissatisfied?"
"Don't you remember what I told me before leaving?" - I hear his unperturbable voice, I just could not believe my ears!
"Yes, I didn't say anything at all," in his voice, a genuine surprise was felt.
I repeated his words. After a small pause, he said a trembling voice:
- I am a sick person, I often have breakdowns. Get used to ... And in general, I specifically said so, did you really not understand? I decided that you would be better without me, and if I leave like this, slamming the door, and you will think that I am the last bastard, you will be easier to forget me. But I did not calculate the power of my love for you, I can not live without you!
"Damn him knows," I thought, not yet devastated by him permanent lie, "suddenly it is true?" And forgave.
Then there was a strange relationship between us. Vadik often disappeared. For a long time. He could not come, not call a week. Sometimes the director of "Agatha Christie" broke my phone in search of a soloist ten minutes before the next concert. Usually the speech of the group was postponed by one and a half hours. The same situation was and talls. Because of Vadim, the departure of the aircraft or train was detained.
Once Vadik Samoilov was preparing a soundtrack for the film Sergei Bodrov "Sisters". And I did it in a completely empty apartment (the owners moved beyond the city) and in complete loneliness.
"Baby, sorry, earned," he called a few days later. - I have already ended with cigarettes. Please bring something to drink and eat.
When I entered the apartment, Vadik sat on the floor at the computer. White wallpapers were spattered by scarlet paint. "We are leaving from here, it was tired of sleeping on the floor and starve," he said that day. What he did in this apartment with wallpaper, I never found out. The soundtrack came out with a big delay.

"Are you ready? Let's die together! "

Kill me, kill myself,
You will not change anything:
This fairy tale has no end,
You will not change anything.

"When I finally die," the morning rock musician morning began.
"Vadik has a great psyche undermined. Several years of drug intoxication did not pass without a trace, - slowly, but rightly "turned" me. - He never hides his emotions. It seems that he lacks adrenaline. He is abnormal - all the time speaks of death. "
I still remember our trip to the Moscow Region Pension, where the next quarrel happened. I slapped the door and ran out to the street.
"Discover this girl," he shouted to guard the pension from the window.
On the way to the bus stop in front of me sharply slowed down his black "Audi".
"Never do so, I'm not a boy, I'm hard to worry about such stresses," Vadik shouted and put me in the car by force.
We tried. He gave the gas pedal to the floor. When the arrow of the speedometer hit for 150, the Vadik sharply pressed on the brakes. The car flew into a cuvette.
"That's how I" broke off "from traffic cops, and in this ravine hidden," he commented on his act completely calmly.
He could rush on the oncoming lane at a speed of 250 km per hour and shout: "Well, are you ready? Let's die together! "
Once we listened to the song Vyacheslav Butusov "Lonely Bird".
"This is about me," Vadik said.
"A lonely bird, you fly high ... // And only a madman was able to fall in love so ... // For you, after going to climb, // and together with you crash ..." - he was heard from the speakers.
- Prove your love to each other? - He grabbed my hand and dragged him to the balcony. - Let's jump together.
Vadik stood on the railing of the balcony. I looked down. Eighth floor. I looked at Samoilov. Other music came from the room. "I do not love you, I do not like you ..." - the words of the new song "Agatha Christie." At that moment, something shouted in my mind.
"Want to jump one, I'm leaving," I cut off.
He silently tears from the balcony and sighed: "I knew that you never loved me. I was an expensive toy in your hands. "
"But he is right," I thought indifferently thought. My God, how much time and strength had to spend on him, to finally understand how it was useless, it was killed. Killed invented love with a famous person.
By inertia, I still hoped that everything could be fixed. In addition, my mom, who rarely admires my young people, was fascinated by Vadik at first sight.
- Immediately visible, adult, decent man, - she told me.
However, the modesty and decency of this person immediately disappeared outside the apartment of my parents.
Vadim Samoilov could make a favorable impression on any oncoming, and many girls jumped into bed to him, without even thinking.
"You have a good choice," the employees of the firm "Rice List's" were shared with me, with which the Ural Rock Group worked. "Vadik liked the whole of our women's team, many tried to twist the novel with him, but everything was limited to a bed ...
And he is completely unexpected, with the filing of Kinchev's bone, became interested in religion. Being unprecedented, Vadik began to attend church service every morning, talked with the priests with the priests, hesitated with religious literature. And for me, every day his presence was becoming increasingly unbearable. As a result, we came to a single conclusion - it's time to part.
"You can still live here for some time, I have nowhere to leave, I have no money at all," he rushed.
We sat in the kitchen. Drank cheap port wine.
"You didn't understand anything, I don't know what to prove to you that I had sincere feelings for you, you want, I will burn my shirt on myself," Vadik began.
"I don't care," then I have already learned to react indifferently to such statements. "
I did not have time to eat, as the sleeve of a dear silk shirt broke out at Vadik. Samoilov began to knock down the flame with his hands and received non-law burns.
- I see this little? - He flashed as a match, noticing my indifference, and raised the lighter to the hair.
The good half of the hair burned in seconds.
- Isn't it scary for me? Do not hurt? - Oral Vadik. The final chord of the evening was the computer-thrown out of the window.
The next day, closer to the evening, Vadik called me to the cell:
- Irish, I feel bad, you would not have been able to come home for two hours until I guess myself in order?
Female intuition on that day I let me down. I was on my ears loaded with work and easily answered agree on his request. Almost immediately rang another call:
"I just saw Samoilov, he went to your apartment with some blonde," the neighbor in the tube.
In order not to force people to rush around the apartment in what Mom gave birth, I called the bottom from the intercom.
- Vadik, I know that you are a woman. You both better go away.
"You don't understand anything," he was confused, "this is just my classmate!" She arrived from my hometown, we have not seen so many years!
Then everything happened, as in a cheap movie. "Odnoklassnitsy," which the maximum went to kindergarten when Vadik had already finished school, asked in a vote: "Where do trains go here?"
- Do you before Sverdlovsk? - I politely asked.
"I put it on the path to the way, see what she had sad eyes, she could not break with drugs," said Samoilov.
The next day, he again driving a basket of flowers ...
Last fall, we finally broke up. This time forever. He left and did not leave anything after herself - neither joint photographs, no colors or pleasant memories. And the other day in the mailbox I found a notice of twenty-seven thousand rubles, which Vadim Samoilov talked on the phone during my absence ...
Recently, in one of the metropolitan newspapers I came across the title: "Vadim Samoilov changes blondes." The material ended with the words: "One of the recent girlfriends of Vadim, having talked to him, was forced to seek help to a psychiatrist and is now being treated in one of the specialized clinics."
It's not about me.

December 12 in St. Petersburg will host a concert the founder and ex-participant of the legendary group "Agata Christie" Vadim Samoilova. The musician promises that he will not disappoint fans: in almost a three-hour show, all the main hits of "Agatha Christie", the new compositions of Samoilov-senior and songs that were rarely performed at previous concerts will be performed. "It will be a journey through the depths and altitudes of the human soul," says Vadim. "We omit to the very bottom, and then climb up!".

"We were closely in the same group with my brother."

Yana Vshatova, Site: - Vadim, songs "Agatha Christie" in your solo performance sound somewhat differently: the depressiveness left them, there was more heat. Tell us what is the reason for such changes?

Vadim Samoilov: - First, my mature occurred. Secondly, there was a big pause between how "Agata Christie" ceased existence, and how I began to fully execute the repertoire of the group. Almost 5 years have passed! It was time to rethink himself and see something differently on what was happening - from the height of lived. Probably, I changed. I want to not live a song as the main character, but give my perception. I believe that depression in the works of "Agatha Christie" was undoubtedly, but there was also sarcasm, and humor: he was a little cynical, and now in this humor there was more smile and such an unconditional acceptance. People are complex creatures, and in each there is a vice. We sang about these flavors.

- Is it possible to say that your maturity and led to the breakdown of the group?

At the concert in St. Petersburg, Vadim will perform hits and new songs. Photo: from a personal archive

Yes, quite right! It will be better to say - not even to decay, but to a natural conclusion. It has long been clear to me that with Gleb sooner or later we will disperse, and we will have two different projects. This was especially obvious after the death of Sasha Kozlov (co-founder and keyboard player "Agatha Christie", died in 2001 - approx.). Together we have somehow balanced, and when two of us remained, our personal worldviews are mine and Gleb - began to demand exit. Therefore, in our today's songs there is already less than a fantasy lyrical hero from the book, and more personal sending and from him, and from me.

Since my brother and we are very different people, we were closely in the same group. In 2008, we agreed to record a farewell album, make a farewell tour and disperse. There was no specific reason, scandal, swearing, because of which we broke up. It was an adult decision of adults.

I continue to love Gleb, because he is my younger brother. If he needs a help hand, he knows what he gets it, as it happened many times.

Scandals began after "nostalgic concerts" (Gleb Samoilov through the court tried to prohibit his brother the performance of songs "Agatha Christie" - approx.). I treat this philosophically. What seeps into the press is only the top of the iceberg, some of our big and complex relationships with my brother. Summarizing, I can say: I am very sorry that we part with such bad noise. And, of course, the real truth of our relationship is only between me and Gleb. This is our personal space, and I would not want to let anyone. Sorry that sometimes some extra things sound from Gleb. Well, so be nothing terrible.

I do not see reasons so that we ever come together. I am comfortable one, like looking for something new. But, despite the fact that I categorically do not accept the way of life, which is now leading Gleb, how he thinks, however, I respect him for what he lives, as he wants, does not adapt to reality. Undoubtedly, though at the distance, I continue to love him, because he is my younger brother. If Gleb will need a helping hand, he knows perfectly that he will get it, as it happened many times.

- Do you follow the work of Gleb?

At one time, when preparing for "nostalgic concerts", I studied the creativity "The Matrixx": at some point we had an idea to make a general concert to and Gleb, and I showed my new songs. Then I realized that it would be too extravagant for a concert, where the fans of Agatha Christie would come. Therefore, we canceled this idea - but I got acquainted with the work of Gleb. Actually, Gleb still remains a talented author, although this is not completely mine. There are lovers of such music, and thank God! I wish him success.

In the front rows - young people

- Does your concerts come fans "Agatha Christie" or among them there are new faces?

Of course, "Agatha Christie" is a unifying element for those in the hall and on the scene. I am very glad that young people constantly appear among fans. Three generations of people comes to concerts: these are my peers and even a little older - those who listen to Russian rock from the late 80s, it is also a generation of the 90s - the period when "Agatha Christie" was madly popular, and young people. In the front rows there are always teenagers, youth, and it warms, inspires.

Each Samoilov's concert is a bright and unusual show. Photo: from a personal archive

You, in turn, do not lag behind the youth in the fact that we keep pages in all social networks. Surely you often write fans. Answer everyone?

I am not a particularly social person, but I understand that it is necessary - you need to communicate with people. The social network is a kind of root, through which you can voice your point of view on a particular issue, and it is very great. When I reached the peak of conflict with my brother, in social networks sent me a lot of questions, and it was necessary to answer them. Then I actively used social networks, because I had a reason. Now - periodically something happens, I can communicate with someone.

- You are touring a lot. Is there a family time?

We are trying to plan a tour schedule so that a family time remains. For example, if a week is touring - I will spend the next week in Moscow. Such with us, artists, work! My daughter Yana knew the "Agatu Christie" since childhood, and these songs still like it. Of course, it's nice when there is such understanding and consent.

For St. Petersburg - the best

- In 2006, you created a charity musical project "Hero of Our Time". Is it developing now?

I support the connection with the musicians who can send me something to listen, and I share my impressions. Some of them can sign up for friendship in our studio. Systematically, as it was in 2006, I do not engage in this: I have no time yet. First of all, I must finish all my creative updates. After that, I have a place and in the soul, and in space to return to this activity. My sphere of interest is young music, young musicians. I am very curious what will be the new wave of Russian rock. If I can help these guys in the future, I will be glad!

- Some of the modern young musicians could noted?

From what sounded in a new way, I liked the team "The Biggest Easy" (SBPC). They are unusual, work in alloy genres. I love everything unusual, and on me these guys made a big impression. With a classic pop rock, everything is clear, with rap, too, and here such an unusual option, when only little is the electronics, and the psyche, everything is fine and psychedelically. But I do not want to say that they are better than everyone else - I just liked you that they found a new path.

Senior Samoilov admits that it is in the process of rethinking himself. Photo: from a personal archive

In one of the interviews you said that you could not imagine your concerts without a show. And what show did you prepare for St. Petersburg?

It will be a gorgeous program for almost three hours. For St. Petersburg, I prepared a special show, where I decided to add the depths of the vice so as not to go into a very bright performance. My concert will travel a duration of 30 years - since 1986, from the very first records, who and I and Sasha Kozlov, even before Gleb, and ending with my new compositions, including a song, written just to the music of Alexander Kozlov. I added such songs to a concert that we very rarely performed in Agate Christie. For example, the composition "It was not there." This is a song about the search for God and internal human conflicts on this path. Or, for example, the song "Dzagi Dzagi".

The concert in St. Petersburg will travel around the depths and heights of the human soul. We will fall on the bottom to explore the most vicious things, and then rise up, jumping on personal and bright and claiming it.

We spent a big tour of Central Russia and took with them all the equipment in order to concert in St. Petersburg our show acquired the final outlines that we did not even manage to show. Petersburg we have the most rock and roll city, and we prepared for him the most sweet!

Vadim Samoilov continues to perform songs "Agatha Christie", but a lot is engaged in their own creativity. Photo: