Make a table of hill and crutin. Teacher: Aratova G. B., MKOU Andreevsk School

Make a table of hill and crutin. Teacher: Aratova G. B., MKOU Andreevsk School

The main reception of the story is contrasted; Contrast shown prisoners and crutin. Even the appearance of them is contrasting. Hill and externally energetic, moving. "For any handweling, the master was", "Although it is small, and deleted was," the author emphasizes. And in the appearance of Kostlin to the fore L. Tolstoy nominates unpleasant features: "Male cargo, plump, poverty." It is contrasted not only by the hill and crutin, but also by life, customs, people of Aul. Residents are depicted as he sees their hill.
Zhilin and Kostylin - Heroes Tale " Prisoner of the Caucasus"L. N. Tolstoy. They are both Russian officers. Participate in the war for the accession of the Caucasus to Russia. Zhilina came a letter from the mother who asks to come to her before his death, say goodbye. Loving son Almost without thinking went on the road. However, it was impossible to go alone. Could catch and kill Tatars. We drove the group, but very slowly. Zhill with crutch decided to go along. Zhilin was cautious and prudent. Making sure that the rifle is charged with Kostlina, and in the sheath he has a checker, he decided to climb the mountain and see if the Tatars do not ride. Only he rose to the horse to the top, he saw those whom she did not want to see. At all, there were Tatars, who noticed an officer. Zhilli was a brave and, thinking that if he was driving to a rifle (it was at Kostlin), then they would smear, shouted the crutumin. But the cowardish officer was frightened for his life and ran away. By committing a kind of act. Both officers captured where they met. The main from the Tatars said that the buyout should be paid to release them. (5000 rubles). Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home to send money. And Zhilin said. That if it is killed at all, nothing will get, ordered to wait. He sent a letter to another address. He was sorry for a seriously sick mother, and there was no money to have such a unic. No one from the relatives did not have anyone. He thought. What can escape. In captivity of Zhilin at night, the fish was fishing at night, and the dolls did Dina girl in the afternoon. The girl brought him cakes and milk in return. Lazy Kostlin did nothing entire day, but I slept at night. And then the day came. When everything was ready to run. They fled along with the crutch. They excreted their feet about stones and weak Kostilina had to bear on themselves. Therefore, they were caught. They were planted into the Bolshaya pit, but Dina brought a stick and helped the Zhilina to escape. This time, Kostlin frightened to run. Zhilin managed to walk to his own. Kostilina also bought over 5,000 rubles in a month. As a result, in the story of the Tolstoy "Caucasian Captive" Zilil I will find something else, I will write, good luck

Story A.N. The thick "Caucasian captive" was written under the impression of real events, the author of which the author began during the service in the Caucasus in 1853. He almost fell in captivity to the mountaineers and in a collision with them lost his comrade.

Later, returning to the experienced events, the writer created an image of an officer Zilina, who found the strength to get out of the Chechen captivity and managed in the most difficult life situation Save human dignity.

The protagonist of the work of the Hill is a representative of the noble class, but from the impoverished. In terms of its character and behavior, Baria does not feel: it is easy to communicate, a lot is able, calmly transfers military service.

Once in captivity due to the inappropriateness of his comrade of Kostlin, Zhilin does not lose hope for liberation and, well knowing the morals of the Highlanders, tries to find live contact with them: repairs broken watches, maters toys for children, confidently behaves during negotiations.

Kostylin does not differ in such resistance. He is morally crushed, deemed, almost flows into despair and unquestioningly fulfills the requirement to write home about redemption from captivity.

Well in his letter to the mother indicates the wrong address. He, by conviction, can not make worrying close and hopes only own forces, convincing the crutin to flee, without waiting for a redemption.

Escape is unsuccessful, and this complicates the position of the prisoners. They are stopped feeding, put in the pit and shook in the pads. Zhilin continues to fight for his liberation and is trying to support a comrade, who is not able to independently confront the current circumstances. The life of Kostlin is reduced to the expectation of redemption - only in this he sees salvation and refuses to take any actions to return home independently. Kostylin ceases to be the owner of his fate and completely, the slave is obeyed by the will of the horses, which increase the amount of ransom.

Dina, thirteen-year-old girl, attached to the Russian officer for his kindness and a non-merging temper, helps Zhilina. The second escape, from which Kostylin refused flatness, saves the Zilina from the right death.

Heroes are endowed with speaking surnames. Such an app The author uses to emphasize the vitality of its main character and the weakness of the nature of his comrade. The same purpose serves portrait characteristic: Zhilin thin, pulled up, moved; Kostylin is slow and cargo so that he chips when walking. The opposition of heroes is not striking, but it serves the disclosure of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work: Zilin is on freedom only by virtue of his personal qualities. The fate of Kostlina remains unknown, but the reader may assume that a broken person is unlikely to rain deliverance.

In the work of Leo, Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Caucasian Captive" shows two different, opposite to each other, the main characters - Zhilin and Kostylin. This story shows true, life storywhich surprises with its simplicity.

Two main characters are colleagues officers and friends in trouble. Zhillin and Kostylin are nobles serving in the Caucasus. During departure on vacation, they are captured to the mountaineers. Reading this storyYou have to look at this situation with the eyes of two absolutely different people.

Externally, pleasants are very different from each other. Kostylin fat man, which because of its weight constantly sweats and poured paint. Zhill on the contrary is low tall, stored and trap. By paying attention to the names of the heroes, you can see how accurately they describe the characters. Surname Zilina speaks of his sports physique, endurance and strength. While the surname of Kostilina shows the opposite - its clumsiness and disability.

In the story of Zhilin is shown as a prudent and intelligent young man. He is able to reflect the situation and find it the right decision. Kostlin also behaves carefree, until it turns out to be in danger. He does not hide his fear and often exposes himself to a coward. But the characters of the characters are accurately manifested at the moment when they are both captured to the mountaineers.

Once in captivity, the hill shows his brave features, despite the threat of his life. He refuses to pay redemption and specifically sends a letter to another address to prevent mother experience in advance. But Kostylin comes differently. He immediately writes a few letters home, asking for help and the early expulsion of money on his spill.

Zhillin initially put the goal to escape home, but in addition he is watching the local life, trying to understand the life of life and customs. Zhilin conquers the owner's respect for their positive qualities. He will master toys, treats local residents And gets closer with dina, which helps at the end of it to escape.

Kostylin is idle throughout the story, waiting for letters from relatives. When the housing manages to escape, he takes a crutin with him, which becomes a compound burden during escape. The hill suffers pain and fatigue, without throwing Kostlin, carries it on himself. When comrades are captured and returned to captivity, Kostylin will also be inactive.

At the end of the story, comrades manage to escape the second time, but it only happens because of the inconvenient spirit of Zilin, which never stopped resisting. The author simply sympathizes Zhilina, admiring his leakage and resistance. The reader during reading the story cannot fail to feel some kind of contempt for crutch, which does not attach the effort and drops to free themselves from the enemy captivity. The work shows two heroes that are full of opposites each other. This is what makes readers compare individual qualities of the individual and the actions of the characters.

Option 2.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his work called the Caucasian Prisoner talks about two Russian officers Zhilin and Kostilin. The author uses interesting featureHe describes their behavior in the same situations, showing how much the attitude towards what is happening and behavior may be depending on the nature.

Heroes are found at the beginning of the story, Zilin is ready for a dangerous act, because in a hurry to meet the mother, the crutuminous just drives the feeling of hunger and the heat that does not give him to live quietly. There is also a difference and external description Young people, Zilin is not high in growth, but at the same time delete enough and can get out of any situation. Kostylin, on the contrary, high, cargo and quite thick.

Their surnames can be called speakers, Zhilin is formed from the word "lived", it can be called a rather sturdy, strong and fairly hardy. Kostilin also need support and support, such a crutch that will support it, because he himself can not.

The hill is depicted as a person decisive and able to make independent actions, but at the same time he can prudently look forward and make decisions. At the same time, Kostlin looks more like a frivolous man who is sometimes not responsible for solutions that takes, he hopes that he will carry it and nothing will happen.

Another key point is attached to the animal, Zilin calls her gentle mother, and Kostlin is just mocking, beating a bench, which turned up to hand.

Especially this difference is noticeable when they are captured. Kostylin asks to the mother to send money, and the hill specially writes the wrong address so that the letter does not come to the mother. At the same time, he removes from the time spent in captivity, trying to observe the culture and lifestyle of people who took him in captivity. What you can not say about the crutch, he dreams of getting away from captivity rather, even if it becomes a burden for his relatives and loved ones.

Thus, two people who came to the same circumstances, show completely different traits of character, they show the difference in education.

Comparison of hill and crutin

Tolstoy in the story "Caucasian captive" tells about two officers of Zhilin and Kostilin. The author puts them on equal terms as the two military with similar fate And in the same situation. But in view of the nature and warehouse of the person, everyone behaves in the same conditions in different ways. About such a state of affairs and tells Lion Tolstoy.

The hill and crutches were participants in battle for the accession of the Caucasus to the Russian lands. And so fate, or rather by their own decision Comrades stay together. Thus get into trouble, where Kostlin escaped throwing a friend, gun and ran away, thinking only about his life. Zhilli on the contrary did not sick with his own life and conceived only with his death to benefit and kill at least one Tatar Zheshka.

But fate did not save Costlin from captivity, where at that time he was already hill. Tatars make prisoners immediately write letters to their homeland so that they sent a huge cash redemption, if they want to see their native men again. So crutin without long thinking writes a letter to father's housewhere asks the family to send 5 thousand rubles. Zilin, on the contrary, does not want to send a letter, but for the impossibility of this simply writes the wrong address of his house. Zhilin understands that the Mother lives alone and can not send such an amount.

In anticipation of salvation or death, the hill and Kostinin behaved either, although it would seem in a limited setting there is no chance to be implemented. Zhilin at night fishing Podkop, and the dolls made dolls for a small Tatar girl, who instead I wore his cakes and milk. Kostylin did nothing at that time. And on the day of escape, both prisoners are running together with barefoot, as a result of which the legs erase and the housing have to carry a weakened partner. Because of this, they are caught again.

Even after the Caucasian prisoners catch the hill not surrender and continue to believe in their escape, Kostylin continues to live the previous life of the prisoner. On the help of Herbrome and brave housing comes the same girl who fed it in the same time. She descends a long stick in a pit, according to which a man is understood. He was able to reach Russian, where he was expected by security, and Kostlin waited for money from relatives and was bought.

Thus, the reader directly sees the heroes antipodes. Zhilin brave, brave, honest and decisive young man who thinks not only about himself, but also about his relatives, about people around him, no matter what circumstances, and the Kostlin is egoistic, miserable, cowardly and lazy.

Teacher: Aratova G. B., MKOU Andreevsk School

Plan-abstract lesson of Russian literature in grade 5 (GEF)

Subject:"Comparative characteristic of hill and crutin"

Purpose:To give comparative characteristic Heroes


1. Teach students creating artistic image.

2. Develop the ability to compare literary heroes, develop speech activity of students, their imagination.

3. Relieve a competent reader.

Technologies: Problem Technology, Dialogue Technology, Elements of Critical Thinking Technologies

During the classes:

    Organizational stage

    Checking homework

Homework - make up a story plan

    Motivation of training activities

1. Work on the epigraph

What historical event Reflected in the story? (Caucasian War)

(47 years)

War is not a fairy tale about Ivan,

And we do not get her ...

Boris Pasternak.

Read the epigraph.

Why is war not a fairy tale?

What does it mean "we are not golden"?


War is scary, hurt, cruel; These are losses, death, crippled fate, non-healing wounds.

War is the colors of ash, so we "do not", it is impossible to embellish it.

For many war - Test for strength, endurance, humanity.

    What historical event is reflected in the story? (Caucasian War)

Caucasian War 1817 - 1864 (47 years) - This is a war Russian Empire With the Gorish peoples of the North Caucasus (Chechens, Dagestanis, Ossetians, Tatars). What kind of people are we talking about in the story? (About the Tatars).

Caucasian War is the longest war.

    The story depicts two officers. In your opinion, what qualities the officer should have? (The officer is not alien to the concept of honor, conscience, dignity; it is a bold, courageous, brave person; he is devoted to his fatherland).

    What do you think, both of our hero have these qualities? Are they different from each other?

    How would you formulate the topic of our lesson? (Comparative characteristic of hill and crutin)

    What is the task of our lesson? What should we learn in the lesson? (Learn how to compare the heroes, understand what the two heroes are distinguished)

4. Work by new topic

but). Receptions of the preparation of the characteristics of heroes

(Portrait, actions of the hero, behavior, characteristic of the hero by others acting persons)

Receptions of the preparation of the characteristics of literary heroes:

External features (portrait);

Acts of the hero, attitude to other people, his feelings, speech;

Characteristic of the hero by other actors

b). Comparative characteristic of hill and crutin.

- Compare zilin and crutin.

Sometimes years are required to understand a person, and we will try to learn the heroes for the lesson. The task is not the lungs, but quite solvable.

Compare, it means to find the general and distinction in their character.

What common?

Officers, served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter to send redemption, participated in escape.

Of course, this is not the quality of character, but the events, but it is they will help us to figure out who is a real officer and real man.


I. . Portrait

Find a description of the heroes in the text;

What qualities of the character of heroes will learn about the description of appearance?

Zilin - removal, bold, brave.

Kostylin - physically weak person.

Is it possible to restrict only this technique? (No, it may be an erroneous view of the hero).

II. . "Talking" surname

Surname Zhilin - from the word lived (blood vessels, tendons). Our hero is a living man. How else can you say? (lean, strong, hardy).

Surname Kostylin - from the word Kostl. What is the crutch? (Plock, serving support when walking chrome or people with fellow legs).

What is our hero? (weak).


- What decision takes the hill? Clean. What is characteristic of him? (determination, courage, ability to resist the enemy; he is not from a timid one).

How does Kostlin behave? Clean. What do you think about him? (violated the persuasion - not to touch around; behaves like a coward and traitor).

IV. . In captivity

1. Letter about redemption

Why did the wrong address indicated in the letter? (He knew that the mother had no money)

Suppose he wrote a letter. Would mother send money, despite his poverty? Yes, because there is nothing in life above and stronger maternal love.

Zhill is able to spare feelings of close and dear people.

Kostylin wrote one letter, because he was a coward, thought only about himself.

2. The inner state of heroes

During his stay in captivity, Zhilin meets tatar girl Dina. This image is not random. "Dina" in arabic So "faith".

What does zilin believe? (in their own strength, in good luck; he is a strong spirit.)

What does Kostylin believed? (in redemption)

3. Heroev classes


Studies the terrain, as it thinks about shooting;

Communicates with dina;

He treats people aula.

What do you say about him? (Master, smart, cunning, resourceful; man of business).


Inactive and moan.

Confirm what has been said about the heroes of the text.

4. The opinion of Tatars about heroes.

Kostylin - "Smurry".

V. . The escape

Tell about it.

How did heroes behave?

5. Application of knowledge

Fill in the table "Comparative characteristic of hill and crutin"




Officers, served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter to send redemption, participated in escape.


I. . Portrait

Reel, hardy, brave.

Physically weak.

II. . "Talking" surname

Housings - blood vessels, tendons.

Residential, hardy, strong man.

Crutch - stick, support when walking chrome or people with sick legs.

Weak person.

III . The behavior of heroes during the attack of the Tatars

Not from a timid, brave, decisive, can withstand the enemy.

Violated the persuasion - not to be torn off; behaves like a coward and traitor).

IV. . In captivity

1. Letter about redemption

Can spare feelings of close and expensive people.

1. Letter about redemption

Coward, thinks only about himself.

2. Internal state

Strong-willed, believes in good luck, own forces.

1. Interior

Mentally weak, believes in redemption.

3. Classes

Master, smart, cunning, resourceful; Man of business .

3. Classes

Inactive, moaning.

4.Name Tatars Veilina

Zhilin won the respect of children and adults: Korosh Urus, "Dzhigit".

4. Opinion Tatars about Kostilin

Kostylin - "Smurry".

V. . The escape

Zilin shows the will, courage, resourcefulness, durability, actively struggling.

Kostylin - burden; He suffered, manifests egoism, weakness.

6. INFORMATION O. homework

1. Make a syncewing in groups (1 group - Zhill, 2 Group - Kostylin)

2. Imagine that you were invited to the Lilina and Kostlina lesson as participants in the Caucasian War. What could they tell you? What would you ask them?

7.Instation of the lesson. Reflection

1. The significance of the topic

Do I need to learn to determine the quality of the character of a person or can you do without it in life?

It is necessary in life to:

Distinguish good and evil, love and hatred, courage and cowardice;

To do right choice friends;

Understand inner world man.

"Tolstoy's story, who introduces us with a Russian officer who has captured to the mountaineers." This happens during the Caucasian War. Reading the story, we get acquainted with the two main characters - officers, whose comparative characteristic asked us to do at home.

As we have already told, the main characters of the story are two officers of the Russian army of the Zhilin and Kostylin. They have both general and distinctive human characteristics. Probably to say about their general featuresWhat makes the heroes are similar. This is their shared service in the Caucasus. Both of them noble origin, serve in the rank of officers, simultaneously go on vacation and together simultaneously come in captivity. And then the reader sees how much it is different people, different not only in appearance, but also on behavior. One of them is a hero, and the second is a weak person, which causes only disgust. Let us dwell on the heroes of Zilina and Kostlina more.

Characteristic of Zilina

Zhilin is a man that deserves respect. In spite of everything, he always remains a man. Although the hill and small growth, but in all he was a remote. This officer, whose courage and power is visible immediately, while he never sought to appear the hero. Even in difficult moment Hill is not thinking about how to save his skin, but how to protect the mother from the news that he was captured. Well attempts to find a way to solve the problem. He organizes escape, which because of the crutin is not possible for the first time. But it did not break the hero. Zhilin does not lower his hands and finds salvation. This hero Silen in spirit and even the enemies respect it. Zhillin bold and decisive and it is impossible not to admire.

Characteristic of Kostlin

But the crutin is perfect opposite. Externally, this is a freight fat person, pathetic and insignificant. His description itself causes hostility. And when you get acquainted with this hero of the story, then you begin to despise him at all. Kostylin Egoist by nature, it is important for him to save his skin, so he immediately rushed to write his relatives so that they prepared a redemption for him. Kostlin is a sneaky man who is unknown by the concept of friendship and certainly impossible to be called his hero.

In the story, the "Caucasian captive" L.N. Tolstoy opposes two heroes - officers of the Russian army of Zilina and Kostlin, who served in the Caucasus and captured to the mountaineers (whom they call the Tatars).

Starting to read the story, we still do not know the characters of the main characters, but only learn their names, but we immediately have a feeling that the author likes the power more than Kostlin. Zhillin, apparently, a "dwelling" man, strong, with a solid character, and in Kostlina, the character most likely, as if "lame". We assume that Kostylin is a dependent person, indecisive, in need of assistance. Further events confirm.

Two officers were captured by the fault of Kostilina, who had to cover the Zilina, and instead scared and rushed to run. Zhilin did not keep angry on his colleague, scold, curse him. This speaks of his generosity. In captivity, they behaved differently. Kostylin at the request of the horses immediately wrote a letter to his homeland about the redemption for him. And Zhill deliberately pointed out the wrong address in the letter, deciding that it would definitely run away from the captivity. But, except for tricks, Zhilin shows pride, and courage: realizing that he could be killed if he did not pay for him, he still was not afraid of them to say about it ("to rob to them, then worse."). And the Tatars are respected for it. When the issue of redemption is being decided, the hill is negotiating, the conditions dictates, and at the same time takes care not only about himself, but also about the crutch.

Unlike his buddy, Zhilin does not hope on wonderful salvation And it does not sit back. He is an active man and thinks over, how to escape from captivity. This is the main difference between these two people. One of them is an active working, who believes that from any position, you can find a way out, and the second is a snub, lazy and a coward. Looking at how the hill crews dolls or woven a braid, the Master's daughter Dina is experiencing sympathy to him and begins to take care of him. And at night Zhilin Root Podopop to escape.

When everything is ready to run, Zhilin takes a comrade with him, he wants to save him and him. He refuses, Robet, but Zhilin still persuades him to run. The escape was unsuccessful, again because of the crutin. Clumsy, plastic, he fetters my legs with boots. We are talking About the salvation of life, and he is uncomfortable! Despite the fact that Kostlin was cargo, the hill was drunk on his shoulders and carried for a long time. He could not leave a comrade in trouble.

They were caught, put on the legs of the pads and put in a deep hole. It would seem that no salvation. But thanks to Dina, Zhilina still managed to escape. And the Kostylin refused this time, he resigned with his destiny, and he did not allow him a state. So it happens: the one who sets the goal, believes in her and does everything to achieve it, he wins. And the one who has no will, who is the spirit of weak, of that and the strength leave.

Zhilin managed to take care of a hostile atmosphere, and it helped him get out of captivity. Another person would have embraced such a case, made it would take to go home, but Zilin is not so 5. He stayed to serve in the Caucasus. And for the crutin in a month they gave a redemption, and he was released barely alive. What happened to him next, Tolstoy did not say. Probably, did not consider it necessary to even mention the fate of this afternoon person.