The meaning of the name samson. Russian Samson

The meaning of the name samson.  Russian Samson
The meaning of the name samson. Russian Samson

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Samson, its origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

What does the name Samson mean: solar (name Samson of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Samson: Samonya, Samokha, Monya.

Patronymic name Samson: Samsonovich, Samsonovna; colloquial Samsonich.

Angel Samson Day: The name Samson celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • January 12 (December 30) - The Holy Martyr Samson and his comrades suffered for Christ during the time of Julian the Apostate.
  • July 10 (June 27) - The Monk Samson the Stranger, a doctor, made a house in Constantinople for pilgrims, the poor and the sick, and he himself, with zeal and love, served them for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

Signs of the name Samson: July 10 - Samson-Senogo. If it rains on this day, it will be wet until Indian summer.

  • Samson's zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Sun
  • The color of the name Samson is pale yellow
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Samson's treasured plant - lotus
  • The patron saint of the name Samson is a white horse
  • Samson Samson's talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Samson

Positive features: In numerology, the meaning of the name Samson is characterized by the number 3, which indicates a very sociable and energetic person who easily assimilates knowledge and adapts to the environment. He is able to engage in activities that will bring immediate benefits, and often chooses even friends based on social status and financial position.

Negative traits: Samson is an introvert, he is immersed in his own thoughts and has little interest in the events of the world. He does not like to share his experiences. He seems to be reading his own life to himself ... although if circumstances force him to take care of someone else, to interfere in someone else's life, then a man named Samson takes his troubles as his own.

The nature of the name Samson: What character traits determines the meaning of the name Samson?

Having matured, Samson becomes calmer and more balanced, can carefully consider his actions and words. Most often, he is calm and remains calm even in an extreme situation. The name Samson is a purposeful person and seeks to translate all his desires into reality. Moreover, this is more than possible, since Samson's business qualities and his perseverance contribute to the implementation of the plan.

Samson and his personal life

Love and marriage: Does happiness in love promise the meaning of the name Samson? In the family, Samson is a loving and beloved person. He takes care of his family, honors the elderly, monitors the success of children, he is especially glad if they attend technical circles, participate in mathematical olympiads. His wife and children are aware of the problems of his scientific work.

Samson has few friends, he does not like to visit, gets tired of home receptions, but obeys his wife in these events. Samson cares about order and sustainability of his lifestyle. The wife needs to give him the opportunity to organize his territory, to retire when necessary.

Samson is a true friend. He is always able to come to the rescue and provide not only moral, but also financial support. He has a good-looking appearance, and this helps Samson to establish contacts with people. Of course, at the same time, he does not have any problems in communicating with the female sex. Samson is witty, gallant, and generous with compliments. Naturally, women adore him for this. But living together can be complicated by this - Samson loves to flirt. He treats the family superficially. He loves his children, but prefers that their spouse be engaged in their upbringing.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In addition, Samson often has numerous talents, which also distinguishes him from the crowd. He can choose the profession of a prosecutor, artist, electronics engineer, programmer, dentist, artist, cutter, fashion designer. Often a man named Samson becomes a leader. Although it must be said that a leading position for the name Samson is not an end in itself. He can equally demonstrate his talents both in the Kremlin as a boss and in the position of a subordinate. Either way, the name Samson is making good connections.

Business and career: Samson is a bright and versatile person. He is perfectly given to exact, natural sciences. He can be a scientist, teacher, athlete, coach, surgeon, radiologist. He is proud, strives for leadership. His high professionalism and knowledge evoke the respect of those around him. Samson is immersed in work, therefore he is non-conflicting, he has no time to pay attention to the surrounding vanity. But he has enough strength to reform the established traditions in the team, he is not afraid of risk in production activities. But Samson can be quite cruel to people who are clearly inappropriate to the task at hand, interfering, as he believes, with creative activity. The name Samson becomes explosive and it may happen that he himself has to change his place of work.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The meaning of the name Samson in childhood. Little Samson cannot be frightened by telling him scary tales. He is impressionable and takes everything seriously. Samson is a little unsociable, try to invite his friends to your home, accustom him to society, to the opposite sex.

At school, Samson has authority, has organizational skills, loves sports, participates in competitions. Loves mathematics, easily solves complex problems, helps friends. She loves chess, spends a lot of time solving chess problems.

Parents often say that it is simply unrealistic to cope with Samson. Indeed, he grows up as an incredibly nimble and agile boy, and therefore, you have to make an effort to keep track of him. This is especially true when the name Samson once again comes up with some kind of extreme entertainment. But peers love Samson for this - he is never bored with him. Having become a schoolboy, a boy cannot begin to study hard, because lack of perseverance plays the main role in this. But Samson learns new material quickly enough. He is witty and observant. Sometimes his parodies and jokes are so realistic that adults are even a little afraid of them.

Samson's fate in history

What does the name Samson mean for male destiny?

  1. Samson is one of the most romantic biblical characters. The angel announced to the mother-to-be that she would give birth to a son who would become the conqueror of the Philistines. He also warned that Samson should never eat the juice of the vine or cut his hair, for his strength would be in the hair. Biblical stories about Samson consist of several episodes, sometimes funny and touching, sometimes cruel and tragic. Fate, as if on purpose, tested the hero, and it turned out that he fell in love with a Philistine woman.
  2. Samson Yakovlevich Makintsev (1776-1849) - adventurer, sergeant-major of the Russian service, who deserted to Persia. Having entered the Persian service, Makintsev, or, as he was called in Persia, Samson Khan, began to recruit Russian deserters, for which he was consistently promoted. In 1820-1821. participated in the war of Persia with Turkey and contributed to the victory of the Persians at Toprak-kala; during the war between Russia and Persia, he refused to fight against the Russians; later pacified the uprising in Khorasan.
  3. Samson Ksenofontovich Sukhanov (1766-?) - one of the best stonemasons of St. Petersburg, whose hands created the majestic buildings of the Neva capital. In 1807-1808 Samson Sukhanov undertook the construction of a semicircular embankment on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island in front of the Exchange building. The descents to the Neva and the granite wall were made under his supervision. At the same time, Sukhanov worked on the construction of two rostral columns-malkas on the sides of the Stock Exchange, according to the project of the architect Tomon. He and his comrades carved four large figures out of limestone, depicting Russian rivers. The figures are placed at the bases of the rostral columns. Under the leadership of the sculptors Pimenov and Demut-Malinovsky, Sukhanov also had to work in the Admiralty. The statues of the elements raised on the tower are carved by his hands.

It has been known for a long time that each name has its own special, unusual meaning. This is due to the fact that since ancient times, at the birth of a child, parents gave him a name, which, they believed, would affect his fate or character.

The meaning of the name Samson is "solar". He has Hebrew roots. The people of Judah worshiped the sun and considered it a gift from the Most High.

Samson - the meaning of the name, character and fate

The man named Samson is likely to be an introvert. He does not care about what is happening in the world and in the entire universe, because his own problems and thoughts are much more important than global problems. He does not like to impose his duties on others and talk about his failures and problems. Samson's thoughts are a book of his own life, which he rereads over and over again. It should be noted that the bearer of the name is a born joker. His jokes are sometimes very realistic, and it may seem that he is telling the truth. Usually this fact scares the people around. What fate awaits a man named Samson? The meaning of a name is always of interest to its owners and people close to him. Let's find out what the name Samson bears.

Manifestation of character in childhood

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a child? From childhood one can observe his agility and mobility. It is difficult to keep up with a boy with such a name and to force something into him, if he himself does not want it. It is worth noting that a child named Samson is an inventor of something extreme and unreal, because of which not only he, but also other children and adults may suffer. That is why parents have to monitor him around the clock, in order to avoid any problems. Although it is precisely because of this nature that his peers love him and consider him a ringleader, therefore it is extremely rare for Samson to be bored.

Manifestation of character in studies

When Samson goes to school, a lack of perseverance becomes noticeable, which makes it difficult for a child to focus his thoughts on one subject and seriously teach it. But it is worth noting that the boy easily manages to assimilate new educational material - he absorbs it like a sponge. This speaks of his main positive qualities: observation and wit.

Character in adolescence

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a boy, young man? Its owner in a transitional age calms down a little. A calmer, more stable and balanced character begins to form. At this age, he has the ability to think about his actions, which has a positive effect on the future future. On the threshold of adulthood, he learns to rely only on his own strength.

In emergency situations, the ability to behave calmly and not succumb to the surrounding imbalance is manifested, which speaks of him as a person with a persistent and stubborn character who is difficult to break and defeat.

Character in adulthood

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a grown man? It is worn by a purposeful person who always achieves his goal and seeks to get something better than he now has. Samson can achieve the desired goal in any way, but he will never neglect friendship, love, and family. It is worth considering that Samson has the qualities of a leader, which is why he strives to become in this place.

For Samson, the word "friendship" has never been and never will be in the last place. He honors and respects his friends, is always ready to help them in a difficult situation, both in the physical and moral sense, and in the material.

Samson is not a sociopath. He gets along well with people and can restore both business and friendship with anyone. Thanks to his sociability, Samson has many friends and comrades who are ready to help him in any situation in life. It is also worth noting that the bearer of the name Samson is excellent at moving up the social and career ladder.

Character in relationships with women

What is the meaning of the name Samson in personal life? How does it affect relationships with the opposite sex? Considering Samson is never deprived of female attention, because he is eloquent, gallant and knows how to look after beautifully. But because of this, family relationships can be in danger, because Samson's craving for flirting appears even in adolescence.

Samson prefers to treat the family superficially: he believes that the spouse should be directly involved with children and the home, and he, in turn, should be engaged in making money. But despite this, he is a loving husband and father. He treats children very carefully - he monitors their progress, participates in creative life. It is worth noting that Samson always respects the elderly and is ready to help them if they need help.

Samson believes that there should be no secrets or secrets in the family from anyone, which is why his wife and children are aware of his problems.

Career and business

Of course, do not forget that the bearer of the name Samson has a lot of talents, but he must build his career in the following areas of activity: jurisprudence, directing, electrician, art, medicine, design. This is how his name is interpreted in relation to life and career growth.

Often, the owner of the Samson name is a shining leader and a constant winner, which makes him a leader as a result. In such posts, Samson is happy to make the necessary connections, which comes out easily and simply, which he uses in the future for personal purposes and with great benefit.

Samson sometimes treats people harshly and rudely, but only if he is sure that the person is not in his place, or interferes with himself, or the work process. In this case, Samson can go into conflict. Moreover, because of his behavior, he can change jobs.

Samson Bearer Talents

Since early childhood, Samson is absolutely not to be frightened. This is due to the fact that the child - the owner of the name Samson, is too vulnerable and takes everything very close to his heart. From childhood, he needs to be taught to behave well in society and to be in the center of attention, because it is then that his worldview is formed and all talents are revealed.

Samson's abilities and talents can be defined in the following forms: organization and athletic performance. At school, his mathematical mindset is manifested (he prefers mathematics, physics), because he loves so much to solve complex problems and participate in intellectual competitions, where he often wins. It is worth noting that Samson prefers chess, considering it one of the most intelligent games.

In general, the bearer of the name Samson is an extremely versatile person who prefers to develop himself from all sides. The people around him usually show him respect and reverence, as they consider him an excellent professional who knows his job. But this does not flatter Samson, because he does not like to pay attention to those around him - he is completely immersed in his work and thoughts. Thanks to this, Samson is not a conflict person, often making compromises.

Mystical characteristics

And what do the various horoscopes say about the person with the name we are discussing?

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • The patron planet is the Sun.
  • The color accompanying luck is light yellow.
  • A tree from a number of favorable ones is pine.
  • The patron plant is the lotus.
  • The animal mascot is a white horse.
  • The stone used as a talisman is amber.

Samson - the meaning of the name

The Bible, in part of the Old Testament, tells about the young Samson, insidiously killed by Delilah. The name bears the imprint of innocence and faith in people. The owner of the name Samson can celebrate his name day twice a year:

  • January 12. It was on this day, during the time of Emperor Julian, that the martyr Samson died, interceding for Jesus Christ.
  • July 10. In the evening that day, one of the largest establishments was opened in the form of a shelter for the elderly and sick people who had lost their way to wanderers. This house was opened by the great Samson the Stranger.

The name Samson in signs

It is believed that if it rains on the 10th of July in the afternoon, it means that it will continue until autumn, the hay harvested on that day will rot, and the Indian summer will be damp and cold.

It is worth concluding that Samson is a name (the meaning of which we considered) bright, sunny, inherent in people with a fighting and strong character, sociable, with leadership inclinations. Nevertheless, such an extraordinary name obliges a lot, and the boy constantly needs to improve himself. The bearer of the name Samson is a person who achieves a lot in his life, making it brighter and more colorful.

In many Christian countries, the unusual name Samson has gained fame and is popular. Since biblical times, the exploits of a hero with such a name have been known, fighting his enemies with the power of his hair. Many modern parents name boys this way, so it doesn't hurt them to study the meaning of the name Samson. What is the character of its owner, what fate awaits him, what patrons will he have? Let's follow all this in order.

The name Samson: meaning and origin

If we consider the word "Samson" in Hebrew, then it means "sun". This gives rise to many commentators to regard Samson as a "solar hero" who was humanized by the sun god. By the way, initially this word sounded "Shimshon".

When the biblical legend of Samson and Delilah appeared, the word took on the meaning of "strong". The so-named Hebrew hero had extraordinary physical strength stored in his long, beautiful hair. But once the insidious Philistine Delilah, having made the hero fall in love with herself, ruined the young man. She was able to cut off his hair, putting the hero to sleep. Then Samson was blinded and chained by the Philistine soldiers. Time passed, with the regrown hair to Samson again strength returned, and he broke the chains. Since then, it is believed that the owner of the name Samson is characterized by courage, honesty, ardor, stubbornness.

The sacrament of the name

The meaning of the name Samson for a boy deserves careful study. What is characteristic of this "solar" creature? In childhood, he is affectionately called Money, Samony, Samokha. Today it is a rather rare name. The sun is the patron planet for him. The most suitable color is yellow. Amber is suitable from stones. Lotus and pine are considered auspicious plants. The defender of the name is a white horse. Saturday is called a happy day. The most suitable time of the year is winter. Numerology established the number 3 for Samson, indicating the sociability and energy of this person.

Samson's birthday is January 12 and July 10. In January, on this day, the holy martyr Samson was born, suffering for Christ. And on July 10, a Roman physician was born, the Monk Samson the Host. Having received excellent knowledge, he treated people for free.

Characteristic of boys with this name

Speaking about the meaning of the name Samson, it should be noted that this person does not like publicity and hype, he is an introvert - he often plunges into deep thoughts and is far from the surrounding events. The young man rarely expresses his feelings. Most often he lives in his own world, but sometimes he is able to take other people's troubles for his own.

It is quite difficult for parents to cope with a little boy. He is nimble, agile and requires a lot of attention. As entertainment, Samson chooses various extreme activities. This is what his peers like him for, because he is never bored with him. The boy cannot be called a diligent student, because he is restless. Often he shows wit and observation, realistically parodies and jokes, which causes fear in many people.

The matured Samson is calmer and more balanced, pondering his every deed and word. Calmness and calmness help him out in the most extreme situations. Everything he dreams about, he tries to bring it to life. Samson can support friends morally and financially.

A man's appearance is attractive, so people make contact with him. He easily finds a common language with women. Samson is a gallant and witty gentleman, showering ladies with compliments. But often a relationship with him ends only in flirting. This man cannot be called a good family man, because he blames the upbringing of children on his wife. Samson most often chooses activities that bring immediate benefits, and as friends he chooses people with a high social status and financial situation.

Health and skills of the owner of the name

As a child, Samson needs to be protected from fear, you should not tell him scary stories. He takes everything very seriously. Parents have to make an effort to teach him how to live in society. The young man has quite good health, which allows him to play sports and participate in competitions.

The boy's favorite subject is mathematics. He devotes a lot of time to playing chess. Samson is a bright and versatile person with excellent aptitude for the exact sciences, but his explosive nature makes him change jobs frequently.

Professional success

Samson has many talents that set him apart from the crowd. He makes a good programmer, prosecutor, artist, artist, dentist. Often he occupies leadership positions, although he does not set himself such a goal. He is good at both the role of the subordinate and the role of the leader. Helpful connections appear everywhere.

Samson's professionalism can be learned, he deserves respect from others. He never goes into conflict, plunges headlong into work. Sometimes he becomes a reformer of established traditions in the team, takes risks. Although sometimes he shows excessive cruelty to people. This explosive nature, as mentioned, leads to frequent job changes.

Personal life of Samsonov

Samson knows how to love, and is loved by others. He takes care of his family, respects elders, and teaches children. His children become participants in mathematical olympiads, attend technical circles. Household members take part in his scientific activities.

Samson is not very sociable, has few friends, hardly visits, appreciates order and a stable lifestyle. Sometimes he retires from his wife and organizes his territory. A man builds romantic relationships consistently, caringly and honestly.

Samson Vyrin: the meaning of the name and surname

Let's talk about the literary heroes who bear the described name. Thus, a very unusual image of a "little man" who suffers poverty and humiliation is introduced into the work of A. Pushkin, "The Station Keeper". This hero is Samson Vyrin. The meaning of the name and surname of this character is of interest to many readers. As a stationmaster, he meekly and powerlessly carries his cross. The meaning of the name Vyrin - Samson - has already been described above. It stands briefly on the surname. But first, a little about the character.

Samson Vyrin (according to Pushkin) served at one post station. Often he had to hear reproaches and insults from wealthy travelers. He was a widower and raised his daughter Dunya. She grew up to be a good helper and made her father happy. But one day a disaster struck: a hussar drove past the station and took his daughter to St. Petersburg. Vyrin set off on foot to the capital in search of Dunya. He found the kidnapper of his daughter, but he kicked him out, trying to buy off at first. Vyrin returned home, and the harmony of his being was disturbed. He started drinking and died. And the main thing with which the hero could not come to terms - how can you repay good with evil?

The surname Vyrin is quite rare in Russia. Most likely, it reflects the nickname, name, profession of the distant ancestor of its owner. Ancient chronicles testify to important persons of the Vyrins in the merchant environment of the 17th-19th centuries. They had power in Moscow and were respectable people. The first mention of the surname was recorded after the population census during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Who is he - Samson Silych Bolshov?

The modern reader is familiar with Ostrovsky's play "Our people - we will be numbered". The author ironically shows the merchant environment, its habits and aspirations. Money matters are above all for the hero of the work, the merchant Samson Silych Bolshov. You have already been able to study the meaning of the name. How does Ostrovsky draw his hero? He displays selfish and ignorant qualities, and his companion is an uneducated wife who has a high opinion of herself. Also, the reader sees Bolshov's ill-mannered daughter, Lipochka, who dreams of marrying a noble.

All characters vividly reflect all the realities of merchant life. In relation to his daughter, Bolshov looks like an absolute tyrant. Ostrovsky showed the soulless world of people with their own laws, where grown-up children act the same way as their parents.

Historical figures with this name

Many people who read the Bible know that Samson is the most romantic character there. Its history is described at the beginning of the article. God sent an angel to earth to announce to the mother the birth of her son, the conqueror of the Philistines. This young man was forbidden to drink grape juice and cut his hair, for there was his power in them.

History also knows such a person as Samson Yakovlevich Makintsev. He became famous for being the sergeant-major of the Russian service. After one battle, he deserted to Persia (1821). Occupying a high post in the Persian army, he refused to fight with Russia and even pacified one of the uprisings against her.

Another famous owner of this name was Sukhanov Samson Ksenofontovich. He worked as a bricklayer in St. Petersburg and created at the beginning of the 19th century the magnificent buildings of the capital on the Neva.

"AiF" has found the relatives of the most powerful man in the world.

Legacy suitcase

In one of their signature numbers Zass tore a powerful iron chain with one effort of the muscles of the chest: the athlete simply took a deep breath, filling his lungs. At the same time, any of the spectators could check that the chain was not fake. With his palm, Alexander hammered 15-centimeter nails into a board 10 cm thick. During another act, Zass, climbing under the dome of the circus, with his teeth (!) Held a rope on which a piano was swinging in the air - an acrobat was playing the instrument meanwhile. In the arena, up to 15 people could climb onto a special platform, which the athlete held on his shoulders. So, during one of the performances, the future premier of England was on the shoulders of Alexander Winston Churchill.

He hammered in nails with his bare hands, and then with his fingers, like pliers, pulled them back. Photo: from the personal archive of Yuri Shaposhnikov

The amazing Samson managed to catch with his hands a 90-kilogram cannonball fired from a cannon. He easily took a horse on his shoulders and calmly walked with it around the arena. This issue had a special story. In 1914, during the First World War, when Zass served in the tsarist army, his horse was wounded, and in order not to leave the animal to its fate, he lifted the horse onto his shoulders and carried it to his own.

The title of "the strongest man in the world" was awarded to Samson by British and American journalists. During the life of Zass, no one was able to challenge his title. There are two records on the grave of an athlete in the English town of Hockley. In English, if translated, it will be: "Alexander Zass (Samson) - the strongest man in the world, died 09/26/1962 at the age of 74". And the second in Russian: “Dear Shura, you are always with us. Sister Nadia Zass, nephew of Yura. "

Relatives of the strong man - the same nephew Yuri Vladimirovich Shaposhnikov, who turns 95 in August, and his wife Lilia Fyodorovna- "AiF" found in Moscow. The spouses' apartment is like a mini-museum Zass: unique photographs of Samson, performance posters, personal letters and things. " After the death of Alexander Zass, an English gentleman appeared on the threshold of our Moscow apartment He said that we can get our uncle's inheritance - a mansion in the town of Hockley, which is 40 minutes by train from London, some property and money in the bank. But for the paperwork it was necessary to go to England».

Yuri Shaposhnikov with his wife. Photo: AiF / Maria Pozdnyakova

« Can you imagine what it is like in 1962 from the USSR to go to England to draw up an inheritance if you are an ordinary citizen? Unreal story, - Lilia Fyodorovna throws up her hands. - We apologized. They said that we cannot accept the inheritance". After a while, a suitcase with Zass's personal belongings came to them by mail, which they carefully store.

The famous athlete got in touch with relatives from the USSR shortly before his death.

« Alexander Zass was born in 1888. Besides him, the family had two more brothers and two daughters. One of them is Hope - my mom, - says Yuri Vladimirovich. - Uncle was a genius nugget. The family lived in the provinces, and the future strongman subscribed to many physical education magazines. I signed up with a famous professor Evgeny Sandov, who agreed to take him as a correspondence student. He sent young Alexander a list of exercises. We needed dumbbells, but there was no money for them, and my uncle used stones, which he tied with ropes to sticks. He worked a lot on the development of tendons, believed that the strength lies in them.

My uncle was very sorry for his older brother who died in the war - he said that he was even stronger. During the First World War, Alexander Zass himself suffered - shrapnel broke his legs. Wounded, unconscious, he was taken prisoner. Thanks to his endurance, he not only got to his feet, but also escaped. However, the way to Soviet Russia was closed to him, a Cossack who fought in the tsarist army. In Europe, he began performing in a circus - first in Hungary, then in France, and spent the last few decades in England. And then one day our friend, who knew English and read the magazines there, said: “Your mother’s brother is very famous in the West. Maybe we can write to him? " It was the time of the Khrushchev thaw. At Stalin we certainly would not dare to write abroad. And then everything worked out. The editorial office of an English sports magazine gave us both an address and a telephone number. Uncle answered immediately, we began to correspond and call back. He said that he really wanted to come to his homeland. Sudden death disrupted these plans. And my wife and I first visited his grave in the late 80s. Then perestroika began, and many foreigners appeared in Moscow. One married couple we met turned out to be ... from Hockley - the city where Zass lived! Some kind of miracle. They arranged an invitation for us. And without a penny of money (we could not buy currency) we went to Hockley. They saw my uncle's house, we were even allowed inside. And one woman said that as a girl she was once amazed when, in front of her eyes, a Russian hero, doing household chores, drove a huge nail into the window frame with his palm.

The strong man is lifted under the dome of the circus, while he holds a rope with his teeth, on which a grand piano with an acrobat playing on it hangs. Photo: from the personal archive of Yuri Shaposhnikov

The dream burned out in a fire

His own investigation of the fate of Zass has already carried out in our time Igor Khramov, President of the Eurasia Charitable Foundation. " The fact is that Zass first entered the circus arena in my native Orenburg- he says. - During a business trip to England, I had to bit by bit collect the details of the biography of Alexander Ivanovich. Zass had no children. He married only once. He was then 38 years old, and his bride, an aerial gymnast Blanche, - 16 years. The young wife died during childbirth. Her portrait has always hung at the head of the Amazing Samson. Later, the widower Zass had a relationship with an aerialist. Betty... It was she who played the piano, which Alexander held on the rope in his teeth. After the death of Zass, in one interview, Betty admitted that she was jealous of him for other women, so she decided to part with him. She married a clown Sida... True, she continued her joint performances with the Russian strongman. Once the rope broke, the girl fell into the arena, suffered a spinal fracture. Neither husband nor Zass left Betty. Thanks to their care, she returned from the hospital to the arena. However, the next injury confined Betty to a wheelchair forever.

The last time Zass performed with power numbers was at the age of 66, after which he focused on training. He mastered the basics of this art back in Russia under the guidance of Anatoly Durov- the founder of the famous dynasty. When the grandson of Anatoly Durov Vladimir Durov came on tour to England, Zass met with him. He asked Durov to help organize his visit to Moscow».

In April 2011, the Hockley city council, for the arrival of the Orenburg delegation, landscaped the burial place of Alexander Zass. Photo:

« Frankly, we were already waiting for a meeting with my uncle in Moscow. And suddenly the news of his death comes", - recalls Yuri Vladimirovich.

The monument (sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov) was erected in 2008 in front of the building of the Orenburg circus. Photo: Provided by the Eurasia Orenburg Charitable Foundation

P. S. The mystery of Zass - why such a phenomenal force in a man with such a modest height (1 m 68 cm) - tried to solve both during his lifetime and after the death of Amazing Samson. Yuri Vladimirovich also did this - he managed to ask the famous relative a lot of questions and get answers to them.

Zhanna d'Arc, Samson and Russian history Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.6. The tragic break in the fate of Samson-Zemshina - first a hero, and then powerlessness and death

The Bible says that the hero Samson first defeated his enemies, but then, due to treacherous betrayal, he lost all his power and eventually died (Judges 15-16).

In the French version, Gilles de Rais also undergoes a tragic twist of fate. First the marshal, the second person after the king, and then the fall, accusation of codification, arrest, trial and death, see above and CHRON 7, ch. twenty.

The original of these events in the history of Russia-Horde is the tragic fate of the Zemshchyna and its main leaders. The powerful party that opposed the tsar and the oprichnina was eventually broken. Its leaders were arrested, tried and executed.

Namely, the almighty equestrian Chelyadnin, the second person in the state, the head of the Zemshchyna, was exiled to the border church of Polotsk and to Kolomna, p. 132, 120. Then he was arrested, charged and executed.

Further, the tragic change in the fate of Metropolitan Philip Kolychev, a protege of the Zemshchina, is also quite bright. The all-powerful head of the Orthodox Church, who acquired enormous power, was eventually accused, arrested, convicted, sentenced to burning, but instead he was exiled to a monastery and then strangled by the order of the tsar.

The fate of Khan Simeon Bekbulatovich, the head of the Zemshchyna, also follows the same line. First - the king of all Russia, the ruler of the state, and then a turning point in life, resignation and, in fact, exile to Tver, p. 205.

And, finally, the fate of Prince Simeon of Rostov, a supporter of the Zemshchyna, was tragically changed. The ruler of Nizhny Novgorod, the omnipotent prince, after the fall of Chelyadnin, was arrested and executed, drowned by the guardsmen in the river, Vol. 3, v. 9, ch. 2, column 59.

From the book Reconstruction of True History the author

34. The biblical story of Samson is the struggle of Zemshchina against the Oprichnina in Russia under Ivan IV the Terrible Samson is an allegorical description of the Zemshchina in the person of its two main leaders and two other famous characters of the 16th century.

the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

34. The biblical story of Samson is the struggle of Zemshchina against the Oprichnina in Russia under Ivan IV the Terrible Samson is an allegorical description of the Zemshchina in the person of its two main leaders and two other famous characters of the 16th century.

From the book Reconstruction of True History the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

Comparison of the history of Samson with the struggle of Zemshchina against Oprichnina V, ch. 10, we found a correspondence between the biblical Samson and the French version of Gilles de Rais's story. But the French version, like the Old Testament story, are just different reflections

From the book Mamai. The history of the "antihero" in history the author Pochekaev Roman Yulianovich

About how Mamai came out first on the side of the false Kildibek, and then against him. So, Mamai fortified himself in the Crimea, and with him there were potential contenders for the throne - the young descendants of Batu. However, not all supporters of the legitimate Khan dynasty were satisfied with the fact that

the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Comparison of Samson's story with the struggle of the Zemshchina against the Oprichnina reveals a striking parallelism 2.0. A Brief Pictorial Diagram of Parallelism In Chapter 10, we discovered a correspondence between the biblical Samson and the French version of Gilles de Rais's story. But as it turns out now,

From the book Book 1. Western myth ["Ancient" Rome and "German" Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the XIV-XVII centuries. Legacy of the Great Empire into a cult the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.7. The city of Tver is somehow connected with the biography of Samson-Zemshchina It is curious that in the biographies of all three leaders of the Zemshchina who contributed to the biblical image of Samson, the city of Tver and the Tver principality are present. The head of the Zemshchina Chelyadnin has possessions in Tver. “He owned

From the book Book 1. Western myth ["Ancient" Rome and "German" Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the XIV-XVII centuries. Legacy of the Great Empire into a cult the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.10. Arrest and imprisonment as a result of the disclosure of the secret of Samson-Zemshina The Bible says that as a result of Delilah's betrayal, the Philistines manage to arrest Samson and throw him into prison (Judges 16:21). The French version also speaks of the arrest of Gilles de Rais and his imprisonment in

From the book Book 1. Western myth ["Ancient" Rome and "German" Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the XIV-XVII centuries. Legacy of the Great Empire into a cult the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.14. Death of Samson-Zemshina under the ruins of the temple after the "judgment" Old Testament Samson dies under the rubble of the temple (Judges 16:30). In the French version, Gilles de Rais was BURNED at the stake, see chapter 10. According to other sources, Gilles de Rais was strangled, p. 91. His prototype in the history of Russia-Horde,

From the book Book 1. Western myth ["Ancient" Rome and "German" Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the XIV-XVII centuries. Legacy of the Great Empire into a cult the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.16. Destruction of a large temple during the death of Samson-Zemshchina The Old Testament says that the hero Samson FALLED THE GREAT HOUSE, dying under its rubble and killing thousands of people with him (Judges 16:30). What actually happened in Russia-Horde of the 16th century? What is he telling us here

From the book Russia and Japan: Knots of Contradiction the author Anatoly Koshkin

First China, then Russia The completion of the Japanese intervention did not lead to a final settlement between the RSFSR and Japan. The occupied Northern Sakhalin remained under Japanese control, the countries did not have diplomatic relations with each other, there were no

the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Comparison of Samson's story with the struggle of the Zemshchina against the Oprichnina reveals a striking parallelism 2.0. A Brief Visual Diagram of Parallelism In the previous chapter, we discovered the parallelism between the biblical Samson and the French version of Gilles de Rais's story. But how now

From the book Jeanne d'Arc, Samson and Russian History the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.6. The tragic break in the fate of Samson-zemshina - first a hero, and then powerlessness and death The Bible says that the hero Samson first defeated his enemies, but then, due to insidious betrayal, lost all his power and eventually died (Judges 15-16).

From the book Jeanne d'Arc, Samson and Russian History the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.7. The city of Tver is somehow connected with the biography of Samson-Zemshchina It is curious that in the biographies of the THREE leaders of the Zemshchina, who contributed to the biblical image of Samson, there is the city of Tver and the Tver principality. The head of the Zemshchina Chelyadnin has possessions in Tver. “He owned

From the book Jeanne d'Arc, Samson and Russian History the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.10. Arrest and imprisonment as a result of the disclosure of the secret of Samson-Zemshina The Bible says that as a result of Delilah's betrayal, the Philistines manage to arrest Samson and imprison him (Judges 16:21). The French version also speaks of the arrest of Gilles de Rais and his imprisonment in

From the book Jeanne d'Arc, Samson and Russian History the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.14. Death of Samson-zemshina under the ruins of the temple after the "judgment" Biblical Samson dies under the rubble of the temple (Judges 16:30). In the French version of "Gilles de Rais" BURNED at the stake, see above and CHRON7, ch. 20. According to other sources, Gilles de Rais was strangled, p. 91. His prototype in history

From the book Jeanne d'Arc, Samson and Russian History the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.16. Destruction of a large temple during the death of Samson-Zemshchina The Bible says that the hero Samson FALLED THE GREAT HOUSE, dying under its rubble and killing thousands of people with him (Judges 16:30). What actually happened in Russia-Horde of the 16th century? What is he telling us here