The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe product of the thunderstorm. Boris and Tikhon: Comparative characteristics of these heroes

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe product of the thunderstorm. Boris and Tikhon: Comparative characteristics of these heroes

"Thunderstorm" was created in the third period of creativity of the playwright, covering the preforming years (1856-1860). If in the first period (1847-1851) the Ost-Rovsky occupies a critical position in relation to the shown in its early Pieces "Dark Kigar", and at the time of proximity to Slavophilas in the Moskvatvian period (1852-1855), on the contrary, it is inclined to idealize the patriarchal merchant world, then in the predetermined period, when the playwright has become close to the Sovpea-Mennik, it is adjacent to the "accusatory" Direction in literature. He no longer idealizes merchants, but it is in this environment that hero is looking for a hero that embodies national character. Thus, the Ostrovsky spoke with his very peculiar way in solving the problem positive herowhich has become leading for the literature of this period.

The action "Thunderstorm" takes place in the city of Kalinov on the Volga, which collectively turn into the Volga cities as a focus of the Russian lifestyle. In the center of the play lies family conflict - Pockening of the young Katerina Kabanova with a mother-in-law, respected in the Goro de Puchikhai Marta Ignatievna Kabanova. But this family dramawho ended with the suicide of Katerina reflected the state of the company in the predhormerary era. Marfa Ignatievna and the merchant Saveel Pro-Kofievich Wildly personify the patriarchal structure. They will step by their apologists and uncompromising defenders. They are opposed by those who want change, who is unhappy with the old stands of life. But only Katerina goes to the end in his protest, not wanting to put up with his lifestyle imposed on it. At the same time, heroine is struggle not with a concrete person, but with the whole building of life, under-holding the old way, with " dark kingdom" The innovation of the Ost-Rovsky consists in the fact that the play written on the socio-household material permeates deep philosophical idea, deepening and clarifying the author's thought. He does not want to represent Ka-Terrine as a ideological fighter with the "Dark Kingdom".

Such her tried to outlide some critics. ON THE. The good-love in the article "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom" (1860) gives an assessment of the play as the "the most decisive" work of the Ostrovsky, which is the closest "close end of the samotor", and its main heroine nazuats the "Light Light", sincere, She strives for good, Kra-cell, justice, to the freedom of feelings, which enters into the fight against the "Dark Kingdom" and with me.

A few later appears the article D.I. Pisareva "Motifs of Rus-Drama" (1864), in many ways a rethinking assessment of the Dobro-Bove Pieces "Thunderstorm", especially her main heroine. Pisarev considers it in kind of not solid, a developed mind, not to promote the cessation or relief of suffering, which means that it is not a distant one to consider the phenomenon "light", heroic personality.

With the entire polarity of estimates of critics, they are united by the fact that they misunderstand the moral and philosophical aspect of the play, having crucial importance for its author. Connected with him whole group Symbols that give "thunderstorms" generalized-philosophical meaning. They surround the image of Katerina (the heroine "not on the world of this") and represent images of flight (walker, ang-lies), a fairy-tale garden (the smell of cypress), death (from the point of view of the vehicle - another life, transition to another world) , and death is not just a separate personality, but also the former sensation - the "dark kingdom", something new should come to replace something. Material from site.

It was in this crisis point that Russia really stood on the threshold of cardinal changes associated with the abolition of serfdom, the Ostrovsky writes a play on the waking personally, and through a purely personal feeling - love, and such a process is always complicated and tragic. Personality, dropping away from the collective, is one on one to one with the world. Ostrovsky finely caught that in Russia this moment coincided with the process of becoming Russian on-witted self-consciousness, when a person, part of the nationwide "world", the peasant community, begins to realize himself to personally, independent in his views and actions, but also carrying the full fullness responsibility for them. This was the main meaning of the "thunderstorms" of Ostrovsky for Russian society. From these positions and it is necessary to consider the system of plays.

The play is based on a conflict of a separate personality and the surrounding society (Katerina and the "Dark Kingdom").

The action "Thunderstorms" unfolds on the banks of the Volga, in an old city, where, as it seems, it does not change anything and cannot change, and it is in the conservative patriarchal family of this city is Ostrovsky sees the manifestations of an incompicuous renewal of life, her selfless-rebar start. The conflict "flashes" between two opposite characters, human natures. Two opposite forces are embodied in the young merchant wife Katerina Kabanova and in her mother-in-law - Marfe Kabanova. Kabaniha is a convinced and principled keeper of the old days, once forever found and established norms and rules of life. Katerina - ever-seeking, going to a brave risk for the sake of the living needs of his soul, creative nature.

In his article "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom", Dobrolyubov wrote about the play: "" Thunderstorm "represents the idyll of the" Dark Kingdom "... the mutual relations of Samoram and Finelessness are communicated to the most tragic consequences ..."

Kabaniha does not recognize the legality of individual differences in the people and diversity of the life of peoples. All the difference between the life of other places from the life of the city of Kalina, testifies to "infidelity": people who live like Kalinovtsy should have pestions of the head. The center of the Universe is the pious city of Kalinov, the center of this city is the house of Kabanov, - so characterizes the world in favor harsh hostess Celebrating Feklusha's Wanderer. Any change is represented by the bubble of the beginning of sin.

Throughout the action of the play, Katerina accompanies the motive of flight, fast ride. She wants to fly like a bird, and she is dreaming about flight, she tried to float along the Volga, and in dreams he sees himself rushing on the top three. And to Tikhon, and to Boris, she addresses to take her with him, take away. However, this movement has one feature - the absence of an accurately designated goal.

The "dispute" of Katerina and Kabani accompanies accompanied by the dispute of Kuligin and Wild, the drama of the slave position in the world of calculation here is accompanied by the image of the tragedy of the mind in the "Dark Kingdom", the tragedy of the crop of beauty and poetry - the tragedy of the enslavement of science by wild "patrons".

"Thunderstorm" is customary to be called drama, not the tragedy, despite the death of Katerina. Comedy traditions in the play are traced in satirical image Melt merchants.

Ostrovsky introduces a landscape, protruding not only by the background, but also by the embodiment of the element opposing the "Dark Kingdom" (scenes on the Volga, the death of Katerina).

When creating images of Katerina, Kuligina and Kudryash, the author uses folklore traditions. The speech of the characters is filled with spacious. Ostrovsky introduces symbols that are in the text carry semantic load: Thunderstorm - contradictions in the soul of Katerina; Rolling robes - symbol of enlightenment, etc.

"Dark Kingdom" and his victim

Dobrolyubov so speaks about the inhabitants of the city of Kalinova: "Their life flows smoothly and peacefully, no interests of the world are disturbed, because they do not reach them; kingdoms can collave, new countries open, the face of the earth ... to change ... - The inhabitants of Kalinov's town will exist to exist in the fullest ignorance about the rest of the world ... The concepts and lifestyle and lifestyle * are the best in the world, all new comes from unclean power... Find an awkward and even bold to persistent reasonable grounds ... Information reported by fecles, such that are not able to inspire a lot of desire to exchange their lives on a different ... Dark mass, terrible in its naivety and sincerity. "

The wanderers in the play are important, since they characterize the stabbing of the people. "They themselves did not go to the glimpse of them, but heard a lot of heard": about sins, six or twelve embarrassing enemies, about distant countries, where the states of the Earth rule, about people with leaky heads, about the endless bustle in Moscow, where the days of the last "," Fiery Zmie ", etc.

In the play, self-directions are wild and Kabanov, who gave such an assessment: "The absence of any law, all the logic is the law and the logic of this life ... The self-director of Russian life begin, however, to feel some kind of discontent and fear, not knowing before And why ... besides them, not asked them, another life has grown ... It's hard to breathe old kabanov, feeling that there is power above them, which they cannot overcome, to which they do not know how ... Wild and Kabanov, meeting themselves a contradiction and not Being able to defeat him, but wanting to put on your own, directly declare themselves against logic, that is, put themselves with fools before the majority of people. "

Kabaniha requires a non-sacter-taikhon, which does not perceive as an independent person, obedience and respect for himself, scolding him. For this reason, he cannot form an independent relationship with Katerina, which Kabaniha hates unconscious hatred.

Wild Dobrolyubs characterizes as follows: "It seems to him that if he recognizes the laws of common sense, in common to all people, then his importance will suffer greatly from this ... He realizes that he is ridiculous ... habit to fool it so strong that he obeys her even Contrary to the voice of his own common sense. "

At first glance, Barbara and Kudryash oppose the "dark kingdom", but in fact they are associated with him internally. They go only because they could not adapt to it.

Kuligin opposes ignorance of the "Dark Kingdom" and is a carrier of the ideas of enlightenment. He is passively watching, although it really wants to benefit society, trying to change something in it. His abilities in the conditions of the "Dark Kingdom" cannot be developed, since its dependence on it is too large.

Dobrolyubov about Tikhon: "Simple and dulcious, not at all angry, but to the extremes are inactive ... Of the many of those pitiful types, which are usually called harmless, although they are also harmful in general, as they themselves, because they serve them Faithful assistants ... There can be no strong feeling in it, can't develop any decisive desire. "

Dobrolyubov speaks of Boris: "Not a hero ... He had enough education and will not cope with any old life, nor with his heart, nor with common sense - walks exactly lost ... One of those people who do not know how to understand what they understand and Do not understand what they do. "

Boris understands that he will remain without inheritance, but despite this, the breaking of relationships with wild will never be decided, since there is no inner strength ("Eh, kaba strength!").

Dobrolyubov about Katerina: "Katerina did not kill human nature ... Russian strong character... strikes us with your opposite of all kinds of origin ... Character ... Creating, Loving, Perfect ... Every external dissonance She tries to smooth out ... Any disadvantage covers from the completeness of their internal forces... She is a strange, crazy from the point of view of others, but this is because she cannot accept their views and inclinations ... She rushes to a new life, at least she had to die in this impulse ... Mature, from the depth of the whole organism the emerging requirement Rights and ^ Purchase of Life ... In the dry monotonous life of your youth, in coarse and superstitious concepts ambient She was constantly able to take what he agreed with her natural aspirations to beauty, harmony, satisfaction, happiness ... All ideas inspired by her since childhood, all principles of the environment revolve against her natural aspirations and actions. All against Katerina, even her own concepts about good and evil. "

Katerina is fighting himself with him and in the end, internally justifies himself. In it, with a special force, the need to love and be beloved is felt; offended feelings of his wife and woman in the house of the mother-in-law; Mortal longing caused by monotony and monotony of her life; Wire will.

The author, creating the image of Katerina, appeals to folklore traditions (motifs folk songs; appeals to the "friend Mile", to "buoy winds"; The image of the "Mogs"), thereby emphasizing its belonging to the people.

Drama A.N.ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" one of the most famous works Writer. There are many topics in it: both love and freedom, and serfdom. And of course, the main ideawhich passes through the red thread through all the work is reflected in the name of the plays.

Thunderstorm is and a natural phenomenon, and hanging the danger over the city, and the symbol of the era.

From the very beginning of the narrative, in the first action, we hear the conversation of two heroes about the nravas Kalinov. Kudryash and Kuligin are secondary charactersBut despite this, they carry an important semantic load. Their conversation is tied around wild. This hero is gifted by the author of the speaking surname, indeed, it's as if human concepts are alien. This hero is a peculiar thunderstorm for all home, as well as for the courtyards, sudden his anger keeps the entire district in fear.

Another episode in which a wild and one of the heroes are present, which first appear on stage, Kuligin. In this episode, Kuligin asks for money from the wild for the construction of watches and a bullet, the hero wants to do something useful and good, at least somehow move an institutional society. But he receives a refusal, it turns out the stupidity and short-sightedness of wild even deeper than we may seem, he is categorically against the structure, because the thunderstorm, in his opinion, is sent to people in punishment, and the clock is not needed at all (the author is probably emphasized at all (the absence of hours The fact that the development of Kalinov is lagging behind, the formation is absent and the coarse fortress orders still reign).

The main heroine of the works of Katerina lives with her husband in his mother's house Kabanih. Kabanovy, such speaking surnameAnd it does not require extra clarification. Freedom-loving Katerina languishes under the nest of this brutal woman, a real thunderstorm for the whole of his house. Only goodness and wisdom of Katerina allowed her for a long time to hold out under her power, but only outwardly, the internally heroine always remains free.

Much in the life of Katerina is associated with a thunderstorm. She is afraid of this natural phenomenon, faints, her intuition tells her that something should happen that she solves her fate. And she confesses to his act with Boris, and understands: she cannot live in the house of Kabanov. After all, Kabaniha became a thunderstorm not only for her, but also for a son. He runs out of the house to spend on freedom for several days.

As for Katerina, it can be called a thunderstorm for obsolete owners of Kalinovists. In the final, she seemed to challenge to slavery and oppression, which reigns in the city. Throughout the entire action, tension feels, the thunderstorm hung over Kalinov's self-director.

Much indicates that the authorities of the Kabani and the wilderness threatens the danger. Kudryash refuses to obey them, and at the end disappears together with Barbaroos, which also creates visibility to the Kabanchi submissal, but in fact it does it considers it necessary.

And, of course, the words of Kuligina at the end of the play affirm the thoughts that the power of wild and kabanic, the thunderstorm comes to them. Kuligin reminds them that the body of Katerina can belong to them, but it is free to the soul.

The meaning of the name of this play is very meaningful. Many times it is found as a natural phenomenon, is reflected in the images and characters of the characters and herself seems to be an active person. The entire atmosphere of the work is reflected in the name of the wonderful and still popular and beloved play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

The meaning of the title, the names of the plays of the island

A.N. Ostrovsky is one of the most outstanding writers XIX. Century, his works tell us about the struggle of humanity, kindness, responsiveness with meanness, greediness and angry. The author in each of his book shows good, naive heroes encountered with brutal reality The world, which leads them to a complete disappointment in life, kills everything good that they have.

"Thunderstorm" - the top of creative playwright quest. After all, this play marked the beginning of such a monumental theme, which, later, more than once the main writers of contemporaries and subsequent centuries used in his works. What is so impressive readers for three centuries?

Katerina translated from Greek means "clean", Ostrovsky tells us about how people who rotted the bones around the bones oppress it and drive into the corner, because they feel the power and understand it, it is the beginning of the end for them.
This fragile, naive girl will not call volitional or strong, she did not make the feat, on the contrary, its act can perceive, as weakness, but the death of the heroine became a protest against the existing order, she unleashed his hands to all oppressed. Her image is the "Lucky of Light", the symbol of the fight against cruel, selfish people breaking the lives of everyone around, that is, with the "Dark Kingdom."

IN the last days, the weeks of their lives, Katerina terribly afraid of thunder, believing that it was losing to her head god's punishment For sins, she was so immanent that he did not understand, the thunderstorm came to kill her not, lightning and thunder split into parts of those who offended her, the darkness came to the dark.

Katerina played the role of a soldier who runs ahead of everyone with the flag, calling to fight, the role of a soldier who awakens the strength and resistance in souls. After all, after her death, all silent and endured before that were protested. Kabanov finally realized and understood that his mother Tyrant was to blame, but his conscience is not calm, because he could not prevent tragedies. Kudryash and Varvara decide to escape, leave behind the wild and bubble, whose life will become unbearable if it will be some kind of oppressing and someone will pour out their dirt.

The thunderstorm, which bears the death of the dark kingdom, the former terrible stands - this is the main meaning and meaning of the Ostrovsky's play.

Alexandra Nikolayevich, a beaten and banal theme of the struggle of good with evil is shown in a completely unique light and is perceived enough. I think it is very important workwhich is worth reading everyone.

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Idean-thematic content. "Thunderstorm" was created in the third period of creativity of the playwright, covering the preforming years (1856-1860). If, in the first period (1847-1851), Ostrovsky occupies a critical position in relation to the "dark kingdom" shown in his early plays, and at the request of the Slavophilas in the Moskvatsean period (1852-1855), on the contrary, inclined to idealize the patriarchal merchant world, In the prededened period, when the playwright became near the "contemporary" of Nekrasov, he adjoins the "accusatory" direction in the literature. It no longer idealizes merchants, but it is in this environment that hero is looking for a national character. Thus, the Ostrovsky spoke with his very peculiar position in solving the problem of a positive hero, which became leading for the literature of this period.

The action "Thunderstorm" takes place in the city of Kalinov on the Volga, which collectively turn into the Volga cities as a focus of the Russian lifestyle. In the center of the play lies a family conflict - a collision of the young Katerina Kabanova with a mother-in-law, respected in the city of Kupchikha Marta Ignatievna Kabanova. But this family drama ended by Katerina's suicide reflected the state of society in the predhormerary era. Marfa Ignatievna and the merchant Saveel Prokofievich Wildly personify the patriarchal structure. They act with apologists and uncompromising defenders. They are opposed by those who want change, who is unhappy with the old stands of life. But only Katerina goes to the end in his protest, not wanting to put up with his lifestyle imposed on it. At the same time, heroine is struggled not with a specific person, but with the whole building of life supporting the old way, with the "Dark Kingdom". The innovation of Ostrovsky consists and in the fact that the play written on the socio-domestic material permeates a deeply philosophical idea, deepening and clarifying the author's thought. He does not want to represent Katerina as a ideological wrestler with the "Dark Kingdom".

Such her tried to outlide some critics. ON THE. Dobrolyubov in the article "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom" (1860) gives an assessment of the play as the "the most decisive" work of the Ostrovsky, who showed the "close end of the sample", and its main heroine calls the "Light Light", the genus of sincere, seeking good, beauty, Justice, to the freedom of feelings, which enters into the fight against the "Dark Kingdom" and with me.

A few later appears the article D.I. Pisareva "Motifs of the Russian Drama" (1864), in many ways a rethinking assessment of the Dobrolyuby Piezi "Thunderstorm", especially its main heroine. Pisarev considers her in kind of not solid, the developed mind that does not contribute to the cessation or relief of suffering, and therefore is not worthy of considered to be a "light", heroic personality.

With the entire polarity of estimates of critics, they are united by the fact that they misunderstand the moral and philosophical aspect of the play, having crucial importance for its author. A whole group of image-symbols that give "thunderstorms" is associated with it. They surround the image of Katerina (the heroine "not from this world") and represent images of flight (harvesting, angels), a fairy-tale garden (the smell of cypress), death (from the point of view of a believer - another life, transition to another world), and death just a separate personality, but also all the former sensation - the "Dark Kingdom", a new one should come to replace something.

It was in this crisis point that Russia really stood on the threshold of the cardinal change related to the abolition of serfdom, the Ostrovsky writes a play on the awakening personality, and through a purely personal feeling - love, and such a process is always complicated and tragic. Personality, dropping from the team, turns out one on one with the world. Ostrovsky finely caught that in Russia this moment coincided with the process of becoming the Russian national self-consciousness, when a person, part of the nationwide "world", the peasant community, begins to realize himself with a person, independent in his views and actions, but also carrying all the full responsibility for them. This was the main importance of the "thunderstorms" of Ostrovsky for Russian society. From these positions and it is necessary to consider the system of plays.

The play of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is rightfully considered not only the top of the writer's creativity, but also one of outstanding works domestic drama. It represents a large-scale socio-historical conflict, the confrontation of two eras, the crisis of the social and political life of a whole state. We offer to familiarize yourself with literary analysis Works according to plan, which will be useful than a graded student when preparing for a lesson on literature.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1859 year.

History of creation - the play is written under the influence of traveling along the Volga, during which the writer recorded interesting household scenes, conversations and cases of the life of the Volga provincials.

Subject - The product is covered by the problem of the relationship between two generations, two fundamentally of different worlds. Also raised themes of family and marriage, sin and repentance.

Composition- The composition of the work is built on the contrast. Exposure - description of the characters of the main acting persons And the mistake of their lives, the tie - the conflict of Katerina with the boa, the development of actions - the love of Katerina to Boris, the culmination - the internal torment of Katerina, her departure from life, a protest of the barbarians and Tikhon against the tyranny of the mother.

Genre - Piece, drama.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

Ostrovsky began writing the play in July 1859, and a few months later she was ready and sent to St. Petersburg to the court to literary critics.

Inspiration for the Writer served as an ethnographic expedition on the Volga, organized by the Maritime Ministry to study the morals and customs of the indigenous population of Russia. One of the participants in this expedition was Ostrovsky.

During the trip, Alexander Nikolaevich witnessed the set household scenes, Provincial public dialogues that he absorbed, like a sponge. Subsequently they formed the basis of the Piez "Thunderstorm", giving drama people's character And true realism.

The fictional city of Kalinov, described in the play, imagined specific traits Volga cities. Their originality and indescribable flavor admired the Ostrovsky, who thoroughly overlooked all his observations about the life of the provincial towns in her diary.

For a long time, the version existed that the story for his work was picked up from real life. On the eve of writing a play in Kostroma occurred tragic story - A young girl named Alexander Klykov drowned in the Volga, without preparing an oppressive atmosphere in her husband's house. Necessary, the powerful mother-in-law oppressed the daughter-in-law, while the non-scatter spouse could not protect his wife from the attacks of the mother. The situation was aggravated by a love tie between Alexander and postal employees.

Safely passing censorship, the play was put on the scene of the Small academic Theater In Moscow and Alexandrinsky dramatic Theater. In Petersburg.


In his work, Alexander Nikolaevich raised many important topicsbut the main thing among them became the topic of the conflict of two epochs - Patriarchal Uklade and the young, strong and bold generation, full of light hopes for the future.

Katerina became the personification of a new, progressive era that desperately needed exemption from the chain shackles of dark satellites. She could not put up with a hypocrisy, to get into and humiliate in the sake of the prevailing ruins. Her soul sought to light and beautiful, however, in conditions of a sharp ignorance, all her impulses were doomed to failure.

Through the prism of the relationship of Katerina and her new family The author tried to convey to the reader the established situation in society, which turned out to be on the verge of a global social and moral fracture. This idea, how can not be better consistent with the meaning of the name of the play - "Thunderstorm". This powerful natural element has become an impersonation of stagnation of a stagnant atmosphere. provincial townmired in superstitions, prejudices and falsehood. The death of Katerina during a thunderstorm became the inner impetus that prompted many of Kalinov residents to the most decisive action.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work It was concluded in the resignation of its interests - the desire for independence, beauty, new knowledge, spirituality. Otherwise, all the wonderful spiritual impulses will be mercilessly destroyed by its old orders, for which any deviation from the established rules is faithful.


In "Thunderstorm", the analysis includes a parsing composite structure Pieces. The feature of the composition of the work is in the artistic contrast, on which the entire structure of the play consisting of five actions is constructed.

In the expositionworks Ostrovsky draws a lifestyle of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinin. He describes the historically established foundations of the world, which is destined to become a decoration to the described events.

Followed by vazkain which there is an unrestrained increase in Katerina's conflict with her new family. The confrontation of Katerina with the bubbani, their reluctance will even try to understand the other side, the challenging of the Tikhon injected the situation in the house.

Development of action Plays lies in internal struggle Katerina, which from hopelessness rushes into an embrace of another man. Being a deeply moral girl, she feels the flour conscience, realizing that he made a betrayal towards the legal spouse.

Culminationrepresented by the recognition of Katerina, committed under the influence of internal suffering and the curses of Barynie surviving from the mind, and its voluntary leaving. In the extreme despair, the heroine sees the solution of all his problems only in his death.

Junctionthe plays lies in the manifestation of Tikhon's protest and barbarians against the despotism of the Kabani.

main characters


According to the island, the "thunderstorm" is realistic drama. Like literary genre Determines a serious, morally heavy plot, as close as possible to reality. It is also based on the conflict of the main character with the environment.

If we talk about the direction, then this play fully corresponds to the direction of realism. Proof of this are detailed descriptions of the morals and the living conditions of residents of small Volga cities. This aspect is the author attached great importancebecause the realism of the work as it is impossible to emphasize it the main idea.