Two artists from the alexandrov ensemble died on the eve of the wedding. Horrible premonitions and miraculous rescues of the artists of the ensemble of alexandrov Families of the victims will receive insurance payments

Two artists from the alexandrov ensemble died on the eve of the wedding. Horrible premonitions and miraculous rescues of the artists of the ensemble of alexandrov Families of the victims will receive insurance payments

The team flew to Syria with a New Year's concert.

It was the largest military art collective in our country. In total, the Alexandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble consists of 186 people: soloists, a male choir, an orchestra and a dance group. In the plane crash of the Tu-154 plane in Sochi on December 25, 68 artists were killed. These are mainly choir soloists and a ballet troupe.

The Alexandrov Choir, in addition to touring Russia and the world, regularly performed in Russian military districts and units. The team constantly traveled to "hot spots". In January of this year, the Aleksandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army performed in front of Russian servicemen at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. They sang folk songs and compositions of the war years. Then the musicians dedicated one of the songs to the memory of the commander of the downed SU-24 aircraft Oleg Peshkov. There was another concert in November. The servicemen loved and waited for the performance of this particular team. That is why the choir flew to Syria to perform a 15-piece concert to wish the military a Happy New Year.

- I really hope that someone survived ..

Ralina and Mikhail - artists of the Alexandrov choir did not live to see the wedding

Vadim Ananiev has been the leading soloist of the ensemble for many years, he did not fly to the performance for the first time, since his wife recently gave birth, and he stayed at home with his wife and three children. Also in the capital there are still two soloists of the choir who, for various reasons, did not go on a business trip. The choir soloist Sergei Khlopnikov did not fly, because his daughter fell ill and he took sick leave to take care of the child. The artist Roman Valutov had an expired passport and customs officers sent him home from the airport.

It is known that on board the crashed plane there were a couple of choir artists - a young girl (22-year-old Ralina Gilmanova graduated from a choreographic school in Kazan, lived in Moscow) and Mikhail Vasin. They had an office romance - the guys were going to get married in 2017. The last concert of the choir took place in early December in the town of Odintsovo near Moscow.

The director and artistic director of the ensemble, People's Artist of Russia, composer, Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov, who was supposed to celebrate his 65th anniversary on January 30, died in a plane crash. And for the spring of 2017, his creative evening was planned.

The ensemble was created by its first artistic director, the composer, People's Artist of the USSR, Major General Alexander Alexandrov. The first performance of the collective took place 88 years ago in the Central House of the Red Army. Vasiliev called the main task of the ensemble to maintain the morale of the military. On June 26, 1941, at the Belorussky railway station, one of the ensemble's groups that had not yet left for the front sang the song "Sacred War" for the first time (the music was composed by Aleksandrov). During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the musicians gave more than one and a half thousand concerts, performing as separate teams in the active forces. After 1945, the ensemble toured the world a lot. Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov died during the tour of his band in July 1946. In our time, the soloists, dancers and musicians of the choir have repeatedly been on the front line in "hot spots": in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Chechnya.

The choir is considered one of the best male choirs in the world. The members of the ensemble demonstrate high vocal skills, the orchestra is unique in composition (Russian folk instruments are combined with wind instruments), the dance group is also distinguished by high skill. Following the example of the Alexandrov collective in the USSR and abroad, song and dance ensembles of military districts and fleets were organized. The ensemble has received a huge number of prestigious awards and prizes in our country and abroad.

In November 2016, the musicians of the Aleksandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble performed for the first time on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, dedicating a concert to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow.

For the Korzanovs, the baby was left an orphan, and the soloist Ananiev did not fly to Syria due to the birth of a son

In the ensemble named after Alexandrov, which is based in an old building in Zemledelchesky Lane, there is mourning. In the Tu-154 plane, which belonged to the Ministry of Defense and was flying to Syria, the best artists of the collective, 64 people, led by the head of the ensemble Valery Khalilov, crashed. Their friends and colleagues spoke about how the trip to the Khmeimim base was planned, and about the soloists, musicians, choir and ballet dancers on board.

The ensemble says that it was a planned trip. The team traditionally speaks to servicemen who serve in distant garrisons, in hot spots, in fleets, and cosmodromes. And the pre-New Year's days for the ensemble are traditionally the hottest.

The artists went to Syria to congratulate the Russian military on the coming New Year with two aircraft. The first plane landed at the Khmeimim base at night. The second plane departed from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow a little later. Having made an intermediate landing at the Adler airfield for refueling, he headed for Syria.

The ensemble says that there are 186 artists on the staff. But it was decided not to take the orchestra with us on a trip to Syria. The stage at the Khmeimim base is small, it could not accommodate all the musicians. The artists were supposed to perform songs to the "backing track".

The soloists of the Alexandrov ensemble, the entire choir, from the musicians - a group of accordionists and balalaika players, a ballet group, and costume designers went to Syria. It was planned that the ensemble would give a concert and immediately fly to Moscow.

Valery Khalilov, 64, only in May became the director and artistic director of the ensemble, and before that he was the chief military conductor of the Russian army for many years.

Miraculously, three leading soloists of the ensemble did not get on the ill-fated board.

Valery Gavve recently had an operation, - they say in the ensemble. - Boris Dyakov was supposed to have a responsible performance on December 26. And our "Mr. Kalinka", the soloist Vadim Ananiev, recently became a dad for the fourth time. In his second marriage, his son Yura was born. The baby is breastfeeding, the wife has two more children in her arms, she could not cope purely physically. The director of the ensemble simply went to meet him, and taking into account family circumstances, he allowed him to stay in Moscow. After all, Vadim should have flown for sure. He never gave up travel and performances. This is one of the most disciplined artists of the ensemble. It turns out that his son Yura saved him.

The soloist of the Alexandrov ensemble, the owner of a wonderful baritone, Evgeny Bulochnikov, was only 29 years old. Despite his youth, he was a laureate of many international competitions. Zhenya was from Voronezh and grew up in Volgograd. Then he returned to the city of his childhood. Graduated from the Voronezh Regional School of Culture named after Suvorin and the Musical College named after Rostropovich. Already at the age of 18 he became a soloist of the State Academic Voronezh Russian Folk Choir named after Masalitinov, at the age of 20 he was invited to the Voronezh State Opera and Ballet Theater. And soon the talented singer began to work in the ensemble named after Alexandrov. Viewers from 20 countries of the world applauded him. Fans will remember him for the performance of the song "Polite People" and the original interpretation of "Yellow Submarine" by Paul McCartney. " Eugene was awarded a medal for his contribution to the development of music "In memory of Major General Alexander Alexandrov." Friends remember Zhenya as a bright, kind and sympathetic person.

Evgeny Bulochnikov often sang a duet with another remarkable soloist of the ensemble, Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Sanin.

Viktor Sanin is a kind-hearted person, an excellent improviser. He was very talented and, like no one else, knew how to be friends, - colleagues say about the artist. - But Konstantin Mayorov already acted as a conductor, before he was a soloist of the ensemble, gradually grew, made a good career.

Another famous soloist of the Alexandrov ensemble, a native of Kazan, a wonderful tenor Vladislav Golikov, was on the plane flying to Syria. He was a versatile musician. He studied at the Kazan Musical College named after Aukhadeev, accordion class. After graduating from the Moscow Conservatory in vocal, he took vocal singing lessons at the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Singing Center, and shone in opera performances at several Moscow musical theaters. Colleagues celebrate his kindness and modesty. When, as a soloist of the Alexandrov ensemble, he sang folk and front-line songs, the audience in the hall stood up and shouted: "Bravo".

Together with his colleagues, the wonderful accompanist Vladimir Brodsky died.

Volodya Brodsky is a decent person, a great erudite. He played superbly, he could accompany anyone, - say colleagues. - Volodya could take leading positions on the world stage, but ambitions and any PR were alien to him.

Almost the entire choir of the ensemble, where the best voices of the country were collected, died in the disaster.

The choir artist Aleksey Mokrikov was from Tula. He served in the ensemble named after Alexandrov. And then, as a talented artist, he remained in the ensemble under a contract.

I saw Lesha only three days ago, we served together, - says Evgeny. - He was a very talented, purposeful guy. He also sang in the choir at the monastery. Leaving on a business trip, he said that it would not be long, he would return in a couple of days. We were all looking forward to the New Year ... I also asked him to bring me a pebble in the form of a souvenir ...

Artem Tarasenko also joined the renowned collective from the "conscripts". Friends say that he only recently got married.

Alina Nikolaevna Ivashko worked for many years in the ensemble as the head of the personnel department, was the right hand of the director and artistic director of the ensemble. And only recently, after retiring, she transferred to the position of dresser, began to travel with the ensemble on business trips.

The ill-fated board was also the artist Lyudmila Gurar. This is not the first time she has traveled to Syria. She conducted master classes at checkpoints and among Syrian children. Before the New Year, she went on a business trip to present prizes to the Syrian children who won the poster competition. 9 children's works were marked. Lyudmila was bringing gifts to the children.

On the page of the artist of the ensemble Andrei Bazdyrev on the social network it is written: "Love, work and knowledge are the sources of our life. They should determine its course."

He was the same - hardworking, stubborn ... And happy: just a little over a month ago, Andrei played a wedding. In this photo he is with his wife Maria.

For 29-year-old Vladislav Popov, ballet dancer (since 2003), this was the second trip to Syria. According to his wife Victoria, Vladislav had a bad feeling, which he could not explain in any way, but did not really want to fly to Syria. Vladislav is a serviceman, he was not used to refusing, since he was asked to go, then he must go.

Victoria did not tell her four-year-old son about the tragedy - she says that when she is small, she will not understand. The woman herself works as a teacher at school. The family's income was average; several loans remained unpaid, including for a car. On January 2, Vladislav would have turned 30.

The list of the dead includes the soloist of the ensemble Maria Klokotova (she was 34 years old). Maria's husband Dmitry Papkin also flew to Khmeimim - he sings in the choir. Dmitry also supervised the loading of luggage. He flew to Syria on the first plane 2 hours earlier. And in the morning, when I found out that my wife was no longer there, I sent a text message to Maria's father: “I am in shock, don’t tell the children anything.”

The artists raised two children (they are 11 and 4 years old). Maria had a solid work experience in the ensemble - 18 years, in two years she could already have a pension. On the eve of the trip, the older child fell ill, the temperature rose to almost 40 degrees. Maria wanted to take a sick leave, but still flew. Oddly enough, the artist was also afraid of this business trip, although she visited all hot spots. “The older one already understood everything, with the younger one we are decorating the tree,” Maria's father cries.

A double grief came to the Korzanov family - 34-year-old Catherine and her husband Oleg (they were ballet dancers) crashed. The four-year-old son became an orphan. The boy will now be raised by a 62-year-old grandfather. The last time the pensioner kept in touch with his daughter was at 1.30 am - Katya sent an SMS that they boarded the plane. In the morning, from the television news, Catherine's father learned about the disaster.

The soloist of the choir 56-year-old Viktor Sanin (December 28 is his birthday) is an artist with more than 20 years of experience in the ensemble, each time before the trip "to the front line" he said goodbye to his wife Victoria for a long time, he said it was not known whether he would return alive. This time Victor called on the way to the plane, everything was as usual. The family learned about the tragedy from the Internet.

Lyubov Khoroshev for his 30th birthday has visited all hot spots - Afghanistan, Libya, Chechnya. And I went to Syria calmly - I got used to the dangers. On Monday, her retired mother, who works as a physical education instructor in a kindergarten, and her seven-year-old son were waiting for Lyuba to go home.

The last SMS from my daughter - at 3.25 from Sochi, that the plane is going to refuel. And how can I tell my grandson now that my mother is no more? ..

Time of publication: December 26, 2016, 12:47 pm | last updated: December 7, 2017 at 10:54 AM

Tu-154 crashed in the Black Sea took off on the morning of December 25 from Adler airport to Syrian Latakia. He disappeared from the radar at 05:27 Moscow time a few minutes after departure. Onboard there were 92 people - the executive director of the Fair Help Foundation Elizaveta Glinka, the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, journalists from Channel One, the Zvezda TV channel and NTV, as well as their accompanying servicemen and crew. They flew to the New Year's concert for the Russian Aerospace Forces air group in Syria. They all died.

The ensemble is well known not only at home, but all over the world. It was created by the professor of the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR, composer Alexander Alexandrov, his first performance took place in 1928. The artists have repeatedly traveled with concerts to hot spots - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, and recently - to Syria.

These days, people bring flowers and candles to the building in Moscow, where the Aleksandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble is located, in memory of the victims. The flags are at half-mast on the building. The street is cordoned off by the police, an ambulance is on duty.

On board the crashed liner was the head of the ensemble - General Valery Khalilov, a famous composer and conductor. He conducted the combined orchestras of the Ministry of Defense many times during the Victory Day parades on Red Square. He was also the artistic director of the Spasskaya Tower festival of military orchestras, which has become one of the visiting cards not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made a decision today to assign the name of Valery Khalilov to the Military Music School in Moscow.

Concert of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army. A. V. Alexandrova

List of the deceased members of the Alexandrov Ensemble

1. Sonnikov A.V.
2. Guzhova L.A.
3. Ivashko A. N.
4. Brodsky V. A.
5. Bulochnikov E.V.
6. Golikov V.V.
7. Osipov G. L.
8. Sanin V.V.
9. Mayorov K.V.
10. Buryachenko B. B.
11. Babovnikov D.V.
12. Bazdyrev A.K.
13. Belonozhko D. M.
14. Beschastnov D.A.
15. Vasin M. A.
16. Georgiyan O. P.
17. Davidenko K. A.
18. Deniskin S. I.
19. Zhuravlev P.V.
20. Zakirov P. P.
21. Ivanov M. A.
22. Ivanov A. V.
23. S. A. Kotlyar
24. Kochemasov A. S.
25. A. A. Krivtsov
26. Litvyakov D.N.
27. Mokrikov A. O.
28. Morgunov A. A.
29. Nasibulin Zh. A.
30. Novokshanov Yu. M.
31. Polyakov V. V.
32.Savelyev A.V.
33. Sokolovsky A. V.
34. Tarasenko A. N.
35. Trofimov A.S.
36. Uzlovsky A. A.
37. Halimon B. L.
38. A. A. Shtuko
39. Kryuchkov I. A.
40. Ermolin V.I.
41. Bykov S. L.
42. Kolobrodov K. A.
43. Korzanov O. V.
44. Larionov I.F.
45. Lyashenko K. I.
46. ​​Mikhalin V.K.
47. Popov V.A.
48. Razumov A. A.
49. Serov A.S.
50. Shakhov I.V.
51. Archukova A. A.
52. Gilmanova P. P.
53. N. V. Ignatieva
54. Klokotova M. A.
55. Korzanova E. I.
56. Pyryeva L.A.
57. V. I. Satarova
58. Trofimova D.S.
59. Khorosheva L. N.
60. Tsvirinko A. I.
61. Shagun O. Yu.
62. Gurar L. I.
63. Sulimanov B. R.
64. Carpenter I. V.

In the forensic medical examination bureau of the city of Moscow, specialists from the 111th Main State Center for Forensic Medical and Forensic Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Defense have already begun taking genetic samples from the relatives of the victims. This is necessary for the subsequent examination of the remains and identification.

Reference: Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after Alexandrov

The ensemble was created on October 12, 1928 - on this day, the first performance of the group of 12 people took place in the Central House of the Red Army (CDKA).

On December 1, 1928, the ensemble was enrolled in the CDKA staff and was named "The Red Army Song Ensemble of the MV Frunze CDKA".

On November 27, 1935, the collective became known as the "Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR".

Since February 7, 1949 - Twice Red Banner of the Order of the Red Star, the A.V. Alexandrov Soviet Army Song and Dance Ensemble.

In 1978, the ensemble received the highest professional certification - in its 50th anniversary it became an academic ensemble.

All members of the collective have a special musical and choreographic education. The choir is recognized as one of the best male choirs in the world. The activity of the ensemble laid the foundation for the creation and development of collectives of a new type - song and dance ensembles. On his model, many song and dance ensembles of military districts, fleets and groups of troops arose, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The repertoire of the collective includes more than 2000 works. These are folk songs and dances, soldier's dances, songs of domestic authors, sacred music, classical works of Russian and foreign composers, masterpieces of the world stage.

The ensemble gives concerts in military districts, units and subdivisions of the Russian army. Repeatedly the collective went with concerts to hot spots, areas of hostilities - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Tajikistan, the Chechen Republic. The ensemble toured more than 70 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

On November 22, 2016, the musicians of the Aleksandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble performed for the first time on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, dedicating a concert to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow.

Families of the victims will receive insurance payments

All 64 deceased artists were insured. Therefore, all the families of the soloists of the ensemble. Aleksandrova will receive payments in the amount of 1 million rubles, according to the Social Insurance Fund.

The Ministry of Labor also said that the specialists of the Ministry, together with Rostrud and the Pension Fund, are preparing to pay compensation to the relatives of the victims.

Relatives of the victims will also receive payments for aircraft insurance, which will amount to about N2 mln rubles.

Families will also receive material compensation from the regions and payments for voluntary insurance, if the deceased were additionally insured.

The All-Russian Union of Insurers announced that the relatives of the dead military will receive up to 7.8 million rubles, and civilians - 3 million rubles. The Sogaz insurance company, where the passengers of the plane were insured, noted that the family of each deceased serviceman will receive 5.8 million rubles.

The soloist of the ensemble Vadim Ananiev survived due to the birth of a child

Leading soloist of the ensemble. Aleksandrova, People's Artist of Russia Vadim Ananiev did not fly to Syria on this business trip due to the birth of their third child.

"My colleagues and friends flew there - a choir, about 50 people, a group of accordion players and balalaika players. They were supposed to give one concert and return. I don't know what to say yet, I hope for the best. And I myself did not fly for family reasons - at all recently my son was born, the third child in the family, so I stayed at home to help my wife ", - quotes Ananyev" Komsomolskaya Pravda ".

“I went up to the leader of the ensemble and asked to stay. Besides, there was a performance tomorrow, so they decided to leave me and other soloists Valery Gavvu and Boris Dyakov. And the rest of the choir all flew away,” Ananyev said.

According to him, he could have gone to Syria with other artists if there was a series of performances ahead, rather than a small hour-long concert that was planned at a military base.

"The usual program, 15 pieces, is designed for an hour. One concert. If there were several concerts, I would not ask for time off, this is my job. I was in Chechnya, in Yugoslavia. I asked for permission from the artistic director, he understood me. Now I I'm standing in front of you, but I had to fly, "he said in an interview with RT.

On the eve of his arrival in Kirov, Vadim Ananiev gave an exclusive interview

On February 4, the leading soloist of the Aleksandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army will perform at the Vyatka Philharmonic. But this concert might not have happened, get Vadim Ananiev on the plane that crashed near Sochi on the morning of December 25. The singer miraculously survived - thanks to his wife and son, he did not fly with the choir to the performance. The tragedy that shook the whole country left an indelible mark on Vadim's soul, since his colleagues, with many of whom he worked for 30 years, cannot be returned ... plans for the future and introduced him in absentia to his big family.

Vadim Petrovich, what will you perform for the residents of Kirov?
- The concert will feature mainly Soviet and folk songs, romances, as well as Neapolitan songs. I will perform some of the operetta, a little, fragmentary. I have never been to Kirov before, I will come to you for the first time, therefore, if there is time, I think to go for a walk around the city. Unless, of course, it is cold. How is the weather with you?

On February 4, they promise about minus 8 ...
- Fine. Let's hope that it will not drop below minus 10, then we will be able to take a walk. If it gets cold, I'll stay at the hotel.

Will you sing the songs that you perform in the Alexandrov Ensemble?
- Yes, absolutely. At the moment, some songs by the ensemble have not been performed for ten years, but they are in the repertoire. Let's say the song "Oh, you, rye." We have a very extensive repertoire, I perform the songs that I like the most - "On a sunny meadow", "Smuglyanka" and others.

Tell us, how are things in the ensemble now?
- At the moment there is a competition for free places. Mostly people come to audition for the choir. The competition committee consists of 9 people, these are famous people in Moscow, leaders of creative teams. They are auditioning from 11 am to 6 pm every day. I think they should recruit 30 people. It is possible that they will recruit more. I know that 8 ballet dancers have already been recruited, and I think 10 more people will be recruited, and in principle the team will be able to work. But in order to restore the repertoire that the choir sang, to restore the dances that the ballet danced, it will take a lot of time. Now there will be no tours yet. The tour is planned to begin in May - we will fly to the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

I cannot but ask you about the tragedy that took place on December 25. You literally miraculously didn't find yourself on board that plane. Why did you stay at home?
- My son was born not so long ago, and in our family, besides him, there are two more small children. My wife very persistently asked me not to fly on this trip. She was tired with three young children and needed my help. It happens that artists take time off for family reasons. I was allowed to stay with my family - I went to the general, and he freed me from this trip. Some guys also miraculously survived - someone had an expired passport, someone got sick, someone had a sick child. We are all human, and there are times when you need to stay at home. And so, lucky ... But in 30 years I know how many planes I have flown? And to Chechnya, and to Yugoslavia, to hot spots, and everything was fine ... And the guys died here, in Russia ... This is a great grief ...

How did you find out about the tragedy?
- My wife woke me up early in the morning, I was still asleep then. They called from the Alexandrov ensemble and said that the plane had disappeared from the radar ... I was simply killed by this news, for several days after that it was very hard for me to find words. With some guys I worked together for 30 years, we had a very friendly team of soloists, we were families, we went to visit each other, our children talked to each other ... And now the children are left without fathers ... I am very close to this grief to my heart and I share it with the families of the deceased children.

Our fellow countryman and your colleague Aleksey Skachkov, who stayed at home due to illness, said that before the flight he had bad feelings. Did you have something like that?
- Yes, I know Alexei, of course. We studied at one time with the same teacher. You know, before every flight there is some kind of excitement - transport, airplanes. It doesn't matter if it is a military aircraft or a civilian airline, there is still excitement. There were cases when the chassis did not come out, there were problems with the steering. When I was in Italy at the invitation of the Pope, and then flew from Rome to Moscow, kerosene poured from the wing of the plane during takeoff. Of course, the problem was eliminated, everything went well. But you know, things have happened. Probably, pilots do not fly as much as I have flown over these 30 years ... I have dozens of flights a month. Let's say, Moscow-Sakhalin, round trip is already 18 hours. You fly, you fly, but what to do, we have such a life, if you don't fly, you will stay at home ...

You have given concerts for kings, and for presidents, and for the Pope ... Do you have any kind of ritual before going on stage?
- You read the prayer, cross yourself and go. That's the whole ritual. You also need to tune in. Before going on stage, I don't talk to anyone, I prepare mentally, I sing songs inside myself, I remember all the nuances, sometimes even the words - after all, I have to sing in both Chinese and Korean, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak ... There are many tasks, depending on which country you are in.

Abroad you are called "Mister Kalinka". How do you feel about such a nickname?
- It was not invented by me, of course, but by the foreign public. She may not remember your last name, but she will remember the fact that you are performing "Kalinka". Before me there were other Mr. Kalinka - Belyaev, Vinogradov and others. So, this nickname is passed down from generation to generation.

Vadim Petrovich, I propose to talk again about the residents of Kirov. You served in the army with our fellow countryman Oleg, who, in fact, organizes your visit to Kirov ...
- Yes, but we began to contact Oleg not so long ago, and now we call each other on the phone. We have something to remember - we served together in Belarus in the missile forces for two years.

Tell us about your family. You are a father of many children, you have four children ...
- Yes, yes, my wife Elena and I are a large family, and we even have benefits (laughs). Every morning I get up at 7 in the morning and take my son Alexander, he is 5 years old, to kindergarten. And before I go to work, I take my daughter Anna to school. She is now in 4th grade. Do you understand what the situation is? The wife is with the baby, and the baby is asleep. In order for a spouse to take her son to kindergarten, you need to wake up the baby, dress, wrap up, put in a stroller. And then if you still take your daughter to school, then also only with the baby. There are certain difficulties, so I undoubtedly help her in everything. And my children are diversified. The eldest, Vladislav, he is now 27 years old, graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, at the same time he was engaged in dancing. He is one of the famous dancers in Moscow - tectonics, or electro-dance, which came from France. Vladislav has repeatedly won prizes at festivals and is the world champion in this dance. Now this is exactly what he is doing. Our Anya is fond of cross-country skating, I take her to the Ice Palace, and Sasha goes to judo. Well, Yuri is just a baby so far, he recently turned 7 months old (Smiles.)

Do you devote all your free time to your family?
- Yes! I'm a homebody, I love being with kids. My children are very active, they love to move. It is winter now, and we have not far from home, 5 minutes away by car, there are Krylatsky Hills, where you can ride tubing, sledding, and snow-scooter. We often go there. I love being with my family!

Interviewed by Ekaterina Kroshikhina

Vadim Petrovich

Date and place of birth: March 21, 1959, the city of Kuibyshev (now - Samara)
Education: Kazan State Institute of Culture (conductor and choral department), State Music and Pedagogical Institute (now the Russian Academy of Music) named after V.I. Gnesins (vocal faculty)
Career: Yoshkar-Ola Musical Theater (soloist), since 1987 - the Alexandrov Ensemble.
Rank: People's Artist of Russia
A family: married, has four children (three sons and a daughter).

Thank you for arranging the interview with the impresario Tatyana Bazhina

Conductor Valery Khalilov, together with his musicians, was heading to the Khmeimim airbase. "Unfortunately, there is confirmation that the famous conductor Khalilov was on board," he said.

A. V. Aleksandrova Vadim Ananiev: "My son was born, and I stayed, and did not fly with my colleagues." People's Artist of Russia, the leading soloist of the A.V. Alexandrov Army ensemble, there are now 186 artists: a male choir, an orchestra and a dance

And I myself did not fly for family reasons - just recently my son was born, the third child in the family, so I stayed at home 14:01 12/25/2016 KaliningradNews.Ru. Leading soloist of the Alexandrov Ensemble Vadim Ananiev: "My son was born and I

© Komsomolskaya Pravda

Today, on December 25, it became known that a Tu-154 plane disappeared from the radar near Sochi after takeoff from the airport, and then a plane belonging to the Ministry of Defense crashed. On board were the artists of the Alexandrov ensemble.

© Rushan KAYUMOV

People's Artist of Russia, leading soloist of the ensemble. Alexandrova "KP" found at home. Vadim Petrovich only found out that the plane on which his colleagues flew to wish our servicemen in Syria a Happy New Year disappeared from the radar:

The deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Culture, People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon said that he was supposed to fly with the Alexandrov ensemble on the crashed Tu-154. The artist explained that he could not fly because of a medical visa and plans to go for treatment: "On the 14th we had a concert with them in the Hall of Columns, and Valery Khalilov (head of the Alexandrov ensemble - ed.) Asked me fly with them, but I said that I had a medical visa and I had to fly for treatment, especially since I had visited Syria with them and Khalilov once, so I said: next time, sometime.

Leading soloist of the Alexandrov Ensemble Vadim Ananiev: "My son was born and I stayed, and did not fly with my colleagues" - Chelyabinsk. The Tu-154 plane crashed this morning near Sochi after takeoff Vadim Petrovich only learned that the plane on which they flew

Leading soloist of the Alexandrov Ensemble Vadim Ananiev: "My son was born, and I stayed, and did not fly with my colleagues." Today, December 25, it became known that a Tu-154 plane disappeared from the radar near Sochi after takeoff from the airport.

My colleagues and friends flew there - a choir, about 50 people, a group of accordionists and balalaika players. They had to give one concert and return. I don't know what to say yet, I hope for the best. And I myself did not fly for family reasons - just recently my son was born, the third child in the family, so I stayed at home to help my wife.

© Komsomolskaya Pravda


The staff of the twice Red Banner Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov now consists of 186 artists: a male choir, an orchestra and a dance group. The choir of the ensemble has repeatedly been recognized as one of the best choirs in the world. Now it is the largest military art group in Russia. The ensemble was created by the professor of the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR, composer Alexander Alexandrov. The first performance of the band took place in 1928. The collective became the ancestor of a whole direction - song and dance ensembles, which were created in his image.

During the Great Patriotic War, the ensemble performed 1,500 times at the front, and in peacetime the collective constantly went with concerts to "hot spots" - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Tajikistan, the Chechen Republic. "Alexandrovna" were awarded with honorary creative titles, and the ensemble itself has repeatedly received prizes and awards at home and abroad.

Enrollment in the Alexandrov Ensemble will begin after the New Year.
The team will select the best