Chukchi people: culture, traditions and customs. Brutal traditions of Chukchi: why they kill the weak old people and change their spouses

Chukchi people: culture, traditions and customs. Brutal traditions of Chukchi: why they kill the weak old people and change their spouses
Chukchi people: culture, traditions and customs. Brutal traditions of Chukchi: why they kill the weak old people and change their spouses

general information

Chukchi - the indigenous people of the Russian Federation, one of the small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Self-visualization - Lygiravetlian ("Real people"). Spilled self-breaking at the place of residence or nomads: Werethelit - "Welentes", Chaalyt - "Washing on the Chuna River", etc. In terms of lifestyle Chukchi are divided into two large groups: tundra nomadic reindeer breeders (self-chasing - chaood, "deer man") And seaside - sedentary hunters on the marine beast (self-calf - Ankalyn, "coastal"). Among the Western Chukchi, self-confession is common (probably from chasing). The Russian name "Chukchi" also comes from chasing.

They speak Chukchi language, which has several very close dialects, well-preserved enough and today. Writing was established in 1931 on a Latin graphic basis replaced by the Russian alphabet.

According to modern research, Cucci ancestors lived in the inner areas of Chukotka, at least 6 thousand years ago. At the beginning of the first Millennium N. e. In connection with the appearance in the Chukotka tundra of excessive population and changes in climatic and natural conditions, some Chukchi tribes have advanced to the sea coast, to the habitat of Eskimos, partially assimilating them, partially perceiving many traits of their culture. As a result of the interaction of land and sea hunting crops, an economic separation of labor has occurred. In the ethnogenesis of Chukchi, the participation of Yukagira also took.

Territory of settlement and number

In the Russian Federation in 2002, 15767 Chukchi lived, of which 12,622 people (about 70%) live in the Chukotka Autonomous District.

At the beginning of the XVII century, Chukchi lived mainly in the territory of Chukotka, Providensky and Iulinsky districts. Intensive development of reindeer herding in the XVIII century, the need for new pasture crops caused the promotion of Chukchi to the West and South. By the beginning of the 20th century, they occupied the entire modern territory of the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug, part of Chukchi was in Kamchatka, another small group was behind Kr. in Yakutia. Here they live in the present: in Kamchatka - Olyutorskii in the district (with Achay-Vayam, etc...) Of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (1530 people), in Yakutia - in the Lower Kolyma region (1300).

The distribution of Chukchi in the districts of the district in recent decades is evidenced by their weak migration. Changes in numbers are mainly due to the natural increase and changes in the boundaries of districts (Schmidtovsky, Anadyr). Chukchi live in all settlements of the district together with Russian, Eskimos, Evny, Chudans and other peoples. There are no purely Chukchi settlements, but in most villages Chukchi prevail.

Lifestyle and security system

The main traditional occupation of the tundra (deer) Chukchi is nomadic reindeer herding. Most of the year, reindeer herders were carried out in motion. Each group of Chukchi had permanent nomadic routes, its grazing territory. In the forest zone of the swinging, they made 5-6 days, in the tundra - 3-4 times in winter. Universally practiced half-willed grazing deer. In the summer, the herds were on the coast of the ocean, where less mosquitoes and heaps were smaller. About a quarter of deer Chukchi summer was spent in the continental part of Chukotka on the northern slopes of the mountains, where the snow was preserved. With the onset of autumn, all reindeer breeders moved deep into the mainland to the forest border. Chukchi did not know the shepherd dog, and the shepherds are at the flock of the clock. Reindeer herding gave everything necessary for life: food, clothing, dwelling, vehicles.

The basis of the economic activities of the coastal Chukchi was hunting sea mammals, whose products (meat, fat for food and heating, clothes) and provides all the necessities of life, and were the subject of an exchange with the reindeer herders. Sea huntry craft was also engaged in the delicate chukchi during his stadium on the coast. Fish was caught in the case of extreme need in a vacation-free time. A slightly greater thing is a fishing in the pools of large rivers - Anadyr, Chauna, Kolyma. The development of trade relations has stimulated the development of fur fishery, which before that also did not have much importance. In Soviet times, reindeer herding in Chukotka developed successfully. Improving the breeding of animals, a more rational structure of the herd, success in the fight against necrobacteriosis (coolet) and other diseases, animal anti-wear treatment contributed to a significant increase in the livestock and productivity of the industry as a whole. By the beginning of the 90s. On Chukotka, there was one of the largest herds in the world - about 500 thousand reindeer herding was the basis of the economy of state farms, covering the losses of other industries, was the main sphere of labor application of a significant part of Chukchi, ensured their economic wealth.

In terms of market reforms, intensive destruction of the industry has been observed. The population of deer in the district declined more than half. Reforming state farms, the transition to the new forms of the organization of the industry on the basis of private and collective-shared property, not supported by logistical resources, led to coagulation of production. Almost all animals are eliminated, a number of animal farms, on which the Chukchanka women worked.

Ethno-Social Field

Ethno-social situation in many areas of Chukotka is extremely complex. Its main components are a massive unemployment of indigenous population, problems with providing villages with fuel, food, power supply, incidence and mortality of aborigines. On this and a number of other parameters of Chukotka, due to the characteristics of its geographical location and climatic conditions, is in the most distressed position among other regions of the North. The incidence of chukchi tuberculosis and other indigenous peoples of the Chukotka Autonomous District is 10 times higher than the corresponding indicators for the non-indanted population. In 1996, there were 737.1 for the 100 thousand population of patients with active tuberculosis among the indigenous people, including 233 children. The socio-economic situation in Chukotka in some years so aggravated, which required the interference of the federal government and humanitarian assistance from the international community. In September 1996, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On urgent measures to stabilize the socio-economic situation in the Chukotka Autonomous District" was adopted. In recent years, with the arrival of the new governor, the situation has changed in the best straight, but still has to do a lot to overcome the crisis.

Ethno-cultural situation

According to the 2002 census, the Chukchi was considered by a native of 27.6% of Chukchi. Chukchi language is taught in many villages. Since 1992, he has been studied within the secondary school program. In Chukchi language, educational, artistic and socio-political literature is systematically published, leads to the transfer of district radio and television. Since 1953, the newspaper "Sovereecan Chukotka" is published (currently - Mourgin Nuteneut, an application to the District North-Northern District Newspaper). The teachers of the Chukchi language are preparing an Anadyr Pedago, RSUP them. Herzen in St. Petersburg, Magadan Pedaging Institute. In his native language, he says a part of Chukchi youth, which is certainly a positive and stabilizing factor. The main elements of the traditional material and spiritual culture are preserved: means of movement, dwelling (in the tundra in the deerrevodov), holidays, rites and customs, religious performances.

It is widely known in the country and abroad creativity of artists of the professional Chukotka-Eskimo choreographic ensemble "Ergron", Chukotka poetess A. Kymyvenal. Preserved and develops the traditional art of engraving and bone threads. Anadyr created the Chukchi branch of the Northeast Complex Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which includes about 10 scientific members from among Chukchi and other peoples of the North. Various aspects of the traditional culture of Chukchi, their language, folk treatments, problems of transformation of economic relations and ownership forms and other problems are currently relevant to the district district. However, the heavy socio-economic situation in general in the district does not allow the possibility of the full development of all traditional forms of culture and art. People, especially in remote villages and in Tundra, are engaged in survival in these harmful conditions. Today it is important at least carefully maintain surviving foci of culture.

Controls and self-government

Chukchi is one of the few indigenous peoples of the North of the Russian Federation, which formally has its own autonomous education. The Chukotka Autonomous District is currently the subject of the Russian Federation. Creating a district played an important role in the development of the economy and culture of the local indigenous population. However, as the mining industry has been developed, the growth in the number of arrival around the district has increasingly lost the features of national-state education, turning into an ordinary administrative-territorial unit. The only reminder of his former purpose was the position of the chairman of the district executive committee, which was held by the representative of the Chukchi people on the current tradition. In other state authorities, Chukchi were presented purely symbolically. Suffice to say that in the late 80s. In the sphere of state and economic management, only 96 Chukchi worked, for the most part of unambiguous positions. Unfortunately, this trend is preserved today. The functions of the authority of the self-government performs the association of indigenous small peoples of the North of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, established in 1989 in each district of the district, its territorial offices work.

Legal documents and laws

The legislative framework of the Chukotka Autonomous District is to the ratio of small peoples is represented by a number of documents. In the Charter of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (adopted by the Duma in 1997) there are articles in which the policy of state authorities on protection and ensuring the rights of indigenous peoples, the development of education, culture, environmental protection, the organization of local self-government and other important for indigenous population questions. The temporary status was developed "On the procedure for transferring land for farm reindeer farms". The provisional provision was approved "On the procedure for coordinating land plots for the use of subsoil of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug", which takes into account the interests of small peoples. The laws "On Precounting Taxation of Enterprises participating in the development of the social infrastructure of national villages", "On the referendum of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug", "On the procedure and principles of providing tax benefits" are adopted. A number of provisions are reflected in the executive authorities in the executive authorities: "On measures to implement the program for the arrangement of national villages (1996)," On measures to streamline production and the sale of biologically active raw materials "(1996)," On the Chukchi District Scientific Consulting Council on Whaling Fishery "(1997) and others.

Modern environmental problems

The state of the natural environment in the district began to cause serious concern in the late 80s. By this time, as a result of industrial development, the abundance of land, the area of \u200b\u200bOlenyich Pasture compared with 1970 was declined by 5 million hectares. Ubyspeted worsening of the pasture territory, reducing feed stock is also observed. There are 8 specially protected areas of 3 million hectares (4% of the entire territory of the district). Attempts to implement international projects on the territory of the district are being made (Beringia Park, Ekor's project).

Perspectives of saving Chukchi as an ethnic

Chukchi is one of the few northern peoples of Russia, which is not yet threatened with the disappearance with the national map of Russia in a promising future. The degree of preservation of the traditional culture of Chukchi, the level of their ethnic self-consciousness, ethnic solidarity makes positive predictions and look into the future. However, if in the near future the state and regional authorities will not have substantial support for the indigenous ethnicity of Chukotka and will not raise the socio-economic status of the district, then Chukchi, as the most vulnerable part of the population, will be discarded far back in their development and survival. It is also necessary to emphasize that the organizations of Chukchi themselves and their leaders should also play a huge role in the conservation and consolidation of the people.

We are all accustomed to consider representatives of this people naive and peace-loving residents of the Far North. Say, all his history Chukchi grazed the herd of deer in the conditions of permafrost, hunted on the walrus, and as entertainment, they beat the tambourine. The anecdotic image of a simple way, which all the time utters the word "however" is so far from reality that it really shocks. Meanwhile, in the history of Chukchi, there are many unexpected turns, and their life and morals still arouse disputes from ethnographers. What are the representatives of this people so different from other inhabitants of the tundra?

Call themselves real people
Chukchi is the only people whose mythology frankly justifies nationalism. The fact is that their ethnonym originated from the word "chaood", which in the language of the Aboriginal north indicates the owner of a large number of deer (rich). This word heard Russian colonializers from them. But this is not self-softening of the people.

"Looravetlans" - so Chukchi refer to themselves, which is translated as "real people." They always had arrogantly treated neighboring peoples, and they considered themselves special chosen by the gods. Evenkov, Yakutov, Koryakov, Eskimos in their myths Loorvetlan called those who gods created for slave labor.

According to the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population, the total number of Chukchi is only 15 thousand 908 people. And although this people have never been numerous, skillful and formidable warriors in difficult conditions managed to conquer huge territories from the Indigir River in the West to Bering Sea Beringov in the East. Their lands in the area are comparable to the territory of Kazakhstan.

Color the face of blood
Chukchi is divided into two groups. Some are engaged in reindeer herding (nomadic workers), others hunt for the marine beast, for the most part, mining walruses, because they live on the shores of the Northern Ocean. But these are the main classes. The reindeer herders are also engaged in fishery, they produce sands and other tundra's fur animals.

After the successful hunt, Chukchi paint their faces with the blood of the murdered beast, while depressing the sign of his genital totem. Then these people make a ritual sacrifice to the spirits.

Fought with Eskimos
Chukchi have always been skillful warriors. Imagine how many courage is needed to go into the ocean on the boat and attack the walrus? However, not only animals became victims of representatives of this people. They often made robbing hiking on Eskimos, moved to neighboring North America through the Bering Strait on their boats made of wood and walrus skins.

From military trips, skillful warriors brought not only bad good, but also slaves, giving preference to young women.

In 1947, in 1947, Chukchi once again decided to go to the War in Eskimos, then only miraculously managed to avoid international conflict between the USSR and the United States, because representatives of both peoples were officially officially citizens of two superpowers.

Rail Koryakov
Chukchi had a pretty herself for their history not only the Eskimos. So, they often attacked Koryakov, selecting their deer. It is known that from 1725 to 1773 the invaders appropriated about 240 thousand (!) Heads of someone else's cattle. Actually, Chukchi took up the reindeer herding after they robbed neighbors, many of which had to extract themselves with hunting.

Having submitted to the settlement of Koryakov in the night, the invaders pushed them to the spears, seeking immediately to kill all the owners of herd, until they woke up.

Tattoos in honor of the killed enemies
Chukchi covered their bodies with tattoos dedicated to the killed enemies. After the victory, the warrior struck on the back side of the wrist of the right hand so much points as he sent to the next opponents. On the account of some experienced fighters, there were so many defeated enemies that the points merged into the line, walking from the wrist to the elbow.

Preferred death captivity
Chukotka women always wore knives with them. The sharp blades were needed by him not only in everyday life, but also in case of suicide. As the captive people automatically became slaves, Chukchi preferred the death of such a lifetime. Having learned about the victory of the enemy (for example, those who came to revenge the Koryakov), the mother first killed their children, and then themselves. As a rule, they rushed to breasts on knives or spears.

The losing warriors lying on the battlefield asked their opponents about death. Moreover, they made it indifferent tone. The only wish was - not to break.

Won a war with Russia
Chukchi is the only people of the Far North who fought with the Russian Empire and won. The first colonizers of those places were the Cossacks, who led Ataman Semen Dezhnev. In 1652, they built Anadyr Ostrog. For them on the land of the Polar region, other adventurers went. The militant northerners did not want to relax peacefully with the Russians, and even more so - to pay taxes into the imperial treasury.

The war began in 1727 and lasted more than 30 years. Heavy battles in difficult conditions, partisan sabotage, ingenious ambushes, as well as mass suicides of Chukchi women and children - all this forced the Russian troops to flour. In 1763, army parts of the empire were forced to leave Anadyr Ostrog.

Soon the ships of the British and the French appeared off the coast of Chukotka. There was a real danger that these lands will capture the long-standing opponents, loying to agree with the local population without struggle. Empress Catherine II decided to act diplomatic. She provided Chukcham tax benefits, and their rulers literally shook gold. The Russian residents of the Kolyma region were ordered, "... so that they do not annoy the chuck from anything, in fear, otherwise, responsibility for the military court."

Such a peaceful approach turned out to be much more efficient than the military operation. In 1778, Chukchi, the empires undermined by the authorities, adopted Russian citizenship.

Lubricated the arrows poison
Chukchi perfectly owned their bows. They lubricated the tips of arrows by poison, even a slight wound to cite the victim to slowly painful and inevitable death.

The tambourines were tightened by human skin
Chukchi fought under the sounds of the tambourines, covered not with deer (as expected according to custom), and human skin. Such music has hung horror on enemies. This was spoken by Russian soldiers and officers who fought with the Aboriginals of the North. The colonialists explained their defeat in the war to the special cruelty of representatives of this people.

Warriors knew how to fly
Chukchi, during hand-to-hand kickers, flew through the battlefield, landing in the rear of the enemy. How did they jump 20-40 meters and then could they fight? Scientists still do not know the answer to this question. Probably skillful warriors used special devices like trampolines. This technique often allowed victory, because the opponents did not understand how to resist him.

Owned slaves
Chukchi owned slaves up to the 40s of the twentieth century. Women and men from poor families often sold for debts. They performed a dirty and hard work, like captured Eskimos, Koryaki, Evenks, Yakuts.

Exchanged wives
Chukchi joined the so-called group marriages. They included several ordinary monogamous families. Men could exchange wives. Such a form of social relations was an additional guarantee of survival in the difficult conditions of permafrost. If someone from the participants of such a union died on the hunt, then his widow and children were, who would take care.

People of humorists
Chukchi could live, find shelter and food, if you have the ability to mix people. Folk humorists moved from the overhead in the cable, the fun of everyone with their jokes. They were respected and appreciated for talent.

Invented pampers
Chukchi was the first to invented the prototype of modern diapers. They used the moss layer with coil wool as absorbing material. The newborn dressed in the likeness of the overalls, changing the improvised diaper several times a day. Life in the conditions of the harsh north forced people to be inventive.

Changed the floor by order of spirits
Chukoti shamans could change the floor to directed spirits. The man started to wear women's clothing and behave accordingly, sometimes he literally married. But the shaman, on the contrary, adopted the style of the behavior of a strong floor. Such a reincarnation, on the beliefs of Chukchi, sometimes demanded perfumes from their servants.

Old men died voluntarily
Chukchi old men, not wanting to be a burden for their children, often agreed on voluntary death. The famous writer-ethnographer Vladimir Bogoraz (1865-1936) in his book "Chukchi" noted that the cause of such a custom was not at all the poor attitude towards older people, but the difficult living conditions and lack of food.

Often, voluntary death chose severely ill chukchi. As a rule, such people were killed through the suffocation the next relatives.

You, of course, heard jokes about Chukchi. This is not a question - this is a statement. And you probably told such anecdotes to others. Chukchi themselves, having listened to you, could laugh: they adored to make fun on themselves. But, most likely, you would have killed. At the same time, most of the modern weapon would hardly have helped, you will be against such a dangerous enemy.

In fact, it is difficult to find a more warlike and at the same time an inexpensive people than Chukchi. The big injustice that we do not know about this today, at all spare education or Indian traditions are largely so softer and "humane" approaches to educating the future Chukchi warriors.

"Real people"

Loorvetlana - "Real people", so Chukchi are called themselves. Yes, they are chauvinists who consider the rest of second-rate. They joke on themselves, calling themselves the "sweaty nations" and in such a kind (but only among themselves). At the same time, Nyuh Chukchi is not particularly inferior to the scent of dogs, and they are genetically different from us.

Chukchi is a distorted "Chauchi" - reindeer breeders. It was Chase who met the Cossacks in the tundra, without reaching their direct and recognized relatives - Ankalins, Primorsky Louvortlan.


Like the Indians, Chukchi, harsh raising boys began with 5-6 years. Sleeping from this time, except for rare exceptions, only standing, leaning on a canopy of Yarangi. At the same time, the young Chukotka warrior slept sensitively: for this, adults sampled to it and burned it with a hot metal, then the smoldering end of the stick. Little warriors (boys somehow do not turn to call them), as a result, they started to react to any rustle ...

Run accounted for deer sleds, and not ride a sleigh, jump - with stones tied to the legs. The bow was an unchanged attribute: Chukchi is generally vision - not in the example of our, the range finder is practically impossible. That is why Chukchi from World War II was so willingly took into snipers. There was a Chukchi and his own game with a ball (made of deer wool), strongly resembling modern football (only played Looravetlans in this game long before the "base" of football of the British). And they loved to fight here. The struggle was specific: on a slippery walrus skin, an additionally lubricated fat, it was necessary not to just defeat the opponent, but throw it on sharp bones placed around the edges. This, to put it mildly, was dangerous. However, it is precisely this confrontation that adult young people will find out the relationship with their enemies, when almost in each case the loser threatens death from much longer bones.

The path in adulthood lay for the future warrior through the test. Because Dexterity was valued by these people, it was especially, then on the "exam" made a bet on it, but at care. Father sent her son to some task, but it was not the main thing. Father had a breathtaking son imperceptibly, and as soon as he sat down, losing a vigilance or simply turned into a "comfortable target", then the arrow was immediately produced. Chukchi shot, as already mentioned above, phenomenally. So it was not easy to react and get away from the "hotel". You can only pass the exam in one way - survive after it.

Death? And what to be afraid of her?

There are eyewitness recordings that describe the shocking precedents from the life of Chukchi even the beginning of the last century. For example, one of them began to hurt a stomach. By morning, the pain was just intensified, and the warrior asked his comrades to kill him. Those immediately fulfilled the request, even without giving a special meaning of what happened.

Chukchi believed that each of them has 5-6 shower. And for each soul can be its place in paradise - the "Universe of the ancestors". But for this, it was necessary to fulfill some conditions: decent to die in battle, to be killed from the hand of a friend or relative, or to die with his death. The latter is too big luxury for harsh life, where you should not hope for the care of others. Voluntary death for Chukchi is the usual thing, it is enough just to ask for such a "murder of yourself" of relatives. Also arrived at a number of heavy diseases.

The losers fight Chukchi could kill each other, and about the captivity did not think much: "If I became a deer, then what are you slow?" They told the winning enemy, waiting for the finishing and not even thinking to ask for mercy.

War is the honor of honor

Chukchi - inborn saboteurs. Small and ferocious, they were a real horror for everyone who lived in the reach area. A well-known fact is that the detachment of Koryakov - the neighbors of Chukchi, who have joined the Russian Empire, who had fifty people, rushed to the gossip, if Chukchi had at least two dozen. And do not dare to blame the cowards: their women always had a knife with them to kill children and themselves when attacking Chukchi, just to avoid slavery.

With the roots "Real people" fought the same: first there were a bidding, where everyone is incorrect and just a careless gesture could be understood as a signal to the cut. If Chukchi died, their comrades were announced to the offenders of the war: caused those at the meeting in the appointed place, they knew the skin of the walrus, lubricated it with fat ... And, of course, they were driven by many sharp bones around the edges. All as in childhood.

If Chukchi walked into the robbed raids, they simply cut men and captured women. With the prisoners they treated adequately, but pride did not allow the Koryakov to give up alive. Men alive in the hands of Chukchi also did not want to get: men were captured only when they had to be paid out information.


There were two types of torture: if the information was required, the enemy tied his hands behind her back and pinned his nose and mouth with his palm while the person did not lose consciousness. After that, the captive was given in feelings and repeated the procedure. Demoralization was complete, even "Material Wolves" split.

But more often Chukchi simply implemented their hate to the victim. In such cases, the enemy was tied to a spit, and methodically helped over the fire.

Chukchi and Russian Empire

In 1729, Russian Cossacks were sincerely asked to "not repair violence against the non-erbitating peoples of the North." The fact that Chukchi is better not to anger, their neighbors who joined the Russians knew on their skins. However, the Cossacks, apparently, possessed the pride and envy to such glory of "unreleased savages", so the Yakut Cossack head of Athanasius Shestakov and the captain of the Tobolsky Dragun Regiment Dmitry Pavlutsky went to the land of "real people", destroying everything that was found in their path.

Several times the Chukchi leaders and elders were invited to a meeting, where they were simply killed. For the Cossacks, everything seemed simple ... While Chukchi did not understand that they were not playing the rules of honor to whom were used to themselves. A year later, Shestakov and Pavlutsky gave Chukcham outdoor battle, where the last chances were not so much: the arrows and spears against the powder weapons are not the best weapon. True, Shestakov and Himself died. Loorvetlana began a real partisan war, in response to which the Senate in 1742 ordered to destroy Chukchi. The latter was less than 10,000 people with children, women and old men, the task seemed so simple.

Until the middle of the XVIII century, the war was tough, but already Pavlutsky was killed, and his detachments were broken. When Russian officials dealt with, what losses they carry, they were horrified. In addition, the acakes of the Cossacks were dressed: it was worth defeating Chukchi unexpected raid, as the remaining children and women killed each other, avoiding captivity. Chukchi deaths themselves were not afraid, they were not given mercy and could syntify extremely cruel. There was nothing to scare them.

Urgently published a decree, prohibiting generally angry Chukchi and climb "with evil intent": it was decided to introduce responsibility for it. Chukchi soon began to calm down: to capture the Russian empire to several thousand soldiers would be too burdensive, the meaning in which the Loorravethlans themselves did not see. It was the only people who sent Russia in military way, despite his insignificant numbers.

After a couple of decades, the empire returned to the lands of warlike reindeer herders, fearing that the French and the British will lead to those "Dangerous Peace". Chukchi was taken by bribing, persuasion and apparels. The tribute of Chukchi paid "in the amount that choose themselves", i.e. they did not pay at all, and "Help Sovereign" they were taken so actively, which was easy to understand who actually pays tribute to. With the beginning of cooperation in Lexicon Chukchi, a new term appeared - "Chuvanaya Disease", i.e. "Russian disease": syphilis came to the "real people" with civilization.

The French and the British were afraid in vain ...

Europe's trends chukcham were - like a hare stop signal. They traded with many, but the greatest mutual respect in trade showed ... with the Japanese. It is the Japanese Chukchi purchased their metal lats that were exactly like samurai. And the samurai were admired by the courage and the dexterity of Chukchi: the latter are the only warriors, which, according to numerous testimonies of contemporaries and eyewitnesses, were able to not just shy away from arrows, but also to catch their hands with hands, managed to throw (hands!) Back into enemies.

Americans Chukchi respected for honest trading, but a little to drive the latter, too, loved in their pirate raids. Clear and Canadians: A story is known when Chukchi captured on the Canadian coast of black slaves. Specifying that it was still women, not evil spirits, Chukchi took them as a concubine. Chukchi women do not know what jealousy is and therefore perceived such a trophy of her husbands normally. Well, the black women were forbidden to give birth, because They were "defective people," to older holding them in concubines. According to eyewitnesses, the slaves were satisfied with their new fate, and only regretted that they were not stolen before.


Soviet power, deciding to carry the fire of communist ideology and civilization in distant Chukotka Yarangi, did not receive a welcoming reception. Attempting to prescribe on Chukchi by force turned out to be a difficult task: first, all the "red" from the nearby territories refused to fight with Chukchi, and then the coup, who arrived here from afar, began to disappear by squads, groups, camps. Mostly missing were not found. In rare cases, it was possible to find the remains of the colonists of losers. As a result, the "red" decided to go beaten in the king by a bribe. And that Chukchi did not become a symbol of independence, they simply turned into folklore. So they did with Chapaev, making a bet on the anecdotes about "Vasily Ivanovich and Petka", alone the image of an educated and decent, funny and fun. Fear and admiration for Chukchami changed to the image of a kind of savage-bent.

They are the same today ...

What has changed today? By and large - nothing. Christianity seriously undermined the Chukoti foundations, but not so much so that this people become different. Chukchi are warriors.

And let alone laugh at the next joke about Chukchi, and others admire them with a delete - the real warrior is always infinitely higher and those and others. The warrior goes through time, ignoring death and without turning out of his way. Through the centuries and difficulties, they go further - the great warriors of the North, which we know so little.

According to anthropologists, Chukchi was formed as a result of the mixing of American and Asian type. Evolving in the harsh conditions of the North, this people received a quick metabolism, a high level of hemoglobin, as well as enhanced thermal regulation. Chukchi themselves call themselves "Loorasts", which means "real people." The name "Chukchi" happened from the word "chasing", which means "rich deer".

Chukchi consider themselves a special people, which is emphasized in their self-breaking. From their folklore mono to find out that the world created a raven. He taught people to survive in the harsh northern conditions. At the same time, the people of Loools were recognized as the highest. It is worth noting that they put the Russians for one step with them. According to the researchers, thus Chukchi decided to justify the fact that their lands were part of the Russian Empire.

Chukchi consider themselves the highest race and put only Russians to one step // Photo:

According to one of the Chukchi myths, God-Father appointed his younger son of Russian to dominate his senior brothers Yakut and Even. And the other legend says that let the Russians can be called smooth chukcham, originally they were created to invent and trade with them wine, tobacco, iron, sugar and other blessings of civilization.

By the way, the Russians could not win the War with Chukchi. The colonial war, which lasted from 1730 to 1750, ended with the victory of the Northern people. Chukchi were conquered with Catherine of the Great and not military force, but "fiery water", iron, sugar, tobacco and the like.

Life, customs and raising children

Because of the anecdotes that appeared in the USSR about Chukchi, most think that representatives of the Northern people are incredibly naive, straightforward and even foolish. In fact, this is not at all.

Chukchi are forced to conduct a nomadic lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the basis of their economy is deer. As soon as the deer eat all the food, Chukchi is forced to change the parking place. Chukchi live in polygonal tents covered with reindeer skins. In order for the tent did not demolish the wind, it is placed around the perimeter by stones. At the rear wall of the tent, a special structure is being built, where Chukchi eat, sleep and rest.
Representatives of the Northern People from Mala to Great are dressed in deer skins and fur. Newborn children are also placed in a special bag of deer skin with leg and hand slits. It is noteworthy that the invention of the children's diaper researchers attribute precisely Chukcham. Since the mothers were quite difficult to keep their children clean in conditions of low temperatures, they began to pour wood chips into the pelleys, as well as a yagel with antibacterial properties.

the basis of the economy of Chukchi are deer // Photo:

As for children, they are brought up in more than severe conditions. Boys are taught to be brave warriors. Because of this, since the six-year-old age, they are forced to sleep. In addition, the fathers sneak up to the sleeping child with a hot iron in the hands, which are ready to put into the move if the boy does not wake up. So children teach a lightning system to respond to any rustle. The initiation rite passes in Chukchi as follows: a teenager boy is given a building. Usually kill some beast on the hunt. Following his father goes after him. Writing a good moment, the parent shoots in his son. If the boy noticed a surveillance, and managed to dodge, he remains alive.

Deployed warriors

For its history, Chukchi showed themselves by brave warriors. They made raids on the neighboring tribes of Eskimos, Karyakov, Yukagirov and others. The favorite weapon of the northern people is onions. They fought in the armor decorated with wings. When the arrows ended, the Chukchi warriors dropped off their armor, and sometimes heavily furry clothes so that nothing would have sink their movement.

Chukchi enjoy glory brave and strong warriors // Photo:

Chukchi are not afraid of death. They are confident that each of them has several souls, and will definitely be reborn. To die with his death for representatives of the Northern people real luxury. It is noteworthy that paradise is possible for Chukchi only if he falls in battle either die away from the hands of a comrade. When to Chukchu addresses with a request to kill him, he does not hesitate, and it performs completely calmly.

Chukotka women are no less severe than men. If the enemy won, they kill their children, parents, and then commit suicide.

Of course, modern Chukchi is no longer so harsh as in antiquity. According to residents of the northern regions, the Chukchi people are distinguished by extraordinary hardworking, as well as as before it suffers from "firewater". The thing is that the organism of the northern peoples is unable to produce an enzyme, splitting ethyl alcohol. That is why Chukchi becomes avid alcoholics literally after the first hundred grams of vodka or other strong alcoholic beverages.

Chukchi is one of the nations that most appreciates the sense of humor in man. It is almost impossible to meet the sad Chukchi. Even in antiquity it was believed that if the person is sad, then they convinced the evil spirit. For this reason, representatives of the northern people remained only to enjoy life in spite of everything.

Residents of the tundra save guests from frost with a naked wife

What did we hear about Chukchi and in general about the northern nations, except for jokes? Yes, almost nothing! However, there are people who are thoroughly disassembled in the subject. In particular, a peaceful scientist, Professor Sergey Arutyunov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who led the ethnographic field work in Japan, Vietnam, India, in the Caucasus, as well as in the Far North and Siberia, including Chukotka. Although the jokes are also information!

"Chukchi, go to the shower, will catch!" - "It is impossible, however! Mount will be! The first time I washed - the war began. The second time washed - Stalin died. At all
mount! "
They drove all the same Chukchi in the shower. After a couple of minutes, the joyful exclamation: "Hurray! Shirt found! " - "Where?!" - "Under the futika was!"
- Sergey Alexandrovich, why exactly about Chukchi so much jokes?
"For the same reason that jokes about Sikhov are told in India, in the UK - about Scots, and throughout Europe - about Belgians. In human nature, choose some sacrifice for ridicule. Despite the fact that everyone understands - these nations are no worse than others. By the way, Chukchi also has anecdotes about Russians. For example, such. A young Russian comes for the first time in Chukotka. It takes, naturally, with vodka - one bottle drink, the second, third ... Finally, he asks: "How to become in Chukotka?" "You need to sleep with Chukchanka and shake the pair of a bear." Russian, staggering, comes out. Returns to the morning, the whole washed: "Well, with a bear, I slept, now let's chukchanka - I will be my hand!" In general, Chukchi is very hospitable people and are also ready to laugh at themselves.

What was the most shocked in the customs of the northern peoples?
- I am an ethnographer, to all the usual. But funny moments happened. Very memorial one of the visits to the Chukotka family of 50 years ago. We came to Yaranga, the dwelling of Chukchi. It is cold in it, so in the center - also a fur canopy from deer skins ...
- And under it heat?
- Sure! People so heat the space with their breath, which undress to linen. Nomadic chukchi love silk linen. And not a beauty for the sake of, but because it does not come true in it - it is often necessary to wash under such conditions problematic.
So - sit, wait for treats. And then the baby was crying - she wanted to a pot. The hostess removes a warm fur overalls from him, a diaper from the dried Moha and makes it possible to ease into a wooden dish. Then this dish places for the canopy - in the cold space of Yarangi, where dogs. A few seconds - and the dogs all lick it to the brilliance. The hostess returns the dish and completely calmly begins to cut the cold venel on it. Its we and fir, drinking tea. By the way, she did not forget to thoroughly wipe the cup with a towel ... justice to say that now, of course, the situation with hygiene has changed radically.


Chukcha tells Russian:
- Guess how many deer, both I will give!
- Two.
- Wow, shaman!
- In one of the interviews, you said that Chukchi did not recognize mushrooms.
- Yes, they stern them, call the devil's feces. This is primarily due to the fact that mushrooms are a threat to lose deer. Deer all the time experience protein starvation. And the mushroom is the source of this protein itself. So if a mushroom place is falling on the way - everything, the herd no longer gather, it will simply differ. Therefore, as Chukchi approached the mushroom places, they begin to yell, throw sticks, to raise dogs - in a word, to do everything to make her herd to slip by as soon as possible.
- But they still feel respect for one mushroom.
- If you mean agarity, then yes. Chukchi Magnius is distributed as a hallucinogen. And in order not to choose, the youth drinks the urine of old people who use agriculturally, being accustomed to this "treat." Only I urge in no way practicing, the consequences can be fatal!
- And nowadays this happens?
- Another 20 years ago, the youth was actively involved in warhead. That is, now it is people of 40 years old. And I have grades-furious and downtime! As in our time - I do not know. Still, in recent years, a new generation has grown with more urbanized, urban mentality. Almost everyone gets secondary education. Although they will definitely preserve their Chukotka psychology.
- What is it about, this psychology?
- Do not strain. Not with anything. Including sexual relationships.

One for two

Russian asked Chukchi to the debt sand skins for sale. He gave. The second time asked - gave. He sees Chukchi - for the third time it goes Russian. He says: "Wife, tell me that I'm on the hunt, and then again there will be skins!" And himself - under the bed. Russian comes, wife and says: "He's on the hunt!" - "What a pity! And I brought money with interest. Well, let's notify the deal! " They drank, and in bed. And Chukcha lies under the bed and thinks: "I need to pick up money, you need to shoot Russian, you need to beat my wife. And I, as I discharge, on the hunt! "
- How are Chukchi in principle relate to sexual proximity?
- easy enough. Let's say, before it often happened that the man was blunting in the taiga scarce on the nomad. How to save it from supercooling? Naked guest put with a naked wife of the owner at home. And there - as it goes ... By the way, in 1977, in the same way was saved from the faithful death of a swimmer from the USA, which swam from the American Island to the Soviet in the Bering Strait area. It was treated aside, she was very frozen. And Russian doctors, familiar with the life of Chukchi, undressed and climbed into one sleeping bag. Everything cost.

In Folklore, Chukchi often sleep with Russians. How much is the Chukotka woman can be attractive for a white man?
- Among them are many cute, according to our standards. No wonder all the polar researchers had in mistresses or temporary wives of representatives of the Northern Peoples. For example, the legendary American admiral Robert Piri, who at the beginning of the twentieth century first reached the North Pole, had an Eskivo in the "field wives". The archives preserved her photo in naked form, a very spectacular woman. And then to Piri came his legitimate wife Josephine. The ladies met and completely among themselves.
- Well, in principle, how important is the marital loyalty for Chukchi?
- Eskimos in Canada and in Alaska still have a tradition to change their wives, when in the summer they are traveling to hunt. This is usually between friends and very often on the initiative of women. We still have a communist morality in Soviet times, so Chukchi never advertised such behavior. But the collecting women are very proud and freedom-loving. I knew one Chukchi family. His name was Roboton, he was whale and drunk. And his infinite drunkenness is tired of his wife named Ani.
"So," she said. "I am your wife, I will wash the underpants, laying grass in the skin (such fur boots) so that you do not frozen, but as you have no sense from your husband. Therefore, at such time go, and Zavdimag will come to me.
That seems to accept. But when Zavod was at Ani, Roboton came and told him: "Put the way!" Bottle of vodka, in the sense. He gave. He comes the second time: "Let's walk!" And here, furious Ani jumped into them in the corridor. "Who gave you right to buy me for a bottle?!" She shouted to the Zavod. And the husband said so: "I am a free woman and decide with whom to sleep!" With these words, she slaughtered him on the nose with a semicircular knife for cutting meat. And he, pressing the tip of the nose, ran to the paradise. I barely sewed this nose. In general, it is not uncommon that Chukchanok has lovers, and husbands are calm.

Like Jews

Chukchi rich and bought a car. A month later, he is asked: "Well, how?" - "Good, however! Only deer are very tired and the roof is slippery, all the time I fall! "
- Sergey Aleksandrovich, is there a rich chukchi?
- In Soviet times, Chukchi could earn a year of thousand eight on the whaling and song fisheries. And even more! According to Soviet standards - huge money. But there were few such drummers, and they all drank everything. The situation has changed somewhat at Gorbachev. During the struggle with alcoholism, a lot of nonsense was made, but for the Far North, it was a blessing. After all, Chukchi physiology is such that they are drunk from the first glass. Losing the opportunity to drink freely, they were so raised! And household appliances appeared (in those who lived in the villages), and began to ride the resorts.

Familiar Chukchi told: "Was in the Crimea. I liked it, only very hot - plus 13 - 15 degrees! " He also bought Moskvich. True, traveled from his village on fishing only about once a week, and then in the season - kilometers 12. "And in the tundra how?" - I ask him. "We have snowmobiles for this buy, but many still on dogs." - "Why?" - "What if Purga and you will stronger there for a long time? You will leave for 12 dogs, come back on four. Eight will go to the food remaining and sing himself. And no snowmobile eat! "

And with the arrival of capitalism appeared "New Chukchi"?
- There are now non-drinking guys who earn two or three million rubles a year. Mostly fishing. Somehow one familiar Eskimo tried to explain what they differ from Chukchi. "You know, Chukchi is for us for Russian Jews. They compared to us more pronsions, commercially lucky, slyers. However, the "New Chukchi" will never appear. Chukchi is generally not enough, only 14 thousand, most of whom live in Chukotka. But every nephews, cousins, uncle ... "You get so much, and you do not treat us!" - That's what the succeeding Chukchi hears. And - treats, so accepted. As long as money will not end.
- And how many Eskimos?
- There are more than one hundred thousand them, although in Russia there are only 1800. But there are even more small peoples. For example, Utali - there are only 300 people on Sakhalin. Or Enza - only 250 on Taimyr.

You are a big guardian for small nations. What can the state do for the same chukchi? More patronate them? Or, on the contrary, do not interfere?
- Do not interfere, do not climb! I think it would be properly placed in the reservation. And this is not at all infringement. On the contrary! In America, at the entrance to the Indian reservation, the announcement: "Crossing the Red Degree, you agree to obey all solutions of the local tribal council!" If you look at the map of the United States, it, as a rash, is covered with reservation areas. There - their laws. If, of course, God forbid, there is some confusing murder, the investigation will lead the FBI officer. But the local authorities disassemble the whole "Bytovuhu". Of course, everyone is free to choose - to live him with her or elsewhere.
- But why do you need? So that Chukchi save their originality?
- First of all, to gain self-esteem and survived. And then it is quite likely that with drunkenness, which is prone to nine tenths of Chukchi, will finally endure.