What to cook from tomatoes in the oven. Baked tomatoes in the oven: the best recipes with photos

What to cook from tomatoes in the oven.  Baked tomatoes in the oven: the best recipes with photos
What to cook from tomatoes in the oven. Baked tomatoes in the oven: the best recipes with photos

Oven baked tomatoes in Italian - an unusual for us, but a delicious dish. To prepare it, we need creamy tomatoes with dense pulp. If there is no cream, take another variety for canning, the main thing is that the walls are thick and fleshy. For 1 kg of tomatoes, take a few cloves of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of dried oregano, 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, salt.

Wash tomatoes and dry with a towel. Cut in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. You should get a kind of boats from the halves. Salt them and put them in a colander over a bowl to drain the juice.

After 15 minutes, grease a baking sheet with oil and lay the halves on it. Top them with a mixture of oregano and garlic and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. The baking time depends on your oven and is 15-20 minutes. Tomatoes should not burn or dry out. When they are ready, put them on a dish and let them cool. Baked are served as a side dish for meat or fish, and are also used as an independent dish with crackers for white wine.

Stuffed tomatoes baked in the oven known to everyone. This is an excellent appetizer, and there are a lot of recipes for their preparation, because the filling is used the most diverse. Tomatoes can be prepared for stuffing in a variety of ways. The simplest: put the washed tomatoes of medium size with the top up and cut in half, each half in half again, without cutting it completely so that the fruit can be opened like a fan. Now you can put the filling between the slices, after lightly salting them. For instance:

1. Grate hard cheese and mix with garlic squeezed through the garlic. If desired, you can add a little mayonnaise or sour cream to this mixture, then it will not crumble. We spread the tomatoes on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

2. Add finely chopped onion, garlic, black pepper and other spices to taste in minced meat, mix well. If the minced meat is lean and too dry, add a little cream to it. Put the minced meat between the tomato slices and bake.

If you take a deep enough baking dish, you can pour the sauce on top of the tomatoes. For it, chop the tomato cores with a blender and stew in a pan with browned onions and spices.

Tomatoes baked in the oven are prepared differently. Cut off tops of washed tomatoes. Seeds are removed with a teaspoon or knife. The tomatoes are lightly salted on the inside and turned upside down on a dish to remove excess juice. Prepare the filling, fill it with tomato cups and place them on a baking sheet. The top can be covered with a tomato. There are a lot of filling options.

1. Spinach 300g, walnuts 5 pcs., hard cheese 160g, medium-sized tomatoes 1kg, salt, black pepper, garlic to taste, butter for stewing 10-15g. Sauté finely chopped spinach in a pan with butter until soft. Chop nuts with a knife or chop with a rolling pin. Finely chop the garlic. Add the nuts and garlic to the pan and simmer for a couple more minutes. Salt, pepper, chill a little. Add the grated cheese to the warm filling and mix. Stuff prepared tomatoes, cover with tops and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.

2. For 1 kg of tomatoes 1 medium-sized eggplant, 100 g onion, garlic, salt, spices to taste, 2 tbsp sour cream. spoons, hard cheese 100g, mayonnaise. Grease the eggplant with vegetable oil and bake in the oven until soft (must be pierced with a match). When it cools down, peel and chop with a knife. Cut the onion into quarter rings and sauté in vegetable oil, add chopped tomato cores to it and simmer. Mix eggplant, onion fry, add salt, spices, chopped garlic, sour cream. Stuff the tomatoes, squeeze a little mayonnaise on top, sprinkle grated cheese on top and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

3.Tomatoes 3pcs. 3 fresh chicken eggs, salt, ground black pepper, fresh herbs to taste, fat. Peel the seeds from the tomatoes, salt and pepper the inside and carefully pour the egg into the resulting container. Lightly salt on top, put in a greased frying pan and put in a preheated oven. The temperature is about 180 degrees, the baking time is 20-25 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

4. Tomatoes 6 pcs., chicken liver 250 g, 1 onion, cream 2-3 tbsp. spoons, chicken egg 1pc, salt, pepper to taste, vegetable oil. Cut the chicken liver into 3-4 slices each. Saute the onion in vegetable oil, add the liver, salt, pepper and fry over medium heat until tender. Chicken liver is fried quickly. As soon as the blood stops flowing, it is ready. Finely chop the fried liver slices. Beat the egg, add cream, salt, pepper, mix. Fill the liver with this mixture and stuff the prepared tomatoes. Chop the middle of the tomatoes and fry with the remaining finely chopped onion. Put the tomatoes in a mold, pour over the tomato sauce and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Cherry tomatoes baked in the oven

Cherry tomatoes baked in the oven- an excellent side dish for meat, fish or steamed vegetables. wash, dry and cross-cut the tops. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Pour spices into a bowl or mortar: dried oregano, basil, thyme and add a little olive oil, rub thoroughly.

Then pour in vinegar (preferably balsamic) or lemon juice and soy sauce, add honey. We mix everything thoroughly. We stuff the cherry tomatoes with slices of garlic, put them in a baking dish and pour over the made sauce. We put the form in a preheated oven. Roast the tomatoes until softened, about 20 minutes. For 300 g of cherry, take a head of garlic, for the sauce: 2 tbsp honey. spoons, vinegar or lemon juice 1st. spoon, soy sauce 2-3 tbsp. spoons, oil 2 tbsp. spoons, dry spices 0.5 teaspoon. The proportions for the sauce can be changed according to your taste.

I bake such tomatoes every year, but all my hands did not reach the publication of the recipe.
No proportions are needed, because as many tomatoes are taken as fit on a baking sheet.
I have a mini oven, so a mini baking sheet - you can calculate how much it fits on it: (medium-sized "cream" tomatoes):

The fruits should be firm, fleshy, ripe enough, not watery.
Additionally, you will need garlic, herbs, salt, pepper, vinegar and vegetable oil.
It is advisable to use fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil ...), but you can also dry (this time I had dry Provence with the addition of dry red basil).

Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and liquid, turn them cut side down and leave for 15-30 minutes in a tray or on a tray to drain the remaining liquid.
I freeze the selected centers with juice in a tray in the form of a briquette and then use it for sauce or soup
The first stage of baking - preparatory
Put the tomato halves on a baking sheet with a tighter cut (you can with a slight overlap) and hold in the oven until softened, which will then allow them to be baked in one layer. The tighter you lay for baking, the less oil you will need:

Second stage of baking
Drain the released juice, wipe the baking sheet dry and put the tomatoes tightly, but this time upside down:

Sprinkle with herbs, pepper and plentifully Drizzle with oil so that it gets into each half. Salt is not needed yet.
Bake at 160˚ until the tomatoes are wilted (check your oven), basting from time to time with oil from the bottom of the pan.
The third stage of baking - until cooked
Salt, add garlic and continue to bake until cooked, pouring oil. Adjust the temperature to your taste. I like almost smoked tomatoes that have started to burn slightly around the edges, so at the end of baking I increase the oven temperature to 180˚.
In the original recipe (I brought it from Italy), tomatoes are poured with oil almost to the top, but I don’t like such waste, so I do it sparingly.If it seems that there is not enough oil, I add and bake further until such a consistency that I like.
You can see in the top photo that I added the garlic too late! Garlic should not boil into a porridge, but it should not be hard either, so it must be added fifteen minutes before the tomatoes are ready.

Finished hot put the tomatoes in tightly dry a hot sterile jar (I barely had enough for a 450 ml jar).
In the remaining hot oil on the baking sheet, add a little vinegar (I have balsamic), mix well with a spatula and pour the tomatoes in a jar to the very top.
Screw on sterile caps.
Usually there is enough oil, but if there is not enough, it’s not scary - you can cook (calcine) a small portion separately in a small frying pan or saucepan.

Tomatoes in a jar (without a lid) I additionally heat in the microwave, and then add hot oil - just in case. A couple of times I did not do this, but the supply stood perfectly well until the winter and did not deteriorate, so here decide the issue of additional sterilization yourself.

The appetizer is very, very tasty, it has never lived until spring, but sometimes it is possible to save it before the New Year))
I do not advise you to store an open jar for more than a week, even in the refrigerator; There are no preservatives in the composition, there is very little acid - I'm afraid that it will deteriorate.

Baked tomatoes are best eaten with a slice of toasted brown bread.
It is also delicious with pasta (pasta), with mushrooms, with cereals, with legumes, with salads.

In the summer, when you want to cook a light snack without spending a lot of time, you can make tomatoes with cheese in the oven. In the summer season, the dish turns out to be economical, and the taste is not inferior to complex snacks.

Bake a vegetable, cut into circles, or stuff with other ingredients - tomatoes go well with mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini and bell peppers.

You can diversify the taste with the help of herbs and spices, and replace mayonnaise with another sauce - sour cream, pesto or tartar.

An appetizer can be eaten with a side dish, put on bread or served at the festive table as a separate dish.

Choose the type of cheese, relying on its taste and culinary qualities. You can add mozzarella, parmesan, cheese or gouda. Mozzarella will add Italian chic to the dish, and firm varieties will create a crispy crust when baked.

Experiment with ingredients and spices, getting a new snack every time.

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic in the oven

This delicious dish can be prepared in 20 minutes. It will come in handy for any celebration, will please with its cheapness and bright taste. Herbs can be taken both fresh and dry.


  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. hard cheese;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • basil;
  • salt;
  • paprika;
  • oregano;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into circles 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Add some mayonnaise and chopped herbs to the cheese. Salt a little.
  4. Squeeze the garlic into the cheese mass. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Lay the tomato slices on a baking sheet. Spread cheese on top.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.

Baked tomatoes with breaded cheese

Breadcrumbs will make the cheese crispier. Add some oriental flavor to the dish with fragrant spices.


  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. hard cheese;
  • nutmeg;
  • coriander;
  • basil;
  • salt;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalk, cut into circles.
  2. Cut the cheese into square pieces. Try to make slices the size of the diameter of the tomatoes.
  3. Lay tomatoes on a baking sheet. Lubricate them with mayonnaise. Salt a little.
  4. Roll the cheese slices in breadcrumbs and place 1 piece on each circle of tomato.
  5. Sprinkle spices on top.
  6. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 180°C.

Tomato-mushroom casserole with cheese coat

This dish can be prepared in the form of a casserole. Mushrooms are pre-fried in a pan so that they do not soften during baking.


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. champignons;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • garlic cloves;
  • sour cream;
  • black pepper;
  • salt;
  • 1 bulb.


  1. Wash mushrooms, cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Fry mushrooms with onions in a pan.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.
  5. Grate the cheese. Put sour cream, pepper, squeeze garlic to it.
  6. Lay the ingredients in layers in a refractory form: mushrooms with onions, a little salt, then tomatoes. Cover the casserole with cheese.
  7. Send to the oven for 20 minutes. The oven temperature is 180°C.

Baked tomatoes with eggplant

Eggplant goes well with tomatoes, and the cheese layer will give the dish a uniform consistency. Bake tomatoes with cheese in the oven with mayonnaise to make the appetizer more tender.


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 medium eggplants;
  • 200 gr. mozzarella;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • garlic cloves.


  1. Cut eggplant into slices. Soak for 20 minutes in salt water.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise with squeezed garlic and dill.
  3. Finely grate the cheese.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  5. Fry eggplant in oil.
  6. First put the eggplants in a baking dish, generously grease the layer with dill mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese.
  7. Lay the tomatoes, lightly salt. Grease again with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.
  8. Baking temperature 180°C. Cook 20 minutes.

Tomatoes with zucchini

Tomato-zucchini casserole, richly flavored with cheese, can become a favorite summer dish for both adults and children. It is useful and delicious.


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 zucchini;
  • black pepper;
  • sour cream;
  • 150 gr. parmesan;
  • Dill;
  • parsley;
  • salt.


  1. Cut zucchini and tomatoes into slices. Vegetables do not need to be skinned.
  2. Prepare the sauce: chop the herbs, add it to the sour cream, pepper.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Lay zucchini on a baking sheet, salt. Brush with sauce.
  5. Lay out the tomatoes. Brush again with sauce. Sprinkle with cheese.
  6. Send to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Potato casserole with tomatoes

This hearty dish is served as a second. Tomato juice soaks potatoes, making them soft and tender. When baked, the cheese creates a crispy and fragrant crust.


  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 6-7 potatoes;
  • 150 gr. parmesan or gouda;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • garlic cloves;
  • black pepper.


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices.
  2. Place in a deep container, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper, squeeze the garlic. Leave to soak for half an hour.
  3. Finely chop the tomatoes. Grate the cheese.
  4. Lay the potatoes on a baking sheet, cover with a layer of tomatoes.
  5. Sprinkle cheese on top.
  6. Bake for 30 minutes at 190°C.

You can serve this appetizer with fresh herbs. Cooking takes little time, but the dish is very tasty. This is an ideal option for table setting in conditions of maximum time saving. Guests will be satisfied, and your family budget will be intact.

Of course, you can buy sun-dried tomatoes in the store - today you can buy everything. But a modest jar for a relatively high price is not for any scale of a feast, and even for a simple family dinner it is unprofitable. Meanwhile, the appetizer is so good that, once you try it, you will waltz around a small seductive jar and persuade yourself not to stray from the path of "rational" purchases. Don't waltz! Let's make sun-dried tomatoes ourselves, in our own kitchen, to our own taste and style, but without going far from the cooking technology in their homeland.

Depending on the degree of shrinkage, there are dried and baked tomatoes. Baked tomatoes remain more fleshy, their cooking time is 1-2 hours. Dried ones must be kept in the oven strictly for at least 4-7 hours, during which time they will fade very well. Our ovens are, of course, not industrial ovens, as close as possible to the peasant “natural” way of cooking in the fresh warm air, but it’s also good to dry tomatoes at home.


To make Sun Dried Tomatoes, you will need:

  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • pepper
  • dried and fresh herbs
  • garlic
  • olive oil

Cooking time: 4-5 hours / Yield: 360-400 g sun-dried tomatoes


    Wash the tomatoes and cut into halves if they are small or quarters if they are large.

    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the tomato halves close enough to each other, maybe even slightly overlapping. Lay out cut side up.

    Prepare a mixture of salt, pepper and sugar in a separate container. Be sure to use sugar, no matter how sweet the tomatoes seem to you. When they dry out, they become more sour than fresh ones. Take 3 parts of salt and pepper and 5 parts of sugar (for example, 1.5 teaspoons of salt and sugar and 2.5 teaspoons of sugar). The amount of pepper, if desired, can be reduced to 2 parts (1 teaspoon).

    Sprinkle the mixture over the tomatoes, being careful to cover each half (quarter). Sprinkle with dry herbs, place peeled garlic cloves (4-5-6 on a baking sheet) and drizzle lightly with olive oil.

    Place in preheated oven. If you are making baked tomatoes, then set it to 100 degrees and keep it for about 2 hours. For dried, set 120 degrees and keep in the oven for about 4-5 hours. Be sure to use the convection mode, and if not, use a wooden stick, putting it between the door and the oven for ventilation.

    If you are making sun-dried tomatoes for several jars, then wash and dry them by the time the tomato is ready. Also prepare fresh herbs and garlic.

    Pour a little oil into the jar, put chopped garlic and chopped herbs.

    Pour the sun-dried tomatoes with olive oil, filling in the voids. For taste and longer preservation, a tomato can be poured in a little (1-2 tablespoons per 0.5 liter jar) of balsamic vinegar.

    Put the finished jars in the refrigerator, where they can be stored for several weeks, and use as needed.

  • What tomatoes are suitable for drying at home? In Italy, certain varieties are taken for the preparation of sun-dried tomatoes. We will not look for just such, but when choosing, we will take into account that the fruits should be fleshy, and not watery, otherwise only the skin will remain of them. Good in this respect are cream tomatoes, or small round “grape” tomatoes, and, of course, cherry tomatoes.
  • How and when to add spices? This is an important nuance of drying a tomato. You can sprinkle the tomatoes with all the spices immediately during heat treatment, or you can put the spices directly into the jar, where the sun-dried tomatoes will go to pick up flavors.
  • What spices are best? If fresh herbs are included in the recipe, then you should not dry the tomatoes with them - it is better to flavor the oil, and use it already. But with dried herbs, so that they open up better, tomatoes can be safely sent to the oven.
  • What spices do Italians use and how much? Basil, thyme, rosemary are classics. You can also take a full set of Provencal seasonings: thyme, marjoram, basil, rosemary, oregano, savory. Herbs and spices are added to taste, there are no strict recommendations.
  • As for the oil (virgin olive oil, Italians use it, or domestically refined sunflower oil), decide for yourself.
  • Store tomatoes at room temperature or in the refrigerator, depending on the recipe. Keep an open jar in the refrigerator. You can only take tomatoes out of the jar with a dry fork or spoon, otherwise they will become moldy.

Dried tomatoes, recipe for the winter

  • Tomato "cream" 2 kg
  • Refined olive oil 250 g
  • Dried basil 1 tsp
  • Dried rosemary 0.5 tsp
  • Dried thyme 0.5 tsp
  • Allspice 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf 1 pc.
  • Salt sea pinch
  • dried garlic pinch
  • A few black peppers
  • Carnation optional 1pc

Preparation time: 4-5 hours / Yield: 500 ml

  1. Wash ripe and whole tomatoes and cut in half.
  2. Scoop out the core of the tomatoes along with the seeds with a teaspoon.
  3. Arrange the tomato halves cut side down on a foil-lined baking sheet, lightly salting each half first to help them dry better.
  4. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees C. Dry the tomatoes for 2 hours in convection mode. If your oven does not have such a setting, use a wooden stick soaked in cold water to make a gap between the oven and the door. Tomatoes should be ventilated so as not to dry out.
  5. After a couple of hours, change the drying temperature, lowering it to 100 degrees and leave the tomatoes to dry for another 2-3 hours. Drying time depends on the nature of the fruit: more juicy ones will take longer to dry. Therefore, look in and, finding that some halves have dried enough, take them out of the oven. The rest let them come to terms.
  6. Prepare the jar. Wash it and dry it with a towel. Put all the spices on the bottom.
  7. Keep an eye on the oven, ready tomatoes will now need to be removed every 10-20 minutes. Put them in a bank.
  8. When the jar is full, heat the oil, but do not bring to a boil. Fill the tomatoes with hot oil to the middle, lightly hit the jar on the surface of the table so that air comes out from below, then pour the oil to the top, under the very lid. It is important that the oil covers all the tomatoes, leaving none "dry". Screw on the lid, shake the jar a couple of times so that the oil gets on the lid and condensation does not form.
  9. Then cover with a towel and leave under it to cool until morning.
  10. Store sun-dried tomatoes at room temperature, but keep an open jar in the refrigerator.

Dried tomatoes in a vegetable dryer

If you are lucky and have an electric dryer for vegetables in your kitchen, the process of drying tomatoes will be simple, although longer, because it will take from 9 to 17 hours to wait for the tomatoes to dry. The larger, fleshier and juicier pieces of fruit, the more time it takes. The advantage of this method is a uniform and precisely set temperature, which is not achievable in an oven.

Prepare the tomatoes according to the instructions above, it is better if you remove the middle with seeds. Arrange cut side up on trays (otherwise the juice will drip onto the dryer motor). Approximately 1 kg of tomatoes is placed on one pallet, the amount must be calculated based on this. Drying temperature 70 degrees C. Swap pallets from time to time. It's all.

When using the dryer, it's important not to overdry the tomatoes, so just like with the oven, make sure they stay soft and pliable. Juice not coming out? Okay, the tomatoes are ready.

Dried tomatoes in the microwave

The fastest way to dry tomatoes when you urgently need to cook them for inclusion in some kind of dish, for example, in. Such tomatoes are not for long-term storage. Cooking algorithm:

  1. Lay the tomato slices on a flat microwave dish. Turn on maximum power for 5 minutes. Turn off, but do not remove the dish with tomatoes, but let it stand in a closed microwave for 10 minutes.
  2. Take out the dish with tomatoes, drain the juice and put it back in. Dry on full power for another 3 minutes. And keep it in the closed chamber of the device for another 3 minutes.
  3. Next - a sterile jar, spices, oil - all according to the instructions (see above).

Sun-dried tomatoes: what to eat and where to add?

How to use Sun Dried Tomatoes? They are good on their own as an appetizer. Sun-dried tomatoes are a great addition to fish, meat, cheeses. Salads, bruschettas, pasta are made with tomatoes.

Try sun-dried tomatoes and you will definitely find what and where to use them with! Unless, of course, they disappear first. In the most mysterious way.

Oven baked vegetables are always tasty and healthy. I offer several good recipes, ranging from whole baked vegetables to more complex roasted vegetable dishes that can decorate the most sophisticated holiday table. All recipes are quite simple, quick and tasty.

Whole baked vegetables


(4-6 servings)

  • 3-4 eggplant
  • 2-3 salad peppers
  • 2 onions
  • 4 tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  1. There is nothing easier and tastier than whole vegetables baked in the oven. We take any vegetables that we want to bake. It is desirable that the eggplants are small and all about the same size. In this case, everyone will cook at the same time.
  2. Wash the vegetables, no need to remove the tails, then put them on a greased baking sheet. Peel the onion, cut in half.
  3. We put the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. Bake vegetables for 45 minutes at 180°C. Periodically we look into the oven, if necessary, turn over to another barrel.
  4. When the peppers become soft, the eggplants become very wrinkled and also become soft, and the skin on the tomatoes cracks, remove the baked vegetables from the oven. If some of the vegetables are not yet baked enough, return to the oven for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Let the vegetables cool down a bit. Then we take the peppers and eggplant by the tail and remove the peel. If the vegetables are well baked, then the skin is very easily separated from the pulp. Remove the stems after cleaning. We also remove the seeds from the pepper.
  6. The peel is also removed from baked tomatoes without effort, much easier than by scalding.
  7. Put the vegetables baked in the oven on a dish whole or cut into large pieces. Drizzle with olive oil and serve. This dish is perfect for barbecue or grilled meats.
  8. Also, vegetables baked in the oven make delicious eggplant caviar. To do this, finely chop the baked and peeled eggplants, peppers and tomatoes, add finely chopped fresh onions, pour over with olive oil.
  9. Taste for salt and sugar, add a little crushed garlic to spice it up. Serve the eggplant caviar chilled.
  10. Baked vegetables for the holiday table


  • 500 gr. green beans
  • 5 small potatoes
  • 5 small onions
  • 5 tomato
  • 2 eggplant
  • 50 gr. smoked meat
  • 100 gr. hard cheese
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 st. a spoonful of breadcrumbs
  • 0.1 l. cream
  • parsley
  • sunflower or olive oil
  • pepper

Oven baked potatoes

  • For this baked potato recipe, we take small oblong tubers. We clean the potatoes, wash them, and then cut them in half lengthwise so that we get long boats.
  • We salt the potatoes, generously grease with vegetable oil, and then spread them on a baking sheet, which we then put in a hot oven.
  • Bake potatoes over medium heat. Periodically check for readiness. Remove cooked potatoes and let cool slightly.
  • Using a spoon or knife, carefully remove the insides of the halves to make potato boats.
  • We carefully grind the potato mass we have chosen, add finely chopped smoked meat, a little salt and pepper. Pour in a little cream and try. The filling should be tender but not runny.
  • Stuff potatoes and set aside.
  • Oven baked eggplant with cheese

  • For baking, we take two small young eggplants. We cut the washed eggplant into round plates one and a half to two centimeters thick.
  • To remove the bitterness, sprinkle the plates with salt. We wait 10 minutes, and then we wash the eggplants in cold water. Squeeze out excess moisture.
  • We spread the circles on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Spray eggplants with oil from a spray bottle or just drip from a bottle, and then put in a preheated oven.
  • Bake eggplant in the oven for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • Sprinkle almost ready-made eggplants with grated cheese and put them back in the oven for exactly five minutes. Cheese should be melted and lightly browned.
  • Oven baked tomatoes

  • Despite the fact that various salads are mainly prepared from fresh tomatoes, tomatoes are very tasty if they are baked in the oven. I want to share the easiest recipe for baked tomatoes.
  • So, we choose small, ripe, but fairly dense tomatoes. The most convenient round shape.
  • Washed tomatoes cut in half. Lay the halves on a greased baking sheet.
  • Be sure to salt and grease the top with vegetable oil. We put the tomatoes in a hot oven.
  • While the tomatoes are baking, prepare a special filling for them.
  • In a separate bowl, mix 1 clove of chopped garlic, salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley, breadcrumbs. Add a little olive oil and crush with a regular mortar. This is done so that the mixture absorbs the taste of garlic and parsley.
  • When the tomatoes are almost ready, we apply garlic filling to each tomato. Roast the vegetables until the filling is browned.
  • Along with this recipe for baked vegetables, you can also cook baked tomatoes stuffed with meat and rice. Detailed recipe.
  • Oven baked onion

  • I remember in childhood at the mention of onions, and in any of its forms, everyone immediately twisted their faces. But it turns out, unlike the faithful onion or onion in cutlets, oven-baked onions are a real delicacy. Try it and you will fall in love with this simple and delicious dish forever.
  • We take small onions of approximately the same size. It is not necessary to buy non-bitter varieties of onions specifically.
  • We clean the onion, which is then cut into halves
  • Lay the onion on a generously oiled baking sheet. Drizzle generously with oil on top of the onion.
  • Cover a baking sheet with onions with foil and put in a well-heated oven. if the onion is left without foil, then it starts to burn and becomes bitter.
  • Onions, unlike all other vegetables, should be baked at a fairly low temperature of about 160 ° C. In this case, the onion is baked for quite a long time. Depending on the size of the onions, bake for half an hour or more.
  • How to Serve Roasted Vegetables

  • Baked vegetables are a tasty and healthy dish in themselves, but it can be supplemented with string beans, which will soften and shade the taste of vegetables baked in the oven.
  • So, take green string beans, remove the tails and cut into pieces of five centimeters. Boil green beans for 10 minutes in salted water. The beans should be soft but not falling apart. Be sure to drain the water.
  • Berm two or three cloves of garlic, peel, finely chop.
  • Lightly fry the garlic in a small amount of olive or sunflower oil.
  • Put the beans on a large dish, sprinkle with fried garlic on top. With the remaining oil in the pan, which has absorbed the taste and smell of garlic, pour the beans.
  • We take a dish with beans and put all the baked vegetables on it. The order of a role does not play. But what plays a role is the temperature of the oven. All vegetables are baked at 180°C. By the way, it is also not advisable to leave the kitchen for a long time, since different baked vegetables require different cooking times.
  • That's it, our dish is ready! Serve the roasted vegetables hot.