The most famous ghosts The most famous pictures of ghosts (43 photos)

The most famous ghosts  The most famous pictures of ghosts (43 photos)
The most famous ghosts The most famous pictures of ghosts (43 photos)

Belief in ghosts and ghosts is so strong that some of them have truly world fame. Films are dedicated to them. Books are written about them. They are studied in every possible way and constantly republished material in printed publications. Would they be representatives? physical world, they could become millionaires on their own fame, but so far those who use them manage to do it.

All over the world, in every country, there are a lot of houses that have received the nickname "haunted house". And again in this competition convincingly holds the palm old europe. Foggy Albion is especially different from all, where almost every city has such a house. Let's start with England.

The most famous ghosts : Borly Rectory.

The world fame of this house, which is directly called that, began after the famous explorer and ghost hunter G. Price, already mentioned by me above, wrote the book “The Most Restless House in England” about it. Then the whole world learned that there are places where evil spirits are as natural as the noise of leaves in the yard. In any case, this is what Price claimed, who, by the way, was repeatedly accused of juggling and falsifying facts, which in any case is normal for such things.

The parsonage house - Borley Rectory - was built in the town of Borley, which is fifty miles south of London, in 1963 by the priest Henry Bull. Since England is not distinguished by special geographical expanses, it is not surprising that other buildings have stood on the site of the construction of the house for many centuries: the manor house and the Benedictine monastery. Perhaps it was the factor of stratification of times that could play a major role. This was confirmed by the story of a certain nun from the monastery, who was immured alive within its walls and her ghost, allegedly, was observed more than once by local residents. He was also seen by G. Ball, who built the house.

Until 1928, two generations of residents of the house were replaced and they are all in different times noted strange phenomena associated not only with a nun, but also with strange flying fireballs.

When the new owners moved into the house, then all the fun began. There was such a clear and strong activity of inexplicable phenomena in the house (knocks, door movements, creaks, steps, glows, etc.) that the new family of Rev. Smith could not stand it and turned to Harry Price's National Laboratory for Psychical Research, who subsequently spent a lot of time at home, studying it. However, the phenomena did not stop and the family soon left their place of residence and relatives of the priest Balla, who built the house, moved into Borli Rectory. But even those could not live in this house for a long time, since the strange phenomena only worsened and they also moved out. Price then rented the house and, with a team of assistants, began to study it, which later became public knowledge.

Price, allegedly, was able to make contact with the ghost of a nun and recorded many other phenomena. However, the history of the house ended in 1939. When a new tenant lived in the house, an inexplicable fire broke out. Oddly enough, the burned-out house continued to amaze the locals and all of England, when even Price himself was long gone, as unexplained phenomena in the surrounding area continued. They say that you can still see the ghost of a nun in the alley not far from the house. Someone even managed to take a picture of him.

The most famous ghosts : Edinburgh castle.

Built in the 11th century, the castle has become a symbol of the typical concept of haunted castles. Fans of the paranormal claim that it is practically teeming with all sorts of wickedness. Rather, his dungeons are teeming with wickedness.

Where so many ghosts came from, or so many statements that they are there, is unknown. Maybe because the castle was built on an almost 133-meter high rock - the remains of an ancient volcano. Maybe because in the 17th century captured soldiers were kept in it. Maybe because during the terrible plague in the area of ​​the southern bridge of the castle people were buried alive. However, most likely, this cannot be explained by anything. Probably, people themselves get what they want to see or they see what they were inspired to see. One way or another, no tour of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is complete without a tour of the ancient castle. And no inspection of the ancient castle ends with stories and, allegedly, testimonies of tourists about the presence of ghosts in this colorful building.

The hysteria around Edinburgh Castle not only does not fade with time and with the increasing development of civilization, but quite the contrary. This is evidenced by an unprecedented ghost hunt in the history of mankind, which happened in 2001 in this very place. A group led by the famous British psychiatrist and ghost hunter Richard Wisemann and nine other scientists, accompanied by at least two hundred volunteers, explored all the corridors, basements and attics of this structure for several days in search of evidence of a mystical presence in it.

I was personally struck by the fact that professional and recognized scientists dealt with this issue, and not typical ufologists, who, unfortunately, very often do not differ in their objective perception of the world. Although it is not at all surprising that the entire procession was led by no one, but a psychiatrist. This is probably the most suitable specialist for most of these cases.

As befits a serious approach, this pandemonium did not gather in the cult castle just to stare at it and search the darkest corners for ghosts stunned by a huge crowd. Scientists are fully armed with all the necessary equipment capable of recording the most insignificant fluctuations and unnatural changes in the internal environment of the building.

What did you end up capturing? Of course, no one saw the ghosts with their own eyes, but they still managed to document a number of oddities on photos, videos or devices: inexplicable shadows on the walls and ceilings; mysterious silhouettes in the dark; strange green blots on surfaces. And this is not counting those subjective experiences of danger and fear that accompany almost all participants in the experience.

Most Famous Ghosts: London Underground.

Ghosts in England have chosen all possible forests, parks, cemeteries, castles, churches, shops and almost all mansions. It seems that old England attracts not only immigrants from all over the world in search of a better life, but also ghosts who seem to like the local climate. So it turns out that they have already filled all possible habitats and even began to settle in very unusual places. For example, in the subway. Just like beggars.

No kidding, the London Underground is indeed another place where, according to eyewitnesses, there are also a lot of ghosts that frighten the measured English. In 1994, they closed the Aldwych station and began to rent it out for various parties and other recreational activities, which began to visit, as they say, some deceased famous singer, nostalgic for the attention of the public. She is regularly seen by the workers of this former station. Sometimes it is possible to notice traces remaining in those places where she was.

At the site of the current Covent Garden station, there was once a pharmacy, which was often visited by the actor William Terriss, who was killed in 1897. Since the middle of the 20th century, he is very often seen at this metro station. Once, when he appeared in the rest room for subway workers, many witnesses of this fact asked the authorities to transfer them to other areas of work.

The most famous ghost of the London underground is Ann Naylor, murdered in 1758, who regularly visits Farringdon station at night. The belated ones visited the stations and those who rush to work before everyone else very often hear her screams and speech in this place, and therefore she received the nickname Screaming Ann.

The most famous ghosts : White House.

In general, it is not uncommon to observe ghosts and ghosts of big personalities for a long time. past years at their former places of work. Even in the Moscow Kremlin after the death of V.I. Lenin, his ghost was observed many times. The same applies to the ghost of Ivan the Terrible and a number of other famous rulers. The situation is no better with the official residence of Japanese prime ministers. The fact is that this building has always enjoyed a bad reputation and bloody incidents took place in it. It would be funny, but it adds problems directly to prime ministers who are forced to work in such an atmosphere. Some of them, such as Yoshiro Mori, directly stated that the residence was haunted.

But the most bizarre cases occurred in the Republic of Malawi, where the president had to call priests of all possible denominations to expel the spirit from his residence, and in Israel, where a security camera in the Knesset once discovered a strange luminous object.

Particularly in terms of visions of ghosts, the White House in the US capital Washington became famous, where presidential administrations and the presidents themselves have long met. The spirit of President Abraham Lincoln is especially disturbing in the chambers of the people's deputies, who, as it happened, slips in the chronicles of the anomalous not for the first time. The first person to see Lincoln's spirit was the wife of President Calvin Coolidge, who saw him directly in the Oval Office, where he was most often seen. Then one of Roosevelt's secretaries saw him. The stubborn ghost did not even pass by such a high person as the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, who spent the night in the White House during the time of the same Roosevelt.

According to rumors, allegedly, there are a lot of other famous and not so ghosts in the White House. For example, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson saw the ghost of the wife of one of the former heads of state in the garden in front of the building. And vice-president Henry Wilson was seen several times in the basements of the building. Among other celebrities whose spirits were seen at one time or another in the White House, one can note two former speakers of the House of Representatives D. Cannon and C. Clark, who regularly visit the current inhabitants of this building, although it is, of course, simply impossible to verify this, since despite the total video control, no evidence of these phenomenal phenomena has ever been presented to the public.

It would be possible to attribute all unusual phenomena in the White House to journalists looking for good fees, but among the witnesses of unusual phenomena in the most important residence of the world were such personalities as Bill Clinton's wife Hilary, who, by her own admission, was shivering from the noise of invisible steps of people. Unlike other presidents' wives, Hilary deserves more credibility, if only because of her personal extremely successful political career.

The most famous ghosts : Golshany.

The history of a small town in Belarus could be observed on the air "Inexplicable, but a fact", where many witnesses and workers gave interviews historical museum located in a 17th century Franciscan monastery. Briefly, the story is that from the very moment the buildings were built, strange phenomena were observed in them. Until now, museum workers are sometimes witnesses of ghosts and inexplicable phenomena. More than one research group came to Golshany, and some of them also managed to see these phenomena.

Those who believe in the presence of a real ghost in this place are completely sure that it belongs to a young girl who was immured alive in the walls of the monastery during its construction. The fact is that during the unsuccessful construction, the so-called building sacrifice. This brutal custom building houses was widespread in the old days. It is believed that in many historical palaces and fortresses there are grooves in the walls with the same immured children or girls.

Would this simple story an ordinary tale, but one day with providence repair work the builders found in the wall the same construction victim, which only once again proved that not everything was in order with the monastery.

The most famous ghosts : White Ladies.

It just so happened that completely different ghosts in different countries people randomly started giving the same names. This is not surprising, because for every castle you can’t get enough of a new name for a ghost, but there are ghosts, judging by the stories of eyewitnesses, in every ancient castle. So several ghosts were born in the wide world at once, called the White Ladies. The most famous of them are three: Belarusian, Czech and Estonian. And in each case, the White Ladies are the most famous in their countries.

The Belarusian White Lady is the same construction victim in Golshany, which is described above. It is impossible to envy her fate, but the Czech namesake, who during her lifetime was called Perkhta from famous surname Rozhmberkov. Fatal for her was the moment of the marriage, to which her hard father forced her, and which she did not want at all, as if she felt unkind. And so it turned out. Her husband was extremely cruel and Perkhta lived with him for more than twenty years in unbearable conditions. Immediately after her death, a strange white female ghost began to be noticed in absolutely all the castles of the Rozhmberk family, of which there are as many as five. Until now, the White Lady is regularly spotted in these castles and has become the most famous Czech ghost.

No less sad is the story of the Estonian White Lady. According to legend, during the Middle Ages, a monk of the Dome Cathedral at the Bishop's Castle fell in love with a local peasant woman. However, her parents wanted to pass her off as a rich man and she was forced to disguise herself as a boy and hide in the cathedral as a chorister until better times. However, the couple soon saw through. The monk was left to die in the dungeon, and the girl was walled up alive in the wall.

How much the legend corresponds to reality is difficult to say. However, the ghost of the girl can still be observed in the city of Haapsalu, as local residents and ghost hunters assure. Moreover, this is the very rare case when anyone can become an eyewitness. To do this, you only need to be in this city in the first days of August each year and watch the local Bishop's Castle, or rather, the remains of it. As even the official authorities of the city, represented by the mayor himself, who probably hopes to attract tourists in this way, assure, the White Lady can be observed in these places even during the day, but it is even better on a full moon with a clear sky.

Interestingly, people at the ruins of the castle gather not only to stare at the ghost, but also because it has become a symbol of strong and happy love. It is for this reason that during the August days in the city of Haapsalu there are many more couples in love than typical ghost hunters.

The most famous ghosts : Black hunchback in Ostankino.

No one remembers exactly when for the first time on the territory of the modern Ostankino district and the Ostankino Museum-Estate, built at the end of the 18th century, a very strange old woman began to appear, who was nicknamed the ghost of the Black Hunchback. At first, it was simply seen by individual peasants. Then she warned about the bad consequences of local builders who dug up some kind of wasteland for production purposes. At the same time, every time somehow out of nowhere appeared and disappeared. Everything would be fine if one day, as rumors say in everyone, she did not dream of Emperor Paul himself when he was in these places and did not warn him of impending troubles (he was killed in March 1801).

So to this day, the Black Hunchback appears from time to time in the area of ​​​​the television center, and its inhabitants have long established the custom of taking this mystical character seriously. At any corporate television party, it is customary to leave a glass of vodka and a bar of chocolate for your grandmother, as if appeasing her in case of emergencies. They believe in her existence not only from conversations and legends, but also because there is a lot of evidence that she regularly appears in the television center. Especially this often happens at critical moments for him.

Many associate the mysticism of the Ostankino places with historical data, that earlier there were someone's remains on them, from which the name of the area came from. However, this is excluded, since the original name was Ostashkovo.

The most famous ghosts : Mikhailovsky Castle.

Possibly the most famous in the territory modern Russia haunt of the ghost. Yes, what a ghost. According to testimonies and legends based on real facts, the ghost of Emperor Paul himself roams in the Mikhailovsky Castle. It should be noted that it is not always possible to see it there. They say that only once a year - on his birthday on September 20, 1754. On this day, allegedly, you can see him walking around the building, looking out the windows and opening the doors.

Why should Paul the First appear exactly on his birthday in this particular place? There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the castle built by the architects Bazhenov and Brenn was originally the intention of the Emperor himself. Pavel himself participated in the direct architectural design of the building. Subsequently, the Mikhailovsky Castle became not only a favorite dwelling place for the royal person, but also his kind of fortress, in which he could feel safe. As you know, contemporaries did not really like Pavel for his views, let's say, not entirely patriotic. In other words, the love invested in the building, according to psychics, could not remain without a trace, and even after his death could have power. It seems like, even in the next world, in the other world, he regularly recalls his favorite place in all of Russia (he also had a lot of favorite places abroad).

Secondly, it was in the Mikhailovsky Castle that the violent death of Paul the First overtook, why his spirit can also still be tied to a place, as ghost hunters believe. It is curious, but by a strange coincidence, before the appearance of the castle, in its place was the Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna, in which future emperor came into being. It turns out that his life path began and ended in the same place. Is it not an argument in favor of his presence in this place so far?

Undoubtedly, very controversial issue that in this ancient building there is at least some otherworldly power. However, its history makes us connect to the imagination all possible stereotypes about ghosts and everything connected with it, and perhaps that is why people consider the Mikhailovsky Castle a haunted place.

For a long time, stories about paranormal phenomena have excited the minds of many people, regardless of whether they believed in ghosts or not. Some of these legends presented in our article are the most mysterious and terrible.

Bell family witch

One of the most common legends about supernatural phenomena is the story of the Bell family, who lived in the US state of Tennessee. Their troubles began from the moment when the head of the family saw an unusual creature in his field - a dog with a rabbit's head.

For four years in a row, the spirit, who called herself the witch Kate Betts, drove the unfortunate family crazy with various sounds and physical attacks. Bell's youngest daughter Betsy, as well as father John, had a particularly hard time.

At the same time, the ghost practically did not touch Lucy, the mistress of the house. Perhaps this is due to the fact that under her bed was found strange book titled How to Set a Witch or Spirit on Your Family.

After 4 years, the witch left the unfortunate family alone. But until now, Bell Witch Cave remains very popular with tourists at this place. Rumor has it that Kate's ghost still lives there.

Graveyard Ghost Mary

The city of Chicago is world famous for its paranormal phenomena. One of the most famous is the ghost of the girl Mary, who suddenly appears on the roads of the city.

For the first time a ghost was seen in the 30s of the last century. The driver, driving along one of the streets, noticed a strange pale girl in a long white dress. He offered to give her a lift and she agreed. The girl was silent all the time, and then quietly asked to stop near the cemetery. When she got out of the car, she simply vanished into thin air.

According to the most popular version, Mary during her lifetime was an ordinary girl who returned home along Archer Road with dance school. However, she was hit by a car on the way, and the driver ran away without helping her. Since then, her ghost has been haunting this street.

The Gray Man from Polis Island

In the small town of Polis Island, they believe that something supernatural lives near them. The legend about this ghost is the strangest for the reason that the Gray Man not only does not harm or kill people, but also helps them in trouble.

Most often, a faceless ghost appears before the onset of a hurricane or storm. The people who saw him safely endured all the weather disasters.

There is a version according to which the Gray Man during his lifetime was a young traveler who, a moment before his death, met his love. Since then, he has been looking for her on the shore, while helping others.

Poltergeist in Cottage City

Based on the legends about the events that took place in the small town of Cottage City, William Blatty wrote his bestseller The Exorcist. The novel tells the story of a young girl possessed by a demon. In fact, in Cottage City, paranormal activity occurred with a 13-year-old boy, known under the pseudonym Roland Doe.

After the young man played with the Ouija board, strange things began to happen in the house - beds shook, furniture fell, and completely incomprehensible loud sounds were often made.

The obsessed boy was transported to a St. Louis hospital, where several priests performed an exorcism, during which inexplicable things also happened. As a result, the boy was healed and was able to return home, and this case became not only the basis for the book, but also for a large number of films about the expulsion of demons from the human body.

Ghost of Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States, who became legendary figure even during his lifetime, did not cease to amaze people even after his death. After his assassination in 1865, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln began to appear in different places most often in the White House.

Over the past century and a half, this ghost has managed to scare many high-ranking guests, including the Queen of the Netherlands and Eleanor Roosevelt. But the most interesting story happened to Winston Churchill. When the British prime minister came out of the bathroom and saw the ghost of Lincoln in his bedroom, he turned to him with the words: "I'm sorry, Mr. President, but you put me in an awkward situation." After this phrase, the ghost immediately vanished into thin air.

Ghost of Amityville

One of the most bloody stories associated with the paranormal is connected with the small town of Amityville. In 1974, a terrible tragedy occurred here when Ronald Defeo shot his entire family with a shotgun in the middle of the night. As he claimed in court, he was ordered to do this by some Indian leader.

A year after the murder, the Lutz family moved into this house. However, soon after the move, strange things began to happen again. Voices began to sound in the house, from time to time unpleasant odors and cold spots, the crucifix on the wall was spinning, something began to attack family members. The Lutzes left the house in a hurry, leaving almost all their belongings there.

Despite the fact that all this is considered fiction, including the infrared photograph of the “demonic boy” taken by charlatan photographer Ed Warren, the legend of the Amityville poltergeist is still considered one of the most popular in America. A film about these events, made in 1979, was so successful that there has since been a a large number of its remakes and sequels.

The ghosts of the Lemp mansion

After moving from Germany, William Lemp became the beer king in St. Louis, thanks to his Falstaff brand and various technological innovations, such as the use of refrigerators to store and transport finished products. But in history, this businessman is remembered for filling his house with terrible ghosts.

Between 1904 and 1949, four members of the Lemp family shot themselves. After that, their ghosts were left to roam the rooms of the family mansion.

In addition to suicides, there are ghosts of Lemps who died of natural causes. Among them is a boy with Down syndrome, who was always hidden from prying eyes in the attic.

Today, the Lemp mansion has been turned into a hotel that is known for its adventurous night tours.

Greenbriar Ghost

This paranormal activity is unique in that the ghost of Elva Zona Hister was the only spirit whose testimony was taken into account in court when sentencing her killer.

It all happened in Greenbrier County at the end of the 19th century. In 1886, a girl named Elva Heister married Edward Shue, who turned out to be a pervert who killed her a year later. Initially, the doctor did not see signs of violent death, so the maniac escaped punishment.

The only person who did not believe in Elva's version of natural death was her mother, who did not trust Edward. In addition, for four nights, the ghost of her daughter appeared to her in a dream and told that it was Shu who broke her neck. As proof of this, the Zone rotated its head 180 degrees.

The mother demanded an autopsy on Elva's body, which showed that her neck had indeed been broken. The murderer's lawyer tried to make a mockery of the prosecutor at the trial, accusing him of relying on the testimony of a ghost. However, Edward Shue was still convicted and sent to prison. Since then, the ghost of Elva of the Hister Zone has not visited her mother again.

Ghost of Charles Rosna

In 1848, sisters Margaret and Kate Fox became famous for their synchronized finger tapping. As the girls claimed, the devil himself dictates the rhythm to them. They later claimed to have passed on information from Charles Rosna, a merchant who was killed and buried in their basement.

Developing a system of communication with the spirit, the Fox sisters very soon became famous throughout the country and acquired fans. Among them was even the famous Arthur Conan Doyle. Thanks to Margaret and Kate, spiritualism appeared and became very popular in America as a way of communicating with the dead.

Madonna of Baschelors Grove Cemetery

If one or more ghosts are seen in most places with paranormal phenomena, then there are a lot of them in this place. On the territory of the cemetery, they often see multi-colored glows, the ghost of a farmer and his horse, a disappearing black dog. At one time, a two-headed ghost and even a phantom car were met here.

The most famous local ghost is the so-called Madonna, or the White Lady. This is the ghost of a girl dressed in a white robe. She often walks around the cemetery with a small child in her arms, and sometimes she was seen sitting on a tombstone.

Everyone knows the phrase “home sweet home”, but for some families coming home is not the most pleasant end of the day, because there is nothing sweet in a haunted house. The house should be a place where you can relax, sleep, enjoy communication with the whole family, but all these pleasures are not feasible if several ghosts live under the same roof with you and cannot calm down.

Manifestations of ghosts can be strange voices, mysterious shadows, tapping on the walls and loud footsteps. However, in some cases, ghosts behave much more clearly and hostilely - they not only touch living people, but also lower the owners of the house down the stairs!

Sometimes no one knows why the ghost is attached to a particular place, but most often it is due to some kind of terrible tragedy, which causes the appearance of an inconsolable or even furious spirit. There are countless complaints about ghosts taking over someone's home around the world, and in this list, you will learn about 10 such cases.

10. Beau-Sejour Palace

Beau Sejour Palace is a 19th century Lisbon mansion and is renowned as one of the most mystical places throughout Portugal. Probably, the ghost of its old owner, Baron of Gloria, who lived here two centuries ago, settled in this house. The ghost has been seen more than once both in the gardens around the house and wandering along the corridors of the residence.

Workers and visitors to the mansion have repeatedly reported that many strange things happen in this place, including inexplicable disappearances or movements of objects, slamming windows in calm weather, and the sound of non-existent bells. Today, a municipal organization dedicated to the study of the historical heritage of Lisbon is in charge of a separate office, and its employees still complain that their books and boxes are inexplicably constantly moving somewhere.

9 Raynham Hall

Located in the English county of Norfolk, Raynham Hall occupies about 7,000 acres of land and is famous throughout the district for the ghost of a certain Brown Lady who lives in it. Locals believe that the spirit belonged to Lady Dorothy, who lived here in the 18th century. This ghost was called the Brown Lady because, according to eyewitnesses, the spirit always appears in a brown dress.

One of the most convincing and famous photographs of this ghost was taken back in the 1930s, and it shows a mysterious female figure stands on the stairs inside the house. According to rumors, Dorothy's husband treated her very badly and constantly kept her locked up. This is probably why her spirit still cannot leave this place ... The photographers who captured the famous shot worked for Country Life magazine, and during these shootings they were just on assignment from the editors.

8. Vicarage in Borgvattnet (Borgvattnet)

The modest Swedish village of Borgvattnet would be an unremarkable place if one of the local houses had not got its own ghost. The building was built in 1876, but the local chaplain first complained about the ghost in 1927. According to the priest, once he went up to the attic for clean linen when he found that his things had been scattered by someone.

Since then, more than once there have been reports of ghosts that settled in the parish house. For example, here people saw a lady in a gray robe, heard strange sounds and watched moving objects. One day a guest at home saw with her own eyes three unknown women staring at her in the middle. One of the chaplains who lived in this house claimed that some kind of ghost constantly shook him out of his chair.

7. Whaley House

Whaley's house is located in San Diego, California (San Diego, California, USA), and annually this place is visited by over 125,000 tourists admiring the historic district. Thomas Whaley bought this property in 1855. According to rumors, a certain Yankee Jim Robinson was hanged here in 1852. After this incident, many strange events began to occur in the house. People heard the knock of the gavel, which judges usually used during meetings, music and laughter somewhere in the walls of the house, someone saw a silhouette, as if looking out of an upper window, tiny footprints, and they also talked about the mysterious baby crying. Once, the ghost of a little girl was even seen in the dining room. Thomas Whaley's daughter, Violet, committed suicide, and many people acknowledge that her presence is still felt on the second floor of the mansion. Even the ghosts of Thomas and his wife Anna appeared in the house, as if looking after their beloved estate from the height of the upper steps. main staircase.

6 Winchester Mystery House

Sarah Winchester was the heir to a considerable family fortune, earned in the production of famous rifles and shotguns. Having at her disposal family capital, she bought in San Jose, California (San Jose, California, USA), a simple cottage with 8 rooms, which occupied only a few acres of land. The house soon became almost unrecognizable as the widow repeatedly hired new carpenters to build additional additions to the house. Continuous construction was carried out for almost 36 years - until the death of the hostess in 1922. It is said that Sarah updated her cottage so often because it seemed to her that the souls of all the people killed with the legendary Winchester brand guns haunted her.

The huge house now has flights of stairs leading literally to nowhere, intricate corridors resemble real labyrinths, and some doors hide solid walls behind them instead of rooms. People often hear mystical voices and footsteps here, especially on the third floor of the house. In the basement, many saw men in white overalls pushing a wheelbarrow to a coal chute. Strange images and spheres were noticed even in photographs and videos taken in this house.

5. Monte Cristo

Known to most as the most mystical house in all of Australia, Monte Cristo is a Victorian mansion built back in 1876 by Christopher William Crawley. A lot of troubles happened in this house ... More than a hundred years ago, I fell completely down the stairs here Small child, then a young groom burned alive, and one of the maids fell out of the balcony, and the watchman's son was kept in chains for 40 years until his body was found next to the remains of his mother. In addition, one of the caretakers was killed on the estate. People who lived in the house later admitted that the presence of the previous owners, Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley, was very palpable even after many years. Someone even once felt someone’s hand on his shoulder… The ghosts addressed the residents by name, and the new owners constantly seemed to be watching them, and someone’s steps were periodically heard on the empty balcony. A few photographs even managed to capture the mysterious silhouettes.

4. Rectory in Borley

In the English county of Essex (Essex) in the village of Borley is located old house, considered by many to be the most mystical haunted building in the entire country. The cottage was built in 1862 on land where an old monastery once stood. After news about the ghost of a nun appeared in the local newspaper in 1929, parapsychologist Harry Price was invited here to conduct his investigation and check whether something supernatural was really happening there. According to rumors, the nun's ghost wandered the garden, and she always walked with her head bowed sadly. Other testimonies mentioned the appearance of a strange glow, the sound of footsteps, whispers, the noise of a ghostly carriage, the silhouette of a man without a head, a girl in white clothes and the main architect of the house - Henry Bull (Henry Bull). In 1939, the house was almost completely destroyed by a strong fire, and in 1944 it was completely demolished. However, even despite the fact that the creepy building is no longer in its place, visitors to this place still complain about paranormal phenomena. Most often, people talk about the fact that someone threw stones at them.

3 Amityville Horror House

The script for The Amityville Horror (2005) was based on real events that took place in a real house in the town of Amityville, New York. It was in this house that a massacre took place in 1974 - a 23-year-old guy killed his entire family (father, mother and 4 brothers and sisters) right in his sleep. A few months later, the Lutz family moved into this house, which involuntarily encountered many terrible phenomena.

According to the family members, they often smelled other people's perfume and felt unusual cold in different parts of the house. Every night, without saying a word, they woke up at 3:15, and it was at this time that the family of the previous owners was killed. To make matters worse, objects began to fly in it, the crucifix on the wall turned upside down, green slime seeped through the walls, and the inhabitants more than once saw shining demonic eyes in the darkness. No wonder this house has been listed as one of the creepiest haunted houses in all of America.

2 Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtle's Plantation House is considered one of the most mystical otherworldly retreats in all of America. The plantation is located in the town of Saint Francisville, Louisiana (St. Francisville, Louisiana), and the house itself was built in 1796 by General Dave Bradford, also known by the nickname Whiskey Dave, because at one time he was an active participant in the Whiskey Rebellion (1791-1794).

It is said that at least 12 different ghosts live on the plantation, and many visitors have seen ghosts there that look like slaves from before civil war. Often, one girl appeared among them, who especially looked like a slave, and she was even given a name - Chloe (Chloe). Visitors to the house even managed to take a photo, in which Chloe is supposed to be standing between two buildings belonging to this plantation. Another famous photo was taken right in the fields, and in it you can see a girl in an apron, who looks out of the window of the house directly into the camera. Nobody recognized her, and as a result she received the nickname Ghost Girl (Ghost Girl).

1. Old Guest Court Ram Inn (Ram Inn)

Ram Inn is famous throughout England as the most mysterious hotel, which is inhabited by about 20 ghosts! The building was built back in 1145, and it is located in the town of Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire. According to the legend, the house was built on the land of a pagan cemetery, where once upon a time small children were sacrificed. In addition, a witch was supposedly burned here, and the daughter of an old innkeeper once hung herself in the attic.

Today, this house still functions as a guest house, but Ram Inn's guests often pack their suitcases in the middle of the night and drive out complaining of terrible visions. Some former guests claim that furniture even flew around their room, objects independently moved and rotated around their own axis, people were pressed to the beds, and someone saw the ghost of a little girl walking along the corridors of the hotel. Other guests heard children crying and screaming and saw in the bedroom tall woman like a pagan priestess.

Incredible Facts

King Hamlet

Although ghosts appear in several of Shakespeare's plays (such as Macbeth and Julius Caesar), King Hamlet is the most popular ghost and plays leading role in Hamlet.

Hamlet could possibly be central character in a play of the same name, but without the ghost of his father, the play would have lost all its beauty.

King Hamlet appears three times throughout the play, all the time at night (apparently ghosts, like vampires, prefer the dark).

The ghost tells Hamlet that he was killed by his treacherous brother Claudius and asks Hamlet to avenge his death.

"Flying Dutchman"

The most famous non-human ghost in the world, the Flying Dutchman is a 17th century trading and fishing vessel that cruised the high seas.

According to maritime legends, a ship often appears as a misty image or a strange light and is an omen of misfortune and doom.

The ship and her crew remained eternally damned after her Dutch captain refused to dock in safe harbor during a storm, despite numerous requests from the crew and passengers. Instead, the impudent Dutchman blamed God for everything and continued on his way.

"Ghost ship" is said to appear in the ocean from time to time, including off the coast. South Africa in 1923. Although never seen on land, the ship appeared on screen in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.

Bell's ghost

The events that allegedly took place on John Bell's Tennessee farm between 1817 and 1821 are one of the classic American ghost stories. Bell shot at a strange animal that appeared on his farm, but the creature managed to disappear before the bullet hit him.

A few weeks later, Bell's family was tormented by a ghost who made scary noises, shook the house, and physically attacked Bell's daughter Betsy. Spectral attacks continued for several years, and one day Andrew Jackson, who was known as a ghost hunter, did his own investigation.

Although some authors take the story of Bell's ghost at face value, there is nonetheless no evidence other than the stories told. Jackson, for example, never again mentioned this story after the investigation, perhaps the role of the future president was also attributed not by chance, but in order to add more credibility to the fictional story.


While Bloody Mary spends her time waiting to scare the kids in a dark bathroom, Casper, whose name sounds like "friendly ghost", is a white, smiling ghost who doesn't scare people.

In the comic book series, Casper was often joined by friends such as the good little witch Wendy and the imp.

Although some find that the ghost of a dead child surrounded by a witch and the devil is a little creepy picture, their characters were created very kind and understandable for children, and such words as "good", "friendly", etc. were regularly added to them.

Casper was revived shortly after the release of the film of the same name in 1995, which was a modest success, but which nevertheless managed to avoid the horrific graveyard scenes.

Bloody Mary

"Bloody Mary ... Bloody Mary ..." - with these words, many schoolchildren began their acquaintance with ghosts.

According to legend, Bloody Mary is a woman who killed her child. If you want to see her, you should go to the bathroom (usually at school), turn off the light, stand in front of the mirror and repeat her name three times.

Although countless children and a few adults have attempted to summon the spirit of Bloody Mary using the method described above, to date, few are said to have succeeded.

An updated version of the legend of Bloody Mary received the world after the release of the horror film series Candyman.

Ghost of Drury Lane

There are many theaters in the Covent Garden area in London's West End. Plays have been staged here for over 300 years, and some of the greatest actors come from these theaters.

However, there is one theater that is more famous for its ghost than staged plays.

In fact, there are said to be more than one ghost living there, including several actors.

The most famous, however, is the "man in grey", a nobleman who is often seen with a sword.

road ghost

Many have encountered the ghost of this girl, and all the stories sounded almost the same. Here's how a couple described the ghost as they drove down a deserted, snow-covered road in Minnesota on a cold night.

AT certain moment they noticed a barefoot girl in a dress and a green scarf on the road. Of course, they stopped to help her, after which she got into the back seat. She did not say much, only pointed to the house in which she lives.

A few minutes later, when the couple drove up to the indicated house, the girl was not in the car, however, the couple nevertheless got out and knocked on the door of the house.

A gloomy, gray-haired woman opened the door to them, and they told her what had happened. The woman replied that it was possible, since 20 years ago her daughter had died that very night. Near the door, on an old wooden hanger, hung her daughter's green handkerchief.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

AT famous novel Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in Prose, the heartless miser Ebenezer Scrooge began to look at life differently after he was visited by ghosts that represented the eras of his life (past, present and future).

Ghosts are often associated with life lessons and tales of morality, and these spirits are no exception.

The ghosts didn't waste time rattling chains or scaring the kids, instead, the ghost of last Christmas "rehabilitates" Scrooge by showing him how he spent Christmas all the past years. At this moment, Scrooge came to understand the true meaning of Christmas not as a commercialized holiday, but as a holiday of friendship and goodwill.

Merchant killed

One day in the early 1840s in Hydesville, New York, a young merchant arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bell to sell them crockery.

He was invited to the house by the couple's housekeeper and actually stayed there for several days. Then the maid was suddenly fired, although she had taken up her duties only a week ago.

The merchant left, but many of the goods he offered appeared in the couple's kitchen. The maid thought very little of this until the ghost of that merchant began to visit her and tell her that he had been killed in her absence.

This story was told by two sisters named Maggie and Katie Fox, who claimed to have communicated with a ghost, however, years later, they admitted that it was all a hoax, that there was no murdered merchant and communication with his ghost.

However, the sisters "inadvertently" founded a religion called "spiritualism", the followers of which exist to this day. The murdered merchant is the only fictional ghost that gave birth to a real religion.


The grotesque green ghost Slimer appeared on the screens in cartoons and films about ghost hunters. It's green, it's ugly, there's always a lot of slime around it...

In fact, Slimer proved so popular with kids that he landed the lead role on The Real Ghostbusters.

An evil ghost who joined the Ghostbusters team, his insatiable appetite and guttural belching made Slimer one of the most memorable cartoon and movie ghosts.

In the Middle Ages in Russia, there was a terrible tradition. Living people were immured into the walls of the fortress so that their ghosts would protect it from the enemy. It is not surprising that in Russia, as well as throughout the world, the ruins of ancient castles and mansions are literally teeming with ghosts. Let's talk about the most famous of them in different cities of our country.

Kolomna: queen - crow

To the south of Moscow lies one of the most beautiful Russian cities - Kolomna. Its fortifications once were not inferior to the walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin. Unfortunately up to today only a few towers have survived, one of which is associated with a terrible legend about the ghost of Mary Mniszek living in it. During the Polish-Lithuanian intervention, this European adventurer managed to be the wife of two False Dmitrievs, the mistress of Ataman Zarutsky, and even officially crowned the throne of Moscow. But, when the militia of Minin and Pozharsky approached Moscow, Maria Mnishek fled to Kolomna, where she had repeatedly stopped with her numerous yard. In the city, the Cossacks accompanying her committed a terrible robbery. Jewels on carts were taken to the forest and buried, and Maria Mnishek herself, with Ataman Zarutsky and her young son Ivan, fled to the Urals. She was caught. The lover and his son were executed, and the inconsolable Mnishek, according to legend, was imprisoned in the tower of the Kolomna Kremlin, which later received her name among the people. In captivity, the failed queen, who was also a sorceress, periodically turned into a crow and flew away to "walk" at will. One day, the guards were horrified to find in a locked cell only Mnishek's clothes without herself. The dress of the failed queen immediately flew into the fire, and the window was closed. When the crow, having returned, could not turn back into a man, it turned into a ghost, which is still the locals in moonlit nights seen on the territory of the Kolomna Kremlin.

Moscow: the sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower

In Moscow, the most famous ghost, listed as the most famous ghost in the world, is the ghost of Jacob Bruce. In Russia, he appeared during the time of Peter I. According to legend, it was this man, descended from the royal family of Scotland, who founded the first Masonic lodge in Russia, popularized science and brought many military victories to the country. However, Muscovites remember him as the owner of the famous Sukharev tower, in which, according to legend, he conducted alchemical experiments, read a black book written by Lucifer himself, and at night rode over the city on a fire-breathing dragon. Of course, it is difficult to believe in these legends from the standpoint of a resident of the twenty-first century. Nevertheless, a lot of written evidence has been preserved in Moscow, in which Bruce's contemporaries claimed that after his official death they saw the warlock alive. As if at night, a light was lit in one of the windows of his tower, and in the flame of a candle, the silhouette of an old man hunched over a book was clearly visible. In the morning the rooms where the lights were on at night were invariably locked and empty. And today, despite the fact that the tower was demolished a long time ago, in its place, sometimes passers-by see the transparent figure of an elderly man dressed in the fashion of the eighteenth century.

St. Petersburg: The Bronze Horseman Comes to Life at Midnight

There are numerous ghosts in St. Petersburg. The townspeople associate the appearance of the most famous of them with the "Bronze Horseman", a monument to the founder of the city, Peter I. It is well known that during his lifetime Russian emperor he was distinguished by a stormy temper, not disdaining to break off his cane on the heads of careless courtiers. It is believed that on a dark night, the ghost of Peter I appears near the Bronze Horseman, a meeting with which does not bode well. In the police protocols of the 19th century, one could find many descriptions of unsolved crimes, when corpses with a broken head were found near the monument. At the same time, the inhabitants of the city, believing a popular legend, blamed the ghost of the emperor for everything, catching random passers-by at night.

Perm: house with kikimora

In Perm, the ghost of the Agricultural Academy is well known, which is still used to frighten students. Once on the site of the main building educational institution was the mansion of the nobleman Elisha Chadin. He was an extremely stingy person and, as a building material for his new home, did not disdain to use lattices and tombstones from an abandoned cemetery. Of these, a stove was laid in the mansion. Subsequently, during the name day of the owner of the house, a large festive cake was baked in the oven. But when the servants solemnly carried it into the living room and pulled off the cover, a human skull and bones appeared on the dish. The guests, of course, fled, and the owner of the house, out of fear, took and died. Since then, at night, on the site of the house, which the locals dubbed the “House with Kikimora”, his ghost roams. The story was continued during the fire of 1842. Then 300 houses burned down in the city, and Chadin's mansion survived. It was rumored that a kikimora was seen in its windows, which drove away the flames.

Yaroslavl: damned commissar

The most famous legend about a ghost in the ancient Volga city of Yaroslavl connects its appearance with the years of the Civil War. According to legend, during the uprising of the Whites in 1918, white officers surrounded by red hid in the building of the Volkov Theater. In order not to be exposed, they dressed up in the uniform of German prisoners of war held in auditorium. The commissar who commanded a detachment to search for fugitives learned about this. He stated that if the officers surrendered, they would be left with their lives. The White Guards surrendered. In vain. They were immediately shot right on the square in front of the theater not far from the Znamenskaya Tower. Dying, they cursed the commissar who had deceived them, whose ghost has since appeared at night in the arch of the Znamenskaya Tower and frightened passers-by.