Events during WWII 1941 1945. "I realized that it was the Germans who opened fire on our territory."

Events during WWII 1941 1945.
Events during WWII 1941 1945. "I realized that it was the Germans who opened fire on our territory."

The first major defeat of the Wehrmacht was the defeat of the Nazi troops in the Moscow battle (1941-1942), during which the Nazi "blitzkrieg" was finally thwarted, the myth of the Wehrmacht's invincibility was dispelled.

On December 7, 1941, with an attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan unleashed a war against the United States. On December 8, the United States, Great Britain and a number of other states declared war on Japan. On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The entry into the war of the United States and Japan influenced the balance of forces and increased the scale of the armed struggle.

In North Africa, in November 1941 and in January-June 1942, hostilities were fought with varying degrees of success, then there was a lull until the fall of 1942. In the Atlantic, German submarines continued to inflict heavy damage on the Allied fleets (by the fall of 1942, the tonnage of sunk ships, mainly in the Atlantic, amounted to over 14 million tons). In the Pacific Ocean, at the beginning of 1942, Japan occupied Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Burma, inflicted a major defeat on the British fleet in the Gulf of Thailand, the Anglo-American-Dutch fleet in the Java operation, and established dominance at sea. The US Navy and Air Force, significantly strengthened by the summer of 1942, defeated the Japanese fleet in the naval battles in the Coral Sea (May 7-8) and Midway Island (June).

Third period of the war (November 19, 1942 - December 31, 1943) began with a counteroffensive by Soviet troops, which ended in the defeat of the 330,000-strong German group during the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943), which marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War and had a great influence on the further course of the entire Second World War. The mass expulsion of the enemy from the territory of the USSR began. The Battle of Kursk (1943) and access to the Dnieper completed a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War. The battle for the Dnieper (1943) overturned the enemy's calculations to wage a protracted war.

At the end of October 1942, when the Wehrmacht was fighting fierce battles on the Soviet-German front, the Anglo-American troops intensified military operations in North Africa, conducting the El Alamein operation (1942) and the North African landing operation (1942). In the spring of 1943, they carried out the Tunisian operation. In July-August 1943, the Anglo-American troops, using a favorable situation (the main forces of the German troops took part in the Battle of Kursk), landed on the island of Sicily and captured it.

On July 25, 1943, the fascist regime in Italy collapsed; on September 3, she concluded an armistice with the Allies. Italy's withdrawal from the war marked the beginning of the collapse of the fascist bloc. On October 13, Italy declared war on Germany. German fascist troops occupied its territory. In September, the Allies landed in Italy, but could not break the defenses of the German troops and in December they suspended active operations. In the Pacific Ocean and Asia, Japan sought to retain the territories captured in 1941-1942, without weakening the groupings near the borders of the USSR. The Allies, having launched an offensive in the Pacific in the fall of 1942, captured the island of Guadalcanal (February 1943), landed in New Guinea, and liberated the Aleutian Islands.

The fourth period of the war (January 1, 1944 - May 9, 1945) began with a new offensive by the Red Army. As a result of the crushing blows of the Soviet troops, the German fascist invaders were expelled from the borders of the Soviet Union. In the course of the subsequent offensive, the USSR Armed Forces carried out a liberation mission against the countries of Europe, played, with the support of their peoples, a decisive role in the liberation of Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria and other states. Anglo-American forces landed on June 6, 1944 in Normandy, opening a second front, and launched an offensive in Germany. In February, the Crimean (Yalta) Conference (1945) of the leaders of the USSR, the USA, and Great Britain took place, which considered the questions of the post-war world order and the participation of the USSR in the war with Japan.

In the winter of 1944-1945, on the Western Front, Nazi troops defeated the Allied forces during the Ardennes operation. To alleviate the position of the Allies in the Ardennes, at their request, the Red Army launched its winter offensive ahead of schedule. Having restored the situation by the end of January, the allied forces during the Meuse-Rhine operation (1945) crossed the Rhine River, and in April conducted the Ruhr operation (1945), which ended with the encirclement and capture of a large enemy grouping. In the course of the North Italian operation (1945), the allied forces, slowly advancing north, with the help of the Italian partisans, at the beginning of May 1945 completely captured Italy. In the Pacific theater of operations, the allies carried out operations to defeat the Japanese fleet, liberated a number of islands occupied by Japan, approached Japan directly and cut off its communications with the countries of Southeast Asia.

In April-May 1945, the Soviet Armed Forces defeated in the Berlin operation (1945) and the Prague operation (1945) the last groupings of the German fascist troops and met with the Allied troops. The war in Europe is over. On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally. May 9, 1945 became the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany.

At the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference (1945), the USSR confirmed its agreement to enter the war with Japan. For political purposes, the United States carried out the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. On August 8, the USSR declared war on Japan and on August 9 began hostilities. During the Soviet-Japanese War (1945), the Soviet troops defeated the Japanese Kwantung Army, eliminated the hotbed of aggression in the Far East, liberated Northeast China, North Korea, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, thereby accelerating the end of World War II. On September 2, Japan surrendered. The Second World War is over.

The Second World War was the largest military confrontation in the history of mankind. It lasted 6 years, 110 million people were in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Over 55 million people died in World War II. The greatest casualties were suffered by the Soviet Union, which lost 27 million people. The damage from direct destruction and destruction of material assets on the territory of the USSR amounted to almost 41% of all countries participating in the war.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Without exaggeration, the Great Patriotic War can be called the largest event of the 20th century, which made a real explosion in the history of our country and left an indelible mark on the history of the whole world.

Today in the literature one can find conflicting opinions about the outbreak of hostilities. Some researchers argue that Hitler's attack came as a complete surprise to the Soviet Union, which was one of the reasons for the heavy defeats in the first months of the war. Others are inclined to believe that Stalin nevertheless knew about the prospect of a German attack and was sure that the 1939 Non-Aggression Pact would not be respected.

On June 22, 1941, the peaceful early morning was interrupted by explosions and gunfire that thundered with terrible clarity in the silence of the dawn. The German army crossed the borders of the USSR, immediately setting foot on the territory stretching from the Black to the Baltic seas.

During 1941-1942. the situation continued to remain extremely dangerous for the Soviet Union: the troops of Nazi Germany occupied the Baltic states, blockaded Leningrad, and seized Ukraine. The capital was under threat: the Germans were rushing to Moscow.

In 1942, in many places, through inhuman efforts and at the cost of huge losses of soldiers, the army of the Soviet Union launched a counteroffensive, but they quickly collapsed: terrible defeats followed in the Crimea and near Kharkov.

November 19, 1942 was a turning point in the course of the war. On this day, the Battle of Stalingrad began, which lasted until February 2, 1943. Result: the Nazis were defeated and began to retreat. July 5-12, 1943: Battle of Kursk, which ended with the victory of the Soviet troops and the defeat of the Nazis. During the battles of 1943, our troops liberated Oryol, Kharkov, Kiev.

From November 28 to December 1, 1943, a conference was held in Tehran, at which a decision was made to open a second front. From that moment on, we could count on the help of the allied forces (the main members of the anti-Hitler coalition, in addition to the USSR, were the USA, England, and China).

1944 is already a year of victories for the USSR. From December 1944 to April 1945, the lands of the right-bank Ukraine were liberated; by March 1, 1944 - the blockade from Leningrad was lifted; in May 1944 Sevastopol was recaptured.

On July 18, 1944, the Soviet army invades Poland. Now the war is being waged outside the USSR, from whose lands the invader was expelled. In January 1945, the Nazis capitulate near Warsaw. From 4 to 11 February, the Yalta conference was held, discussing the already post-war world order.

On May 2, 1945, an event took place that for many meant the end of the war: the fall of Berlin and the surrender of Germany. The Soviet flag flew over the Reichstag. Prague was liberated on May 9.

Today they talk and write a lot about the war. The events of those years provoke fierce controversy. Whatever it was, one thing is certain: our people got the hardest test, which they could withstand with honor. Low bow to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers: if not for them, none of us would simply not exist!

Brief information about the Great Patriotic War (WWII).

The Great Patriotic War is one of the most terrible and difficult pages in our history. Even Soviet historians decided to divide the period of hostilities into three main stages - the time of defense, the time of the offensive and the time of the liberation of the lands from the invaders and the victory over Germany. The victory in the Patriotic War was of great importance not only for the Soviet Union, the defeat and destruction of fascism influenced the further political and economic development of the whole world. And the prerequisites for a great victory were laid even at the initial time periods of the Great Patriotic War.

Main steps

The stages of the war


First step

The attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union - the beginning of the counteroffensive at Stalingrad

Strategic defense of the Red Army

Second phase

Battle of Stalingrad - liberation of Kiev

The turning point in the course of the war; transition from defense to offensive

Third stage

Opening of the second front - Victory Day over Nazi Germany

Expulsion of invaders from Soviet lands, liberation of Europe, defeat and surrender of Germany

Each of the three main designated periods of the Great Patriotic War had its own characteristics, its pluses and minuses, its mistakes and important victories. So, the first stage is the time of defense, the time of heavy defeats, which, however, made it possible to consider the weaknesses of the Red (then still) Army and eliminate them. The second stage is characterized as the time of the beginning of offensive operations, a turning point in the course of hostilities. Realizing the mistakes made and gathering all the forces, the Soviet troops were able to go on the offensive. The third stage is the period of the offensive, victorious movement of the Soviet Army, the time of the liberation of the occupied lands and the final expulsion of the fascist invaders from the territory of the Soviet Union. The march of the army continued across Europe up to the borders of Germany. And by May 9, 1945, the fascist troops were finally defeated, and the German government was forced to surrender. Victory Day is the most important date in modern history.

a brief description of


The initial stage of hostilities, characterized as a time of defense and retreat, a time of heavy defeats and lost battles. "Everything for the front, everything for victory" - this slogan proclaimed by Stalin became the main program of action for the coming years.

A turning point in the war, characterized by the transfer of initiative from the hands of the aggressor, Germany, to the USSR. The offensive of the Soviet army on all fronts, many successful military operations. A significant increase in production aimed at military needs. Active assistance from allies.

The final period of the war, characterized by the liberation of Soviet lands and the expulsion of the invaders. With the opening of the Second Front, Europe was completely liberated. The end of World War II and the surrender of Germany.

However, it should be noted that with the end of the Patriotic War, the Second World War has not yet ended. Here historians single out another stage, already related to the Second World War, and not the Patriotic War, enclosed in the time frame from May 10, 1945 to September 2, 1945. This period is characterized by the victory over Japan and the defeat of the remaining troops allied with Nazi Germany.

At 4 o'clock in the morning on June 22, 1941, the troops of Nazi Germany (5.5 million people) crossed the borders of the Soviet Union, German planes (5 thousand) began to bomb Soviet cities, military units and airfields. By this time, World War II had been going on in Europe for almost two years. At the first stage of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1942), the Red Army suffered one defeat after another, retreating further and further into the interior of the country. About two million Soviet soldiers were captured or killed. The reasons for the defeats were the army's unpreparedness for war, serious miscalculations of the top leadership, the crimes of the Stalinist regime, and the suddenness of the attack. But even in these difficult months, Soviet soldiers fought heroically against the enemy. The defenders of the Brest Fortress held out for a whole month after the front line had moved far to the east.

At the end of 1941, the enemy stood several tens of kilometers from Moscow, and Leningrad was completely surrounded. But the German plan to end the war in the fall was thwarted.

As a result of the counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow in December 1941, the Germans were driven back. Leningrad, which was in the blockade, courageously held on - despite the fact that in the most terrible blockade winter of 1941-42. from hunger and cold, hundreds of thousands of peaceful Leningraders died.

In the summer of 1942, the German forces launched an offensive against Stalingrad. For several months, select units of the Wehrmacht stormed the city. Stalingrad was turned into ruins, but the Soviet soldiers who fought for every house survived and went on the offensive. In the winter of 1942-1943, 22 German divisions were surrounded. A turning point has come in the war.

In the summer of 1943, the largest tank battle of the Second World War took place near Kursk, in which the Nazis lost about 350 tanks and 3.5 thousand killed. Under the blows of the Red Army, German units began to retreat to the borders of the Soviet Union.

A partisan war broke out in the German rear. Echelons flew downhill, detachments of punishers and traitor policemen were destroyed. The Nazis responded to the actions of the partisans with terror against the civilian population, but the outcome of the war was already a foregone conclusion.

By the summer of 1944, the Red Army liberated the territory of the Soviet Union and began to liberate the European states captured by the Nazis. Simultaneously with the Soviet Union, the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition - Britain, the United States and France - waged a war against the Germans. In the summer of 1944, the long-awaited second front was opened, which eased the position of the Red Army.

In the spring of 1945, Soviet and allied troops entered Germany. The final Berlin operation began, in which the Soviet troops were commanded by Marshal G.K. Zhukov.

The country paid a huge price for its victory: about 27 million people died, millions were crippled and disabled, a third of the national treasure was destroyed. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is one of the brightest pages in the history of our country.

From 1939 to 1945, the world was engulfed in fierce military battles called World War II. Within its framework, a particularly serious confrontation between Germany and the USSR is distinguished, which received a separate name. Our article tells briefly about the Great Patriotic War.

Prerequisites for the beginning

At the beginning of World War II, the USSR adhered to a neutral position, using Germany's actions in its own interests: the weakening of England, France and Germany itself. In addition, on 23.08.1939, the Soviet Union agreed to sign a Non-Aggression Pact with the Germans. Germany accepted all the conditions of the Russians, supplementing the agreement with a secret protocol on the redistribution of Eastern Europe.

The leaderships of the countries understood that this agreement did not guarantee, but reduced the risk of hostilities between them. Hitler hoped in this way to keep the USSR from concluding an alliance with Great Britain, France and premature entry into the war. Although he himself had planned in advance the seizure of the Union after the victory in Europe.

Stalin, on the other hand, was dissatisfied with the removal of the USSR from resolving issues of world politics and the British delaying the conclusion of an alliance, and the treaty with Germany made it possible to annex the Baltic states and Bessarabia to Russia almost without hindrance.

04/02/2009 The European Parliament, by a majority vote, approved 23 August as the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism, equating all acts of aggression by both regimes to war crimes.

In October 1940 Germany, having learned that Britain was counting on Russia's help in the war, invited the USSR to join the Axis countries. Stalin put forward a condition to Hitler, according to which Finland, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria would have to leave the USSR. Germany was categorically against this and stopped negotiations with the Union.

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In November, Hitler approved the previously developed plan of attack for the USSR and found other allies (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania).

Although the USSR as a whole was preparing for war, Germany, violating the treaty, attacked suddenly, without an official announcement (it took place after the beginning). It is the day of the attack on 06/22/1941 that is considered the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 1945.

Rice. 1. German invasion of the USSR.

Periods of war

Having developed the Barbarossa plan (offensive operation), Germany hoped to capture Russia during 1941, but despite the poor readiness of the Soviet troops and their defeat in the initial period of the Second World War, Hitler received not a speedy victory, but a protracted war. Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Hungary took the side of Germany.

The entire course of hostilities is conventionally divided into the following stages:

  • First (June 1941-November 1942): the beginning of armed clashes along the Soviet border; German breakthroughs that defeated Soviet troops in three defensive operations; resumption of war with Finland, which reclaimed its lands. The defeat of the German troops in the Moscow direction. Leningrad blockade;
  • Second (radical change, November 1942-December 1943): victory of Soviet troops in the southern direction (Stalingrad offensive operation); the liberation of the North Caucasus, the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade. The defeat of the Germans in large-scale battles near Kursk and on the banks of the Dnieper;
  • Third (Jan 1944-May 1945): liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine; lifting of the Leningrad blockade; the reconquest of Crimea, the rest of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, the Arctic, the northern part of Norway. The Soviet army is pushing the Germans outside their borders. The offensive on Berlin, during which Soviet troops on 04/25/1945 met the American ones on the Elbe. 05/02/1945 taken Berlin.

Rice. 2. Battle of Kursk.


The main results of the armed confrontation between the USSR and Germany:

  • The end of the war in favor of the USSR: 05/09/1945 Germany announced its surrender;
  • Liberation of the captured European countries, overthrow of the Nazi regime;
  • The USSR expanded its territory, strengthened its army, political and economic influence, becoming one of the world leaders;
  • Negative result: huge loss of life, serious destruction.