Dead souls read briefly by chapters. What was the second volume of "dead souls" and why Gogol his burned

Dead souls read briefly by chapters. What was the second volume of
Dead souls read briefly by chapters. What was the second volume of "dead souls" and why Gogol his burned

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Dead souls - very brief content.

We all know that the work of the dead soul consists of two volumes, or rather, it was supposed to consist of 2 Tom Gogol burned in the furnace, and therefore the narrative remained not completed.

The action of the poem "Dead Souls" occurs a small town that the author calls Nn. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov arrives in the city. He wants to buy dead souls of serfs from local landowners. His advent of Chichiki violates the dimension of local life.

Volume 1.

Chapter 1

Chichikov settles in the hotel. During the dinner, Chichikov finds out the Taisther who has the most influential officials and landowners in the city. At the reception of the governor, he personally meets many of them. The landowners of Sobehevich and Manilov invite Chichikov to visit. Chichiki also puts a visit to the Vice-Governor, the prosecutor, the depoper. In the city of Chichikov acquires a positive reputation.

Chapter 2.

Chichikov decided to bring a visit to Manilov, who lives outside the city. The village of Manilova was a boring spectacle. Manilov and himself was a bit strange - most often was in his dreams. In communication, he was pronounced. Manilov was surprised by the offer of Chichikov to sell him the souls of the dead peasants. They decided to conclude a deal at the next meeting in the city. Chichikov left, and manilas for a long time perplexed over the strange offer of the guest.

Chapter 3.

Chichikov goes to the landowner Sobevich. On the way, the weather spoiled. Chichikov got off the way and decided to swell in the nearest manor. As it turned out, the house belonged to the stationery box - the businesslike mistress. Chichikov's request for the sale of the dead souls perceived a box with surprise, but then inspired and began to bargain with the main hero. The transaction took place. Chichiki continued the path.

Chapter 4.

Chichikov decided to call in the restaurant. Here he met the landowner Nozdrev. Nozdrev was a gambler, played dishonest and therefore often participated in fights. Chichikov's request for the sale of dead shower Nozdrev did not appreciate. The landowner suggested better to play the dead souls in the checkers. The game almost ended with a fight. Chichikov escaped.

Chapter 5.

Chichikov came to the Schemevich. He was a large and solid man. The proposal for the sale of the dead souls of the landowner perceived quite seriously, traded. Decided to make a deal when meeting in the city.

Chapter 6.

Chichikov goes to the village to the landlord plush. Both the village and the estate Plushkin looked poorly, but not because Plushkin was poor, but because of his misfortune.

Plushkin's dead souls sold with joy, considering Chichikova fool. Chichikov hurried returned to the hotel.

Chapter 7-8.

The next day, Chichikov issued a transaction for the purchase of dead souls with dogs and plush. The news about strange deals was separated throughout the city. Everyone was surprised by his wealth, not knowing what souls he actually buys. Chichikov became a welcome guest at all local receptions. However, the mystery was soon revealed by Nozdrey.

Chapter 9.

The box, arriving in the city, also confirmed that the chichotists did not buy peasants, but dead souls.

New rumors began to spread around the city that Chichots on wants to kidnap the governor's daughter. He was forbidden to appear on the threshold of the governor's home. None of the residents knew who was such chikchik. To clarify this issue, it was decided to gather at the police officer.

Chapter 10-11

The question remained not solved. Chichikova everyone began to avoid, suspected in the manufacture of fake money, etc.

Volume 2.

Chichikov visits the estate of Andrei Ivanovich Tententikov. Then, on the way to a certain general, it turns out to be visiting Colonel Koshkarev, and then Hlothuyev. The misdemeanors and the claims of Chichikov become known, and it turns out to be in prison. Some Muzhov advises the Governor-General to release Chichikov, on this story breaks. (Gogol burned the second volume in the stove)

/ "Dead Souls"

Chapter I.

The action of the poem unfolds in a single town, which Gogol gave the name "NN". So, in one day the interesting brickeleton arrived at one day to the city hotel. As the author says, only bachelors go to such a bunch. In this bachelor transport, a man was sitting "not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. " No one noticed the arrival of this gentleman, except for two men who stood at the entrance to the Kabak opposite the city hotel. Seeing the approaching bunch, they began to argue - whether she would come to Moscow or Kazan.

The visits Mr. settled in one of the rooms of the hotel with huge cockroaches, which ran out of angle in the corner. They also arrived with a lacquer named Parsley and Selifan, he was a kucher. While Lackey and Kucher disassembled the things of the Mr., he descended into the shared hall and ordered lunch. During the meal, this gentleman had a conversation with sex about landowners with a large number of peasant souls and officials of the local city.

The name of the visit of Mr. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. The next day, Pavel Ivanovich inflicted all the city authorities and minor officials, including the governor. Chichikova distinguished the courtesy and ability to quickly conquer the confidence of their interlocutor. For example, in front of the governor, he could not rejoice at the city roads. For this, the latter invited Pavel Ivanovich to his home to celebrate some events. Other seduced officials invited Chichikov to taste tea home to them.

Not much spoke about himself the main character. Only what wants to settle in this city, and therefore wants to meet all the city officials.

In the evening Pavel Ivanovich went to visit the governor. There were many people: men - in black frishes with white shirts, women - in evening dresses. All those present men could be divided into two types: thick and thin. Next, Gogol talks to the reader that subtle people are suitable only for small, minor cases, and fat more judicial and achieve significant results in their activities. Chichikova author refers to fat people.

In the house of the governor, Chichikova acquaintance and two landowners - Manilov and Sobesevich. The landowners invite Paul Ivanovich to visit their villages.

A few more days of Chichikov visits the urban official. In the city of Nn, Solva went about him, as a business and decent gentleman.

Chapter II.

For about a week, Pavel Ivanovich lived in the city of NN, visiting all sorts of officials, and after thought to visit his new familiar landowners Manilov and Sobesevich. Next Gogol describes us a lacquer parsley. The favorite occupation of the latter was reading books. It should be noted that the parsley read everything in a row without giving preferences. By character, he was silent. Petrushka highlighted two things: he slept, which went; From him constantly imagined with some same odor.

The first thing Chichikov decided to visit the Manilov landowner. His estate stood on the hurry, blown by the winds. Near the landowner's house there was a gazebo, on which the inscription "Temple of secluded reflection" was seen. Manilov was very delighted by the arrival of an expensive guest and immediately invited him to go to the house.

Looking at Manilov, it was very difficult to understand what he he had. Gogol talked about Manilov, that he was neither her nor. His features of the face were pleasant and seemed sugar. The manner of his speech was the arrangement and seeking friendship. We can say about Manilov that he was a dreamy in nature, he almost did not watch the farm, but constantly reflected about something. Once he even wanted to break through the underground tunnel from his home, but this idea remained the idea, in the office of the landowner for two years a book was dustped on one page. With his wife, Manilov lived together and happily. And they had two sons - femistocos and alkid.

Chichiki decides to make a business conversation. He asked Manilov the registry of peasants who died after the last census. After that, Pavel Ivanovich makes the landowner an amazing offer to buy dead souls of these peasants. For all documents, the eyes pass like alive and manilov was obliged to pay tax for them. This proposal was in charge of a landowner, but Chichikov assured that everything will be decorated in properly. According to the documents, the deceased peasants will pass like alive.

Manilaov refuses the money and gives the dead souls of peasants chikchiku. After that, Pavel Ivanovich leaves the estate of the landowner, and Manilov plunges into their next dreams, seeing how the king gifts him and Chichikova by the general pagons for their strong friendship.

Chapter III

Chichikov leaves the estate of Manilov in a very good mood, he is glad to a good deal. Chercher Selifan, talking to a horse, completely distracted and moved off the road. Brica Chichikov went on plowed land and eventually turned over, and Pavel Ivanovich landed in dirt.

Only in the evening the travelers drove up to some village. It was the ownership of the box of Nastasya Petrovna. Nastasya Petrovna was an elderly and very melancholic woman. She grunted when there was a cripplence, or the farm suffered losses, but at the same time gradually copied the money and hid them in drawers in the chest. By nature, the landowner was a very leaning man.

For Chichikov, a separate room was prepared for overnight chairs, whipped to the ceiling itself. The next day, Pavel Ivanovich woke up late. The room has already lay his clean clothing. Looking out the window, Chichikov saw a large farm, the peasants lived in prosperity, the estate reigned order and cleanliness.

After that, Pavel Ivanovich went to the room of the hostess of the estate and did not immediately have a conversation about selling the dead soul of peasants. Nastasya Petrovna could not understand what her guest was talking about, but he felt that the point was profitable. Without withstanding, Chichikov called the Bulk Bulk box, "damned old man." The landowner refused to sell dead souls, she wanted to first explore the demand to not be made. Nevertheless, Chichikov managed to persuade Nastasya Petrovna to sell him dead souls of peasants. For this he bought honey and hemp at the landowners. The box was glad to such a deal, she treated Paul Ivanovich, after that he leaves the estate of the landowner.

Chapter IV

Deciding to eat, Chichikov visits the restaurant. There he has a conversation with the hostess of this institution. She says that Manilov's landowners and Sobevich's landowners know well. From her words, it can be understood that Manilov delicate man. He loved to order a lot of dishes, but he did not eat everything, but only I tried. Sobesevich, on the contrary, ordered one dish, which completely eaten, then asked additives for which he had deflected.

At this time, a familiar Chichikova Nozdrev appeared in the restaurant. Nozdrev was a landowner. It was distinguished by average height, strong physique, snow-white teeth and resin buoybards. He was a man from which he emitted health. Nozdrev began a conversation with Chikchikov in that he visited the fair, where he lowered all the money and things. He appeals to Pavel Ivanovich, as an old friend, he gets him for the fact that he still did not go to him. Later, Nozdrev brings Chichikov to his estate.

Next Gogol introduces us to the identity of the Nozderval landowner. About the landowner, the author says that he was a walk that was one of those who often start friendship and those who often find himself beaten by new friends. Next, we find out that his spouse has already died, leaving two children who did not do the landowner. Nozdrev never sat at home, but constantly drove in fairs and bales. He loved to play cards. Since I played not honestly, I often returned home beaten and battered. And what is the most amazing, with his abuser could be friends the next day.

Nozdrev was in line by nature. It rarely started the stories about the pink or blue horse. He loved the landowner to pump close to people and friends, the blizzard rumors, telling non-residents. He was restless. At any moment it could break from the place and go where the eyes look. Offered ridiculous exchanges of everything for everything. And he did it not for the sake of benefits, but for the sake of action and his curious nature.

The estate of Nozdrev was the same reckless as his master. In the dining room house there was a building goat. On him, men whiten the walls. Nozdrev immediately led Chichikov examining his estate. The landlord had many dogs of all the masters. They had very original nicknames: shoot, wrap, cape.

At about five o'clock in the evening, Nozdrev invited Chichikov for lunch. Food, like everything in the landlord's house, was not the main thing. Some dishes were burnt, others were damp. During the meal Pavel Ivanovich triggers the conversation for the sale of dead souls. The landowner agrees to deal with one condition: Chichots had to buy another horse with a dog and a scarmer. Pavel Ivanovich does not agree.

The next day, nozmens call Chichikova to play checkers on the dead souls. The latter agrees. During the game of Chichiki, it notices that the landowner plays not honestly, and stops the game. When the nostrils orders the servants to beat Paul Ivanovich. At that moment, Captitip-Favornik enters the estate of Nozdrev and reminds Nozdreva that he is under the trial for the beating of Maximov's landowner. Chichikov, taking advantage of the moment, leaves from the estate of Nozdrev.

Chapter V.

On the way to the village of Selifan's companion, Koncher Selifan, without citing the control of the Brich, is faced with another BRICH, in which six horses were harnessed. The reins were confused and both vehicles were stuck on the road. This event attracted the attention of local men who gave ridiculous tips to Kucheramas, thereby interfering to quickly eliminate the problem. In the brick of Chichikov, he noticed an old woman and a girl with golden hair. It was about sixteen years old. Chikchiku attracted young specials, and he tried to start the conversation, but he did not work. At this time, the reins were rapidly and the travelers left.

The estate of the Sobevich was significant in size. Everything in it was done for centuries. It was noticeable that the owner had troubles on the housework, because the order was reigned everywhere.

Gogol compared the companion from the "Central Bear". This image emphasized the fracture of bearish color, long sleeves and pantalonons and lining gait. His face was kalen. The neck of the landowner did not turn at all. Because of this, practically never when did not look at his interlocutor. To all of the name, Mikhail Semenovich was Mikhail Semenovich.

Sobekevich invited Chichikova to go to the living room to dine. The living room hung huge paintings, depicting Greek commander. All of them were depicted with "thick lies and unheard of mustes."

All homemade utensils seemed to be similar to his owner and complemented it. For example, in the corner of the living room there was a "Puzzled Walnut Bureau on Parelup Four Legs", which resembled a bear.

About five minutes of chikchikov, Sobashevich and his spouse sat in silence. To start a conversation, Pavel Ivanovich decided to speak of urban officials. About them, Sobesevich immediately did not flatterly responded, calling them fraudsters and hypocrites.

Dining dishes were very nutritious. The landowner lived according to the rule: if a pork is served for lunch, then you need to eat all the pig. With lamb and beef, they also managed. In confirmation of this, the Rule of Sobesevich independently ate most of the Baran Boca, the abbreak of even bones.

Later, when the spouse of the companion left the living room, Chichikov had a conversation about buying dead peasant souls. Sobekevich immediately wanted to sell them at a price of a hundred rubles per soul. The price explained the fact that all the peasants were masters of their affairs and were famous for the entire district. Pavel Ivanovich such a price embarrassed and after long negotiations the parties agreed at the price of 2.5 rubles per soul.

Later, Chichikov leaves the village of Sobesevich very displeased. He believes that Sobekevich simply absorbed him. Pavel Ivanovich goes to the estate of a plush landowner.

Chapter VI

Plushkin village was a mirror reflection of the village of Sobesevich. The houses were very dilated here, roofs on them with holes, and the windows in the windows were not at all. There were huge skirds of master's breads behind the rustic sinks, they were only lying around there for a long time ago from what the grass came down.

Plushina Gogol house compares with a "stray disabled person." Almost all windows were clogged with boards, the plaster on the walls was covered. Around the house grew old dried garden. Everything around said that sometime a stormy life was boiling here, and now everything died and is in oblivion.

In the center of the courtyard of Chichikov, I got a "some kind of figure," which spacked with a man. Understand who it was: a man or woman was impossible. Clothing on it was female, a bundle of keys dangled on the belt. Deciding that this woman chichikov called her and said he was waiting for a barin. She told him to go to the house.

From the house pulled cold and basement damp. The atmosphere inside the house was even worse than outside. It seems that all furniture was demolished in one room. The table was Zavalin with some papers, glasses with a liquid in which the guys swam. All this was covered with a thick layer of dust. What was not needed, it was just jerked in the corner of the room.

A little later, the figure of a woman from the courtyard appears a little later in the room. As it turned out, it was Plushkin. He was a man with a huge chin, small eyes and dense eyebrows. His clothes were so lost and grilled that it was impossible to understand that it was generally dressed. With the form of Plushkin, it was similar to the most ordinary beggar, which is asked to alms at the church.

In fact, Plushkin was one of the richest landowners of this edge. He had more than a thousand fortress peasants. His storerooms and barns were littered with goods. But this landowner lacked. Every day he collected all sorts of things in the village and everything dragged into the house, dumping in the corners.

Next Gogol tells us that Plushkin was not always like that. He used to be an exemplary owner. His farming worked like a clock, bringing a huge profit to her owner. But after the death of his wife, Plushkin has changed, he began to greading every day. After his older daughter escaped from home to Headquarters, Plushkin cursed her, the estate was empty even more. Son of the landowner without the permission of the father decided on military service. After he lost in the card, Plushkin cursed him, and never more interested in his fate. When the youngest daughter died, Plushkin remained with everything alone. This lonelyness every day gave rise to an insurmountable feeling of greed and misfortune.

Soon, the merchants stopped visiting the estate of Plushkin. All goods of the landowner turned into alert, and the estate was declining.

Talking with Chichikov Plushkin began with the fact that he is very poor. Pavel Ivanovich offered him help in the form of buying dead souls. Plushkin was very happy and even treated Chichikova tea with a sukrem.

Chichikov bought at Plushin more than a hundred twenty dead shower. After that, he returned in the excellent location of the Spirit to his city hotel.

Chapter VII

Waking up in the morning, Chichikov began to study the lists of acquired peasant souls. During the time Pavel Ivanovich was in the city "NN" he managed to buy four hundred dead souls. I get acquainted with their last names, he thought about the hard life of a simple serf peasant. In one of the lists of peasants whom Chichikov bought from Sobesevich, he discovered a female name: Sparrow Elizabeth. After that, Pavel Ivanovich said: "Skolkogo Sobekevich, and here praised!"

A little later, Chichikov went to the Chairman of the Judge Chamber for registration of the bomp. There he met Manilov and Sobesevich. Pavel Ivanovich walked for a long time in the cabinels of officials, until he gave a paw. After the transaction, he went to the Chairman to wash the purchase. All Chichikov told that he buys peasants to export to the Kherson province. At one point he himself believed said. All evening they drank everything for Pavel Ivanovich and for his future bride, which they wanted to find in the city.

Chapter VIII.

After the loud purchases of Chichik, the focus of all residents of the city "NN" was in the center of attention. He began to read as a very rich and noble person. All others treated him with love and care. Also at that time Pavel Ivanovich began to use the demand among the female population of the city.

One day Chichikov was invited to another ball, which was held in the house of the governor. There Pavel Ivanovich was a person number one. There was no minute to Chichikov, someone did not hug or shook his hand. Women surrounded the main character with a dense ring and occupied him with their conversations. In one moment Chichikov noticed the chille girl with whom he tried to get acquainted earlier, on the way to the village of Sobesevich. It turns out she was the daughter of the governor. Pavel Ivanovich immediately switched his attention to her. The girl, as if not noticing his signs attention, periodically yawned. The surrounding ladies were called by such behavior of Chichikov.

A little later, a landowner Nozdrev appears on the ball, who declares the peasants in the whole voice that Chichots do not bury the peasants, and their dead souls. No one of those present paid no attention to the words of Nozdrev, because the landowner was wondering the lison. The rest of the evening Pavel Ivanovich spent with a negative sediment in the soul.

At the hour of height of the ball in the house of the governor in the city, a brush was drunk, similar to a thick watermelon. The landowner was sitting in it, which came to find out the true price of dead souls who sold chikchiku.

Chapter IX.

The next day, one resident of the city "NN" came to his girlfriend and informed her news: Chichikov buys dead souls of peasants. About it said the landowner box, which personally sold them to him.

Nothing thinking, the ladies decided that all this is just a cover. The true goal is the daughter of the governor, which Chichikov decided to kidnap. This news with the speed of light spread around the city. The townspeople simply rebelled. In their heads, everything was mixed, and no one could understand what was the case. News every day turned new details. Whether Paul Ivanovich threw his spouse for the sake of the governor's daughter, with whom secretly met under the lunar light. Officials of the city also solely, having heard the news about the purchase of dead souls. Everyone began to look for sins in themselves, which was not.

Just at the time of Apogee news about Chichikov, the governor comes to a message about the fled criminal. This finally knocked off everyone. And in order to find the truth of the city officials went to the Politzmer.

Chapter X.

All urban officials were excited about the events. Only the postmaster was calm and balanced. He said that Pavel Ivanovich is Captain Copeikin and told tale of Captain Copeikin.

Captain Kopeikin during the military company of the twelfth year lost his hand and leg. Together with the wounded soldiers was taken to St. Petersburg. As it turned out, there were no orders regarding the wounded, and the captain found himself in a hopeless state. To clarify the situation, he decides to go to the sovereign. In St. Petersburg, Captain Kopeikin removes the cheapest room, after which it goes to the noble to ask for sovereign mercy.

Having stood about four o'clock in the queue, Kopeykin managed to talk with no one. The latter asked him to go in a few days. The next day, Kopekin came again to noble. He stated that it was necessary to wait for the order of the king about the wounded. Captain could not wait. He penetrates the house of Velmazby and declares that it will not move from the place until his problem is solved. For such behavior, Kopeykin is sent from St. Petersburg. Nobody heard more about the captain. After a few months, rumors stretched out that in the forests near Ryazan, the gang of robbers was operating under the leadership of Captain Copeikin.

This story did not produce a special impression. Chichikov had and legs and legs were intact, so he could not be captain of Copeikin. Then the thought appeared that Pavel Ivanovich is Napoleon. To confirm this thought, officials turn to the landowner Nozdrev. He confirms that the chickens are sent to the nose. From these rumors at the prosecutor, most likely, a heart attack happened, and he died, coming home.

Due to Chichot's disease, he lay three days in his room and knew nothing about the events in the city. After his recovery, he decides to visit the city officials, but no one else is allowed. In the evening, Nozdrev comes to Pavel Ivanovich, who tells him about what happened. Chichiki decides to leave the city to leave the city and tell Selifan to prepare a britcher for the trip.


The next day, it was not possible to go from the city "NN" to Chikchiku. Selifan did not prepare a brich (it was necessary to cut horses, drag the wheel), and Pavel Ivanovich himself woke up late. All these cooking took another five hours. After that, Chichiki sat down in a brickeleton, and they were touched.

One of the streets of the city was blocked by a mourning procession. Pavel Ivanovich hid in the Brachka, because he did not want to see him. Through the time of the bridge, finally left the city.

Chichikov was born in the noble family. Ros Pavlusha without friends in a small room. Later, his father transported him to the city, where the main character began to attend the school. The last instruction of Chichikov's father was words: "Most of all please teachers and bosses." It was they who became the basic principle of the life of the chief hero.

Special abilities for education in Chichikov was not. He was always a modest and quiet student. Pavel Ivanovich was a man with a practical warehouse of the mind. That fifty dollars, who left his father, he did not spend, but managed to increase, selling in his comrades. All the life of Chichiki copied money from greed. He wanted a beautiful and fed life.

Later he entered the serving of the Casual Chamber, where he ranked the lowest position. There, as he can, he pleases the boss, has the sign of his daughter's attention, promises even to take her to his wife. Later, having received a higher position, Chichikov forgets about marriage.

Through time, he became part of the commission on the construction of a government house. Six years have continued construction, but the government house has not been built. But each member of the commission acquired his own new home. Later, the boss was changed, and all the property was confiscated.

Chichots left again without a penny in his pocket. He is set to work in customs. There shows his abilities in the search of smugglers, for which it receives a promotion. After that, Pavel Ivanovich concludes a contract with smugglers, receiving a huge profit from this. Over time, this connection has become apparent, and the chikchik come under the trial. Somehow the main character eludes criminal punishment. He is again deprived of his condition.

After that, he comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying dead souls, because under them you can get a bank loan and hide with money. It is for this purpose that Chichikov arrives in the city "NN".

To his hero, Gogol refers as to Heazyin to the acquirer. He may not like many. What the author recommends that everyone look into his soul and answer the question: "But is there any part of Chichikov?"

The poem ends with the fact that the Chichikov Brica rushes along the road, and the main character himself smiles, as he loves a quick ride.

Dead Souls. The poem written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in 1841 was a grand intention. It should have been a work in three parts. The first volume was to introduce readers with a real Russian man with a lot of "gifts and wealth" and, at the same time, a huge amount of disadvantage. It is this, the first house and reached the modern reader in full. Since the second volume manuscript was burned by a great Russian writer shortly before death - only some chapters were preserved.

The poem "Dead Souls" is the story of Chichikov, who scooped the dead fortress peasants, in order to scroll through the Asphar, which will bring him a huge amount of money. Talking about the adventures of Mr. Chichikov, the author reflects on the problems of social and philosophical. The name of the poem "Dead Souls" has several values.

"Dead souls" are primarily dead peasants who buy chikikov, following the landowner to the landowner. But the situation, when the sale and purchase of a person becomes everyday work, makes the living fortress "dead", they are the goods in the hands of the powerful gentlemen. Gradually, the concept of "dead souls" is transformed by purchasing a new meaning. The reader becomes clear that the dead souls, it is the landlords themselves, people who are mired in their passions to the small, "small inhabitants". And although all 5 landowners who visited the main character, at first glance, do not look like each other, they are united by something - a worthlessness, emptiness.

"Dead Souls" summary

1-6 chapters

1 The head of the poem is the exposition. The reader meets Mr. Chichikov, who arrives in the city. The hero stops in the restaurant, and then delivers visits to all available officials. In the course of such visits, Chichikov meets some landowners: Manilov, Sobesevich, Nozdrey. He will find out how much each landower contains a shower, whether their estates are far away.

2-6 chapters - Chichikov's journey on landowners. The main character visited 5 estates, met with five landlords: Manilov, Sobekhevich, Nozdrey, Box and Plushkin. Driving 30 miles, instead of the promised 15, Chichikov arrives at Manilov. His manor is located on Jura, among English clubs. The owner of the estate is very kind, and as it turns out, in a few minutes, too kind, too pronounced. He is not going to the affairs of the estate, but lives illusions, dreams, all days to indulge in reflections on unnecessary ideas. Chichikov documens with Manilov, and then informs the owner that he wants to buy dead serfs from him, which are loving. Manilov began to be afraid, but then, having fluttering, happily agrees. Chichikov is departed to the Sobevich.

Kucher Selifan misses the turn, why the travelers do not fall to the companion, but to Nastasya Petrovna box. A box is an elderly landowner, she is very home. In her house nothing disappears, and the peasants are strong huts. For a long time, she does not agree to give dead fastener chikchiku, everything hesitates, whether she will beganced if they will be suitable for her. As a result, by paying for each "dead soul" for fifteen rubles of chikchiki goes on.

On the pillaby road, the hero stops a snack in the restaurant. Here he meets the next landowner - Nozdrev. He, returns along with the son-in-law from the fair - his horses did not lose the nostrils. Where no nozzles appeared, the story happened to him everywhere, he is a certain deleting-hooligan. The landowner takes Chichikova to his home, where the hero is trying to persuade the nostride to sell him the dead peasants. Nozzides are not TAT, it is simple: he bursts Chichikov in the game checkers, where the "Dead Souls" chikhikov become the bet. In the course of the game it becomes clear that the nostrils are not hidden. When it is almost reaches a fight, the buyer of the dead saves the sudden visit of Captain-Corp., who reports that the nostrils are under court. Chichiku manages to run. On the road, the traveler crew accidentally faces an unfamiliar crew. While the means for movement are put in order, Chichikov admires young special pleasant appearance and reflects on the pleasures of family life.

Sobekevich, the next landowner, thoroughly feeds the traveler dinner, at the same time discussing all urban officials. All of them, according to, Sobevich, the Lowest People, Rogues and Pigs. Having learned that, or rather, whom he wants to buy Chichikov, the companion is not surprised at all. He trades and asks Chichikova to leave a deposit.

Chichikov's journey is completed by visiting the last landowner - Plushkin. The author calls him the "knife of mankind." Chichikov, seeing plush, thinks that this is a key or servant. The owner of the estate is dressed in rags, incomprehensible rags. In his house, nothing throws out, but on the contrary, even the sole from the boot will be brought to the house. In the room, the slides are folded trash, Plushkin offers chikchiku to drink a drink, which he himself re-filtered from dirt. Talking about the explicit benefit of the sale of dead souls and concluding a successful deal, Chichikov returns to the city.

7-10 chapters

Chapters show another layer of society - officials. Chichikov, having prepared all the lists of peasants, goes to the ward, where Manilov and Sobekevich are already waiting for him. The Chairman of the Chamber helps to issue all the documents, signs a bunch of Plushin. Chichikov informs officials to send all the peasants to the Kherson province. After registration of documents, all those present are sent to the neighboring room, where they eat and drink for a new landlord and his future happy wife.

In the restaurant, Chichikov is returned and strongly tired. Already the next day, rumors began to walk in the city that Kickiki Millioner. The ladies began to go crazy, the hero even came a letter with amur verses from an unknown. And most importantly, he is invited to the governor's ball. The Chichik Ball uses breathtaking success. It goes from some hugs to others, from one conversation to another. Women do not bring eyes off him. But Chichikova was interested in only one girl - a sixteen-year-old blonde, with which he once encountered on the road.

She was a daughter of the governor. But such an excellent state of affairs spoils the nostrils: Drunk, in all he asks the new Kherson landowner, as he scored the dead souls. The society does not perceive the words of drunk seriously, but the chikchiki is noticeably upset, does not support the conversation, makes a mistake in the card game. The next day, a box comes to the city, how much today is dead souls. Its arrival gives noble soil for gossip, which share the city into two parties: male and female.

The men's party is trying to figure out why Chichots missed dead souls, and female believes that Chichikov wants to steal the governor's daughter. Officials, arguing about chikchiku, confused in riddles. Some believe that he is the Major Fake Appliance, others that he is Captain Kopeikin. Oils in the fire poured and nostrils, which confirms every guess invented in detail. After these proceedings, the shocked prosecutor comes home and dies.

At this time, chikhiki, sick and does not understand why no one visits him. Fortunately, Nozdrev visits him and tells him who is now chicchik in the eyes of the city's inhabitants. The hero decides to urgently leave, but when leaving the city faces the funeral procession. The 11th chapter ranks a special place, the author tells the biography of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova. About his childhood, study, career, service. Chichikov was poor, but possessed a practical mind that it helped to fold the plan in his head, how to buy dead peasants, and then having helped the money, secure a calm future.

Before you brief content 1 chapter of the work "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol.

A very brief content of the "dead souls" can be found, and the below presented below - quite detailed.

Chapter 1 - Summary.

In the provincial city of Nn, a small bridge with Mr. Middle Years of Naughty Outdoor, not Tolsty, but not thin. The arrival did not make any impression on the inhabitants of the city. The visits stopped at the local restaurant. During the dinner, a new visitor asked the servant in more detail, who used to contain this institution, and who is now, a lot of income and what is the owner. Then visits learned who in the city of Governor, who is the Chairman of the Chamber, who is prosecutor, T: E. " did not miss a single significant official ».

Portrait of Chichikova

In addition to the city authorities, the visitor was interested in all major landowners, as well as the general condition of the edge: there were no epidemics in the province or wrought hunger. After lunch and long rest, Mr. wrote on a piece of chin, name and surname for reporting to the police. Going away from the staircase, sex read: " College adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, landowner, according to its need ».

The next day of Chichikov dedicated visits to all urban officials. He witnessed his respect even to the inspector of the medical council and the city architect.

Pavel Ivanovich showed himself a good psychologist, because almost in every house left the most favorable impressions about himself - " very skillfully able to flatter everyone " At the same time, he avoided the chikchik about himself, if the conversation turned to his person, he was separated by common phrases and several book turnover. The visits began to receive invitations to the house of officials. The first followed the invitation to the governor. Gathering, Chichiki very carefully led themselves in order.

During the reception, the guest of the city managed to show himself a skillful interlocutor, he successfully made a compliment to the governor.

Male society was divided into two parts. Thin men were seen for the ladies and danced, and most of them were most concentrated from the playing tables. Chichiki joined the latter. Here he met most of his old acquaintances. Pavel Ivanovich also became acquainted with the rich landowners Manilov and Sobesevich, which immediately assigned references from the Chairman and the Epolester. Chichikov quickly fascinated both and received two invitations to visit.

The next day, the visits went to the police officer, where from three o'clock after dinner played Wast to two o'clock in the morning. There Chichikov met Nozdrian, " broken small, which he after three or four words began to say you " In turn of Chichiki visited all officials, and in the city there was a good opinion. He could show a secular man in any situation. Whatever the conversation came, Chichikov was able to support him. Moreover, " all this was able to climb some kind of degree, knew how to keep well ».

Everyone was satisfied with the arrival of a decent person. Even Sobekevich, who was generally rarely pleased with his surroundings, recognized Pavel Ivanovich " preprethest person " This opinion in the city remained until one strange circumstance has introduced the inhabitants of the city of Nn in bewilderment.

Plan Revet Ochaw

1. Chichikov arrives in the provincial city of Nn.
2. Shikchikov visits to urban officials.
3. Visit to Manilov.
4. Chichikov turns out to be at the box.
5. Acquaintance with Nozdrey and a trip to his estate.
6. Chichikov in Sobesevich.
7. Visit to Plushhina.
8. Registration of deposits for "dead souls" acquired from landowners.
9. The attention of citizens to Chichikov- "Millioner".
10. Nozdrev reveals the secret of Chichikov.
11. The story of Captain Copeikin.
12. Rumors about who chicter.
13. Chichikov rush leaves the city.
14. The story about the origin of Chichikov.
15. The author's arguments about the essence of Chichikova.


Tom I.
Chapter 1

The gate of the provincial city of Nn drove a beautiful spring bunch. It was sitting in her "Mr., not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. " In the city, his arrival did not make noise. The hotel in which he stopped, "there was a famous genus, that is, just as there are hotels in the provincial cities, where the deceased room with cockroaches are received for two days a day ..." Peziusiy, waiting for dinner, managed to grow, who in The city of significant officials, about all the significant landowners who have many souls, etc.

After lunch, rested in the room, for communication to the police, I wrote on a piece of paper: "College adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, a landowner, according to its need," and went to the city himself. "The city did not inferd to other provincial cities: the yellow paint was strongly in the eyes of stone houses and modestly dark gray on the wooden ... There were almost washed with rain signs with pretzels and boots, where the store with the cartuses and the inscription:" Foreigner Vasily Fedorov ", Where Biliard was drawn ... with the inscription: "And here is the institution." Most often there was an inscription: "Pite".

The whole of the next day was devoted to visits to urban officials: the governor, vice-governor, the prosecutor, Chairman of the Chamber, the Politzmaster and even the inspector of the medical council and the city architect. The governor, "like chikchikhu, was neither a thick, nor fine, however, was a big kindness and even embroidered sometimes on the yoke." Chichikov "very skillfully skilled to everyone". He spoke about himself little and some common phrases. In the evening, the Governor took place the "Party", to which Chichiki was carefully prepared. Men were here, as elsewhere, two births: Some are thin, who saw around the ladies, and others - thick or the same as chikchiki, i.e. Not so much so thick, but not thin, they, on the contrary, fivefold from the ladies. "Tolstically know how to clean their things in this light, rather than thin. Thin serve more on special instructions or just listed and wake there and here. Thicks never occupy indirect places, and all straight, and if they are sitting where, they will be reliably and tight. " Chichiki thought and joined Tolstoy. He met the landowners: a very courteous manilov and somewhat clumsy dogs. Absolutely enchanting them with a pleasant appeal, Chichiki immediately asked how much the souls of the peasants and in what condition their estates are.

Manilov, "There is still no elderly, who had a sweet eye, like sugar ... was without memory from him," invited him to the estate. Chichikov received an invitation and from the Sobevich.

The next day, at a party, the Chichikov's postmaster met the landowner Nosdrey, "a man of thirty years, a broken small, who, after three or four words, began to say" you. " He communicated with everyone in a friendly, but when he sat down to play Vist, the prosecutor and the mailmaster carefully looked at his bribes.

The next few days of Chichikov spent in the city. Everyone had a very flattering opinion about him. He impressed a secular man who knows how to support the conversation on any topic and at the same time say "neither loud nor quietly, and completely as follows."

Chapter 2.

Chichiki drove into the village to Manilov. Long been looking for the house of Manilov: "The village of Manilovka a few could lure his location. The house of the Lord standing alone on the Jura ... Open all the winds ... "A gazebo was visible with a flat green dome, wooden blue columns and an inscription:" The temple of a secluded reflection ". At the bottom, the overgrown pond was seen. In the lowland, the sulfur-in-laws were tempted, which Chichotes immediately began to count and counted more than two hundred. Pine forest was trembled away. On the porch Chichikova met the owner himself.

Manilov was very happy guest. "One God could not say what the character of Manilov was. There are a genus of people known under the name: People so-so, nor something, no ... He was a man prominently; The features of his face were not deprived of his friend ... He smiled tempting, was Belokur, with blue eyes. In the first minute of conversation, you can not say with him: "What a pleasant and kind person!" At the next one minute, you can not say anything, but to the third you will tell you: "Damn it knows what!" "And you will go away ... He spoke at home a little and thoughtfully thoughtfully and thought, but what he thought about, too, was known to God. The economy cannot be said to be engaged in ... I saved somehow myself ... Sometimes ... He said about how well it was, if it were suddenly to hold an underground move or through the pond to build a stone bridge on which There would be on both sides of the shop, and that merchants were sitting in them and sold different small goods ... However, it ended only among the words. "

In his office lay some book laid on one page, which he was already reading for two years. In the living room stood not cheap surname furniture: all the chairs were covered with red silk, and did not have enough for two, and for two years the owner spoke to everyone that they were not finished yet.

Manilov's wife ... "However, they were completely satisfied with each other": after eight years of marriage for the birthday of the spouse, she always prepared "some beaded cover for toothpick." They prepared in the house badly, in the storeroom it was empty, the keyguard stolen, the servants were unclean and drunkards. But "all these items are low, and Manilov is well brought up," in the guest house, where it is taught by three virtues: French, piano and knitting wallets and other surprises.

Manilov and Chichikov showed unnatural courtesy: they tried to miss each other in the doorway certainly. Finally squeezed on the door both at the same time. Next followed the acquaintance with the wife of Manilov and an empty conversation about common acquaintances. All opinion is the same: "Pleasant, the previous one who adulteful people." Then everyone sat down dining. Manilaov presented to Chichikov his sons: femistocleus (seven years) and alkid (six years). The femistocleus flows out of the nose, he bites his brother for the ear, and the tears hurt and smeared with fat, lunch flies. After lunch, "Guest announced with a very significant appearance that he intends to talk about one very necessary act."

The conversation took place in the office, the walls of which were painted with some kind of bluish paint, even rather sulfur; On the table lay a few written papers, but most of all was tobacco. Chichiki asked Manilov a detailed register of peasants (auditory fairy tales), asked how many peasants had died from the last census of the registry. Manilov did not remember and asked, why do you need to know Chichikov? He replied that he wanted to buy dead souls, which would be in revision as alive. Manilov was so underestimated that "how the mouth was painted, and remained with his mouth loose in the continuation of a few minutes." Chichikov urged Manilov that there would be no violation of the law, the treasury would even benefit in the form of legitimate duties. When Chichikov spoke about the price, Manilov decided to give dead souls for free and even a member of himself, which caused the unlimited delight and gratitude to the guest. Having guessed Chichikov, Manilov again looked at dreams, and so he had already imagined that the sovereign himself, learned about them with the chikhiki strong friendship, killed them with generals.

Chapter 3.

Chichiki went to the village of Sobesevich. Suddenly, heavy rain began, Kucher got off the road. It turned out, he was very drunk. Chichiki fell into the estate of Nastasya Petrovna boxes. Chichikova was carried out into the room hanged by old striped wallpaper, on the walls of the painting with some birds, between the windows ancient small mirrors with a dark frames in the form of a rolled leaves. Hostess entered; "One of those mother-in-law, small landlords who are crying for crops, losses and keep their heads a few days, and meanwhile they type the meaninger in the motley bags placed on drawers of the chest of drawers ..."

Chichiki stayed overnight. In the morning, he primarily examined the peasant hings: "Yes, her village is not small." During breakfast, the hostess finally introduced. Chichikov started talking about buying dead souls. The box could not be in a sense, why should it, and offered to buy hemp or honey. She, apparently, was afraid to be tightened, began to reveal, and Chichikov, persuading her, came out of patience: "Well, Baba, it seems, paint!" The box could still not decide to sell the dead: "Or maybe in the farm somehow they will need ..." "

Only when Chichiki mentioned that he was state-made contracts, he managed to convince the box. She wrote a power of attorney for the commission. After long bidders, the case was finally done. On a farewell, the box plentifully treated the guests with pies, pancakes, cakes with different pancakes and other snacks. Chichiki asked the box to tell how to go on a big way than it was puzzled by: "How to do it? Tell something wise, many turns. " She gave in a rooted girl, otherwise the crew would not be easy to leave: "The roads spread out in all directions as caught cancers when they are squeezed out of the bag." Chichikov got to the restaurant standing on the pillaby road.

Chapter 4.

Having dining in the restaurant, Chichikov saw a low-tender bicker with two men into the window. In one of them, Chichikov found out Nosdrev. Nozdrev "There was a medium-sized growth of very thoroughly folded well done with full ruddy cheeks, with white, like snow, teeth and black, like Smin, Bengnembard." This landower, recalled the chichiki, with whom he met at the prosecutor, after a few minutes he began to tell him "you", although the render of Chichikov did not give. Not slamming for a minute, Nozdrev began to speak, without waiting for the responses of the interlocutor: "Where did you go? And I, Brother, from the Fair. Congratulate: I blocked in the Pooh! .. But how we hit in the first days! .. Do you believe that I drank seventeen bottles of champagne! " Nozdrev, not for a minute, not fallen, carried any nonsense. He pulled out from Chichikova that he was going to the Schemevich, and persuaded him to call him before it. Chichikov decided that he would be able to "give something for something in a gift", and agreed.

Author's characteristics of Nozdrev. Such people are "called broken small, they will be heard in childhood and at school for good comrades and with all that there are very painful of those who are always talkers ... They are always talking, Kutili, Lihachi, the people prominent ..." Nozdrev used uship even with the most close friends "Start stitching, and cum in Gadew." At the age of thirty five, he was the same as she was in eighteen. The deceased wife left two children who were absolutely not needed. At home, he did not spend for more than two days, always wounded in the fairs, played the cards "not quite sinless and clean." "Nozdrev was in some respects a historical person. Neither at one meeting, where he was, did not do without history: or bring him out of the Gencarme hall, or are forced to pour out their own buddies ... or will be settled in a buffet, or will be held ... than anyone closer happened to him, he Rather, I was imalivated: I dismissed the unprecedented, which is more stupid to fool, upset the wedding, the deal and did not honor himself with your enemy. " He had a passion "change everything to all that you want." All this happened from some restless one's mind and breastness of character. "

In his estate, the owner immediately ordered guests to inspect everything that only he has, for which it took two hours with a little. Everything turned out to be in the launch, except for Psarni. In the office, the owner hung only sabers and two guns, as well as the "real" Turkish daggers, on which "mistaken" was cut out: "Master Savely Sibiryakov". For a poorly cooked dinner, Nozdrev tried to sing Chichikov, but he managed to pour the contents of his gland. Nozdrev proposed to play cards, but the guest flatly refused and started, finally talk about business. Nozdrev, feeling that it was unclean, stuck to chikchiku with questions: why did he need the dead souls? After many pribiings, Nozdrev agreed, but with the condition that Chichots also buy a stallion, mare, dog, scarmer, etc.

Chichikov, remaining spending the night, regretted that he drove to Nozdreva and spoke to him about the case. In the morning it turned out that nozzles did not leave intention to play the soul, and they eventually stopped on the checkers. During the game of Chikchiki, he noticed that his opponent was scarce, and refused to continue the game. Nozdrev shouted the servants: "Bates him!" And himself, "all in the heat and in the sweat," began to break through to Chichiku. The soul of the guest went to the heels. At that moment, a cart camerge to the house with captain-corrector, who announced that the nostrils were under the court for the "applying a landowner Maximov's personal offense by rugs in a drunken form." Chichiki, not listening to the pribios, slowly slipped into the porch, sat down in a Brachem, and ordered Selifana to "drive horses in the whole spirit."

Chapter 5.

Chichiki could not move away from fear. Suddenly, his Brica faced a carriage, in which two ladies were sitting: one - old, the other - young, extraordinary charms. With difficulty they dispersed, but Chichiki thought for a long time about an unexpected meeting and about the beautiful stranger.

The village of Sobachievich seemed to chikchiku "Pretty Great ... The courtyard was surrounded by a hard and exorbitant with a wooden lattice. ... The rustic heres of men also fired on Wait ... Everything was curved tightly and as it should. ... in a word, everything ... was a necessarily, without a piercing, in some strong and awkward order. " "When Chischiki glanced at Schemevich, he seemed very similar to the middle size of the bear." "Frak on it was a completely bearish color ... He stood down the feet and enclosure and occurred incessantly on other people's legs. The complexion had a crawled, hot, what happens on the copper patch. " "Bear! Bear! He was even called Mikhail Semenovich, "thought chikchiki.

Entering the living room, Chichikov noticed that everything in it was firmly awkward and had some strange resemblance to the owner himself. Each item, each chair seemed to say: "And I, too, Sobesevich!" Guest tried to start a pleasant conversation, but it turned out that Sobechievich considers all the common acquaintances - the governor, the postmaster, Chairman of the Chamber - fraudsters and fools. "Chichikov remembered that Sobesevich did not like to respond well anything."

For a rich dinner, the companion "knocked over half of the Baoca Boca to his plate, ate everything, rod, salmon to the last bone ... The bright sideways followed the cheesecake, of which each had a much more plates, then Turkey with a height of the calf ..." Sobesevich He took a conversation about his neighbor Plushkin, an extremely stingy person who owns the eighth peasants, who "all people would argue with hunger." Chichikova became interested. After dinner, hearing that Chichikov wants to buy dead souls, the companion was not surprised at all: "It seemed that there was no soul in this body." He began to bargain and bombed an exorbitant price. He spoke of dead souls, as about living: "I have everything for the selection: not a masterful, so other a healthy man": Karetnyh Mikheev, a carpenter Stepan Cork, Milushkin, a brick ... "After all, that's what people!" Chichiki finally interrupted him: "But let me, why do you calculate all their qualities? After all, this is all the people dead. " In the end of the ends, they agreed on three rubles per soul and decided tomorrow to be in the city and manage the bug. Sobekevich demanded a deposit, chichikov, in turn, insisted that the companion would give him a receipt and asked for no one about the deal. "Fist, fist! - thought chikchiki, - Yes, and the beast in addition! "

In order not to see the companion, chikhiki went bypassing towards the plush. The peasant who has chicter asks the road to the estate, calls Plushkin "Plocked". The chapter end with lyrical retreat of Russian. "It is strongly Russian people! .. Said by a laugant, I don't care what was written, did not cut off with an ax ... Live and wagon Russian mind ... Doesn't climb the word in my pocket, but it implies immediately like a pashport for eternal sock ... no Words, which would be so painfully, Boyko, would have come out because of the heart himself, so boiled and burning, as the Russian word was said. "

Chapter 6.

The head opens with lyrical retreat of travel: "For a long time, in the summer of my youth, I had fun to approach the first time to an unfamiliar place, a curious thing opened a child's curious look in it ... now I am indifferent to any unfamiliar village and indifferently look at her The idleness, ... and insane silence keep my real mouth. Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! "

Mixing over the nickname Plushkin, chikchik was imperceptibly in the middle of an extensive village. "He noticed some special impact on all rustic buildings: many roofs were swayed as a sieve ... windows on the elections were without glasses ..." Here it seemed to the Lord's house: "This strange castle looked like a strange disabled person ... places He was on one floor, in places two ... The walls of the house were spinned in some places a naked plaster grille and, as you can see, a lot suffered from all sorts of non-trivial ... The garden that went out of the village ... It seemed one lit up this extensive village, and one It was quite picturesque ... "

"Everything said that there was once the farm flowed in an extensive size, and everything looked overcast now ... one of the buildings of Chichikov noticed some kind of figure ... He could not recognize how the floor was a figure: a woman or a guy ... the dress is indefinite, on the head of the cap, the bathrobe sews unknown from what. Chichiki concluded that this is true, the keystitch. " Entering the house, he "was struck by a mess": a circular web, broken furniture, a pile of paper, "a glass with some kind of liquid and three flies ... a piece of rags", dust, a lot of garbage in the middle of the room. The same key entered. Looking around, Chichikov realized that it was rather the keysticker. Chichikov asked where the barin. "What, father, blinds, what? - said the keysticker. - And I will give the owner something! "

The author describes the appearance of Plushkin and his story. "The chin performed far ahead, small eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice"; The sleeves and the upper floors of the bathrobe before "roamed and seized, which was like a yuft, which goes on the boots," the neck is not that stocking, not that garter, only no tie. "But before him there was not a beggar, the landowner stood before him. This landowner had a thousand with a souls, "the storerooms were full of grains, a lot of canvas, sheepskin, vegetables, dishes, etc. But the plush and this seemed little. "All that neither came across to him: the old sole, Babia Rag, an iron nail, a clay shard," everything dragged to himself and folded into a bunch. " "But there was a time when he was only a leaning owner! A family man was married; Mills have moved, drunken factories, joinery, strainers ... The mind was visible in the eyes ... But the good mistress died, Plushkin became restless, suspiciously stingy. " He cursed the older daughter who escaped and married his cavalry regiment officer. The youngest daughter died, and the son sent to the city to be determined to the service went to the military - and the house was completely empty.

"Savings" it reached the absurdity (he keeps a tear from the Kulich for several months, who brought him a daughter as a gift, he always knows how much emphasis remains in a decanter, writes on paper oblivily, so that the lines run on each other). At first, Chichikov did not know how he could explain the cause of his visit. But, having started talking about Plushkin's farm, Chichikov found out that she died about a hundred twenty serfs. Chichikov showed "the readiness to take over the obligation to pay the grant for all the dead peasants. The offer seemed completely amazed Plushkin. " He could not talk about joy. Chichikov offered him to make a bunch and even took on all costs. Plushkin from an excess of feelings does not know than and to drink a dear guest: Meld to put a samovar, get a spoiled tender from the snitch, wants to treat the liquor from which the "goat and all rubbish" pulled out. Chichots with disgust abandoned such a treat.

"And to such insignificance, petty things, the man could convex! Could change so much! " - exclaims the author.

It turned out that Plushkin has a lot of runaway peasants. And they also acquired chikhikov, while Plushkin traded for each penny. To the big joy of the host, Chichiki soon left "in the most fun arrangement of the Spirit": he acquired a "two hundred and lust man" in Plushina.

Chapter 7.

The head opens with a sad lyrical reasoning about two types of writers.

In the morning, Chichikov thought about who were during the life of the peasants he now owns (now he has four hundred dead souls). In order not to pay the attain, he himself began to make fortresses. In two hours everything was ready, and he went to the Civil Chamber. On the street, he ran into Manilov, who began to lie and hugging him. Together, they went to the ward, where Ivan Antonovich's official appealed to the official, "called a kuvshtshina", which, to speed up the case, Chicchiki gave a bribe. Here sat and Sobesevich sat. Chichikov agreed to make a deal during the day. Documents were decorated. After such a successful completion of cases, the Chair suggested to go for dinner to the Politzmester. During the lunch, the pushing and the fun guests persuaded Chichikov did not leave and in general to marry. Zahmelev, Chichikov chatted about his "Kherson estate" and already believed himself in everything that he said.

Chapter 8.

The whole city discussed buying Chichikov. Some even offered their help with the resettlement of peasants, some even began to think that Millic chichotis, so "fell in love with even more stately." Residents of the city lived in Ladu among themselves, many were not without education: "Who read Karamzin, who" Moscow Vedomosti ", who even did not read anything at all."

The special impression of Chichikov made on the ladies. "The ladies of the city N were what they are called presentable." How to behave, comply with the tone, support etiquette, and especially the flush fashion in the most recent trifles, - they were ahead of the ladies of St. Petersburg and even Moscow. The ladies of the city n were "extraordinary caution and decency in words and expressions. They never said: "I was visiting", "I swept", "I spit," and said: "I facilitated my nose," "I cost the handkerchief." The word "Millioner" made a magical effect on the ladies, one of them even sent a well-minded love letter to Chichikov.

Chichikova was invited to the governor to the governor. In front of the Chick's ball, he considered himself in a mirror for an hour, taking significant postures. On the ball, being in the center of attention, he tried to guess the author of the letter. Governor introduced Chichikov with his daughter, and he recognized the girl with whom he met once on the road: "She only one Belel and went out transparent and light from a muddy and opaque crowd." The adorable young girl made such an impression on Chichikov that he "felt a completely something like a young man, a little bit of hussar." The rest of the ladies felt offended by his unacceptableness and inattention towards them and began to "talk about him in different angles the most unfavorable way."

Appears nostrils and simply told everyone that Chichiki tried to buy dead souls. Ladies, as if not believing in the news, picked it up. Chichikov "began to feel awkward, impudent" and, without waiting for the end of dinner, left. Meanwhile, a box came to the city and began to learn the prices for dead souls, fearing that she had extended.

Chapter 9.

Early in the morning, ahead of time, appointed for visits, "Lady, pleasant in all respects" went on a visit to "just a pleasant lady." Guest told the news: at night Chichiki, changing into the robber, appeared to the box demanding to sell him dead souls. The hostess remembered that he had heard something from Nozdrev, but guests had his own considerations: the dead souls are only a cover, in fact Chichikov wants to kidnap the governor's daughter, and the nostrils are his accomplice. Then they discussed the appearance of the governor's daughter and did not find anything attractive in it.

The prosecutor appeared here, they told him about her conclusions than they were completely confused. The ladies were drove in different directions, and now the news went through the city. Men paid attention to the purchase of dead souls, and women took up the discussion of the "abduction" of the governor's daughter. Rumors led in homes where chikhiki never had never. He was suspected of Bunte the peasants of the village of Borovka and in the fact that he was sent for some check. To top it off, the governor received two notices of the fake robberry and about the escaped robber with the prescription to delay both ... Began to suspect that some of them were chikchiki. Here I remembered that almost nothing know about him ... I tried to find out, but did not achieve clarity. We decided to get together at the Politzmester.

Chapter 10

All officials were concerned about the situation with chikchikov. Having gathered at the police officer, many noticed that they were eager for the latest news.

The author makes a lyrical retreat of the "features of holding meetings or charitable assembly": "... in all our meetings ... there is a pre-ordinary confusion ... only those meetings that are compiled in order to try or dine." But here it happened completely differently. Some inclined that Chichots did cash equilignations, and then they added: "Or maybe not a doer." Others believed that he was an official of the Governor-General of the Office and immediately: "And however, he knows him." And the postmaster stated that Chichiki - Captain Kopeikin, and told such a story.

Tale of Captain Copeikin

During the war of 1812, the captain took his hand and leg. There were no orders about the wounded, and he drove home to his father. He refused to him from the house, saying that he had nothing to feed him, and Copekin went to look for truth to the sovereign to St. Petersburg. Asked where to turn. The sovereign in the capital was not, and Kopekin went to the "Higher Commission, to General Annefu." I waited for a long time in the reception, then he was announced that he came to come in three or four. The next time, the nobleman said that he had to wait for the king, without his special permission, he could not do anything.

Kopeikina ended money, he decided to go and explain that he could no longer wait, he just had nothing. He was not allowed to the one, but he managed to slip with some visitor to the reception. He explained that he dies with the hunger, and could not earn money. General rudely paid it and sent him for a government account in place of residence. "Where Kopeykin got, is unknown; But two months did not pass, as in the Ryazan forests there was a gang of robbers, and the Ataman was not anyone else ... "

The polytzmester occurred that Kopeikina had no hand and legs, and Chichikov was in place. They began to do other assumptions, even such: "Do not have the chischiki disguised Napoleon?" We decided to ask nozroid once again, although he is all the famous liar. He just engaged in the manufacture of fake cards, but came. He said that he sold the chikchiku dead souls a few thousand, that he knows him in school, where they studied together, and chikchiki - a spy and a fake meter from that time that chikhiki was going to take away the governor's daughter and the nozzles helped him. As a result, officials did not know who was chikchik. Frightened by unsolvable problems, the prosecutor died, it was enough to blow.

"Chikimikov did not know anything completely, he was cold and decided to sit at home." I could not understand why no one visits him. Three days later he went out to the street and first went to the governor, but there he did not accept him, as well as in many other houses. Nostroid came and by the way told Chichikov: "... everything is against you in the city; They think that you are doing fake pieces ... Dressed you in the robbers and in spies. " Chichikov did not believe his ears: "... there is nothing more to make anything, you need to get out of here.
He paid Nozdrev and ordered Selifan to prepare for: departure.

Chapter 11.

The next morning everything went upside down. First, Chichiki Prospan, then it turned out that the bright is not in order and it is necessary to cut horses. But everything was settled, and chichotes with a sigh of relief sat down in a Brachem. On the way, he met the funeral procession (Konorovili prosecutor). Chichiki hid behind the curtain, fearing that he would know. Finally, Chichiki left the city.

The author tells the story of Chichikova: "The origin of our hero is dark and modest ... Life at the beginning I looked at it somehow unsuccessfully: neither a friend nor a comrade in childhood!" His father, poor nobleman, was constantly sick. Once the father was lucky to Pavlush to the city, to determine in the urban school: "In front of the boy they shone the urban streets unexpected magnificence." When parting by the Father "was given a smart instruction:" Learn, not Duri and not hang, but most of all please teachers and supervisors. With comrades are not dodged, or dodged with rich, so that at the case there could be helpful you ... most of all take care and a copy of a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world ... you will do everything and everyone will knock on a penny. "

"There were no special abilities to any science in it," it turned out to be a practical mind. He did so that his comrades were treated, and he was not only for them. And sometimes even hiding the treats, then sold them them as well. "From this father, Caltina did not keep in a penny, on the contrary, made increment to her: blinded from the wax of the bulk and sold very profitable"; Tassed the hungry companions with gingerbread and buns, and then sold them, two months trained the mouse and sold it later very profitable. "In relation to the authorities, he has led himself more smarter": In front of the teachers, pleased them, therefore was on an excellent account and as a result "received a certificate and a book with gold letters for approximate adjacent and trustworthy behavior."

Father left him a little legacy. "At the same time, a poor teacher was expelled from the school," he began to drink from grief, it was cut everything and disappeared the patient in some Kamork. All his former disciples gathered money for him, and Chichikov was unguarded with inertia and gave some kind of silver. "Everything that neither responded to wealth and contentment, it impressed him, incomprehensible themselves. He decided to warmly in the service, to win and overcome ... From early morning, he wrote from late evening, having gone into the stationery papers, did not go home, slept in the stationery at the tables ... he fell under the superior to the elderly boost, which was the image of which image -To stone insensitivity and unimpressability. " Chichiki began to please him in everything, "Plowing his homework", found out that he had an ugly daughter, began to come to the church and began opposite this girl. "And the case was successful: a stern booger was shaken and cleaned him for tea!" He behaved like the groom, the uprigner called "Patenka" and achieved through the future testing of the boost. After that, "about the wedding so it was too jumped."

"Since then, everything went easier and more successful. He became a person noticeable ... he mined a bombing place in a short time "and learned to deftly take bribes. Then he was attached to some kind of construction commission, but the construction does not go "above the foundation", but Chichikov managed to join, like other members of the Commission, significant funds. But suddenly a new boss was sent, the enemy of bribes, and the officials of the Commission were removed from office. Chichikov moved to another city and started from scratch. "He decided by anything to get to the customs, and got. For the service began to unusual with jealousy. " It was famous for its integrity and honesty ("honesty and integrity of it were irresistible, almost unnatural"), achieved an increase. Having waited for a convenient moment, Chichikov received funds to fulfill their project to capture all smugglers. "Here, in one year, he could get what he won in twenty years of the rustic service." Conscable with one official, he began smuggling. Everything went smoothly, the accomplices of the rich, but suddenly quarreled and both came under the trial. The property was confiscated, but Chicchiki managed to save ten thousands, brickels and two serfs. And again, he began first. As an attorney, he had to lay out one estate, and then it was painted that it was possible to lay dead souls to the bank, take a loan to them and hide. And he went to buy them in the city of N.

"So, that's all there is a hero of our ... Who is it about the qualities of moral? Scoundrel? Why a scoundrel? Now we have no scoundrels, there are people well-free, pleasant ... It's a fair to name it: the owner, the acquirer ... And who of you are not vowels, and in silence, one, will deepen this soul to this heavy request: "And no Whether in me some part of Chichikova? " Yes, no matter how! "

Meanwhile, Chichikov woke up, and the bright rushed faster, "And what Russian man does not like a quick ride? .. Isn't you, Russia, that the brisk rongasy triple is rushing? Rus, where are you rushing? Give an answer. Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on Earth, and, asleep, the other peoples and states give it the road. "