The problem of raising the kuragin family. The composition "The Bolkonsky family and the Kuragin family in the novel by Leo Tolstoy" War and Peace "

The problem of raising the kuragin family.  The composition
The problem of raising the kuragin family. The composition "The Bolkonsky family and the Kuragin family in the novel by Leo Tolstoy" War and Peace "

"War and Peace" is one of the most monumental works of Russian literature and, without a doubt, the best creation of L.N. Tolstoy. The novel covers a span of almost a decade, shows the fate of entire generations, and pays special attention to portraits of families. Comparison of the Bolkonskys and Kuragin is extremely interesting.

Despite the fact that both families come from noble family, the notion that there is a family and true values the Bolkonskys and Kuragin's are very different. However, first about the similarities - in addition to the obvious noble origin, they are united by the fact that the heads of the family were left without their wives. Both Vasily Kuragin and Nikolai Bolkonsky were forced to take care of the children on their own. The entire burden of parental care fell on their shoulders, and they tried their best to make their offspring happy. True, their ideas about benefits are completely different.

The Bolkonsky family in the novel is represented by Nikolai Bolkonsky, his son Andrei and daughter Marya. Nikolai is a military man, of strict morals and strict discipline, which manifests itself in everything. He sincerely loves his children, but often simply does not know how to show this love. Therefore, although his words sometimes deeply hurt them, both Marya and Andrei know that in fact their father is ready to give his life for them, just as he would give for the Motherland.

The attitude towards Russia occupies a special place. Despite the fact that Nikolai Bolkonsky long ago departed from military service, he never ceases to worry about the fate of the state and the people. For him, true values ​​are duty to the Motherland, courage, honor, adherence to traditions and preservation of self-esteem.

Prince Andrew is very similar to his father. He was not looking for easy fame and money, so although he had the opportunity to join the army in a higher rank than the adjutant, he did not use it. I got used, like my father, to achieve everything with my own work. Bolkonsky's sense of patriotism was so great that he asked Kutuzov to send him to a detachment that received a deadly mission. Prince Andrew could not be on the sidelines, he wanted to be on the front line and decide the fate of his country on his own.

Giving himself all to Russia, Bolkonsky was somewhat stingy in showing feelings with his family. Before the "little princess", as L.N. Tolstoy Liza Bolkonskaya is the prince's wife, Andrei feels guilty. She gave life to his son and died in the process. However, the meeting with Natasha Rostova seemed to revive the extinguished fire of love for life in the prince, however, it was in relations with her that Bolkonsky's nature was even more emphasized. They were completely different.

Marya Bolkonskaya always saw the meaning of life in arranging someone else's happiness. Throughout the novel, she does many things for the benefit of others, in some way sacrificing her own interests. However, in the end, her extraordinary kindness, meekness and kind disposition were rewarded, and she found true female happiness with Nikolai, the brother of Natasha Rostova. Marya is also very religious, she believes in God and lives according to his commandments.

If the best are concentrated in the Bolkonsky family human qualities, the Kuraginas are completely different. Vasily is an official, and therefore an arrogant attitude is a behavioral norm for him. He loves intrigues, skillfully weaves them, which he taught all the children. Vices accompany Vasily Kuragin and his entire family.

Teaching children, he makes them like themselves - envious, greedy and ready for anything to achieve their goal. Only one of his children, namely Hippolytus, is not very well versed in secular society. He, like other relatives, is proud and self-confident, but this is combined with stupidity, so Hippolytus is often the subject of ridicule.

Vasily's other children, Helen and Anatole, had much greater success in society. Helen is a real beauty, but her soul is extremely ugly. By deception, she lures Pierre Bezukhov into the marriage network, and then cheats on him with his friend. The only thing that interests her is money and admiration for her own person.

Helene is a real whore and although the whole world knows about it, she was eagerly received at receptions. Anatole matched his sister made a real sensation with his appearance. A ladies' man, a narcissist who sees life only as a series of continuous pleasures - these are the words that accurately characterize him. For him there is no concept of honor, it is just an empty phrase.

First, he breaks Princess Marya's heart when, having promised to marry, he starts an affair with her maid, and then carries Natasha Rostova, knowing full well that she was promised to another. In a situation where Andrei Bolkonsky would show respect and retain not only his honor and dignity, but others involved in it, Anatole acts differently. He follows the lead own desires without thinking about the consequences.

In the novel "War and Peace" there are no two more different families than the Kuragin and the Bolkonskys. Some stand up for honor, justice, help to their neighbors, personifying all the best that is in Russia and Russian people, while others are the embodiment of vice, all the worst. L.N. Tolstoy makes it clear what true values ​​are and how he relates to them.

This can be traced back to the fate of the heroes. None of the Kuragin family was ever truly happy, and Helen and Anatole suffered a very tragic fate, while the Bolkonsky family found happiness. Some knew him on the verge of death, but even this is a great honor.

It is not in vain that the writer so vividly outlined the features of the kindest and brightest and opposed them to everything bad, L.N. Tolstoy seemed to want to show that he had represented the Kuragin families, and that there is a representative of the Bolkonsky family in each of us. However, only the person himself can decide who to be. One has only to remember that all evil is punishable, and good is rewarded.

A family
Prince Vasily Kuragin.

For Tolstoy, the world of the family is the basis of human
society. The Kuragin family in the novel appears as the embodiment of immorality.
Selfishness, hypocrisy, the ability to commit a crime, dishonor for the sake of wealth,
irresponsibility for their actions in personal life - these are the main distinctive
traits of this family.
And how much destruction Kuragin brought - the prince
Vasily, Helen, Anatole - to the life of Pierre, Rostov, Natasha, Andrei Bolkonsky!
Kuraginas - the third family association in the novel -
devoid of generic poetry. Their family closeness and connection is unpoetic, although she,
undoubtedly there is - instinctive mutual support and solidarity, a kind of
mutual guarantee of almost animal selfishness. This kind of family connection is not positive
a real family connection, but, in essence, its denial. Real families -
Rostov, Bolkonskys - have, of course, against the Kuragin on their side
immense moral superiority; but still invasion
low Kuraginsky egoism causes a crisis in the world of these families.
The entire Kuragin family are individualists who do not recognize
moral standards, living according to the unchanging law of the execution of their insignificant

Prince Vasily Kuragin The head of this whole family is Prince Vasily.
Kuragin. For the first time we meet Prince Vasily in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer. He
was "in a courtier, embroidered, uniform, in stockings, in shoes and stars, with
bright expression of a flat face. "The prince spoke" in
that exquisite French, which was not only spoken, but also thought
our grandfathers, and with those quiet, patronizing intonations that
characteristic of a significant person who has grown old in high society and at court, "said
always lazily, as the actor speaks the role of the old play. " secular society prince
Kuragin is a respected person "close to the emperor, surrounded by a crowd
enthusiastic women, scattering worldly courtesies and complacently
laughing. "In words, he was a decent, sympathetic person,
but in fact, it constantly happened internal struggle between desire
appear to be a decent person and the real depravity of his motives.
Prince Vasily "knew that influence in the world is capital that is needed
take care so that he does not disappear, and, once realizing that if he begins to ask for
all who ask him, then soon he will not be able to ask for himself, he rarely
used this influence. "But, at the same time, he
sometimes felt remorse. So, in the case of Princess Drubetskaya, he
felt "something like a reproach of conscience", as she reminded him,
that "he was indebted to her father for his first steps in the service." Prince Vasily is not alien to paternal feelings, although
they are expressed rather in the desire to "attach"
their children, rather than give them fatherly love and warmth. According to Anna Pavlovna
Scherer, people like the prince should not have children.
"…And why
will children be born to people like you? If you weren't a father, I
I could not reproach you for anything. "To which the prince replied:" What
what should I do? You know I did everything I could to bring them up
maybe father. "Prince
forced Pierre to marry Helene, pursuing his own selfish goals. Anna Pavlovna Sherer's proposal "to marry
the prodigal son of Anatole "on Princess Maria Bolkonskaya,
learning that the princess is a wealthy heiress, he says:
good surname and rich. Everything I need. "At the same time, Prince Vasily
does not think at all that Princess Marya may be unhappy in marriage
with the dissolute mischievous Anatol, who for his whole life looked at as one
continuous amusement.
Absorbed all the base, vicious features of the prince
Vasily and his children.

Helen Kuragina
Helen is the embodiment of external beauty and internal
emptiness, fossils. Tolstoy constantly mentions her "monotonous", "unchanging"
smile and "antique beauty of the body", it resembles a beautiful,
soulless statue. Helen enters Scherer's salon "rustling with her white ballroom
robes, trimmed with ivy and moss, and shining with the whiteness of the shoulders, the gloss of hair and
diamonds, passed without looking at anyone, but smiling to everyone and, as it were, kindly
giving everyone the right to admire the beauty of their camp, full of shoulders, very
open in the fashion of the time, chest and back, and as if bringing shine with it
ball. Helen was so good that not only was there not a shadow in her
coquetry, but, on the contrary, she seemed to be ashamed of her undoubted and
too strong acting beauty. She seemed to want and could not belittle
the actions of this beauty. "
Helen personifies immorality and depravity.
The entire Kuragin family are individualists who do not recognize any moral standards,
living according to the unchanging law of the fulfillment of their insignificant desires. Helen steps in
into marriage only for their own enrichment.
She is cheating on her husband, because in her nature prevails
animal origin. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy leaves Helen childless. "I AM
not such a fool to have children "- she admits.
being Pierre's wife, Helene, in front of the eyes of the whole society, is engaged in
my personal life.
In addition to a luxurious bust, a rich and beautiful body,
this representative of the big world had an extraordinary ability to hide
his mental and moral squalor, and all this thanks only to grace
her manner and memorization of some phrases and techniques. Shamelessness manifested in her
under such grandiose high society forms that aroused in others a little
whether not respect.
Helene is completely devoid of patriotic feelings. At that
while the whole country rose to fight Napoleon, and even elite
in his own way took part in this struggle ("did not speak French and
ate simple food "), in Helene's circle, Rumyantsevsky, French, were refuted
rumors about the cruelty of the enemy and the war and discussed all the attempts of Napoleon to
reconciliation ".
When the threat of the capture of Moscow by Napoleon's troops
became apparent, Helen went abroad. And there she shone under the imperial
yard. But now the yard is returning to St. Petersburg.
returning with the court from Vilna to Petersburg, she was in
predicament. In St. Petersburg, Helen enjoyed a special
patronage of a nobleman who occupied one of top positions in the state.
Ultimately, Helen dies. This death is direct
a consequence of her own intrigues. "Countess Elena Bezukhova
died suddenly from ... a terrible disease, which is usually called chest
sore throat, but in intimate circles they talked about how the life-doctor of the queen
Spanish prescribed Helen small doses of some kind of medicine to produce
known action; but how Helen, tormented by the fact that the old count
suspected her, and the fact that the husband to whom she wrote (this unfortunate, depraved
Pierre), did not answer her, suddenly took a huge dose of the prescribed medicine and
died in agony before they could give help. "
Ippolit Kuragin.
"... Prince Hippolyte amazed with his
an extraordinary resemblance to her beautiful sister and even more so that despite
resemblance, he was strikingly ill-natured. His facial features were the same as those of
sisters, but she was illuminated by a cheerful, self-righteous, young,
an invariable smile and an extraordinary, antique beauty of the body. Brother, on the other hand,
also the face was clouded with idiocy and invariably expressed a self-confident
disgust, and the body was thin and weak. Eyes, nose, mouth - everything squeezed like
as if into one vague boring grimace, and arms and legs always took
unnatural situation. "
Hippolytus was unusually stupid. Out of self-confidence
with whom he spoke, no one could understand whether it was very clever or very stupid what he said.
At a reception with Scherer, he appears to us "in
dark green dress coat, in pantaloons the color of a frightened nymph, as he himself said, in
stockings and shoes. "And such an absurdity of his attire
did not bother.
His stupidity was manifested in the fact that he sometimes
he spoke, and then he understood what he had said. Hippolytus often spoke and did
inappropriately, expressed his judgments when they were not needed by anyone. He
liked to insert phrases into the conversation that were completely unrelated to the essence of the discussed
The character of Hippolytus can serve as a living example of
that even positive idiocy is sometimes presented in the light as something that has
meaning due to the polish attached to the knowledge of the French language, and that
the extraordinary property of this language to support and at the same time mask
spiritual emptiness.
Prince Vasily calls Hippolytus "the deceased
a fool. "Tolstoy in the novel -" sluggish and breaking. "
These are the dominant character traits of Hippolytus. Hippolyte is stupid, but he is his
stupidity at least does not harm anyone, unlike younger brother

Anatol Kuragin.
Anatol Kuragin, according to Tolstoy, "is a simple
and with fleshly inclinations. "These are the main features
character of Anatole. He looked at his whole life as a continuous amusement,
which someone like that for some reason undertook to arrange for him. The author's description of Anatole is as follows:
"He was not
able to consider how his actions might respond to others, nor
what can come out of such or such an act of his. "
Anatole is completely free from consideration
responsibility and consequences of what he does. His selfishness is direct,
animal-naive and good-natured, absolute egoism, for he is not constrained by anything
Anatole inside, in consciousness, feeling. It's just that Kuragin lacks the ability to know
what will happen after that minute of his pleasure, and how it will affect his life
other people, as others will see. All this does not exist for him at all.
He is sincerely convinced, instinctively, with all his being, that everything around has
the sole purpose of his entertainment and there is for this. No looking back at
people, on their opinion, on the consequences, no distant goal that would force
focus on achieving it, no remorse, no reflection,
hesitation, doubt - Anatole, whatever he does, naturally and sincerely
considers himself an impeccable person and carries his beautiful head: freedom is truly unlimited, freedom in actions and self-awareness.
Such complete freedom was given to Anatol his
meaninglessness. A person consciously related to life is already subordinate, as
Pierre, the need to understand and decide, he is not free from life's difficulties, from
question: why? While Pierre is tortured by this difficult question,
Anatole lives, content with every minute, stupid, animal, but easy and
Marrying a "rich ugly heiress" -
Maria Bolkonskaya seems to him to be another amusement. "A
why not marry, if she is very rich? It never gets in the way "-
thought Anatole.

Essay text:

In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, the problem of the family is sharply posed. The author depicts in detail several family lifestyles... Comparing the various options family life, the writer shows what a family should be like, what are true family values how they influence the formation of personality.
Bolkonsky and Kuragin nobles, have the same hereditary ҭiҭul, occupy a high position in society, are rich and prosperous. The heads of the families Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky and Prince Vasily take care of their children. It's just that they put different meanings into the concept of happiness. Each family has its own scale of life priorities.
The distinguishing features of the Bolkonskys are spirituality, intelligence, independence, nobility, high ideas about honor and duty. Old prince, in the past Catherine's grandee, friend of Kuҭuzov, statesman. He, while serving Catherine, served Russia. Not wanting to adapt to the new time, which required not to serve, but to serve, he voluntarily imprisoned himself in the estate. Prince Vasily Kuragin is an opportunist and careerist. This person does not benefit the Fatherland: he is just a close associate of the king, a significant, important servant at the court. Prince Vasily and his children revolve in high society. the main task senior Kuragin to find a place for the children, ҭ.e., using his connections, to provide his sons with warm places in the service, and the daughters find a rich husband.
Bolkonsky tirelessly makes sure that children develop their abilities, know how to work and are willing to learn. He appreciated knowledge, comprehensive education. Therefore, Marya and Andrei received an excellent education. Marya reads a lot, she loves music. Prince Andrey has an extraordinary memory, erudition, he has an idea of ​​everything. The life of the old prince Bolkonsky continuous activity... This is work on memoirs about the glorious era of Catherine II, physical labor, management of the estate. Prince Andrew, like his father, striving to benefit society, first chooses military career, delves into all the subtleties of the art of war. By participating in the 1805 campaign, he became the commander's trusted adjutant. Kuҭuzov, in a letter to the old prince, assessed the qualities of Prince Andrei as follows: Your son gives hope to be an officer who is one of the most advanced in his knowledge, firmness and diligence. I consider myself fortunate to have such a subordinate at hand.
Vasily Kuragin is busy only with his personal, selfish interests. For his sons, he prepares a simplified version of the activity: Hippolyta gets him a diplomat, insures him against the dangers of military service; Anatole, thanks to his father's connections, was included in the regiment. The youngest son is especially troublesome for his father, since Anatole leads a helpless lifestyle, drinks, and loses huge sums of money at punishment. Prince Vasily has an idea to marry him to one of the richest brides, Princess Bolkonskaya. So in the novel for the first time I come across the decency of the Bolkonskys and the low calculation of the Kuragin. On the one hand, handsome, but, as Prince Vasily himself says, the restless fool Anatole, and on the other, outwardly not attractive, but noble Marya Bolkonskaya. The matchmaking of Anatole almost ruined the life of the princess, but this time the moral danger passed the Bolkonskys. The elder Kuragin, on the other hand, brilliantly succeeded in the intrigue with the marriage of Pierre Bezukhov to Helen. A lot of efforts were expended by Prince Vasily, but he still achieved his goal: he married his vicious daughter to the richest groom, who had forty thousand only serfs.
Kuragins constantly use other people to satisfy their own desires. Because of Helene, Pierre fought a duel. She did not spare her husband's pride and almost openly cheated on him. Kuragin's are destroying the happiness of Natasha and Prince Andrei. Helen knew that Natasha was Bolkonsky's fiancée, and Anatole was married, but, not tormented by remorse, arranged dates for them, and then helped her brother organize the kidnapping of the girl. In the words of Pierre, an accurate assessment of Helene is given: Where are you there, debauchery, evil. Anatoly Bezukhov is also trying to explain: ... besides your pleasure, there is happiness, peace of mind of other people ... you ruin your whole life because you want to have fun.
Bolkonsky, unlike the Kuragin, aristocrats in the best sense this word. They are proud, but I respect other people's feelings, they are ready to sacrifice themselves, but not to hurt others. V the highest degree Prince Andrew behaves nobly with his wife, whom he loves. He, in his own way, pities Liza, does not allow condemnations against her, spare her feelings. For example, this scene is indicative: after saying goodbye to his wife, he carefully removed the shoulder on which she was lying, looked into her face and gently sat her on a chair.
Among the Bolkonskys and Kuragin family members there is absolutely different relationship... At the Kuragin family ties formal, supported only for the sake of decency. Prince Vasily speaks cynically: My children are a burden to my existence. This is my cross. He calls the eldest son a deceased fool, and Anatole a restless one. Kuragin complains: ... this Anatole costs me forty thousand a year ... The princess is frankly jealous of her daughter's wealth. Children of the Kuragin, deprived of parental love, moral education, I discover spiritual insignificance and the conciliation of vital interests. The Bolkonskys are truly attached to each other. They are united by a latent kindred warmth that is not expressed in words. The old prince, although excessively harsh and strict, is proud of his son and loves his daughter, feels guilty in quarrels with his children. Only before his death does he give vent to the feeling of pity and love for his daughter, which he previously carefully concealed. Prince Andrew respects and highly esteems his father. They have a real understanding. Having left for the war, Prince Andrey wrote letters to his father every day. Children are used to reckoning with the old man's weaknesses and quirks. Poet) "Prince Andrew, at the request of his father, is forced to postpone the wedding with Natasha for whole year... However, internally the Bolkonskys are very close to each other. Their love is shown in difficult times. When the news of the death of Prince Andrey came, Marya, embracing her father, said: Let's cry together.
It is no coincidence that Tolstoy describes in detail the home life of the Bolkonskys. They have a real one native home, family hearth, certain traditions. There is no description of the Kuragin's house in the novel, because family copying is prohibited, the bonds of these people are weakly expressed, each of them lives separately, considering primarily their own interests.
All the low qualities of the Kuragin were manifested during the war of 1812. They all led an idle life in salons. Prince Vasily speculated on patriotism, and Helen was engaged in the arrangement of her personal life. However, in this false family, a misfortune happened to Anatol, his leg was amputated, he subsequently died. The author mentions that Helen also died of some ridiculous disease.
Bolkon patriots. By their behavior during Patriotic War they express folk spirit... Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies because his heart could not stand the surrender of Smolensk. Marya rejects the French general's offer of patronage. Andrei defends the Fatherland on the battlefield. He lives in the interests of the nation and, fulfilling his duty as an officer, is mortally wounded.
Bolkonian pattern true family... High spirituality, true beauty the old prince and his children are sharply contrasted with the lack of spirituality, the imaginary beauty of the Kuragin. Pierre said very accurately about the false Kuragin family: Oh, vile, heartless breed!

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In all the great works of L.N. Tolstoy family theme runs like a red thread, but, perhaps, only the Kuragin family in the novel "War and Peace" evokes so many negative emotions in the reader.

Characteristics and description of the Kuragin family in the novel "War and Peace"

Let's consider, point by point, what this family is, what are their goals, occupations, interests, relationships with each other and with others.

Where do the Kuragins live

Prince Vasily, the father of the family, appears in the first lines of the novel in the salon of Anna Scherer. This is a circle of high society, a place where aristocrats and dignitaries close to the emperor meet. They all have a huge impact on the fate of the country.

It is unthinkable to imagine that they lived anywhere else but in the capital. Russian Empire St. Petersburg. Except for Anatol Kuragin, who was "sent" by his father to Moscow because he cost him too much money - forty thousand rubles a year. In Moscow, Anatol lived more modestly, in the horse-guards barracks.

Relations in the Kuragin family between children

The younger generation of princes Kuragin is a type of secular, spoiled by wealth and nobility of young people. They are cheerful and easy to communicate, they can be carried away, but even among themselves they are not capable of high feelings.

Anatole and Helen are connected by the attraction of two beautiful, healthy animals. They sympathize with each other and sometimes help "like brothers" in achieving their passions associated with lust and money. Each of them is successful in its own way: Anatole is a well-known rake in high society, Helen is a beauty and socialite.

They admire each other and feel the practical benefits - the role of one enhances the role of the other. Their mutual sympathy even caused impartial rumors in the world (perhaps not without reason, as the author hints), partly because of this Anatol was sent to Moscow.

Less attention is paid to the eldest son Hippolytus in the novel. He is depicted as a degenerate, incapable of any sincere feelings. Everything in him for show, with the most confident look, he utters complete nonsense. However, this does not prevent him from occupying a diplomatic post.

His brother and sister are quite happy with Ippolit simply because he is Kuragin, one of them. They would be ready to help him in his career, if it was required, because all Kuragin must live well and have a decent position in society, otherwise it is simply not conceivable. In addition, his brother and sister appreciate him for being a harmless fool, he is not dangerous to them, as a competitor.

The problem of the fathers and children of the Kuragin

The attitude of Prince Vasily to his children wins over with his open, good-natured cynicism. He wants to marry Anatol profitably, because he costs him too much. Helene marries Pierre, as she hopes to profit by millions of Bezukhovs himself.

Children consider the practicality and lack of spirituality of parents to be the norm, they understand the father perfectly and contribute to all his undertakings.

Paradoxically, there are no problems of fathers and children in the Kuragin family. Almost complete harmony... Almost - because, although not ideological contradictions between them, but there are contradictions of interests at the level of wealth, nobility, pleasure.

Princess Kuragina (a character rarely appearing in the novel) suffers from envy of her daughter when Helene enters into a "brilliant" marriage with Pierre Bezukhov. Anatole is angry with his father when he does not give him money.

Attitude towards the servants of the Kuragin

For the Kuragin princes, servants are simply servants, almost inanimate creatures designed to provide their comfort. The princes do not enter into human contact with them, this is "not comme il faut."

The tone of relations with them is lordly-contemptuous. This is an approved form of communication, which is taboo to overstep.

Kuragin's attitude to the war and Napoleon

Any political or religious views in the Kuragin's universe are not so important in comparison with their personal interests. Prince Vasily, by virtue of his social position, expresses some political views, always close to general direction thoughts of his environment. Even during the war, he seeks only his own benefit.

Hippolytus is able to tell a patriotic anecdote that elevates his sovereign over other European rulers. Before the war, he contemptuously spoke of Bonopart, considering him an unworthy upstart. Anatol and Helen, the youngest children of the Kuragin, were not at all interested in politics.

When the war of 12th year began, it affected all Russian people. But the Kuraginas only wanted to survive in it, which not everyone succeeded in. Anatol was wounded at the Battle of Borodino, his leg was amputated, after which he died. Helen escapes abroad and subsequently dies of a shameful illness.

The author's attitude to the Kuragin

Lev Nikolaevich, as an antithesis to other heroes, brought unprincipled individualists into the images of the Kuragin. In the days of difficult trials, they turned out to be useless and even harmful to the Fatherland. The people defeated Napoleon in spite of such people.

According to Tolstoy's deep conviction, the family should have a warm, human principle based on mutual love, patience, and disinterested help to one's neighbor. Only such a union can be called a true family.

Analyzing the fate of his heroes, Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that the life philosophy of the Kuragin leads to their own death and harms those around them.

Anatole seduces young naive Natasha, being married himself, thereby destroying her future marriage with Andrei Bolkonsky. Helene's dissolute behavior leads Pierre to the brink of life and death, and then to a deep spiritual crisis.

Comparative characteristics of the families Bolkonsky, Rostov, Kuragin

Dramatically and touchingly described family relationships Bolkonskikh. An old formidable prince, whom his children both fear and sincerely love. Anxious Marie, who adores her brother. When Andrei Bolkonsky realizes that he desires glory, human veneration, he, having gone through severe trials, repents of this, changes his life. Reflection is generally not characteristic of the Anatolian. He not only about other people, but also does not think about himself.

Tolstoy described the Rostov family with special attention. Love reigns here. Ardent, charming Natasha is the soul of this family. Even the servants adore her, despite her whims.

When Nikolai, the eldest of the Rostov children, having lost at cards, casually asks his father to pay his debt, he, embarrassed, quickly agrees. Minutes later, ashamed of his act, Nikolai tearfully asks for forgiveness. Such a scene is unthinkable in the Kuragin family.

Quotation characteristics of the Kuragin family

About Helen he says: "Where you are, there is debauchery, evil."

The head of the family, Prince Vasily, says this about his offspring: “My children are a burden to my existence. This is my cross. " He characterizes Hippolytus "The deceased fool", and Anatole, youngest son, - "Restless".

Helen's quote from the novel speaks for itself: "I am not such a fool to have children."

For Tolstoy, the world of the family is the basis human society... The Kuragin family in the novel appears as the embodiment of immorality. Self-interest, hypocrisy, the ability to commit a crime, dishonor for the sake of wealth, irresponsibility for their actions in personal life - these are the main distinctive features this family. Among the characters of "War and Peace" the Kuragins live, knowing all over the world only their personal interest and

vigorously pursuing his intrigue. And how much destruction the Kuragins brought - Prince Vasily, Helen, Anatole - to the life of Pierre, Rostovs, Natasha, Andrei Bolkonsky!

Kuragins are deprived of generic poetry. Their family closeness and connection is unpoetic, although it undoubtedly exists - instinctive mutual support and solidarity, a kind of mutual guarantee selfishness is almost animal. This family connection is not a positive one, a real family connection, but, in essence, a denial of it. The real families — the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys — have, of course, an immense moral superiority on their side against the Kuragin; nevertheless, the invasion of the low Kuraginsky egoism causes a crisis in the world of these families.

The entire Kuragin family are individualists who do not recognize moral norms, living according to the invariable law of fulfilling their insignificant desires.

Vasily Kuragin

The head of this whole family is Prince Vasily Kuragin. For the first time we meet him in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. He was "in a courtier, embroidered, uniform, stockings, shoes and stars, with a bright, flat face." The prince spoke in that exquisite French language, which not only spoke, but also thought our grandfathers, and with those quiet, patronizing intonations that are characteristic of a significant person who has grown old in high society and at court, "" he always spoke lazily, as the actor says the role old song ".

In the eyes of secular society, Prince Kuragin is a respected person, "close to the emperor, surrounded by a crowd of enthusiastic women, scattering secular courtesies and chuckling complacently." In words, he was a decent, responsive person, but in fact, an internal struggle was constantly taking place in him between the desire to seem a decent person and the real depravity of his motives.

Tolstoy's favorite technique is the opposition of the internal and external characters of the heroes. The image of Prince Vasily reflects this opposition very clearly.

The episode of the struggle for the inheritance of the old Count Bezukhov most accurately reveals the two-faced nature of Vasily Kuragin.

The prince forced Pierre to marry Helene, pursuing his own selfish goals. Anna Pavlovna Sherer's proposal "to marry prodigal son Anatole "on Princess Maria Bolkonskaya, having learned that the princess is a rich heiress, he says:" She is of a good surname and is rich. Everything I need. ”At the same time, Prince Vasily does not think at all that Princess Marya may be unhappy in a marriage with the dissolute fool Anatole, who looked at his whole life as one continuous amusement.

They absorbed all the base, vicious traits of Prince Vasily and his children.

Helen Kuragina

Helen is the embodiment of external beauty and internal emptiness, fossilization. Tolstoy constantly mentions her "monotonous", "unchanging" smile and "antique beauty of the body", she resembles a beautiful, soulless statue.

Helen personifies immorality and depravity, marries only for his own enrichment.

She is unfaithful to her husband, because the animal nature predominates in her nature. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy leaves Helen childless.

Still, being Pierre's wife, Helen in front of the eyes of the whole society is engaged in the arrangement of her personal life.

Helen Bezukhova is not a woman, she is rather an animal. Not a single novelist has yet met this type of debauchery of the big world, who loves nothing in life, except for her body. In addition to a luxurious bust, rich and beautiful body, this representative of the great world had an extraordinary ability to hide her mental and moral poverty, and all this thanks only to the grace of her manners and the memorization of some phrases and techniques.

As Helene said, in the world after the duel and departure, everyone considered Pierre a naive fool. She resumed living with her husband and created her own salon.

"To be accepted in the salon of Countess Bezukhova was considered a diploma of the mind." This amazed Pierre, who knew that Helene was very stupid. But she knew how to teach herself so that no one thought about it.

She also played a negative role in the fate of Natasha Rostova. For fun, an empty whim, Helen ruined the life of a young girl, pushing her to betrayal, and did not even think about it.

Helene is completely devoid of patriotic feelings. While the whole country rose to fight Napoleon, and even the upper society took part in this struggle in its own way ("they did not speak French and ate simple food"), in Helene's French circle, rumors about the cruelty of the enemy were refuted and war and discussed all Napoleon's attempts to reconcile. "When the threat of the capture of Moscow by Napoleon's troops became obvious, Helene went abroad. And there she shone at the imperial court. But the court returns to St. Petersburg." Helen, returning with the court from Vilna to St. Petersburg , was in a quandary. In Petersburg, Helen enjoyed the special patronage of a nobleman who held one of the highest positions in the state.

In Vilna, she became close to a young foreign prince. "

For her own good, she betrays the most sacred - the faith, accepts Catholicism. By this, it seemed to her, she frees herself from the moral obligations given to Pierre, becoming his wife. Helen decides to link her fate with one of her two fans. At the beginning of August, everything was completely determined, and she wrote to her husband (who loved her very much, as she thought) a letter in which she informed him of her intention to marry NN and that she was asking to fulfill all the formalities necessary for a divorce. But Pierre did not receive the letter, he was at war.

Waiting for an answer from Pierre, Helene was idly passing the time. She still shone in the world, accepted the courtship of young people, despite the fact that she was already going to marry one of the most influential nobles, but, unfortunately, an old man.

Ultimately, Helen dies. This death is a direct consequence of her own intrigues.

Ippolit Kuragin

"... Prince Hippolyte amazed by his extraordinary resemblance to his beautiful sister and even more so because, despite the resemblance, he was strikingly foolish ... his face was clouded with idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident disgust, and his body was thin and weak. Eyes, nose, mouth - everything shrank as if into one vague boring grimace, and arms and legs always took an unnatural position. "

Hippolytus was unusually stupid. Due to the overconfidence with which he spoke, no one could understand whether it was very clever or very stupid what he said.

At a reception with Scherer, he appears to us "in a dark green dress coat, in pantaloons the color of a frightened nymph, as he himself said, in stockings and shoes." And such an absurdity of the outfit did not bother him at all.

Despite the strangeness of character, Prince Ippolit was successful with women and was a ladies' man. So at the end of the evening in Scherer's drawing-room, Ippolit, as if innocently courting the little princess, Bolkonsky's wife, arouses the prince's jealousy.

Father Prince Vasily calls Ippolit "the deceased fool". Tolstoy in the novel is "sluggish and breaking."

These are the dominant character traits of Hippolytus. Hippolyte is stupid, but at least by his stupidity he does no harm to anyone, unlike his younger brother Anatole.

Anatol Kuragin

Anatol Kuragin, according to Tolstoy, is "simple and carnal." These are the dominant character traits of Anatole. He looked his whole life as a continuous amusement, which for some reason someone like that undertook to arrange for him.

"He was unable to contemplate how his actions might respond to others, or what might come out of such or such an action." He is sincerely convinced, instinctively, with all his being, that everything around has sole purpose his entertainment is there for that. No looking back at people, at their opinions, at the consequences, no distant goal that would force us to focus on achieving it, no remorse, reflections, hesitation, doubts - Anatol, no matter what he does, naturally and sincerely considers himself to be an impeccable person and highly carries his beautiful head: freedom is truly unlimited, freedom in actions and self-awareness.

Such complete freedom is given to Anatol by his meaninglessness. A person who has a conscious attitude to life is already subordinated, like Pierre, to the need to understand and decide, he is not free from life's difficulties, from the question: why? While Pierre is tormented by this difficult question, Anatole lives, content with every minute, stupid, animal, but easy and fun.

Marrying "a rich, ugly heiress" - Maria Bolkonskaya, seems to him just another amusement.

He and his father come to Bald Hills to get married.

Marya and her father feel offended by the excitement that the arrival of the prospective groom has caused in them, and which they cannot overcome in themselves.

Lovely big eyes fool Anatole "is attracted to themselves, and Princess Marya, and the little princess, and Mrs. Bourienne do not remain indifferent to the beauty of Kuragin. Everyone wants to appear before him in the best light. But for Princess Marya it seems offensive that she is forced to dress up and lead The longer the friends picked up outfits, the less the princess wanted to meet with Anatole. She understood that now she was being put on display, that she could not interest anyone with her appearance, and the more inappropriate seemed to her the troubles of her friends. and not having achieved, the friends left the princess alone. ”She not only did not change her dress, but did not even look at herself in the mirror.

Anatole drew attention to the pretty m-lle Bourienne and decided that Bald Hills would not be boring either.

In a conversation with the father of Princess Marya, Anatol again shows himself to be a complete fool, a reckless rake.

Anatole seemed to Princess Marya to be kind, brave, decisive, courageous and generous. She was convinced of this. Thousands of dreams about a future family life arose in her imagination. Anatol thought: "Poor fellow! Devilishly ugly."

M-lle Bourienne thought that this Russian prince would take her away and marry her.

Anatole was not at all interested in the princess as a person; he needed her rich dowry.

While Princess Marya went to her father at the usual hour, Mlle Bourienne and Anatole met in the conservatory.

After talking with her father, the princess went to her room through winter Garden and saw Anatole passionately embracing m-lle Bourienne.

When the father and Prince Vasily invited Princess Marya to give an answer, she said: "I thank you for the honor, but I will never be your son's wife."

Prince Vasily, thanks to the rash behavior of Anatole, was left with nothing.

In Petersburg, Anatol led the life of a riotous rake. A gambling society gathered in his house, after which there was usually a drinking binge. He misleads the good-natured, trusting Pierre with his feigned simplicity.

Anatole also played a negative role in the fate of Natasha Rostova. His base, vicious desire to instantly have what he wanted, regardless of the interests of others, led to Natasha's break with Prince Andrei, brought mental suffering to the families of the Rostovs and Bolkonsky.

Knowing that Natasha is betrothed to Prince Andrey, Anatol still confesses his love to her. What could come out of this courtship, Anatole could not know, since he never knew what would come of each of his actions. In a letter to Natasha, he says that either she will love him, or he will die. And if Natasha says yes, he will kidnap and take her to the end of the world. Impressed by this letter, Natasha refuses Prince Andrei and agrees to escape with Kuragin. But the escape failed, Natasha's note fell into the wrong hands, and the kidnapping plan failed.

The next day, in a conversation with Natasha, Pierre revealed to her that Anatole was married, therefore all his promises were a lie. Then Bezukhov went to Anatol and demanded that he return Natasha's letters and leave Moscow. The next day, Anatol left for Petersburg.

Having learned about Natasha's betrayal and about the role of Anatole in this, Prince Andrei was going to challenge him to a duel and for a long time searched for him throughout the army. But when he met Anatole, whose leg had just been taken away, Prince Andrey remembered everything, and ecstatic pity for this man filled his heart. He forgave him everything.