Biography Ksenia Sobchak. Who was the father of Xenia Sobchak Sobchak Father Ksenia or the reception

Biography Ksenia Sobchak. Who was the father of Xenia Sobchak Sobchak Father Ksenia or the reception
Biography Ksenia Sobchak. Who was the father of Xenia Sobchak Sobchak Father Ksenia or the reception

Tass dossier. On October 18, 2017, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak announced the nomination of his candidacy for the presidency of the Russian Federation. According to her, it is "outside the hard ideological framework", does not belong to any of the parties and opposes the revolution.

The editorial office of the TASS dossier has prepared the biography of Ksenia Sobchak.

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad. Her father Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000) was an associate professor of the law faculty of the Leningrad State University, then the People's Deputy of the USSR, in 1991-1996 - the mayor of St. Petersburg. Mother - Lyudmila Nastov (born 1951), worked as a teacher of history, currently - member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Tyva.

Since 1998, Sobchak studied at the Faculty of International Relations of the St. Petersburg State University. In 2001, I was transferred to the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which graduated in 2002 in 2004 completed training in the Magimatt Faculty of MGIMO Political Science.

From 2004 to 2012, he worked on TNT channel, where together with Ksenia Borodina led a realistic show "Dom-2". At the same time he participated in numerous projects on the TV channels of Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. In 2005, he led the Star Boulevard program on NTV, since 2006 - a show about his life - "Blonde in Chocolate" on the MUZ-TV TV channel. Was a leading reality show "Who does not want to become a millionaire" on TNT (2008), "Last Hero-6" on Channel One (2009), one of the leading programs "Two Stars" on Channel One (2009), "Freedom of Thought" On the Fifth Channel (2010), the "ideal man" on the CTC (2010) TV channel.

From April to October 2010, he participated in the entertainment program "Girl" on the TV channel "Russia 1". In 2011, a realistic show "Top-model in Russian" (MUZ-TV), from August 2011 - Transfer "Let's get married" on the Ukrainian TV channel STB, from April to October 2012 - "Main Theme" on the Georgian TV channel PEAK.

He took part in the projects "Circus with the Stars" on the first channel (2007) and "Dancing with the Stars" ("Russia 1", 2010) - in a pair with the dancer Evgeny Papunaishvili.

It became one of the most popular heroines of the secular chronicle, her name was regularly mentioned in the media.

In 2010-2012, Sobchak was a minority shareholder of the Russian company "Euroset" (owns a network of cellular salons). It was originally acquired by the company's shares in the amount of $ 1 million, but in December 2012 sold its share for $ 2.3 million.

In 2010, together with the restaurant company Ginza Project, Dmitry Sergeyev and Vadim Lapina opened the restaurant "Tverbul" in Moscow, a "melody" bar and a bubble café.

At the end of 2011, it was engaged in social and political activities.

After the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the VI convocation held on December 4, 2011, supported the opposition actions, which accused the authorities in falsifying the voting results. On December 10, 2011, he took part in the manifestation on the Swamp Square of Moscow, on December 24 of the same year acted at a rally on Avenue Academician Sakharov, where he stated that "the most important thing is to influence power, and not fight for power."

In February 2012, the first issue of the Political Talk Show "State Department with Ksenia Sobchak" took place on the Russian TV channel MTV. On the eve of the filming of the second transfer, the program was removed from the air. Later, in 2012-2013, a talk show called "State Department 2" and "State Department 3" were published on the RBC and Rain TV channels, and also broadcast on the website of the "Snob" publication, where Sobchak held the position of Director for some time special projects.

In the spring of 2012, she took part in various opposition political promotions, but did not present at the rally on the Bolotnaya Square on May 6, where the collisions of demonstrators with the police occurred. Later stated that "he knew in advance that the main goal of [this action] will be standing on the bridge, breakthrough and sitting strike."

June 11, 2012, on the eve of the next protest action, law enforcement officers spent search in Sobchak's apartment. According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, investigative actions were carried out as part of the investigation of the case of mass riots on the Bolotnaya Square on May 6. Sobchak was seized € 1 thousand 108, $ 522 thousand and 485 thousand rubles. In September 2012, the UK officially reported that "Cameral Tax Verification" did not reveal "facts of evasion K. Sobchak from paying taxes," and returned the TV host all seized funds.

In October 2012, Sobchak became part of the Coordination Council of the Opposition (he stopped its activities in the fall of 2013).

From 2012 to the present, the "Sobchak live" program comes out on the channel "Rain", in which Ksenia Sobchak talks with various political and social figures.

In 2012-2014, the chief editor of the women's SNC magazine (previously - "Sex and The City").

From October 2014 - the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the magazine about L'Officiel.

At the same time, continues the TV presenter's career on the TV channel "Friday!", Where the program "Transaction" (since 2013) and the "Battle of Restaurants" (since 2015).

According to Spark Interfax, since 2014, the co-owner of LLC "Bessen" (share in the authorized capital of 10%) specializing in the restaurant business.

Anatoly Sobchak for a long time was a prominent politician, thanks to which the magnificent city on the Neva with the Great Status became such as we used to see him in recent decades.

Anatoly Sobchak took into his surroundings of the future president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, having a great influence on him.

In the sever time of the 90s, our hero took care of the happiness of his country, despite the fact that various false rumors had dismissed in various media.

Growth, weight, age. Years of life Anatoly Sobchak

All Russian citizens who are not indifferent, the fate of our country, is interesting all information about people who help in the formation of the statehood of the Russian Federation. They are interested in what he was height, weight, age. The years of life Anatoly Sobchak and other politicians are officially known.
There are no official data on its growth and weight. But he is visually similar to Vladimir Putin, who entered his team. It can be assumed that our hero has an increase in 167-168 cm, and its weight is about 70 kg. In 2017, Anatoly Sobchak, a photo in my youth and now, which is represented by one single photo, would noted his 80th anniversary.

Biography and personal life Anatoly Sobchak

Anatoly Sobchak appeared in the alarming pre-war time. His father - Alexander Antonovich was a railway engineer. Mother - Nadezhda Andreyevna Litvinova worked in accounting. In addition to Anatoly, the family was still three sons - Alexander, Yuri, Egor. At the 2nd age, the Tolik moves to the Uzbekinst SSR, where he was transferred to the service of his dad.

After graduating from school, the young man enters the University of Tashkent. But soon he decides to translate to Leningrad, where the biography and personal life of Anatoly Sobchak began and ended. Our hero in university years has shown himself attentive, workable and talented student. Successful learning activities did not prevent Sobchak to marry in student years.

After the university, he worked in the Stavropol Territory Barlasty College, after which he studied in the Leningrad graduate school and defended his dissertation. From 1965 to 1973 he worked in the Leningrad Institute of Technology of the pulp and paper industry Associate Professor. During this time, it has been written a large number of different books and articles. After the protection of the doctoral dissertation worked at Jurfak in LDU. At this time, he divorces the first wife and marries the second time.

In 1989, our hero became a deputy of the USSR, after which he showed himself an honest and uncompromising politician.

In 1991, it becomes the first mayor of the city on the Neva. Soon, Anatoly Sobchak proposes to return the city the original name. At the end of 1991, Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg.

In the mid-1990s, Sobchak's injury begins, which negatively affects his health. Activity Policy is constantly investigated. In the election he loses. In 1997, the case of corruption was opened against him, which was the reason for the first heart attack, after a few months, our hero was still going through two more. Lean to be treated in France. But the unstable political situation in Russia was anxiety Anatoly Sobchak.

In January 2000, he begins to help Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. But in February, as a result of the next infarction, the death of the first St. Petersburg mayor came. A few thousand people came to his funeral. Sobchak's grave is located at one of St. Petersburg cemeteries.

Family and children Anatoly Sobchak

Anatoly Sobchak was engaged in political activities for a long time. There was not enough time for anything. Our hero moved from place to place. All day it was painted literally commemorated. It speaks Moscow in Moscow at the Tribune of the State Council, then investigates the shooting of a peaceful demonstration in Tbilisi, then delves to the mayor.

The family and children Anatoly Sobchak often did not see his months. But they waited for him and hoped to meet. During the years, they became the only inhabitants of our country, supporting it in all endeavors. Our hero in his free politics time loved to wander with his wife, Lyudmila, and the daughter of Ksyusha on the streets of his hometown. Sometimes he wanted to sit in silence, but Anatoly Sobchak was going and literally worked for wear.

Daughter Anatoly Sobchak - Maria

Back in the student years, Anatoly Sobchak was born a daughter, which was decided to call Maria. In the first years of his life, the girl brought her grandmother from the mother of Mom. She told his granddaughter cognitive stories. Grandma told Masha Tales. In particular, she loved the fairy tale "Cinderella", which could listen endlessly.

In school years, the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak - Maria studied perfectly. After school, she decided to become a lawyer, enrolling in LSU. After graduating from the university, it works in one of the legal offices of his hometown.

In the family life, Maria is also happy. She has a husband and son Gleb. Grandson Anatoly Sobchak also decided to go in the footsteps of mother and grandfather. He is studying at the University of St. Petersburg.

Daughter Anatoly Sobchak - Ksenia

The second daughter from our hero was born in 1983. The girl decided to name in honor of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg. And the Father, and the mother was holly in every way and cherished the daughter, they did everything for her. The girl learned perfectly in one of the elite schools of the city on the Neva, visited several circles and sections.

The girl was 17 years old when her father died. She was very worried about it. Ksyusha began to work on television, leading "House 2".

Daughter Anatoly Sobchak - Ksenia is known to all their statements and fabrications about children and sick people. Several years ago, Ksyusha became a loving wife and mother. She called Anatoly on his son on the advice of Mom.

In the middle of 2017, in one of the interviews Lyudmila, Nastov said that Anatoly Sobchak is not a native father of Ksenia Sobchak. Who is actually the father of her daughter, Nastov refused to report. She argued that man is still alive and happy in marriage, so it's not worth destroying it.

Former wife Anatoly Sobchak - Nonna Gandzyuk

The parents of the first wife Anatoly Sobchak arrived in Leningrad from Odessa. They worked on a construction site, raising their daughter happy. A girl from a young age hit the surrounding people with beauty and originality.

Future spouses met in student years. Nonna has always been the focus of young people. Anatoly, having met with a girl, was amazed by her beauty, he soon admitted his beloved. A few months later they got married. Within 23 years, marriage was cloudless. They lived without scandals and raised the daughter called Maria.

Having met new love, Anatoly did not hide and admitted to his wife. She let go of a spouse without a scandal.

Anatoly Sobchak's former wife - Nonna Gandzük is currently communicating with Lyudmila. She does not defeat evil on the second spouse of the former husband and on him.

Wife Anatoly Sobchak - Lyudmila Nastov

Anatoly Sobchak's wife - Lyudmila Nastov was born in the early 50s. Her native city is one of the small towns of the depths - Bryansk. He studied at the Leningrad State University, then in graduate school. She is a candidate of historical sciences.

From 1991 to 1994, Lyudmila Borisovna absolutely did not touch politics. She led his hospitals, hospitals.

In the parliamentary elections to the State Duma in 1995, he became a deputy, heading the commission dealing with the payments of fascist camps. Since 2000, Nastov has headed his husband's foundation. At the same time, it becomes a leading one of the popular current show.

Several times became senator of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. Now she is engaged in politics and helps educate the grandson called in honor of her husband Anatoly.

Cause of death Anatoly Sobchak

Soon after the funeral in the media, various rumors appeared about led to the death of the first mayor of St. Petersburg. They said that he was in a bath with girls, which led to a fatal outcome. Yellow newspapers literally mouth rumors, inventing everything new and new.

The main cause of death Anatoly Sobchak was never known. All data on the health of our hero hid it and his family. Most recently, Lyudmila Nastov said that the doctors forbade her husband the slightest unrest, but he could not sit without a loved one, did everything for happiness of his beloved country, which led to death.

The funeral was held in St. Petersburg. All prominent political figures came to say goodbye to their friend and comrades.

Wikipedia Anatoly Sobchaka

Our hero died at the beginning of the new millennium, so he has no pages on social networks. Wikipedia Anatoly Sobchak contains a small information about this great political figure. Here you can read that he led him to a policy, which was his family, and there is almost no information about the wives and children.

Some information about our today's Hero can be found on the page in the instagram of his daughter Ksenia Sobchak and Wife - Lyudmila Pressure. On the pages you can see photos of Sobchak not only as a policy, but also as a caring husband and father.

Newspapers are full of news messages from her life. Glamorous beauty constantly falls in history. It was published in overwhelming outfits and with a new beloved. That went messages that she increased her breasts. Even at the recent "Kinotavra", the film "Europe - Asia" was burly discussed exclusively because of the participation in him Ksyusha - she defiantly did not come to the premiere, stating that she did not like the film. And this "Realistic Shaw" from the life of Ksyusha made her surname of the nominal. Meanwhile, little one knows that Ksyusha has an older sister, his native to the Father, which is practically nothing to hear! Who is she, what does it do that she binds to the promoted younger sister? We decided to fill this gap and find out about the relative of Ksenia, which remained in the shadows.

The property was not divided

Native to Father Sister Ksenia Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak Older Ksyusha for 16 years, was born in Leningrad and now lives in this city. With her mother, Anatoly Sobchak lived in marriage 23 years. As Maria recognized, the father inflicted a greater mental injury to her mother, leaving for a dish.

Nonna Stepanovna told that he had been able to overcome this pain and save good relations with a former husband. "I tried to take everything as it was," Nonna Stepanovna told. - Masha talked with his father, they were friends. There were no problems. Decision of property too. We are intelligent people. My daughter is a very decent person. She went in the footsteps of the Father, became a lawyer. "

In fact, Maria Sobchak - a man is super-closed and non-public. She does not interview, does not advertise himself. Personally, I learned about her by chance, when I talked with the organizers of the scientific conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Emmanuel Nobel with the organizers of the scientific conference. It turned out that Maria Anatolyevna was invited to a conference in memory of the Father, because, unlike sister, he enjoys great authority from the scientific elite. We decided to ask her about life.

Father's affairs led

Maria Anatolyevna works in the St. Petersburg Bar College. By the way, in the university he studied under the name of Petrov. The daughter of the mayor did not use the loud spot. Only when herself succeeded, admitted to his colleagues who her father.

I graduated from the Law Faculty of Leningrad State University. My teachers in the university were teachers Pope, "said Maria Anatolyevna. - My direction is criminal law. But I always wanted to engage in civil cases. Today I am doing criminal cases, although I don't really love them, and civilians. Moves housing and family, broken-water. Now we have not so much lawyers who specialize in something.

- Did you find the dadgets? For example, about protecting honor and dignity?

Yes, led. One thing I finished and one started. But they were unpromising. Because everything is very politicized. There was a huge regular defeat article after 1996, after election. There were absurd things on the court. For example, the judge asked to bring a certificate confirming that Anatoly Alexandrovich is really a scientist that he is a good teacher. And the fact that he had already been assigned to him, no one interested. It all stretched to infinity. And the results were zero.

We are different people

- Is your sister Xenia as reacted to these cases?

She was small. She was 17 years old when the Pope did not.

We do not communicate with the family after the death of the Father. With Lyudmila Borisovna (disholo, the second wife Sobchak. - Approx. Ed.) There is no need to communicate. We are different people, we have a different world perception and world foreim. We have no conflict, but we don't love each other ... We do not want to communicate. So it happened. Only dad connected us. After his death, there is no communication.

- Are you married?

Yes. I have a husband and son. I am an ordinary person. I communicate with intelligent people. This is our circle.

- Have you tried to establish friendships with Ksenia?

I do not see in this sense. We are so different.

- Ksenia many annoys their behavior ...

It's true. Now it has become too much ksyusha. Therefore, I do not want to demonstrate myself. With Ksyusha already busting.

- In your opinion, Ksyusha will flock the father's name?

Yes. But I do not want to blame someone.

- Do you watch on TV, for example, "Dom-2"?

No, I do not watch TV at all. And not because "House-2" leads Ksenia Anatolyevna. I do not like the level of television as a whole.

- You are annoyed by Ksyusha?

It is unpleasant to me that Sobchak's surname is now associated only with Ksyusha and show business.

- Your rejection of sisters, maybe it is due to the fact that it is more popular than you, richer?

I do not need such fame. I am not a rich but quite secured person. I have everything for a happy life - family, apartment, cottage, car. With Ksenia, we have a big difference in age and there is nothing in common. She is the daughter of his mother. An adult, formed man, and somehow influence it is impossible. And it does not need neither to her nor to me.

It's amazing that two sisters, very similar externally, turned out to be so different - in character, lifestyle, fate.

Senior Maria is a respected, solid lady, which takes care of his unreputed reputation. Ksyusha herself says to himself that she "Führer Glamor". "Everyone must hate me if I don't hear the knuckles in my address, I begin to think that I was time to retire," said Ksenia once.

Well, each of the sisters chose your way. And I am sure that he is correct.


Ksyusha: "Native people can be like, and not blood"

We have gotted to Ksenia with a question, whether it is not injured by such a negative attitude of relatives to her person.

You know, I used to deal with me, "Ksenia said. - I do not think that the name of the father is disgraining. I am a modern girl and live in the modern world. I do not depend on anyone, I try to be independent, everything is to seek. I treat all respects to all relatives. Not against communication, friendship. If they do not accept me - this is their business. If we are not native people in spirit - why should we communicate?!

And at this time

Ksenia has a new novel?

It seems, Ksyusha is not afraid of anything. Desperate, what little! In love, she is the same irrepressible as in the work. In secret, we were told that not so long ago she started an affair with a regulance of an elite golf club in Nakhabin - Nemen, an entrepreneur who has its own business in Russia. This 40-year-old man with an appearance of a 30-year-old Donzhuana, beautiful manners and good Russians, admitted to us: "Ksyusha in a good sense is crazy, does not leave men indifferent! And the Ksyusha and I walked here in the nightclub, met, talked and ... Love was shouted. We talked about politics, about life, about business. She has more business than me. She and producer, and TV presenter. She just squeaks money. We persuaded eight bottles of champagne. Thank God, she paid (laughs). With her there is something to talk about, she is an interesting person! Stunning woman! She wanted to marry me, but I'm not ready for marriage. I am expensive freedom. I have girls and children, but I am not married. Most often, strong women are alone, but I sincerely wish her to conquer the peaks and remain the same independent of the enemies. "

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Sister Ksenia Sobchak Maria: It's a shame that our last name now sounds unworthy.Today Sobchak's surname is more associated with a politician, the former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, and with his daughter's secular lioness Ksyusha

Ksenia Sobchak can dear not only the body, but also the soul - and still it is worth determining that from this can be more.

The aristocracy, "spelled" in a unclean-free secular part of both Russian capitals, wrote an essay in fashionable among journalists and politicians of the journal Pioneer.

"I will never forget that solar morning when you first seen me," the mother of Ksenia Lyudmila Nastov, a member, among others, the Council of Federation received the first injection.

"I remember the bright blue mattress with some bizarre gold pattern, - reads Ksenia, - and in the center of the mattress two large dark red blood stains. The linen was also pumped, you looked terribly upset, and I came to my four years. In horror: "Mommy, where does this blood on the mattress come from?"

"And this is Ksyushenka, you're upset my mom yesterday, dinner did not dapel, my mother went blood." I stood stood as quickly, looking at the quick movements of my mother's hands, which was collecting underwear in one big coral. And then quietly went to the father's office and for a long time for a long time crying and swore to himself that she would never upset mom anymore, because the blood is that Mom dies and mom is very bad. The fact that even mom is critical days, I learned already at school many years later. "

"I will never forgive you that you did not give me a dog. You promised me for ten years ... You didn't give me a dog. And I did not remind you. And I did not answer the question:" Why did you upload? "I am generally I did not say anything. I just didn't want a dog more since then, "there is still for a long time, probably will forever remain in the collection of memoirs Sobchak offense at the father of Anatoly Sobchak, the mayor of St. Petersburg, who died 10 years ago.

"I will never forgive you that night when I learned that you change me when, without waiting for your call, I quickly got dressed and in some kind of painful chill, nothing to mention, all in tears ran out of the house and For a long time she went, "the story of Young Xenia, who among the night he knocks on the door of his beloved and meets only the care and attention of his mother, and it's more likely because it is not just a teen in love, but still the daughter of the mayor of St. Petersburg ...

Foreigner for Ksenia was the late Revelation, when many years later in Moscow, she accidentally ended up in one company with a beautiful brunette-model. She smoked cigarettes tasty and smiled a lot.

"And you know, we have much in common with you," she told the tone that we were going to inform the fact that we collect the brand of one year of release. - In short, remember him ... from Peter? Count, he is with you and with me where -tho half a year he met at the same time. Poured me that he could not quit you, because you are a daughter of the mayor, and all that, "she said all this quite friendly, as if he told the anecdote about Chapayev, but for some reason I immediately wanted to grab Her cigar and glue her right about the heart. Even after so many years it was hurt. It hurts for their feelings then, which, it turns out, was an absolute illusion. Now my memories will always be smeared by this story. This is how if the yard cat rushed to your unique school photos. "

After a series of piercing recognition Ksyusha makes conclusions.

"In my life there were three proposals to get married, but I would not forgive yours. Because I don't like empty promises. And now, in addition to the dog, I still do not want to marry. Such a person."

"I will never forgive ... And however, what kind of pathos? I never forgive ... I'll just forgive me. I have already forgiven. Because our whole life goes to lies. We have time from childhood, and lie to us ... I do not know. Me It seems that the lies of others should be loved in the same way as their own. And then a lie little will turn into a single truth existing for you. "

The revelations of Ksenia Sobchak, the most real and genuine, voiced by it personally on the "pioneer readings", brought half the listening (mostly women) to tears. And even Andrei Kolesnikov, the main ideologue of the evening, somehow confused from such a truth.

He listened to the recognition of Sobchak and her new and almost permanent Yugger Evgeny Papunaishvili. As he appreciated the statements by Ksenia, while it is unknown. But, apparently, it is not going to get rid of it from unwillingness.

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak. Born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian television and radio host, journalist, actress, secular lioness, public figure.

Known on a reality show "Dom-2" (TNT), "Blonde in Chocolate" (MUZ-TV), "The Last Hero" (Channel One), as well as the Transmissions "State Department 2" (Snob) and Sobchak live "( Rain), keeping together with Sergey Slander on the radio station "Silver Rain" of the Barabak and Gray Wolf programs.

Father - Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak, Lawyer, Mayor of St. Petersburg from 1991 to 1996.

Mother - Lyudmila Borisovna Nastov, historian.

The father of Gorya, who served in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, was the shame of Ksenia, and a girlfriend of Lyudmila Natasha's university girlfriend.

She lived with parents in the house 21 on Kustodiev Street, then - in a communal on the embankment of the car wash river. As a child, Ksenia was engaged in ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting during the Hermitage.

In secondary classes studied in high school number 185 with in-depth learning English.

He graduated from school at the RGPU named after A. I. Herzen.

In 1998 he entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. In 2000 she moved to Moscow and translated to the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO.

In 2002, he received a bachelor's degree, and in 2004 he graduated with honors from Mgimo in the direction of "Political Science" (the topic of the diploma - "Comparative analysis of the presidency institutions in France and Russia"). Owns English, French and Spanish.

After graduation, MGIMO planned to continue study and in parallel to take part in a number of television and other projects.

According to Forbes magazine, for the period held since September 2008 to September 2009, its income amounted to $ 1.2 million. In February 2010, Sobchak acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) a package of shares of the Russian cell retailer "Euroset", spending on This is just over $ 1 million.

Since 2004, led a reality show "House 2" On TV channel TNT, together with (then joined them), but in the summer of 2012, did not extend the contract with the television company and left the show.

Such a realistic show was led as "who does not want to become a millionaire" on TNT, "the last hero-6" on the first channel, "Blonde in Chocolate" on MUZ-TV.

He was one of the leading shows "Two Star" on the Channel One.

It was seven times sparkled in the TV shows "Big Difference": as a leading realistic show "Dom-2", a guest in the transfer of "good night, kids!", The twist "Two Star" show, the guest in the program "Let them say", leading the festival "Big difference" in Odessa. In one of Ksenia Sobchak parodies participated in the role of the restaurant's waitress, which visited Ksenia Sobchak (the artist of the troupe Maria Zykova itself was sparkled). All parodies performed the actors of the troupe Olga Mednichy and.

Is one of the main characters of a television cartoon show "Cartoon personality".

In 2013, Sobchak created the image of Oksana North and removed the video for the song "native", which received the Rutv Prize, and Ksenia for the image of the scandalous star chanson was nominated for the Award "Top 50. The most famous People of St. Petersburg" from the magazine "".

After the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011, in which the victory won the United Russia, Sobchak supported protest actions against the falsification of elections. On December 10, she came to the rally on the Bolotnaya Square, and on December 24 spoke at a rally on Avenue Akademika Sakharov. In January, Sobchak was included in the top ten most influential Russian women compiled by the radio station "Echo of Moscow" with the support of the Agency "Interfax", RIA Novosti and Ogonoku magazine.

After the presidential election on March 4, 2012, which won, Sobchak on March 10 spoke at the rally "For Honest Elections" at the new Arbat. On April 14, Sobchak spoke at a rally in Astrakhan in support of the ex-candidate for the mayors of Astrakhan Oleg Shein, who did not recognize the results of the Mayor election. In the shares of Mars of Million on the Bolotnaya Square on May 6, Sobchak deliberately did not take part, because, as postfactum reported on May 7, knew that the action would be aimed at increasing radicalization.

However, on May 8, she came to the camp of oppositionists on Chistoprudny Boulevard. After displacing oppositionists from pure ponds, they gathered on Pushkin Square, but already there in Nikitsky gates Ksenia Sobchak, together with Alexey Navalny, was detained. After the arrest, Sobchak wrote on Twitter that she had changed about the radicalization of protest. Immediately after liberation at night, Sobchak arrived at Kudrinskaya Square, where oppositionists gathered again.

In May, it became known about the exception of Sobchak from the list of the leading jubilee award Muz-TV (initially she had to lead it along with Maxim Galkin, Leroy Kudryavtsevoye and Andrei Malakhov), as well as removed from the presentation of the Teffe Award in the nomination "Best Reporter". According to her own statement, this was done for political reasons.

On the eve of June 12, 2012, a search was made in the apartment Sobchak, the police officer Henry Reznik, with the assumption of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (CCR), that the oppositionist Ilya Yashin actually lives in this apartment. TV presenter expressed indignation by the fact that investigators, "smiling", loudly read her personal letters aloud, and stated: "I never thought that we would return to the country of such repression."

The official representative of the SCR said that "in the apartment of I. Yashin and K. Sobchak seized a large amount of money in the European and American currency decomposed in more than 100 envelopes (at least € 1 million). Over the course of several days, investigators checked the seized currency and each bill was individually tested for authenticity.

On June 15, responding to this incident, one of the opposition leaders, the State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev called on Ksenia to distance themselves from participation in the opposition movement org structures. Make this during the investigation of the criminal case about the riots on the Bolotnaya so that the country explained Ponomarev, did not concentrate on millions of Sobchak, so as not to throw the shadow on the opposition and not distract attention from the real activities of the protesters. Sobchak replied that he did not claim any guideline in protest movement.

On September 27, the main investigative department of the SCR decided to return Sobchak by transferring money to its accounts during the May search of money, namely: 1 108,420 euros, 522,392 US dollars and 485 325 rubles. Cameral check conducted on behalf of the investigation did not establish the facts of evasion of Ksenia from paying taxes.

On September 17, 2012, he nominated his candidacy to the Coordination Council of the Russian opposition. Among the 11 activists of the opposition made a statement, which states that "opposition to the violent direction between the authorities and society is growing," therefore, "large-scale political reform" is necessary. On October 22, 2012, in the elections of the Opposition Coordination Council, the fourth place ranked the fourth place, typing 32.5 thousand votes, giving way to A. Navalny, D. Bykov and. On October 19, 2013, the coordination council of the Russian opposition ceased to exist.

In 2008, the books of Ksenia Sobchak were published, dedicated to the style of clothing and cosmetics: "Stylish things of Ksenia Sobchak" and "masks, shine, curlers. Alphabet of beauty. "

In 2009, a "practical manual" was written in conjunction with Oksana Robust, "Zamuzu for a millionaire, or the marriage of the highest grade.

In 2010, "Encyclopedia of Loch" was published - a book defining "Loha" as "a person for whom the self-sustaining above all". In the interview, Dmitry Bykov, Sobchak, called the described phenomenon of international, but noticed that, thanks to the historical background of the elite destruction in 1917 and 1937 and modern social experiments, including "Rain of petrodollars", Russia is an "ideal polygon for personal observing ", To which Sobchak deals self-critical and himself, as" the symbol of all-Russian peculiarity with the project House-2 ".

In the same year appeared jointly by Ksenia Sokolova and Ksenia Sobchak Book "Philosophy in Bouare" - A collection of interviews, compiled on the basis of the materials of the column "Philosophy in Bouda with ..." magazine "GQ".

Sobchak is a successful investor. In December 2012, it became known that Ksenia helped $ 2.3 million from the sale of his share of EUROSet shares. Given the initial investment in 1 million dollars. In 2010, Sobchak's revenues from retailer shares amounted to $ 1.3 million.

On May 28, 2012, he became the editor-in-chief of the women's journal SNC (previously known as Sex and The City). In December 2014, left this post.

From 2013 to 2014 led the transmission "Transaction" on the TV channel "Friday!".

In October 2014, he became the editor-in-chief of the magazine about fashion L'Officiel.

In 2015, there was a leading show "Battle of Restaurants" on the TV channel "Friday!". Leading award Muz-TV (2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2014-2017).

In October 2017, it became known about the work of Ksenia Sobchak over the documentary film to the 80th anniversary of Anatoly Sobchak, among the interviewed was the President of the Russian Federation (and the former assistant policy).

Ksenia Sobchak - presidential candidate 2018

Since the beginning of September 2017, rumors began to spread about the possible participation of Ksenia Sobchak in the presidential election with the consent of the presidential administration. Sobchak himself called this data attempted to discredit it.

The possible participation of Sobchak in the elections was criticized by the parties intending to run into the president, who called it a caricature liberal candidate and the "spoiler" with the cannibal glances of the Democrat of the beginning of the 90s. After that, the journalist accused him of the leader, hypocrisy, calls for inconsistent shares and split the opposition.

November 18, 2016 in the Lapino clinic near Moscow. Only before the new year was: Plato.

Since the end of 2018, information about the disaster in the Sobchak and Vitorgan family. They removed the rings and stopped appearing together in the public.

Since January 2019, the media began to actively figure rumors about Ksenia's novel with the director. Journalists found a pair together at one of the events where they are not embarrassed to demonstrate their feelings and kissing.

January 21, 2019 it was reported that Maxim Vitorgan beat Konstantin Bogomolov in a cafe. The guards of the institution witnessed a fight between men. In the cafe, the director returned with a broken nose and bloody face.

March 8, 2019. "We are forced to comment in publicly our relations, in order to stop all speculations on this topic. We have long lived separately and every your life. While we lived together, we kept mutual loyalty. We are not divided by the property and, especially, the child, which we continue to raise Looking his parents, "they wrote in Instagram.

Ksenia Sobchak filmography:

2004 - thieves and prostitutes. Prize - Space Flight - Journalist-Psychologist
2007 - Mad - Margarita Lyamkina
2007 - the best movie is a prostitute
2008 - Beauty requires ... - Ilma Peterson
2008 - No one knows about sex 2: No Sex - Arabella
2008 - Hitler Caput! - Eva Brown
2008 - Europe-Asia - as herself
2009 - artifact - swearing
2009 - Golden Key - Malvina
2009 -
2011 - a short course of a happy life - aunt Nadia
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - Madame Ksyu-Ksyu
2012 - Entropy - Pasha
2013 - Roman with cocaine - Sonya
2013 - Doc term - as itself
2013 - Corporate - Prostitute
2013 - Odnoklassniki.RU: Click good luck
2015 - The chicks