My beautiful Lady Broadway Music. "My lovely lady

My beautiful Lady Broadway Music.
My beautiful Lady Broadway Music. "My lovely lady
My wonderful lady
My Fair Lady

Broadway poster, created by Girshfeld

Frederick Lowe

The words

Alan Jay Lerner


Alan Jay Lerner

Based on

In 1960, "my beautiful lady" was shown in the USSR (Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev). The main roles were performed: Lola Fisher (Eliza Dulitl), Eduard Mulhayir and Michael Evans (Henry Higgins), Robert Kut (Colonel Pickering), Charles Victor (Alfred Dulittl), Rid Shelton (Freddie Einsford-Xill).

In 1965, the musical was delivered at the Moscow Theater Operetta with Tatiana Schmygoy.

Equipped in 1964. The film received the Oscar Award as the best movie in the same year.

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Excerpt characterizing my beautiful lady (musical)

In the club, everything went on with their ordinary order: guests who gathered to dine were sitting with groups and greet Pierre and talked about urban news. Lackey, saying hello to him, reported to him, knowing his acquaintance and the habit that the place was left in a small dining room that Prince Mikhail Zakharych in the library, and Pavel Timofeich did not come yet. One of the familiar pierre between the conversation about the weather asked him, did he hear about the abduction of the Kuragin Rostova, which is spoken in the city, is it true? Pierre, shook, said it is nonsense, because he is now only from growth. He asked everyone about Anatol; He said alone that he did not come yet, the other that he would have lunch now. Pierre was strange to look at this calm, indifferent crowd of people who did not know what was done in his soul. He walked around the hall, waited until everyone was leaving, and without waiting for Anatol, did not have dinner and went home.
Anatol, whom he searched, on this day dined with Dologov and consistent with him about how to fix a spoiled business. He seemed to be seen with Rostova. In the evening, he drove to her sister to talk about the means to arrange this date. When Pierre, having traveled all over Moscow in vain, returned home, Camnediner reported to him that Prince Anatol Vasilich at the Countess. The living room of the Countess was full of guests.
Pierre not healthy with his wife, which he did not see after arrival (she was more than ever hated him at that moment), entered the living room and seeing Anatoly approached him.
- Ah, Pierre, - said the Countess, coming to her husband. "You don't know what position is our anatol ..." she stopped, seeing her husband's head lowered low, in his brilliant eyes, in his decisive gait, then the terrible expression of rabies and the strength she knew and experienced after a duel with Doolokhov.
"Where you are debauchery there, evil," said Pierre wife. "Anatole, let's go, I need to talk to you," he said in French.
Anatole looked back to her sister and rose me, ready to follow Pierre.

Year of creation: 1964

Country: USA

Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Co.

Duration: 170.

Music comedy "My beautiful lady"- the film by the Broadway Music of the same name made by the work of Bernard Shaw"Pygmalion".The plot of the film is largely repeated by the famous play.

Music for the film "My Lovely Lady" created a composerFrederick Lowe And the scenario and lyrics wroteAlan Jay Lerner.

Professor FoneticsHenry Higgins. (Rex Harrison) - Against bachelor. He makes bet with his colleague, ColonelPickeringthat in three months will be able to turn the illiterate London FlowerEliz Dulittl (Audrey Hepburn) In the real lady.

The professor is taken to train a girl talking on a street jargon, great manners and perfectly proper speech. Upon expiration of the stated term, Eliza should be presented at the Embassy Ball, and if none of those present guess its low origin, the colonel recognizes the victory of the professor and pay all the costs of learning the girl.

Eliza herself hopes that good pronunciation will allow her to get a job in flower shop.

Music " My beautiful lady " I managed to become a legend even before creating the film.

For the first time, the audience saw this production on Broadway on March 15, 1956. The play show was incredible popularity, and tickets sold for half a year ago. Today, the musical "My beautiful lady " was played by Broadway more2100 time. He successfully demonstrated in two dozen countries and was translated into 11 languages. Musicle's main roles performedRex Harrison and beginner singerJulie Andrews..

Getting Started Movie, Director George Kukor preferred to replaceAndrews.on better known Audrey Hepburn, What at first caused disappointment at the fans of the musical. The Contractor of the Main Male role in the Musical Replacement was not found, andRex Harrison Successfully moved with Broadway on the big screen. This work has become starry hour The actor - he received a well-deserved Oscar for the best male role in the film "My beautiful Lady".

Another contender for the role of Eliza Dulittl wasElizabeth Taylor. Choosing an actress main role caused a certain hype in the press. Audrey Hepburn was 10 years older than his heroine, did not possess outstanding vocal data and had a reputation between the nee ladies. Despite vocal lessons, Audrey could not cope with music numbersAnd the voice of Hepburn became american singerMarnie Nixon. The actress was very distressed with this fact and believed that he did not cope with the role.

Film " My beautiful lady " Received the following awards: - 8 premiumsOscar In nominations: " Best movie"," Best Director "," The Best Actor "," Best artists"," Best operator "," Best composer"," Best costumes "," best sound ". - 5 premiumsGolden Globe In the nominations: "The best movie", "best director", "Best Actor", "Best Actress", " Best actor second plan. " - Prize of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (as the Best Foreign Film).

Fully you can see in my heading "Cinema"

Design: Valery Polish

Read Original:

Year of creation: 1964

Country: USA

Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Co.

Duration: 170.

Music comedy "My beautiful lady"- the film by the Broadway Music of the same name made by the work of Bernard Shaw"Pygmalion".The plot of the film is largely repeated by the famous play.

Music for the film "My Lovely Lady" created a composerFrederick Lowe And the scenario and lyrics wroteAlan Jay Lerner.

Professor FoneticsHenry Higgins. (Rex Harrison) - Against bachelor. He makes bet with his colleague, ColonelPickeringthat in three months will be able to turn the illiterate London FlowerEliz Dulittl (Audrey Hepburn) In the real lady.

The professor takes to train a girl talking on a street jargon, great manners and perfectly correct speech. Upon expiration of the stated term, Eliza should be presented at the Embassy Ball, and if none of those present guess its low origin, the colonel recognizes the victory of the professor and pay all the costs of learning the girl.

Eliza herself hopes that good pronunciation will allow her to settle in a flower shop.

Music " My beautiful lady " I managed to become a legend even before creating the film.

For the first time, the audience saw this production on Broadway on March 15, 1956. The play show was incredible popularity, and tickets sold for half a year ago. Today, the musical "My beautiful lady " was played by Broadway more2100 time. He successfully demonstrated in two dozen countries and was translated into 11 languages. Musicle's main roles performedRex Harrison and beginner singerJulie Andrews..

Getting Started Movie, Director George Kukor preferred to replaceAndrews.on better known Audrey Hepburn, What at first caused disappointment at the fans of the musical. The Contractor of the Main Male role in the Musical Replacement was not found, andRex Harrison Successfully moved with Broadway on the big screen. This work became a starry hour of the actor - he received a well-deserved Oscar for the best male role in the film "My beautiful Lady."

Another contender for the role of Eliza Dulittl wasElizabeth Taylor. The choice of actresses on the main role caused a certain hype in the press. Audrey Hepburn was 10 years older than his heroine, did not possess outstanding vocal data and had a reputation between the nee ladies. Despite the lessons of vocal, Audrey I could not cope with music numbers, and the American singer became the voice of HepburnMarnie Nixon. The actress was very distressed with this fact and believed that he did not cope with the role.

Film " My beautiful lady " Received the following awards: - 8 premiumsOscar In the nominations: "The best movie", "best director", "best actor", "best artists", "best operator", "best composer", "best costumes", "best sound". - 5 premiumsGolden Globe In the nominations: "Best Film", "Best Director", "Best Actor", "Best Actress", "Best Actor of the Second Plan". - Prize of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (as the Best Foreign Film).

Fully you can see in my heading "Cinema"

Design: Valery Polish

Read Original:

Two talented young author - Composer Frederick Lowe and Librettist Alan Jay Lerner would never have compiled her most famous musical - "My beautiful lady", if not different star para - Rogers and Hammerstine. The creators of Oklahoma refused to cooperate with the film generator Gabriel Pascal, who was worn with the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing from famous play Bernard Shaw "Pigmalion" musical performance And for a long time, unsuccessfully tried to find authors. Lowe and Lerner rated the quality of the dramatic material - despite the fact that the play was published in 1912, the themes that were addressed - the personality and its rights, the relationship between a man and a woman, the culture of the tongue - and culture in wide sense This word is relevant at all times.

The plot of the musical, which was originally called My Fair Eliza in many respects repeats the play show.

Professor Phonetics Henry Higgins concludes with his colleague-linguist, Colonel Pickering, Paris - He is taken into turning the London Flower name named Eliz Dulittl, which they meet rainy in the evening at Covent Garden Square, in a real lady. Higgins takes half a year to get rid of a girl from common pronunciation and teach good manners. After this period, it will have to appear on the Embassy Ball, and if no one guess its social origin, Pickering will pay all the costs of training, and Eliza itself will be able to go to work in a flower shop. The offer sounds tempting, and Eliza moves into the house of Professor. In search of a daughter there is her father - the trashman Alfred Dulittl, and he managed to shout out five pounds from Higgins as compensation for having deprived of the cormilites.

Training is given by Eliz is not easy, sometimes heartlessness and teacher's despotic bring it to tears, but in the end she begins to do progress. And yet the first exit to the light (and the professor exports it not somewhere, but on the races in Ascot, where the color of the English aristocracy is going) refuses unsuccessful: having learned to correctly pronounce words, Eliza did not stop talking in the language of London - that shocking the mother of professors And fascinates Freddie Ainsford Hill, young man From the aristocratic family.

The day of the Embassy Bala is coming. Eliza with brilliance withstands the exam, despite the attempts of the former student of Higgins - Hungary Carpathi - find out who she really is. After Bala, Higgins revels his success, absolutely not paying attention to the girl, which causes her protest. There is a conversation between it and the professor, from which it becomes clear that Eliza has changed not only outwardly, but also internally, that it is not a toy in the hands of a professor, but a living person.

The heroine leaves the Higgins House, meets on the road of his fan - Freddie, who is constantly spinning around her house, and goes along with him to the poor quarter, where she once lived. There, Eliza expects a surprise - dad dulittl rich and decided finally marrying her mother. It turns out that after his visit to the house of Professor Higgins, the one affected by the natural oratorical gift of the father of Eliza, wrote a letter famous patronage, Recomprehensible Mr. Dulittla as the most original moralist of modernity. As a result, the Londonproves got a huge inheritance - and with him all the vices of the bourgeois society, which he so condemned. But the problems of his daughter are not interested in him, and Eliza goes to the home of Mother of Professor Higgins, who sincerely sympathizes her.

Soon there is a professor himself. There is a swing between him and Eliza again, during which Eliza states Higgins, which can be perfectly live without him. It is not even necessary to go to work the flower shop - it can give the lessons of phonetics, and there will definitely not be from the disciples. Remarkable Higgins go home. On the way, he still dumps a mask from himself and admits himself, and hence the viewer that, in general, accustomed to Elise - such a clumsy recognition in love with the mouth of a convinced bachelor. In his office, he includes a recording with the voice of his student, made when she just appeared in his house. The room quietly enters Eliza. Noticing the girl, Higgins straightens in the chair, comes his hat on his eyes and utters his corona phrase: "Eliza, where, damn it, my night shoes?"

Adapting "Pygmalion" for the music theater, the authors tried to take care of the text of the original source as much as possible, and yet the accents in the play were shifted - the story of the transfiguration of the main character from vulgar flower players to a charming young lady, and the philosophical reasoning shows the second if not on the third plan. In addition, the heroine of "Pygmalion" in the end comes marriage for Freddie and opens a flower shop, and for the fact that a vegetable shop (this is stated in afterword to the play, written by the playwright itself, who did not really believe in romantic love). The Eliza Bernarde shows there are no illusions against Higgins - "Galatei does not fully like Pygmalion: he plays a too-good role in her life, and this is not very nice." Eliza Low and Lerner still returns to his teacher - the public would not take parting the main characters. Alan Jay Lerner himself explained his decision to change the final: "I lowered the afterword" my beautiful lady ", because the show explains how Eliza remains not with Higgins, but with Freddie, and I - yes forgive me Show and Heaven! "I'm not sure that he is right."

The very first listeners of materials for "My beautiful Lady" was the star Broadway Mary Martin (South Pacific, Peter Pan) and her husband Richard Hollide. When Mary Martin heard that Lerner and Lowe adapt "Pygmalion" for the musical theater, she, by a major role in the future musical, immediately wanted to listen to what they had. After reviewing several numbers (including the Ascot Gavotte and Just You Wait, 'Enry' iggins), Martin did not say anything to the authors, but it immediately complained to her husband: "How could it happen that these cute boys have lost their talent?" Later, Hollydey gave her words to Lernera, adding that Just You Wait very much reminds I HATE MEN from Kiss Me Kate Cole Porter, and the number The Ascott Gavotte "is simply not funny." Such a reception provided by the future "beautiful lady" the first listeners, made a very painful impression on Lerner and even caused a real depression. However, neither Lerner nor Low saw in Mary Martin Eliz Dulittl and not going to invite her to the performance. The role got a beginner singer Julie Andrews. Subsequently, Lerner and Low themselves have already teased each other when they did not have a job, quoting Mary Martin: "These cute boys have lost their talent."

The Broadway Premiere of the Musicla took place on March 15, 1956. The show immediately began to use mad popularity, the tickets were sold in half a year ago. However, the overwhelming success of the musical was for his creators a complete surprise: "Neither I nor F. Low believed that we are the culprits of the celebration. Just came time for something bright, theatrical, something unlikely to meet two lonely people in dark Allea. And "Lady" went to the posters. " During the year after the premiere of Lowe came to the ticket office, about which from the nights held their turn to see the show, and treated their coffee. They looked at Low as a madman, and no one could believe that he was a composer who wringing "my beautiful lady."

The musical was played by Broadway 2 717 times. He was transferred to eleven languages, including Hebrew, and he successfully walked in more than twenty countries. More than five million copies were sold with the recording of the original Broadway composition, and in 1964 the screen of George Kyukor was released on the screens.

Despite the incredible colorful paintings, the fans of the musical experienced disappointment. They expected to see the role of Eliza Julie Andrews, and the role of Audrey Hepburn - by that time she, unlike Julie, was already a star of cinema. Rex Harrison, who played Higgins on Broadway, did not find replacement, and the Eccentric professor successfully moved from theatrical layouts to the big screen, for which he received a Honored Oscar.

The musical "My beautiful Lady" is still loved by the public. Thanks to the producer of Cameron Cameron Macintosh and the director Trevor Nanna Show can be viewed in London. The role of Professor Higgins in the premiere was performed by Jonathan Price (Peron from the film "Evita"), and Miss Dulittl - Singer and Actress Martin McCatchy.

In Russia, "my beautiful lady" for many years has not been taken from the poster of musical and dramatic theaters. The musical was in the theater A. Kalina "Et Cetera" (Moscow). In the formulation of Dmitry Bertman ( artistic director The theater "Helikon-Opera") Flowerian with Totenham Court Road turned out to be a Muscovite Liza Dulina living near the Sherp and Hammer station. The performance of the performance took place part in Moscow, part of London, where Professor-Slavist Higgins brings his Galatia - carrier of colorful Moscow spacious. Basic story line The musical was preserved, however, in the rest, this formulation was not much like a primary source. In its classic version, the performance has already been several years is coming On the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater. On January 18, 2012, the premiere of the Musicla "My Wonderful Lady" was held at the Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg) in the formulation of the Paris Shatle Theater. Director of the performance - the famous Canadian director Robert Carsen, choreographer - Lynn Page (Lynne Page). The classic Lerner and Lowe show became the first musical set in the legendary Russian Opera House.

Bigger irish playwright And Publicist George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, in 1856. Brilliant speaker, mockery and intellectual, he actively participated in public Life UK end XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century. For ninety-four years of his life, Bernard Shaw composed 65 plays, 5 novels, great amount Critical articles and reviews. In his works, he acts as a master of intellectual drama-based discussion, built on acute dialogues, complete paradoxical situations destroying all traditional ideas about the theater. Plays show beat political reaction, regulatory morality, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. In 1925, the writer was awarded Nobel Prize on literature. The show took the title nobel laureateHowever, the money refused. Pygmalion is not the only work of the show that has become a musical. Caesar and Cleopatra (Musical Her First Roman) and Arms were also adapted for the music theater. and the Man (Chocolate Soldier). In Russia, Pygmalion was first put in Moscow, in 1914. Julie Andrews shone in the role of Eliza on Broadway, but Audrey Hepburn was a major role in the Music Cinema Music. The work of the actress in this film was assessed ambiguously. First, she sang not herself, although there is a recording of two songs from the musical performed by Audrey. Apparently, her vocals seemed not bright enough for such a grand film project, so it was decided to attract Marny Nixon, the singer, who had already had the experience of duplicating the star - it was her voice to sing Natalie Wood, the executor of the role of Mary in the film "Westcaid History" and Deborah Kerr, Playing the main heroine In the cinema of the musical "King and I". Interestingly, nor Natalie nor Audrey did not get the awards of the American Film Academy, which were nominated by both films. Audrey also reproached that it was not very convincing as a simple London flower player and that her congenital aristocracy would not hide any make-up and terrorized speech. This is not surprising - the actress is really " blue blood" Audrey was born in Belgium, her mother is a Dutch baroness. Full name Actresses - Edda Kathleen Van Heemstra Hepburn-Rustone. And yet, Audrey, unexpectedly for his angel-like appearance, demonstrates a bright talent of a characteristic actress, and the striking its transformation from the Vulgana caress in shining beauty. Would such a transformation from the primary and proper julie, which, besides, had more modest external data? Julie was very worried that she did not get the role of Eliza. The candidacy of Andrews supported Harrison Rex, was criticized on her side. Up until the very beginning of the filming, Julie hoped if not to play herself, then at least to duplicate Hepburn. But - not happening. However, the irony of fate in 1964, when "my beautiful lady" went on rental, it was Julie that Iskar went for the best female role (Mary Poppins film).

- (English. My Fair Lady) may mean: "My beautiful lady" Musical Frederick Lowe, created based on the play of Bernard show "Pygmalion" "My beautiful Lady" Comedy film of 1964 year, created on the basis of the musical of the same name ... ... Wikipedia

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My beautiful lady (film, 1964) - This term has other meanings, see my beautiful lady. My beautiful lady My Fair Lady ... Wikipedia

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  • , Show Bernard. The collection includes three plays of Bernard Shaw. Among them are the most famous - Pygmalion (1912), on which many films have been shot and the legendary Broadway musical "My beautiful Lady" is delivered. ... buy for 265 rubles
  • Pygmalion. Candida. Double Lady Sonyetov, Show B .. The collection included three plays Bernard Shaw. Among them is the most famous - "Pygmalion" (1912), which filmed a lot of films and delivered the legendary Broadway musical "My beautiful lady". ...