Sholokhov Nobel laureate. Presentation of the Nobel Prize Sholokhov! (Photo)

Sholokhov Nobel laureate. Presentation of the Nobel Prize Sholokhov! (Photo)
Sholokhov Nobel laureate. Presentation of the Nobel Prize Sholokhov! (Photo)

The Nobel Prize in 2016 went to American Bob Dilan. Swedish academician decided to reward the singer for "the creation of new poetic expressions in the Great American Song Tradition." He became the tenth American laureate of the Nobel Prize, but only five Russian writers in this list. Ivan Bunin, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky were received. The latter at the time of delivery already lived in the United States, but it did not become a real American.

For Russian writers, the Nobel Prize in literature was a reward, and curse. Only one of the laureates approved the Soviet government, the rest were exposed to Ostracism: someone to a greater extent, someone in a smaller.

Swedish academics hand over laureates not only diplomas and medals, but also money. How did Russian writers ordered the award?

The first Russian laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature was Ivan Bunin. This happened in 1933. The jury appreciated the "strict skill", with whom the writer "developed the traditions of Russian classical prose." The USSR did not like the choice of Swedish academics. In Soviet newspapers, it was condemned, but then the publications did not go, since Bunin has long lived abroad.

The size of the Nobel Prize in Literature Ivan Bunin amounted to 715 thousand French francs. However, the writer could not practically dispose of such wealth. Part of the money he distributed to colleagues-emigrants, the part was punished, and another part invested some kind of asphar.

Boris Pasternak

The second Nobel Prize in literature, which took the Russian writer, was awarded 25 years later, in 1958. Formally, the winner - Boris Pasternak - did not receive it himself, because such an injury began against him that he was forced to abandon the award. The Swedish Academy agreed with the decision of Pasternak and only in 1989 was able to give diploma and the medal to the son of the writer.

Herbal Boris Pasternak because of the Nobel Prize was so large-scale that the writer immediately excluded from the Writers of the USSR and were even going to deprive citizenship.

Mikhail Sholokhov came to the list of laureates of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1965. "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia," the members of the jury explained their choice. The choice of academics liked the leadership of the USSR. Sholokhov became the only one who received a premium and approved by the government of the native country. The writer distinguished himself during the presentation. He violated the protocol, refusing to bow down the Swedish king.

Sholokhov received 62 thousand dollars. Most of the money he spent on travel. Together with the children, he traveled England, France, Italy, visited Japan. In London, the writer bought gifts to friends, 20 English sweaters cost him 3 thousand dollars. Another part of the money, the writer gave a library and the club in the Rostov region.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1970, because of the Nobel Prize, there were problems. The leadership of the USSR was offended when he learned about who was decided to give a reward. The Government considered this decision "politically hostile." The writer himself could not even go to the awards ceremony, because he was sure that he would not be missing home.

The money received by the fourth Russian Nobel laureate was lying in Western banks for several years. When Solzhenitsyn was still emigrated to the US, they were very useful for him: the writer bought a manor in Vermont.

The latter, who from Russian writers was awarded the Nobel Prize, became the poet Joseph Brodsky. The presentation took place in 1987, Brodsky at that time already lived and worked in the United States. The poet was practical than all predecessors. He listened to the Soviets of Friends and opened a Russian restaurant in New York. He works in Manhattan so far.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin distributed Nobel Prize to friends

In December 1933, the Paris Press wrote: " Out of doubt, I.A. Bunin - in recent years, is the most powerful figure in Russian fiction and poetry», « the king from the literature confidently and equally filled with a wedded monarch».

Russian emigration of applause. In Russia, to the news that the Russian emigrant received the Nobel Prize, reacted very hardly. After all, Bunin negatively perceived the events of 1917 and emigrated to France. Ivan Alekseevich himself was very difficult to experienced emigration, was actively interested in the fate of his abandoned homeland and during the second world categorically refused all contacts with the Nazis, having moved in 1939 to the seaside Alps, returned from anywhere in Paris only in 1945.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. 1901 year.

It is known that the Nobel laureates have the right to decide themselves how to spend the money received. Someone is inserted into the development of science, someone in charity, someone in their own business. Bunin, the man is creative and devoid of "practical smelting", ordered his award, which was 170331 to the crown, completely irrational.

The poet and literary critic Zinaida Shakhovskaya recalled: " Returning to France, Ivan Alekseevich ... Not counting the money, I began to arrange a feast, distribute "benefits" with emigrants, sacrifice funds to support various societies. Finally, according to the advice of benevolers, he invested the remaining amount into some kind of "win-win" and remained with anything».

Ivan Bunin is the first of the emigrant writers who began to publish in Russia. True, the first publications of his stories appeared already in the 1950s, after the death of the writer. Some of his works of the story and poems were published in their homeland only in the 1990s.

God is merciful for what you
Gave us passion, duma and care,
Thirst for business, glory and joy?
Joyful cripples, idiots,
Lesse than everyone.
(I.Bunin. September, 1917)

Boris Pasternak refused to Nobel Prize

Boris Pasternak advanced to the Nobel Prize for Literature "For significant achievements in modern lyrical poetry, as well as for the continuation of the traditions of the great Russian epic novel" annually from 1946 to 1950. In 1958, his candidacy again proposed last year's Nobel Laureate Albert Cami, and on October 23, Pasternak became the second Russian writer who was awarded to this premium.

The writing environment in the homeland of the poet this news was extremely negative and already on October 27, Pasternak unanimously excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR, at the same time submitting a petition to deprive the Pasternak of Soviet citizenship. In the USSR, receiving a premium Pasternak tied only with his novel "Dr. Zhivago".

The literary newspaper wrote: "Pasternak received" thirty silvermen ", for which the Nobel Prize was used. He was awarded for having agreed to fulfill the role of bait on rusty crochet of anti-Soviet propaganda ... The inglorious end is waiting for the resurrected Jude, Dr. Zhivago, and his author, whose folk contempt will be.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak.

Mass campaign deployed against Pasternak forced him to abandon the Nobel Prize. The poet sent a telegram in the address of the Swedish Academy, in which he wrote: " By virtue of the value that awarded award-winning award in society, to which I belong, I have to refuse it. Do not consider my voluntary failure for insulting».

It is worth noting that in the USSR until 1989, even in the school program on literature on the work of Pasternak, there were no mentions. The first decided to massively introduce the Soviet people with the creative Pasternak director Eldar Ryazanov. In his comedy, "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam!" (1976) He turned on the poem "no one will be in the house", converting it to the city romance, executed who Bard Sergey Nikitin. Later, Ryazanov included in his film "Service Roman" excerpt from another poem of Pasternak - "Loving other - a heavy cross ..." (1931). True, he sounded in a farce context. But it is worth noting that at that time the mention of Pasternak poems was a very bold step.

Easy to wake up and overlook
Sloves sophistic sophisticate
And live without clogging inherent
All this is not a big trick.
(B. Pasternak, 1931)

Mikhail Sholokhov, receiving the Nobel Prize, did not bow the monarch

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov Nobel Prize in literature received in 1965 for his novel "Quiet Don" and entered the story as the only Soviet writer who received this award with the consent of the Soviet leadership. The laureate diploma is "as a sign of the recognition of the artistic strength and honesty, which he showed in his Don epic on the historical phases of the life of the Russian people."

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov.

The premium of the premium to the Soviet writer Gustav Adolf VI called it "one of the most prominent writers of our time." Sholokhov king, as prescribed the rules of etiquette, did not bow. Some sources claim what he did it intends to with the words: "We, Cossacks, do not bow to anyone. Here in front of the people - please, but I will not be in front of the king ... "

Bronze sculptures of the literary heroes of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov Quiet Don on the embankment in the village of Veshebnskaya.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn because of the Nobel Prize deprived of Soviet citizenship

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, Commander of the Battery of Sound Intelligence, who served during the war of war to the title of captain and awarded by two combat orders, in 1945 he was arrested by front-line counterintelligence for anti-Sovetchist. The sentence is 8 years of camps and a lifetime link. He passed the camp in the Moscow region of Novy Jerusalem, the Marfinskaya "Sharacke" and a special Ekibastuz camp in Kazakhstan. In 1956, Solzhenitsyn rehabilitated, and since 1964, Alexander Solzhenitsyn dedicated himself to literature. At the same time, he worked immediately over 4 large works: "Gulag Archipelago", "Crack Corps", "Red Wheel" and "First". In the USSR in 1964 they published the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", and in 1966 the story of Zakhar-Kalita.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. 1953

On October 8, 1970, Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize in the tradition of the Great Russian Literature, the Nobel Prize was awarded. This was the reason for the etching of Solzhenicin in the USSR. In 1971, he confiscated all the manuscripts of the writer, and in the next 2 years they destroyed all his publications. In 1974, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published, which for systematic accomplishments not compatible with the USSR citizenship and damage to the USSR, "Alexander Solzhenitsin deprived of Soviet citizenship and deported from the USSR.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the desktop.

We returned the citizenship to the writer only in 1990, and in 1994 he returned to Russia with his family and actively joined public life.

Laureate of the Nobel Prize Joseph Brodsky in Russia was convicted of tune

Write poems Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky began in 16 years. Anna Akhmatova predicted him a heavy life and a glorious creative destiny. In 1964, in Leningrad against the poet, a criminal case was opened on charges of tune. He was arrested and sent to a link to the Arkhangelsk region, where he spent the year.

Iofis Brodsky in reference

In 1972, Brodsky appealed to the Secureku Brezhnev with a request to work in his homeland as a translator, but his request remained unanswered, and he was forced to emigrate. Brodsky first lives in Vienna, in London, and then moved to the United States, where it becomes a professor of New York, Michigan and other universities in the country.

Iofis Brodsky. Awarding the Nobel Prize.

On December 10, 1987, Josephu was handed over to the Nobel Prize in literature "For comprehensive creativity, impregnated with the clarity of thought and passion of poetry." It is worth saying that Brodsky, after Vladimir Nabokova, is the second Russian writer who writes in English as a native.

The sea was not visible. In Belesa Mol
Greek from all of us parties, absurd
It was thought that the ship goes to the ground -
If at all this was a vessel,
not a bunch of fog, as if inflowed
Who Belil's Milk.

(B. Brodsky, 1972)

Interesting fact

At different times, the Nobel Prize was put forward at different times, but did not get it, such famous personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Franklin Roosevelt, Nikolai Roerich and Lion Tolstoy.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov was born on May 24, 1905 in the farm Rusiline of the village of Voshenskaya Donetsk district of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Donskoy Troops (now Sholokhovsky district of the Rostov region).

At the same time, Sholokhov took part in the manuscript newspaper "New World", played in the performances of the Karginsky national house, for which anonymously composed the plays "General Victorious" and "Unusual Day".

In October 1922 he moved to Moscow, where he worked as a loader, a bricklayer, a bill in the laying on Red Presnya. At the same time, visited the literation of the "Young Guard".

In December 1924, in the newspaper "Young Leninet" his story "Molenia", which opened the cycle of the Don Story, was released: "Pastuh", "Ilyukha", "Foeaboint", "Lazorus steppe", "Family man" and others. They were published in the Komsomol periodic, and then made up three collectors "Don Stories" and "Lazorus Steppe" (both - 1926) and "About Krachak, Net and other" (1927). Donskie Stories still in the manuscript read Countryman Sholokhov writer Alexander Serafimovich, who wrote a preface to the collection.

In 1925, the writer began to create a novel "Quiet Don" on the dramatic fate of the Don Cossacks during the First World War and Civil Wars. In these years, along with his family, he lived in the village of Karginsky, then in Bukanovskaya, and from 1926 - in Voshenskaya. In 1928, the two first books of Roman-epic came out in the "October" magazine. The exit of the third book (sixth part) was detained due to a sufficient sympathetic image of the participants of the Anti-Bolshevik Verkhnedon Uprising of 1919. To release a book, Sholokhov turned to the writer Maxim Gorky with the help of which he achieved from Joseph Stalin permission to publish this part of the novel without bills in 1932, and in 1934, mainly completed the fourth - the last part, but began to rewrite it, not without tightened ideological pressure. The seventh part of the fourth book was published in 1937-1938, the eighth - in 1940.

The work was translated into many languages.

In 1932, the first book of his novel "Raised virgin" about collectivization was published. The work was announced by a perfect sample of the literature of socialist realism and soon entered into all school programs, becoming mandatory for study.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Mikhail Sholokhov worked as a military correspondent of Sovinformbüro, the newspapers "Pravda" and "Red Star". He published front-line essays, the story of "Hate" science (1942), and the novel "They fought for their homeland" (1943-1944), which was conceived as a trilogy, but was not over.

In the USSR Defense Fund, the writer conveyed a state award, awarded in 1941 for the novel "Quiet Don", four new rocket plants for the front acquired for the front.

In 1956 his story "The Fate of Man" came out.

In 1965, the writer became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature "for the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia." The Sholokhov Award handed over to the construction of a school in his homeland - in the village of Voshenskaya Rostov region.

In recent years, Mikhail Sholokhov worked on the novel "they fought for their homeland." At this time, the village of Voshenskaya became the place of pilgrimage. Visiting Sholokhov was visitor not only from Russia, but also from various parts of the world.

Sholokhov was engaged in public activities. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the first-ninth convocation. Since 1934 - Member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Member of the World Council of Peace.

In the last years of the life of Sholokhov he was hard. He moved two stroke, diabetes, then the throat cancer.

On February 21, 1984, Mikhail Sholokhov died in the village of Voshenskaya, where he was buried on the banks of Don.

The writer was an honorary doctor of Philology of Rostov and Leipzig Universities, an honorary doctor of the Right of the Saint Andrius University in Scotland.

Since 1939 - Valid Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Mikhail Sholokhov was twice awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor (1967, 1980). Winner of the USSR State Prize (1941), Lenin Prize (1960), as well as the Nobel Prize (1965). Among his awards is six orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, the medal "for the defense of Moscow", "For the defense of Stalingrad", "for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

In 1984, the State Museum-Reserve M.A. was formed in his homeland in the village of Voshenskaya Rostov region. Sholokhov.

Since 1985, "Sholokhovskaya Spring" is held annually in the village of Voshenskaya - All-Russian literary folklore holiday dedicated to the birthday of the writer.

Since 1924, Mikhail Sholokhov was married to the daughter of the former Cossack Ataman Maria Groslavski (1902-1992), which after marriage worked as a personal secretary of the writer. Four children were born in the family - Svetlana (born in 1926), Alexander (1930-1992), Mikhail (1935-2013) and Maria (born in 1938).

Svetlana - Scientific Secretary of Museum Museum M.A. Sholokhov, after the end of the University of Leningrad worked as a journalist in the journal "Worker" and other printed publications.

Alexander, after the end of the Timiryazev Academy, worked in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Yalta.

He graduated from the biological faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of Rostov State University. Most of the life was engaged in social activities, headed the Public Council under the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Rostov region, organized the social and patriotic movement of the "Union of Cossacks of the Don Troops" and was his first ataman.

Maria graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, worked as a journalist in different print editions.

The grandson of the writer Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov is the director of the M. Museum Museum Sholokhov.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Rod. 05/11/1905 - died 21.02.1984) - Famous Russian Soviet writer, recognized classic of national literature, laureate of the Nobel Prize, Hero Soc. Labor and Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


Mikhail Sholokhov was born 11.05.1905g. In the village of Veshinskaya on the farm Rusilin. He studied from 1914 to 1918 in Moscow, as well as in the city of Boguchar of the Voronezh province and graduated from four classes of gymnasium.

In 1920, he moved to the village of Karginskaya with his family, where he lived until 1922, served in the Stanic Revolutionary, worked by the workman of the procurement office, met in elementary school. After graduating from the tax courses, was appointed in the village Bukanovskaya Food Inspector, where, having entered into a prosperity, participated in food scrolls.

In the fall of 1922 Sholokhov went to Moscow to continue their education, as well as to engage in the capital of writing activities. However, due to the lack of direction of the Komsomol and the employment experience, it was not able to enter Slafak Sholokhov. Mikhail in Moscow needed to make a living, so he worked as a bricklayer, handyman, a loader. In parallel, engaged in self-education, joined the VLKSM and participated in the activities of the literary group "Young Guard".

Mikhail tries to write small literary works. In 1923, the first fens of Mikhail Sholokhov, and in 1924, were printed in the "youthful truth". - The first story of "Molenia". Then other stories of Sholokhov were published, which were subsequently merged in the "Lazzore Steppe" and "Don Stories" collections.

In 1924, returned to his native village, Mikhail married Maria Groslavskaya. Subsequently, Sholokhov was born four children.

Wide fame (all-union and even world) Sholokhov brought the novel "Quiet Don" dedicated to the Don Cossacks. The work is that unites several storylines, refer to the epic and consider one of the most striking examples of the literature of socialist realism.

Another famous novel Sholokhov is called "raised virgin" and is dedicated to the movement of "25-thousand people", as well as collectivization on the Don. During the Great Patriotic War 2nd, the "raised virgin" was lost, and he restored his Sholokhov already in the post-war time.

During the War, Sholokhov worked as a military correspondent and published several essays, as well as the story of "Science of Hate". Subsequently, Mikhail Sholokhov, excerpts were published from this and unfinished novel called "They fought for their homeland", dedicated to the retreat of Soviet troops in 1942 on Don. Roman This Sholokhov wrote in three stages, and shortly before his death burned a manuscript, so only individual chapters of this work were printed. Nevertheless, this novel in 1975 shielded director Sergey Bondarchuk, creating a two-seater film that became one of the best films of Soviet cinema about the war.

In 1956, Sholokhov writes a story "The Fate of Man".

In 1965 Mikhail Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Until the end of the life, Mikhail Sholokhov lived in his village Veshinskaya, to build a school in which he handed over his Nobel Prize. From the late 1960s, he almost completely moved away from literary works.

Creative heritage Mikhail Sholokhov

  • Sholokhov - Classic of Soviet literature, which made a wicked contribution. One of the most significant features of the talent of Sholokhov-Prosaika is its ability to notice in life and then reproduce the entire spectrum of human emotions in art - from tragic despair and hopelessness and to rampant fun.
  • Created by Sholokhov Roman "Quiet Don" was in the Soviet Union at first ambiguously. A significant place in this novel by the author was given to the White Cossacks, which caused the complaints of Soviet criticism. However, Stalin personally read this ambiguous novel and approved him to print. "Silent Don" was translated into European, and then to the eastern languages \u200b\u200band was successful abroad.
  • Sholokhov in their works always gave the author's assessment of events in the country, as it was, for example, in the "raised virgin", where he illuminated the course of collectivization.
  • Sholokhov is one of the leading masters of literature of the genre of socialist realism, which made a significant contribution to the world art, which is that in his works the labor people almost for the first time in the history of world literature appears in all the richness of characters and fully their emotional, moral and social life.
  • Sholokhov was repeatedly awarded various prizes: besides Nobel, he also received the Stalin Prize, Leninist, Literary Prize "Sofia", the International Prize of Peace, etc.

Important dates of Sholokhov biography

  • rod. 05/11/1905 - Mikhail Sholokhov was born in the village of Veshebnskaya.
  • 1914-1918 - Study in the gymnasium.
  • 1920-1922 - accommodation in the village of Kyrgyan.
  • 1922 - Departure Sholokhov to Moscow.
  • 1923 - Printed the first Wallows Sholokhov.
  • 1924 - comes out the first story of Sholokhov. Written marriage to Mary of Gromoslavskaya. Work on the "quiet Don".
  • 1932 - Publication of I Tom "Raised Coles".
  • 1941-1945 - work by the military correspondent.
  • 1956 - the story of the "Fate of Man".
  • 1959 - II Tom "Raised virgin".
  • 1965 - Presentation of the Nobel Prize.
  • 02/21/1984 - Death of Sholokhov.
  • Next to the name of Sholokhov periodically emerges the problem of the authorship of the works published by him. For the first time, she rose back in the 1920s, when the "quiet Don" was published. Opponents of Sholokhov confused the surprisingly young age of the author who created, and even in a short time, such a large-scale work that demonstrated the deep knowledge of the life of the Don Cossacks located on the Don localities, military events that took place when Sholokhov was a child. Researchers of the writer's creativity on such an argument are responsible that this novel was written by Sholokhov not at the age of twenty years, he wrote throughout almost one and a half decades. Sholokhov spent a lot of time in the archives, communicated with various people who later became the prototypes of the "quiet don" heroes. Another argument made by opponents was low, in their opinion, the level of "Don Stories" Sholokhov. In 1929, it was even created to clarify this issue, and, at the direction of Stalin, the Commission, which took up the investigation of this issue and eventually confirmed the authorship of Sholokhov, having studied the manuscript provided to them. However, the most important question was unexplained - why Sholokhov, who clearly welcomed the Bolshevik government, wrote his novel about "white"?
  • Interestingly, Sholokhov became the first and only Soviet writer who received the Nobel Prize with the consent of the Soviet party power. At the show ceremony, the Sholokhov award violated the established etiquette, without bowing to the award to the reward to the king of Sweden. It is not for sure that it did it for Sholokhov.

Many domestic writers were repressed for the anti-Soviet campaign: in the first years of the Bolshevik masters, the words set the words to the wall, later we sent for 5-10 years to the strict regime camps.

In the 1950s, the Nobel Committee put forward 7 times the candidacy of Boris Pasternak on a premium in literature. In 1958, the writer was finally honored with this honor, but terrible injury at home forced a genius to abandon the award.

Soviet spies in Sweden were recognized that among the candidates was then favorite personally by Stalin Mikhail Sholokhov. Diplomats aggressively hinted by the Swedes that the leadership of the USSR would highly appreciate the award of the Nobel Prize, but they refused.

Nobel Prize Pasternaka

The literary award was waiting for Mikhail Alexandrovich until 1965. He was released with his family from the country to reward, but in Stockholm the writer almost arranged an international scandal, expressing his non-intention to the procedure of the ceremony and himself king Gustavu Vi Adolf.

After the failure of 1958, Khrushchev took Sholokhov on a trip to the West countries to enhance the authority of the writer among the local public.

In France, Mikhail tried the leadership line, humiliating about the work of Pasternak: " The leadership of the Union of Soviet writers lost composure. It was necessary to publish the book of Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" ... "

It was necessary for Pasternak to defeat his readers ... I believe that the work of Pasternak as a whole is deprived of any meaning, except for its translations that are shiny. "

Time Sholokhov

When Nobelyevka in literature went to him, Sholokhov was very immersingly reacted to this event: " Day October 15, 1965 was successful in all respects. In the morning I finished the chapter that was hard for me. Then on the hunt, two shots knocked down two geese. And in the evening I learned about the award of the Nobel Prize».

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Vyacheslav Yurev

Vyacheslav Yuriev loves historical topics and everything related to travels. If you need a brief certificate of any distant country, feel free to address glory. This editor will dig little-known facts about the lives of commander and classics of literature. At the same time, he is not alien to modern technologies, starting with fashionable gadgets and ending with the development of cosmic expanses.