Topics for an open class in pop vocal. Open vocal lesson "Dynamic shades

Topics for an open class in pop vocal. Open vocal lesson "Dynamic shades

This stage is divided into two parts: work on vocal exercises and work on musical compositions. This is due to the specifics of the subject being studied.

Vocal exercises.

Target: To trace the degree of vocal skills formation among teenage students.

Tasks: Mastering vocal skills through constructive exercises.

One of the most important tasks of working on exercises is not only preparing the vocal apparatus for work, but also forming basic singing skills of students... We can refer to them:

Singing set

Singing breathing and sound support

High vocal position

Accurate intonation

Sound consistency across the entire voice range

The use of various types of sound science

To achieve a positive result, they use methods:

1. Developmental teaching method. Developmental learning is understood as a new, actively activity-based way of learning, replacing the explanatory-illustrative way.

Developmental education takes into account and uses the patterns of development, adapts to the level and characteristics of the individual.

Developmental learning takes place in the zone of proximal development of the child. Developmental learning is the orientation of the educational process to the potential of a person and to their implementation.

2. The method of an individual approach to each student.

We must never forget that people have very individual anatomical, physiological and psychological properties of the body, and hence the need for an individual approach to each personality and the uniqueness of the sound of each voice, its timbre, strength, endurance and other qualities.

3. Active and interactive learning method.

These techniques are based on such a form of interaction between students and teachers, as a result of which the students here do not passively follow the instructor's instructions, but actively participate in the lesson. Moreover, we encourage students to interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other, since the interactive teaching method is based on the principle domination of student activity in the learning process .

4. Story

5. Explanation

6. Show (demonstration)

7. Dialogue

8. Discussion

The teacher in working with children and adolescents actively uses method of rethinking.

Vocal pedagogy uses many technical terms: chest (head) resonators, long larynx, soft rounded palate, sound attack.

Adolescent children do not yet possess associative thinking, their thinking is concrete. The task of the teacher is to find such terms so that they are understandable to children of this age category.

For this, the teacher uses an empirical method (a method of practical, experimental search for words that are understandable to a child, definitions for describing vocal techniques). Based on the difference in the psyche of each child, these terms are selected individually.

1. Method of heuristics

The majority of teenagers aged 14-16 have mature voices. In these voices, elements of a child's sound are mixed with an element of an adult (female) voice. The individual timbre is revealed. The range expands to 1.5 - 2 octaves. The sound is mixed. However, this is a period of mutation. The mutation is different for everyone. In girls, the period of mutation runs relatively smoothly, but still at this age it is necessary to use the voice-saving method.

All vocal skills are closely related, so work on them is carried out in parallel. Naturally, each vocal exercise has the goal of developing some specific skills, but during its execution it is impossible to ignore the rest. This is the main difficulty not only for the little singer, but also for the teenager - to learn that in order to achieve a sustainable result, it is necessary to use absolutely all the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom.

1) Preparation of the singing apparatus for the phonation process.

Target: Prepare the singing apparatus for the phonation process.


Warm up the ligaments on a natural singing tone

Build intonation hearing

Fix the "yawn" position in sound production

Strengthen the singing breathing system

Connect the necessary resonators

Methods: Singing with your mouth closed, lips are open, the lower jaw is heavy, we feel the roundness of the soft palate, we start singing in primary tones according to the individuality of each voice.

2) Development of singing breathing.

Target: Form the correct singing breath.


Exercise develops singing breathing

Gives evenness of singing tone when changing vowels

Forms correct articulation of vowel sounds

Methods: Singing exercises within "seconds" on different syllables. The last sound increases the duration of an even, calm release from breath, depending on its volume.

3) Exercise on register alignment.

Target: Align registers.


Development of cantilena (smooth sound science)

Distribution of breath per singing phrase

Freedom and fullness of sound

Methods: The exercise is sung in "legato", starting from B - flat of a small octave in semitones upward on the alternation of vowels and on the feeling of "long bow"

4) Exercise for the same character of vowel sounds

Target: to achieve the same character of sounding of vowel sounds.


Avoid excessive articulation, strive for "clarity" and "flight" sound

Methods: The exercise is sung on a combination of alternating syllables, where there is a vowel and consonant sound.

Mastering the technique of vocal art requires many years of work, therefore, in this lesson, systematic work is carried out on the formation of vocal skills, which does not imply an instant result.

Work on musical pieces

Target: mastering vocal skills on the example of highly artistic musical works.


· Work on the formation of performing skills

· Work on the stage embodiment of the work

Pedagogical technique for working on new material

1. Analysis of the verbal text and its content.

2. Competent reading of the musical text.

3. Analysis of the tonal plan, modal structure, harmonic outline of the piece.

4. Membership on motives, periods, proposals, phrases. Determination of the form (couplet, two-part, three-part, etc.).

5. Phrasing arising from musical and textual content.

6. Various types of dynamics.

7. Variety of agogical possibilities of performance of a piece (comparison of two rates of slow and fast; deceleration; acceleration); different types of farms.

"A land where there are so many partings" Moose. V. Lebedev poems. Yu Ryashentseva

Work analysis plan

1. Song of the Soviet composer.

2. Lyrical, unhurried, drawn-out.

3. The fret is minor.

4. The nature of the sound - light, warm, melodious.

5. Colorful arpeggiated accompaniment.

6. Form of construction - couplet.

7. Wonderful words of the famous Soviet poet.

Target: Formation and consolidation of vocal skills in the process of learning a piece of music.

Task: Achieve canted sound, correct phrasing, comprehension of the artistic image, register alignment.


· Work on a phrase in a poetic text.

· Extraction of phrases with large intervals from the musical text and singing them in a combination of consonants and vowels.

"Barcarole" Moose. F. Schubert, lyrics , translated by A. Plescheev

Work analysis plan

1. The Italian word "barka" means a boat. Derived from it - barcarole - the boatman's song. Perhaps someone will be surprised: why should the songs sung by the boatmen be given a special name! After all, they can sing the same thing as everyone else ... But no. These songs are unusual, as are the boatmen who perform them. Barcarola was born in the wonderful Italian city of Venice. The form of the piece is a couplet.

2. Busy pace.

3. The character of the sound is light and melodious.

4. Melody of a wide range.

5. In the accompaniment there is an independent part, which carries the pictorial beginning of the playing of the waves.

Purpose: Formation and consolidation of vocal skills in the process of learning a piece of music.

Tasks: To achieve cantilena in performance, correct phrasing, comprehension of the artistic image, mobility of vocal sound.


· Singing music in vowels and vowel combinations.

· Work on a musical phrase.

· Work on the dynamics of the work (nuance).

The transition from diaphragmatic breathing to chest breathing, to achieve lightness, flight of sound.



Abstract of an open lesson on the topic:


Additional education teacher

    General information:

The date of the: __________

Premises: pop singing class

Year of study: 2nd year of study

Age: 7 years

    Open lesson topic

Work on diction in the pop vocal class.

Articulation as the most important condition for working on a vocal work

Place in the educational program: corresponds to the 2nd year of study

    The purpose of the lesson and objectives

Target: the development of the foundations of vocal diction and articulation, contributing to an increase in the level of vocal performance.



* teaching correct singing breathing

* teaching the correct pronunciation of tongue twisters

* teaching expressive performance of musical training material and vocal work through singing articulation, diction


Development of the student's musical and creative abilities

Development of the aesthetic culture of stage vocal performance, vocal individuality, the ability to convey the word to the listener

Development and liberation of the articulatory apparatus


Disclosure of the semantic content of the performed work, the embodiment of exciting feelings and thoughts in the song

Formation of creative self-expression, interest in individual forms of vocal performance, solo singing, concert performances.

    The form of the training session. Combined lesson.

    Work organization form... Individual.

    The structure of the training session (stages).

Introductory part. 5 minutes

Greetings. Introduction to the topic.

The main stage. 30 minutes

Practice. Training exercises.

The final stage. 4 minutes

Summarizing. Reflection. Homework.

Vii... Content blocks of a training lesson.

1. Introduction to the topic « Work on diction in the pop vocal class ".

Articulation as the most important condition for work

over a vocal piece 5 minutes

2. The main stage:

Respiratory gymnastics according to A. N. Strelnikova 5 minutes

Articulatory gymnastics. 8 minutes

Vocal exercises 8 minutes

Work on diction and articulation in a vocal piece 10 min

3. Final stage

Summarizing 4 minutes

Task: remember the content of the lesson, repeat and consolidate the basic concepts, thank. Homework.

The meaning of content blocks. Their implementation systematizes the knowledge of students. The final stage (homework) motivates and develops students' independent activities.

VSh. The planned result of the lesson

Good assimilation of the material and the correct application of the knowledge gained in practice.

Ability to be emotionally expressive, to perform a vocal composition with good singing breath and good diction.

IX. Teaching methods.

Verbal, visual, search and research, practical

(conversation, performance of training material, demonstration of exercises, learning and singing a song)

X... Equipment and materials.





XI... Methodological support.


    E. Yu. Belobrova "Variety Vocal Technique" methodical manual; 2004 r.

    Dmitriev LB "Fundamentals of vocal technique" - Moscow, Music. 1968

    Egorycheva M. I. "Exercises for the Development of Vocal Technique". Kiev. 1980 g.

    Zebryak T. "Musical tongue twisters" - Kifara. 2006 year

Websites on the Internet:

1.http: //
2.http: //
3.http: //www.100 vocalistov. ru

Visual aids. Didactic material.

Presentation with illustration on the topic.


Abstract of an open lesson.

Theme:"Work on diction in the pop vocal class"

Articulation as the most important condition for working on a vocal work.

Psychological conditions in the lesson: establishing an atmosphere of joy and goodwill in the lesson

The class includes a student of the 2nd grade of the CEV and OD Musienko Georgiy.

Organizing time

Teacher (P): Hello, George! I am glad to see you at the one-to-one vocal lesson.

(a short conversation with the student about the emotional state, creating an atmosphere of joy and confidence through the teacher's friendly smile, encouraging vocal intonation)

    Introductory part. Introduction to the topic. 5 minutes

(P - teacher, G - student)

P: Gosha, at each lesson we learn to sing correctly and beautifully, we work on our voice, we try to learn how to use it. What is a voice?

P: and in order for our instrument to sound beautiful, what needs to be done?

M.G .: correct breathing, pure intonation, correct sound production

P: Right, this is all very important in singing. And without which we cannot convey the meaning and content of a vocal work to the audience? Without what, our singing will be meaningless?

G: without clear diction and words

    The main stage. 30 minutes.

Explanation of the topic

P .: absolutely right!

Our word, addressed to the audience, either in speech or in singing, should be clear in pronunciation, expressive and loud enough to be heard in the last row of the audience. Good diction is required, that is, a clear, clear pronunciation, (chanting) of all sounds and words of the text.

Today in the lesson we will work over clear and correct pronunciation of words when singing a song, over diction.

Topics of our today's lesson. " Work on diction in the pop vocal class».

So, let's begin. What do we do at the beginning of each lesson?

D. breathing exercises.

We carry out the elementsbreathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova. 5 minutes.

P. And now let's get down to the topic of our lesson.

Diction is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation (chanting) of all the sounds of the text. A person with good diction uses air sparingly, he has no extraneous additional sounds.

P. And what does it depend on?

G. (Student answer)

P. It depends on the activity of the speech apparatus, lips and tongue, correct breathing and articulation in general.

P. How is the formation of sounds, speech carried out? What organs are involved in the formation of sounds?

D. (Student's answer) cheeks, lips, tongue, jaws, soft and hard palate, pharynx, larynx
P. That's right, all this is called the articulatory apparatus. It includes lips, tongue, jaws, larynx with vocal cords, teeth.

The work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is aimed at creating vowels and consonants.

Try to say “bull-lipped, stupid-lipped bull” without the participation of lips or tongue. ( student tries)... You see, it’s not working. What conclusion can we draw?

P., G .: all organs of the articulatory apparatus must work actively

The work of the articulatory apparatus (AA) to achieve good diction is called articulation. AA works well to make your voice sound beautiful.

(To do this, do not clamp the bottom the jaw, and freely lower it, the tongue should be soft, free, the soft palate - "on a yawn", the larynx should be lowered. You can imagine that there is a hot potato in your mouth, or a small plum.
To achieve good results, he will learn to speak and sing beautifully, it is necessary to work on improving the articulation apparatus, to develop its technical capabilities)

To do this, you need to do articulatory gymnastics ..

Articulation gymnastics 8 minutes

The first condition for the work of the articulatory apparatus is naturalness and activity. The simplest exercises will help us:

Articulation exercises

1. Raise the upper sponge up - 5 times

Pull down the lower sponge - 5 times

2. To activate the language. Let's move the tongue from side to side, forward, backward, right, left, circular turns in both directions, "cog", "tube". We stick out the tip of the tongue and quickly, quickly move it from corner to corner of the mouth. ("Football" - "Hairbrush" - "Pussy") "Pendulum", "Kisses", "Teaser",

3. To activate the muscles of the lips, inflate the cheeks, release the air with a sharp "pop" through the compressed (collected in a "bundle") lips. ("Pouted - smiled")

4. Vigorously pronounce the following sounds while training:

muscles of the lips on consonants P - B, muscles of the tongue T - D,

muscles of the larynx K-G,

the lower jaw on the syllables Do, Yes. Du.

5. Exercise "Poultry yard", which trains the "support of breathing", lips, tongue, direction of sound. We call on all the animals without stopping: Ut-ut-ut, Tsyp-tsyp-tsyp, Gul-gul-gul, Kis-kis-kis.

Tongue twisters are very good for training..

Tongue twisters are used to warm up the articulatory apparatus and activate vocal diction. We will read tongue twisters slowly at first, gradually speeding up, as we successfully improve. We monitor the rhythm of pronunciation. Do not forget the tempo, diction (eachpatter repeated 4 times) .

Recommendations: in a tongue twister, the correct pronunciation of consonants is practiced, and work is also underway to liberate the speech apparatus. If the text of the tongue twisters sounds clear, then you can shift the pace of pronunciation.

For a more active work of our speech apparatus, we will use our assistant, a cork, when pronouncing this tongue twister. We clamp it between the front teeth and say the tongue twister again. (all organs of the speech apparatus begin to work more actively)

The bull is dull-lipped, dull-lipped bull,

The bull's white lip was dull.

The water carrier was carrying water

From - under the water supply.

Mom washed Mila with soap,

Mila did not like soap.

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field

Three magpies were talking on the slide

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying

P.: Well done, Gosh! You did a good job with articulatory gymnastics.

Now let's get started to vocal exercises .

P. Gosha, what do you think, what are vocal exercises for? Maybe you can do without them?

D. It is impossible ... we must warm up our ligaments ...

P. It is imperative to warm up and sing, because the voice must be tuned. Exercise helps your vocal cords get stronger.

P. I draw your attention to the correct pronunciation and singing of sounds, accurate reproduction of intonation and rhythmic patterns.

Vocal exercises : 8 minutes

1. The sound "M" (mooing) - we pull, like "rubber", we send not "in ourselves", but to the front walls of the teeth. The lips are softly closed. This exercise helps to feel the "support of breathing"

2. "Trill with lips" - when performing this exercise, you must remember about a smooth transition from the lower register to the upper register. It is also necessary to follow the voice behavior, do not forget about that.

3. We sing the vowels I, E, A, O, U. We follow the evenness of the sound (connect "pouring" one vowel into another without pushing the sound), with pure intonation, correctly forming (rounding) the vowels (we consolidate the skills of inhalation and exhalation, aligning vowels on one note). that the melody needs to be sung. The diaphragm and lips work. ( Canted singing. Cantilena is a continuously pouring sound, when the subsequent sound is a continuation of the previous one, as if "poured out" from it).

4. On one sound - "Ma-me-mi-mo-mu, da-de-di-do-du, ra-re-ri-ro-ru." The muscles of the lips and tongue are involved. When singing, it is necessary to monitor the clear pronunciation of consonants, but at the same time so that the vowel sounds are not shortened. You should also pay attention to the use of breathing - the exhalation should not be strong.

5. Upwards along the sounds of triads to the syllables "la-leo-lyu", downward - a gradual movement from the 5th step to 1 on the syllables "la-leo-leu-liu" - an exercise to work the tip of the tongue.

6. Within the third - "bra-bra-brie-bro-bru". It is necessary to monitor the active and clear pronunciation of consonants, but at the same time not to shorten the vowel sounds. Attention to breathing - do not push air along with sound.

7. By the sounds of the triad - “mei-mei-mei.

P .: well done. Gosh! After we have prepared our vocal apparatus for work, let's start working on our song. What diction should be in singing?

D. Legible, understandable.

D. How to pronounce words in singing?

D. Clearly, clearly.
NS. What determines clear, clear pronunciation?

D. From the active work of the articulatory organs (lips, tongue, soft palate, lower jaw, pharynx

Work on diction in a vocal work 10 min

NS.: Gosha, in the previous lessons we worked on the song "Ah, school" of muses and words. V. Nachalova and your homework was to pronounce the text in front of the mirror at a tempo, articulating well.

Recommendations: the song is mobile. Based on this, the child should not sing sluggishly. But you cannot get carried away with a harsh attack of sound, otherwise the singing will turn into a conversation. Melody is the main thing in singing, therefore it is necessary to combine syllable by syllable.

Work on the song:

- Pronunciation of the lyrics in front of the mirror at a tempo with good articulation.

Performance of the work. 1 verse and chorus. We work on phrases, observing the correct pronunciation of consonants and vowels, sound science, breathing. (We pronounce the consonants clearly, shortly, but without exaggeration. Vowels should be designed the same. Do not lose the sound position. The student's attention should be directed to the concatenation of vowels among themselves. Then the flow of consonants will be properly organized, which must be pronounced quickly and clearly)

The final stage4 minutes


P .: Let's summarize the results of our lesson. Gosha, what do you think, did you manage to cope with the tasks in today's lesson?

G. (the student analyzes his work in the lesson).

P. Today we paid much attention to the development of the speech apparatus, articulation, diction. We worked on consonants and vowels in exercises, tongue twisters, worked on breathing, sound science.

What is diction in general?

G. - a distinct and competent pronunciation of sounds and words.

P. - Diction is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation (singing) of all the sounds of the text, which depends on good articulation and correct breathing.


1. Reading tongue twisters.

2. Performing breathing exercises.

3. In front of the mirror expressively pronounce the lyrics with good diction .

Thank you for the lesson. You are a great fellow today. See you!

Outline of an open lesson in pop vocal on the topic: "The development of modal hearing and the feeling of the metro rhythm."

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Additional education for children

"Center of children's creativity"

Open lesson outline

Topic: "Development of modal hearing and feeling of metro rhythm"

Developed by: Zakharova Irina Anatolyevna, teacher

additional education

Kursk - 2013

Outline outline of a lesson

Lesson topic:"Development of modal hearing and sense of metro rhythm"

The purpose of the lesson:develop pitch hearing and a sense of rhythm


Educational - versatile development of ear for music, musical memory;

Developing - to develop the musical abilities of children;

Educational - to form a sense of the beautiful but based on modern musical material.

Occupation type:repetition

Teaching methods: verbal method, visual method, game method

Organization of the teacher's workplace: song material, disc with recordings of phonograms, piano, Stepenich toy, cards with durations, drawings

Interdisciplinary connections : solfeggio, rhythm, acting

Literature:Kozyrev "Solmization System", 1999

Lesson structure

1 Organizational moment

1.1 Welcome

1.2 Positive attitude to the lesson

1.3 Checking the readiness for class of students

1.4 Communication of the topic of the lesson, goal setting

2 Updating students' knowledge

2.1 Repetition of the covered material

3 Rhythmic pause.

4 Working on songs

5 Lesson summary

Course of the lesson

1. Organizing time:

Musical greeting:

Hello guys

Hello teacher.

I'm glad to see you at this lesson!

Checking the readiness for the lesson:

Now you have to sing songs, listen to music, and for this we will carry out a special setting. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Now I will pronounce phrases, and you repeat them in chorus, quietly, calmly.

We are ready to work in class.

We are in a good mood.

We will try.

Open your eyes, take another deep breath. EXHAUST and get ready to work in class.

Message topic, goal setting.

2. Actualization of students' knowledge:

Remember and tell us what you did in the last lesson (sang the steps, singing songs, solving rhythmic riddles) We sang the songs "Umbrellas", "Eskimo".

Today we will continue to work on the purity of intonation of step turns, rhythmic riddles, and singing songs for future concerts.

Prepared, tuned in - we sing the steps. Singing of step turns with their display by hand signs. TV game.

Questions: what is the most important step? - once.

Why? - because the rest of the steps are drawn to it.

What do the musicians call her? - tonic

Now the steps will ask you riddles. Close your eyes. The ears are listening attentively. Who guessed it - raises his hand.

Well done guys, did a very good job with this task.

Listen carefully to the melody of the song. I will play it 2 times. Your task is to determine the mood of this melody and the harmony

At the beginning I play - in a major scale, then in a minor scale. Children should name that the mood has changed, and, accordingly, the harmony, name the harmony

Now listen carefully, what song am I playing?

The song is played - the popevka "Cornflower".

Who remembers what steps live in this song.

Who knows raises his hand and becomes a TEACHER for this time and shows the steps to the whole class.

And now, what song I play.

The melody of the song "Leaf Fall" sounds.

Who guessed it raises his hand and sings a song.

Asked questions:

What were we singing now? - melody

The melody is divided into what? - on phrases

What steps are hidden in the first phrase? (Who remembers - he shows).

What steps are hidden in the second phrase?

We show the heart of the melody - with our legs.

What did our legs show? Pulse of the melody, the musicians call the heart of the melody - the beat

And now, let's show each sound of the melody. Clap our hands and show the rhythm of the song. We combine the movement of the lobar and rhythmic pulsation

Durations have come to visit us - they indicate how long the musical sound lasts.

Children call durations by name. They sing songs about duration. Read them on cards and guess rhythmic riddles

Analysis of the new song - the popevka "The steam locomotive is going, going."

3. Rhythmic pause.

Move to music. A set of elementary movements showing metric ripple.

4. Working on songs

Work on the song "Eskimo"

Singing techniques: "echo", "a cappella" - work on phrases. We slam the rhythm into our palms. Showing metric ripple with feet

Well done guys, and we will finish the lesson with the performance of the song "Merry Umbrellas". Try to convey a cheerful mood in the song. Watch for the coherence of the ensemble sound.

Performance of the song "Merry Umbrellas" technical tasks: to achieve purity of intonation, clear diction, timely beginning and end of musical phrases.

Emotional and artistic tasks: to try to achieve a light, sublime, spiritualized state during the performance, to feel joy and satisfaction from the performance of the song.

5. Lesson summary:

Evaluation of each performer, analysis of achievements and failures.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Additional education for children "Center for Children and Youth Creativity"

Municipal formation urban district Krasnoperekopsk

Republic of Crimea


« Development vocally - singing skills pop

execution v ensemble »

(using combined technologies:

game and technology of collective creative activity)

for students of the middle group (9-12 years old) of the vocal ensemble "Magnolia"

MBOU DOD "Center for Children and Youth Creativity"

Prepared by Natalia Belkina,

additional education teacher

first qualification category

vocal ensemble "Magnolia"


Explanatory note

Lesson topic:"Development of vocal and singing skills of pop performance in an ensemble"

    The lesson is held in the vocal class at MBOU DOD "Center for Children and Youth Creativity" according to the program "I want to sing beautifully", in the middle group of the ensemble (9-12 years old).

Occupation type: educational and practical, complex.

The form: conversation, game training.

Technologies and methods




  • health-preserving.


    pedagogical methods: dialogue, explanatory-illustrative, play, theatricalization, conversation;

    organizational methods: group, work in pairs.

Target: development of ensemble singing skills and artistic taste, teamwork skills and the formation of self-organization and creative activity skills.


    to form a steady interest in the training material;

    develop special musical abilities;

    to form performing skills, to develop independence, initiative and improvisational abilities;

    foster a strong desire to work in a team;

    to educate the ability to take good care of your health.

Methodological base

This lesson is based on N. E. Shchurkova's concept of a personality-oriented orientation and technology of play, communication and cooperation (founded by the innovative teacher Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili), the speech singing training of the American teacher Sett Riggs and the educational program of additional education for children "I want to sing beautifully" ...

Distinctive features of this lesson

    The positive emotional impact of music and an atmosphere of benevolence on the child, which contributes to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;

    the time of activity of children is comparable to the activity of the teacher;

    communication style is conversational;

    the lesson is built on the principle of consistency and complication;

    summing up is carried out in the form of reflection;

    is aimed at developing social and communicative competence, and in particular: accepting the value of each other as a person, developing partnerships

The advantages of this development

With the help of this development of the lesson, the selection of training vocal exercises, you can effectively influence the group of children, developing unison performance, correct the incorrect extraction of sounds when singing, help children relax and communicate freely in a group of peers.

Necessary equipment and materials

The lesson uses audio and video equipment, visual aids, sheet music. Sunbeams for distribution to children, cardboard sunbeams, balloons, markers.

Expected Result

      Creation of a friendly atmosphere;

      correct performance of breathing and articulation exercises;

      clear sounding of unison in the ensemble;

      strengthening the skills of correct singing with the help of exercises and game training;

      acceptance of any child as a partner;

Lesson plan:

I... Organizing time

Greeting, musical splash.

II... Goal setting

Repetition of the passed material, announcement of the goal, motivation.

III... The main stage

1. Educational training:



    game rhythm.

2. The practical part of the lesson

    conversation, acquaintance with the basic concept of "ensemble";

    analysis of the song, work with the text;


    Reflection "Sunbeam".


    Optimization and encouragement from the teacher.

Course of the lesson:

I.Organizing time

Hello children. I am very glad to see you in class today. It's spring outside our window, the sun is warming up, and in our class today it should also become warmer and brighter from your smiles. The rays of the sun shine not only through the window, but will also be a reward to everyone for your efforts.

II... Goal setting

In the last lesson, we sang vowel sounds. Tell me, please, what is a "curtain" and how does it work when singing in a pop manner? (the children's answer is "curtain", this is the position of the lips when singing, the position remains throughout the entire singing process). How are vowels sung, what other vowel sounds do they approach in the manner of singing? (u - a, u - o, a - u,

a - o, y - o, y - a, o - a, o - u, e - a, e - i).

Today we will be doing exercises that will help us sing in an ensemble. We continue to improve our vocal skills in order to please ourselves and others with correct singing.

Teacher: - Why should we please others?

Children's answer.

Teacher: - Can you be happy alone? Will there be more happy people in the world if you please someone else?

Children's answer.

Today your joy is a ray of sunshine. If the sun has one ray, will it shine brightly? What if we give joy to others? Will the sun shine brighter? (the sun will have more rays, it will be able to shine very brightly).

III.Main stage

1.Warm up

    Chinese breathing exercises (Chinese slow music).

    Facial muscle training, articulation warm-up ( fast music).

    Exercises for training singing breathing.


During the chants, the teacher pays attention to the correct positioning of the lips. The curtain should work for any sound.

How are the lips positioned while singing the “A” sound? ( children's answers) Maintain a position while chanting all vowels. While singing the highest sounds, imagine that you need to make a sound while standing on the roof of a multi-storey building for the sound to go down. If you need to sing a very low sound, you need to imagine that you are singing from a well in order to direct the sound upward.

1. - A - I - U - IU - IU - A - singing in a major triad.

The teacher monitors the position of the speech apparatus while singing the vowels.


work with the sound P, change the first sounds of STRA, GRA, BPA.

3. - I LETA - A - Y - octave, jump.

The top note sounds soft and imperceptible, the bottom notes are played correctly and brightly.

4. - Vibration of the lips, relaxation, singing to the expanded triad The exercise is done in order to relax the lips, prepare tongue twisters for the performance.

5. Singing tongue twisters "The bull is dull, the bull's white lip was dull ».

Work in pairs, transmit the tongue twister first in a whisper, then sing, speak only with your lips, without sound.

Teacher: Why do we pay so much attention to chants in the lesson? ( to freely strike the highest notes in the song, to hear each other, then to sing harmoniously and speak the lyrics well).

3. Gamerhythmics

Now we will do exercises that will help us keep the rhythm of any piece together. They need to be done clearly and amicably,


walk clap


We walk clap

2. Work in pairs "Mirror", improvisation.

On a given account, come up with a rhythmic pattern. The one standing opposite must repeat it after a friend.

3.And now let's sit down and listen to the birds singing (cuckoo, flycatcher, owl, warbler), (1-2 minutes) ( audio recording of bird voices)

Bird trills are also music, they have their own melodies and their own rhythm. Try saying with rhythmic claps which bird song did you like the most? ( impromptu children's answers)


2.Practical part of the lesson

1. Conversation

Tell me, please, why do we sing and do breathing exercises at the beginning of our lesson? ( the teacher summarizes the answers)

That's right, in order to train the diaphragm so that there is enough breath to end and start a phrase in a song together, in order to sing correctly. Why do we do everything together? ( because we are an ensemble, a collective).

Ensemble (French) -

    mutual consistency, harmonious unity of parts;

    artistic consistency of performance;

    a group of performers acting as a single artistic collective.

What ensembles do you know?

What is the difference between ensemble singing and solo singing?

What is the difficulty with ensemble singing?

We just need to sing to everyone correctly, to do everything together and amicably, because we are a collective!

2. Analysis of the song, work with the text

The teacher distributes the words to the song "Balaganchik" by V. Ososhnik to children (see Appendix No. 2). Children know the song.

Questions about the lyrics:

Why is the song called "Balaganchik"?

What picture appears when listening to a song?

How many verses are in the song? How many choruses?

What is the nature of the song? (children's answers).

What's the tempo of the song? ( children's answers).

Please clap the rhythm of the verse and chorus.

Look at the lyrics of the song. Read the first phrase. What is the most important, key word in the first phrase? Maybe these are a few words? ( children's answers) Children can name several key words in a phrase. Help the children to emphasize the logical sentence in the sentence.

"When the SWEEPER sings outside the windows, the old HOUSE opens the doors for us."

Sing a phrase with logical accents. In order not to make unnecessary stress in the phrase, it is better to mix the vowels in non-key words. The phrase should look like this:

When the Oknamimetel is winding up the two-sided HOUSE, the consonants and vowels, clearly pronounced when singing, are highlighted.


get itSripUchSundUK, and a lid underneath


on a very little bit of a little faith

Write markers for emphasizing stressed vowels and clearly distinguishing consonants. The work is carried out jointly with the teacher, in the future it is homework.

    Ensemble singing

Teacher: - Let's try to perform a song taking into account stressed words, vowel sounds, highlighting consonants at the end of phrases.

Teacher: - Well done! You are doing everything right, and most importantly, together. Now pair up and sing the song as if you were telling this story to each other. Remember expressive performance. Do not forget about the position of your lips while singing, listen to each other, try to keep the ensemble.

Children sing to each other, at the end those whose friend sang correctly raise their hands. If there are children who were not praised by friends, the teacher finds positive moments in their performance, and also gives an assessment.

We learn the parts of the chorus.

First, we sing with accompaniment the first part, then we learn the part of the second voice.

We connect the parties at first without music, listening carefully to each other.

And now you need to sing the song, as if you were performing at a spring concert - together, harmoniously, all together as an ensemble! If it doesn't work, sing it again.

Well done boys. I see that you tried very hard and you have a wonderful ensemble!

IV... The final stage of the lesson

Now we will stand in a circle, I will pass the sun bunny in a circle, and you will say what you liked the most in the lesson, tell us what sensations you had during the lesson, how you feel, and how you think it turned out you are an ensemble today or you need to try harder ( children's answers)

It is very important for us to work in the lesson TOGETHER, because each of us individually is a ray, and together we are the sun. The teacher distributes the rays of the sun to all children. The rays are glued to the sunbeam, it turns out the SUN. ( The recording of the song performed by the ensemble "Barbariki")

“If a friend doesn’t laugh,

Turn on the sun for him

You turn on the stars for him - it's easy.

And when necessary, all friends will be there,

To turn on the sun or the stars for you "

Goodbye kids.


    A. N. Petrov "Stage speech", M., "Art" 1981

    IP Kozlyaninov "Stage speech" M., "Art" 1976.

    ES Zenovich "Dictionary of foreign words and expressions" M., "AST Publishing House" 2003.

    E. O Yaremenko “Program and methodological materials. Music "M.," Bustard "2001.

    O. Daletskiy, Literary and musical anthology "Youth stage", "The art of teaching singing", No. 5 - 6, 2007. songs and music for children's groups (EOR in different directions. Piggy bank of presentations on the subjects Art, traffic rules, music, etc.)


Chinese breathing exercises.

Promotes concentration on one's sensations, develops imagination, adjusts attention, relaxes muscles, creates a positive attitude. Can be done lying down if conditions permit.

Inhalation counts one, two, three. The exhalation is twice as long, i.e. Inhalation and exhalation occur calmly, without straining.


Inhale - Imagine that our body is a spring. It stretches all the way to the sky.

Exhale - The spring is compressed as tightly as possible. In this case, the body does not move, everything happens only in the imagination.

"Stone, cloud"

Inhale - the body turns into light weightless. cloud,

Exhalation - we turn to stone. The stone is very heavy, it presses on the floor with its entire mass.

"Point, Universe"

Inhale - we are spreading throughout the entire Universe, as far as the imagination is enough.

Exhale - the body is "compressed" into a small point.


Our body is a jug, it is filled with clean cool water, and muddy water is poured out.

Inhale - the jug is filled with water,

Exhale - water is poured out.

At the end of the gymnastics, inflate the balloon, exhaling the entire supply of air into it.

Articulating warm-up.

Work in pairs.

      They smiled at each other, showed a patch. ( repeat several times)

      Piglets are very fond of frolicking, uttering the sounds "U - I". At the same time, the lips work like a sign language interpreter.

      Exercise "Horse" - tongue clatter.

      The lips resist the tongue.

Singing Breathing Exercises

      "Inflate the balloon"

Standing straight, back straight, take a short intense breath through the nose, "into the stomach", while the stomach should protrude forward like a ball. The exhalation with the sound "c" is long, as long as there is breathing (feel how the breath rests on the diaphragm).

      "We swing the tummy»

Work your abdominal muscles, regardless of breathing. The abdomen protrudes, falls through.

      « Shooting sounds»

Without sound, with force, pronounce the sounds P, T, F, S. PPPP - TTTT - FFFF - SSSS. The exercise is performed with acceleration. After an effective exercise, the throat "grows cold".

      « Raise the feather "

Imagine that a feather is flying over you. Blow up to prevent it from falling.

      "Blow out the candle"

The teacher stands in front of the children.

Imagine my hand is a candle. Having taken in air, you need to send it so as to blow out this candle.

Appendix # 2


muses. and sl. V. Ososhnika

When the blizzard sings outside the windows

An old house opens its doors to us.

Calls me with applause,

Here echoes of childhood fairy tales

No longer lives.

Let's get the creaky chest

And raise the lid with a knock.

Play the prelude of the blizzard musician

But Pierrot is crying

Pierrot cries

Fun, fun in the booth.

Let's put some embers in the cold fireplace

Let's sit by the fire and talk.

Let's get out the dusty album

As before, a noisy holiday will be greeted by the old house.

Let's get the creaky chest

And raise the lid with a knock.

Play the prelude of the blizzard, musician,

On thin ropes, all the dolls will be in a row.

But Pierrot is crying

It's cold, cold to little fingers.

Pierrot cries

Fun, fun in the show

Appendix No. 3

Singing vowel sounds

I (A) O (A)

And (O) O (And)

A (I) E (A)

The lesson is conducted according to the educational program "Vocaletto" 1 year of study. This training lesson is intended for the consistent formation of singing and performing skills.

The lesson is designed for 2 academic hours with the vocal ensemble "Vocaletto" (10 people) of the 1st year of study. Students age 7-17. The recruitment into the association is carried out on the basis of desire.

Lesson objectives:

1.the formation of students performing vocal skills and abilities.

2.creating an environment in which the student experiences ra sensation

performing freedom and creative comfort.


  1. development of singing skills (meaning sustainable singing

breath on support, evenness of sound throughout the entire range of the voice,accurate intonation, melodiousness, melodiousness of the voice, clear and clear diction, correct articulation).

  1. steady intonation of monophonic singing

4.skills of working with phonogram, microphone

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, practical

Form of organization of a training session: individual, group

Equipment: piano, music center, microphone, piano, CD disks, phonograms minus, plus performance "About jam", "Three wishes", "Lyceum", handouts - lyrics

Stages and timing of the lesson

1 lesson - 1 hour 30 minutes

I.Organizational stage ... Checking the readiness for the lesson. Correct singing position - 2 min;

II.Preparatory stage : gymnastics of the articulatory apparatus, phonetic exercises, breathing exercises, vocal - intonation exercises - 14 min

III.The stage of assimilating new knowledge - learning the chanting of the canon - 12 min

IV.Main stage- work on the repertoire (work on

sound education, sound science, over the purity of intonation, over expressive singing, over the two-voice).

1.Singing songs "About jam", "Three wishes", accompanied by

piano and a capella - 8 min

2. Work with soloists. - 4 min

3. Singing songs to the soundtrack "minus" - 8 min

4. Singing songs with a microphone - 8 min

Dynamic pause - between songs 10 minutes to rest - relaxation,

Physical education

5. Work on the movements in the song "About jam" - 5 min

6. Repetition of the song "Lyceum" - 5 min

V ... Reflexive stage: self-assessment of children about their performance,

Emotional state - 2 min

Vi. Final stage: singing songs from start to finish under

Soundtrack with movements. Summing up, mistakes and successes

Each student - 10 minutes

Vii... The final stage: home assignment, message about the next

Lessons - 2 min

I. Organizational stage :

- meeting of children;

- checking those present;

- Correct singing position: stand up straight, chest free, shoulders turned and lowered down, good emphasis on both legs, hands free. Keep your head straight. Raising the head strongly tense the anterior muscles of the neck and constricts the larynx. The face should be free from grimaces. A smile on the face creates feeling of elation necessary for the lesson.

Preparatory exercises.

II ... Preparatory stage: Before you start singing, let's prepare your vocal apparatus. We begin each lesson with articulatory and breathing exercises, intonational and phonetic exercises. What is related to the articulation apparatus? ( tongue, lips, hard and soft palate, lower jaw.)

Articulation gymnastics

Gymnastics of the tongue

Bite the tip of your tongue lightly with your teeth four times. Stick out your tongue to failure, lightly biting the tip of the tongue consistently.

Bite your tongue alternately with the right and left sides. with my teeth, as if chewing it.

Make your tongue move in a circular motionbetween the lips and teeth with a closed mouth. The same versuspositive direction.

- Put your tongue on the upper lip, lower lip, right cheek, on the left cheek, trying to pierce them through and through.

Gymnastics of the lips:

Bite your lower lip, upper lip, pull in your cheeks andbite their inner surface with your lateral teeth.

Intonation-phonetic exercises.

1. Starting position: the mouth is open as much as possible by the movements of the jaw forward and down. The exercise consists in a strong, active pronunciation of consonants in the following sequence: W, S, F, K, T. P, B, D, G. V, Z, Zh. Each sound is pronounced four times.

2. The sequence of vowels: A, E, I, O, U.

3. The starting position is the same as in exercise 1.
The main element of the exercise is a sliding ascending and descending intonation with a sharp transition from chest to falsetto register and from falsetto to chest with a characteristic fracture of the voice.

Oo ~ oo, oo ~ oo, oo ~ ah.

Tongue Twisters:

1. The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

2. As on a hill on a hillock, 22 Yegorks lived. One Egorka, two Egorka, etc.

Breathing exercises.

- How does the singing process begin? ( with a breath)

- Where do we direct the air when inhaling ( in the belly). The body is free, the shoulders are lowered.

1.We inflate the balloon (inhale through the nose, fix the breath, exhale on the CCC, the air comes out, the balloon remains.)

2. A short breath into the abdomen, a short exhalation into "kysh", "quiet".

3. Riding a motorcycle (arms extended forward, inhale - hands counter-move, bartack, exhale on RRRRRRR).

4. Legs shoulder-width apart, arms at shoulder level, bent at the elbow parallel to each other. We connect the elbows with inhalation, elbows to the sides, bartack, body down. Exhale on "Ha"

5. Exercise to activate the work of the anterior abdominal wall on the sounds "k" and "g".

The teacher's attention should be directed to:

- muscle freedom

- correct posture;

- the ability to inhale and it is advisable to distribute the exhalation;

–Operation of the resonator system;

- general intelligibility of speech;

–Rhythmic accuracy.

Vocal and intonation exercises.

Goals of vocal and intonation exercises:

To form the skill of maintaining a tone at the same pitch, the same volume or with different nuances, which trains singing breathing
form the correct articulation of a particular vowel sound
to achieve certainty in the attack of the sound
clarify intonation at the moment of sound attack
line up unison

All exercises are performed in ascending and descending chromatic sequence (in the range of la m - fa 2)

1. Singing with a closed mouth contributes to the equalization of timbre sound, auditory tuning. The exercise is sung with slightly open teeth (mouth closed), high palate, sensation of sound in the upper resonator, to the sonorous consonant sound "M". (Ex 1) When there is a slight vibration and slight tickling of the lips.

2.Smoothing registers. (Lip vibration, then PPRR)

Maintain lip freedom and even, full sound when moving to

head register. The slower the vibration speed, the better.

3. Development of a soft but accurate sound attack. This will

facilitate the execution of the legato exercise on one note.

4. Exercise based on the sounds of the triad. Reliance on breathing.

Purpose: expansion of the sound range in order to equalize the register sound of voices and to activate the work of the anterior abdominal wall.

2.Exercise to develop voice mobility and work on diction.

To monitor the clear pronunciation of syllables, the jerky work of the diaphragm, the larynx remains in the middle position and does not rise behind the sound. The tip of the tongue touches the two upper front teeth.

III. The stage of assimilating new knowledge - learning the chanting of the canon "Birch in the field"

The first acquaintance with the two-voiced one must begin with the singing of the canons. This is the most interesting and accessible form of polyphony for children. What is canon? Canon in translation from Greek means "rule, order". The musical canon is a song performed in a special way. All performers of the canon sing the same melody with the same text, entering in turn. The one who starts singing first and finishes first. Singing by the canon became very popular in the 16-17th centuries, and now the canon is gaining a new boost in popularity among young performers due to the fact that it clearly demonstrates the singing technique of the performer

Stages of work on the canon:

1) speech recitation. Invite the guys to recite the first

line all together. Recite again, and the teacher recites the canon. Divide the ensemble into two groups, the second group is now instead of the teacher.

2) Having mastered the performance of the rhythmic canon, you can start singing.

To begin with, sing the melody of the canon to everyone together with the teacher:

Bring to clean a-cappella unison. After the melody is learned, the children perform the 1st voice, and the teacher - the 2nd.

Then divide the children into 2 groups. All sing a-cappella, in dynamics p, listen to each other, vertical. Remind children: "First I listen, then I sing." Pay attention to the exact introductions of the voices, the ability to keep the pace from start to finish.

Appendix # 1

Main part.

Work on the repertoire.

Work on the songs "Three wishes" and "About jam".

Stage 1 . Singing songs with accompaniment and a capella. Work on the purity of intonation, clear pronunciation of words, endings, on correct sound science, on unison.

The song "Three Wishes" has a complex dotted rhythm, it is important that each of the students mastered it. Simultaneous removal and introduction of voices on the hand of the teacher. Consonant sounds are pronounced easily, clearly, clearly and energetically. Pay attention to singing narrow vowels, avoid flat sounds. It is necessary forteach students to pronounce consonants clearly at the end of words, monitor the clear pronunciation of consonants in the middle of words at a fast pace.

Particular attention is paid to the work on the two-part voice in the song "About jam" - pure intonation. The main task is to teach students to listen to each other, to hear both voices, and not just their own. First, each part is worked out separately, then the voices are combined.

Stage 2. Working with soloists in the song "Carousel of Melodies". This song contains solo episodes.

Much attention is paid to work on intonation and work on sound education, since each student has his own timbre of voice and his own shortcomings. This applies to the vowels "A" and "E".

The basis of any singing is vowel sounds. From the correct sound formation of vowelssits the beauty of timbre. Students of the 1st and 2nd year of school age have uneven timbre, which obuscaught mainly by the "variegation" of vowels. Sound evenness is achievedby preserving the high sound (position) on all sounds of the singing range on.

The condition for competent sound production is a correctly open mouth, a freely descending jaw, active lips, clearly articulating eachsound. At the initial stage, in general, you should pay attention to the fact thatthe student inhaled correctly, distributing the exhalation to the end of a word or a smallphrases without taking a breath in the middle of a word.

10 minutes rest

Facial massage

- Go over the entire face with a concussive massagechicks of bent fingers. The blows must be strong enoughso that the face "lights up".

- Massage your jaw-temporal joints with your fingers.Make a downward and forward circular motion with your lower jaw.: Move your lower jaw in a circular motion forward - right-back-left-forward.

Back massage.

Free time

Stage 3... Singing songs to the soundtrack. The songs are sung at a faster pace, in a clear rhythm.

Stage 4. Singing songs with a microphone.

Stage 5... Work on the movements in the song "Slush"

6 stage... Repetition of the song "New Day"

IV... Reflexive stage: self-assessment of children about their performance, emotional state

- What did you especially remember in the lesson and what did you like ...

V... Final stage: Singing songs from start to finish, accompanied by a soundtrack with movements. Summing up the results, mistakes and successes of each student

- What new concepts did you meet in the lesson?

- The meanings of the concept of canon.

VI... The final stage: home assignment, message about the next lesson


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