Bernard Show that. Bernard Shaw - Biography

Bernard Show that. Bernard Shaw - Biography
Bernard Show that. Bernard Shaw - Biography

George Bernard Shaw. Born on July 26, 1856 in Dublin (Ireland) - died on November 2, 1950 in Hartfordshire (England). English playwright and novelist of Irish origin, laureate Nobel Prize in the field of literature and one of the most famous Irish literary figures. Public figure (Socialist Fabian, supporter of the reform of English writing). One of the founders of the London School of Economics and political Sciences. The second (after Shakespeare) in popularity of the playwright in the English Theater.

The only person who was awarded and the Nobel Prize in the field of literature (1925, "for creativity, noted by idealism and humanism, for sparkling satire, which is often combined with exceptional poetic beauty"), and the Oscar premium (1938, for the script of the film "Pigmalion" ). Active propagandist of vegetarianism.

George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin on July 26, 1856 in the family of George Show, a grain merchant, and Lucinda Show, a professional singer. He had two sisters, Lucinda Frances, theatrical singer And Elinor Agnes, who deceased from tuberculosis for 21 years of life.

The show attended Wesley College in Dublin and grammar school. Medium education received in Dublin. At eleven years he was given to the Protestant school, where he was, according to his own words, the penultimate or last student. He called the school with the most harmful stage of his education: "I did not occur to cook lessons or tell the truth to this universal enemy and executioner to the teacher."

But the education system was more than once criticized the show for focusing on mental, not spiritual development. Especially the author criticized the system of physical punishment at school. In fifteen years he became a clerk. The family had no money in order to send him to the university, but the units of communication helped him get a fairly well-known real estate TownZand agency.

One of the duties of the show was the collection of rent from the inhabitants of Dublin slums, and the sad impressions of these years later found an incarnation in the "Houses of Widoves".

He was, in all likelihood, quite capable clerk, although the monotony of this work boring him. He learned to carefully keep booking books, as well as write a completely broken handwriting. Everything written by a handwriting show (even in old years) was easy and pleasant to read. This served the show with a good service subsequently when he became a professional writer: Dressing workers did not know with his manuscripts.

When the show was 16, his mother ran out of the house with her lover and daughters. Bernard decided to stay with his father in Dublin. He was educated and entered the real estate console. He was engaged in this work for several years, although he did not like her.

In 1876, the show went to Mother to London. The family met him very warm. At that time, he visited public libraries and museums. The libraries began to engage hard and created his first works, and later led the newspaper column dedicated to the music. However, his early novels did not have success until 1885, when he became known as a creative critic.

In the first half of the 1890 he worked as criticism in the magazine "London World", where Robert Hichen was changed.

At the same time, injecting social democratic ideas and joined the Fabian society, whose goal is to establish socialism with the help of civilians. In this society, he met his future wife Charlotte Pain Townshend, on which he married in 1898. Bernard Shaw has connections on the side.

The first play of Bernard Shaw was presented in 1892 At the end of the decade he became already famous playwright. He wrote sixty-three plays, as well as novels, critical works, essays and more than 250,000 letters.

The show wrote five unsuccessful novels at the beginning of her career between 1879 and 1883. Later, they were all published.

The first printed romance show was "Profession Kashel Byrona" (1886), written in 1882. The main character of the novel is an intense schoolboy who, together with his mother, emigrates to Australia, where he participates in the battles for money. He returns to England on the boxing match. Here he falls in love with a smart and rich woman Lydia Karen. This woman attracted by animal magnetism agrees to marriage, despite their different social status. Then it turns out that the protagonist of noble origin and the heir of a great condition. Thus, he becomes a deputy in parliament and married couple becomes an ordinary bourgeois family.

Novel "NOT SOCIAL SOCIALIST" Published in 1887. At the beginning, a school for girls is described, but then focused on the poor worker, who actually hides its states from his wife. Also, he is an active fighter for the promotion of socialism. From this point on, the whole novel focuses on socialist themes.

Novel "LOVE ARONG THE ARTISTS" Written in 1881, published in 1900 in the United States and in 1914 in England. In this novel, on the example of the Victorian Society of the Shaw, shows its views on art, romantic love and marriage.

"The IRRATIONAL KNOT" - Roman, written in 1880 and published in 1905. In this novel, the author condemns the hereditary status and insists on the nobility of workers. The Institute of Marriage is subject to the example of a noble woman and worker, which is rich in the invention of an electric motor. Their marriage breaks down due to the inability of family members find common interests.

First Roman Show "Immaturity", Written in 1879, became the latest published novel. He describes the life and career of Robert Smith, an energetic young resident of London. The condemnation of alcoholism is the first promise in a book based on the author's family memories.

The show completely breaks with the famous Puritan morality, still peculiar to a significant part of the prosperous circles of English society. He calls things by their real names, considers it possible to portray any everyday phenomenon and to a certain extent is a follower of naturalism.

The show began working on the first play "House of Widow" In 1885. After some time, the author refused to continue working on it and completed it only in 1892. The play was presented at the London Royal Theater on December 9, 1892.

In the play "Mrs. Warren Profession" (1893) A young girl learns that her mother receives income from public houses, and therefore leaves the house to make money honest labor itself.

Plays Bernard Shaw, like the plays, includes acute humor, exceptional for the playwrights of the Victorian era. The show began to reform the theater, offering new topics and inviting public to consider moral, political and economic problems. In this, he is close to the Dramaturgia of Ibsen with his realistic drama, which he used to solve social problems.

When the experience and popularity of the show has increased, his plays have become less focused on the reforms that he defended, but their entertainment role did not decrease. Such work as "Caesar and Cleopatra" (1898), "Man and superhummer" (1903), "Major Barbara" (1905) and "doctor in front of the dilemma" (1906) show the mature views of the author, which was already 50 years old.

Until the 1910s, the show was completely formed playwright. New works, such as "Fanny's first play" (1911) and "Pygmalion" (1912), were well known to the London public.

In the most popular Piece "Pymalion" based on the plot ancient Greek mythIn which the sculptor asks the gods so that they revive the statue, Pygmalion appears in the form of Professor Phonetics Higgins. His Galatia is a street trader of Eliza Dulitle. Professor is trying to correct the girl who speaks to Cockney. Thus, the girl becomes like a noble woman. This show is trying to say that people differ only externally.

The views of the show have changed after the First World War, which he has not approved. His first work written after the war was a play "House where hearts are broken" (1919). In this play, a new show appeared - humor remained the same, but his faith in humanism lasted.

Earlier, the show supported the gradual transition to socialism, but now he saw the government under the leadership strong man. For him, the dictatories were obvious. At the end of life, his hopes also died. So, in the play "Billions of Buyan" (Buoyant Billions, 1946-48), his last play, he says that it is not necessary to hope for masses that act as a blind crowd and can choose to themselves in the rulers of people like Hitler.

In 1921, the show completed the work on the pentalog "Back to Malfusaila"which included five plays, and which begins in the Garden of Eden and ends in a thousand years in the future. In these plays, it is argued that life is being improved by attempts and mistakes. The show himself considered these plays to masterpieces, but critics were another opinion.

After the "Mafusail" was written by a play "Holy John" (1923), which is considered one of its best works. The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the work about Joan D'Ark and its canonization appeared in 1920. The play received world famous and brought the author to the Nobel Prize (1921).

The show has and plays in psychological genre, sometimes in contact with even the area of \u200b\u200bmelodrama ("Candy" and others).

The author created the plays to the end of his life, but only some of them became the same successful as his early work. "Trolley with apples" (1929) became the most famous play during this period. Late works, such as "bitter, but really," "on Meli" (1933), "Millionaire" (1935) and "Geneva" (1935) were not widely recognized the public.

From July 21 to July 31, 1931, Bernard Shaw visited the USSR, where on July 29, he had a personal meeting with. In addition to the capital, the show visited the outback - the commune. Lenin (Ilsk Commune) of the Tambov region, considered exemplary. Returning out Soviet Union, Show said: "I'm leaving the state of hope and return to our western countries - Despair countries ... For me, an old man, makes a deep consolation, taking into a grave, to know that world civilization will be saved ... Here, in Russia, I made sure that the new communist system is able to bring humanity from the modern crisis and save Its from full anarchy and death ".

In an interview provided in Berlin on the way to homeland, the show gave a high marks to Stalin as a policy: "Stalin is a very pleasant person and really the head of the working class ... Stalin - a giant, and all Western figures - Pigmeys".

And already in London on September 6, 1931 in his report on the topic of travel, the playwright said: "In Russia, there is no parliament or other nonsense in this way. Russians are not so stupid as we; It would even be difficult for them to imagine that there may be fools like us. Of course, state people soviet Russia have not only huge moral superiority over our, but also significant mental superiority ".

Being a socialist in his political viewsBernard Shaw also became a supporter of Stalinism and the "other USSR". So, in the preface to your plays "Dire straits" (1933) He brings the theoretical base under the repression of the OGPU against the enemies of the people. In an open letter to the newspaper, Manchester Guardian Bernard Show calls the information about hunger in the USSR (1932-1933) fake.

In a letter to the newspaper Labour Monhly Bernard Shaw also opened openly on the side of Stalin and Lysenko in the campaign against genetic scientists.

IN last years The playwright lived in his own house and died in 94 years from renal failure. His body was cremated, and the dust dispelment along with the ashes of his wife.

Plays Bernard Shaw:

One of two people in history (second - Bob Dylan), awarded and the Nobel Prize in the field of literature ("For creativity, noted by idealism and humanism, for sparkling satire, which is often combined with exceptional poetic beauty"), and the Oscar premiums (, for the script of the film "Pygmalion"). Active propagandist of vegetarianism.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin on July 26, 1856 in the family of George Show, a grain merchant, and Lucinda Show, a professional singer. He had two sisters: Lucinda Frances, theatrical singer, and Elinor Agnes, who deceased from tuberculosis for 21 years of life.

    The show attended Wesley College in Dublin and grammar school. Medium education received in Dublin. At eleven years he was given to the Protestant school, where he was, according to his own words, the penultimate or last student. He called the school with the most harmful stage of his education: "I did not occur to cook lessons or tell the truth to this universal enemy and executioner to the teacher." The education system was more than once criticized the show for concentration on mental, not spiritual development. Especially the author criticized the system of physical punishment at school. In fifteen years he became a clerk. The family had no money in order to send him to the university, but the units of communication helped him get a fairly well-known real estate TownZand agency. One of the duties of the show was the collection of rent from the inhabitants of Dublin slums, and the sad impressions of these years later found an incarnation in the "Houses of Widoves". He was, in all likelihood, quite capable clerk, although the monotony of this work boring him. He learned to carefully keep booking books, as well as write a completely broken handwriting. Everything written by a handwriting show (even in old years) was easy and pleasant to read. This served the show with a good service subsequently when he became a professional writer: Dressing workers did not know with his manuscripts. When the show was 16, his mother ran out of the house with her lover and daughters. Bernard decided to stay with his father in Dublin. He was educated and entered the real estate console. He was engaged in this work for several years, although he did not like her.

    In 1876, the show went to Mother to London. The family met him very warm. At that time, he visited public libraries and museums. The libraries began to engage hard and created his first works, and later led the newspaper column dedicated to the music. However, his early novels did not have success until 1885, when he became known as a creative critic.

    In the first half of the 1890 he worked as criticism in the magazine "London World", where Robert Hichen was changed.

    At the same time, injecting social democratic ideas and joined the Fabian society, whose goal is to establish socialism with the help of civilians. In this society, he met his future wife Charlotte Pain Townshend, on which he married in 1898. Bernard Shaw has connections on the side.

    In recent years, playwright lived in his own home and died in 94 years from renal failure. His body was cremated, and the dust dispelment along with the ashes of his wife.


    The first play of Bernard Shaw was represented in 1892 at the end of the decade, he became already famous playwright. He wrote sixty-three plays, as well as novels, critical works, essays and more than 250,000 letters.


    The show wrote five unsuccessful novels at the beginning of her career between 1879 and 1883. Later, they were all published.

    The first printed Roman show was the "Profession of Kashel Bayron" (1886), written in 1882. The main character of the novel is an intense schoolboy who, together with his mother, emigrates to Australia, where he participates in the battles for money. He returns to England on the boxing match. Here he falls in love with a smart and rich woman Lydia Karen. This woman attracted by animal magnetism agrees to marriage, despite their different social status. Then it turns out that the protagonist of noble origin and the heir of a great condition. Thus, he becomes a deputy in parliament and married couple becomes an ordinary bourgeois family.

    Roman "Not Social Socialist" was published in 1887. At the beginning, a school for girls is described, but then focused on the poor worker, who actually hides its states from his wife. Also, he is an active fighter for the promotion of socialism. From this point on, the whole novel focuses on socialist themes.

    The novel "Love Among The Artists" was written in 1881, published in 1900 in the United States and in 1914 in England. In this novel, on the example of the Victorian Society of the Shaw, shows its views on art, romantic love and marriage.

    "The Irrational Knot" - a novel, written in 1880 and published in 1905. In this novel, the author condemns the hereditary status and insists on the nobility of workers. The Institute of Marriage is subject to the example of a noble woman and worker, which is rich in the invention of an electric motor. Their marriage breaks down due to the inability of family members find common interests.

    The first novel show "Immaturity", written in 1879, became the latest published novel. He describes the life and career of Robert Smith, an energetic young resident of London. The condemnation of alcoholism is the first promise in a book based on the author's family memories.


    The show completely breaks with the famous Puritan morality, still peculiar to a significant part of the prosperous circles of English society. He calls things by their real names, considers it possible to portray any everyday phenomenon and to a certain extent is a follower of naturalism.

    The show began working on the first play "House of Widow" in 1885. After some time, the author refused to continue working on it and completed it only in 1892. The play was presented at the London Royal Theater on December 9, 1892. In this play, the show gave a wonderful picture of his realism a picture of the life of London proletarians. The play begins with the fact that the young man is going to marry a girl, the father of which gives the poor to the poor who pay for them the last money. Young wants to refuse from marriage and dowry, which they received through the hellish work of the poor, but then he learns that his income is based on the labor of the poor. Very often, the show acts as satyric, mercilessly ridicurating ugly and vulgar parties english life, especially - household bourgeois circles ("John Bull's Other Island", "Arms and the Man "," How He Lied to Her Husband "and others).

    In the play "Mrs. Warren Profession" (1893) A young girl learns that her mother receives income from public houses, and therefore leaves the house to make money honest labor itself.

    Plays Bernard Shaow, like Oscar Wilde, includes acute humor, exceptional for the playwrights of the Victorian era. The show began to reform the theater, offering new topics and inviting public to consider moral, political and economic problems. In this, he is close to the Dramaturgia of Ibsen with his realistic drama, which he used to solve social problems.

    When the experience and popularity of the show has increased, his plays have become less focused on the reforms that he defended, but their entertainment role did not decrease. Such works as "Caesar and Cleopatra" (1898), "Man and Superman" (1903), "Major Barbara" (1905) and "Doctor in front of a dilemma" (1906) show the mature views of the author, which was already 50 years old.

    Until the 1910s, the show was completely formed playwright. New works, such as Fanni's First Piece (1911) and Pygmalion (1912), were well known to the London public.

    In the most popular play "Pygmalion" based on the plot of an ancient Greek myth, in which the sculptor asks the gods so that they revive the statue, Pygmalion appears in the form of Professor Higgins phonetics. His Galatia is a street trader of Eliza Dulitle. Professor is trying to correct the girl who speaks to Cockney. Thus, the girl becomes like a noble woman. This show is trying to say that people differ only externally.

    The views of the show have changed after the First World War, which he has not approved. His first work written after the war was a play "The house where the hearts are broken" (1919). In this play, a new show appeared - humor remained the same, but his faith in humanism lasted.

    Earlier, the show supported the gradual transition to socialism, but now he saw the government under the guidance of a strong person. For him, the dictatories were obvious. At the end of life, his hopes also died. So, in the play "Billions of Buchan" ( BUOYANT BILLIONS., 1946-48), his last play, he says that you should not hope for the masses that are like a blind crowd, and can choose to yourself in the rulers of people like Hitler.

    In 1921, the show completed the work on the Pentalogia "Back to Malfusale", which included five plays, and which begins in the Garden of Eden and ends in a thousand years in the future. In these plays, it is argued that life is being improved by attempts and mistakes. The show himself considered these plays to masterpieces, but critics were another opinion.

    After "Mafusayila" was written by the play "Holy John" (1923), which is considered one of his best works. The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the work about Joan D'Ark and its canonization appeared in 1920. The play received world fame and brought the author to the Nobel Prize (1925).

    The show has and plays in the psychological genre, sometimes contacting even with the area of \u200b\u200bmelodrama ("Candus" and others).

    The author created the plays to the end of his life, but only some of them became the same successful as his early work. "Trolley with apples" (1929) became the most famous play during this period. Late works, such as "bitter, but really," "on Meli" (1933), "Millionaire" (1935) and "Geneva" (1935) were not widely recognized the public.

    Trip to the USSR

    From July 21 to July 31, 1931, Bernard Shaw visited the USSR, where he held a personal meeting with Joseph Stalin on July 29. In addition to the capital, the show visited the outback - the commune. Lenin (Ilsk Commune) of the Tambov region, considered exemplary. Returning from the Soviet Union, the show said:

    "I'm leaving the state of hope and return to our Western countries - despair countries ... For me, an old man, makes a deep consolation, going into the grave, to know that world civilization will be saved ... Here, in Russia, I made sure that a new communist system It is capable of bringing humanity from the modern crisis and save it from full anarchy and death. "

    In an interview provided in Berlin on the way to homeland, the show gave a high marks to Stalin as a policy:

    "Stalin is a very nice person and really the head of the working class ... Stalin is a giant, and all Western figures are Pygmy."

    "In Russia, there is no parliament or other nonsense in this way. Russians are not so stupid as we; It would even be difficult for them to imagine that there may be fools like us. Of course, and state people of Soviet Russia have not only huge moral superiority over our, but also significant mental superiority. "

    As a socialist in his political views, Bernard Shaw also became a supporter of Stalinism and the "other USSR". So, in the preface to his plays "on the Mel" (1933), he brings the theoretical base under the repression of the OGPU against the enemies of the people. In an open letter to the newspaper Manchester Guardian. Bernard Shaw calls information about hunger in the USSR (1932-1933) fake.

    In a letter to the newspaper LABOUR MONTHLY. Bernard Shaw also opened openly on the side of Stalin and Lysenko in the campaign against genetic scientists.



    • "Pieces of unpleasant" (Plays Unpleasant, published in 1898)
      • "House of Widow" (Widower's Houses, 1885-1892)
      • "Heart" (The Philanderer, 1893)
      • "Profession Mrs. Warren" (1893-1894)
    • "Pleasons are pleasant" (Plays Pleasant, published in 1898)
      • "Weapons and man" ()
      • Candida (Candida, 1894-1895)
      • "Chosen of Destiny, 1895)
      • "Wait for - see" (You Never Can Tell, 1895-1896)


    • "Three Pieces for Puritan" (Three Plays for Puritans)
      • "Devil's Disciple Student" (The Devil's Disciple, 1896-1897)
      • Caesar and Cleopatra (Caesar and Cleopatra, 1898)
      • "Captain Captain Brasbound" (Captain BrassBound's Conversion, 1899)
    • "Magnificent Bashville, or an Empty Constancy" (The Admirable Bashville; Or, Constancy Unrewarded, 1901)
    • "Sunday day among the hills of Surrey" (1888)
    • "Man and superholesale" (eng.)russian (« Man and superman.», -)
    • "Another Island of John Bull" (John Bull's Other Island, 1904)


    • "How he lied her husband" (How He Lied to Her Husband, 1904)
    • "Major Barbara" (Major Barbara, 1906)
    • "Doctor's Dilemma" (1906)
    • INTERLUDE AT THEATER »(The Interlude at The Playhouse, 1907)
    • "Marriage" (Getting Married, 1908)
    • "Exposing Blanco Post" (The Sheewing-Up of Blanco Posnet, 1909)
    • "Fools and Tomfooleries" (Trifles and Tomfoolers)
      • "Passion, poison, petition, or fatal gas hospital" (Passion, Poison and Petrifaction; Or, The Fatal Gasogene, 1905)
      • "Newspaper cuttings" (Press Cuttings, 1909)
      • Charming Foundling (The Fascinating Foundling, 1909)
      • "Little reality" (The GLIMPS OF REALITY, 1909)
    • « Unequal marriage"(Misalliance, 1910)


    • "Small Lady Sonyetov" ( The Dark. Lady of the Sonnets, 1910)
    • Fanny's First Play, 1911 (Fanny's First Play
    • Androcles and The Lion, 1912)
    • "Inspired by passion" (Overruled, 1912)
    • Pygmalion (Pygmalion, 1912-1913)
    • "Great Catherine" (Great Catherine, 1913)
    • "Music Treatment" (The Music-Cure, 1913)
    • "O'Flaerti, Cavalier of the Order of Victoria" (O'Flaherty, V.C.,)
    • "Ogastes performs his debt" (Augustus Does His Bit, 1916)
    • "Annahnsk, madman great Princess"Annajanska, The Wild Grand Duchess, 1917)
    • "House where hearts are broken" (Heartbreak House, 1913-1919)


    • "Back to Mafusaila" (Back to Methuselah, 1918-1920)
      • Part I. "At the beginning" (in the beginning)
      • Part II. "Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas" brothers (The Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas)
      • Part III. "It happened!" ( The Thing. Happens)
      • Part IV. "Tragedy of the Elderly Gentleman" (TRAGEDY OF AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN)
      • Part V. "At the limit of thought" (As Far As Thougo Can Reach)
    • "Saint John" (Saint Joan, 1923)
    • "Trolley with apples" (The Apple Cart, 1929)
    • "Gorky, but really" (Too True to Be Good, 1931)



    • Brown, G.E. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW. Evans Brothers Ltd, 1970
    • Chappelow, Alan. "SHAW THE VILLAGER AND HUMAN BEING - A BIOGRAPHICAL SYMPOSIUM", WITH A PREFACE (1962). "Shaw -" The Chucker-Out "", 1969. ISBN 0-404-08359-5
    • Elliot, Vivian. "DEAR MR SHAW SELECTIONS FROM BERNARD SHAW'S POSTBAG" BLOOMSBURY, 1987 ISBN 0-7475-0256-0. Wort An Introduction by Michael Holroyd
    • Evans, T.F. "Shaw: The Critical Heritage." The Critical Heritage Series. ROUTLEGE & KEGAN PAUL, 1976
    • Gibbs, A.M (ED.). "Shaw: Interviews and Recollections."
    • Gibbs, A.M. Bernard Shaw, A Life. University of Florida Press, 2005. ISBN 0-8130-2859-0
    • Henderson, Archibald. Bernard Shaw: Playboy and Prophet. D. Appleton & Co., 1932
    • HOLROYD, MICHAEL (ETD). "The Genius of Shaw: A Symposium", Hodder & Stoughton, 1979
    • Holroyd, Michael. "Bernard Shaw: The One-Volume Definitive Edition", Random House, 1998. ISBN 978-0-393-32718-2

    see also


    1. German National Library, Berlin State Library, Bavarian State Library, etc. Record # 118642375 // General Regulatory Control (GND) - 2012-2016.
    2. identifier BNF: open data platform - 2011.
    3. Bernard Shaw.
    4. Show George Bernard //

    The only person honored at the same time and the Nobel Prize in Literature (1925, "for creativity, noted by idealism and humanism, for sparkling satire, which is often combined with exceptional poetic beauty") and the Oscar premium (1938, for the script of the film "Pigmalion") .

    The show refused the monetary part of the Nobel Prize in Literature (however, Boris Pasternak and Jean-Paple Sartre were also refused from the premium.


    Early fond of social democratic ideas; paid attention to tidy theatrical and musical reviews; Later he made himself in the role of playwright and immediately caused sharp attacks of persons who outraged their imaginary immorality and excessive courage; In recent years, it is becoming increasingly popular with the British public and finds admirers on the continent due to the emergence of critical articles about him and the translations of his elected plays (for example, in German Trebic). The show completely breaks with the famous Puritan morality, still peculiar to a significant part of the prosperous circles of English society. He calls things by their real names, considers it possible to portray any everyday phenomenon and to a certain extent is a follower of naturalism.

    The Piece "The Philanderer" reflected a rather negative, the ironic attitude of the author to the Institute of Marriage, which he was at that time; The "Widower's Houses" show gave a wonderful picture of his realism a picture of the life of London proletarians. Very often, the show acts as satirika, mercilessly ridicurating the ugly and vulgar sides of English life, especially the life of bourgeois circles ("John Bull's Other Island", "Arms and the MAN", "How He Lied to Her Husband" and others).

    The show has both plays in the psychological genre, sometimes in contact with even the area of \u200b\u200bmelodrama ("Candida" and others).

    He also belongs to the novel written in an earlier day: "Love in the world of artists."

    When writing this article, the material from the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was used (1890-1907).

    In the first half of the 1890s. He worked as criticism in the magazine "London World", where Robert Hichen was changed.

    Trip to the USSR

    In the 1930s, Bernard Shaw traveled a trip to the USSR, where he had a personal meeting with Joseph Stalin. Being a socialist in his political views, Bernard Shaw also became a supporter of Stalinism and the "Other of the USSR". So in the preface to his play "On Mel" (1933), he tried to bring the "theoretical base" under the repression of the OGPU against the enemies of the people. In an open letter to the newspaper Manchester Guardian, Bernard Show calls information about the holodomor fake appeared in the press. In a letter to the newspaper Labour Monhly Bernard Shaw also opened openly on the side of Stalin and Lysenko in the campaign against genetic scientists.



    * "Plays Unpleasant" (PLAYS UNPLEASANT, published in 1898)
    * "House of Widow" (Widower's Houses, 1885-1892)
    * "Heart" (The Philanderer, 1893)
    * "Profession Mrs. Warren" (Mrs Warren's Profession, 1893-1894)
    * "Pleasons are pleasant" (Plays Pleasant, published in 1898)
    * "Weapons and man" (eng.) Russian. ("Arms and The Man", 1894)
    * "Candida" (Candida, 1894-1895)
    * "Chosen of Destiny, 1895)
    * "Wait - see" (You Never Can Tell, 1895-1896)


    * "Three Pieces for Puritan" (Three Plays for Puritans)
    * "Devil's disciple" (The Devil's Disciple, 1896-1897)
    * "Caesar and Cleopatra" (Caesar and Cleopatra, 1898)
    * "Captain Brasbound Captain" (Captain Brassbound's Conversion, 1899)
    * "Magnificent pashil, or an unnowked constancy" (The Admiral Bashville; Or, Constancy Unrewarded, 1901)
    * "Sunday day among the hills of Surrey" (1888)
    * "Man and superman" (eng.) Russian. ("Man and Superman", 1901-1903)
    * "Another Island John Bull" (John Bull's Other Island, 1904)


    * "How he lied her husband" (How He Lied to Her Husband, 1904)
    * "Major Barbara" (Major Barbara, 1906)
    * "Doctor in front of a dilemma" (1906: DOCTOR'S DILEMMA)
    * "Interlude at theater" (The Interlude at the Playhouse, 1907)
    * "Marriage" (Getting Married, 1908)
    * "Exposing Blanco Post" (The Sheewing-Up of Blanco Posnet, 1909)
    * "Fools and Tomfoolers" (trifles and tomfooleries)
    * "Passion, poison, petition, or fatal gas hospital" (Passion, Poison and Petrifaction; Or, The Fatal Gasogene, 1905)
    * "Newspaper cutting" (Press Cuttings, 1909)
    * "Charming FoundLing" (The Fascinating Foundling, 1909)
    * "A little reality" (The GLIMPS OF REALITY, 1909)
    * "Unequal marriage" (MISALIANCE, 1910)


    * "Dark Lady of the Sonnets" (The Dark Lady of The Sonnets, 1910)
    * "Fanny's First Piece" (Fanny's First Play, 1911)
    * "Androcles and the Lion" (1912)
    * "Pass over passion" (Overruled, 1912)
    * "Pygmalion" (Pygmalion, 1912-1913)
    * "Great Catherine" (Great Catherine, 1913)
    * "Treatment with music" (The Music-Cure, 1913)
    * "O'Flaerti, Cavalier Order Victoria" (O'Flaherty, V.C.,)
    * "Inca of Perusalem, 1916" Inca of Perusalem
    * "Ogastes performs his duty" (Augustus Does His Bit, 1916)
    * "Annahnsk, Crazy Great Princess" (Annajanska, The Wild Grand Duchess, 1917)
    * "House where hearts are broken" (Heartbreak House, 1913-1919)


    * "Back to Mafusaila" (Back to Methuselah, 1918-1920)
    * Part I. "At the beginning" (in the beginning)
    * Part II. "Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas" brothers (The Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas)
    * Part III. "It happened!" THE THING HAPPENS)
    * Part IV. "Tragedy of the Elderly Gentleman" (TRAGEDY OF AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN)
    * Part V. "At the limit of thought" (AS Far As Thought Can Reach)
    * "Holy Jeanne" (Saint Joan, 1923)
    * "Trolley with apples" (The Apple Cart, 1929)
    * "Gorky, but truth" (Too True to Be Good, 1931)



    1. Tatyana Vorontsova visiting the "Senior Brother":
    In the Soviet Union, the great playwright and his companions were waiting for a warm reception and a saturated cultural program. Kremlin, Mausoleum Lenin, Park of Culture and Leisure, Automotive Driving around the city, Surviving in the world Tairchovskaya production "Opera Resection" Bertolt Brecht in the Chamber Theater, "Production Excursion" (visiting electricity, where the writer talked with workers and separately - with Litkruzhkovkovka), Meetings in Oziz, rest in narrow, visits to M. Gorky and N. Brupskaya and, finally, the large-scale celebration of the 75th anniversary of Bernard Shaw in the Hall column is Moscow. Hermitage, Russian Museum, car tour of the city, meetings with writers (including - in the hotel "European"), visiting a pioneer camp in a children's village, acquaintance with best works Soviet cinema and shooting in sound documentary film In the factory Soyucino (where the show said about Lenin) is Leningrad. During a magnificent celebration in the Column Hall of the show, said: "I want to be before I leave Moscow, Stalin ... I became a living person for me, and not just stayed with the name." The desire of the jubilee was carried out - a personal meeting with the Soviet leader took place on the evening of July 29. In a conversation that lasted almost three hours, Lord and Lady Astor, Lord Lotien and the People's Commissar of the USSR Maxim Litvinov also took part. On the night of July 31, English guests went home. "I'm leaving the state of hope and return to our Western countries - despair countries"; "For me, an old man, makes a deep consolation, taking into a grave, to know that world civilization will be saved ... Here, in Russia, I was convinced that a new communist system is able to bring humanity from the modern crisis and save it from a complete anarchy and death "- forbed in the USSR english dramatourg. As soon as travelers crossed the border, they became the object of the close attention of journalists. The first interview with the show gave Berlin. He stated in him: "Stalin is a very pleasant person and truly the head of the working class", "Stalin is a giant, and all Western figures - Pigmeys." In London, the Paradoxist playwright read the two-hour report on the topic of travel (August 6). Here are a number of excerpts from it: "There is no parliament or other nonsense in Russia in this way. Russians are not so stupid as we; It would even be difficult for them to imagine that there may be fools like us. Of course, the state people of Soviet Russia have not only huge moral superiority over our, but also significant mental superiority ";

    2. Letters to the Editor: Social Conditions in Russia by George Bernard Guardian, 2 March 1933. Gareth Jones "Memorial WebSite. Verified June 3, 2007. (English)
    3. Shaw, George Bernard (January 1949), "The Lysenko Muddle", Labour Monhly (English)


    George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950), Irish playwright, philosopher and prosaik, an outstanding critic of his time and the most famous - after Shakespeare - the playwright, writing in English. Born on July 26, 1856 in Dublin. His father, cracked in business, was addicted to alcohol; Mother disappointed in the marriage, fond of singing. The show did not learn anything in the schools that visited, but much learned from the books of Ch.Dikkens, W. Scepir, D. Benyan, Bible, Arab fairy tales of a thousand and one night, as well as listening to Opera and Osra, in which mother sang and contemplated Pictures in the Irish National Gallery.

    At a fifteenth age, the show got a clerk to the firm for the sale of land. A year later, he became a cashier and held this position for four years. Unable to overcome disgust for such work, he left in London to the mother at the twenty years, which after a divorce with her husband earned the life of singing lessons.

    The show already in his youth decided to earn a living by literary labor, and although the selected articles were returned to him with depressing regularity, he continued to besiege. Only one article was accepted for printing, paying fifteen shillings to the author - and it was all that the show earned a pen for nine years. Over the years, he wrote five novels who rejected all English publishers.

    In 1884, the show joined the Fabian society and soon became one of his glittering speakers. At the same time, he improved his education in the reading room British Museumwhere I met a writer U.Archer (1856-1924), who introduced him to journalism. Having worked for some time with a freelance correspondent, the show received a place of musical criticism in one of the evening newspapers. After six years, who lived with music review, the show for three and a half years worked as a theatrical critic in the "Shererte Rivey". During this time, he released books about H. Ibsen and R. Vagner. He also wrote the plays (Piece Collection Pleasant and Unpleasant - Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant, 1898). One of them, the profession of Mrs. Warren (MRS. Warren's Profession, was supplied for the first time in 1902), was banned by censorship; Another, wait for you to see (You Never Can Tell, 1895) after several rehearsals was rejected; Third, weapons and man (Arms and the man, 1894), no one did not understand. In addition to those named in the collection included the plays Candida (Candida, 1895), the elect of fate (The Man of Destiny, 1897), the House of Widowts (Widower's Houses, 1892) and the hearty (The Philanderer, 1893). The Devil's Disciple, 1897, delivered in America, the Devil's Disciple, 1897) - the first play of the show, which had a cash success.

    The show wrote the plays, reviews, performed as a street speaker, promoting socialist ideas, and, in addition, was a member of the Saint Pancras Municipal Council, where he lived. Such overloads led to a sharp deterioration in health, and if not for the concerns and care of Charlotte Pain Townzend, on which he married in 1898, the case could end badly. During the protracted illness, the show was written by Caesar's plays and Cleopatra (Caesar and Cleopatra, 1899) and the conversion of Captain Brasbound (Captain Brassbound's Conversion, 1900), which the writer himself called the "religious treatise". In 1901, the disciple of the devil, Caesar and Cleopatra and the conversion of Captain Brasbound were published in the collection of three plays for Puritan (Three Plays for Puritans). In Cesar and Cleopatre - the first play of the show, where real historical personality acts, the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero and heroine is changed beyond recognition.

    Not succeeded on the path of the commercial theater, the show decided to make a drama conductor of his philosophy, posing in 1903 a play of a man and superman (Man and Superman). However, next year his hour came. Young Actor X. Granvil-Barker (1877-1946) Together with the entrepreneur J.E. Vented by the leadership of the London Court Theater and opened the season, the success of which was provided with old and new plays shows - Candida, wait and see, another island John Bull (John Bull's Other Island, 1904), Man and Superman, Major Barbara, 1905) and the doctor in front of the dilemma (The Doctor's Dilemma, 1906).

    Now the show decided to write plays, completely devoid of actions. The first of these plays-discussions, marriage (Getting Married, 1908), had some success among intellectuals, the second, Mesallians (MISALIANCE, 1910), turned out to be hard for them. Having surrendered, the show wrote a frankly cash strap - Fanny's First Play, 1911 (Fanny's First Play, 1911), which was on the scene of a small theater for almost two years. Then, as if by playing for this concession to the taste of the crowd, the show created a genuine masterpiece - Androclé and Lion (Androcles and The Lion, 1913), followed by Pygmalion's play (Pygmalion, 1914), set by the city of Birbom-three in the "Theater of His Majesty" With Patrick Campbell as Eliza Dulittl.

    During World War I, the show was an exceptionally unpopular figure. Press, the public, colleagues showered him insults, and in meanwhile, calmly finished the play of the house where Heartbreak House, 1921 was broken down and prepared his covenant to human race - back, to Maofusaila (Back to Methuselah, 1923), where in dramaturgical The form of your evolutionist ideas. In 1924, Glory returned to the writer, he found world recognition Drama Saint John (Saint Joan). In the eyes of the show Zhanna D'Arark - Prosstestantism and nationalism, and therefore the sentence made by her the medieval church and the feudal system is quite natural. In 1925, the show was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, from which he refused.

    The last play that brought the show success was the Truck with Apples (The Apple Cart, 1929), which opened the Malvern Festival in honor of the playwright.

    In the years when most people were not before traveling, the show visited the United States, the USSR, South Africa, India, New Zealand. In Moscow, where the show arrived from Lady Astor, he talked with Stalin. When the Labor Party came to power, for which the playwright did so much, he was offered the nobility and the title of Par, but he refused from everything. At the age of ninety years, the writer still agreed to become an honorary citizen of Dublin and the London County of St. Pancras, where he lived in young years.

    The show of the show died in 1943. The remaining years the writer spent in solitude in Eyote-Saint-Laurent (Herrtfordshire county), where at the age of the ninety of two years finished his last play billions of Bayanta (Buoyant Billions, 1949). By the end of the days, the writer kept the clarity of the mind. The show in Eyote-Saint Lorense on November 2, 1950.


    (1856-1950), Irish playwright, philosopher and prosaik, an outstanding critic of his time and the most famous - after Shakespeare - the playwright, writing in English. Born on July 26, 1856 in Dublin. His father, cracked in business, was addicted to alcohol; Mother disappointed in the marriage, fond of singing. The show did not learn anything in the schools that visited, but much learned from the books of Ch.Dikkens, W. Scepir, D. Benyan, Bible, Arab fairy tales of a thousand and one night, as well as listening to Opera and Osra, in which mother sang and contemplated Pictures in the Irish National Gallery. At a fifteenth age, the show got a clerk to the firm for the sale of land. A year later, he became a cashier and held this position for four years. Unable to overcome disgust for such work, he left in London to the mother at the twenty years, which after a divorce with her husband earned the life of singing lessons.

    The show already in his youth decided to earn a living by literary labor, and although the selected articles were returned to him with depressing regularity, he continued to besiege. Only one article was accepted for printing, paying fifteen shillings to the author - and it was all that the show earned a pen for nine years. Over the years, he wrote five novels who rejected all English publishers. In 1884, the show joined the Fabian society and soon became one of his glittering speakers. At the same time, he improved his education in the reading room of the British Museum, where he met writer U.Archer (1856-1924), who introduced him to journalism. Having worked for some time with a freelance correspondent, the show received a place of musical criticism in one of the evening newspapers. After six years, who lived with music review, the show for three and a half years worked as a theatrical critic in the "Shererte Rivey". During this time, he released books about H. Ibsen and R. Vagner.

    He also wrote the plays (Piece Collection Pleasant and Unpleasant - Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant, 1898). One of them, the profession of Mrs. Warren (MRS. Warren "S Profession, was first put in 1902), was banned by censorship; the other, wait - you will see (You Never Can Tell, 1895) after several rehearsals was rejected; third, weapons and a person ( Arms and the man, 1894), no one understood. In addition to those named, the candida entered the collection (Candida, 1895), the elect of destiny (The Man of Destiny, 1897), the House of Widower (Widower "s HOUSES, 1892) and a hearty ( The Philanderer, 1893). P.Msyvil's student in America, the Devil (The Devil "s Disciple, 1897) - the first play show, had a cashier success. The show wrote the plays, reviews, played as a street speaker, promoting socialist ideas, and, moreover, was a member of the municipal council County Saint Pancras, where he lived.

    Such overloads led to a sharp deterioration in health, and if not for the concerns and care of Charlotte Pain Townzend, on which he married in 1898, the case could end badly. During the protracted illness, the show wrote Caesar's plays and Cleopatra (Caesar and Cleopatra, 1899) and the conversion of Captain Brasbound (Captain Brassbound "S Conversion, 1900), which the writer himself called the" religious treatise ". In 1901, the disciple of the devil, Caesar and Cleopatra and appeal Captain Brasbound was published in the collection of three plays for Puritans. In Cesar and Cleopatre - the first play of the show, where real historical personality acts, - the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero and heroine is changed to unrecognizable. Not succeeding on the path of the commercial theater, The show decided to make a drama conductor of his philosophy, posing in 1903 a play man and superman (man and superman).

    However, next year his hour came. Young Actor X. Granvil-Barker (1877-1946) Together with the entrepreneur J.E. Vented by the leadership of the London Court Theater and opened the season, the success of which was provided with old and new plays shows - Candida, wait and see, another island John Bull (John Bull "S Other Island, 1904), Man and Superman, Major Barbara, 1905) and a doctor in front of a dilemma (The Doctor" s Dilemma, 1906). Now the show decided to write plays, completely devoid of actions. The first of these plays-discussions, marriage (Getting Married, 1908), had some success among intellectuals, the second, Mesallians (MISALIANCE, 1910), turned out to be hard for them. Having surrendered, the show wrote a frankly cash strap - the first play of Fanny (Fanny "S First Play, 1911), which for almost two years was on the scene of the small theater.

    Then, as if by playing for this concession to the taste of the crowd, the show created a genuine masterpiece - Androclé and Lion (Androcles and The Lion, 1913), followed by Pygmalion's play (Pygmalion, 1914), set by the city of Birbom-three in the "Theater of His Majesty" With Patrick Campbell as Eliza Dulittl. During World War I, the show was an exceptionally unpopular figure. Press, the public, colleagues showered him insults, and in meanwhile, calmly finished the play of the house where Heartbreak House, 1921 was broken down and prepared his covenant to human race - back, to Maofusaila (Back to Methuselah, 1923), where in dramaturgical The form of your evolutionist ideas. In 1924, Glory returned to the writer, he found the world recognition of the drama Saint John (Saint Joan). In the eyes of the show Jeanne D, Ark is a proclaimer of Protestantism and nationalism, and therefore the sentence made by her the medieval church and the feudal system is quite natural.

    In 1925, the show was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, from which he refused. The last play that brought the show success was the Truck with Apples (The Apple Cart, 1929), which opened the Malvern Festival in honor of the playwright. In the years when most people were not before traveling, the show visited the United States, the USSR, South Africa, India, New Zealand. In Moscow, where the show arrived from Lady Astor, he talked with Stalin. When the Labor Party came to power, for which the playwright did so much, he was offered the nobility and the title of Par, but he refused from everything. At the age of ninety years, the writer still agreed to become an honorary citizen of Dublin and the London County of St. Pancras, where he lived in young years. The show of the show died in 1943. The remaining years the writer spent in solitude in Eyote-Saint-Laurent (Herrtfordshire county), where at the age of the ninety of two years finished his last play billions of Bayanta (Buoyant Billions, 1949). By the end of the days, the writer kept the clarity of the mind. Show died on November 2, 1950.


    * Show J.B. About drama and theater. M., 1963.
    * Romm A.S. George Bernard Shaw. L. - M., 1965
    * Hughes E. Bernard Shaw. M., 1968 Show J.B. Novels. M., 1971.
    * Show J.B. Letters. M., 1971.
    * Examples A.G. Bernard Shaw and European Theater Culture at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. M., 1974.
    * Show J.B. Full collection Pieces, TT. 1-6. M., 1978-1980
    * Show J.B. Autobiographical notes. Articles. Letters. M., 1989.
    * Pearson H. Bernard Shaw. M., 1998.


    Bernard Shaw is an outstanding English playwright, one of the founders of the realistic drama XX century, talented satirik, humorist. His work enjoys well-known fame and causes universal interest. In our literary work a whole science was created about the work of Bernard Shaw. Its foundations were laid by A.V. Lunacharsky, showing a deep and sympathetic interest in finding, contradictions and creative peculiarity of the writer.

    Per lately Scientists defended a number of doctoral and master's theses about the work of B. Shaw and published a number of books, including the thoroughly commented by the letters of the playwright (1971), his statements about drama and theater (1963), the book A.G. Exemplary about its theater and directing activities (1974). The merits of the Soviet researchers A. Aniksta, P. Balashov, I. Kantorovich, who wrote about the work of B. Show of Soviet researchers, I. Kantorovich. Several books devoted Bernardo Show, his dramatic method and its influence on the English and European Theater A.G. Examples. In England, the name Bernard show stands in the same row with the name of William Shakespeare, although the show was born three hundred years later than his predecessor. Both of them made an invaluable contribution to the development of the National Theater of England, and the work of each of them became known far beyond their homeland.

    Having survived his highest flourishing in the Renaissance, the English drama rose to a new height only with the arrival of Bernard Shaw. He is the only worthy companion of Shakespeare; He is rightfully considered the creator of modern English drama. Continuing the best traditions English dramaturgy, and absorbing the experience of the largest masters of the modern theater - Ibsen and Chekhov, - the creativity of the show opens new page In the literature of the XX century. The main weapons of their fight against social injustice of the show elects laughter. This weapon served him reluctantly. "My way is to joke into the truth," these words of Bernard show help to understand the originality of his accusatory laughter, loudly sounding the scene with the stage of the scene. Bernard Shaw was born in 1856 in Ireland in Dublin. Throughout the XIX century. "Green Island", as Ireland called, Buril. Greed out the liberation struggle. Ireland sought independence from England. Her people lived in poverty, but did not want to endure enslavement. In the atmosphere of grief and anger, experienced by his homeland, the childhood and the youth of the future writer proceeded. The parents of the show took place from the ambiguous nobility environment. The life of the family was unsettled and cheered. Delighted practical vendors, a constantly drunk father did not succeed in their chosen business - bread trading. Mother shows - a woman of uncomfortable musical abilities - was forced to contain a family herself. She sang in concerts, and later earned music lessons. For children in the family paid little attention; Funds to give them education, there was no. But in their moods and views, the parents of the show to the advanced patriotic-well-minded layers of Dublin society. They did not adhere to religious dogmas and raised their children with free-sisted atheists.

    The main merit in this belonged to the mother of the show, the character of which was not broken by the unsuccessful family life. She studied the show in Dublin school, but the stay in it was not particularly joyful for him. It was not by chance that he later wrote: "At school, I did not learn nothing and forgot much." However, I. school Course It was not completed. In fifteen years he began to earn his life. He served small in the land office. Collected a flat fee from the inhabitants of the poor quarters of Dublin. The life of urban slums he learned well. By twenty, the show received the place of senior cashier. It was not enough, but by that time the interests of the show were already determined. They did not have anything to do with the official career of the official.

    The show was deeply interested in art - literature, painting, music. In 1876, the show left Ireland and moved to London. He did not have certain classes, there was no and the co-dservation with the localization, but the circle of his interests and cultural requests was very wide. He was fond of the theater, under the pseudonym Korno de Bosseto publishes his first musical review, and then in the ladder and a number of years in print as musical critic. The show was not only an expert music, but also played perfectly. His name becomes well known in theatrical circles London. The show never separated classes with art from his inherent interest in the socio-political life of his time. He visits the collections of Social Democrats, takes part in the disputes, persistently developing the skills of the speaker, reads "Capital" of Marx - the work, which, according to his own words, was revealed for him. The interest of the show to the current issues of modernity affected its earliest works. In the period from 1879 to 1883. The show wrote five novels: "immaturity", "unreasonable marriage", "love of artists", "Profession of Cachel Byrona", and a "socialist-loner". In those years, the Novels of the show did not receive recognition. A beginner writer had to withstand long and unequal martial arts with numerous publishers. He received only failures, but did not give up.

    An innovator in nature, the show and the novel sought to make something new. The novels of the show testified to him inherent in the skill of the playwright, which was still waiting for the case for his identification. In novels, it affected a distinctly pronounced tendency to a dialogue form, in brilliantly constructed dialogues, which in all the works of the show belongs to the main place. In 1884, the show joined the Fabian society, soon after its creation. It was a social reform organization, striving for leading the working movement. The members of the Fabian society considered their task is to study the foundations of socialism and ways to transition to it. As a genuine innovator show spoke in the area of \u200b\u200bdrama. He approved in the English theater new Type Dramas are an intellectual drama in which the main place belongs not to intrigue, not a breathtaking plot, but those intense disputes, witty verbal fights that lead his heroes. The show called his plays with "plays-discussions." They captured the depth of problems, an extraordinary form of their permission; They excited the consciousness of the viewer, forced him to hardly reflect on what was happening and fun to laugh together with the playwright over the absurdity of existing laws, orders, morals. The beginning of the dramatic activity of the show was associated with the "independent theater", which opened in 1891 in London. His founder was the famous English director Jackob Gray. The main task that Grain put in front of Gray was to familiarize the English viewer with modern drama. The "independent theater" contrasted the flow of entertainment plates filled with the repertoire of most English theaters of those years, the playwright of large ideas. Many plays of Ibsen, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Gorky were put on his scene. For the "independent theater" began writing and Bernard Shaw.

    The show of the playwright of the show starts with the plays cycle, united under the general name "unpleasant plays". This includes: "House of Widow", working on which the show began in 1885, "Profession Mrs. Warren" and "Volokita". In his preface to "unpleasant plays" show wrote: "... power dramatic art In these plays, the viewer should become a face to face with unpleasant facts. Undoubtedly, every author, sincerely wishes to humanity, is not at all considered a monstrous opinion, as if the task of literature is flattery. But in these dramas we face not only with the comedy and tragedy of an individual character and the fate of a separate person, but also with the terrible and disgusting parties to the public device. The horror of this relationship is that ordinary middle Hand An Englishman, a man, maybe even a thousand-year-old kingdom of grace, - in his public manifestations it turns out to be a criminal citizen who closes his eyes to the most sublores on the most terrible abuses if their elimination threatens him to lose at least one penny out of its income. " In the "unpleasant plays" before us outwardly, quite decent respectable English bourgeois, which have significant capital and leading calm arranged life. But this calm is deceptive. It pays behind such phenomena as operation as dirty, dishonest enrichment of the bourgeois due to poverty and misfortunes simple people. Before the eyes of readers and spectators, Pieces of the show are paintings of injustice, cruelty and petty bourgeois world. It is characteristic that the plays of the show begin with the traditional paintings of the budic life of the bourgeois family. But here, as it usually happens in the Drams of Ibsen, the moment comes when it comes to the fore social aspect Deeply exciting writer question: Where are the sources of wealth of heroes? What funds do they live for? What ways managed to achieve the well-being in which they stay? Bold statement of these issues and no less answers to them and make up the basis of the accusatory force of the play of the show, which outraged some and could not be impressed and do not admire others.

    The second cycle of Plays Bernard Shaw was "pleasant plays". This includes: "War and Man", "Candida", "Chosen Senior", "You Can not say." In the "pleasant plays" shows changes satirical chips. If he addressed the "unpleasant plays" to the "terrible and disgusting sides of the public device," it was angry with social order, then in "pleasant plays" he pays the focus of that hypocritical morality, which is designed to hide the true essence of bourgeois relations. In these plays, the show aims to reset the romantic covers that hide the cruel truth of reality. He calls people soberly and boldly look at life and free themselves from the sticky web of prejudices, who adverse the traditions, delusions and empty illusions. And if in the "unpleasant plays", creating images of the sartorium, Krofs and seeking to emphasize the cruelty, the inhumanity of these people, the show willingly appea Justice. But at the same time, the sovereign of the spiritual world of Bourgeois, the ridiculous bias of his judgments, perverted representations hiding under respectable appearance, worn and egoism - all this is shown with a great power of penetration into the most essence of the bourgeois ideology. In the title - "pleasant plays" - sounds quite frank irony.

    Another cycle of Pieces "Pieces for Puritan" was created in the period from 1897 - 1899. This includes the plays "Devil's student", "Caesar and Cleopatra", "Add Captain Brassbound". In the preface to "Pieces for Puritan", the show explains the meaning of the name of the collection. He opposes his plays with dramatic works, in which the main interest is focused on a love intrigue and in erotica. This does not mean that the show is alien to the images of feelings, but he does not want to admit that only love motivations are at the heart of a person's actions. "I am Puritanin in views on art," he says. "I sympathize with feelings, but I think that the replacement of sensual ecstasy of any intellectual activity, and honesty is the greatest evil." The show seeks to show the variety of forms of human activity, opposing the widely understood debt and the responsibility of narrowly egoistic motivations and blind sensuality. The show of the show is associated with the heroic Puritan traditions of the era of the English revolution, the era of Cromwell and Milton.

    The life of wonderful people in their own way

    An outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known for his wit, once visited the premiere of the performance set by his play. During the first act, a young actress who performed the role of the main character, from the excitement caused by the presence of great playwright, forgot the text.
    Pause was delegated beyond any decency. Twenty minutes, when it became clear to everyone in the hall that this silence was not at all the director's discovery, the views of those present turned towards Bernard Shaw. Everyone was curious how the famous point will come out of the current situation.
    And so, to the pleasure of a parquer, the show slowly climbed the balcony, smoked the frak, loudly surrounded the audience with a loose glance and a soft baritone remarked:
    - This mess!

    An outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known for his wit, one day after the premiere of his performance, put on one of his many plays, went to the scenes. The young and inexperienced actress immediately approached him, who performed the role of the main character in the play. When the girl robbedly asked the matre about the quality of his game, the famous plenty cleaned his fists ... However, this is not a typical story. It characterizes the show not as a witty person, but, rather, as a man of hot-tempered, coarse, although quite strong.

    Outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known for his wit, strolled somehow on the Thames embankment in the company Colonel Higgins. To meet them fell clouded London Terravana. Oddly enough, the illiterate resident of the slums immediately recognized the playwright and suddenly hit him, shaking the key and shouting something indignant about his daughter - a beginner actress.
    Bernard Shaw, Nimalo not embarrassed, Lukovo winks Higgins and a soft baritone remarked:
    - Help!

    An outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known for his wit, strolled somehow on the Embankment Thames in the company Colonel Mortimer, Colonel Higgins and two polismen. There was a breakdown of London Terravana to meet them.
    The famous Oposhlov turned to their satellites and, slyly indicating the cane on the oven, noticed soft baritone:
    - Here it is!

    Outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known for his wit, usually returned home far over midnight. One day, several admirers of his talent came to him in the gateway and asked why this famous iszdov never parted with his ondatrov cylinder?
    Perhaps, for the first time, the show was not found immediately and could not wonder this echidial lunge. He only spread a snowdrift with his hands, and the air.

    An outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known for his wit, usually returned home early. At least, to dark, avoiding the annoying fans and convinced.
    But once the show returned home somehow too early. It was noticed by his fans who were at that moment in his apartment. They were curious, why this is this famous iszov, was not sitting calmly in the theater?
    The second time in life (and the last) show was not found right away. He found only three days later, somewhere in the suburb of Liverpool.

    Outstanding English playwright Bernard Shaw, known to more than his wit, rather than plays, just once was at the admission of the English Queen.
    - Where are the show? - I was impatiently asked all her majesty.
    Colonel Mortimer led the Queen to the playwright and presented it:
    - Here is the show!
    - Then you can start it! - Soft baritone slyly noticed Her Majesty.
    The musicians immediately played, and the shows suffered in Westminster Abbey to other, no less well-known playwrights.

    Animals - My friends ... Bernard Shaw

    Kitchen Bernard Shaw

    The show was not a connoisseur of culinary art, as say, Gogol or Duma Father, however, was forced to practically learn the fruits of vegetarian cuisine, and he became a convinced vegetarian at twenty-five years. He eaten rice, puddings, soups, salads and sauces from vegetables and fruits, drank milk with soda water, loved honey, nut cutlets and absorbed sweets like a schoolboy. The show never smoked, did not drink wine, inspiring the negative example of his father. Although for the very show, access to the home kitchen was closed, he remained a "shadow theorist" of his diet. The writer made arithmetic calculations of the caloric content of products, took into account weight, age, profession and strictly followed and the power regime, weighed daily on the office scales. The traditional five-hour tea in England has stolen the show, but he drank in this hour milk, baking a cookie or homemade baking cake. After the death of the show, his housekeeper Alice Ladiden released the book "Vegetarian cuisine George Bernard Shaw". In the book Many recipes for the preparation of vegetarian dishes that the writer loved, the menu - breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinners are given, and curious episodes and facts about the vegetarianism of the great playwright. Here is one episode. Once the show asked his housekeeper Alice, whether she had enough money to pay for the invoices.
    "Yes," answered Alice. - I will exchange your checks in the meat shop and it is enough for me.
    - What about about? In a meat shop? - shouted the show. - You know that I do not eat meat and I do not want to make the butcher touch to my checks! Stop it forever; I will better open your account in the bank ...

    Show denies

    At one time, in London, the rumor was separated in London that a convinced vegetarian Bernard show somewhere ate Bifstex and thus broke the vow to never touch meat. I was annoyed by this "duck", he was forced to refute it: - The rumor about allegedly eaten by Bifstex is a pathetic fabrication of the enemy. Even my wife begins to doubt the inevitability of cannibalism ...
    Why demand from me a report, why I eat like a decent person. If I went to the baked corpses of innocent creatures, you would have the reason to ask me why I do that.
    People are the only animals that I am also afraid.
    It is quite clear that a person can be enjoyed both a beefstex and bread with cheese. The whole question is, a lower or higher form of life creates in himself, feeding by Beefsteks? I think the lower.

    He is so good

    The show Bagonets was extinguished at the rehearsals of his "Pygmalion", spraul him, the artist, playing Higgins, suggested:
    - Maybe feed the vegetarian show by Bifsteks and pour at least some blood in his veins? But the actress Patrick Campbell protested loudly:
    - For God's sake, do not! He is so good. And if you give me meat, what a woman in London will charge for his security! ..


    Dorry Ellen!
    Public arousal due to training animals is not a new thing for me. This was still engaged in Mrs. Hayden Coffin. Alas! All this is nothing more than a drop in the ocean of cruelty, and I can not understand why animals either do not conspire among themselves and do not free the human race, as we get tigers, or in despair do not endorse suicide.

    Trains of scientists are needed to shoot at the spot: their most of them give them much more eloquent than their whips and their appeal with unfortunate creatures. The only animals that, in my opinion, like act, are sea lions and seals. They will not do anything if they can't get a treat in the form of fish as a reward. I think two dozen lions, surrounded by our modern ladies-tamenitelnik, are fed up to the fact that they turn away with disgust, even if they bring a gentle and fatty infant; Anyway, it is a sorry for what they are so bored. But when the lady, the tamer groans them in the eyes, seeking them to grieve: "Yes, you leave me alone, God forgiveness!", - Every time I hope that they will tear it into parts, "every time my hopes are not justified. They even touch her disgusts. Toying in the capture of birds and tigers produce impressions more painful than prisoners of Bastille in old ballads.

    Vivissection has now become as ordinary phenomenon as a slaughter of livestock, execution by hanging or corporal punishment; Many people who do this make it just because it is part of the profession they chose. They do not receive pleasure from this, they just overcame natural disgust and became indifferent to it, as people always become indifferent to what they do quite often. It is the dangerous strength of habit that prevents humanity so much that any rooted professional tradition originates in hobbies. When an ordinary case appears from hobbies, soon thousands of people will be engaged in them. Similarly, many people, not being cruel and disgusting, make cruel and disgusting things, because the ordinary phenomenon with whom they face every day, in essence, cruelly and disgusting.
    George Bernard Show

    The only knowledge that we lose, forbieving cruelty, is knowledge of what the cruelty received first-hand, that is, it is those knowledge from which humane people would like to be delighted.

    You define whether the experiment is justified, simply showing its practical benefit. The difference is not between useful and useless experiments, but between barbaric and civilized behavior. Vivisection - social evil, because even if she moves forward the knowledge of mankind, she does it due to a human nature
    - George Bernard Shaw

    The writer asked the question:
    - What is the secret of your longevity, Mr. Shaw?
    - To taste a vegetarian lifestyle, so half a century he is the source of my youth. But by this I do not want to say that everyone who eats cabbage and beets can be equated with some George Bernard Shaw. It would be too optimistic ...


    If you look from the point of view of the ethics of the vivisector, you will have to be not just allowed to conduct experiments on people, but also make it the first duty of the vivisector. If you can sacrifice the guinea pig, because it will allow you to learn a little more, then why not bring a person to sacrifice, because it will allow you to learn much more?

    The public approves vivissection mainly because the vivisectors claim that it brings a huge benefit to people. I do not admit any idea that such arguments can be consistent even if they are proven. But when the defender of this point of view begins with the statement that in the name of science by all the usual ethical standards (including the responsibility of telling the truth), you can neglected what a reasonable person should think about these arguments? I am rather fifty times a litter under the oath than I will torment the animal that my hands lick friendly. If even I tormented the dog, I would, of course, did not have enough arrogance to turn around and ask how someone can suspect such a worthy person in the fact that I tell a lie. I hope that reasonable and humane people will answer this that decent people do not behave unworthy even towards dogs.

    If it is impossible to get any knowledge, not tormenting the dog, you need to do without these knowledge. - George Bernard Shaw

    Young woman: You know, this dinner seems funny. You start dining with dessert. We are with snacks. Probably, this is normal; But I ate as much fruit, bread and everything that I no longer want meat.
    Priest: We will not offer you meat. We do not eat it.
    Young woman: What do you support your strength?
    Priest: They themselves support themselves.
    "Prostac from an unexpected islands", Prologue, scene III

    Animals are my friends ... and I do not eat my friends. It's horrible! Not only by the suffering and death of animals, but by the fact that a person insecrees the highest spiritual treasure - sympathy and compassion for living beings like himself, molding his own feelings, becoming cruel.

    Dinner! Horrible! I will be a pretext for killing all these unfortunate animals, birds and fish! Thank you pounding.

    If now, instead of a banquet, arrange a post, say, a solemnly dedicated three-day abstinence from the corpses, I could at least pretend that I believe in the disintegration of this act. Bloody sacrifices are out of my interests.

    We molim God to illuminate our way:
    "Give us the light, about the lag!"
    The nightmare of war does not give us to sleep,
    But on the teeth we have animals of the dead flesh.

    Darwin not only outlined evolution in a publicly available form, he also made his special contribution to it. Now the overall concept of evolution creates a scientific basis for humanism, since it establishes the equality of all living beings,

    She invests in the killing of an animal exactly the same meaning as in the murder of a person.

    This meaning of the kinship of all forms of life is everything to not only make an evolutionary theory of reliable, but also make it a source of inspiration. St. Anthony was quite prepared for an evolutionary theory when he preached the fish, St. Francis - when called birds with his smaller brothers. Our vanity and complete snobism perception of God as our terrestrial relative, this class division instead of the cliff on which equality was built, led us to the conviction that God created us special conditionsBy placing us above the rest of the creatures. Evolution hit us this armor; And now, when we can kill fleas without a shadow of repentance, we know in any case that we kill your relative. Undoubtedly, Blokha shocks that the creature that the almighting celestial flea created exclusively as food for fleas, kills the bouncing king of nature with his huge and sharp nail; But no flea will be so stupid to scream at all the corners that, killing fleas, a person makes a natural selection, as a result of which a flea is developing, which has such a proclaim that it will not be able to catch a single person, and such a strong physique that The poison of insects has no more action on it than Strichnin on an elephant.

    Interesting patient

    The show was a tary opponent of any experiments on animals in order to science, especially vivissection, considering their cruelty. But he was ready to provide himself as a living object. He joked with a serious look: "I had a weakness to unrecognized treatment methods." As soon as I learned about something "the most latter" (in medicine - ed.), I immediately put my candidacy as a experimental rabbit. My fame made me an interesting patient, but my case did not imagine medical interest ...


    An unusual was not only the marriage of the show, but also a honeymoon. He was desperately lucky: at first I had a leg, I had to walk on the crutches, then "stuck from the stairs" - I broke my hand, finally fell from the bike and dislocated the ankle.

    Recovery was delayed. Doctors, not knowing how to help him, began to blame everything vegetarian diet. The elderish patient himself wrote about this complication:

    "Life offer me on the condition that I will have bifhtecses. The crying family surrounds my bed, stretching me with patented meat extracts. But better death than cannibalism.

    In my will contain instructions about my funeral procession, in which there will be no funeral crews, but they will march the herds of bulls, rams, pigs, every poultry, as well as mobile aquariums with alive fish, and all creatures accompanying the coffin will be tied White bows in memory of a person who preferred to die, but not for yourself. If not to count the procession directed to Noah's Ark, it will be the most wonderful procession, which one has ever seen. "

    Journal "Creek", № 4, 2001, p. 54-56

    "Our eyelid is an eyelid eyelid." Despite the fact that this phrase was told by Bernard Shaw, she did not lose the relevance today, as, in fact, the very work of great playwright.

    Since childhood best friends For Bernard Shaw's books. He loved the work of Ch. Dickens, W. Shakespeare, D. Benyan, read the Bible. The literary path began with diary notes, but the fame of the writer came far from immediately. From the fifteen-year-old, he worked as a clerk, then the cashier. Already then the author knew that he wanted to make a living for anything other than the writer. But the refusals of publishing houses came one after another - they stubbornly did not want to publish his works.

    In 1884, Bernard Shaw joined the Fabian society, after which he gained the glory of a successful speaker and polished his literary skills with agility. As a result, he became a world-famous regimen. In 1925, the author was awarded the Nobel Prize, from which he refused. In 1939, the show received an Oscar for the scenario of the film "Pygmalion", this work is among the most successful works of the author. The most popular works include such as "Holy John", "Man and Superholders", "House where hearts", "Caesar and Cleopatra", "Cart with apples" and others are broken.

    Quotes Bernard Shaw about life

    The life in which many mistakes made is not only more than noble, but also more useful than life in which they did not do anything.

    Reputation is a mask that a person has to wear in the same way as pants or jacket.

    Truly happy one, who is a favorite occupation gives funds to life.

    Alcohol is anesthesia that allows you to transfer the operation called "Life".

    In life there may be two tragedies: one is not to get what the heart craves; The second is to get it.

    Life is not to find yourself. Life is that creating yourself

    Faith is an exceptionally question of taste.

    Youth is a wonderful time. What kind of crime to spend it on children.

    I have to live for others, not for myself.

    And what is life, what is not a chain of inspired recklessness?

    I was also very staring at my youth that my work was imperfect. Compare his own first steps with the last steps of others and, of course, suffered, watching the sad difference.

    Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you want; You wish what you imagine; And finally, you create what you want.

    For each minute, when you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

    The kings are not born, they become due to universal hallucination.

    Phrases about love

    There is love stronger, and dreams are wonderful than the home of the hearth.

    No love is more sincere than love for food.

    Marriage is a union between a man who cannot sleep with a closed window, and a woman who cannot sleep when the window is open.

    Love is a rude exaggeration of the difference between one person and all the rest

    Love is too great feeling to be only personal, intimate affairs of everyone!

    First love requires only a little nonsense and a lot of curiosity.

    Quotes about women

    Women somehow immediately guess with whom we are ready to change them. Sometimes even before it comes to our mind.

    Any woman who has no money looking for her husband.

    The greatest pleasure to the woman gives to hurt the male self-conceit, although the most pleasure man delivers to satisfy the self-conception of women.

    Why do women always need husbands of other women? And why are Konokrada always prefer a wild horse-raised horse?

    Shropive women are easier to transfer than calm. They are true, sometimes killed, but never throw.

    Friendship between a man and a woman is a relationship or former lovers or future

    Woman's occupation is to marry as soon as possible, the man's occupation is to remain as long as possible.

    Women do not understand at all what kind of weak, grave male creatures.

    House - Prison for a man and a lounge house for a woman.

    No man who should do something important in this world does not have time and money for such a long and dear huntlike a hunt for a woman.

    Love men. They really need your love. Even if they never admit it. Each great man always has a woman who believed in him. And loved truly.

    Intellect, in essence, is a passion, and this desire for knowledge is much more interesting and more stable than, let's say, the erotic desire of a man to a woman.

    Statements about people

    If a person makes a difficult matter and makes it well, he will never lose respect for himself.

    Loyalty for a man - like a cage for a tiger. She is fighting his nature.

    You must realize that people have the right to think not as you think, and not to do what you expect from them. They probably love you, but their love can manifest themselves as you want.

    A healthy nation also does not notice its nationality as a healthy person - spine.

    Man cultured as much as he is able to understand the cat

    Man - like a brick: burning - hardening.

    Most people are interested in the fact that they are absolutely not concerned.

    The secret of success is to cause outrage from as much as possible people.

    Rich people who have no beliefs are more dangerous in modern society than poor women who have no morality.

    It is easier to wear a chain on people than to remove if there are respect for the chains.

    The older and wiser, the less he wants to find out the relationship. I just want to stand up, wish all the best and leave.

    I thought friends are losing in quarrels, and they simply dissolve in time.

    Wise phrases

    The most effective way to shut down the mouth is to take it ideas on faith, admit that he great person- And forget about him.

    It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream, move to your goal.

    I learned to speak - it means that grew, learned to be silent - it means I wondered.

    Where there is no will, there is no way

    Before throwing out the soul, make sure that the "vessel" does not proceed.

    You never compose a good book without writing a few bad.

    The most important thing is to clean up in the soul. We observe three "not": do not complain, we do not blame, do not justify.

    Activities - the only way To know.

    Statements for different topics

    Censorship, in the end, comes to the fact that all books are prohibited, except for those whose no one reads.

    Those who are most learned most of all.

    The only way to know something is to do something.

    Make their contribution to society both optimists and pessimists. The optimist came up with a plane, pessimist - parachute.

    The largest service that a person can have a country and humanity is, it is perhaps growing children

    The monument should be a book, and if not, it is better that the author forgot as quickly as possible.

    Bernard Show - A talented writer, the English playwright of Irish origin was named during the lifetime of the second playwright of the English Theater after William Shakespeare. He became the only personwho was honored with 2 big awards in the field of art:

    • In 1925, Bernard Shaw became a laureate Nobel Prize In literature "For creativity, marked by idealism and humanism, for sparkling satire, which is often combined with exceptional poetic beauty." He refused the premium from the cash payment.
    • In 1938 he was awarded "Oscar" For the script for the film "Pygmalion".

    short biography

    Bernard Show ( full nameGeorge Bernard Show) Born July 26, 1856in the Irish city of Dublin. His father - George Show., Merchant Grain. His mother - Lucinda Show, Professional singer.

    Study period

    Shaw visited "Ussli College" In Dublin and grammar school. Medium education received in Dublin. At 11 years he gave him to protestant schoolwhere he was, according to his own words, penultimate or last student.

    He called school the most harmful stage of its education. Here is one of his quotes on this topic:

    "It never occurred to me to prepare lessons or tell the truth to this universal enemy and executioner - to the teacher"

    Attitude to the education system

    The education system was more than once criticized the show for focusing on mental, not spiritual development. Especially the author criticized the system of physical punishment at school.

    Despite such attitudes, Bernard Show is known for its education, but this one belongs exclusively to the merit wishes to develop. The show spent a lot of time for his life in reading Hall Libraries - engaged in self-development.

    First position

    In 15 years, George Bernard becomes clerk in real estate agency. One of the duties of the show was the collection of rent from the inhabitants of Dublin slums, and the sad impressions of these years later were incarnation in "House of Widset". He was engaged in this work for several years, although he did not like her.

    Moving to London

    At the age of 16, Bernard remained with his father in Ireland - his mother went to London with two daughters. After 4 years, he decided to move to the capital of Britain. It was during this period that he began rapid activity as a writer.

    Bernard Shaw visited British libraries, wrote novels, who, however, did not immediately want to print anywhere. Only after 9 years, 1885 his early works began to notice. Perhaps this contributed to the fact that the show at that time became a creative critic.

    Strike "failures"

    If you look at the life of the British playwright, it may seem that up to 36 years old He was pursued by a failure: His novels were not published, he did not find himself in music, also the political career did not bring fruits.

    However, it was just a search for "his" classes. And this search was successfully completed when he met the work of the Norwegian playwright Henry Ibsen:

    Reading his plays, watching them in the theater convinced Bernard Shaw that he could so!

    First Piece Bernard Shaw

    In 1892, at the age of 36, the show wrote his first play - "House of Widow"in which heronically spoke in relation to the Institute of Marriage. He tried to implement it, but the theaters refused to accept her, although the director found the scenario.

    Formation of drama

    Failures did not stop the novice playwright - he continued to write the plays "on the angry of the day", describing the social aspects of life. He worked with this effort, which was simply relieved and sick.

    Efforts of their future wife - patterns Charlotte Pain Tausendwho simply adored the theater, B. Shaw could overcome his ailments and recovered. She not only came out a sick Bernard, but also helped him to take place as a playwright.

    Recognition of abroad

    In 1902 London theater called " Independent", Put" House of Widow ". The play met the Cold Reception of the public, but the discussion in the press indicated the attention to the topic touched.

    Bernard Shaw began for the following plays, so appeared " Devil's student», « Weapons and man" They did not put them in London, but in Vienna and in Berlin, success was complete. His plays went to the United States.

    The show was recognized abroad

    Later in the UK they were unwound, put early plays playwright, recognized his skill and called "The second after Shakespeare".

    Heroes of Pieces B. Show

    There was little action in his plays, but much meaning. His heroes argued, passed, criticized, were not afraid to call things with their own names, did not hide their moods and feelings. It was new.

    Show ruthlessly ridicule Ugly and vulgar sides of English life. Lords raised noses, ordinary people frantically clapped. The British audience gradually got used to the show and its paradoxes.

    Paradoxes of drama

    During World War I, the show was not afraid to speak critically towards the warring, but in his play " House where hearts are broken"Predicted future tragic events.

    In the next play, " Saint John"For some reason he condemned his heroin about Joan D'Ark and considered her death sentence. The audience refused to understand him.

    Show and Stalin

    In 1931. Bernard Shaw visited the USSR. He was arranged the most warm welcome. He almost wore him. The playwright accepted Stalin himself, talked for a long time with him.

    The show was fascinated by the country of Soviets and, arriving in London, collapsed with criticism on bourgeois conservative foundations that do not have the future. Whether the case promised landwhere Comrade Stalin rules ...

    last years of life

    In recent years, playwright has lived in his own home in Hartfodshire (England). He created plays to the end of his life, but only some of them became the same successful as his early work.

    « Applecart"(1929) became the most famous play during this period. Late works, such as " Bitter, but truth», « Dire straits"(1933)," Millionaire"(1935) and" Geneva"(1935) did not receive wide recognition of the public.

    Aged 94 years November 2, 1950, Bernard Shaw died of renal failure. His body was cremated, and the dust dispelment along with the ashes of his wife.