Quasimodo Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Claude Frollo, "Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady": image, characteristic, description

Quasimodo Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Claude Frollo,
Quasimodo Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Claude Frollo, "Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady": image, characteristic, description

The romance of interest to us in 1831 created Viktor Hugo. "Cathedral Parisian Mother of God"- first historical workwhich was written on french. This novel is very popular today. There are numerous flashlights as well musical works, based on the creation, the author of which is Viktor Hugo. "Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady" - a work, like all the novels, large in volume. We describe only the main events, as well as present the characteristics of the main characters.

First introduce the reader with the plot of such a work as the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God".

Someone's hand in one of the towers of the cathedral was inscribed in Greek the word "Rock". After a while it disappeared. So there was a book about the hunchback, priest and gypsy.

On January 6, 1482, the Baptism was held at the Palace of the Mystery Justice called "the righteous court of the Mary Mary". The crowd of people is going to the palace in order to see her. However, after the presentation begins (the author of Mystery is Pierre Grenguar), Cardinal appears with ambassadors. The attention of the audience is immediately attached to the emerging officials. The guest is mocking over Pierre's production and invites you to have fun - to-avail the judovo dad. The one who depicts the most terrible grimace will become the winner.

Failed abduction of Esmeralda

At this point, attention is attracted to himself as a cattle quasimodo, known for his uglyness. He is dressed up, as he should, in the mantle, and then lead to to go through the streets. Grenguar after that hopes to continue the play, but someone's cry on the fact that Esmeralda dances on the square will lead to the side of the audience. Esmeralda is a gypsy that entertains together with his goat gathered the crowd. After the quasi-modo appears on the square, the girl is barely kidnap. Grenguar, who heard her screams, immediately calls for help. The Savior Esmeralda becomes FEB de Shatoper, captain.

Salvation of Grenguar and Punishment Quasimodo

Pierre in the will of fate gets to a quarter, in which thieves and beggars live. Grenguara want to experience. He must pull out of the stuffed, which is inspired by calls, wallet, without leaking noise. Otherwise, his death is waiting for him. However, Pierre does not cope, and the execution of him. Save the Grenguar can only a woman, and Esmeralda takes this role. The next day after the unsuccessful attempt of the abduction of quasimodo is judged. He will have a flaw beache. The numerous crowd watches his punishment. Then quasi-modo throw stones. But Esmerald appears. It rises to quasimodo and makes a flask with water to his lips.

Date with a jettoker, attempt to murder Claude Frollo

Esmeralda after some time is invited to the house of Feba de Shatoper. Here he wants to have fun with his bride and her friends. When Esmeralda appears, her beauty is striking everyone that Victor Hugo celebrates ("Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God"). When the goat of this gypsy adds the word "FEB" from the letters, the bride is fainted. Gypsy is in love with the captain and is ready to even stop the search for their parents. Before Esmeralda, a priest appears with a jacket with a rinker, hateing it. The girl loses consciousness. When she comes to herself, he learns that it was supposedly killed by a slutoper.

Court verdict and rescue Esmeralda

Grenguar who worried about Esmeralda will learn a month that it must be judged in the Palace of Justice. Since the girl is innocent, she denies everything. However, after Torture, Esmeralda still recognizes the crimes attributed to it: the murder of De Shatoper, prostitution and witchcraft. She is sentenced to repentance, after which it should be hanged near the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God. Claude Frollo, in love with her, offers to run by Esmerald, but his offer girl rejects. The priest in response declares that Fest is alive. This is confirmed on the day of execution when Esmeralda sees in one of the windows of his beloved. Quasimodo picks up a gypsy that fell without feelings. He takes her hastily to the cathedral, thereby giving a girlfriend asylum.

Life Esmeralda in the cathedral, assault

Stay here also gives it difficult to Esmerald. She can not get used to so ugly hunchback. Quasimodo gives her whistle to ensure that, if necessary, Gypsy could call for help. However, the archchyacon in the attack of jealousy is attacked by a girl. Quasimodo saves her, while he hardly kills Claude Frollo. However, the archchyacon cannot calm down. He calls through the grenguard of thieves and beggars in order to storm the cathedral. Pierre, as if quasimodo, neither defend the Gypsy, manage to pick it up from the cathedral. When the king comes to the king, he orders to execute Esmeralda. Claude she drags to the Roland Tower.

Final events

The Book of the Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" is already approaching the final. The author transfers the action in the Roland Tower, where she has a SHANT-Flery Sketch, hateing Esmeralda. Once upon a time her daughter took away. However, suddenly it turns out that Esmeralda is her missing girl. Mother fails to save gypsy from execution. It falls to death while trying to prevent you. The following events ends with a work that Viktor Hugo created ("Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God"): Esmeralda is executed, and then quasimodo faces Claude into the cliff. Thus, all the unhappy hunchback loved, dead.

So, we described the basic events that are depicted in the work of the "Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady." The analysis of his submitted below will introduce you to be closer to the main characters of this novel.


Quasimodo is a central character of the work. The image of its powerful and bright, striking force, at the same time attractive and repulsive. Perhaps, from all other characters with whom we get, reading the work of the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God", it is quasimodo that corresponds to the most aesthetic ideals of romanticism. The hero is towers as a giant-giant over a series of ordinary people absorbed by everyday classes. It is customary to carry out the parallels between him and Esmeralda (opposition - ugliness and beauty), between Claude Frollo and Quasimodo (egoism and selflessness); As well as between Pebom and Quasimodo (the deceit of the aristocrat, the petty mongestion and the greatness of the spirit of a person) in the work of the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God." These images are interrelated, their characters are largely disclosed when interacting with each other.

What else can be said about this starring? The image of a quasi-modo from the work of the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God", whose analysis interests us, on the strength of exposure can be compared only with the image of the cathedral existing on the pages of the novel on equal rights with living characters. The author himself more than once emphasizes the relationship of his hero, which grew up at the temple, with Notre Dam.

The event is extremely simple, the history of quasimodo life is extremely simple. It is known that Holboon of the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God was subsected 16 years ago to the cradle from which Esmerald was abducted. Then he was about four years old. Already in childhood, the baby was distinguished by astounding deformity. He caused only disgust for everyone. The boy was painted, thus driving the "devil", and then sent to Paris, in Notre Dame. Here he wanted to quit him, but Claude Frollo, a young priest, stood up for a child. He adopted him and called Quasimodo (the first Sunday was called Catholics after Easter - the day when the boy was discovered). Since then, the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God became his native home. Content life His next.

Quasimodo became a ring. He did not love people for the deformity. They laughed at him and insulted him, not wanting to see the selfless, noble soul for ugly appearance. The passion of quasimodo became bells. They replaced him with the joy of communication and led to the new trouble at the same time: Quasimodo Ogloh from the bell tongue.

For the first time we get acquainted with Him, when he is elected dad jokes for ugly appearance. On the same day, late in the evening, he tries to kidnap Esmeralda at the request of his mentor and falls on trial. The judge was also deaf as quasimodo, and, afraid that his deafness will be discovered, I decided to punish the rhodary, not even imagining that he punishes him. Quasimodo as a result was a shameful pillar. The crowd gathered here, mocked him, and no one gave a drink to hunchback, except Esmeralda.

Two fate - faded ugly and beauties. Quasimodo saves Esmeralda, gives her her celle and food. Noticing that she painfully reacts to his appearance, tries to come across the girl on his eyes as much as possible. He sleeps at the entrance to the celle on the stone floor, protecting the peace of gypsy. Only when the girl sleeps, he allows himself to admire her. Quasimodo, seeing how she suffers, wants to bring a fub to her. Jealousy, like other manifestations of self-love and egoism, he is alien.

In the course of the novel, the image of Quasimodo is changing, it is becoming increasingly attractive. Initially, it was said about his wildness and evilness, but there is no reason for such characteristics. Quasimodo begins to write poems, trying to open the girl's eyes to the fact that she does not want to see - the beauty of his heart. Quasimodo is ready in the name of gypsy salvation to crush everything, even the cathedral. Only on Claude Frollo, which is the root cause of troubles, until his hand rises. Quasimodo was able to oppose him only when he saw how he triumphantly laughed when Esmeralda was executed. And the cattle rang him in the abyss with his own hands. Recent moments The author does not describe the quasimodo life. However, the tragic finale is found when, looking at the figure of Esmeralda in the loop and the silhouette of Frollo from the height of the cathedral, he says that this is all he loved.


Of course, in the novel of the "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady", Esmeralda is one of the main characters. This girl is true genius Clean beauty. Not only appearance is characterized by perfection. The author repeatedly emphasizes that everything is illuminated by magical radiance when Esmeraldy appears. She is like a torch illuminating the darkness. It is impossible to imagine that this girl deliberately caused someone evil, to which other main characters of the novel that interests us is capable. She, without thinking, saves the Grenguar from the gallows, agreeing to recognize him with his spouse for 4 years, according to Gypsy laws. She is the only one of the whole crowd regret quasimodo, who dies from thirst, giving him to get drunk from the flasks. If you can find a small flaw from this gypsy, then it refers to the sphere of intuition and mind. The girl is completely restless and besides very trusting. It is not necessary to lure it in the network. She is too passionate about his own dreams and fantasies to foresee the danger and really look at things.

Esmeralde from nature is inherent in self-esteem and pride. It is beautiful when sings or dancing. However, having loved the fub, the girl forgets about these his qualities. She speaks his beloved: "I am your slave." Beautiful in essence of his love for Phoebe sometimes makes her cruel to surrounding people who really make her. The girl is ready to make a quasimodo day and night spend waiting for her lover. She shows discontent, noting that the hunchback is returning one, and even drives him away in the rustling of irritation, forgetting what is obliged to risk. In addition, she cannot believe that Febe wanted to come to her. She blames in what has happened quasimodo. Esmeralda forgets about his mother, which has gained so unexpectedly. She is enough only to the remote sound of his beloved voice, as she gives her presence, thereby predetermining their own death, as well as the death of her mother and quasimodo.

Claude Frollo

This is the archchyakon, who serves in the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady. He is managed with knowledge in various sciences. This is reasonable I. proud manwho take ease of passion to Esmeralde. Frollo pursues a girl relentlessly and is ready to make any crimes in order to get it. He instructs Quasimodo, his pupil, kidnap the Gypsy, is also trying to kill Captain de Shatoper, her beloved. The girl is accused of attempted and sentenced to death. Then Frollo proposes to her escape by flight in exchange for satisfying his fatal passion. When Esmeralda refuses, he incites the overannants of Paris to take the attack of the cathedral in which the girl was hidden. Claude in the midst of this traveling steals Esmeralda. The girl rejects his love again. Ground-cheated younger brotherwho participated in the attack, Frollo gives his beloved to death.

Being the main engine action of the work, Claude itself is a traditional figure. It is embodied by the type of demonic church, who is obsessed with passion for a woman. This type was inherited from the Gothic novel, in which the main characters similar to it are depicted. The image of Frollo, on the other hand, resembles a scholarship and dissatisfaction with her of Dr. Faust. This side of the character binds the archcast with the line of Roman Hugo.

Image of cathedral

The image of the cathedral in the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God" is very important. Hugo created his novel with the aim of withdrawing Notre Dame as the main character. At that time, the building wanted either upgraded or demolished. First, in France, and then in the whole of Europe, the restoration movement and the preservation of gothic monuments began after Roman Viktor Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God came out.

Notre Dame is a typical gothic building. For a given architectural style It is characterized by the desire to swell, united with the understanding that without earthly support, the sky is inaccessible. Gothic structures seemed to float in the air, they seem weightless. However, this is only at first glance. The cathedral was actually built by hundreds of masters who were endowed with a violent, truly folk fantasy.

Notre Dame, above all, is the center of People's and religious life Parisian. Proshrudine, capable of fighting for the best future, are going near him. He is also a refuge for the expelled: while the person is behind his walls, no one has the right to arrest it. The cathedral is also a symbol of oppression (feudal and religious).

Hugo Middle Ages did not idealize. In the novel we find fiery love for the homeland, to its art and history, high poeticity, image dark Parties feudalism. The Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady is an eternal structure, which is indifferent to the bustling of human life.

V. Hugo - Chief french romanticism. The image of Esmeralda and Quasimodo in the novel "Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady"

historic French Roman

V. Hugo - the leader of French romanticism. The image of Esmeralda and Quasimodo in the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady."

"Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" - the first historical novel Victor Hugo. The action in it occurs at the end of the XV century. Roman opens a picture of noisy folk holiday in Paris. Here and the motley crowd of citizens and townskens; and Flemish merchants and artisans who arrived as ambassadors to France; And Cardinal Burbonsky, also Scholas from the university, beggars, royal arrows, street dancer Esmeralda and fantastically ugly cathedral of the Cathedral of Quasimodo. Takov wide circle Images that appear in front of the reader.

Victor Hugo managed not only to give a flavor of the era, but also to expose social contradictions that time. A huge mass of the diverse people is opposed to the novel of the dominant bunch of nobility, clergy and royal officials.

The image of the cathedral is no wonder takes a central place in the novel. Christian church He played not the last role in the system of serfs. One of the main characters is the archchyacon Cathedral Claude Frollo - embodies the gloomy ideology of the clerks. The man of an extraordinary mind, Frollo soon felt the impotence of this wisdom. But religious prejudices did not allow him to go beyond her limits. He experienced "horror and amazement of the minister of the altar" before typography, as before any other innovation. He artificially suppressed human desires, but could not resist the temptation that the Gypsy girl had caused him. The fanatic monk became furious, cynical and rude in his passion, discovering its low-cost and cruel-fine.

In the center of the novel, the writer put the image of Esmeralda. it beautiful girlbrought up with gypsies. Hugo made it embodiment peace Beauty and humanity. This is a romantic image. In the novel by Viktor Hugo, Esmeralda - illegitimate daughter of the Italian prostitutes from Reims Shanflery Packets, stolen by Spanish Gypsies. The kidnappers gave the girl the name of Esmeralda, which means "emerald", from birth of her called Agnes. In case the girl will have to leave the apparatus, the receiving mother gives her her children's shoe that will help her to find real parents if she saves chastity.

The image of Esmeralda in the novel is complicated and traged. She is the embodiment of chastity and naivety, not at all similar to the other inhabitants of the "yard of miracles." Even the fact that she has to make money dancing, does not corrupt her. She has a good heart: she brings the water quasimodo, when he is tied to shameful post.; To save the unfamiliar Grenguar from death, she agrees to be called his wife. But her openness and naivety are almost brought to the trouble: for the first time in life fell in love, she is ready to surrender to Phoebe even despite the fact that I am sure - with the loss of innocence from her the opportunity to ever meet parents.

Esmeralda turns out to be sentenced to execution on false charges: Frollo treasure, tormented by jealousy, wounds the fub during his date with Esmeralda, and hides. From the loop it takes it a quasi-modo and hides in the cathedral. There she lives for a while, not stopping thinking about Phoebe (whose wound turned out to be light, but who has already managed to forget the gypsy). Quasimodo understands that she will never be able to respond to his feelings of reciprocity, but happy already, which can guard her.

Romantic image and quasimodo: unusually its ugliness, especially in contrast with the beauty of Esmeralda, but in the ugly body it turns out to be a responsive heart. Naughty spiritual qualities This simple, poor man is opposed to Phoebe, and Claude Frollo.

Quasimo dived with physical disabilities. Victor Hugo writes that he was a humpback, chrome, his whole body was wrong, and had a huge wart on the left eye. He was a child of the tribe of the Spanish Gypsies, who were stolen and brought up Esmeralda. Instead of her package, Shanflery threw a quasi-modo, but the unfortunate mother almost went crazy with his form, and the boy was taken. Immediately, in Reims, he was painted him and sent to Paris, where he found him in the nursery for the winning Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, the twenty-year priest Claude Frollo, who called him in honor of the Religious holiday Quasimodo Sunday, which was found quasimodo.

When the boy was fourteen years old, Claude Frollo gave him the position of the Cathedral of the cathedral, but because of the loud Zefolov Bellolov, the drumpipes had burst, and he fire. Quasimodo hated his ugliness, but at the same time possessed good heart. He adored the cathedral, the building replaced him and family, and a house, and society. Quasimodo in everything heard his reception FatherWhen he ordered to steal Esmerald for him, he agreed to theft, but at the same time caught a night-watching squad. Later he was tried, but due to the fact that Quasimodo got a deaf judge, the punishment was much severe than it was to be: he was sentenced to strikes, as well as a few hours of a shameful pillar (because he robbed the judge As it seemed the last). It is noteworthy that Claude Frollo, when he noticed a quasimodo from a shameful pillar, pretended to do not know reception Son.. When Quasimodo began to ask to drink, in response to which the crowd just laughed at him, Esmerald came and gave the water to the sentenced. At that moment, he was crying for the first time in his life, this episode also prompted her tender feelings for a girl. Later, when Esmeralda was sentenced to execution, he saved her by making it in the cathedral and taking advantage of the right to refuge. But the beauty did not answer the hunchback of reciprocity, because He caused only fear in it. Quasimodo also defended the sake of Esmeralda Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God from the Broadway Court of Miracles, not knowing that they came to save the girl. During this battle, he killed Brother Claude Frolo, Dean - he was among the precipitating temple. Noticing that the tramps retreat, Quasimodo went to inform about this Esmeralda, but it was not in the cell. Later he saw the cathedral from the walls, as she was hanging. At that moment, he noticed Claude Frolo, who also looked at Esmerald and Ramanely Laming. Quasi-modo understood the face of the receiving father, that it is to blame for the death of the girl, and killed Claude, dropping it from the wall. After that, he looked at his father, on Esmeralda and said: "That's all I loved!". According to the customs of that time, the body of Hangbalniki brought to Monfocon, and Esmeralda was brought there. Quasimodo died, hugging the body of the girl.

Hugo argues that the world constantly fights between good and evil. He created his positive images based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgood. At the same time, the romantic Hugo with special love emphasizes everything bright, colorful, contrasting.

Roman "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady", created on the verge of sentimentalism and romanticism, combined signs of historical epic, romantic Drama and deeply psychological novel.

History of the creation of the novel

"The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" - the first historical novel in French (the action, according to the author's plan, occurs about 400 years ago, at the end of the 15th century). Victor Hugo began to enter his idea in the 1820s, and published in March 1831. Prerequisites for the creation of a novel served ascending interest in historical literature And in particular, to the era of the Middle Ages.

In the literature of France of that time, romanticism began to form, and with him and romantic trends in cultural life generally. So, Victor Hugo personally defended the need to maintain ancient architectural monumentswhich many wanted either to demolish or rebuild.

There is an opinion that it was after the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" supporters of the demolition of the cathedral retreated, and in society an incredible interest was awakened cultural monuments and a wave of civil self-consciousness in the desire to protect an ancient architecture.

Characteristics of the main characters

It is this reaction of society to the book gives the right to say that the cathedral is a genuine the main character Roman, along with people. This is the main place of occurring events, a mute witness of the dram, love, life and death of the main characters; place which is against the background human lives It remains the same stationary and unshakable.

The main heroes in the human appearance - Gypsy Esmeralda, Gorbun Quasimodo, priest Claude Frollo, Military Fie De Shatoper, Poet Pierre Grenguar.

Esmeralda unites the rest of the main characters around himself: all of the listed men are in love with it, but alone - disinterestedly, like a quasimodo, other violently like Frollo, FEB and Grenguar - experiencing a carnal attraction; The very same Gypsy loves Feba. In addition, all the characters connect the Cathedral among themselves: Frollo serves here, Quasimodo works as a ringing, Grenguar becomes a student of a priest. Esmeralda usually advocates cathedral Square, and Fest looks in the windows of his future spouse Fleur de Lis, which lives near the cathedral.

Esmeralda is a serene child of the streets that does not know about its attractiveness. She dances and stands in front of the cathedral with her goat, and all around from the priest to street thieves give her his hearts, honored, as if a deity. With the same children's immediacy, with which child stretches to the brilliant subjects, Esmeralda gives its preference to FEBU, a noble, brilliant cheval.

FEBA's external beauty (coincides with the name of Apollo) - the only positive trait Internally ugly military. A false and dirty seducer, a coward, a fan of drinking and foul language, only before weak he is hero, only before the ladies - the cavalier.

Pierre Grenguar, a local poet, whose circumstances forced to plunge into the thick street french Life, it's a little like a fub in terms of the fact that his feelings for Esmeralde is physical attraction. True, he is not capable of meanness, and he loves in Gypsy and a friend and a man, retarding her female charm in the direction.

The most sincere love for Esmeralda nourishes the most terrible creature - quasimodo, the cathedral in the cathedral, which once picked up the archiciacon of the temple, Claude Frollo. For Esmeralda Quasimodo is ready to even love her quietly and secretly from everyone, even give the girl to the opponent.

The most difficult feelings are experiencing a gypsy Claude Frollo. The love of gypsy for him is a special tragedy, because this is a forbidden passion for him as a clergyman. The passion does not find a way out, so he calls for her love, it repels, then she is thrown into it, it saves from death, finally, he speaks Gypsy the executioner. Frollo tragedy is determined not only by the collapse of his love. He turns out to be a representative of the outgoing time and feels that he moves along with the epoch: a person gets more and more knowledge, departs from religion, builds a new one, destroys the old one. Frollo holds in his hands the first printed book and understands how without a trace dissolves in the eyelids along with handwritten foliants.

Plot, Composition, Problems

The effect of the novel occurs in the 1480s. All the actions of the novel occur around the cathedral - in the "city", at the Cathedral and High Squares, in the "Miracles".

Given the cathedral religious representation (Author of Mystery - Grenguar), but the crowd prefers to look at the Grevskaya Square dancing Esmeralda. Looking at the gypsy, Grenguar, and Quasimodo, and Frollo Father in love with her at the same time. Fest meets Esmeralda, when that invites to entertain the company of girls, among whom is the Bride of Fuba, Fleur de Fox. Fest appoints a date by Esmeralda, but a priest comes on a date. From jealousy, the priest wounds the fub, and accused of this Esmeralda. Under torture, the girl is confessed in witchcraft, prostitution and murder of Festrua (who actually survived) and senses his hanging. Claude Frollo comes to her in prison and persuades to run with him. On the day of the execution of Fake watches the accomplishment of the sentence along with his bride. But Quasimodo does not make the execution of execution - he grabs Gypsy and runs to hide in the cathedral.

The whole "courtyard of miracles" - the refuge of thieves and beggars - throws "release" a favorite Esmeralda. The king found out about the rebellion and commanded to execute the gypsy by anything. When it is executed, Claude laughs with a devilish laugh. Seeing this, Torbun throws on the priest, and he breaks down, falling from the tower.

Composite Romance is stolen: Initially, the reader sees the word "rock", stacked on the wall of the cathedral, and plunges in the past for 400 years, at the end - sees two skeletons in the cake, which splashed in the arms. These are the heroes of Roman - Gorbun and Gypsy. The time erased their history in dust, and the cathedral is everything worth an indifferent observer over human passions.

In the novel depicted as private human passions (the problem of cleanliness and meanness, mercy and cruelty) and folk (wealth and poverty, the cut-off of power from the people). For the first time in European literature, personal drama characters develop against the background of detailed outlined historical events, I. private life And the historical background is so interpelled.

Quasimodo - the name that became nominative and even offensive. But not everyone knows that Quasimodo - Roman Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady." And to find out the history of this character will be interesting to any person seeking to be an interesting and erudite interlocutor.

Who is a quasimodo?

Quasimodo is a hunchback chosen in infancy by the servant of the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God, the good act of the minister was rewarded by the devotion of the child, who remained to live in the cathedral and began to fulfill the duties of the ringing.

But people mocked over ugly man, feared him and even shared aside. Even on embodied by artists, the photo quasimodo looks frightening. It made a quasi-modo closed, evil and even cruel man. It seemed that he was capable of warm feelings, but at one point he met the beautiful gypsy dancer Esmeralda.

Plot Romana

Two unknown people attack the dancer Esmeralda in one evening. One of them managed to delay, and they are hunchback quasimodo. In punishment, he is attached to the pillar and beaten with a lash. Gorbun asks a sip of water, but no one responds to his request, the crowd laughs at an ugly ring, mocks them. And only one person approaches quasimodo with a glass of water. This person is the victim itself - Esmeralda. The generous act touches the embittered hunchback to tears.

The second criminal remaining uncompaired is the minister of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God Frollo. It entails a beautiful gypsy, and she does not meet reciprocity, because in love with the capital de Shatoper. She is going to open his feelings, but having pursuing her Frollo ahead of her, trying to kill the captain.

In the attempt on de Shatoper, Esmeralda is accused of that only the foundation that she is a gypsy, and therefore the sorceress. The surviving captain does not attempt to help Esmeralde, and Frollo comes up with a sinister plan: to appear to the prisoner and offer her to become his wife in exchange for freedom. Beautiful dancer categorically refuses to offer, and the clergy decides that the death penalty For Esmeralda - the best way Get rid of your own love experiences.

Gorbun and dancer

I remember about the good act of a beautiful gypsy, quasimodo decides to save the girl. He abducts her straight with execution and takes to the cathedral, knowing that inside the building no criminal could be arrested. Quasimodo and Esmeralda live in the cathedral. Gorbun brings her clothes and food, and she, without having the opportunity to leave the walls of the cathedral, takes his custody.

Frollo senses people to rescue Esmeralda from the cathedral to complete the execution, but quasimodo is no longer a stale hunchben, but a passionately in love with a person. Therefore, he wakes the dancer and, noticing the crowd at the foot of the cathedral, gives fire. He does not know that people on whom he drops from the height of the log and pours molten lead - not enemies, and the savors of the girl.

Taking advantage of the hype, Frollo abducts the gypsy and makes a re-proposal. Having received the next refusal, he rushes to the cell, located nearby, where the governor of Gadul, hate gypsy, and offers a woman to kill Gypsy. But I gave a little suspension-shoe on the neck of the dancer and understands that her own daughter's own daughter. But she is no longer able to save her - the officers rushing up the girl right on the spot.

Death Quasimodo

From the tower for the murder of Esmeralda, Quasimodo and Frollo are observed. The latter burst into the sinister laughter, and the distraught hunchback throws away the servant from the tower.

Having found in the crypt where the corpses of the executed, the body of an excellent Esmeralda, he squeezes him in the arms and dies.

Analysis of the novel

The work of the Hugo, where Quasimodo and Esmeralda are drawn into strange and complex relationshad big success. The character of each hero is complicated and contradictory: grown on the street Gypsy has a clean and beautiful soul, the priest Frollo is vertegen and embittered, and Gorbong-rhodes can sincerely love to love.

In the center of the whole novel is not an animated hero, but the building is the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. This is a monumental church with amazing architecture, columns, arches, bells and chimerers. There is a possibility that quasimodo is one of the chimer on the building.

Roman - a panoramic view of the life of that era. That is, the reader recognizes not only fate beautiful GypsyWho fell in love quasimodo, but also in retreats from the plot, he learns about Louis Xi and the Flemish delegation.

If the novel was written in a century later, he could well become a scenario for a fascinating film, since the Hugo very brightly described the exciting scenes of the death of Frollo or the protection of the hunchback fortress from Roma.

Critica Romana

The main argument that advanced literary critics- This is the increditedness of the characters of heroes. Quasimodo - who is it? Nitroned hunchben or yet pure soul A person who is capable of bold actions for the sake of others? And Esmeralda, who grew up among violence, could have possess honor and pride to abandon the proposed hands of Frollo, going to death?

Biographer Gyu, agreed with the opinion of critics, but added that, despite the incredibility of heroes in the novel, they were able to stay in the minds and souls of the readers of the novel for many years.

Roman "Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady" today is a classic and heritage french literature 19th century. The story of Esmeralde, the priest and the hunchback lives without a small 200 years and still remains interesting, intriguing, touching. According to the novel, films are removed, create cartoons, and we can see the photo quasimodo according to the version different artists, guessing how humpback could be, he really is, and not on the pages of the novel.

Quasimodo - the personification of physical ugliness. This is a humpback dwarf, curve, lame and deaf. His as a child adopted the archivienceac Claude Frollo. Outwarked by people, quasimodo is experiencing a beast hatred for people. At first he hates and Gypsy-dancer Esmeralda for the fact that it is very beautiful. By order, Frollo Quasimodo is trying to kidnap it, but an attempt is unsuccessful and subjected to public punishment. Tied to the shameful post, the executed by the bill, experiencing thirst, quasi-modo in vain prayes around others so that someone will give him to get drunk. The crowd meets him only with laughter and bullying. I regretted the unfortunate only as rejected as he himself, Esmeralda, living in slums, rootless and non-lawy. She, despite the mood of the crowd and, without fear of deformity, quasimodo, came up and drove it. And a miracle was accomplished: the hatred of quasimodo to Esmeralde was replaced by love and the desire to help her and protect her. When in turn condemn the execution of Esmeralda, Quasimodo selects it from executioners, shelters in the cathedral, defends alone

from the crowd of armed people who came to beat Esmeralda. But it turns out to be powerless against Claude Frollo, with whom severely crashes after the execution of Esmeralda. Quasimodo searches the body of Esmeralda in the crypt where the bodies of the executed bodies are dumping, and dies, holding it in the arms. Ugly quasimodo - the personification of the Middle Ages, while the beautiful and good Esmeralda is the embodiment of the ideals of the Renaissance.


- Characteristics of the heroes of the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady

- Heroes notre ladies de par

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- Characteristic Quasimodo

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