Prohibition of strange names. What names are prohibited in different countries of the world (for Hermione somehow hurt)

Prohibition of strange names. What names are prohibited in different countries of the world (for Hermione somehow hurt)
Prohibition of strange names. What names are prohibited in different countries of the world (for Hermione somehow hurt)

The next, but quite reasonable legislative initiative came out of the Duma Cabinets. One of the parliamentary parties has begun to develop a bill that would forbid the use of numbers in the names of children, punctuation marks and various characters. And I would introduce a single list of names for the work of the registry office.

Recently, a fashion went to unusual names in Russia. So, over the past year, only in Moscow boys of Ogneslala, Maxim-Moscow, girls legend and Chelsea.

Tikhons, Virinia, Zakhara began to appear in Rostov. One girl even called Apollinaria. Briefly, probably Polina. Others received the name of Dominica. Parents just said they like it. This name is not Orthodox. But national names are also quite a lot. For example, there were Duradamad and Sirun (that with Armenian translated as "beautiful"). For rumor such names sound somewhat exotic, but they naturally have the right to exist.

One of the unusual names was given to a newborn girl - Alice Love. Other names that have recently appeared on the light of young landons:
Ademir, Eva-Maria, Leila, Satnyak, Tanzil, Evelyn, Kamala, Kasander, Evdokia, Lucien, Yasmine, Aisun, Bozhagen, Evangelina.

The boys are called unusual names on Don: Blagovest, Methodius, Elisha, Amir, Jafar, Yeremy, Joseph, Lawrence, Baghdasar, Jambulat, Natalialyan, Nitai, One, Fopin.

But one thing is to give the child an old, long-forgotten name from the old namesal. The name that was when was popular, and now is not used. And quite another thing - to invent a new name.

First of all, you need to think about whether the name of the child will like the name. The name should not cause ridicule and surprise among others. The name must be well combined with the surname and patronymic. The name should be easily pronounced and cause positive emotions.

    Of course, to give a child a strange, an unusual name is the right of parents, but when the child's selfishness is standing for the child, it is necessary to pay for it. Pay to complexes, failures, closure and eternal question: "For what?"

    Not every adult man, not to mention the child, is able to cope with him imposed on him and with an increased psychological burden. Nevertheless, there were always strange and unusual names that go for all sorts.

    Representatives of the Council of one of the parliamentary games of the State Duma on the development and improvement of legislation intend to prohibit the use of numbers in the names of children, punctuation marks and various characters.

    Today in our country parents are given complete freedom of choosing the name to their child. The registry office is not entitled to refuse to register the name of the child due to its intolerance, pretabilities, insulting, non-ultimate, non-promotability, etc., - said one of the initiators of the draft law in the lawyer Victoria Pashkov "RUSSIA".

    Meanwhile, creativity flourished on the names and in the USSR. Here are just a few pearls of that time: Oak (you give a reinforced concrete!), Water People (Valentina Tereshkova - First Woman Cosmonaut), Kukzacapol (Corn - Queen Fields), Pofvestal (Winner of Fascists Joseph Stalin) and others.

    This practice is in New Zealand. The list of allowed names appeared there after the parents wanted to call their child justice and 31 times the king, six times Lucifer, twice the Messiah and Christ; Children called cruelty and bus stop number 16.

    And in Russia, in Russia, in Perm, on October 15 of this year, a boy was born, whom parents decided to call Lucifer.

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The State Duma and the Federation Council were abused by the "philanthropy" of our fellow citizens of the State Duma Committee on Gosstroiteli and the law recommended by deputies to accept the law in the first reading, which would forbid parents to call their children with ridiculous and inactive names. The author of this bill, by the way, is a member of the Federation Council Valentina Petrenko, a person with a nontrivial hairstyle and strict looks for life. Even the examples of the "wrong" names are attached to the document: Christmirriados, Dolphin, Luka-Happiness Summerste, Yaroslav Lutobor, Zarya, Ocean, Ocean and BOO RVF 26062 (Biological Object of Human Rod Voronin - Frolov Born June 26, 2002). The last has it, let's say, obvious bust, but, by the way, in the registry office and did not register. And now this "human biological object", the unfortunate child of hipsters, already without a small 15 years without documents.
Senator Petrenko, creating his bill, was guided by humane objectives: children should not suffer from names that they come up with their eudedded parents. "Giving an exotic name to your child, parents do not always imagine, with what difficulties, especially in the children's team, their son or daughter may face," writes the author of the initiative in an explanatory note to the document. And looking at the "Christmirrados", Senator Petrenko, as if you understand. In addition, to limit the fantasies of parents is also necessary for the reason that Zaks now formally cannot refuse to register even the most idiotic names (Boc PVF26062 - a rare exception). In this sense, the recommendations are not called newborns by "digital and lettering notation, numerical, abbreviations, instructions for ranks and positions," look justified. But what does it mean "the name can not consist of abnormative vocabulary"? We personally seem to be unlikely that parents will call their siblos by Mantic Word ... At the dawn of Soviet power, people who were inspired by revolutionary transformations also gave their children unusual names - it seemed to them correspond to the onset of the new era. Arville (Army V.I. Lenin), Villa (Vladimir Ilyich loves his homeland), Vinun (Vladimir Ilyich will never die). There were also a classic Dazeperm (Long live the first of May) and beautiful Dazdramygda (and live the bow and village bow). They encountered, however, some names that were accustomed to - owned or Vladilen (Vladimir Lenin or Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) or at least that did not cut the ear: Ram - Revolution, Engels, Marx. But most of the "revolutionary names" turned out to be staffold and people, ground, tried to get rid of them (Zipanalda - Papanin wintering on ice or Tolebusin - Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, Zinoviev). And the heroes, in honor of which they called the kids, could often be enemies of the people and bring trouble to their "kid." Anyway, soon this will have a tetry. But let's return to the excellent initiative of Senator Petrenko. Members of the Committee on Goshurezalvo (this is not a typo, and my attempt to combine in the title of the Committee is incompatible: "The Committee for Gosstroiteli and Legislation"), already stated that the Second reading the bill can be expanded and improved. Yes, so that not only the numbers will be banned to call children, but also names of months, for example. Although that bad in the name May? But, for some reason, it seems that the dimers, given their legislative itch, will not be limited to such trifles. May, for example, to introduce restrictions on the number of vowels or, on the contrary, consonant in the name. And then, and the number of letters in the name regulates. And it is still interesting: how to be in ours, on the whole head of the Orthodoxed country, with church names? There also, too, a lot of trouble-making names and names, doubtful in terms of fraudulent. Asclipads and Agafoklia, Exakustodian and Europia, Olympiodor and Metrodora, Susipatr and Christodula, Ursic and Chuskinik. After all, after all, do not really say the first time. Is it really banned? And last. Senator Petrenko and the members of the Duma Committee should not be so sinning for irrequisite parents. Our officials are also not abandoned, sometimes, give someone, rare has it. For example, employees of Rosreestra did not try to rename the sons of one high-ranking statesman - Artem and Igor in their documents. As a result, instead of the first turned out to be LSD3, and the second got the name of Yfäu9. However, this is already a completely different story ... The Jurava family, living in the Vladimir region, called the last Sunday, January 29, the Son in honor of the current Minister of Defense of Russia - the newborn received the name Shoigu, reports RIA Vladnews with reference to Informing. The boy was born weighing 3 kilograms 200 grams, height 50 centimeters. His full name of Juraev Shoig Hurmedovich. The name for the boy chose his grandfather Rahmon Jurayev. He explained his choice as follows: "Sergey Shoigu raised from his knees of the EMERCOM of Russia, so he is worthy that my grandson wore a name in his honor." In the Alexandrovsky maternity hospital, they noted that the baby is healthy and will soon be discharged home. Recall that the newborn baby falls by a cousin 2-year-old boy from the same family, which in January received the name Putin. Previously, his name was Rasul, but then the parents replaced the boy name in the idea of \u200b\u200bhis grandfather. It should be noted that the Jurava family lives in Russia a total of seven years old: two years in the village of Lunga Vladimir region and five in Moscow. Family members come from Tajikistan, but have Russian citizenship.

On the territory of the former USSR and the current Russian Federation, citizens loved to give their born children unusual, often frightening names. During the Soviet Union, parents often used abbreviations to call a minor in honor of any holiday, events, spheres, humans. Until now, you can meet individuals with the names of Owned (Vladimir Lenin), Dazepperm (Long live the first of May), Kim (Communist International Youth), the Vector (Great Communism Celebrate), Krarmia (Red Army), etc. It is forbidden to give children today Strange, hard-acting or unusual names according to the FZ number 94.

What is the law?

Over the past ten - fifteen years, the problem of the names that their children gave their children increasingly increased. Because of complete freedom in the choice and due to the creation of fictional nicks in computer games, matured and gave birth to the generation began to invent incredible names for their children. Officials from the state. Duma thought about this unconditional parental right.

The loud incident is considered when the parents gave their child the name of the BOO RVF 260602. This abbreviation, deciphering as "a biological object of a man of the kind of Voronin-Frolov, born on June 26, 2002". The first years of life a minor did not understand why adults are surprised when he is hearing his name, but becoming a little older, began to suffer because of this. His other children teased, it was uncomfortable to dictate their own name to anyone, etc.

Parents began to add numbers, signs, swearing, titles, abbreviations in the names of their own children, call children in honor of the fictional characters of the series, books or films. There were also several cases in Russia, when parents called Lucifer's child.

Current information on changes in the FZ No. 58

In order to abolish when parents come up with children inappropriate names to protect the rights of children and allow them to protect themselves from those who insult their honor of the nickname, the State Duma (namely Valentin Petrenko) was put forward a special bill. The law was adopted and his information was added to the Federal Law on Acts of Right. states in art. Number 18. According to this article, the registering authorities have the right to refuse to persons when choosing an inappropriate name.

Check out the main provisions of FZ №143

The Federal Law On Amendments to Article 58 of the RF IC and 18, the article of the Federal Law on Civil Acts was adopted by the State Duma on April 21, 2017, and approved by the Federation Council on April 26, 2017. The law contains two articles and controls and regulates amendments to relevant articles to abolish the right of parents to choose from any name for his own child.

In the new 58 article of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the first paragraph lists the restrictions that cannot be used with the name of a minor. If parents refuse to change the name to a more acceptable, they will be denied the child registration and they will be responsible. In the second part of this article, information is issued that the surname of the minor must necessarily comply with the name of one of the parents. Double surname through a hyphen is allowed, but provided that all the full children of this family will wear such a surname. Other changes in the names are also strictly prohibited.

FZ 94 also makes amendments in the 18th article of the FZ on the acts of the chase. The states where information on the registration of the names and the names of newborn babies in the maternity hospital is described.

What are the names forbidden in Russia?

The new law on the names of children provides citizens a list of restrictions and opportunities in choosing.

A list of prohibited characters, signs and letters in the name of a minor:

  • Any numbers, code elements, software values, any numeral, dates or numbers. As an example - when registering Nick in a computer game, the date of birth is added (Irina2403, Alexander 111, etc.);
  • Any phrases or words insulting the child or the surrounding citizens, curses, mat, words having ambiguous meaning, etc.;
  • Punctuation marks. It is permissible to use a hyphen once, like Anna - Maria, Lisa - Veronica, other punctuation marks are categorically prohibited;
  • Titles, ranks or status, such as a prince or graph are also categorically prohibited for use in this area.

Some provisions of the described law are going to abolish. The abbreviations in the described area are used for a long time and the population is accustomed to them, so this item of the law will be canceled. This category of abbreviations is used since the time of the USSR, until now, citizens call children of Dazeperm, Kira, Vladen, etc.

There were cases when parents called children with animals with nicknames or purposefully gave a male Alyosha or Cyril girl, and the boy is a female Svetlana or Maria. The registry office after the adoption of this Law has the right to refuse such parents in the registration of the child.

FZ about the animal world in the last editor

Also earlier, the registration authorities met the following strange names that were given to children:

  • Amethyst;
  • Mr.
  • Joy;
  • Sun;
  • Casper;
  • Birch;
  • Messiase;
  • Eros;
  • Luke - happiness Summersheet dumbfounded.

Such "clicks" will influence the future life of a minor, negatively affecting his psychological health. For this reason, the described law obliges bodies and provides them with the authority to protect the interests of citizens to 18 years. If parents are going to register an invalid name, employees register. The organs refuse to them in this and make out a list of permissible names that mother and father can choose.

Responsibility of parents who refused to call the baby one of the items from the permissible list is that the child will be registered as a "minor without parents" and the case will be transferred to guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Federal Law on Covenant and Trusteeship in the Russian Federation 2018 Read

List of most popular names in Russia

The law on the ban on unusual names allows you to choose the parents of the child only acceptable names, employees of registration authorities can provide a compiled list. After the law enters into force, citizens began to adhere to traditions.

According to 2017 statistics, the most commonly used male names are considered:

  • Alexander;
  • Artem;
  • Maxim;
  • Michael;
  • Ivan;
  • Daniel;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Matvey;
  • Andrew;
  • Kirill.

According to the 2017 statistics, the most commonly used women's names are considered:

  • Sofia;
  • Anna;
  • Victoria;
  • Alice;
  • Pauline;
  • Anastasia;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Alexandra;
  • Daria;
  • Maria.

For the past few years, Russians have become popular to give the children of Old Slavic or Old Russian names. According to statistics for 2017, they became very common: Matvey, Svyatoslav, Svetogor, Yaroslav, Lyubava, Milan and Adele. Citizens who wish to call a child in old Russian traditions can be calm, the new law on these names does not apply. The prohibition can only affect the fun, since in the interpretations of this time this word has an ambiguous value.

Otherwise, parents have full freedom in choosing a name for their own child.

Download New Law on Children's Names in the Russian Federation

Statistically, in almost every family there is one or two children, so all citizens living in the Russian Federation are advised to familiarize themselves with the text of the described law. The text of the law declared clear limitations and rules that should be followed without excluding citizens of Russia.

Download the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 58 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and Article 18 of the Federal Law on Civil Status Acts" of 01.05.2017 N 94-FZ can

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Often parents want to reward their children with a rare name, but they do not always succeed. Many countries are trying to protect their newborn citizens from embarrassing situations in the future and even create lists of prohibited names. True, all the criteria are different, and if in France you will be banned to call a child with an offensive word, then in Saudi Arabia will not give the daughter of the queen, even if the word is not at all offensive.

In many countries, laws governing children's names proceed from a simple principle: the name should not sound like a curse or an offensive word, and also should not be caused to a child in the future. However, in some states, the prohibition can spread to quite ordinary names if they violate cultural traditions.

In this country, the names must be traditionally portuguese, explicitly denote the floor and should not be like nicknames. To make parents easier to navigate the rules, a special list of allowed names was compiled.

  • Prohibited names: Rihanna, Nirvana, Viking, Sionar, Jimmy.


In Switzerland, as in Germany, the name should receive the approval of the registration department of citizens. It is impossible to use surnames, names of biblical villains, names of brands and geographic locations as names. It is impossible to give boys female names and vice versa. Under the ban, any offensive shocking, causing laughter options.

  • Prohibited names: Cain, Judas, Brooklyn, Chanel, Mercedes, Paris (Paris).

Great Britain

Names that may cause damage to someone exceeding 100 characters and resembling titles or titles is prohibited. Therefore, for example, under the ban name Justice: The word not only means "justice", but also serves as a reference to the judges.

  • Prohibited names: ".", Tolstik, Lucifer, Jesus Christ, with Hawaii Talula dancing Hulu, Constable, Saint (Saint), Chief Maximus, 4real, Mafia No Fear.


Previously, in China, it was impossible to call children the name of the operating emperor. Today, restrictions are associated with the language: in Chinese 70,000 characters, but not all of them are suitable for machine reading. Accordingly, the name is selected such that it can be entered into a computer form.


Putin has signed a law prohibiting for children to give exotic names containing numbers or characters. In addition, now in Russia it can not be called children with swiss words and titles

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the ban to call children with numbers, gracious words and titles. The relevant document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the document in Article 58 of the Family Code of Russia, the provision is made that when choosing a child named parents, "the use of numbers, alphanumeric designations, numeral, symbols, and not letters of signs, with the exception of the" Defis "sign, or anyone Combinations, or grated words, instructions for ranks, positions, titles. " The changes made to the Federal Law "On Acts of Civil Status" prohibit the registration of such names.

The law also establishes that the child's surname is determined by the family name. If the parents have different surnames, then by their agreement, the child may be assigned the surname of the father, mother or double surname, formed by attaching two surnames to each other in any sequence, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the subjects of Russia. The document stipulates that the child's double surname may consist of no more than two words connected when writing a hyphen.

The draft law was submitted to the State Duma on April 21, 2016. The author of the legislative initiative was Senator Valentina Petrenko. She mentioned the case with a boy named Boch RVF 260602 (human biological object of the genus Voronin - Frolov, born 26.06.2002). In 2014, he still lived without documents, since the court arose to the side of the registry office of Moscow, refused to register a child with such a name in defense of his interests.

A year after submission, April 21, 2017, the State Duma bill in the third final reading.

Foreign experience

A number of countries have restrictions on the names that can be given to children. For example, in Britain and Wales, employees of relevant services are advised to register children's names consisting of a sequence of letters and not containing insults. The only limit on the length of the name is associated with the ability to fit it on a list of registration.

In the United States, restrictions in the country of the child behavior vary depending on the state. In some states there is a limit on the length of the name associated with the features of the software registration authorities. For the same reasons, in other states, you cannot use the number or pictogram in the name.

Since 1993, a child in France can be called by any name. The question of whether the name of the child is contrary to the interests of the child, the registering authorities solve.

In Germany, the names, as well as the names of products or items, cannot be used as names for children. The decision on the compliance of the name of the child requirements is adopted by a special office. In addition, with each handling you have to pay a duty, so a large number of attempts to call the child with an exotic name will be very expensive.