What is the traditional society. Typology of societies in modern science

What is the traditional society. Typology of societies in modern science

] Public attachment in it is characterized by a rigid estate hierarchy, the existence of sustainable social community (especially in the countries of the East), special method Regulation of society based on traditions, customs. This organization of the company actually seeks to preserve the sociocultural foundations in it in the constant form.

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    History. Introduction From traditional society to industrial. Foxford Online Training Center

    Japan in the Epoch of the Board of the Tokugawa dynasty

    Konstantin Asmolov on the peculiarities of traditional societies


general characteristics

For traditional society, characteristic:

  • traditional economy, or the predominance of agricultural mistake (agrarian society),
  • stability structure,
  • classic organization
  • low mobility

The traditional person perceives the world and the head of the order of life as something inextricably-holistic, holistic, sacred and not subject to change. The person's place in society and its status is determined by tradition and social origin.

According to 1910-1920. L. Levi-Brilev Concept, people of traditional societies are inherent in a criminal ("prelavique") thinking that is not capable of discrepressing the contradictions of phenomena and processes and managed by mystical experiences of the Confirmation ("Participation").

In traditional society, collectivist installations prevail, individualism is not welcomed (since freedom of individual actions can lead to a violation of the commissioned procedure, tested by time). In general, traditional societies are characterized by the predominance of collective interests over private, including primacy of the interests of existing hierarchical structures (states, etc.). Not so much individual capacity as the place in the hierarchy (official, class, clan, etc.), which occupies a person is appreciated. As noted by Emil Durkheim in his work "On the division of social labor" showed that in the societies of mechanical solidarity (primitive, traditional), the individual consciousness is entirely outside the "I".

In traditional society, as a rule, the ratio of redistribution ratio is dominated, and not a market exchange, but elements market economy Right adjustable. This is due to the fact that free market relations increase social mobility and change the social structure of society (in particular, the data is destroyed); The redistribution system can be regulated by tradition, and market prices - no; Forced redistribution prevents "unauthorized" enrichment / depletion of both individuals and classes. The pursuit economic Profit In traditional society, it is often morally condemned, disinterested care is opposed.

In traditional society, most people live in a local community (for example, village), relationships with "big society" are rather weak. Wherein family ties, on the contrary, very strong.

The worldview (ideology) of traditional society is due to tradition and authority.

"For tens of thousands of years, the life of the overwhelming majority of adults has been subordinated to the tasks of survival and therefore left for creativity and continuous knowledge more less placethan for playing. Life held on traditions hostile to any innovations, any serious retreat from the specified behaviors rushes a threat to the whole team, "writes L. Ya. Zmum.

Transformation of traditional society

Traditional society seems extremely sustainable. As the famous demographer and sociologist Anatoly Vishnevsky writes, "everything is interconnected in it and is very difficult to withdraw or change any one element."

In antiquity, changes in traditional society occurred extremely slowly - over generations, almost imperceptibly for a separate person. Periods of accelerated development took place in traditional societies ( bright example - Changes in Eurasia in the I millennium BC. er), but even at such periods of the change were carried out slowly according to modern standards, and on their conclusion, the society was again returned to a relatively static state with the predominance of cyclic dynamics.

At the same time, since ancient times there were societies that cannot be called quite traditional. The departure from the traditional society was associated, as a rule, with the development of trade. This category includes the Greek cities-states, medieval self-governed shopping cities, England and Holland of the XVI-XVII centuries. A mansion is the ancient Rome (to the III century n. Er) with his civil society.

Fast and irreversible transformation of traditional society began to occur only from the XVIII century as a result of the industrial revolution. To date, this process has captured almost the whole world.

Fast changes and waste from traditions can be trained by a traditional person as a wreck of landmarks and values, loss of the meaning of life, etc. Because the adaptation to new conditions and the change in the nature of the activity is not included in the strategy. traditional manThe transformation of society often leads to the marginalization of the population.

The most painful transformation of traditional society occurs in cases where dismantled traditions have a religious rationale. At the same time, resistance to changes can take forms of religious fundamentalism.

During the transformation of the traditional society, authoritarianism may increase in it (or in order to preserve traditions, or in order to overcome resistance to change).

The transformation of a traditional society is completed by a demographic transition. The generation, which grew up in adolescent families, has a psychology, distinguished from the psychology of a traditional person.

Opinions about the need (and degree) of the transformation of traditional society differ significantly. For example, the Philosopher A. Dugin considers it necessary to abandon the principles modern society And return to the "Golden Age" of traditionalism. Sociologist and demographer A. Vishnevsky argues that the traditional society "there is no chance", although it and "violently resist." According to the calculations of Professor A. Nazareyan, in order to completely abandon development and return society into a static state, the number of humanity needs to be reduced several hundred times.

We, people practic from the future, it is extremely difficult to understand the people of traditional lifestyles. This is due to the fact that we rose in other culture. However, it is extremely useful to understand the people of traditional society, because such an understanding makes the dialogue of cultures. For example, you came to relax in such a traditional country, you must understand local customs and traditions, and respect them. Otherwise, no rest will work, and there will be only solid conflicts.

Signs of traditional society

T.radio Society - This is a society in which all life is subordinated. In addition, it has the following signs.

Patriarchality - Primat. male start Over female. The woman in the traditional plan of the creature is not quite complete, moreover, she is the end of chaos. And, with other things being equal, who will achieve more food man or woman? Most likely a man, of course, if we omit the "women's" male representatives.

The family in such a society will be one hundred percent patriarchal. An example of such a family may be the one for which the Protopop Sylvester focused when he wrote his "Domostroy" in the 16th century.

Collectivism - It will be another sign of such a society. Individual here does not mean anything in the face of the family, family, Taypa. And this is reasonable. After all, the traditional society was developed where it was extremely difficult to get food. And it means only together you can provide yourself. Because of this, the team's solutions is much more important than any individual.

Agrarian production and natural economy There will be signs of such a society. What to sow, to produce a tradition, and not feasibility. The whole economic sphere will be subordinate to custom. What prevented people to realize any other realities and bring innovations into production? As a rule, these were serious climatic conditions, thanks to which the tradition dominated: since our fathers and grandfathers led exactly that the farm, why should we change something. "We do not invent us with us and change us," so thinks a person living in such a society.

There are other signs of traditional society, which we consider in more detail on training courses for EEG / GIA:


So, the traditional society, in contrast to the industrial, is distinguished by the primacy of tradition and the team. What countries can be called such? Something strange, but many modern information societies can be attributed simultaneously to the traditional. How is it possible?

Here, for example, take Japan. The country is extremely developed, and at the same time traditions are highly developed. When the Japanese comes to his home, he is in the field of his culture: Tatami, Sydyzi, Sushi - all this is an integral part of the interior of Japanese dwelling. Japanese, relieves the daily business bones, as a rule, European; and puts the kimono - traditional japanese clothing, very spacious and comfortable.

China is also a very traditional country, and with this relating to. For example, over the past five years, 18,000 bridges were built in China. But at the same time, there are villages where the traditions are strongly honored. Monasteries Shaolin are preserved, Tibetan monasteries that strictly observe the ancient Chinese traditions.

Arriving in Japan or China, you will feel a stranger - Gaidzin or to lie, respectively.

In addition to traditional countries, India, Taiwan, the countries of Southeast Asia, the countries of Africa can be attributed to the same traditional countries.

Anticipate your question, dear reader: Still tradition is bad or good? Personally, I believe that tradition is good. Tradition allows us to remember who we are. It allows you to remember that we are not Pokemon and not just people from nowhere. We are the descendants of people who lived to us. In conclusion, I want to bring words from japanese proverbs: "According to the behavior of descendants, you can judge their ancestors." I think now you understand why the countries of the East traditional countries.

As always, waiting for your comments 🙂

Sincerely, Andrei Puchkov

english Society, Traditional; it. Gesellschaft, Traditionelle. Pre-industrial societies, agricultural types, characterized by the predominance of natural economy, the estate hierarchy, stability of the structure and the method of socio-cult. Regulation of the whole life based on tradition. See Agricultural Society.

Excellent definition

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Traditional Society

the pre-industrial society, a primitive society) is a concept that focuses in its content a set of ideas about the pre-industrial stage of human development characteristic of traditional sociology and cultural studies. Unified theory of T.O. does not exist. Presentations about T.O. Rather, rather, on its understanding as an asymmetric modern society of a sociocultural model than to generalize the real facts of the lives of peoples not occupied by industrial production. Characteristic for Economics T.O. The domination of the natural economy is considered. There are no product relationships at all, or are oriented to meet the needs of a few layer of social elite. The main principle of the organization social relationship It is a rigid hierarchical stratification of society, as a rule, manifested in division into endogan castes. At the same time, the main form of organizing social relations for the overwhelming majority of the population is a relatively closed, isolated community. The latter circumstance is dictated by the domination of collectivist social ideas focused on strict adherence The traditional norms of behavior and excluding individual freedom of personality, as well as the understanding of its value. In aggregate with caste division, this feature almost completely eliminates the possibility of social mobility. Political power Monopolized as part of a separate group (caste, clan, family) and exists mainly in authoritarian forms. Characteristic feature So It is considered either a complete absence of writing, or its existence in the form of privileges separate groups (officials, priests). In this case, writing often develops in a language other than spoken language overwhelming majority of the population (Latin in medieval Europe, arabic - in the Middle East, Chinese writing - in the Far East). Therefore, the inter-flowable broadcast of culture is carried out in verbal, folk form, and the main institution of socialization is the family and community. The consequence of this was the emergency variability of the culture of the same ethnos, manifested in local and dialectic differences. Unlike traditional sociology, modern social and cultural Anthropology does not operate with the concept of T.O. From her positions, this concept does not reflect real story the pre-industrial stage of development of humanity, and characterizes only it final stage. Thus, the sociocultural differences between the peoples at the development stage of the "assigning" farm (hunting and gathering) and those who passed the stage of the "Neolithic Revolution" may be no less and even more significant than between "pre-industrial" and "industrial" societies . It is characteristic that modern theory Nation (E. Gelner, B. Anderson, K. Doych) To characterize the pre-industrial stage of development, used more adequate than the concept of "T.", Terminology - "Agrarian", "Agrarian-Writing Society", etc. .

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1) The concept of traditional society / traditional society is the foundation for the formation of modern civilization.

2) Characteristic signs Traditional societies:

a) the agricultural nature of the economy;

b) the splicing of power and property;

c) the patriarchal nature of society and the state;

d) the predominance of collectivist forms public consciousness;

e) Low rates of public changes and social mobility.

3) The main varieties of traditional societies:

a) society of the ancient medieval East;

b) Antique Societies of Greece and Rome;

c) medieval feudal society in Western Europe;

d) Old Russian and medieval Russian society.

4) specifics of social stratification of traditional societies:

a) custom or class system;

b) the predominance of prescribed status;

c) church and army as essential social elevators;

d) limited opportunities Personality to change their status.

5) the preservation of elements of traditional societies in the modern era.

8. Informational society and its features.

1) The concept of information society / Information Society is a modern stage of human history.

2) of the birth of the information society:

but) scientific and technical revolution;

b) the formation of a new scientific picture peace;

c) microprocessor revolution.

3) Characteristic signs of the information society:

a) the priority development of the sphere of high technologies and services;

b) the development of electronic means of mass communications;

c) the use of artificial intelligence in all spheres of vital activity of society and man;

d) recognition of the priority of human rights and freedoms.

e) change social Structure societies.

4) Contributable Information civilization:

a) displacement of a person from a number of spheres;

b) enhancing the dependence of the person from the personal computer;

c) the involvement of a person into the world of virtual contacts and communication;

d) deepening a man's separation from a natural environment.

5) the need to preserve humanity, humanistic culture in the information society.

9.The problem of international terrorism as a global problem of modernity.

1) Threats and challenges of modern humanity.

2) International terrorism as a threat to the world community.

3) the causes of international terrorism:

b) the aggressive introduction of values \u200b\u200band norms of Western society into an unmarried world, the oppression of non-wobble cultures and values;

c) political dominance western countries in the global world.

4) the features of terrorism on modern stage:

a) proper character;

b) the use of modern network technologies and resources;

c) the availability of significant financial, intellectual, human resources;

d) the use of religious and sociocultural software installations.

5) the main activities of international terrorists:

a) the organization of psychological attacks using media technologies;

b) preparation and conduct of terrorist acts;

c) Organization of attacks on the Internet for large financial centers, banks.

6) ways and ways to struggle the world community with terrorists.

7) The role of the Russian Federation in countering terrorist threat.

10.Socio-demographic problems of modernity.

1) socio-demographic problems as part global problems Modern. / Essence of the socio-demographic problems of modern humanity.

2) Causes of socio-demographic problems:

a) gap in the levels of economic and social Development between countries and regions of the world;

b) changing the lifestyle of people with entry into the information era;

c) the influence of world wars and the activities of totalitarian regimes in the XX century.

3) the main manifestations of global problems:

a) an uncontrolled birth rate in developing countries, the inability to ensure a decent standard of living of people;

b) elder european Nations, decline in fertility;

in) high level Mortality due to insufficient development of the health care system and low living standards.

4) ways to overcome socio-demographic problems:

a) strengthening the family, traditional family feasures;

b) raising the standard of living of the population in developing countries;

c) carrying out a holistic migration policy, taking into account the interests of countries with various demographic problems;

d) improving and development of the health care and social security system ..

5) the specificity of socio-demographic problems in the Russian Federation.

11.Process globalization and its contradiction.

1) The concept of globalization. / Globalization is the process of forming a single humanity.

2) manifestations of globalization in different areas Life of modern society:

(a) Economic globalization (the formation of a single world market, uniform supranational financial centers (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization));

b) political globalization (the formation of supranational political decision-making centers (UN, the G8, EU), the formation of uniform standards of democratic institutions);

c) social globalization (expanding the circle of communication, the formation of network social communities, rapprochement of among themselves countries and peoples);

d) globalization in the spiritual sphere (distribution mass culture, unified cultural standards).

3) The main positive effects of globalization:

a) acceleration of economic development, dissemination of economic innovations;

b) raising the standard of living and standards of consumption in the world;

c) the distribution of universal ideas about humanism and democracy;

d) rapprochement of people different countries Through network communication.

4) inconsistency and ambiguity of globalization processes:

a) the threat of a number of sectors of national economies;

b) Westernization, imposing invalid countries of values \u200b\u200band traditions of the Western world;

c) the threat to the preservation of a number of national languages \u200b\u200band cultures;

d) the propagation of low-quality samples and products of mass culture.

5) the participation of the Russian Federation in the processes of globalization.

Electoral systems

1. The concept of electoral systems (what is a political system?)

2. Components of electoral systems

a) selective law

b) selective process

3. Principles of democratic election law

a) equality

b) Universality

d) freedom of elections

4. Types of the electoral system:

a) majoritarian

b) proportional

c) mixed

1. Tanning taxes

2. Vida taxes

b) indirect

3. Functions of taxes

4. Taxes

a) federal

b) regional

c) local

5. Neloplastillers

Economy and its role in society

1. The effect of economics

a) economy as science

b) economy as a host

2. Types of economic systems. a) traditional b) command-admin c) market 2.Beques of the economy

3. Macro and microeconomy

4. Economic activity

5. Economic meters. activities

6.rol economy in society

The economic growth

1. The effect of economic growth

2. Measurement of economy. Heost

3. Factors Economy. Heost

c) Kapital

4. Put the achievement of efficiency. Heost

a) intense

b) extensive

5. The quality of the economy. Heost

1. Determination of money.

2. Requirements for money.

a) rarity in nature

b) wear resistance

c) money should be divided

3. Functions of money in society.

a) means of circulation, measure of value

b) payments

c) means of savings

4. The modern types of money.

5. Controls are connected. with money.

Economy and state.

1. Sostor ECONOM. State policies

a) Financial

b) investment, scientific-tech.

c) foreign economic, agricultural

d) banking, social

2.Economic functions of state

a) stabilization of the economy

b) Protection of property rights

c) revenue revenue

d) monetary regulation

3. General state economic goals

4.Mehlisms of the State Regular. economy

5. Completely new Funkts. Gos. in post-inducer. Society.


1. Definition

2. Wides inflation

a) crawling

b) Galoping

c) Hyperinflation

3. Inflation tricks

4. Employment of inflation in economy.

5. Actractical policy of state.

Right in the Social Norm.

1. Determination of social machine and law

2. Rights

a) Communicative norms

b) formally defined

c) state established by the state

d) guarded by the states.

e) systemic standards

3. Structure of law, branches of law

a) constitutional law

b) administrative

c) criminal

d) civil

d) Labor

e) family

4.Ins of rights

5. The Right Institutions

Legal responsibility

1. Wides of offenses

a) misconduct (disciplinary, civil, administrative);

b) crimes;

2.The yurav.

3. Vida JurreSvenness

a) criminal

b) administrative

c) civil law

d) disciplinary

e) constitutional

3. Attention and occurrence

4.The reference from responsibility

4. Output of legal entry

Social role

1. The concept of "social role"

2. Role set

a) the main roles

b) situational roles

3. Structure social role

4. Types of role conflicts

a) interreloval

b) Personal role

c) inner-free

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The development of society is a stepped process, which is a movement up from the simplest farm to a more efficient, advanced. In the 20th century, famous political scientists and sociologists put forward a theory in which society overcomes three stages of its development: agricultural, industrial and post-industrial. Let us dwell on the agrarian society.

Agrarian society by types, features, features, characteristics

Agricultural, traditional or pre-industrial society is based on the traditional values \u200b\u200bof humanity. Such a type of society the main goal Sees the preservation of the traditional lifefriend, does not accept any changes and does not seek to develop.

Agrarian society It is characterized by the traditional economy, for which the redistribution is typical, and the manifestation of market relations and the exchange is rigidly supplanted. In traditional society, the priority of the attention of the state and the ruling top over the own interests of man is observed. The whole policy is based on an authoritarian type of power.

Man's status in society is determined by his birth. The whole society is divided into estates, the movement between which is impossible. The estate hierarchy is again based on the traditional lifestyle.

For agrarian society, high mortality and fertility of the population are characterized. And at the same time low life expectancy. Very strong family bonds.

The pre-industrial type of society has been maintained in many countries of the East.

Economic Features of Agrarian Civilization and Culture

The basis of a traditional society - agricultureThe main components of which are agriculture, cattle breeding or fishing in coastal areas. The priority of a certain type of economy depends on climatic conditions and geographical location Settlement places. The agricultural society itself depends entirely on nature and its conditions, while the person does not make changes to these forces, without trying to tame them. For a long time, natural economy prevailed in the pre-industrial society.

Industry is either absent or insignificant. Handicraft work is poorly developed. All labor is aimed at satisfying the basic needs of a person, the Society is not even trying to strive. Extra labor hours are recognized by society as a punishment.

The profession and family of classes are inherited from parents. The lower estates are overly committed to the highest, hence such a system state powerlike monarchy.

All values \u200b\u200band culture are generally dominated by traditions.

Traditional agricultural society

As already mentioned, an agrarian society is based on the simplest craft and agriculture. Temporary framework of the existence of this society - Ancient world And the Middle Ages.

At that time, the economy took the use as a basis natural resources Without any changes in the latter. Hence the small development of labor instruments that are very long time remain manual.

In the economic sphere of life of society prevails:

  • building;
  • mining crafts;
  • natural economy.

There is trade, but it is developed slightly developed, and the development of the market is not encouraged by the authorities.

Traditions give a person a well-established system of values, the main role in which the religion and the indisputable authority of the head of state occupies. Culture is based on traditional worship of his own history.

The process of converting traditional agrarian civilization

Agricultural society is sufficiently sustainable to any changes, since its basis is the traditions and established way of life. The transformation is so slow that they are invisible for a single person. Much lighter transformation is given to states that are not fully traditional. As a rule, this is a society with developed market relations - Greek policies, shopping cities of England and Holland, ancient Rome.

Impetus for irreversible conversion agrarian civilization The industrial revolution of the XVIII century became the industrial revolution.

Any conversion in such a society for a person is very painful, especially if the foundation for the traditional society was religion. A person loses landmarks and values. At this time, an authoritarian regime is strengthened. Completes all changes in society a demographic transition in which psychology young generation Changes.

Industrial and Post-industrial Agrarian Society

Industrial society is characterized by a sharp jump in the development of industry. A sharp increase in economic growth rates. This society is inherent in the "optimism of modernizers" - unshakable confidence in science, with which you can solve any problems that have arisen, including social.

In this society to nature, a purely consumer attitude is the maximum development of available resources, pollution of nature. The industrial society lives one day, seeking to meet social and household needs to fully here and now.

The post-industrial society is just beginning its development path.

IN post-industrial society First of place come out:

  • high tech;
  • information;
  • knowledge.

Industry is inferior to the place of service. Knowledge and information have become the main product in the market. Science is no longer recognized by omnipotent. Mankind finally begins to realize everything negative consequenceswho collapsed in nature after the industry's development. Change public values. The preservation of ecology and protection of nature go to the fore.

The main factor and the sphere of agrarian society

The main factor of production for agrarian society is the Earth. That is why agrarian society practically excludes mobility, as it depends entirely on its accommodation.

The main disposal of production is agriculture. All production is based on the harvesting of raw materials, food. All members of society, first of all, seek to satisfy household needs. The basis of the economy is a family economy. Such a sphere may not always satisfy all the needs of a person, but most of them are exactly.

Agricultural State and Agrarian Fund

The Agricultural Fund is a state apparatus, which is engaged in providing the country with due food. The main task is to support the development of agricultural business in the country. The foundation is responsible for importing and exporting agricultural products, distributes products within the country.

Human civilization needs high-quality food products that only developed agriculture can give. It is important to consider that agriculture has never been highly profitable production. Entrepreneurs throw this type of business as soon as they face difficulties and lose their profits. In this case, the agricultural policy of the state helps agricultural production, highlighting the necessary means to compensate for possible losses.

In developed countries, the rural lifestyle and family economy is increasingly popular.

Agricultural modernization

Agricultural modernization is based on an increase in the rate of development of agricultural production and sets itself:

  • creation of a new model of economic growth of agriculture;

  • creation of favorable economic trends for agricultural business;

  • improving rural infrastructure;

  • attracting a young generation to the village for life and work;

  • assistance in solving land problems;

  • environmental protection.

The main assistant to the state under modernization is private business. Therefore, the state is obliged to meet agricultural business and all kinds of development.

Modernization will allow to withdraw agrarian and agricultural production to the proper level in the country, improve the quality of nutrition, create additional jobs in the village and increase the standard of living of the entire country's population as a whole.