How to draw a person in Japanese clothes. How to draw kimono pencil phased

How to draw a person in Japanese clothes. How to draw kimono pencil phased
How to draw a person in Japanese clothes. How to draw kimono pencil phased

Hello everyone! Today we will tell you about how to draw a samurai. Samurai is a medieval Japanese warrior who fought for the interests of his owner to the last drop of blood.

Samurai were incredibly brave, before every battle they were preparing to die - such a selfless rage and the willingness to die for their ideals instilled horror in the hearts of their enemies. But, nevertheless, samurai were not insane suicide, because their training included the comprehension of all aspects of ancient Eastern philosophy under the leadership of Sensei - an elderly man, a master who was for a Samurai teacher and a spiritual mentor. Each such warrior, in fact, was a wise and restrained man.

It should be noted that today we represent you are not the first on our site. Earlier, we have already told you about this medieval warrior, but the samurai drawing lesson was very difficult. Today everything will be much easier - there is no such number of details, the posture of static and shadow is absent. Let's take all for drawingLet's start this lesson and find out how to draw samurai!

Step 1

Static postures are very convenient for studying proportions, so it will be quite simple to draw stipat. The growth of a man is stacked about the amount of seven goals of his heads, of which three and a half - four comes to their feet. The shoulders of men are much wider than the waist (these two lines are about the same size), their width is equal to the amount of the width of about three heads. Hands stretched along the seams reach around the middle of the distance from the belt to the knee joint (in this stage a little shorter, since the stylables from our artists do not include hands in hand).

Step 2.

Let us give the volume of our stylane. Under the head, we draw the neck - a short cylinder, on which the head is reliably mounted, connect it with sloping lines with balls of shoulder joints.

Let's draw hands - conditionally each of them consists of five parts: shoulder joint, long shoulder, elbow joint, long forearm, brush.

Taking advantage of the markup from the previous step, draw the torso - it should slightly narrow the book. But legs, like the whole bottom of the body, should have a form expanding in the direction from top to bottom. At the very bottom, do not forget to outline the silhouettes of the feet. A small advice - the line of this step should be stopped by clicking on only slightly so that they can be selected later.

Step 3.

According to the previously marked lines draw the face of our samurai. Since our today's drawing lesson is generally simple, then with the features of the face everything will be simple, they need to be denoted literally schematically. From the features, we note the hairstyle (do not forget about the lines of temples, they will show the direction in which the hair is fixed on the back of the back), a high forehead and a slight discrepancy with one of the main rules of facial proportions.

This rule states that eyebrows must lie on one level with the upper tips of the ears, and the tip - with the bottom. With eyebrows, everything is correct, but the nose is a bit larger than standard sizes, so it will end in a little lower. Do not forget to designate rounded lines in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek and nasolabial folds.

Step 4.

Draw Upper Sumurai Upper Clothes - Traditional Japanese Horory Vest and a small visible part of the bottom. In the upper part, the vest should be very wide - as you can see, it hides even the top parts of the shoulders, and he dramatically narrows the book, forming the contours of an equilibried inverted triangle.

Please note that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulders we can see small areas of the inner side of Harory, it is necessary to designate. By the way, many of our readers may seem familiar to this vest - scorpion and reptiles from the Universe Mortal Kombat were closed in the same clothes.
In the same step, they will make a belt and a long samurai sword Katana, hurried by the knife.

Step 5.

Draw a wide, spacious sleeve of clothes under Horya. Extra line guide lines denoting the structure of the hand. Opening the contours of the brush and draw a fan.

Step 6.

I draw the contours of the right sleeves from us, erase the extra guide lines of the hand. Denote the inner part of the sleeves and several folds that have a view of ordinary smooth lines. I draw a pattern on the handle of the sword and the brush that fits this handle tightly.

Step 7.

The final stage will draw the bottom of the body and legs. The legs and the lower part of the body hidden wide, spacious pants - Hakam, so essentially all the work in this stage is reduced to the fact that we must edit the contours of these pants, erase the extra guide lines, denoting legs, as well as draw Waraji. Varaji is a Japanese wicker shoes resembling slippage.

It was a lesson in which we told you about how to draw a samurai. To new meetings!

During training in elementary school, students of primary classes in the articles of visual art acquire enough skills for creativity. Why not try to revive the heroes of your favorite cartoons on paper? The question of how to draw a Japanese, for grade 4 will be quite solvable. Consider the stages of the entire process of creating a cartoon image.

Making sketches

Make preliminary outlines of the body, head, hands and an additional accessory - Veser. To do this, use universal and simple geometric shapes. In the picture, the Japanese will be depicted not in full growth, but only on the level of the hips. Therefore, the body to the waist mark the rectangle, and the lower part is a trapezium. Cross the body of the diagonal line (future left hand). The head is depicting in the form of oval. Apply cross-shaped lines for it to divide the face on the forehead and sculpture. The outlines of the right hand do in the form of a curved line. Closer to the head, you will depict a quarter of a circle - fan. If all the proportions were originally selected correctly, it is possible to easily give the figure more believable outlines.

How to draw a Japanese in kimono?

Any national clothing, including a Japanese suit, is characterized by distinctive features. In this case, this is kimono. What details need to be portrayed? On the back in the waist area there should be a big bow, the sleeves are expanded on the book, and in the hands of a Japanese will hold a fan. Anime style, which is used when creating, makes some adjustments to the image that clearly resembles the heroine of the cartoon.

Making sketches of contours

Applying smooth outlines on the main lines, you can proceed to drawing parts. After the image, pay special attention to the most important element of the drawing - the hairstyle of the Japanese. In this case, the image is not entirely classic. After all, deciding how to draw a Japanese, for grade 4 more familiar to create a familiar silhouette from the cartoon. It can be both a kara (in this case), and the hair flushed or chosen to the top. Decorate the hairstyle bow. For a classic solution, such a playful look will not fit. Then it will be necessary to all hair, including bangs, raise to the backbone and roll in the form of a spiral. A distinctive feature of national lies in sticking long studs. Another, not quite plausible element of Japanese - it is her eyes. Draw them large and wide open, which is also completely atypically for people of Asian origin.

"Engineering" drawing

Pick the desired palette and boldly begin to paint. The kimono will be as impossible by the way. Fan will have the same ornament as the costume. Japanese animals are distinguished by an unusual hair color of the heroes. In this case, they will be about the same shade as a bathrobe - purple. Also do not forget to issue a common background, for example, in the form of a blue sky with clouds.

So, we looked at how to draw a Japanese step by step. The proposed method is more suitable for children's home creativity. You can replace this drawing with a classic option, without a hint of anime style. Using these methodological recommendations on the topic "How to draw Japanese" for grade 4, you can try to create a more simplified version of an Asian girl or a woman. The main thing is the presence of characteristic national signs.

ATTENTION, only today!

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Hi friends! In this lesson, we will try to learn how to draw a Japanese girl in the traditional castle of kimono.

It turns out that this task is often asked for children in grade 4, and this is incredibly difficult even for an adult. If the lesson is too complicated for children - write in the comments, you may need to make a step-by-step instruction even easier.

So, we draw a female kimono with a simple pencil and paper. Prepare all the necessary tools, and we will proceed to phased drawing.

First of all, we make an exemplary sketch of a person's figure in kimono. In detail about, I have already written on the site, but you can use the picture-tip below. Draw the base with thin lines so that the extra later can be easily erased.

So, here we prepared our foundation on which we will draw, now you can proceed to drawing a Japanese kimono. First, draw collar and shoulders, in general, this part resembles a regular bathrobe.

Women's kimono is usually replicated by a wide belt in the Waist area, so just below need to draw it.

On the sides of the belt, just below the shoulders need to draw kimono sleeves. They expand the book, and the more you draw the folds, the more beautiful they will look.

We erase all the extra lines that we will interfere.

Now you need to draw a skirt of Japanese kimono. She is usually a straight, non-expanding book. You can also add more folds.

I am erased by extra lines again.

In general, our kimono is drawn. Also, that the drawing is holistic, you can draw a picture completely - draw our Japanese palm, draw some handbag, feet, shoes and remove all unnecessary lines.

If you were asked to draw a Japanese in Kimono at school - I advise you not to suffer and simply attach a piece to the screen of the monitor or tablet and circling the drawing, as you used to do through the glass - thereby you facilitate your suffering.

Below I will show you how to draw a kimono with a pencil and still reveal one mystery. More precisely, you probably do not know that in fact it is. No, this is not the clothes that Karate, Judo wrestlers or aikido. This and we are so accustomed to call them. In fact, this is the national costume of the Japanese, which is not just just and so no longer for fight. Why it is needed and how to portray it, I will show it below. Here you have a visual example of a girl in Kimono for the seed: I specifically took the girl, besides the anime, in order to draw it easier.

So, kimono is such a bathrobe with long sleeves, an externally resembling a multicolored bag, which is stubborn by a person's body. Seying it is still manually (at least in rich houses), since this is a whole ritual whose secrets are transferred only to family members. You can, of course, buy ready-made kimono, but it will not be for my pocket. Its value is approximately equal to the cost of an inexpensive car in our country with you. There are cheap options, but they are not much different from ordinary robe.

What is still different kimono from our clothes:

  1. It hides the flaws of the figure. Yes, it is flaws! European clothing (or all that is done in Odessa on a small Arnautskaya street) on the contrary, emphasizes the bulk of the body of the carrier, if you understand what I mean. And for the Japanese, on the contrary - than straight and smaller, the more beautiful;
  2. The length of the sleeve can be understood: whether it is worth meeting the girl. If the sleeve is long, it says that the girl is not married.
  3. Fabrics besides the patterns may also be family coat of arms. This means that a person belongs to a noctive race;

There is still a bunch of problems with the robe of the Japanese, but this is a completely different topic. Here we will see a young lady with long sleeves:

How to draw kimono pencil phased

Step one. Let's start with a sketch of a puppet taurus. Rear will be depicted a circle, or a ball, or anything. In general, it is for beauty. You can not depict it. But it seemed to me it would be better. Step second. Draw your hair and chant the location of the eyes and lips. Sketch now sketching a robe. Step Three. Take the detail. Draw your hair, eyes, mouth, butterflies. Do not forget to pay attention to clothing folds. It's the most important. Step fourth. Now add hatching, she will give kimono and a more realistic look. Do not forget to clean the paper from the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. Here is the result: see still similar on the topic lessons.

Already painted +1 I want to draw +1 Thank you +. 38


Female faces with soft edges, and their eyes have a heavy thickness of the line to portray more girl. Features Men is sharper and boxes. Their eyes are almost similar to female, with the exception of the thickness of the line for the eyes. The middle height for men and women are 6 heads - especially in Japanese anime, which female characters are slightly smaller. Usually women of heroes are shorter than to seduce female characters.

Step 2.

This is just a simple idea of \u200b\u200bthe exact way to attract an anime eye when developing and creating a Japanese anime symbols. As you see, as each step turns completed with the eye.

Step 3.

Start with drawing three round forms for the head, and then draw to the guidelines for the face and the body, as you see here.

Step 4.

Now start throwing the form of their face, and then pull out the thick of the bold line of the upper eyelids, as you see here.

Step 5.

Go to pull out the eyes of the form, but make sure they are kind of oblong and square at the base. Then, draw in the eyebrows for 4 female characters, as well as a blush brand in the picture on the left. Each anime you see here has a unique expression on the face. Draw a girl in the nose, and that's all three of their mouths. Finally, go to step four.

Step 6.

Well, now it's time to start drawing out of hairstyles for every Japanese drawing you see here. This is the stage where you can play with the concept of hairstyles. I decided to make a bowl, how to make for a male character, and two girls are either short, or long hairstyles. Add some detail and definition before go to step five.

Step 7.

Let's start stretching the top of the body. I will begin with the creation of the neck, and then their shoulders. For a male figure in the middle you will need to use your visible weapons, as well as his shirt collar, and then the shirt itself. As soon as it is done, you can make boosses to the right symbol.

Step 8.

Well, guys before adding to a detailed male shirt numbers, I want you to be the first draw from the rest of the girls. As you can see Japanese anime girls on the left much more than a little girl on the right side. When drawing from its top of the body, make sure that the chest is not so great. Her shoulders should be covered with a long short sleeve shirt style, and then draw in her shy arms, which are going to overlap each other. The girl in the right is much more confident, and it is also much more bustier. Drawing on hand and on the one hand, and then with long sleeves, a lower shirt, and then turn into her skirt. Now you can add that the line button is its shirt, as well as the neck collar of detail and folds and folds on the sides and on the front panel line button.

Step 9.

Draw her legs, and then finish her hands and hands. You also attract the buttons to it, and then turn into pants and add their times and wrinkle the line on women and rights. You also need to attract into her bracelets too. The line and forms that you drew in the first stage.

Step 10.

Here you have an anime numbers when you all have done. Now you can paint them in and when you all did, you yourself graduated from the textbook on how to attract Japanese anime.