Terra incognita. Systemically about the movie "Territory

Terra incognita. Systemically about the movie
Terra incognita. Systemically about the movie "Territory


Guys! - said Baklakov, as soon as Nart with Gurine disappeared behind the turn. - I beg not to fully fool. If we all start crouching yourself, who will make the route?

Question Baklakova hook in the air. Sedoy sighed, as if answering his own thought: how much can you have a fool in life?

Ilya Nikolayevich said ...- Incasively started Kutsenko. But no one learned that Ilya Nikolayevich Chinkov said that Ilya Nikolayevich.

Cho do, boss? It is better to do something, than to be silent, - Karzubabin's roller asked loudly. - Updated!

But no one answered him. Valka Karrzubin noisily cleared the primus and began to fill the kettle with snow.

The old man said that three days would freeze, and then snow and rain, and everything will be risen, - the Valka shouted through the roar of the primus. - Devaluation, and, boss?

Go to the mountains, - waking up, told Baklanov. - Resting until the night, go at night.

At night, he was much frozen. On the homemade nart, in which Gurina was transported, immersed sleeping bags, fur clothing. The gray-haired fell into the nart and went to the hills of Tachin. They decided to cross the two stages. Baklakov naked a backpack canned, sitting in it, then rose on fours and got up. In the backpack there were kilograms of fifty, but Baklakov could walk all night because after the transition remained on the hills of Tacin to finish the work of Gurina.

Kutsenko and Valka Karzurbin stayed together. Kutsenko laid the Karzubinsky backpack for a long time so that the load was on his back and the backbone, then suddenly left him and pulled out a rubber boat, taken just in case. He forced Karzbin to pump it. When the boat was pumped, Kutsenko watered it with water, frozen, put a rugged bag on the bottom and poured water again. A bag of example, and Kutsenko gently adjusted a thin layer of ice on it. In this improvised nart, they put a canister with diesel fuel, boxes with canned food, trays and tents. The boat easily slid over the snow, and they caught the tenth kilometer Baklakova. The problem of transport was solved. Reverse flights they took all samples. Baklakov remained documenting clearing. There was a hot day, and sitting in one shirt on the top of the hill Tacin, the Baklanov, all tried to understand the design of Gurina, why he considered this tiny granite massive "The finished laboratory". From the top of the hill, a sparkling tundra was seen, already darkened by dark protanes. The wall of Ketung's Highlands seemed very close. Baklakov described the contact zone. From the side of the cheekly yawkl and indignantly the sands, already darkened, in the gloomy kloby wool. Baklakov threw a stone in the song, the sands jumped, felted snorted. Baklakov laughed. The story is repeated. Last year He shocked stones into the hares and drove through the Watap. Remembering the last year's misfortune, he glanced at Winchester Mongolov, heed in the sun.

The concentrated mood of the working summer returned to the cormorant, and he forgot about Gurine. The forced strength of reality is that now he will have to change the work plan. He will have to abandon ring routes and walk alone with a long sawtooth move. Gray and Karzubin will be in the Kutsenko group. Now the main thing is to bring off the borders with the routes of Copkow's seeds and Jora Apreatina.

"Do not fuss, do not fuss," Baklakov inspired himself. "The main thing, to work methodically and without jerks, then you will have enough for the whole summer. The main thing is to work every minute, do not relax, and then you will stand it for a double summer."

As soon as they managed to get out in Highlands, as it came to warm fogs. On the tundra, on the hills, on the river valleys lay down in the sun and moisture steam air. Snow disappeared in front of her eyes. V. Tuman everything seemed distorted and incredible: the punch was the magnitude of the ram, the tent looked the rock. In everywhere the invisible water was bung, and gently sighed the settlement snow.

From the new base to the nearest barrel with products was sixty kilometers. From here, Baklakov decided to go to the West, in the head of the leggings. Kutsenko was preparing to grab the upper flow of China.

Going to the route, the backs extracted his tube with a broken edge and a pack of Machorka.

Head! - Valka Karrzubin was amazed. - Do you really smoke?

I smoke in the summer.

That's right, the boss. I think that if Mu bike does not drink and does not smoke, it is better not to turn back to it. This is better to have in front of yourself, in front of.

In the summer you can calmly have me behind your back.

I'm not talking about ours.

Towed a light wind, and shreds of fog rushed past them. They were yellow and orange from the sun. From the tent, Kutsenko got out and stretched out the Rogulku's Baklakov with a fishing line. Multicolored pieces of insulation were attached to the hook.

Where we will meet the driver, throw yes to twitch. Single Harizh will still not stand it, grab. You have me meat and nasadi. After that, Taskay Harizhov how much will fit. Will be enough.

And if not?

I think about fish much, "Kutsenko seriously answered." Why do caneda carry, if food is full of feet?

Check. Take tea, galley and sugar. Instead of a bag - fur clothes. You can run with such a cargo running.

And then! - agreed Kutsenko.

The engineer here is not smoked, - working out an unknown thought, said Valka Karrzubin. - will one leg up or leave him? Eh, not life, and Cantata!

And suddenly the wings and alarming goose gogot ranks from above. All this day and all night geese fell to them from the pass. She walked "Main Goose". And all night they listened to a cry, anxious, like a debt, and clear, as a vital task.

Again the balakov fell asleep under the pattage carrier. Again he had enough of a few hours to be ready for the route. Each morning of Baklakov blessed the fur of the reindeer and an old man to Chia. He recalled him often and with tenderness. "Maybe the legends about the enlightened sages and holy cockpit are at the heart of this kind of Chia. What is easier?" - thought Baklakov.

Again, the vision and hearing are the starring, and the Baklakov published the stone of the stone under the hoof the Baran, heard the wind sighs and even the smell of stones. Kutsenko was right. Harius Durick walked on the chlorvinyl nozzle, and almost did not spend time on fishing. Stayed at the stream, caught, ate and went on.

On the fifth day, he went to the upper husband of Elkina. Here, his shooting should have come true with the shooting of Jora Apraitat. Disputes always arise at the joints. Baklakov left all the goods and light, with one hard drive and a hammer, decided to deal with the neighborhood ..

Baklanov walked down the elk. The goal of him was rocks, last time Compressive river before leaving the plain. Water jumped over black stones, but her noise was different from the slow and terrible rocity of the Vatup River, the gray water, which he still has to see this summer. Suddenly, the backs heard a clear knock sheet about a stone. "Maybe Zhora? Is it really so lucky?" But the knock disappeared. Baklakov knew down the river and meters after two, I saw Jhoru. He sat on the stone at the water itself and got something from the field bag. The hammer was lying around, gleamed in the sun. Zhora bent over the book or diary. Baklakov decided to sneak unnoticed, stunning. But I remembered that Zhora always tested on the belt unzipped holster with a gun.

Baklakov went deliberately noisy, in relevant. But Zhora did not notice him. Near it was very much reminded of a hermit deceived. Baklakova, he noticed when five steps were left. The hand of Jora darted to the belt.

Not Duri! -Korked the Baklakov.

Zhora got up, and the Baklakov was surprised to notice that the pistol was just not.

What is you, to hell, cowboy? - Saved Baklakov. - You can associate how sleepy, you can. Where is the gun?

In a backpack, "Jora answered embarrassedly.

Disasted in connection with the abolition of "Seversary"? Zhora Apreatin did not answer anything, only with awkwardly, he began to drink a book in a field bag.

In the route? Book? - surprised Baklakov.

It's so simple, - murmured Jora.

Baklakov unceremoniously stretched out his hand. But Zhora did not give a book. Put on his knees the name down.

Grandfather sent. Writes: useful.

It seems like vitamins? Jewishly smiled at the Baklakov.

To improve the soul. I wrote my grandfather about the chief engineer. It turns out that he is a course of geomorphology in Buddhide. And grandfather sent me a collection of gautama's teachings. He writes that the student of chinks, if he remembers him correctly, can not wear his nickname. This contradicts the truth. - Zhora revived, took the book and opened it at random. - You just do not laugh, Serega. "Never in this world does not stop hatred in the lack of hatred, but she stops the lack of hatred", "Jora read the uterine voice.

Sometimes it is useful and give, - commented on the Baklakov.

"" Serious do not die. The seriousness is the path to immortality. Levity is the path to death. Lightly is similar to the dead, "reddened from Natural solemnity, reading Zhora.

So, by the way, there is. Strong thought, - sighed Baklakov.

- "Well-told the word of a man who should not be, as fruitless, as well as beautiful flower With a pleasant color, but devoid of fragrance ... "

Do not weaken about high goals, but act as a personal example. Each chief of the party should know about it ...

Are you in God, what did you hit? - asked Baklakov. - What does God have?

Nu ... I'm not Gurin, I am a simple guy. But like religion, you set out me.

For every person, one religion: not cheaper, do not shy, not Pijon, work, - Remitted Jora.

Do you know: Gurin legs broke?

Pzhononski. Stupid and sorry very. BUT?

Everything goes as it should be, "Jora said sadly.

Let's shove the shot, "Baklakov sighed." I need to rush to the east. The Vatap River is waiting for me.

Let's, - agreed Jora.-Soul soul, events events, and work remains work.

From the highlands in the valley of the cant crawled the strip of fog. An hour later, he covered them and the sheets of the card, the metal of the hard drive, and the stones were immediately covered with moisture drops.

A week later, Baklakov came to the base of his party. Everything was repeated, and he felt the usual state of tirelessness. Baklakov was very pleased with the route and what he met Jahor Adric. There will be no conflict on the western border of the route. Maybe he is lucky and he will meet Copkow Seeds. "But if at the beginning of the route is mezzy, then there will be no sound in the middle or at the end," thought Baklakov.

The tent stood in the valley, one edge of which was blue from the color of the components of his lava, the second green. Sitting on the slope, Baklakov professionally peered into the contours of this funny valley. He saw Kutsenko, Karzhibin and gray. They walked from the rover stream. Judging by the loaded backpacks, they also went to a multi-day. They approached the tent, looked into it, and all three began to look at the mountains. Apparently, they expected the Baklakov already returned. Baklakov sat motionless, and to see it against the background of the stone was impossible. Kutsenko went around. The aggravated eyesight of the Baklakov saw his square feet. Kutsenko always destroyed after the route. Karzubabin with a kettle went to the stream, from the tent came to the noise of primus. Baklakov rose and run on the light legs began to descend down the slope.

"We are all doomed people," he thought on the move. "We are doomed to our work. Fathers and wives are immaculate, beauties and millionaires - all are doomed to their role. We are doomed to work, and it is without a mechanism, there is the best And the highest doom in the world. "

Epitalam! The boss goes, - said loudly at the tent Valka Karzubin.

They still haddowed, herbs, sickness, looking for a third grocery barrel during the July snowfall. Valka Karzbin still had to moan at night from the lobes in the hands unusual for wet work. They still had to get out of the upper husbands of Watpa, gray water, and sail the river for a month, cross the tundra yocks in the routes. They had access to the desert mouth and transitions along the Storm Autumn Sea. They had routes deep into the coast, they had to listen to the whistle of the wind in the sand dunes, and was waiting for work in the pile lip of the Nauda, \u200b\u200bthrough the gloomy hydrogen sulfide. They had to remember the bugs, on the fullness, sunsets and oscillation of a lonely label on pebble braids. There was a week to sit at the foggy cape, trying to get it daily. Each time a squall wind swept them back, they silently chose ashore, burned the bonfire from the fin, dried and again faced the water to the water. And again the wind poured them and discarded back behind the rocks. Only the rage of the end of the season gave them at this time of power. They had to remember this summer until the end of the days, because it reminded themselves to the hearts of the heart, the night of the Spray body. Maybe it was last Summer According to the old Methodology "Seversary" - "do or die."

This is what guys: I looked at the old screening of the "territory", 1978, and this is a Doystaya strong film. If the current screen version speaks of the greatness of a person, honestly doing its own business, then the former is a film about the professionals. There is no greatness nor the feat, but a lot of work, which is hard and good.

It was earlier such a filmlast - production drama, and the "territory" turned out to be just such. Great, really cool - strange such a combination of voltage and space. Hmm, how to explain. Remember the Soviet fantastic films of that time - from "Solaris" Tarkovsky to "through thorns to the stars" with the music of Rybnikov? Strange, there was something pulsating, unsolved, special nerve. And even remember the pictures about people - those on which we are not very similar now: "Ahead of the ocean" about builders of Bam or "Macheh" with Doronina, in general any. Their life was significant without a high alone - then the "doing". Not for the sake of money, well-being and glory - just it was necessary, according to conscience.

So, "Territory" is also an unknown, and exhausting work. "We are all doomed people," he thought on the go. "We are doomed to our work. Distribution fathers and wives are immaculate, beauty and millionaires - all are doomed to their role. We are doomed to work, and it is without a mechanism, there is the best. And the highest doom in the world. "

And compare two films there is no need, each belongs to its time. They have a common thing - the most unpopular now, in general, as opposed to a single, - but intonation and the need for stories are changed. New film I need a look from the twenty-first century, an attempt to find a new hero and your way, and this great job. Earls are always growing from last year's grain, and in this picture there is a nostalgic note, but even more - promised tomorrow. Want to fly - get out of the predictable vulgar well-being.

And the "territory" one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eighth - a picture without explanation and lyrics. She is shorter for an hour, it does not speak much from the book. She will not burn her throat, even the gust will not cause, and this is great! The viewer leave the opportunity to think, transfer the recognized on his life. Not to rush to Chukotka, learning that somewhere there are such the penultimate adventurists.

This film has a mood and type. Heroes, although there are less, similar to books - Baklakov, who "reflected on the topic: Peasant's son or son of employees", Mongols with his conviction that "a man without rules can not live," Ampryatin, rereading buddha life, kefir, Roma Even Lydia Makarovna. Whether the actors knew such people and most importantly, what to tell about them, whether they themselves were from that life. Closer to Earth.

Only chinks are not a book - does not look like Banionis on Buddha. In Lavronenko, Chinkkovskoe is, tough "except for a kind of heroism and a trend of romance, in people I still see something," and in Banionis another: His chinks grew out of Chris Kelvin in latest scene "Solarisa", and his Chukotka is also a reasonable ocean.

Apparently, this is what's the matter: the sacred fire is burning in every way differently, but the main thing is that he is burning.

Baklakov went deliberately noisy, in relevant. But Zhora did not notice him. Near it was very much reminded of a hermit deceived. Baklakova, he noticed when five steps were left. The hand of Jora darted to the belt.

Not Duri! - shouted Baklakov.

Zhora got up, and the Baklakov was surprised to notice that the pistol was just not.

What is your cowboy? - said Baklakov. - You can tie as a sleepy. Where is the gun?

In a backpack, "Jora answered embarrassedly.

Disasted in connection with the abolition of "Seversary"? Zhora Apreatin did not answer anything, only with embarrassing herds to shove the book into a field bag.

In the route? Book? - surprised Baklakov.

It's so simple, - murmured Jora. Baklakov unceremoniously stretched out his hand. But Zhora did not give a book. Put on his knees the name down.

Grandfather sent. Writes: useful.

It seems like vitamins? - I cheerfully smiled at the Baklakov.

To improve the soul. I wrote my grandfather about the chief engineer. It turns out that he is a course of geomorphology in Buddhide. And grandfather sent me a collection of gautama's teachings. He writes that the student of chinks, if he remembers him correctly, can not wear his nickname. This is contrary to the truth. - Zhora revived, took the book and opened her at random. - You just do not laugh, Serega.

"Never in this world does not stop hatred in this world, but she stops the lack of hatred," Jora read the uterine voice.

Sometimes it is useful and give, - commented on the Baklakov.

"" Serious do not die. Severity is the path to immortality. Levity is the path to death. Little-minded is like dead men, "reddish from Nature solemnity, reading Zhora.

So, by the way, there is. Strong thought, - sighed Baklakov.

- "Well-told the word of a man who should not, as fruitlessly, as well as a beautiful flower with a pleasant color, but devoid of aroma ..."

Do not weaken about high goals, but act as a personal example. Each chief of the party should know about it ...

Are you in God, what did you hit? - asked Baklakov.

What does God do?

Well! I'm not Gurin, I am a simple guy. But like religion, you set out me.

For every person, one religion: not cheaper, do not shy, not Pijon, work, - Remitted Jora.

Do you know: Gurin legs broke?

Pijonski. Stupid and sorry very. BUT?

Everything goes as it should be, "Jora said sadly.

Let's shove the shooting, - sighed the backs. - I need to hurry to the east. The Vatap River is waiting for me.

Come on, "Jora agreed. - Soul soul, events events, and work remains work.

From the highlands in the valley of the cant crawled the strip of fog. An hour later, it covered them, and the sheets of the card, the metal of the hard drive and the stones were immediately covered with moisture drops.

... A week later, Baklakov came to the base of his party. Everything was repeated, and he felt the usual state of tirelessness. Baklakov was very pleased with the route and what he met Jahor Adric. There will be no conflict on the western border of the route. Maybe he is lucky and he will meet Copkow Seeds. "But if at the beginning of the route is mezzy, then there will be no sound in the middle or at the end," thought Baklakov.

The tent stood in the valley, one edge of which was blue from the color of the components of his lava, the second green. Sitting on the slope, Baklakov professionally peered into the contours of this funny valley. He saw Kutsenko, Karzhibin and gray. They walked from the rover stream. Judging by the loaded backpacks, also went to a multi-day. They approached the tent, looked into it, and all three began to look at the mountains. Apparently, they expected the Baklakov already returned. Baklakov sat motionless, and to see it against the background of the stone was impossible. Kutsenko went around. The aggravated eyesight of the Baklakov saw his square feet. Kutsenko always destroyed after the route. Karzubabin with a kettle went to the stream, from the tent came to the noise of primus. There was boring silence, and the sounds reached very clearly and clearly. Baklakov rose and run on the light legs began to descend down the slope.

"We are all doomed people," he thought on the go. "We are doomed to our work. Distribution fathers and wives are immaculate, beauty and millionaires - all are doomed to their role. We are doomed to work, and it is without a mechanism, there is the best. And the highest doom in the world. "

Epitalam! The boss goes, - said loudly at the tent Valka Karzubin.

They still haddowed, herbs, sickness, looking for a third grocery barrel during the July snowfall. Valka Karzbin still had to moan at night from the lobes in the hands unusual for wet work. They still had to get out of the upper husbands of Watpa, gray water, and sail the river for a month, cross the tundra yocks in the routes. They had access to the desert mouth and transitions along the Storm Autumn Sea. They had routes deep into the coast, was to listen to the whistle of the wind in the sand dunes and waited for work in the pile of lip of the Nauda, \u200b\u200bthrough the melting hydrogen sulfide. They had to remember the bugs on the full sunset and the oscillation of the lonely metnel on the pebble braids. There was a week to sit at the foggy cape, trying to get it daily. Each time a squall wind swept them back, they silently chose ashore, burned the bonfire from the fin, dried and again faced the water to the water. And again the wind poured them and discarded back behind the rocks.

Only the rage of the end of the season gave them at this time of power. They had to remember this summer until the end of the days, because it reminded themselves to the hearts of the heart, the night of the Spray body. Maybe it was the last summer according to the old Naison Methodology - "do or die".

... since then years have passed. The foresight of Chinkov came true: they opened the assembly of gold-axes of the territory with very complex conditions of occurrence and rich in content. To do this, you need luck, frames and luck again. To do this, it took perseverance, ruthless, risky calculation of Chinkov. And Nyh Kutsenko. And the fear of death is characteristic of the cores before the dawn among those who made the severity of the first works. To do this, you need corn and sweat under the nicknames and without them. Whatever it was, but the state got new source Gold.

The village has long received the city status. It is built up with block five-storey buildings. But still in winter and in summer, dusty yuzhaki shares him and still stands by the construction of a round house of tin discovers. But soon, this house will be demolished, as the House of Putin's house was demolished, because the reverent legends of the first time dissolve in the arrival of crowded, as dissolved in water good wine - without precipitation.

... if the world would be in the world that would return all related to the gold of the territories killed in the routes that mowed in the "bortcles", lost on the mainland who went into the prosperous standard of "life as everything"

All of them would repeat these years. Not in the name of money, as they knew what money was during work on the territory, not even in the name of the debt, since this debt sits in the essence of a person, and not in verbal wording, not for the sake of glory, but for the unknown, What is the name of which is hired and passes individual life man. Maybe the point is that when a meeting does not demonstrate strong revival, do not assert that "I should somehow call and ..." So that you can just say "remember?" And go deep into the sweet severity of memories, where they mix rivers, hills, sweat, cold, blood, fatigue, dreams and holy feeling of the necessary work. In order for you in a minute of doubt, you were supported by the past years, when you are not cheaper, not tech thoughtless water on the prepared grooves, but knew rudeness and beauty real Mira, I lived as it should be to live a man and man. If you have learned to look for a person not in a smooth adaptation, but in those who try life on their non-zeysh skins, if you have resisted against hypnosis of acquisition and safe cozy truths, if you know with a grin that the world of many-bed and one hundred percent virtue is achieved only in legends If you believe in the gross rage of your work - you will always be heard from long-distance cry of workers by nicknamed Kefir: "But we might, guys! By God, we might!"

The day today is the investigation of yesterday's day, and the reason for the coming day is created today. So why wasn't you on those tractor sleigh and not your face burned the frosty february wind, reader? Where were you, what did you do all these years? Are you satisfied with yourself? ..

Rules of flight

I. Profile

If I'm not for myself, then who is for me?

But if I'm just for myself, why am I?

Ancient question

Did you dream of becoming, for example, stray photographer?

I dreamed. Waving around the villages with a drawer of an ancient "photocode", a ragged tripod. Seared in the Red Corner of the Disabled War Disabled, women with bricks from tanning faces and solemnly washed boys. "Attention, take off ... Once, two, three, thank you." And, as the result of the close and understandable masses of art, along the walls of the Suede Baths - contemporaries of Batya, along the walls of new state -hold cottages hang in the framework of the copies of the varnished reality. They painted pink, blue and green.

The basis of the material is taken article
Newspapers "Zarya Yana" № 119 dated October 14, 2004

"Dogged to work"

We are all doomed people ...
We are doomed to our work ...
And it is the best responsibility in the world ...

Preparing a report about Couold, I had to communicate with geologists, industrialists, gold miners. And in our conversations about the discoverers were often mentioned by the names of I. Nekrasov, M. Romanov, S. Reshetnikov, Nazarov, L. Kotlin, and many others. These are famous geologists that opened the mouth. Last name L. Kotlin was familiar to me, (Leonid Dmitrievich's son lives in a deputy). And he himself in his mouth is well known and remember. I miss this opportunity I could not afford ... I had to ask the son about the father, and then call him in Voronezh by phone. So, and this essay was born.

In Polar, Leonid Dmitrievich arrived in 1949. True, he arrived not in the deputy, but in p. Bathai. He worked as a geophysicist in the Yansk geological exploration expedition, which was engaged in research by Ust-Yanya and was based in this settlement. He walked around the whole area, was several times in the deputy, the village at that time was just beginning to build. He knows everything about the opening of each site in the area. He is one of those who opened the Kulass field. Currently lives in Voronezh, it is preparing to meet his eightieth anniversary ...

Geologists believe best years His life years spent in intelligence floors, search expeditions and fieldworks. These years to the edges filled interesting work.

Studying the history of the birth and becoming a tin deputy deputy and the village with the same name, (and not only it, and any other Polar village), you begin to realize how difficult it was to be how wonderful our story, and how many people participated in this . The first who came to the Ust-Yang Earth were geologists. Now, fifty years after the foundation of the village of Deputy and almost sixty years since the opening of this field, good word I remember the people of the courageous profession that the first profits in this region. Who did not stop the cracking frost, nor the "darkness" of mosquitoes nor a wild beast. And to present, dozens of geological bases, trends, camps, geological and topographical signs can be found on the territory of our area. Now, living in warm and comfortable apartments and admiring the edge of eternal winters, we involuntarily remember those who conquered and opened this land who breathed life into him. It is now geologists have drillings, all-terrain vehicles, helicopters, cars, research institutes and satellites. And in those days were only horses and deer, geological hammer, modest chemical laboratory and fire in the heart.

Leonid Dmitrievich was born in 1924 in the Vologda region. About what will be a geophysicist, did not even suspect. He had an unlimited sense of humor, knew how to tell interesting stories, play on the bayan, draw and take pictures. With such abilities, it could be easily ruined by the profession of artist. Leonid Dmitrievich dreamed of becoming an artist. But fate ordered otherwise.

At the front Leonid Dmitrievich fell in 1943. Called from the Pukhovich Military Infantry School, in which he studied for a sniper. At the front served in the dialing of snipers. In one of the battles near Kaluga was injured. One bullet hit his hand, the other in the thigh. The one that got into the hand was removed immediately. But the bullet in the hip had to be "wearing" until 1945. So passed with her all the war.

After the end of the war, returned to the Vologda region, but a year later went to Kuban, where he worked as a tractor driver in one of the collective farms. The tractor case was interested in him, and in 1947 he went to work for the Chelyabinsk tractor plant. In early 1949, in the direction went to work in Magadan. Entered the training and production plant. Instead of three months, six, instead of one specialty, got three: a radist, topographer and geophysic.

In Batagai, I arrived in November 1949, "says Leonid Dmitrievich. - Heating in the village was not, all the stoves were treated. Frost stood under minus fifty. And I am in Dermatin Floor and in the Cap. From baggage suitcase and bayan. He went to the house of culture, there was a huge oven in it. The club had several people, some also geologists. To discharge a little atmosphere and cheer people, I decided to play. Stretching the fur of the bayan, he crumbled. Following them, the sleeves dropped the sleeves. In general, the concert did not work. But it was fun ...

In those years, the development of the North was engaged in the geological trust "Dalstro". In our region, the Intelligence Department was engaged in Yanskiy exploration, based in Bataga, in which I came to work. Dalstroy greatly expanded its activities before the war. The country was needed metal. Created on the basis of the camps and headed by the NKVD, and later the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this organization founded its "country" in the north, in which "their people" lived. As my friend spoke, the geologist of Glory Levin, - "a rooted farmer, this is a hybrid of free romance, a criminal crime, a political adventurist, straightened by security officers in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism, plus Stalin's order. As a result, it turned out simple, but cruel, brave, but merciless, Strong B. wildlife, but a hardworking person in the civilized world, who could be entrusted with everything but alcohol "...

Yakutia struck me with his taiga power. Bathai appeared in 1939, and in those days continued to be built. Next to the village of the camp, in which the convicts lived. In the camp they were up to three hundred people. All of them worked on the village construction. Upon arrival, I was given 20 prisoners in submission. Special difficulties did not occur during work. Men were disciplined, competent, not afraid of difficulties. They put a loop on Zaitsev, the partridges were killed by pebbles - their babies. So the meat was always. We also had a weapon: the carbine and the revolver "Nagan", to protect cards and secret documents. But they never had to use, well, is it that the bear is buggly.

How did the relationship with the convicts?
- pretty good. We all understood that some of them, unlike us, got here not in their will. Therefore, we were friends with them and respected them. Igor Sopko, one of the geologists, got a detachment of the most real mothers of criminals. But he applied to each of them by the name of the patronymic, it was surprisingly heard, since many for the years of links and names forgot. And no offense did not give. Convicted him respected.
Another geologist Viktor Lebedev. Romantic, dreamed of childhood about distant countries, about adventures and travels. By nature, Dobryak and Messenchak. The criminals belonged to the ultimate respect and courtesy, appealed to everyone on "you". But in the anger was terrible. For that they loved him and worshiped. The convicts helped us a lot in work. Among them were very competent people. Some, after received the status of a Wolnonamed, studied in educational institutions, I got geologists and returned to the Polarian to work. Although there are cases when criminal elements continued their dirty affairs and in the Polar. Attacked for calls with products, robbed bases. But it is rather an exception. And so basically work and work.

And it was necessary to work both in the winter and summer. IN summer period Helped the geological parties in the search for metals. In the field lived in chopped huts, sometimes in double tents. Sleeping in sleeping sockets from a holy fur. The guys found the mammoth tissue and used them as stools. This then realized that the tusk was money, and then there was a paramount task. The country was needed tin and gold. With the onset of frosts, returned to the village and studied the obtained samples. Analyzed, and theoretically, the places of possible deposits were launched. And in the summer they went to exploration again. And so year after year. Over the years, all Ust-Yasnya went around. With his wife Galina Ivanovna walk in P.Tkeli.

How did you meet?
- Since geology was under the mission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the north just began to master, the northerners had a lot of benefits, including on vacation. In any sanatorium, you could go free on any resort. People had to work a lot, and respectively they were allowed to relax. And here in Yalta, passing a course of treatment, I met Galina Ivanovna. For some time we communicated and met, and then I told her - Vezu to the north. And taken away. In Bataga, she worked in children's garden. We have two sons Alexander and Yuri. But not one of them does not associate its life with geology. Senior - motorist. The younger associated his life with airplanes, works at the deputy airport. In childhood, during summer holidaysHe often walked with me to work in the field. He chopped into the forest, installed the vest, topographic marks, made soil samples.

Why did you choose the profession exactly a geophysicist, not a geologist? In addition, you know how to sing perfectly, play, draw, could you choose the acting craft?
- Our goal is one -Poisk of mineral deposits, but the search methods are different. The motto of geologists, as said the ancient - "reason and hammer". They take samples, the wells are dried, explode, drill the earth. But their main instrument is a geological hammer. And they cannot look deep underground. Geophysics, thanks to the instruments and various methodsAllows you to look at many kilometers down and say that is under the surface of the Earth. This is achieved thanks physical properties mountain breeds. This is me and interested. Although, in principle, geology and geophysics are not far from each other. And the opening of metals deposits, our mutual merit, so that the profession is to complain about the profession.

And in the fact that I did not become an artist or artist, also not scary. But the ability to play on the accordion and cheering, it was useful to me in the intelligence games. After work, so you wonder that there is no strength. And you will play something sincere, sleep the song and live becomes easier.

The traditional "evening of wildlife" served as a milestone, separating one expedition season from another. On the evening only those who spent the summer in the tundra were invited ...

Something shuffled in the wall of the control wall, as it were, there would be an expanded sigh and immediately snapped, the glass in the face of the corridor was shot.

The writing

A man appearing on the light develops, learns, starts a family, goes to work - it remains in a dry residue that it remains that, and few people are thinking for what purpose we do. What is the purpose of man? In this text OM Kuvaev argues on this issue.

The relevance of the problem under consideration, as it seems to me is determined by the fact that at all times people looked for the meaning of life and thought about their true purpose, but one truth did not have been found at all. The author unfolds before us the picture of the traditional "evening of the fields" and draws attention to the fact that in conditions of raging natural phenomenon, the strongest wind with the name "Yazach", the whole expeditionary team is forced to be in tents with a minimum amount of tools for survival. One of the freight forwarders argues: "... why and for what? Why are my hard workers in bags? " He focuses that not for the sake of personal gain, they frown in tents, like not the for money, people risk their lives in war. War is evil, like epidemics and restoration of systems. Yuzhak - also evil, like any other element. And a person is the only creature that can affect all this.

OM Kuvaev convinces the reader that the purpose of man is to fight a subjective evil. Objective evil is natural disastersSubjective - these are the problems of a large scale that humanity by stupidity creates itself itself. And the author believes that our task is to eliminate this evil, " total task For ancestors, you and your descendants. "

I, like the author, is convinced that over the entire existence, a person himself creates problems himself, it makes evil himself. These are conflicts that develop in revolution and war, and new soul and body diseases, and all sorts of political, social, economic systems, which, in theory, should make our lives better, but which, according to the result, only complicate everything. Our task, our true purpose is to be able to confront the universal evil, both objective and subjective, and thereby not only do its life better, but also the lives of our future descendants.

This saw the meaning of his existence of the hero of the Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." Rodion Raskolnikov had his own theory, according to which "evil" were people who are not able to bring something new to our life. They, who do not have the "gift or talent in the environment of their new word" on the theory of the hero, could have been killed - because they, being evil, the same evil in the mass and brought. This part of people, in the opinion of the hero, did not have the right to life, because they generated crime, drunkenness, poverty and monstrous bundle population, because of whom everyone suffered, including those whom Rodion ranked to another group of people, to "right having". Oh, how important this theory was, says the final of the novel, however, the desire of the hero to make life better, destroy the evil and try to build a "paradise on earth" cannot but cause respect for the reader.

"So who are you finally?"

I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes good, "the epigraph of the novel M.A. Bulgakova "Master and Margarita". In the presentation ordinary person, at least some familiar with religion, the devil is, you can say, the official representative of sins and vices, complete opposite God. But in the novel M.A. Bulgakov Woland has some other qualities. Yes, the right to punish a person for his sins is fixed behind him, and for the distance of the whole novel, the hero creates all sorts of inconsistency, bringing many people crazy. But each output of it is nothing more than "evil in the name of goodness" - Woland intentionally indicates the vices of people, hyperboying them so that they understand what they live wrong. We understand that this hero is struggling with evil when we see His good intentions to the master and the decency of his actions towards Margarita. This seemingly a priori dishonest representative of hell, fulfills his promise and helps the master and Margarita reunite again. In this novel, a real evil are ordinary people, His defects themselves complicating their lives, and the Volan and his retinue, no matter how externally frightening they are trying to teach people and make their existence less vicious.

In conclusion, I would like to once again note that, of course, it is impossible to destroy all evil on Earth, but you can reduce its number in our lives, starting with yourself. If each of us is worthy of treating yourself and others, will think about the future and periodically do good - the world will not be evil. And I believe that this thought is not utopic - everything is in our hands.