Japanese proverbs about labor and their meaning. Japanese proverbs about labor

Japanese proverbs about labor and their meaning. Japanese proverbs about labor

What proverbs and sayings are not on our site! More precisely, not so! 🙂 There are almost all proverbs and sayings - about friendship, about work, about spring, and more than 50 other topics. Of course, there are among them and proverbs in other languages, and not only

russian national

For example, in today's article collected proverbs Japanese. |

Japanese culture today is generally popular. Children, opening their mouths, look Japanese cartoons, do not pull them away from the TV when the movie is on the screen japanese samurai. Adults occupy sushi bars. But in everyday life The Japanese are the same people as we. They also love and hate, among them there are looms and workers. The difference is only in mentality. The subtleties of their east nature can be seen by reading Japanese proverbs. Let's proceed?

Choose a child - I don't care what to throw it.

The trouble often enjoyed one to another.

Without a bridge across the river, do not cross.

Without flaws - seven bad habits, and when they are - forty-eight.

No object and shade there.

Brother's head, not a soul.

Lack of leather abruptly white skin.

Take the umbrella before promining.

Heartless children father's house Hut.

It is pointless to produce an arrow without a goal.

Misfortune never comes alone.

Gratitude remember just as long as the insult.

Near smart children and, not learning, read.

Close to the Spirit to reach each other.

God, whom you do not touch, does not bring evil on you.

The rich is that ashtray: the more fully, the dirtier.

Big luck will cause many small troubles.

Large misfortunes occur from small reasons.

Big talent matures late.

A noble man will not regret his life for a friend.

You will paint ocher - the hands will become yellow.

Brother's head, not a soul.

Gold brilliance brighter Buddha radiance.

In small waters, the waves are louder louder.

Eighty, like a three-year-old child.

In the house where you laugh, happiness comes.

In the fight both sides are to blame.

In excess and medicine - poison.

IN beautiful dress And harsh good.

There are no short paths into science.

In one case, out of a thousand and sage is mistaken.

In the flooring and dog's litter does not pack.

In the way you need a companion, in life - sympathy.

IN different places Your habits and customs.

In his miso salt Solon.

In a good dress and a monkey beautiful.

God lives in an honest head.

Great care seems unconscious.

In big things, small disadvantages do not think.

The gadel does not know his fate.

Where yesterday was deep omw, there is a stranded.

Where nonsense dominates, there is a mind.

Where people are grieved, burn and you.

Heroes do not build in a row.

Flexible Wavy wind will not break.

Eyes are also eloquent, like lips.

Stupidly the one who eats Fuga fish soup, stupid and the one who does not eat it.

A fool is more dangerous to the island.

Talk about the future - mix mice under the floor.

Head hides, and the ass sharpening.

Handing for a deer, you do not notice the mountains.

Pride goes before a fall.

Mountain, like a torn dress, must be left at home.

The grown stump easily lights up.

Long whip will not get to the horse's belly.

Farm the near fire is not extinguishing.

If the head is moving, then the tail does not remain in place.

The heat passed - forgotten and shadow.

Go, while under your feet light (until it happened).

Every mile itself (more expensive).

Better pellet than flower.

Nourish new wine into new fur.

Don't hover the door for each mouth.

About the future to say - devils to merry.

He can not even drive from his head from his head.

While alive, do not appreciate, but died - I regret.

Early rise brings three mona profits.

Since I received poison - pour and saucer.

Sit the crust with a tortilla (MOT) and is only the middle.

At first, the man drinks Sake, then Sake Sake, and at the end of Sake a man drinks.

Watching other people's manners, correct your own.

The bite snake is afraid of rotten rope.

Poor always has many children.

I wanted sakura flowers to block, yes branches are high.

What is easy to get, then easily and lost.

Than a hundred tomorrow, better fifty today.

Clearer than when you look at the fire.

Japanese sayings

Paper flashlight - copper bell.

Begging like a fly on the lamp glass.

Blook head with an ax chop.

Fight in someone else's Fundosi.

Buddha glanced, yes the soul breathe forgot.

Bonza for three days.

IN lunar night Steal a boiler.

In dry firewood oil fill.

Watch a nail into rice crops.

Verify the rope after the thief is already caught.

In someone else's field hoe stick.

Talk about the needle as a stick.

Say - Like a cloud to catch.

Dragon head, and snake tail.

Ready at least three years stay on the stone.

Great hands when there is a fire.

As if the bird flew out of her legs.

Catch the sea perch on shrimp.

Silent bug breaks down the wall.

A complete tiger on the tail.

Give the key to wage storage.

Having burned the soup, blow on the salad.

On the serving patch beat.

Conduct water to your field.

After me, at least a waste, even the mountain.

Calculate on your pocket.

Swing - Pearls.

Fear generates black features.

Advise at least with your knees.

An ax of the butcher chicken cut.

Leaving, sculpt the leg of the sand.

Heron on a pile of garbage.

Children should know not only the traditions of their people, but also how people live in other countries. Read the children of Japanese proverbs, and they will help children better know the life of the Japanese people. Read the proverbs in the Ukrainian language, and you better learn the culture of the Ukrainian people. Read tatar proverbs And sayings, and feel yourself in the inhabitants of free steppes! 🙂 Read many others, and better understand your roots and origins.

The natural isolation of Japan from the rest of the world made her truly unique and unique. Culture country ascending sun It is very different from the cultures of other states. Japanese - the people of wise, they are used to living in full harmony With nature and the outside world, enjoying every moment spent on Earth. They do not tolerate the fuss and excess tinsel, watching the wings of the moth and studying every bug that crawls along the grass. Therefore today Ofigenno.cc. Wants to publish a post dedicated to Japanese wisdom. These 50 heartfelt proverbs, I am sure to make anyone to think. Listen to the insightful words that are coming from the country of the rising sun. I hope you hand over something new for yourself and take them to a note.

1. The cause and plaster can be glued anywhere.

2. To sing others, sorrow - their own.

3. Excessive thing - excessive care.

4. When easy to heart - and the gait is easy.

5. without ordinary people There is no great.

6. Gratitude remember as long as the insult.

7. There was no chance that the naked something lost.

8. Where the right is power, there is powerless right.

10. Dishonestly acquired future does not go.

11. Ask - I am ashamed for a minute, and not know - shame for life.

12. The direct person that a straight bamboo is rare.

13. Little to be a husband and wife, you still have to become friends and lovers, then not to look for them on the side.

14. The trouble came - lean on yourself.

15. Husband with his wife should be like hand and eyes: When the hand hurts - the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry - the hands wipe the tears.

16. It happens that the sheet is sinking, and the stone is floating.

17. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

18. Any woman seems beautiful in the dark, from afar or under a paper umbrella.

19. Even the way to a thousand ri begins with one step.


21. Thinking - decide, and deciding - do not think.

22. In the way you need a companion, in life - a friend.

23. No enemy is more dangerous than fool.

24. Do not delay the outgoing, not running the coming.

25. The sea is because it is great that it does not happen with small rivers.

26. Removable temple learn on goal.

27. Mountain, like a torn dress, must be left at home.

28. No one stumbles, lying in bed.


30. Seven times you fall, risk eight times.

31. The sun does not know the right. The sun knows the wrong. The sun shines without a goal of someone to warm. Founded itself is like the sun.

32. Check seven times before doubt the person.

33. In the house where you laugh, happiness comes.

34. The arrow is not allowed into the smiling face.

35. Who has a cheerful temper, the one and through the iron will pass.

36. It is good if the bow depends on the hand tensioning.


38. Perfect Vase never went out of the hands of a bad master.

39. Cold tea and cold rice tolerant, but a cold look and a cold word - unbearable.

40. If the problem can be solved, it is not necessary to worry about it, if it is impossible to solve it, then it is useless to worry about it.

41. A bad person tries to justify his mistake, good - to fix it.

42. Be a teacher of his heart - do not let the heart become your teacher.

43. Kolos ripen - the head is clone; Man is riches - the head is going on.


45. Sometimes one moment is more expensive than treasures.

46. \u200b\u200bFifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow.

47. Woman wants - through the rock will be held.

48. A good merchant does not lay out all the goods at once.

49. With those who are silent, keep the Ear East.

50. One dog is plausing - the rest will take seriously.

I can not stop admire japanese peoplewhich can notice all the subtleties of life. Elegant simplicity, natural, philosophicity, special attitude to detail - these are the "whales", on which pearls of Japanese wisdom have long been built. So can only say in the country of the rising sun ...

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Editorial "awesome"

The editorial office "awesome" is a creative workshop, whose employees are not sleeping during the day and night, generating new ideas. If fate brought you to "awesome," it means that you got into a special world, which will make you experience a wide variety of emotions - from the desire to split the monitor to the tears of delight! Be that as it may, assure you: Here you will find a million unique stories From all over the world!

  • Persistent work gives rise to Master.
  • In youth, you will not learn to work - in old age will remain with empty hands.
  • Diligence is a valuable tree.
  • For the autumn of winter cases you will not redo.
  • It's easy to start every business, it is difficult to complete it.
  • If you want to be full of creak - get up with a crock of a rooster.
  • You will get a zealous work, and you will be lazy - you will lose everything.
  • Do not be afraid of work, beating chatter.
  • What to rely on the Children's Mountain, rely on your hands.
  • To master high skill, you need to work a lot.
  • When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well.
  • The art of the arrow depends not only on the bow.
  • The one who can work is always money.
  • It is easy to eat, it is difficult to eat; It's easy to spoil the matter, it's hard to correct.
  • The sage, who saw everything, is not worth a man who made only one thing with his own hands.
  • Want to eat feast - work up to sweat.
  • Before you start work, Natoo tool.
  • Mastery is improving hardworking, but loses his festivity.
  • There would be a solid will - and the mountain turn into the field.
  • Live at the expense of the sky - the thing is unreliable, live by own hands - The case is true.
  • The work of the bold is afraid.
  • Sitting, you can pass the golden mountains.
  • Worker more useful for rest Wise men.
  • And one day is not sitting back.
  • Do not earn, but there is both mountain empty.
  • As far as the sweat is, you eat so much and porridge.
  • Hit a silicon about the flint - and you will add fire, you will not hit - you will not get smoke.
  • If you get a piece of iron for a long time, from it and needle can be made.

Japanese proverbs About skill. In the next post on the site, it was decided to post a collection of Japanese proverbs about masters, skill, and those who mastered (or did not take possession ....). In general, all those idioms, proverbs and sayings, which at least somehow relate to skill.

一日の長 (いちじつのちょう) - Idiome means a little superiority in knowledge, skills, skill, skills, and so on

馬は馬方 (うまはうまかた) - an allegorical expression that this path can only be passed

泳ぎ上手は川で死ぬ (およぎじょうずはかわでしぬ) - Literally and craftsman can drown in the river. Meaning: It is impossible to rely only on your strength

河童の川流れ(かっぱのかわながれ) - Water streams from kappa. (Who knows that if Kappa sheds from his head of her head - can lose strength). Allegory: everyone can make a mistake

川立ちは川で果てる(かわだちはかわではてる) - This proverb means not to count the raven when you are in difficult areas, especially if you are in them in disadvantages (for example, hold the profi, if you conquer a complex height in the mountains, and before that, never rose to the mountains)

騏驎も老いては駑馬に劣る (きりんもおいてはどばにおとる) - Whatever the pro is, but over the years he will become old, hecks and no different from a simple mortal

孔子の倒れ (くじのたおれ) - and Confucius may fall. Another statement that anyone can, despite its professionalism, stupid

弘法にも筆の誤り (こうぼうにもふでのあやまり) - And again about the fact that even the pro, it happens, mistaken. Quite a lot, it should be noted, it turned out in the collection of proverbs and Idiom about the mistakes of the great.

弘法筆を選ばず (こうぼうふでをえらばず) - We certainly will not talk about the dancer. But, this proverb, that a bad master is always your housit tool. Although literally "for Buddhist sermons do not choose a suitable brush"

蛇の道は蛇 (じゃのみちはへび) - Snake Road - Snake. Allow the Warmer to find and catch the thief. Everyone must do their job

千里の馬も蹴躓く (せんりのうまもけつまずく) - And again about errors. Literally and the horse that triggered the path in 1000 ri can stumble. And pro, it happens

千慮の一失 (せんりょのいっしつ) - Mount from the mind. Literally 1 error 1000 pondays. When a man is too smart, thought up something and made a mistake because he was smart

双璧 (そうへき) - Idioma, meaning two treasures, two great people.

大巧は拙なるが若し (たいこうはせつなるがごとし) - Do not judge the book on the cover. Expression when the pros looks at all sorts of handmade trifles, reversal, without giving any importance - shows its brand

名人は人を謗らず(めいじんはひとをそしらず) true master Do not seek promps from others. I would very much like some people remember this statement. It is "husted" as it helps in life;)

餅は餅屋(もちはもちや) - Each master knows his business better than the rest. Literally Moti is best sold in a shop with MOT

竜馬の躓き (りゅうめのつまずき) - literal and horses, and dragons may not be discharged. Again about the mistakes of the masters and about the fact that they can, like ordinary people, mistaken

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Japan is a country with a very peculiar culture and etiquette. For Russian and even Europeans in their behavior there will be a lot of outlines. Workolism, respect for older, modesty in communication - all expresses it folk art: Poems hockey, fairy tales, proverbs. Japanese customs are presented in them quite holistic.

Appearance and character of the Japanese

For example, in the country of the Rising Sun is known popular expression: "Who feels shame, he feels and debt." In these words, not only the features of the Japanese are contained. It is known that for a long time in Japan, great attention was paid appearance man, his clothes. It could be very clearly defined social status. And the higher it was, the more stricter there were requirements. Samurai could not navigate their body, which caused certain difficulties. For example, they visited the bath, closing the face to not be identified. This is an example of the case when a sense of debt is associated with shame and increased demands.

Customs and proverbs: Japanese lats

Trust and respect is one of the most characteristic manifestations of Japanese nature. For example, even modern process exchange business cards In Japan, it differs in many ways from how it would happen in Europe. Business cards are transmitted simultaneously with two hands. At the same time, it is impossible to immediately put the paper in the pocket: you need to study it for some time and take interest in writing. People's demands, customs, instructions, are displayed by many proverbs. Japanese customs are very strict: "Etiquette must be observed even in friendship" - says folk teachings.

Japanese in comparison with biblical teaching

The winged expressions of the country of the rising sun are sometimes transmitted by wisdom, which is similar to the teachings of other peoples. For example, such words: "Where people are grieved, burn and you." They are largely similar to the phrase from the Bible: "Rejoice with rejoicing and crying with crying." In fact, this elementary truth largely facilitates communication with people, understanding. To do this, you do not need to finish the faculties of psychology - it is enough to turn to ancient sources: whether it is the Japanese wisdom or biblical commandments.

Man and his environment

Japanese sayings and proverbs imagined folk wisdom, for centuries helping simple people in them practical life. Another teaching largely displays the truth, which is currently experimentally proved by psychological scientists. "Good and bad in man depends on the environment," you want to know a person - find out his friends, "says the proverbs. Japanese sayings that exist not one century are trying to confirm modern experiences.

Psychological experiment

For example, an experiment was carried out by psychologists: students were told to solve mathematical tasks. Moreover, one group consisted only from national and socially like, and in another class there were representatives of various Asian countries, which, as you know, have good mathematical abilities. All other things being equal, those students who solved the tasks in society to themselves have shown top scores. So great influence of the environment per person.

And if such results were shown in a short-term experiment to solve problems, how much then there may be an impact on the person of friends and loved ones!

Japanese: Nation of workaholics

As mentioned, the Japanese are known for hard work that all imaginable boundaries go. "The diligence is a mother of success," says the wisdom of the country of the rising sun. It is very significant in modern life Japan. For employees of Japanese companies is not at all important career growth. Priority for them is the prosperity of the organization in which they work. To avoid health problems of subordinates, the leaders strictly follow the workers to leave work on time. Also in Japan it is impossible not to lie down rent leave. This life line reflects the Japanese proverbs. With the translation to another company, nothing changes - traditions on the island everywhere are the same.

Japanese proverbs for the article are partially taken from Japanese Wikitatnik. As in any language, the proverbs and sayings play a significant role in human life. They contribute a unique flavor to a human speech, contain folk wisdom, which has developed for years, or even in centuries. And let it currently not so often in communication between them, we pronounce proverbs out loud, but the meaning of them is constantly present in our lives.

When I don't want to share joy with others, the thought is scrolled in my head "Happiness loves silence," and when they were mistaken, you think "I would know where to fall, straws would not sleep." I also have a favorite Japanese proverbs that I repeat in the appropriate situations and one of them, which I understood over time and now she is like a wand-corrupt, when you need to do a lot of work:

Quickly - it's slowly, but without a break

Saying it, as the magic disappears fuss and nervousness. In everything, what would not like to achieve, do not storm the mountains, it is necessary to slowly and correctly go to the target target. Others can be different. I'm talking about my feelings.

Motivating Japanese proverb for me is:

The path to a thousand ri begins from the first step

There is also one remarkable statement of the Japanese athlete Antonio Inoka.

Do not be afraid for the result. If you make a step forward, then your steps will create the way

Well, now Japanese proverbs about life, friendship, war and just proverbs containing the centuries-old wisdom of the people.

For those who wanted to practice all the options for writing proverbs - in original video - in Japanese, i.e. with the use of hieroglyphs, repeat the proverbs with Japanese signs, transcription - romadzi and translation from japanese in Russian.

  1. 弱り 目 に 祟り目 / よわりめ に た たり め / yowarimenitatarime - trouble beyond. Other options adapted to the Russian language: the trouble came to answer the gate, the trouble does not come alone.
  2. 同病相憐れ / どうびょう あい あわれむ / doubyouaiawaremu - patients with one disease sympathize with each other. Unfortunate understand each other.
  3. 三日 坊 / みっかぼう ず / mikkabouzu - Bonza for 3 days (about those who quickly throw the work started). Seven Fridays in the week.
  4. 飼い に 手 手 を 噛ま れる れる かいい ぬ にて を かま れる れる / kainunitewokamareru - to be a busted your own dog (to warm the snake on the chest).
  5. 鬼 も 番 番 茶 も 出 花 花 / おにもじゅ はちばんちゃも でば な な / onimojūhachibanchamodebana - in eighteen years, even the demon is attractive, and the first welding of even bad tea is fragrant.
  6. 氏 より / うじ より より / ujiyorisodachi - Education is more important than origin
  7. 出る 杭 は 打た 打た / でるくい は うた れる / Derukuihautareru - protruding is necessarily bought / sticking nails clogged. (Do not stick out)
  8. 怒り は 敵と 思え / いかり は てき と おもえ おもえ i ikarihatekitoomoe - your anger is your enemy
  9. 千里 の も 一歩 から / せんり のみち も いっぽ いっぽ / Senri No Michi Moippokara - the path to a thousand ri starts from the first step. (Down and Out trouble started).
  10. 鬼 に 棒 金棒 / おに に かなぼう / Oninikanabō - give the black metal rod (about strengthening the power of who and so strong).

  11. 馬鹿 に 付ける 薬 は ない / ばか に つける くすり ない ない / bakanitsukerukusurihanai - no medication for fools. There is no drug from nonsense.
  12. 論 より 証拠 / ろん より しょうこ / ronyorishouko - proof is better than reasoning. (Facts - stubborn item)
  13. 魚心 あれ ば心 / さかなしん あれ ばみずしん ばみずしん / sakanashinarebamizushin - if the fish wants, water will give way.
  14. 急 が ば 回 れ / きゅう が ばまわ れ / kyuugabamaware - if you hurry, go to detour. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get).
  15. 暑 さ 寒 さ も 彼岸 まで まで あつささむ さ も ひがん まで / atsusamusamohiganmade - heat and cold end in Higan. (And heat and cold end before equinox).
  16. 日日 は 日 日 の 風 が 吹く 吹く あし あし た は あし の かぜ が ふく ふく / ashitaaashitanokazegafuku - Tomorrow will sue tomorrow. (Everything has its time).
  17. 猫 の 手 も 借り たい / ね この て もかり たい / nekonotemokaritai - busy so that the cat help is useful. (Busy before the advance).
  18. 河童 の 川 流れ / かっぱ の かわなが れ / kappanokawanagare - and kappa sink. (Kappa - Japanese water). Horse about four legs, but stupid. Most often sound good swimmers.
  19. 猿 も から から / さるも き から おちる / sarumokikaraochiru - and monkeys fall from trees. (And on the old woman there is a drup).

  20. 一葉 落ち て 下 下 の 秋 を を / いち いち よう ててんか の あき を しる しる / i ch ch よう の を しる しる しる i i iчiyouochittenkanoaki o shiru - and one falling leaf foreshadows the offset of autumn.
  21. なら ぬ 堪忍 する が が 堪忍 / なら ぬかん にん する が かんにん / Naranukan "Ninsurugakan" Nin- True patience is such patience when enduring unable.
  22. 水 の 泡 と / みず の あわと なる / mizunoawatonaru - disappear as foam on the water. (Go poch. Get off to zero.)
  23. 三 つ 子 の 魂 百 まで / みつご の \u200b\u200bたましい ひゃく まで / mitsugonotamashiiyakumade - what soul in three years, such it and in a hundred.
  24. 花より 団子 / は なより だんご / Hanayoridango - Dano better flower. (Dano - Japanese rice balls on a stick). (Solovya bass do not feed).
  25. 喉元 過ぎれ ば さ さ を 忘れる 忘れる の ども と と と ば あつさ を わす わす わす わす の の - When you get up forget about the thirst. (When the trouble bears forget to learn lesson.)
  26. 馬 に は 乗っ て み よ 人 人 に は 添う て み み よ うまに は のって み よ よ に は そうて み み よ / u- The horse will learn about driving, and a person in communication.
  27. 門前 の 僧 習わ 習わ ぬ 経 経 を 読む 読む もんぜん の こぞう こぞう なら きょう を を 経 / monzen "nokozōnarawanukyōwoyomu - a boy who lives at the Buddhist temple is not learning, reads sutras.
  28. 言わ ぬ が 花 / いわ ぬ が は な な / Iwanugahana - Silence - flower. (Silence Gold. There are things about which is better not to talk.)

  29. 知恵者 一人 馬 鹿万 人 / ちえしゃー ひと ばかばんにん / Chiesha 一 Hitobakaban "nin - per wiser accounts for 10,000 fools.
  30. 猫 に 小 判 / ねこに こばん / nekonikoban - you need as a cat money. (Cast pearls before swine).
  31. 来年 の 事 を 言え ば 鬼 が 笑う 笑う らいねん の こと を いえ ば おに がわらう / rainen "nokotowoiebaonigawarau - about the future to say - devils to mix.
  32. 捨 てる 神 あれ ば 拾う 神 あり あり し てる かみ あれ ば ひろ う かみ あり / suterukamiarebahiroukamiari - one God forgot - another will help.
  33. 物物 買い の の 銭失い / やす もの がいのぜ に うし ない / yasumonogainozeniushinai - The cheap hunter loses money. (Miser pays twice).
  34. 触ら ぬ神 に 祟りなし / さわらぬかみ に た たり なし / sawaranukaminitatarinashi - while God do not touch, it does not curse.
  35. 勝っ て 兜 の 緒 を を 締めよ かっ て かぶと の お をしめよ をしめよ をしめよ kattekabutonoo o shimeyo - after victory to tighten the belts on the neck.
  36. 堪忍袋 の 緒 が が / かんにんぶくろ の おが きれる / kanninbukuronoogakireru - cut the lace from the bag with patience. (The bowl of my patience overflowed. Patience burst.)
  37. 七転び 八 起き / ななころび や お き / nanakorobiyaoki - seven times drop, ride eight times. (Fighting the vaginity of fate).

  38. 能 ある 鷹 は 爪 を 隠す / のう ある た か は つめ を かくす / nōarutakahatsumewokakusu - Strong hawk hides claws.
  39. 人 の 噂 も も 七十五日 / ひと の も ななじゅ ななじゅ / hitonouwasamonanajūgonichi - gossip enough for only 75 days.
  40. 聞く は 一時 の 恥聞 か ぬ は 一生 の 恥 恥 きく は いちじ の はじきか ぬ は ーいっしょ う の の はじ はじ k kkuhaichijinohajikikanuha ー isshōnohaji - Ask - I am ashamed for a minute, and not know - shame for life.
  41. 逃が し た 魚 きい 大きい / に が し た さ かな は おおきい おおきい / nigashitasakanahaookii - the missed fish seems big.
  42. 同じ 釜 の 飯 を 食う / おなじかまのめし を くう / onajikamanomeshi o kuu - Break from one boiler. (Live under one roof with someone else).
  43. 良薬 は 口 に 苦し / りょうやく はくち に にがし / Ryōyakuhakuchinigashi - good medicine bitterly taste.
  44. 挨拶より / あいさつ より えん さつ / aisatsu Yori Ensatsu - better money than friendly words. (Word you will not be fed).
  45. 会う は 別れ の 始め / かいう は わかれ の はじめ / kaiuhawakarenohajime - Meeting - the beginning of parting.
  46. 悪銭 身 につかず / あくせんみに つかず / akusenminitsukazu - Loosely accepted future does not go. Unjust earned will not stay long. (Easily obtained, easily lost).

  47. 日日 の より 今日 の の 五十 / あし た の ひゃく より きょう の ごじゅ / ashita no hyakuyorikyounogoju - than a hundred tomorrow is better than fifty today. (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush).
  48. 青菜 に 塩 / あおなに し お / aonanishio - Assault. Salt in greenery. (if saline is salted, then it gives juice and becomes a flabby). (Be in despondency, have a pale look).
  49. 治 に 居 て, 乱 を 忘れ 忘れ ず し し にい て て らんを わすれ を 忘れ / chi ni ite, Ran O Wasurezu - Living in the world, do not forget about the war.
  50. 誰 しまわ が 身 は 愛い愛い / だれしまわがみ は かわいい / dare shimawagami wa Kawaii - every mile itself. (Its shirt closer to the body).

Hello dear readers! We continue to comprehend wisdom with the help of Japanese proverbs and sayings. Today we will disassemble Japanese proverbs about love and relationships.

愛してその悪を知り、憎みてその善を知る (AISHITE SONO AKU WO SHIRI NIKUMITE SONO ZEN WO SHIRU) - "Loving, knew and vices, hating, know and welcome." The meaning passed by this proverb: "When you love someone, it must certainly see and recognize all the flaws and disadvantages of the partner. And when you hate someone, you still need to be able to find something good in a person, for which you can respect it. In fact, of course, it is always difficult to follow always this rule, but you need to at least try.

会うは別れの始め (AU WA WAKARE NO HAJIME) - "Meeting - the beginning of parting" in this world almost everything has the limit, has the end and beginning. From the moment when you met someone starts counting, the extreme point of which will be separated. And it is not necessary to happen by the fault of someone from these two people, it is possible a lot: circumstances of force majeure, death, an accident and much more.

愛は憎しみの始めなり (AI Wa Nukushimi No Hajime Nari) - "Love will be the beginning of hatred." Japanese version of our proverb: "From love to hatred one step" and truly the line between love and hatred is sometimes very thin. Sometimes only one word or an increasing act is enough to reduce everything that was built for years.

恋に師匠なし (Koi Ni Shishou Nashi) - No one teaches love (literally "There are no teachers in love") Love and love is born in a person naturally and for this does not need a teacher.

恋の道には女が賢しい (Koi Ni Wa Onnna Ga Sakashii) - a woman is smarter on love Front (Literally: "A woman is smarter on the path of love") The woman is created to bring love and comfort to this world and that is why it is more skilled in love affairs than men rather than men. It best understands how to improve the atmosphere in the family, as well as how to smooth out disagreements.