Summary of the work of a nasty duckling. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: nasty duckling

Summary of the work of a nasty duckling. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: nasty duckling
Summary of the work of a nasty duckling. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: nasty duckling

The main meaning of the Andersen fairy tale is that it is necessary to persist and patient difficulties, adversity. Unhappy duckling (who was actually swan) had to withstand a number of cruel tests at the very beginning of his life. His teased and trembled rude conifers. From him turned away his own mother-duck, caught public opinion. Then, when he escaped from a bird's yard and made friends with wild geese, these hunters, and the duckling himself saved only a miracle. After this unfortunate duckling, the old woman picked up and brought to his home. But his inhabitants - a cat and chicken - laughed at the new tenant and unceremoniously taught "Mind-Mind." Duckoo had to leave the house of the old woman, he spent the winter in the reeds at the lake, where the next spring met beautiful swans. And the fairy tale ended with a happy outcome.

The moral of this fairy tale is that life can present a lot of hard tests, but it is necessary not to fall in spirit and not to lower your hands. After all, Duckoo-swan was very difficult, but he stood it all and eventually became happy.

Similarly, a person who did not bother before destiny, as a result, can triumph victory.

Because of which the troubles started

Moral fairy tale consists also in the fact that it is not necessary to be afraid to be unlike others. Duckling was different from other ducklings. That is, it was not like that. And so it began to tease and rush ducks. Why did it scribble and unceremoniously passed the cat and chicken? Because he behaved not as it should. That is, again was not like everyone else! The duckling had a choice: or to accept the fact that it is impossible to differ from others or the appearance, no behavior, or habits, or behave in accordance with the principle: "Yes, I'm another, but I have the right!" And he made this choice, not frightened by what the misunderstanding, Branj, and even betray.

A person should also defend the right to be himself, even if this will have to go to public opinion.

Some connoisseurs of Creativity Andersen believe that in the image of the ugly duckling, the author of the fairy tale depicted himself. After all, Andersen also had to endure a lot of ridicule, misunderstandings and unceremonious teachings from the surrounding people before he became a famous writer, and his appearance was very different from the appearance of the "average" Dane. Never lower your hands, fight for your happiness, despite all obstacles.

The name of the Great Danish Fairy Tale of Hans Christian Andersen is known to everyone almost from early childhood. Fairy tales of Nadko Duckling, the Snow Queen, a mermaid, the princess on the pea and other characters became the classics of world literature still during the life of the author. However, Andersen himself did not like when he was called a children's writer, as many of his writings were addressed to adults.


Among the works of Andersen there are both good fairy tales with a happy finals intended for children's reading, there are more serious stories, more understandable by adults. At the same time, the author of the author imposed numerous and experiences from his own life.

Oddly enough, it sounds, but one of the best fairy tales of Andersen "Guffy" to some extent can be considered autobiographical. After all, the writer himself, like the urban duckling, was distinguished from childhood with a non-zeal appearance and a dreamy character. And, as the urban duckling in the final of the fairy tale, it is destined to turn into a wonderful swan, and Andersen himself from a permanent object of ridicule turned into a world-famous fairy tale.

Something echoes with the "ugly dunchon" and the fairy tale of "Thumbelina", telling about the numerous misadventures of a tiny girl, which, like a fabulous fairy, was born from flower bud. In the final, the inch is really becoming the fairy named Maya and the wife of a good and beautiful king of elves.

"Princess on the pea" is a short but very well-known fairy tale, which is based on the motive of the wonderful transformation of the heroine. Progressing in the rain and seemingly an inconspicuous girl turns out to be a real princess capable of feeling a small pea through forty perin.

Much more large-scale both in terms of volume and fairy tale "Snow Queen". This is a story about true love that allows you to overcome any obstacles. Brave

Hans Christian Andersen

"Ugly duck"

Duck raised ducklings. One of them was late, and outwardly failed. The old duck frightened the mother that it is turkeyonok, not otherwise, but it walked better than the rest ducklings. All the inhabitants of the bird courtyard attacked the ugly duck, even the bird pushed out of the feed. The mother first settled, but then also faded against the ugly son. One day, the dings could not stand and ran into a swamp where wild geese lived, the acquaintance with which was silent: although two young hussaki offered a wonderful Ryang to be friends, they immediately killed hunters (the hunting dog ran past the dying - "Apparently, I am so nasty that Even the dog is afraid to eat me! "). At night, he got to the hut, in which the old woman lived, a cat and chicken. Woman sheltered him, picking up a fat duck, but a cat and chicken, who considered themselves the best half of the world, poke a new cohabitant, for he did not know how to carry eggs and purr. When the duck pull to swim, the chicken stated that it was all from dull, and the loyalty went to live on the lake, where everything was still laughing at him. Once he saw swans and loved them as he never loved anyone.

In winter, the duckle is frozen in ice; The peasant brought home, stopped, but the chick of the chick did his chick and ran away. All winter he sat in the reeds. In the spring soared and saw floating swans. The dincon decided to surrender to the will of beautiful birds - and saw his reflection: he also became a swan! And according to the children and the swans themselves - the most beautiful and young. He did not dream about this happiness when he was a nasty cliff. Repeated Mouse.

Home duck got ducklings. But one was the most late, therefore I did not succeed. The oldest duck frightened the mother to the fact that the duck is like turkeyonka. And the walled late duck is better than others ducklings. All who are not too lazy, attacked and pinched the poor and ugly duck. Even the bird pushed him away from the feed. Mother first sang him and put up for him, and then herself began to hate her ugly son. Poor duck, hopping, ran into a swamp, where wild geese lived. Two young hussakov who took him to their company were shot. Even a dog, sniffing the duck, ran past.

At night, he got to the hut, in which the cat, chicken and an old woman lived. The cat and chicken were poisoning a new cohabitant for not able to carry eggs and purrab like a cat. The ugly duck has always pulled to swim, and the chicken declared that it was all from dullness. Then he left them to a big lake, where he saw beautiful swans. In his life, he never saw such birds. They were dazzling white and proudly raised their long necks. Ugly duck, watching because of the bushes, admired them and loved them.

Cold winter came. In winter, the duck frozen on the ice. One peasant brought the dunning and stopped him, but the duck, frightened, ran away from him in a swamp, where he sat in the reeds.

In early spring, he again saw these beautiful birds floating along the river. Seeing his reflection in the water, he was delighted to be the same as they sailed to them. He did not dream about such happiness.

Andersen Mr. Fairy Tale "Ugly Duckling"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Ugly Duckling" and their characteristics

  1. Ugly duckling, who was not lucky to be born in a dinner nest, but who overcame all the difficulties and became a wonderful swan, but with a kind heart
  2. Mom Duck, tried to take care of the ugly duckling first, but then he began to drive him away from herself
  3. Birds - bird-yard inhabitants, Spanish chicken, Indian rooster, duck.
  4. Wild ducks, hussaki who victims of hunters
  5. Hunter dog who did not touch the garde duckling
  6. Old woman with cat and chicken, sheltered duckling, but did not understand his desire to swim
  7. The peasant, the peasant, the children, rescued Duckling, when he frozen, but he was driven when he overturned the king.
  8. Swans, beautiful birds who took the ugly duckling into their flock.
Plan of Recover Tales "Ugly Duckling"
  1. Big egg
  2. Lessons of Swimming
  3. Poultry yard
  4. Flight Utenka
  5. Pond, ducks, hussaks and hunters
  6. Dog in Kamysh
  7. House old woman
  8. Cat and chicken
  9. Fall has come
  10. Peasant and his children
  11. Spring canal
  12. Duckling becomes swan.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Ugly Duckling" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Birth of a garde duckling, a bird courtyard.
  2. Ugly duckling runs away and almost dies on the hunt.
  3. Ugly duckling finds shelter at the old woman and sports with chicken and cat
  4. Ugly duckling freezes and finds himself in the house of the peasant
  5. Ugly duckling in fear runs away and experiences the winter alone.
  6. The ugly duckling sails to the swans and sees that he himself became a swan.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Ugly Duckling"
In order to achieve something in life always have to overcome difficulties.

What teacher a fairy tale "Ugly Duckling"
The tale teaches us to pay less attention to the appearance of a person, and more on his actions. Teaches not to give up before difficulties. Teaches believing yourself and your abilities. He teaches not to be accustomed to achieve something, but always keep good in his heart.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Nasty Duckling"
The fairy tale "Ugly Duckling" is very beautiful and touching. I was so sorry for the poor duckling, which was humiliated and beat only for being not as other. I was very sorry for lonely duckling during his wrapping. But this fairy tale has such a beautiful end and once a whappy duckling becomes a beautiful swan. He deserves happiness and achieves it.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Ugly Duckling"
There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.
Not tying grief, do not know and happiness.
Well, what's well ends.

Summary, short retelling of the fairy tales "Ugly Duckling"
In the burdocks, the duck rushed eggs. All chicks have already hatched, but the biggest egg still lay.
The old duck suggests that it is turkeyonok and advises to throw an egg. Young duck refuses.
Finally, the big egg was swollen and the nasty duckling appeared on the light. He was big and terrible, but still knew how to swim and the duck decided to leave him.
The next day, the duck led ducklings to represent a bird courtyard. All the inhabitants of the courtyard immediately unloved the ugly duckling and began to peck and pinch him. Duckling tolerated for a long time, but then ran away.
Ugly duckling has come to the wild ducks on the pond. There he met young hussars who agreed to be friends with him, because the duckling was very ugly. But here hunters appeared and killed hussaks. Dogs ran around the reeds and one of them found a nasty duckling, but did not touch him. Duckling decided that because he was terrible.
Duckling ran away and found shelter in the hut, where the cat, chicken and an old woman lived. The old woman thought that duckling duck and would carry eggs. But Duckling could not carry eggs. He argued with a cat and chicken on how well swimming. And he left the old woman.
Duckling sees wonderful swans and envies them.
Autumn came and it became cold. One day the duckling is strongly frozen, but he picked up the peasant. He brought duckling home and the children wanted to play with the duckling, but the duckling was frightened and overturned the king with milk. The hostess ran after him, the children laughed, and the scared duckling ran away.
He hardly survived the winter, and in the spring on the canal again saw beautiful swans. Duckling decided to swim to them that beautiful birds killed him, but suddenly saw his reflection. He himself turned into a swan.
Swans took him to himself, the kids threw them crumbs and said that the young swan is best. But the nasty duckling was not indulged, because he had a good heart and he survived so much tests.

Illustrations and drawings to the fairy tale "Ugly Duckling"

Hans Christian Andersen, the world famous Danchanin, Prose the Poet, was truly a great storyteller. Until now, and a lot of time has passed from the exit of his works to the world, his creations are still loved by children and adults. His Peru owns many children's fairy tales, known to us from diapers, among which the "Snow Queen" and "Mermaid", "Thumbelina" and "Shadow". A vivid example and a fairy tale "Ugly Duckling". Hans Christian Andersen for seventy-year-old life wrote more than 170 works in verses and prose. And some researchers of his work argue that no less than 200! Many people know their summary. "Ugly duckling" (the fairy tale of H. Andersen) is no exception. Let's remember her main story.

Summary: "Ugly Duckling" (Tale of Andersen)

When one duck appears, hatching out of the eggs, ducklings, among them the ugly externally, a non-zeys and insurient character. And besides later, all born. For all these shortcomings, he gets nicknamed a nasty duckling. An elderly duck, who knows everything, told the mother of the baby that he really is not a duckling: most likely, turkeyonok! But our hero was swimming quite well, although all the inhabitants of the courtyard constantly tried to humiliate him and offend because of his noncains and clumsy. Even their native mother fell against his own son, apparent her ugly. As a result, the ugly duckling was forced to escape from the courtyard in the swamp, where wild geese lived.

Continuation of a story

We continue to present a summary. Ugly duckling many adventures survived on the swamp. He meets wild geese, even trying to be friends. But the hunters kill the acquired comrades, and the hunters dog runs by duckling. Our hero is upset: "Probably, I am so unattractive that even the dog does not want to eat me." At night, he runs from the swamp and comes to the hut, where the old woman is inhabited, a cat and chicken. Elderly woman brings duckling, but a chicken and a cat begin to betray. And the urban duckoo has to return to the swamp. So all winter and he lived in the reeds.

Magic Final

In the spring, our hero sees on the lake swans, whom he loved even earlier, without understanding what. He tries to get to them and (about a miracle!) Sees his reflection in the water. It turns out that he also became a swan, young and beautiful. Next, the duckling joins its beautiful relatives.

Such a summary. "Ugly duckling", the fairy tale of Andersen, says that in every person there is hidden forces and inner beauty. And from the ugly duckling one day there may be a wonderful swan, you just need to believe in your own capabilities.

The tale of a nasty duckling Hans Christian Andersen talks about mom-duck, from which one of the kids turned out to be very ugly. All the rest were unbelievable Duckling for the fact that he looked so terribly. Duckling passed through a lot of tests and almost not frozen in ice. However, it turned out completely soon and turned into a wonderful swan.

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Ugly duckling read

Good was outside the city! Summer stood, rye already yellowed, Green oats, hay was smotano into a stack; In the green meadow, the long-legged stork was packed and chatted in Egyptian - he learned this language from the mother. Behind the fields and meadows stretched large forests with deep lakes in the most common. Yes, it was good at the city! On a sunny stage, the old manor was lying, surrounded by deep databases with water; From the rest of the fence right up to the water, Ruffed, and so much that small children could stand under the largest of his leaves in full growth. In more often, the burdock was as deaf and wild, as in a dense forest, and here it was sitting on the eggs duck. She was sitting for a long time, and she was tired of her seat, she visited it a little: another duck liked to swim in the grooves than to sit in the burdock yes.

Finally, the eggshells shook. "Pi! PI! " - I heard from them: egg yolks came to life and raised sputter from shell.

Vividly! Vividly! - crushed the duck, and duck up, somehow smoked and began to look around around, looking at the green leaves of the burdock; Mother did not interfere with them - green color is useful for the eyes.

How the world is great! - said ducklings. Still would! It was much more spacious than in the shell.

Do you think that here and the whole world? - said mother. - Not! He stretches far away, there, behind the garden, to the field of the priest, but there I did not happen to the middle! .. Well, all that, are you here? - And she got up. - Oh no, not all! The biggest egg is kicker! Yes, soon it will be the end! Right, I'm tired.

And she sat down again.

Well how are you? - Looked to her old duck.

Why, one more egg remains! - said young duck. - I sit, I sit, but no sense! But look at others! Just lovely! A terribly similar to the Father! And he is unfit, and never visited me!

Wait, I look at the egg! - She told the old duck. - Maybe this is an egg turwish! I also inflated once! Well, I looked like, as the turkey was brought! After all, they are afraid of water; I am a mock, and called, and pushed them into the water - do not go, and the end! Give me a look at the egg! Well, it is! Turkey! Throw it yes to go to learn others to swim!

I'll sit even! - said young duck. - I sat so much that you can sit and a little more.

As you wish! - she told the old duck and left.

Finally shook the shell and the biggest egg. "Pi! PI - and! " - And from there, a huge ugly chick fell out. Duck looked around him.

Hornly great! - she said. - And completely unlike the rest! Is it really turkeyonok? Well, yes, in the water, he will be at me, at least I had to push him there strength!

The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was all covered with the sun. Duck with all his family went to the ditch. Booley! - And the duck found himself in the water.

Behind me! Vividly! She called ducklings, and those one after another were also blunting into the water.

First, the water covered them with the heads, but then they emerged and swam so much that any. They worked their paws; Ugly gray ducks have not lagged behind others.

What is it turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Clear how nicely rows with my paws, as directly keeps! No, this is my own son! Yes, he is at all cheap, as you look at him good! Well, alive, alive for me! I will now introduce you to society - we will go to the bird courtyard. But keep me closer to me so that anyone does not come for you, do it take care of the cats!

Soon got to the bird courtyard. Batyushki! What was there for noise and gam! Two families fought because of one acne head, and in the end she got a cat.

That's how things are going on white light! Said the duck and licked the tongue to beak, "she also wanted to taste the acne head. - Well, well, move your paws! She said to ducklings. - Groken and worship with that old duck! She is more valuable here! She is Spanish breed and therefore such a fat. See, has a red patchwork on her paw? How beautiful! This is a sign of the highest difference, which only can be a duck. People give it to understand that they do not want to lose it; There are also people and animals on this flap. Well, alive! Yes, do not hold the paws together! Blagogue-bought dot must hold the paws apart and turn them out, like a dad with mother! Like this! Blank now and chambly!

Ducklings did so; But other ducks looked around them and said loudly:

Well, still the whole row! Exactly there were few of us! And one is unheom! I really won't get it!

And now one duck jumped and pecked him into the neck.

Leave it! - said Duck-mother. - He did nothing!

It is so, but he is so big and strange! - answered the Zabyaka. - He needs to ask a pretty track!

Nice you have children! - She told the old duck with a red flask on the paw. - All very miles, except one ... This failed! It would be good to remake it!

It is impossible, your grace! - answered the duck-mother. "He's ugly, but he has a good heart, and he floats not worse, even dare to say - better than others. I think he will grow up, it is swirling or becomes smaller with time. He walked in the egg, because he did not quite well. - And she spent the spout on the tricks of a big duck. "In addition, he is a spleen, and the beauty is not so needed. I think he indignant and trips his way!

The rest are ducky very, very miles! - She told the old duck. "Well, be at home, and you will find an acne head, you can bring her to me."

So they began to behave at home. Only the poor duck, which hatched later and was so ugly, roared, pushed and trembled with ridiculous all - and ducks and chickens.

He is painful! - said everything, and the Indian rooster, who was born with spurs on the legs and therefore imagined himself by the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew to the Ryanka, glanced at him and prepritted him; His scallop has so much and flooded. Poor duck just did not know what to do, how to be. And it was necessary for him to be crumbling with such ugly, somehow stitching for the whole bird courtyard!

So passed the first day, then went even worse. All chased a poor thing, even brothers and sisters angrily told him:

At least the cat dragged you, irremusted freak!

And the mother added:

My eyes would not see you!

Ducks stuck him, chickens twisted, and the girl who gave the bird feed, pushed the nails.

I could not stand the duck, the yard ran and - through the hedge! Small birds frightened from bushes. "They frightened me, I am impudent!" - I thought the duckle and went on a nude, myself was not knowing where. Fight ran, until he found himself in a swamp, where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he promoted all night.

In the morning, the duck flew out of the nest and saw a new comrade.

Who are you? - They asked, and the duck spinning, smelting on all parties as he knew how.

You are prettier! - said wild ducks. - But we have no case before, just do not think to breed with us!

Poor! Where he was and thinking about it! If only they allowed him to sit in the reeds and drink the marsh water.

Two days he spent in a swamp, two wild hussak came on the third day. They recently hatched from eggs and therefore performed very proudly.

Listen, buddy! - they said. - You're a freak that, right, like you! Want to fly with us and be a free bird? Not far from here, in another swamp, the premium wild goose-ladies live. They know how to say: "RAS, RAP!" You're a freak that, what good, you will have a great success!

"FIF! Paf! " - suddenly heard over the swamp, and both hussak fell into the roots of the dead; Water was painted blood. "FIF! Paf! " - Once again, and the whole pack of wild geese rose from the reel. Fucking a palfa. Hunters hooked the swamp on all sides; Some of them were sitting on the branches of trees hang over the swamps. Blue smoke clouds enveloped trees and stabbed over the water. Hunting dogs slapped on the swamp; Reich swung from side to side. The poor dotnok was nor any dead from fear and just wanted to hide his head under the wing, as a look - in front of him, a hunting dog with a peaked tongue and sparkling evil eyes. She closer her mouth closer to the Ryanka, scolded sharp teeth and ran further.

Thank God! - turned the spirit of the dot. - Thank God! I am so ugroen that even the dog is disgusting to bite me!

And he plucked in the reeds; Over his head, the crushers flew over his head, shots were heard.

Palf picked only in the evening, but the duckly was still afraid to move. A few more hours passed, while he dares to get up, look around and start running further around the fields and meadows. There was such a strong wind that the droughts barely could move. By night, he rested to a poor hut. The hut was so dilapidated that it was ready to fall, but I didn't know what side, because I kept. The wind and picked up the duck - I had to rest in the ground with the tail!

The wind, however, everything was fixed; What was the Ryanka? Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut jumped from one loop and hanging completely crookedly; It was possible to freely slip through this gap into the hut. So he did.

In the hut there was an old woman with a cat and chicken. Cat she called a son; He skillfully bending the back, purr and even emit sparks if he was stroked against wool.

The chicken had small, short legs, and nicknamed a short-skinned; She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

In the morning, the aliens noticed: the cat began to purr, and chicken cool.

What is there? - asked the old woman, looked around and noticed the duck, but he took his blindness in his blindness, which was captivated from the house.

That's how the find! - said the old woman. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. Well, let's see, we will test!

And the duck took on the test, but three weeks passed, and there were no eggs. Mr. in the house was a cat, and the Mrs. Chicken, and both always said: "We and the whole world!" They considered themselves half of the world, moreover, it is better than half. The cliff seemed that this expense could be another opinion. Chicken, however, did not suffer.

Can you carry eggs? She asked the dock.

So keep the tongue on the leash!

And the cat asked:

Can you bend the back, purr and emit sparks?

So do not fall with your opinion when you say smart people!

And the duck was sitting in the corner. Fucking. Suddenly it was remembered to him fresh air and the sun, and he wanted to swim terribly. He could not stand and said this chicken.

What's wrong with you?! She asked. - Looking down, here you are blazing and climbs! Nesi-ka eggs or purr, foolishness and pass!

Ah, swim around the water so nice! - said the duckling. - And what to enjoy diving to the deeper with your head!

Good pleasure! - said chicken. - You completely crushed! Ask the cat, he is smarter than everyone I know, whether he likes to swim or dive! I'm not talking about myself! Ask, finally, our old woman has a mistress, smarter there is no one in the world! Do you think, and she want to swim or dive?

You do not understand me! - said the duckling.

If we do not understand, so who will understand you! Well, do you want to be smarter than a cat and hostess, not to mention me? Not Duri, but thank you better than the creator for everything you did for you! You were sheltered, prigel, you are surrounded by such a society in which you can learn something, but you're an empty head, and you should not say with you! Believe me! I wish you good, therefore I will scold you - so always recognize true friends! Try the same eggs or learning to purr and let the sparks!

I think I'm better to get away from here where your eyes look! - said the duckling.

Then piss off! - answered chicken.

And duckly left. He sailed and dived, but all animals still despised him for disgrace.

Autumn came; Leaves on trees wishes and punched; The wind picked up and circling them; Upstairs, in the sky, it became so cold that heavy clouds were sowed to hail and snow, and the raven sat on the hedge and rank from the cold to the whole throat. Brock! You will warm at one thought about such a cold! I had a poor cloud.

Once in the evening, when the sun was so beautifully rolled out, due to the bushes, a whole pack of wonderful, large birds rose; Srod dot did not see such beauties: they were all white as snow, with long, flexible necks! That were swans. They let out some strange cry, waved magnificent, large wings and flew from cold meadows into warm edges, behind the blue sea. They rose highly high, and the poor drunk embraced some troublesman. He spun in the water, like a top, stretched out the neck and also emptied such a loud and strange cry, which he himself was frightened. Wonderful birds did not go from his head, and when they finally disappeared from sight, he dived at the very bottom, emerged again and was as if out of himself. Doton did not know what the name of these birds, where they flew, but loved them, as no one would still like. He did not envy their beauty; He and in his head could not come to wish to be like them; He would be glad to and so that at least the duck was not repelled him. Poor ugly duck!

And winter stood cold-strong. The Ryanka had to swim without rest, so as not to give water to climb at all, but with each night free from ice, the space was getting smaller and less. Freezed so that the ice bark crackled. Drinking without tired of worked with legs, but at the end weighted, suspended and all the harmony.

Early in the morning, a peasant passed by, he saw the surzed dunning, broke her a lot with his wooden shoe and brought the bird home to his wife. The duck washed.

But the children decided to play with him, and he imagined that they wanted to offend him, and stragped with fear right in the Supina with milk - everything was splashing. The woman screamed and splashed his hands; Dirt between those flew into the tub with butter, and from there in a barrel with flour. Batyushki, what he looked like! The woman shook and chasing him with coal tongs, the children ran, sneaking each other with the legs, laughed and squeezed. It's good that the door stood turned out, the duck ran out, rushed into the bushes, straight on the freshly-haired snow and long-stayed there almost no feeling.

It would be too sad to describe all the mobs of the dock for this harsh winter. When the sun again harvested the land with his warm rays, he lay in a swamp, in the reeds. Put the larks, Spring came.

Doton waved the wings and flew; Now the wings were noisy and were much stronger. He did not have time to come to his senses, as already found himself in the Great Garden. Apple trees stood in bloom; Fascular lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal.

Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring! Suddenly, three wonderful white swans were floating from the cane. They sailed so easily and smoothly, exactly slid along the water. The dotnok learned beautiful birds, and it covered some strange sadness.

"I will fly to these royal birds; They will probably kill me for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to get closer to them, but let him! It is better to be killed by them than to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens, pushes the birds yes tolerate cold and hunger in winter! "

And he flew to the water and swam to the handsaws of swans, who, envy him, also rushed to him.

Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, waiting for death, but what did he see in clean, like a mirror, water? His own image, but he was no longer an ugly dark-gray bird, but a swan!

Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest if you got out of the swan eggs! Now he was glad that he suffered so much burning and disasters - he could better appreciate his happiness and everything surrounded by his magnificence. Large swans floated around him and caressed it, stroked the beaks.

Small children came running to the garden; They began to throw bread crumbs and grain swans, and the smaller shouted the smaller:

New, new!

And everyone else picked up:

Yes, new, new! - clapped in his hands and were asked for joy; Then they ran after his father and mother and again threw the crumbs of bread and cake into the water. Everyone said that the new more beautiful. Such a young, adorable!

And the old swans bowed heads before him. And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under the wing, not knowing why. He was too happy, but did not really have been ingenected - a kind heart does not know pride, "remembering the time when all him despised and chalked. And now everyone says that he is the most beautiful between beautiful birds! Lilac inclined her fragrant branches to him in the water, the sun shine so nice ... And here is the wings of him, a slim neck straightened, and a joyful cry broke out of his chest:

Could I dream of such happiness when I was still a nasty cliff!