Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County is the history of love and crimes of Katerina Izmailovaya. "Comparison of the images of Katerina Kabanova and Katerina Izmailova Writing Katerina Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County is the history of love and crimes of Katerina Izmailovaya.
Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County is the history of love and crimes of Katerina Izmailovaya. "Comparison of the images of Katerina Kabanova and Katerina Izmailova Writing Katerina Lady Macbeth

The image of Katerina in the sketch of Leskov very contradictory. Initially, the work woman acts as a sacrifice. She is unhappy in marriage, as the spouse, besides the fact that her older, so also does not pay attention to her. They with the Father are constantly engaged in work and increase capital.

Katerina Lvovna is simply dying from boredom. Perhaps if they had a child, it would somehow diluted her life, but her husband is inflighted. However, in the absence of heirs, reproaches reach only to the girl, which makes it even more to suffer.

However, the permanent role of the victim of Katerina Lvovna does not suit. She is alive and wants love. Therefore, when the spouse is leaving for a long time, the girl, begins to take the courting of a young Clauder Sergey.

Her interest in a man increases every day, despite his bad reputation. Soon, a man becomes her lover and a man without which it does not present further existence.

When her secret connection suddenly accidentally reveals his mother-in-law, the girl immediately "solves" the problem. She ruthlessly poison the man, mixing the rat poison to him in the mushrooms. At this moment, the girl moves the feeling of revenge, as the mother-in-law not only punished Sergey weaves, but also sharpened him in the cellar.

Impunity wrapped a woman. She stopped afraid of human publicity, and to the one who could say anything, she generously paid. Therefore, people although they guessed her love relationship with a local clarity, preferred to be silent.

However, did not leave the "beloved" alone. He often spoke that, on the return of Zinoviya, Borisovich would become objectionable for Katerina. But Katerina Lvovna seems to be invented how she will deal with his spouse. The woman was confused by the idea that she would have to share the bed with someone else.

A woman trampled a strong hatred of everything that was connected with the "past" life. After all, only Sergey taught her to love, rejoice, feel and wish. This desire was predatory and irresistible. It urged to fight and not retreat. Mount will be someone who becomes a woman on the road.

Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich did not recognize the reincarnations that occurred with his wife. He was reported about her treason, as well as about the strange and vehicles of the father. The man was in a hurry for clarification. However, the man did not expect to see the picture that appeared before his eyes ...

Later, when a young macchikha with a love officer looked around and above Zinovy, they hid his body into the basement.

Now, Katerina became a direct heir to the entire capital of Izmail. But did she need this money?! Not! She was happy already because there was a man of her dreams nearby. For the sake of him, she will not stop before, and it is from him, she is waiting for a child.

Does it need this pregnancy now? Not. Now the baby woman was not already needed. She would never have become a good mother for him.

When a woman with a lover was found for the murder of a nephew and the acting heir Fedenka, then the pair was immediately detained. After the punishments of the "lovers" sent the stage where Katerina Lvovna finally recognized the price of his love. From the born baby, she immediately refused, and Sergey, stopped paying any attention to her. The man fell in love with another girl.

Katerina under the views of her husband, Svetra and Fedenka for the last time goes to double murder. She jumps overboard and pushes there as an opponent ...

In this work, Leskova is such a character as Sergey, I have no doubt. In my opinion he is a classic drugs. In his behavior, all the stages of its destructive behavior from instant "intelligence" and "seduction" to "recycling" and "dance on the bones" are clearly overlooked.

But such a character like Katerina Lvovna Izmailov, causes interest in connection with the "sorting" of destructives in our community.

Who is she? Inverted daffodil? Corrected? Or psychiatric?

First. Up to communication with Sergey, it seemed to be noticed in some brazen abuse. For Zinovia, Borisovich married not in his will. In marriage walked around the courtyard, yes I missed. From boredom wanted a child to start, but it didn't come out. No mention of Leskov about her malicious destructive destructive.

Second. Everything changes as soon as she fell in love with Sergey. She does not feel any remrections of conscience about treason. And in general, as if she lives in the day, absolutely without thinking about what would be when her husband would come back from the trip.

Sergey, of course, these moods are heated. He obviously does not want to be just a cuzzle, he marks the scene of Katerina Lvovna to her husband, and at the same time on the money Zinovia Borisovich.

Third. The first victim of the reckless love of Katerina Lvovna becomes her Swychr, Boris Timofeevich. He had fungal and died, as rats died in their barn. And Katerina Lvovna itself was headed poison.

He paid for the beating of her beloved Sergey, and for the fact that he threatened to tell all her husband and beat Katerina Lvovna himself.

Fourth. The second victim is the husband himself. Moreover, the Katerina Lvovna itself becomes the organizer and inspirer of the murder. Seryozha also helps her in this.

Fifth. The third victim of Katerina Lvovna is becoming the young nephew of her husband Fedor Lyamin.

Sergey only hints Kupchikha that the presence of one more heir is unpleasant. I decided and took the most active part in the murder of Katerina Lvovna herself. Again, if only her beloved Sergey was good, if only he loved her as before.

Seryozha only kept the boy, and Katerina Lvovna sistered his pillow herself.

Sixth. It turned out that a bunch of people becomes witnesses to the murder of a nephew. Sergey is also recognized in the killing of the merchant.

Katerina Lvovna immediately also confessed in the murder, since her beloved Sergey wants so much. And still refuses their common child, who can also be regarded as a certain fourth sacrifice. "Her love to his father, like the love of many too passionate women, did not go any part of the child."

Seventh. "However, there was no light, nor darkness, nor loud, nor good, nor boredom, nor joys; She did not understand anything, did not love anyone and did not love herself. She was looking forward to only the party's speeches on the road, where he was again hoping to see his sinter, but forgotten about the catyaty and think. "

"To any disgusting position, a person is addressed and in each position he maintains the ability to pursue his scarce joy as possible; But Katerina Lvovna has nothing to do with and adapt: \u200b\u200bshe sees again Sergey, and with him she and a cortish way blooms happiness. "

But at that time, Katerina Lvovna is recycling. And she, trying to return the love of Sergey, spends his penny on dates with him and gives him his woolen stockings, which later get to the new Passia Sergey - a sonnet.

Eighth. When Sergey begins the "dance on the bones", the sonnet becomes another victim. Katerina Lvovna was drowned together in her river. Sergey she did not harm.

So who is she? Inverted or coined?

And everything would not be as difficult if not something resembling halucinations.

The first is a dream or not a dream before the murder of Zinovia Borisovich.

"Sleeps and not sleeps by Katerina Lvovna, but only so wipes it, so the face is then poured, and it breathes as hotly and painfully. Feels Katerina Lvovna, that it is time for her and wake up; it's time to go to the garden to drink tea, but not to get up in any way. Maybe. Finally, the cook approached and knocked on the door: "Samovar," says, under the apple tree it stalls. "Katerina Lvovna Nasil snapped and caress to caress her cat with Sergey, such a nice, gray, tall, and pretty-fat. .. And the mustache is like a dortie burramist. Katerina Lvovna was keen on his fluffy wool, and he was so with her digging and climbing: I am doing a stupid face into an elastic chest, and he sings such a quiet song, as if she tells her about love. "And what Even here this cat came here? - Katerina Lvovna thinks. - Creams here, then I put on the window: it's someone, sneaky, I will get them out. You will drive it out, "she decided and wanted to grab a cat and throw it away, and he like fog , so past the fingers, she passes. "However, where did this cat come from? - Ra Lives in the nightmare Katerina Lvovna. - Never in our bedroom did not have any cat, and here they are climbing! " She wanted to take a cat again with her hand, but there was no him again. "Oh, so what is it? Is it full, Cat? " - Caterina Lvovna thought. Her thieves suddenly took her sleep and Drema completely proactiously. Katerina Lvivna looked around, no cat, there is no cat, there is only beautiful Sergey and his mighty hand her chest presses her hot face.

- I slept, "said Aksini Katerina Lvovna and sat down on the carpet under the flowering apple trees to drink tea. - And what is it, Aksinyushka, then? - She tortured the cook, wiping the tea towel herself a saucer. - What, Mother? - Not that in a dream, but at all I will have a cat to me, some lez. "

So what is it? Sleep or hallucination?

And the second is the vision of those killed before her suicide.

"Katerina Lvovna did not stand for himself: she looked more closely in the waves and stirred her lips. The crude of the vile speeches of Sergei Gul and the moan was heard from the drop-down and clapping shafts. And suddenly, from one broken shaft, the blue head of Boris Timofiech is shown to her, and her husband looked out of another, hugging down with the drooping head of Fede. Katerina Lvovna wants to remember the prayer and moves his lips, and her lips whisper: "As we walked, the autumn of the nights of Nights satisfyed, the death of people with the death of people."

Katerina Lvovna trembling. The grinding eyes focused and became wild. Hands once and two unknown where they stretched into space and fell again. Another minute - and she suddenly all injected, not taking the eye from a dark wave, bent, grabbed a sonlete for his legs and one fell swielded with her overboard the ferry. "

What do you think about such a character like Katerina Lvovna Izmailov?

Women - the creation of tender, but in cunningness they do not exceed them. This is confirmed by examples from life. And this topic was devoted to the creations of the genius of drama and prose. The first about women's tricks and cruelty told William Shakespeare. Nikolay Leskov Dramatic image used in the creation of an essay "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County". Analysis of this work, however, suggests that the Russian classic revealed the topic deeper. After all, he dedicated him to his irrepressive female love, which is stronger than the mind and moral laws.

History of creation

Leskov identified his work as an essay. This genre is among the average between fiction and journalism. By the nature of the activity, the writer had a relation to judicial criminal cases for some time. And, perhaps, one of them formed the basis of the plot. Although there is no direct evidence.

The magazine "Epoch" is a periodic publication, in which "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" first appeared. The analysis of this is necessary, first of all, in order to understand how the author of a female Russian nature has seen. After all, it was this particular topic a writer in the future planned to devote a number of works. However, the essay, which is in question in this article, became the first and last.

The title of works is an allyzia on the name of the Turgenev story "Hamlet Schigrovsky County".

Katerina Izmailov

Who is the lady McBet Mtsensky County? Analysis of this heroine makes it possible to conclude that this woman deprived of any moral base, and in his life it takes the dominant place blind passion. Her name is Izmailov Katerina Lvovna.

She is twenty-three years old, and by origin, she is a peasant. Over five years before the events described in the essay, Katerina came out successfully married a small man, a merchant class representative. Her life to the impossibility of boring, because there is no nothing in the soul - one emptiness. The baby Izmailov was not profitable for five years. The narrator, however, mentions that from her first marriage, Katerina's husband had no children either.

A woman, absolutely deprived of any attractive mental qualities, is a lady McBet Mtsensky County. Analysis of this character should be done on the basis of its actions and events that are depicted in the work, as well as on the basis of artistic agents that the author uses in order to deeper its nature. But before, it should be said about the main features of this nature - it is low-forming and far from the Christian religion. This gives reason to believe that the insane passion took possession of it by virtue of spiritual deformity, moral inferiority.


Katerina Lvovna's husband left for a long time and left her house with her father Boris Timofeevich. Young woman in the absence of her husband like a banging handsome worker. Previously, she did not see him, but he learned some facts from his biography from the kitchen. It turns out that Sergey recently appeared at Izmailov. And at the same place to stay for a long time, because of love with the local mistress. But Katerina Lvovna this information is not only confused, but even, on the contrary, intriguing, which says not in favor of her moral appearance.

First murder

Between Sergey and Izmailovoy, that kind of relationship is quickly tied, because of whom Sergey not so long ago was expelled from the old house. And Katerina Lvovna for the first time in life is happiness. Previously, she did not think about it. He lived with an unloved elderly husband and missed it unbearably. But a person cannot conduct aimless existence. And if after a long stagnation, he suddenly acquires the meaning of life, he will lose him afar of all.

And because the father-in-law learned about the love of Katerina with Sergey, she, without thinking, poisoned Boris Timofeevich, they hid the body with Sergey in the cellar.

Second murder

As it was said, the great English playwright - "Who began with the evil, he in him and wake." Sergey, realizing that all the actions of Katerina Lvovna are now depended only from him, convinces it that he cannot be on the illegal connection. He wants her to become his wife. It should be said that a young man can influence the human soul. He belongs to the type of immoral men who live at the expense of their talent in love with women. Playing the role of a jealous lover and convincing it that he wanted to become her legitimate husband, he clearly defines a report in subsequent events.

When the husband is returned and accuses Katerina in "Amrahs", she is not embarrassed at all, calling Sergey and confesses to criminal communications. And then starts to choke it. Sergey, of course, comes to her aid. What feelings are experiencing after a perfect crime lady McBet Mtsensky County? Analysis of the work can be carried out parallel to the characteristic of the Shakespeare Heroine. If you compare these characters, you can detect common features: coldness, restraint and determination. But Izmailov makes the atrocity not from mercenary considerations and ambition, but solely because of his painful passion.

Sergey and Katerina

Surprisingly, the reaction of accomplices is different. Sergey after the murder merry ghosts. Katerina does not feel any remorse. During the murder of his lip, he was trembling, his fever beats. She is calm, although later sees the disturbing dreams. However, this does not say at all that Sergey has a more subtle mental system.

Katerina Lvovna pulled the law of morality. She lost its spiritual principle and stop no longer to stop. Izmailov and after the murder of her husband is capable of everything to keep happiness. Love and be loved by anything - now the great goal of her life. And the condition of her soul is on the verge of madness. Sergey - scoundrels. Its actions lead no feeling, but the calculation. His life, in contrast to the life of his partner, and after committed atrocities will not stop. And therefore, he detects a certain anxiety, which, however, is by no means a consequence of remorse.

Life without her husband

The second murder does not overshadow the happiness of Katerina. Zinovia Borisovich is wanted, and in the meantime, it does not particularly seek to create an image of a loose widow. This distinguishes from such characters the heroine essay "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County". The analysis of the work can be briefly done on the basis of the final events. Already in the first days of exploring Sergei, its mental world changes radically. It is managing exclusively call of flesh. The state of the heroine of Leskov's story resembles a serious illness, mental disorder. And when later, at Katorga, Sergey rejects her, she deprives himself life.

But returning to the events preceding the arrest, the analysis of the story "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" should be continued, comparing the main character with the new character - Fedya. This hero is opposed to Katerina, is an image of a martyr, almost angel, to destroy whom - it means to make the most terrible sin.


The boy is the only legitimate heir of the murdered husband. At the time when he comes to the house of Izmailov, Katerina is already waiting for a child. But even this fact does not hold it from death. However, it should be said that this time Sergey acts as the initiator. I convince the report that the boy became the only obstacle to their great happiness, he expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to get rid of him. And only for a moment the soul of the future mother comes to life. The decisive role plays in the plot "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" love.

Analysis of this work leads to the thought of how many is this word. Under the notion of "love" understands an extremely wide range of feelings. And for Katerina Lvovna, it means the insane blind passion, which leads not only to the murder. She destroys the soul of the heroine. And most importantly, the woman and mother kills in it.

Fedya - Boy God-fearing. On the murder day, he reads the lives of one of the saints. Its image is a symbol of the final moral death of imyail. And after his murder, a woman is deprived of not only freedom, but also maternal feelings. Born before shipping at the cautious child does not cause any response in her soul.

A very peculiar assessment of Russian gave Leskov. "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" (analysis is presented in this article) is a work based on the presentation of the author about the nature of the versatility. At the end of the story, the heroine dies, destroying his rival. It does not make her image more attractive.

Essay caused a negative reaction in society. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the Russian woman did not harmonize with the sentiments who reigned in Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century.

According to revolutionary-democratic ideas, the "simple person" was a deliverant with all sorts of virtues. The writer insisted that the psychological type depicted to them in the sketch cannot be bypassed, because he still exists. The animal is simplicity, stupidity and confusion are capable of making a criminal from man. Just just one spark. For the heroine of the essay, love was love. But then there are other - revenge, offense, the desire for profit or the desire to assert.

\u003e Characteristics of the heroes of Lady McBet Mtsensky County

Characteristic of the hero of Katerina

Katerina the author describes as a woman with a young twenty-four years old, externally relaxing to himself, but not beautiful. She is a low slender brunette with dark eyes. Also at the beginning of the essay of Leskov N.S. refers to the special character of Katerina Lvovna, which is impossible to remember without mental trepidation.

Katerina comes married for the merchant Izmailov, who is older and leading above. But a marriage takes into marriage not from great love, but rather according to the calculation, and the author hints that she does not have a special choice, since she is idleness.

They live with her husband Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich in the house of Svetra - Boris Timofeevich, where Katerina is very boring, and she feels like a bird of golden cage. Husband and beetor of special attention and caress to the girl do not show. It does not come to any trips to delight, since all the views are chained to her, as to the standard, which it is not, due to the fact that it is from a simple family. Diversify your leisure reading Ekaterina desire does not show, and there is no library in a merchant house. A child could become the only swirling, but God did not send the merchant kind of Izmail heir. So Ekaterina Lvovna lived in longing and indifference for five years, and for the sixth year they appeared Sergey's Clauds, who turned his charm and arrogance to himself. And the woman succumbes, even on such ridiculous persuasions after all, she was not spoiled by male attention.

Ekaterina Lvovna in his feelings for Claudist Sergey, it is impossible to call love, this is a terrainania, it does not see any borders. Moral, morality, laws - everything ceases to exist for her, she sees only its goal - Sergey, and for the sake of happiness is ready for everything, even to go through the stage, but only next to your beloved. So in her clouding, the reason from the feelings and fear to lose his beloved, becomes an accomplice of the murder of three innocent people, including a child, and she refuses from her baby, seeing the burden arising on the way between her and Sergey.

She is very painful going through the betrayal of the lover, and covered by the offend and jealousy ends his life with suicide, reached for himself and the young rival. On the deathbed, Katerina tries to remember the words of prayer, but in the head only: "How we were walking with you, the autumn of the nights of the night was sitting, lying in the death of people with the death of people"

In the image of Izmail Catherine - there is not a single positive feature, in all its actions it is guided only by their desires, a sense of profit and egoism. Even at the time of the launch, when she was carved by the screamer, refer to the cautious, she does not repent, and the frequent recognition is only surprising her, she motivates her dark deeds with a sense of love for a man.

Lady Macbeth, undoubtedly, a strong person, which would be better to send its power to something better.

Leskov describes the Ekaterina "Macbeth" a beautiful woman - standing with dark eyes, long eyelashes, dark hair. She has everything, as they say, in place - a beautiful figure, smooth skin. She is a young and healthy woman. But there are no children, and the husband is a very busy person, constantly busy with his affairs, often leaves. Katerina simply has nowhere to apply his strength, send energy. She misses ... There are also the feelings are uncooked, which do not need her serious husband at all.

And here she finds her lover ... She just grabs this cute guy as for the meaning of life. And he still uses it. In principle, without special love for her, he twists with her a novel. (And after already in the link he turns an incinement on the other ...) Feelings captures Katerina - she can hide them, but everything is ready for her lover. She is not very picky in humans. If she could love a decent man who would not bring her to court, under the crime for his benefit.

She just blinded by his passion. Katerina thinks that her lover will do everything for it, if that ... and he is not ready for sure. And so, consider for him for him, she traverad and her swarker, and her husband, and almost a child - her husband's heir. Fortunately, the people save the child. She allows himself to use, forgets about the soul. But she is experiencing and remorse - no wonder, after all, it is the ghost of Svokra, almost stifling it. She understands that she made a terrible ... But she needs only returns from his lover who cannot give her it. And the crime she began to make not stopping this connection. And so that her dear lived in luxury.

Of course, the case is happening in the Russian village with simple people, but from this passion there is no less. Like Macbeth, the heroes suffer, mistaken, suffer their passions. The image of Katerina causes even horror. She is very sorry, I would like to stop her until she did all these troubles. I think that her image is an example of a sinner blinded by its desires. She could go the world with her lover, but he understood that she would probably be it that he would leave her.

Option 2.

Katerina Izmailov In the story of Lady Lady McBet Mtsensky County, it does not have a specific prototype, rather this is a collective image of women who came to the cautious. Leskov himself at one time worked in the criminal chamber and looked at such criminals. In the title of the work, the author explicitly indicates the Shakespearean Heroine, which nobody regretted anyone on the way to his goal. Such is Katerina Izmailov.

First, the works of Katerina Izmailov is a rather quiet, peaceful groom, forced to marry a uninteresting, but rich merchant. She herself is low descent, having a penny for the soul.

A young woman is terribly boring to live in this uninteresting, without the taste of a closed house with her husband and becklings who do not pay attention to it. The appearance of Katerina is attractive, although it is not beautiful. She has beautiful dark eyes with long eyelashes. With this woman there is nothing to do, the beet of Zorko is following the household, and she is wanted all day at home without a case.

Perhaps the birth of the heir brought it to her relief, but they do not have children. So in boredom and in the absence of elementary respect for each other, these people live. Therefore, it is not surprising that Katerina Izmaylova falls in love with the young Clauder Sergey.

The character of Katerina is strong, she is a whole person, ready to go to their own way. Love, or rather passion, a kind of insanity, makes it unmanaged. For love, she is ready for everything. Even for killing. Without blinking the eye, she with a lover sends their own husband and mother-in-law to the forefets. This woman is essentially crazy, because even the young nephew of Fyodor does not regret. Leskova wrote that during the description of the scene of the murder, he was not in itself.

However, God's court is happening. They are caught at the crime scene and are given to court. The terribly also the fact that Katerina at the time of the murder is pregnant, it does not stop her even that everything around is celebrating a religious holiday "Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God."

From his own child who, by the way, from Sergey, it is easily getting rid of, as it believes that he can prevent her "love" of the clerk. It seems that the Demons instilled in Katerina Izmailov. She doesn't care where she is, what does. For her, only one love for Sergey, which she revels is important.

Sergey, of course, is not in love with her. He was flattered to be a lover of the hostess, he was suspended. The strong character of Katerina Izmailov is suppresses and makes him obey. But already at Katorga, he is trying to get rid of her.

For a woman, the behavior of a person whom she loves most of all in the world is tantamount to death. It does not understand that such a passion is a heavy yoke for both her own and for a partner. In the depths of the soul, he is afraid of her and wants to quickly interrupt the relationship. And for Katerina is not just a betrayal, it is a sentence.

Without love can not be life. Deciding to impose on his hands, she takes a rival with him. Both drown in water.

In the work of the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" of Leskov, brightly showed what passion. This dark force, which in no way reminds love. Burning, passionate "love" is destructive for a person, whereas real love is not looking for his own. It is long-frequency and multi-faceted.

Writing Katerina Lady Macbeth

When reading the work of Leskov, Katerina causes contradictory feelings.

The fate of her difficult. She was not beautiful, but still rushed into the eyes. Little, slender brunette with brown eyes. At the beginning of the work, the author paints his heroine with a calm character. It can be put as an example as a standard of behavior.

However, life presented a lot of tests to a young girl. She married not quite a young man who did not love. The girl moved to him, where he gradually began to fade. The spouse practically did not pay attention to Katerina. The girl lost taste for life.

And here on her way a young man rises Sergey. The girl lost his head. Love and passion swept into her life. However, all the secret ever becomes clear. Their relationship began to emerge. The girl desperate and decides on a terrible act - murder.

Then the black strip continues. One nuisance replaces the other. At the end of the heroine does not stand and cums with suicide life.

The author in what occurred situations draws Katerina in different ways. Initially she is a fragile, tender girl. Getting married, becomes a boring, gray stocking. By purchasing love, she flourished like a rose. In extreme situations, its true nature, devoid of all moral principles, is evacuated. She is a terrible, greedy egoist.

However, by reflection about the fate of Katerina, you can look at her behavior on the other hand.

First, the young girl did not know this love. She was driven into corner and not accepted by society.

Secondly, any woman wants to love and be beloved. Each dreams of at least once in his life to experience trembling in the soul, feel care and love.

And here it is happiness. Sergey his presence filled Katerina's soul with warmth. All actions of the girl can find an excuse. This is not immorality. This fear, the fear of losing the most intimate - love.

This is not egoism. This is power. Only a strong person is able to give a report to his actions, and understand for what you do it. And Katerina was not ashamed of the perfect act. She is a strong woman who did not break.

Lady Macbeth betrayed. And it could not be worn. Live without a loved one - it means not to live at all.

Sleeping love is wines to all its actions. The girl fell not in those hands. That the husband who did not give her affection that Sergey, who used her.

In the central part of the canvas is a river. Her water is framed on the one hand with the sandy coast, and on the other hand, the coast is covered with green trees and grass.

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