The best reviews about the performance "Master and Margarita. Tickets for the play "Master and Margarita How to buy tickets for a spectacle

The best reviews about the performance "Master and Margarita. Tickets for the play "Master and Margarita How to buy tickets for a spectacle


The play has a huge number of technical bells. On the stage, the real shower begins to go, it clouds the mysteriously highlighted fog. Images of Pittius Pilate and Yeshua Ga-Nozri are broadcast on large screens, which, on a portable camera, removes the Levy Matvey, the wagon of the metro station on a natural value, sliced \u200b\u200bheads of Berliosis and Bengalsky is very realistic. The most important thing is that the actors are absolutely not lost all this technique. The masters brilliantly play Anatoly white. Pleasantly struck Dmitry Nazarov as Voland. The image turned out at the same time ironic and majestic. The demonic width of Voland is also higher than praise, it is a pity that very little Koroviev (Mikhail Trukhin). Nikolai Chindykin very accurately shows the spiritual suffering of Pontius Pilate, lacking only the famous "White Cloak with a bloody approach". Very expressive, but a few hysterically playing young Victor Horinyak as a poet homeless. Margarita (Natasha Shvets) elegantly balancing along the leaving rails, resets naked on the ball and periodically passionately rushes into an arms of the wizard. In general, the formulation struck by his grandeur, did not disappoint the play of the actors and instilled faith and further the bright future of the Russian theater.

Light, screens, backs, rails, cells, beds, books of books, ash - all this played on the hand of the mystification, which Hungarian was played by the SAS on the MHT stage. The items became participants in the action, supported the heroes, created the overall picture and were memorable details. They became a good framing. And the metro is a symbol of Moscow. In MHT, did not resort to the template image of the city. There is no domes, nor the Kremlin, nor Arbat, even the patriarchal ponds themselves - no. But there is a subway - noise, gam, eternal fussy movement and hidden life in the dark. There are mysticism in the subway, and where without her in the "Master and Margarita"? But even the best scenography will be a set of objects without the living participation of actors. "Master and Margarita" - the performance, undoubtedly, the large-scale and number of actors occupied in it is impressive.
Paul Frol.

Large. In general, it is difficult to imagine how such a novel fit on the stage, convey everything that is described in it. And it was possible. Without any global omissions or formalities. One of the most ambitious performances that I saw: starting from the number of instructions involved and ending with the coverage of the scenic space. Incredibly technologically: on the stage there are some amazing movements, changes, deep light. Accurate and creating the necessary music music.
Maria Ivanova

"Master and Margarita" - a performance where the scenery does not overlap the actor game and the content of the novel, which has become a classic. The new directorial reading emphasizes the relevance of the classics in the theater for today. For such performances, the future of the modern repertoire theater. The theater where the viewer will not fall from naphthalene ancient or sink from primitive images of the heroes of the boulevard novels. Without a doubt, each classics setting is before all the directorial vision of the work, where there may be discrepancies with the content of the source text. This performance is no exception, but despite this, everything was done very harmoniously and does not cause rejection or disgust.

ATTENTION! The timing of tickets for all performances MHT them. Chekhov is 30 minutes!

Michael Bulgakov

Performance in two actions

Oleg Tabakov and the whole team of MHT them. Chekhov decided on a heroic step. On the scene of Mkat, the play "Master and Margarita". It is no secret that attempts to put the play "Master and Margarita" in the theater often ended with a complete failure, if they did not lead to even more fatal consequences. Wanders Voland, Koroviev and Azazello will appear on theatrical poster, as in the theater immediately begin to occur the strange and mysterious things. Almost every new statement of the famous novel raises in the audience a whole storm of emotions. And it does not matter, they put the play "Master and Margarita" in the theater or made a new movie writing. It is enough to remember the film Yuri Kara, who lay on the shelf 17 years.

The legendary classic Mikhail Bulgakov again conquers theatrical expanses with their mystical and beloved many plot. The play Master and Margarita - the work is truly unpredictable and amazing. It takes both readers and viewers of cinema and theater, in an extraordinary and a little terrible world. The director from Hungary, Janos CAC, decided to sign up to the ranks of large admirers of this novel, putting his own vision on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater on the stage, so on the "Master and Margarita" tickets from the cash register will fly again instantly.

Modern interpretation does not work out without particular attention to the mysterious and mystical elements of the novel, which perfectly manages to emphasize with new technologies: video stations and wonderful special effects. The acting work is also doing a great job, which is destined to survive this fantastic history. The masters do not please anything in this life, and Margarita falls into that incredible world, where the nude she flies behind the translucent curtains. There is no director and without comic characters, in the role of which will be Woland with his retinue, Stepa Lyarkheev and other evil spirits of our capital. Levy Matvey and Yeshua look at the scene as plausible that the viewer can be lacound to frighten the reality of production.

Master - Anatoly White
Margarita - Natasha Shvets.
Yeshua Ga-Nochri - Igor Khripunov, Alexey Varushchenko
Pontius Pilate - Nikolai Chindykin
Levy Matvey - Sergey Medvedev, Artem Bystrov
Afranny head of the Secret Guard - Pavel Vacchin
Mark Rough - Roman Kuznechenko, Armen Arushanyan
Judas - Anton Efremov
Niza - Ksenia Teplova, Veronika Timofeeva, Maria Karpova, Sofya Ardova
Wave Dmitry Nazarov
Koroviev - Mikhail Trukhin
Hippopotamus - Artyom Volobuev, Evgeny Fold
Azazello - Eduard Chekmazov
Gella - Maria Zorina
Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of the massolist - Igor Zolotovitsky, Sergey Sosnovsky, Alexander Livanov
Ivan homeless poet - Victor Horinyak
Annushka - Marusya Pestunova
Nurse - Maria Sokova
Sanitars - Artyom Packech, Vladimir Panchik
Stepan Bogdanovich Lyarkheev, director of the Theater Varity - Pavel Vacchin
Gregory Danilovich Roman, phondar director of the theater variety - Andrei Davydov
Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya, chairman of the Housing Association - Valery Troin
Poplavsky - Vladimir Timofeev
Georges Bengali - Igor Vernik, Andrei Burkovsky, Artyom Volobuev
Arkady Apolonovich Smetonov, chairman of the Acoustic Commission of Moscow Theaters - Vyacheslav Zolobov
Mistress SEMMPLEYARYA and Tofan - Marusya Pestunova
Andrei Fokich juice, buffetcher - Rostislav Lavrentiev
Frieda - Anastasia Scirir
Baron Maigel - Nikolay Salnikov
Spectators of the theater Varieta, guests on the ball - the artists of the theater and students of the theater school O.Tabakov

Finally, I visited the formulation of the novel M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". The performance was very atmospheric. An interesting game of light. All emotions and feelings are worried with the heroes. Excellent actor's game. Separately, I would like to note the game of Voland, after the performance I completely reviewed my view on this character, I admit honestly, he washed me in my heart. I write a review after three days, but I still am impressed. Thanks to the play, I'm going to re-read the book to refresh all the wonderful moments with your favorite heroes in memory. 4 hours flew unnoticed. Thank you very much for this production. Bravo!

Galina, 41 years, March 4, 2019

Harmonious, fully (in my opinion), the transmitting ideas and emotions of the work "Master and Margarita" held in suspense and attention, forced to empathize the heroes of the novel. I would like to say a lot thank you to masters of your business - everyone who created this performance, everyone - who implements it. The idea, sales - from decorations, music and light to the acting game (without exception) - talented, extraordinary and highly professional. Thank you!

Alexandra, February 3, 2019

Stunning !!! Very doubted, I thought there would be a mutually, reading the reviews and tuned to a long spectacle went with a good mood and was surprised, the hall is full, mostly young couples, the actors are chic, very much scenery, but they were not necessary and absolutely not needed there, t. To. The actors eclipsed all. The statement is wonderful, go and do not think, will be impressed by a pleasant 100%.

Natalia, 39 years, January 4, 2019

And again, we came the whole family to MCAT them. M. Gorky, but now on the play "Master and Margarita". The minimum decorations, but everything is filled with light, sound and play. Stunning! Bravo to each actor! Returning home under the impression. We thank all the cast for the delivered pleasure.

Olga, 30 years, December 29, 2018

There was a play "Master and Margarita" today (28.12.18). Guys, you are great, cool game. I will say honestly, I did not watch the film, neither the book did not read the book, so I worried that it would be incomprehensible ... I was afraid not to have time for 3.5 hours to understand the plot, but I was delighted. It was not boring, tedious and monotonously, on the contrary, the actions were diluted with dances (balas), as well as Joined to you, a costume style was settled, and I am delighted with the diction, voice, voice, and so on. Thanks again to you all, well, very cool, very sincerely, really interesting.

Elena, 36 years

Thank you very much to all artists of the play "Master and Margarita" !!! November 2, 2018, thanks to the excellent formulation of the performance, impeccable life on the stage of each actor, the new deep themes of the brilliant Bulgakov opened. There are no words to give thanks for this evening. Thanks to everyone and everyone who has attached their heart to ensure that we live today all the incomprehensible and reveal depth of the truth and wisdom in this work! Low bow all you, flowers and infinite gratitude! Theater - Magic and Magic, there is a huge force in it! In each artist, in the director! And thank you that you put on stage exactly such eternal themes, trusting the genius of the writer and doing with him, bringing your paints, but without mixing them in one indistinguishable spot ... Your talent allows you to perfectly convey them to the very nature, where already There is no words nor thoughts. But only silence, contemplation and residence of the present moment in the heart of the viewer.

Igor, 26 years old

Every time on trips I try to visit the theater. This time he discovered MCAT layout "Master and Margarita"! It was unforgettable. All scenes that remained in memory from reading the novel were masterfully set on stage. The transition between modernity and the Pontic Time is made great! Everything is available and understandable, in some moments there was a breakdown to goosebumps! Great game of actors! Thank you very much for your pleasure!

Irina, September 22, 2018

Say that I love theater - not to say anything! The first time I was so far from the characters, in the literal sense, I love to feel the lively trap artists on the stage, I love the theater smell, it is special, but felt only when you penetrate the scene and live a lifetime full of emotions. If we talk about the play "Master and Margarita", then this heavy production, which lasted 4 hours, was able to again hurt me for living. And yes, I am a supporter of this phrase: "Never ask for nothing! Yourself will offer and everyone will give! " I am in love with every hero, for me it is more than the play, I even accept the series! Russian! I do not watch any Russian series so that it is clear how I respect this masterpiece, as if it went, it did not sound. Koroviev, Behemoth Cat, Woland, Margo, Master and all the rest, who are involved, the same Likameev. I am delighted.

Maria, September 22, 2018

Today was in the favorite MCAT them. M. Gorky, the play "Master and Margarita", lately - this is the only performance that really surprised, more precisely, his actors are my favorite work of Bulgakov, so with a special trepidation. The production of the team of Voland was remembered most, played out beautifully!

Elena, October 5, 2018

Opened the theater season today. I have long chosen the performance and stopped at the "Master and Margarita". This work is now included in the school curriculum, and it was one of the reasons for my choice. Daughter at the end of this school year to give literature. Say that I liked the performance - say nothing! We are delighted! Staging - strictly according to the novel, no hesitory is spoiled. They sat in the first row, the places were terribly. The performance lasts 4 hours, looks in one breath. Very much! Bravo!

Anna, September 22, 2018

Yesterday, I visited the play "Master and Margarita", held in MCAT. M. Gorky. This amazing representation will accurately get into my personal hit parade. Very easy to read the handwriting Valery Belyakovich. Only seeing the scenery, I felt that my hand was put on this spectrum, they seemed very familiar to me. The scenery is minimal - several huge metal plates, which when falling on them lighting turns into pages of books, walls of the palace, apartment, ballroom. Here the light plays a separate role. He demonstrates us to Voland and his retinue red, the same color all dark divids stand out. When Margarita grinds the apartment of Critique of the Latunsky, instead of the plates we see the windows of his apartment, every witch's hand is accompanied by lightning. Very often, several light circles appear on the stage, among which our heroes are moving, turning out in the light field only when they should be in the center of events. Incredibly, much attention is paid to the costumes: each detail, every little thing is thought out. The suit of the procurator looks very impressive, an incredible mantle with a large number of folds is the real clothing of the Roman ruler. I really liked the scene in which the poet homeless fell into some pots, the whole waspacked in Griboedov. Before his arrival, there were dancing there, reigned a restless fun, and after Chaos settled. It seems that you know what should happen (after all, the book read almost everything), but the appearance of the poet still turns out to be unexpected. The disadvantage of homeless with doctors in a psychiatric hospital turned out to be very funny and comical. The crowd of interest, blindly following his supervisor, a crazy nurse, a rather strange doctor who seems to be much more crazy than our hero.

Nelli A.

We visited one of the oldest and significant theaters of Moscow - MCAT. M. Gorky. Were on an excellent formulation "So Will". Stunning performance, good scenery, game of actors at the highest level!

Anastasia K.

I would like to tell about my most about MCAT. M. Gorky "Master and Margarita". The text of the novel itself, the skill of the director and actors throughout the performance hold the viewer in a state of sinking the heart. All-length music, a brilliant actor game, the depth of the product makes it possible to plunge into reflections on what is the same modern society, from which humanity went and what came to, about the essence of a person. On the performance was already 2 times and I will go with great pleasure again, every time something new opens. The performance does not depart from the text of the author himself, so there will be a complete immersion in the Bulgakov world.

Alexandra R.

Yesterday we visited MCAT. M. Gorky on the "master" and, even though I endured the day of silence, but I can't tell about it. First, I definitely advise you to go. Well, and secondly, in fact, the review ... very saturated and at the same time a very beautiful and laconic performance, accurately fixed and captured, so that you believe - both in the atmosphere, and in an invisible glass, and in the flying of the margot, and, Of course, in Voland. Prior to this performance, for me, the best emission of the "master and margarita" was, no matter how funny, not an adaption, but the Rock Opera of Gradsky, but now this championship has significantly shaken. This is a performance, a leading dialogue with the audience, but making it so delicately and obviously, I want to applaud standing (for "focus with cash paper" separate bow and admiration) ... p.s. Erschalaim chapters naturally took my heart.

It was mystically and magically. Theater is a living delight !!! It was especially nice that money really fell from the ceiling. And that Woland applied to us how to their viewers who came to him on the show. Thank you for those who have helped with tickets. Of course, gratitude and those who played so great! Taking off my hat! Delight one!


Spontaneously came to the production of his beloved work - "Master and Margarita"! The one who reads this book is either immensely loves her, or does not understand her at all. I, of course, in the first category! From school read 4 times and think this is not the end. Sitting in the hall, you just know almost every phrase, but you live inside this picture. I liked the performance insane! Energy demonic, crazy and tense, she will not immediately leave anyone indifferent, and the game and monologues of Voland ... No words! "What would your good, if there was no evil existed, and how would the earth looked like, if the shadows disappeared from it?" I advise everyone to read, who did not read, and to view.

Julia K.

Let's leave aside "Book better". Is it worth mentioning my love for Bulgakov and various forms in prose? I do not think so. I have a special relationship with the "Master and Margarita", forever the book will remain my beloved, and the impressions wake up from the depths every time I stumble only on the name. Staging MCAT. M. Gorky took a little more modern appearance that she did not spoil her at all. I again plunged with my head in the lines of your favorite work. Finally did a good Woland, intriguing, cunning. And of course, my love number is one - Bassoon. My God, what is he beautiful in the production! For the fate of this role I experienced the most. But no, however, it is very good. Thank you, I am glad that the production was carried out in this vein, without having lost a drop of Bulgakov himself.


Reviews about this performance can be contradictory. Everyone perceives in its own way. But in its feelings and perception I can say that this one of the best productions of such a complex work. The performance soiled me in the soul that yesterday I watched it for the third time. Performance to goosebumps. Actors, music and emotional feeding works cause admiration. Looks at one breath, I advise everyone!


Looked yesterday with my daughter play "Master and Margarita" in MCAT them. M. Gorky. I, of course, not theater and compare me with nothing, but the game of actors amazes and fascinates, almost 4 hours, as in one breath. Do not know how to spend the evening, go to the theater on "Masters and Margarita", you will not regret. I am still under the impression and would be happy to revise once again. P.S. Also liked the attitude of the staff of the theater to the audience, we had on hand tickets to the balcony, but we were allowed to go to the parquet for free places. And yes, "manuscripts are not lit"!

Vlad N.

It was difficult to imagine how such a complex work can be put on stage. But what I managed to see ... This is delighted! Goosebumps, bravo! Patriarch, Annushka, Hippopot Cat, Satan Ball. Mystic, love, good and evil, compassion. Beautiful costumes and an incredible atmosphere. I really liked the stage of scene about the view of the Voland in Varette: At that moment, when Woland says about Muscovites, the Chervonians begin to fly on the spectators from the ceiling. Remember this moment in the novel? Feel yourself part of the performance. +1 Surrounding dream.


Bright, exciting brain, excavating mystic play. In a word Crazy ... The actors played so that I wanted to pray after the performance. What happiness is that there is Jesus. Unfortunately, and in our time there is a considerable number of Jew characters ... Actors Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! I will be "Margarita", the role of the master is still open ...

Margarita K.

"Girl, don't want to go to the theater in half an hour? I can not get there today, take my ticket, "said an unfamiliar man on the street. So I was on the "Master and Margarita" ... I would hardly go to this production myself, because the plot is known, we read so many times and watched. It would seem that new, but still I again discovered him for all this mystics, I completely forgot what scene funny there. Light + music + emotions \u003d goosebumps. Go to the theater one very funny. An unfamiliar man made my day, thank you!

Julia E.

MCAT them. M. Gorky, "Master and Margarita" M. Bulgakov - This formulation is currently actual at all times, a stunning game of actors, 4 hours flying like an instant. Mystic in everything !!! Awesome. Bravo actors and director!

Ekaterina N.

The brilliant book "Master and Margarita" is one of my favorite, even the collector's publication of this novel, with the author's notes, is available in my meeting, but it was always difficult for me to imagine how this work can be implemented within the theater. Having studied the reviews of critics, my choice fell on this production in Mkhat M. Gorky. I can say one thing: the brilliant text of the novel, thanks to the skill of actors and the director, was embodied in the play - the triumph of the scene, saturated with sparkling fantasy, depth to comprehend the Bulgakov text, all-pervading music and bright theatricality. The minimalism of the scenery does not distract from the excellent game of actors, leaves a place for his own fantasy, and thanks to special effects, it creates a mystical atmosphere not only on stage, but in the whole hall ... I am very advised this setting to those who have not read the novel, since the work is cited by the word for word According to the book, I do not miss any scene ...


I am delighted with the play ... everything is selected perfectly, and actors, music, and costumes. Such a masterpiece is very difficult to put, it is very difficult not to repeat, be at the same time and original, and stick to the classics. Director and everything creative team succeeded. Thank you so much!


The brightest masterpiece! Polon of irony and endless wisdom. Be careful with your desires - they have a property come true.


Instructions on how to take a very specific and atmospheric Roman Bulgakov and translate into playwriths. Mood, sounds, fourth wall, which is not. Studitfully different from the previously seen by me. Madly careful attitude towards the text - and the notes of modernity, which only give the charm. And yet in the first place - the great and brilliant novel "Master and Margarita". Monologists from a third party. Arrangement of narration in monologues and dialogues. Well, honestly, cool. Suits. And about the little, but extremely memorable Praskov, Karpov and Lady from the theater and at all silent ... Big gratitude for this performance MCAT them. M. Gorky - for artists, for the scenario, for the stage decision. Bravo!

Catherine K.

Today I finally got out of my favorite MCAT. M. Gorky. Unfortunately, it does not always get to the theater - employment, fatigue, business trips. But when you come, you charge the energy for all 100%. Watching today "Masters", I found something new for myself, heard that I did not hear before. It's stunning! I was glad to see B. Bachurina !!! And, of course, I. Fadina is a positive man!


MA Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita". My expectations were justified. A very long time has dreamed of watching the play on the novel by Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", but somehow everything was not possible. As if some unprecedented power kept me. But on one of the most beautiful summer Friday evening we did it. 4 hours in one breath. I can say that I was initially difficult for me to imagine how such a complex work can be put on the stage, but the artists of MCAT them. M. Gorky everything turned out !!! The actors played their roles just ingenious. After viewing the performance, unforgettable impressions remain. In general, wild wild delight and stormy ovations.

Nadezhda Z.

"Never ask for nothing, especially those who are stronger than you ... Everyone will be offered" - the legendary quote from MA. Bulgakova, like "manuscripts do not burn" and "Muscovites spoiled the apartment question" ... What kind of work is we talking about? While experts think, I will say, in what delighted with the performance. I like Mkhat them. M. Gorky, because here they always put the classics in the classic version. This is not the option when the "Hero of Our Time" goes under the songs of Tsoi. 4 hours voltage, and even though you are in advance, you know the finals in advance, you do not leave the feeling that suddenly the director is a little different way to solve the fate of heroes?

Margarita V.

The whole world is the theater ... Beautiful, not leaving indifferent, "Master and Margarita", classic. All theaters strongly recommend! Fully immerse yourself in what is happening and you do not notice how time flies! The next date is September.


I personally fully immersed everything for 4 hours in all what is happening on stage, entourage, effects and musical accompaniment. I liked the game of Voland and Fagota, but I broke my idea of \u200b\u200bAzazello ... In general, I don't take the assessments, I will not say that I wanted to re-read the Roman Bulgakov and once again go to this performance in another formulation.

In the production of Chinese money, unmerced money: and the rails are real in the entire scene, and the Metro Metro car rides at the viewer, and the doors of the metro are also real go back and forth. Such a luxurious scenery has not been seen for a long time.

And all by.

The performance has nothing to do. That is, at all. Just retelling Roman Bulgakov theatrical means, and more often and without it. In a row, almost without bills, incomprehensible scene and episodes.
The entire production is held on the game of Dmitry Nazarov as Voland, who pulls the whole performance. Plays well, but about which - it is not clear to anyone, including himself.
There is absolutely no need there, Bengali, who behaves exactly as he behaves in the show on television. That is, it is extremely gone. Of course, Bengali also went, but he was brightly gone, the Bulgakovski went, and not how today our entertainment TV went today.
I did not see such a poor scene of the ball for a long time: guests are vague, Margarita in Triko and all the time seems to be a thick aunt with the beans of Rubens. There is nothing witch in it.
All the "phantasmagoria" of the type of transfer of Likameev in Yalta is given, sorry, stupidly on the side screens and through the projection by the contact light on the screen.
Neither ridiculous nor scary - no way. Only boring.
The only pair of Koroviev-Azazello (Trukhin-Akrachkov) is quite fun and organic. Pure Bulgakovaya couple.
What the Kurats of the Spasskaya Tower on the side screens before the Bala scene, which is the letter "m", as in the subway, which turns into "w", is also unclear. If it is about the wave and masters, then, sorry, somehow "in the forehead". And the metro at all about nothing: there is no word in the novel about the metro. In the play "Steellers" in the 70s, Oleg Efremov watered a blast furnace on the stage, to which the real trolley approached the rails.
So to speak, the actor naturally got into the role !!!
How is Vysotsky? "You welded steel - now everyone is waiting for rental"?
No, well, compared to the steel shop, the metro wagon is just a children's bow.

Part of the Misaneszen was built "from the hall" with mandatory actors. They run on the partner all the time and create an interactive. Yes, it adds anxiety to action - but only.

But the most important thing. The novel, most people know by heart and close to the text! Well, I don't care that "grief from the mind" to put - and throw a monologue "And who are the judges?"

The director Janos Sas (Hungarian) removed one phrase, followed by the entire tragedy of the master as a person of that era, the 30s.
"After a quarter of an hour after she left me, knocked me in the windows.
What told the patient on the ear, apparently, was very worried about him. Cramps are also terrified by his face. In the eyes of him flooded and fastened fear and rage. The narrator pointed out his hand somewhere towards the Moon, which has long been gone from the balcony. "
That is, everything that before and after this phrase, left, and about the arrest - removed.
Accordingly, I disappeared and Mogarych with your den.

It disappeared that the masters in the grave. And partly and Bulgakov himself.
The essence of the era disappeared: the fear of arrest, betrayal, cowardice, the carriage - and the devotion of friends, in spite of everything.
The tragedy of the wizard disappeared.

How this can be so miserable, so ugly production to produce on the stage of the very theater itself, which will be frank, very much to blame for the playwright! Anyone who read the "Theater Romance" who read the letters of Bulgakov on the 30s and knows all the peripetics of his relationship with the Art Theater, will say: "come back! It cannot be released!"

But now everything can be. Apparently, to take 50 people of young actors to celebrate the Bulgakovsky anniversary, this is the journey of nonsense and will go on stage.

There are only 2 pleasant impressions of the theater visit: the exhibition in the foyer "Bulgakov on the MCAT stage" with the most interesting photos and drawings of scenery and costumes - and perfectly written text in the program about the "sunset" Roman Mikhail Afanasyevich.

So buy Programs, you will not regret!