Jamaican fruit exotion 3 letters scanword. Pink fruits: titles with photos, taste

Jamaican fruit exotion 3 letters scanword. Pink fruits: titles with photos, taste
Jamaican fruit exotion 3 letters scanword. Pink fruits: titles with photos, taste
Strange, why in Spain I did not try this fruit. Apparently, I was embarrassed by the name - nisperos.. I did not know translation, and there was no one who would have suggested that it was for exotic.

This time I bought and tried. And not disappointed - tasty, juicy, refreshing. Aromatic and fleshy fruit caused an explosion of taste sensations. From surprise, I was even coughed, since the juice jumped out the fruit splashes, like a gas bottle. Now I will not miss the case to enjoy the soul open for myself with fruit. So, the age of live - and not everyone will try.

NisperoC ( Nisperos.) in Spanish (emphasis on the first syllable) or japanese Musmula It is an Asian fruit that exists on earth for several millennia. The birthplace of this tree is China, its subtropical areas. Mushmula in Japan also gothes and hence her name.
Up to 19th century, Musmula did not grow in Spain and other countries of the Mediterranean. Seafarers were brought to Spain for about two thousand years ago. Warm coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea are ideal for tender wood, it grows in the same place where citrus trees.

There are many varieties of Musmula, each of which has some differences. As a rule, it has a pear-shaped fruit of up to 8 cm in diameter, with smooth skin from yellow-orange to dark orange. It has a soft yellow very juicy pulp with a sour and sweet taste, similar to the taste of a mixture of apricot, apple, plums. In the appearance of Mushmula very similar to Apricot.

The fruit contains 2-4 large seeds that can be dried, fry, grind and brew both coffee for cores. Raw bones are better not to use, as they contain a small number of poisonous substances. But the blade from the stones can be used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.

In Spain, the most common 2 varietiesARGELINO. and Tanaka.. The bloom of evergreen tree begins in the fall, and the crop matures from May to June. Flowers resemble the aroma of almonds.
Fruits is used in raw form. You can serve with cheese or cold meat, Hamon. And sweet tooths can experiment, connecting nasseros with bananas, ice cream, yogurt. Due to the large content of pectin, Mushmula is particularly well suited for cooking jam or jam, you can cook juice, compote, sauce.
This low-calorie product containing many carbohydrates and fiber is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains carotene, Vitamin C and Vitamins of Group V. And the number of minerals will be tired of transferring: selenium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, zinc, calcium, sodium - and that's not all.
Therefore, this amazing fruit can be boldly to use when the diet and treatment of urinary tract, facilitating pain in kidney stones, to normalize the intestinal work, to clean the liver and vessels from toxins and slags, to reduce sugar. Mushmula helps control blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

But you should not forget that you need to observe the measure with a diet: a unloading day can only be 1 time per week and do not eat more 1 kg per day. With bronchial asthma and diseases of the respiratory organs, alcoholic tinctures are prepared from the pulp of fruits. 5 pieces of Mushamules to be confused, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Mix everything and insist in a dark place. Take 30 g after polling 3 times a day before meals. There comes to relief cough, removal of sputum from the lungs and improving the overall state. Fans of exotic plants have learned to grow Mushmul from the bones and admire it, like a decorative bush, and even collect a small harvest of 5 years at home. There is a Spanish site for fans of this fruit. http://www.nisperosruchey.com/

Nature gives people fruits and vegetables from all sorts of shades and colors. The most popular are the fruit of red. This color is subconsciously associated with the ripeness of the fetus. Among the red fruits can be found like those who are familiar with us from childhood and quite exotic and unusual.


The "appetizing" color fruits are obliged to a special substance, lycopene. Its presence in the composition and makes the fruit red. In addition, this traveler has a number of positive properties:

  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • provides prevention of heart problems and vessels.

Red fruits are rich in antioxidants. Their action on our body is difficult to overestimate. It is they who neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. Therefore, their use is necessary at various illnesses and for the normal functioning of many systems of our body.


Affordable and famous fruit. Nutritionists recommend to eat on the day at least one apple. But it is worth considering that the red fruits are more calories and are not recommended for sugar diabetes. But useful properties, in such fruits yet more. They are able to remove slags, improve metabolic processes, stimulate appetite, improve vision.


Of course, it is a berry, not a fruit. But in its properties is close to the latter. It provides a wide range of actions on our body. First of all, it should be used to people with hearts and blood vessels. As a result, it is possible to improve blood clotting, strengthening vessels and reduce cholesterol levels. This berry is shown and when problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Increases the level of iron content in the blood. This ensures prevention and therapy of anemia. It is a grenade that is one of the most useful products for the cardiovascular system and vessels. In addition, it cleans the body, eliminates stagnant phenomena. Enhances the protective properties of the body, recommended for colds and inflammatory processes in the throat.

Red bananas

Recent studies of scientists revealed the unique properties of these exotic fruits. They surpass their fellows on many useful properties. Among the main positive qualities for the body, the following are as follows:

  • are a natural source of beta carotene, which participates in the process of skin renewal, improves eyesight and strengthens immunity;
  • due to the high potassium content, bones are strengthened, also this element prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • antioxidants and vitamin B are involved in blood formation and accelerate blood metabolism (in particular, red taurus);
  • their use normalizes the work of the GTS, prevents the occurrence of constipation.


This bright fruit is not only pleased with your cheerful color, but also is able to improve the mood and even fight with depressive states. Regular reception will provide problems with reduced stomach acidity, eliminate constipation and ensure the elasticity of the vessels. Among other useful properties, the ability to remove cholesterol and slags, which is useful for people who follow the figure. This citrus is actively used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. Its fragrance can be found in all sorts of creams, masks and shampoos.


There is a great set of grape varieties. Each of them is unique. The red subspecies differs from their fellow in that it has a whole range of positive impacts on our heart and blood system. He is especially useful for older people, as it improves memory and brain activity. This is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Cosmetologists are especially appreciated grape bones. Of them make excellent scrubs and peelings.

Pregnant women can not have grapes in large quantities, as it contributes to gas formation, which is extremely undesirable during this period.


An acid berry, which in Russia is collected by a manual way, has long been known for its useful properties. Stoiled from the autumn cranberry will help in winter to provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements. It is a natural antibiotic, so indispensable during respiratory diseases.

It is consumed both in fresh and dried. It is based on the beautiful cranberry morse. If you are preparing to become a mom, the cranberries will help support immunity.

Many drugs during this period are prohibited, so this natural and safe product becomes especially valuable.


Which of us does not like to enjoy a refreshing ripe flesh of watermelon on a hot summer day? Have you thought that in addition to the gastronomic pleasure, this berry is huge benefit to the body? Here are just a few of its properties:

  • thanks to the diuretic effect, the work of the kidneys and the urolithiasis is prevented;
  • improves the work of the heart and struggles with hypertension due to the content of potassium, citrulline and magnesium;
  • supports eye health and prevents the age impairment;
  • antioxidants that are part of the composition are struggling with free radicals, which is valuable for people with bronchial asthma.


This exotic fruit for us from ancient times is grown in Africa, Thailand, Japan and China. Ripe fruit has a red peel, it is almost transparent inside. Its use improves the condition of the skin, accelerating metabolic processes. The fruit is recommended to eat people with anemia and anemia. No one is insured against these ailments. Therefore, it is better to provide reliable prevention with the help of a natural and tasty product.

In China, he wore the piquant name "the fruit of love." This is due to the unique ability to increase sexual attraction. Therefore, planning a romantic date, you can invite this unusual fruit to the partner.


Most often, our fellow citizens get acquainted with this unusual shaggy fruit on vacation in hot countries. His unusual appearance attracts and crashes into memory for a long time. It is not necessary to be afraid that after the use of such a "barbed" exotic, you will begin to be sacred. On the contrary, the fruit prevents its appearance by delicate anthelmint action. If you are on vacation, do not deny yourself the pleasure to try this unusual fruit with soft spines.

Eye of the Dragon

Our compatriots also call this unusual fruit dragon fruit or Dragon heart. The present name of his Pyahaya. Very beautiful and delicious fruit. The peel is bright red deciduous growths. Inside the same, the tender flesh of white with small black dots (seeds) is hidden. In the context, the fruit looks particularly aesthetic, so it is often serves as a real decor for a solemn design of the table.

Among the useful properties can be distinguished by anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for use and diabetes. Rich in fiber and vitamins, the fruit contains a small amount of calories. If you burned in the sun, then in an exotic country it will be easier to find this fruit than the rather familiar sour cream. Lubricate damaged steels and leave for a while.


This is an interesting fruit whose homeland is South and Central America. Seeing it for the first time, you will surely find the external similarity with lemon, but only green. Inside, the surprise is waiting for you - tender flesh. It can be both almost white and red. Experts recommend to eat not only gentle flesh, but also the peel.

It is in it contained 10 times more substances than inside the fruit. And although it has a bitter taste, among its useful properties there is anti-inflammatory, painful, laxative, anti-epileptic, antipyretic and anti-allergic action. This is a real first aid kit. That's just a pity that on our shelves, this unique product will meet infrequently.


Even those who have not visited exotic countries, approximately imagine the taste of this fruit. After all, the juices and yogurts, and other products can be found with his taste and aroma. But, of course, this does not compare with pleasure from the use of sweet ripe fetus. In the countries of growth, it is also valued for a whole list of useful properties. Fruit is able to eliminate spasms and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. The use of the period after the disease accelerates the rehabilitation process, restores immunity and contributes to the elimination of harmful substances from the body naturally.


The use of these soft gentle fruits with velvety skin will be useful both for children and adults. Phosphorus and potassium are responsible for the good work of the brain, which is valuable at any age. The same elements are necessary for the health of the teeth. Also improve the condition of bone and cartilage tissue. Girls dreaming about a slender figure are recommended to replace all harmful sweets with this fruit. With a minimum calorie calorie, you can be touched by sweet fruits, not surviving for the figure. In addition, peach stimulates digestion and metabolism.

Magic fruit

Have you ever heard about this? And it exists. This name he received no accident. There is nothing mysterious or intriguing in his appearance. These are oval little berries of a bright red shade. But here the properties of ripe fruit truly magical. After a small number of eaten berries, taste sensations are changed from even the usual dishes. Source suddenly becomes sweet. This amazing property is owned by the presence of a special substance, synepalum. But not only this miracle berry is famous for this. Its use stimulates weight reduction, extends the youth and health of tissues and organs (due to the antioxidants contained).

As you can see, red fruits are very diverse and interesting. But before use you should make sure that there are no allergies on them. Otherwise, than a variety of your daily diet, the more benefit it will bring the body.

How to cook a delicious cherry pie called "Klafuti", see the next video.

Thailand fruits and vegetables are very diverse. Below we collected for you what is necessary to try while in the country of smiles.

Fruits in Thailand
1. Durian

Durian (Thai name - Durian) is the undoubted leader of our list. The fruit of a pale green-yellow color with a leather resembling shell. Weight from 2 - up to 5 kg. Durian has a very unpleasant smell and excellent sweet creamy taste. Durian eating raw, and the seeds are fry and eating instead of nuts. Store at home or at the hotel, as well as transport, is not recommended due to the smell. In many hotels, hospitals, shopping centers and other public places, special signs can be found, reminiscent of what the Durian is prohibited into the room. Thais themselves talk about Duriana so "Fruit with the taste of paradise and the smell of hell."

Do not try Durian - Vacation in vain))

2. Mango

Mango (Thai name - mamuang) - externally yellow, green or reddish the fruit of the oblong shape, outwardly a bit similar to a melon. Inside juicy yellow-orange or green pulp with sour and sweet taste.

In my opinion the most delicious mango is green outside and yellow inside.

3. Dragon Frut.

Pintaya or Pyathaya (Dragon Frut, Dragon Eye) (Thai name - Geow Mangron). Bright pink or yellow fruits with rare green scales. Inside white or red pulp with small black bones.

4. Guava

Guava (Thai name - Frang) - fruit light green, externally resemble an apple. Outside rough skin. The flesh is white or red, crisp like an apple, with a lot of small bones.

5. Papaya

Papaya (Papaya) (Thai name - Malakor) - Pear-shaped fruits, green or yellow. The flesh of orange or bright pink color. Papaya eaten both vegetable and as a fruit, depending on the degree of maturation. Thais love to cook from Papaya their famous "Papaya Salad".

6. Mangoustin

Mangoustin (Mangostein) (Thai name - Mangkhud) - a small fruit, similar to an apple with brown or purple skin. Sweet. To taste reminiscent of grapefruit.

7. Lico

Licchi (Thai name - Linchi) - the fruit of magnitude with a small plum, with scaly pink peel. Inside the white flesh, which is eating, and inedible bone. To taste resembles grapes.

8. Sapodilla

Sapodilla (Thai name - La Moot) - the fruit of yellow-brown, similar to Kiwi. Crispy pulp with creamy-caramel taste and several hard seeds. The taste resembles persimmon.

9. Marakuia

Maracuya - the fruit of purple-purple or golden color, size with a small grapefruit. Under the leather there are bones in a juicy sweet shell. The cocktail is very tasty: soda, maracuyia and sugar syrup.))

10. Longan.

Longan (Thai name - Lamyai) - small fruits of light brown, resembling the type of walnuts. Inside the transparent white flesh and a rigid bone.

11. Jackfrurt

Jackfruit (Indian Bread Tree, Eve) - This is a big fruit with thick thickest yellow-green leather. It looks like Durian, but his "spikes" smaller. The flesh is yellow, sweet, with the unusual smell and taste of pear of the "Duchess" variety. Segments are separated from each other and sold in bags. The ripe meat is eaten fresh, do not prepare. Jackfruit is mixed with other fruits, add to ice cream, in coconut milk. Seeds are edible in boiled form.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple (Thai name - Sapa Rot). Pineapples Thailand are considered one of the best in the world. There are about 80 varieties of this fruit. The taste is saturated - from sour-sweet to honey. The smell of mature pineapple is pleasant and slightly sweet. Choosing a pineapple, pay attention to its texture: it should be a little known under the fingers, but not be too soft or, on the contrary, too hard. In Thailand, a mini pineapple was also widely distributed or as they call "Royal Pineapple."

13. Coconut

Coconut (Thai name - Ma Phrao). Season: all year round. If not these fruits, Thai cuisine would be just a combination of Chinese and Indian. They are added in rice, eating fresh. Most soup boiled on coconut milk. Coconuts in syrup offer as dessert. In the markets sell coconut milk right in the fruits. Be prepared for the fact that Coconuts in Thailand are not the coconuts that we used to see in the "Bounty" advertising. They are green and big. But, there is one more kind - small light brown.

14. Langsat

Langsat (Thai name - Lang Sat). Season: from July to October. This fruit is almost unknown outside the country, but in Thailand itself very popular. His grayish pulp has both sweet, and sour taste. Langsata bitter seeds, so the fruit must be carefully. Do not confuse with Longan.

15. Pomel

Pomel (Thai name - som Oh). Season: From August to November. To taste reminiscent of grapefruit, only rather sweet than sour. In addition, the pomelo is much larger in size. The pulp is reddish, pale yellow and orange.

16. Rambutan

Rambutan (Thai name - NGAW). Season: all year round, peak - from May to September. One of the most visible and delicious exclusively Thai fruits. Bright red fruits with pale green bristles to taste remotely resemble grapes, only sweeter. Rambutan is growing in the central and southern provinces (Channthaburi, Pattaya district, Surathathani).

17. Pink apple

Pink apple (Thai name - Chom Poo). Season: all year round. There are two varieties of this fruit: one is really pink, the other is green. To taste, fruits are similar to ordinary apples, only a few acid. The most beautiful pink apples appear in the markets in the cool season - from November to March.

18. Salak

Salak, snake fruit (Thai name - La Kham). The scaly fruits of burgundy brown, the shape - oval and slightly elongated, resembles a drop of water. The peel is thin and quite easily removed, but cleaning the fruit, you need to be careful: it is covered with small soft spikes. Yellowish-white salary pulp.

19. Sugar apple

Sugar apple (Thai name - Noi Naa). Season: from June to September. Under the buggy green leather hides a sweet and fragrant flesh of milk color. If the fruit is ripe enough, it can be spoon. By the way, the basis of a special ice cream, served in Thai restaurants, is the sugar apple. Fruit loves a hot and wet climate, so they grow it mainly in the south of the country.

20. Karambola.

Karambol (Thai name - Ma Feung). Season: From October to December. Fruits of yellow or green, oblong. Cut across have a form of a five-pointed star. Because of this, they have the second name - Star Fruit, or "Star Fruit". Mature fruits are very juicy. The taste is pleasant, with floral notes, not very sweet. The misappropriate fruits are pretty sour. They have a lot of vitamin C. Basically fruit is used for the preparation of salads, sauces, juices and soft drinks.

21. Tamarind.

Tamarind (Thai name - Makham Thad). Season: From December to March. Tamarind is an acidic fruit, but in Thailand his sweet variety grows. Thais usually boil the fruit in the water, getting a refreshing drink.

22. Watermelon

Watermelon (Thai name - Taeng Mo). Season: all year round. Peak season: October-March. Appearance: Low-size watermelons, with red or yellow pulp. Yellow more expensive, because In Thailand, this is the color of wealth. Taste: the usual sugar-sweet watermelon, refreshing from both species. Significant swelling of Astrakhan. Eating: Popular necks, smoothies and juice from fresh watermelon. Used for curious fruit threads.

23. Banana

Banana - (Thai name - Kluai). Season: all year round. Appearance: Yellow or Green. Taste: very sweet, the smaller the size and thinner skin, the more tastier, but these are not stored. Long stored better, cost more. Very nutritious, they are eaten by unreliable with spices, semi-fried in the sun, ripened fry in deep fryer, boil in coconut milk or syrup, flowers are used in the preparation of various dishes.

24. Mandarin

Mandarin (Thai name - SOM). Season: all year round. Peak season September-February. Appearance. Less in size than European varieties, with a thinner skin of greenish yellow. Taste: Sweet with light sourness, very juicy. Compared to European varieties, not such a bright taste. Eating: In Thailand, they mainly squeeze juice and sell everywhere on trays on the streets.

Fruits in Thailand for seasons.

Many people think that tropical fruits are pretty dubious pleasure. But in the truth, many of them look so that it is not clear whether this fruit is at all. Of course, our beloved bananas, kiwi and pineapples have long found their place on our food market. But today the story will go about more exotic and strange fruits.


Due to the close economic relations with Asian states, we began to supply a large number of exotic-tropical fruits, which found their honorable place in medicine and in cosmetics. People began to think more often about what products they use. And it is safe to argue that high-quality food has become a new fashionable course. It is tropical fruits that contain a huge range of various minerals and vitamins, which is favorable not only on health, but also appearance.

Motherland of tropical pleasure

Southeast Asia is just a paradise place given by the nature of the fans of exotic. In Russian supermarkets, tropical fruits are often found. But most often, they are distinguished from the originals not only the price, but also the taste itself. Sometimes they are stuck chemicals, as many suppliers send immature fruits. Every day, residents of the countries of Southeast Asia enjoy a variety of fruits that grow on their rich land. Exotic fruits here - the usual business.

Tropical fruits, titles and descriptions of which will be presented below are growing in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other Asian states. They differ from each other not only by the form and taste properties, but also names.

Well, let's talk about exotic fruits ...

What kind of fruit eye dragon

The birthplace of this interesting product is China. Here it is customary to call Longan, which means "the eye of the dragon". Why is it so called? When cut in half, Longan looks like an eye. Dragon's eye - fruit, which grows on a tree adapted to the tropical climate. Sometimes they are able to withstand and slightly low temperatures. This fruit is used not only in the preparation of food, but also in Chinese medicine. The Chinese eat it in the fresh, dried and canned form.

From above, the fruit is covered with brown peel, which is very thin and led by easy cleansing. Then there is a white dense layer, and already inside, in the very center, there is a black seed. The eye of the dragon is a fruit having a juicy and fragrant flesh. If you cook the juice from Longan, it is beautifully quenched thirst in the sultry heat.

In restaurants, the Dragon's eye serves with ice cream. Longan has vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. Due to the high level of sugar, the fruits of the Dragon's eye during disease give strength. But to get involved in the use of this tropical fruit is clearly not worth it, as this is involved in an increase in body temperature. If you want to prepare an exotic-tropical dessert, you need to boil the fruits of the dragon's eye and rice in sugar syrup.

The fruit of gods - mangoustin

Mangoustin - fruit, having a whole 3 names: Mangosteen, Mangosten and Mangoustin. Interestingly, one product is awarded as three items. The pulp of this exotic fetus is consumed in the state of Fresh, but the cool drinks and juices are prepared from the whole fruit. For someone who has never tried it, it is difficult to describe it, but it is worth believing the word to those who claim that he is very tasty.

Despite the fact that the peel at Mangoustina is too solid, it has useful properties, and it is also used when preparing a cool drink. The juice of this exotic fruit can be preserved, and then used in order to treat and purify the body. Since mangoustine is a useful and valuable tropical fruit, the cost of it is quite high.

On the shelves of supermarkets of Russia, he is often found. But you need to know that mangoustine is a fruit that can not be frozen. He is also small to store storage, so the freshness of this product in our market is doubt. Keep this fruit in the refrigerator can be a maximum of 2 weeks, so it remains to hope that the mangoustine is carried exclusively in suitable conditions and no more than this term.

To enjoy the taste of the fetus, you need to work hard. And without a knife, this case will not cost. As soon as the thick crust is cut, slices appear (4-8 pieces) cream color, which are covered with a blue mesh. The taste is slightly sweet and sometimes tart.

Now go to the beneficial properties of mangoustine. Not every tropical fruit can boast solar energy in which our body needs. The number of antioxidants is simply excavated here. Thanks to the property of cleansing the body and detoxification, mangoustine helps to maintain weight. This fruit is the perfect addition to the dietary diet, it increases the effect of any diet. And important information for ladies aged: Mangoustin helps to maintain youth!

What are the tropical fruits

Scientists believe that thanks to the special enzymes that are part of their composition, they help when weight loss. Tropical fruits have one common and main benefit for our organism: they are replete with minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for our health. The content of vitamins C and D helps in strengthening immunity. Doctors believe that such a green tropical fruit, like Guava, helps strengthen the immune system in the winter.

Tropical star

Karambol is a fruit, which in the context resembles five, six-, and sometimes a seven-pointed star. The fruits of her juicy and crunchy. They possess two taste properties: sweet and sour sweet. This fruit is considered low-calorie, as 100 g contains only 31 kcal. Karambol is a fruit consisting of 90% of water and containing oxalic acid. People who suffer from the problems of the kidney work should refrain from the use of this tropical sweetness. It is the main source of vitamin C, and also contains a caloricator (organic acid). The fruits of this fruit are ideal assistants to reduce pressure, and also assist in eliminating colic, fever and headaches.

When used, look at that the fruit is without damage. If you want to buy sweet fruits, choose yellow fruit, because the greenes have a sour taste. You can store carambula in the refrigerator, but not more than a month. If you have acquired immature fruits, do not despair. Hold them for several days at room temperature, during which time they will hurt, and then you can shift them into the refrigerator. You can use cannons in a fresh form or add as ingredient into fruit salads. To cook salad you need to cut the carambula, papaya, strawberries, then add blueberry to them and fill it with a whole lemon juice.

Rambutan: This is exotic

Rambutan - fruit, which has not only an unusual name, but also an interesting appearance. Many people think that this fruit is grown by selection, but this is a delusion! It grows naturally. Exotic Rambutan lies in its appearance, which is more like a fish fis. Many fishermen know that this is a poisonous fish. The same poisonous and this fruit. Therefore, the seeds of an exotic plant before use it is necessary to roast. Rambutan is a fruit having a sweet taste (sometimes with a notch of sourness) and a rather pleasant fragrance. The calorie content of the Rambutan compared to the cannon is high - 60 kcal per 100 grams. But if you take into account the fact that the fruit is rich in minerals, fructose and vitamins, then it is quite a bit. Today, Rambutan is grown in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Australia, on the Caribbean and in Central America.

Before using the Rambutan, it is necessary to get rid of the peel, which is inedible. In order to remove it, you need to cut the fruit with a knife with a finger and, after the appearance on the surface of the crack, split the skin in half. After that, there will be only white flesh with a bone inside. In the raw form of the bone of poisonous, and in fried it is quite edible.

Of course, the most often rambutan is used in raw form, but in some countries it can be preserved like pineapple. Also, it turns out very tasty jams, compotes and desserts.

Thai women use his flesh to massage the face, they are confident that this procedure rejuvenates the skin. The use of fruits is recommended for those who want to restore their strength in a short time. It also reduces the risk in the development of cardiovascular diseases. With regular consumption, the kidneys are noticeably cleaned.

During the purchase of Rambutan, you need to focus on its color. Ripe fruit has bright red peel, hair does not spiny and slightly greenish shade at the ends. If the hairs of the fetus are dry, it means that either the fruit began to deteriorate, or already fell. Even despite the fact that the term of storage of the rambutan is small, it is the most imported tropical fruit. But it is best to use it in countries where it grows. There and cheaper, and the taste of another.

Hellish smell and divine taste

Interesting fruit - Durian. The taste of it resembles cheese, cherry syrup, sweet almond cream and can cause a few more incompatible associations. But the fruit is not famous for its interesting taste, but thanks to a specific smell. Tourists compare this smell with a mixture of spoiled onion, turbidar and stinky cheese. Therefore, countries growing this plant were forbidden to bring Durian to public places. Fruit is needed very quickly, since the strong smell begins to feel a couple of minutes after opening the fetus. And believe me, such an "fragrance" is pretty hard not just. Those who for the first time in life try this fruit for a long time under the impression of aggressive "aroma", but amateurs compare it with spicy cheeses. Durian is growing closer to the trunk, as it has a weight of up to 8 kilograms. Therefore, be careful: if such a fruit falls per person, injuries can not be avoided.

It is better not to touch the pulp to the pulp, as it will be difficult to get rid of the smell - it is better to use a spoon. If you close the nose and try tropical Durian, then the taste will remind a strawberry, granting the walnut. It is eaten not only fresh, and often used as an ingredient in baking, add to ice cream or drinks, stirred with rice or served as a side dish. In Thailand, the festivals dedicated to Doriana are held in Thailand. Despite its strange smell, the exotic Durian will not leave anyone indifferent.


In China, lychee (or lisi) is a symbol of sensuality and love. There is a legend about the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He was so captive by the beauty of his concubine that he ordered the servants to bring her a gift to the fruits of lychee, which grew over 1000 km from the Imperial Palace. So what is the appearance and taste of lychee? This fruit has an oval shape with a puffer coat of red color. The fruit has a bright jelly flesh, having a sweet and at the same time astringent taste. The pulp can easily be separated from the peel. This plant grows very slowly and gives plentiful harvest only in the first 2 year old months.

It is used in the manufacture of wines, beverages, juices, salads. And also the lychee can be preserved and used as a sweet filling for pies and other baking. Fruit is perfectly combined with any fish, perfectly suitable as the ingredient in the preparation of sour-sweet sauces. Fruit is low-calorie - 60 kcal per 100 grams. If you regularly use this product, then the digestive system will tell you "Thank you". Licacy juice is used to make refreshments, as it has a refreshing and tonic property. High content in nicotinic acid fruits blocks the development of such a disease as atherosclerosis. It is this terrible disease that causes complications in the form of stroke and infarction. It is also desirable to use lychee to people suffering from anemia.

Buying fruit in supermarkets, pay attention to its appearance, and most importantly, on the color of the peel. If it is dark, then the lychee rolled for a very long time, and his taste will resemble the boiling juice. Ideally, the peel should have a bright red color, and the fruit should be a bit soft and without surface damage. How are there a lychee? For a start, the fruit must be washed, then remove the peel (this is done quite easily), then remove the flesh on the plate and finally enjoy the taste. And if adding fruits into a glass of wine or champagne, then the exotic taste is provided to you.

Unusual fruit from Asia

Jackfruit is a fruit that is different from other exotic brothers in its size. The weight of the fetus reaches 36 kg! Motherland Jackfruit is considered by India, only then he began to grow in some Asian countries. Not too pleasant smell contrasts with the striking taste of the fetus. Interesting taste: on the one hand, it is not too sweet, on the other - not sour. You can use only the pulp with seeds. To try it, there is no need to wait for ripening, even immature fruits have a gentle taste. Fruit is cut as watermelon. If there are brown spots on it, it means that he either overrere or spoiled.

And in conclusion, I want to remind. Whatever tasty and charming, these tropical fruits seemed to eat them in moderate quantities, and before that consult with your doctor. For residents of Asian states, such exotic fruits are similar to our apples and pears, which we use every day, but an unprepared person has unfamiliar food dangerous. Therefore, before traveling, learn all your diseases and contraindications in the use of certain fruit.

Dragons of fruit (Geow Mangri) or Pithaya - covered with bright pink scales with bright green edges. White, red or purple pulp with plenty of small bones especially tasty with yogurt.

The translucent Rambutan flesh is very sweet and contains vitamins C, B1 and B2, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, phosphorus. Canned rambutans are often stuffed with pineapple and served with ice. In Asia they say: "Eat at least one Rambutan - lengthen its life."

Guaava's fruits at first glance can be taken for unworthy watermelon. This tropical fruit has a dense green peel and pale pink content with a pleasant smell. In the distant past, the fragrance of Guav Trees forced the Spaniards to think that they were in paradise on earth.

Mangosten is a small round fruit with thick dark purple skin and large green leaves. Mangostein's fruit is considered one of the most sophisticated fruits of the world. In the aroma of mangostein fruits combines the fragrances of apricot, melons, roses, lemon and something else elusive.

Jackfruct is a fruit with a large melon with a huge amount of seed inside. The taste of the jacfructs is like a pear. All parts of the plant, including the peel, contain a sticky latex, so it is necessary to cut this beauty, smearing the hands with sunflower oil or putting rubber gloves

Longconong grows clusters and is very similar to petrified grapes: each fruit has a solid crust. But there is it easy to: Press on the skin, and from there to populate a small yellow ball of translucent white pulp with a gentle pleasant taste.

Karambol is one of the most beautiful fruits, because the fruits cannons have a star shape. Karamballs have a nice flower taste, but it is not sweet. Carambola is used for the preparation of salads, sauces and refreshments. It is not necessary to clean the fruit, you can simply cut into pieces.

Durian (Thurien) is a large green spiny fruit that smells monstrously, but has a gentle and pleasant taste. There is it necessary, how to drink vodka: exhale and do not breathe to put the flesh in the mouth. With Durian you will not be allowed either in the hotel or a plane, nor in the restaurant.

Sapodilla is a fruit of light brown and in shape resembling egg. The flesh of the sapodillas has a pronounced dairy taste.

Salakka is not a fish. These are scratched, dark brown fruits, similar to the bulbs. Inside, they have an orange flesh. Salad taste - how to be specific.

Lychee is a small round fruit with a solid thin shell of red, under which a sweet juicy white flesh is hidden, a little tasty taste. Fruits of lychee are used in fresh form, they prepare various sweet dishes (ice cream, jelly, creams, etc.

Sugar apple. Under the buggy marsh-green color of the leather of this fruit hides the sweet fragrant flesh of dairy color. Before use, the coarse peel of the fetus is usually revealed, then the pulp segments are used in food, and the seeds are fluttered. If the fruit is quite mature, that is, it can be spoon. The pulp is also used to make desserts and refreshments. Mature fruits to the touch soft, immature - tough.

Pink apples to taste are very similar to ordinary apples, only Thai somewhat acid.

Tomarillo. The woody tomato with the taste of a rosehip ripen on evergreen bushes a height of 2-3 meters. Fruits are usually orange, red or purple, in shape and size look like a chicken egg. The sour-sweet taste Tomarillo is something mean between tomato, melon and rosehip - very good for drinks and salads. Before use, the skin needs to be removed.

Nispero. The form looks like a large plum, with two or three dark bones inside and sweet-acid juicy flesh. Nispero Malokalorien and rich in vitamins A, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Physalis (he is a Peruvian gooseberry, (named as the taste of a slightly resembling gooseberry), he is an earthen cherry, he is a strawberry tomato, Physalis, Cape Gooseberries) - the closest relative of tomato and potatoes. This light fruit is mostly grown in South and Central America, it is available almost all year round. It is nothing more than the edible version of the decorative "Chinese lanterns". The winged crinoline of dried petals rises up, and a matte golden berry is found under it. Sweet, with a slight mustard and a little resembling to the taste of strawberries, the flesh is full of smallest grains. The main advantage of Physalis is a wonderful source of vitamin C.

Cheryimy. This fruit often grows in the shape of a heart, with a smooth green surface, similar to a closed pine cone. If you break up such a bump in half, then inside the white pulp with a taste of pear and inedible black seeds. It is more convenient to eat this flesh with a spoon straight from the scarlup, or you can cut into a whip of sweet white wine.