Colombian tie. Cruel torture or delicious cocktail? What is a Colombian tie watch what is "Italian tie" in other dictionaries

Colombian tie. Cruel torture or delicious cocktail? What is a Colombian tie watch what is
Colombian tie. Cruel torture or delicious cocktail? What is a Colombian tie watch what is "Italian tie" in other dictionaries

the method of the sadistic murder, in which a language is drawn through the cut throat at the corpse; . : Very cruel.

  • - - decorative garment, addition to it; It has a view of a wide ribbon tied by a node under a collar with freely released ends ...

    Encyclopedia of Fashion and Clothes

  • - 1) tug; 2) neckband; 3) loop ...

    Car vocabulary

  • - Fabric strip or tape covering the neck under the collar of shirts, blouses, etc. and the front-knot or bow tied in front. In the form of a tie ribbon occupies a special place in men's clothing ...

    Political science. Vocabulary.

  • - a fortified main city in the South American Republic of Columbia, in an unhealthy area, on a narrow spider of the Eastern Bay of Gulf of Darien, because of the now useless fortifications, it has been built closely, has less than 10 ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - One of the leading universities in the United States. Educated on the Kings College Based, founded in 1754 in New York. From 1758 Kings-College began to assign scientific degrees ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Husband., Him. cervical; bandage near the neck in humans and more in men; In animals: collar. | In the machines: rim, nut, sleeve. Wear a hemp tie, collar, to remove, hang ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly

  • - Borrowed from the German Halstuch, formed by the addition of HALS elements - "neck" and Tuch - "scarf". In the past century, it was read and wrote "the tip", which passed the sound of the last vowel German word ...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language of Krylova

  • - Dutch - Halsdoek. German - halstuch. In Russian, the word "" is known since the XVIII century, first meets in the "archive" of Kurakin in the form of "Galzduk", which indicates borrowing from the Dutch ...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Semenova

  • - See: Stay; flood...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - Tie, -a, husband. Broad ribbon bandage, tied by a knot or bow around a collar. Tie the city to put a drink alcohol for the tie ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Colombian ,y ,y. 1. See Colombians. 2. Target to Colombians, to their language, national nature, lifestyle, culture, as well as to Colombia, its territory, internal device, history ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Galstuk,. 1. Bow, bandage from the tape, tied by the knot around the collar. 2. The neck shawl or bandage around the neck. ❖ Muravyvsky tie - gangway loop. Stolypin tie - the same ...

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

  • - Tie I m. The toilet element is usually male - in the form of a strip of elegant tissue, covering the neck under the collar of shirts, blouses, etc. and tie in front with a node or bow. II m. Study. Neck scarf ...

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • - Colombian adj. 1. Target to Colombia, Colombians associated with them. 2. Sophisticated Colombian characteristic of them for Colombia. 3. Belonging Colombia, Colombians. four...

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • - Columbus "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

"Colombian tie" in books


From the book Arkady and Boris Strugatsky: Double Star Author Vishnevsky Boris Lazarevich

Tie Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky in a tie - it's just fantastic. No one has ever seen him in a tie. Shirt in summer, a sweater under the jacket in winter - here is the highest degree of secularity, which he allowed himself. Sometimes when the actions of his enemies were especially blatant,


From the book of stories Author Listangartan Vladimir Abramovich

Tie in the summer during the holidays, Miron went to Lviv, where he had never been before. His distant relatives lived there, but having lived in their apartment for a week and inspected the city that he really liked, Miron decided to spend the rest of the time in the holiday home, the benefit of relatives


From the book Eisenhuer. Soldier and president of the author

Columbia University. NATO. Political activities on May 2, 1948, immediately at the end of work on the "European campaign", Eisenhower left the mansion number one. He arranged a monthly vacation, which spent in Augusta at the invitation of William Robinson, a member


From the book in the authority of characters Author Klimovich Konstantin

Tie tie - not decoration. Or rather, a very dubious decoration for a male image. But, if you look into the depths of centuries, it turns out that the tie is also a symbol. It happened in such a way, some elements of ancient


From the book the daily life of Russian Gusar to the reign of Emperor Alexander I Author Runov Alla Igorevna

Tie Lower ranks were supposed to wear Doloman and the nipper (and officers - Doloman and VIC-Mundir) with a tie. Army ties of the beginning of the XIX century are not at all similar to the same item of modern men's clothing. The tie then consisted of a black cloth tape with a lining from

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Colombian trace - Is it really a Columbia University, really it's old?! - Gorbachev broke out when the Chairman of the KGB Hooks informed him about the received agents, according to which the member of the Politburo Yakovlev collaborated with overseas

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Chapter 16. Peruhcko-Colombian conflict 1932? 1934 Armed conflicts between states of Latin America, compared with the vital for the fate of all over the world wars in Europe and Asia, always resembled provincial squabbles. As a rule, they arose because

Columbia University

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Ko) author BSE.

Garcia Marquez Gabriel (Garcia Márquez, Gabriel, r. 1928), Colombian writer

From the book Dictionary of Modern Quote Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Garcia Marez Gabriel (Garcia M? Rquez, Gabriel, r. 1928), Colombian writer 62 autumn Patriarch. Zagl. Roman (Otono Del Patriarca,


From the book a real gentleman. Rules of modern etiquette for men The author of Elena

Tie Basic condition when choosing a tie - product quality. Fabric tie is recommended to combine with jacket fabric. In a combination of tie and shirts, preferably coincide tone tie with color stripes of a shirt or coincidence of a shade shirt with stripes

Columbia University

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Columbia University Last year I wrote a critical letter to the President of the Columbia University, the former President of Michigan University Lee Bolinger. As a man, sincerely devoted to the development of New York, I show concern for some cultural


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Tie tie Much can tell about its owner. If you are not aware of how the sea node to tie it up, then pick up the girls in the sophisticated in this case - they will professionally will be tie to you (learn to tie the tie in the picture - a library business). Suitable: not

Chapter 8 Colombian Front PCC

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Chapter 8 Colombian Front ChwC Private Military companies - unchanged participants of the Civil War in Colombia since the mid-1980s. Then the first in the country appeared Israeli ChwK - Golan Group, Spearhead, Silver Shadow. They trained both army and paralimilitarian units,

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Alexander Batchan. Columbia University, New York: 1982 Alexander Batchan. Columbia University, New York: 1982blisky spent most of his life in New York, where he was quite intensely communicated with the most different people, the benefit of New York generously gives such

"Colombian tie" for Chubais

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Corbata Colombiana. ) - The type of forced killing, in which the sacrifice on the sore throat is made a deep section and through the resulting opening the tongue is pulled out, creating some kind of tie.


This type of murder was widely practiced during the armed conflict in Colombia, as a result of which received its name. In Colombia itself, the term uses Corte de Corbata., approximately converting as a "split tie". By virtue of particular cruelty, the Colombian tie is used as a method of intimidation and intimidation.

Sometimes the invention of this method is mistakenly attributed to the Colombian drug trap Pablo Escobaru. Despite the fact that the Escobar actively applied Colombian ties when killing his opponents, this type of murder arose significantly earlier. Escobar was born in 1949, when Colombian ties were already used by its compatriots. La Violnesia was distinguished by an extraordinary degree of cruelty: violence (including Colombian ties) was used in relation to both women and children.

Varieties and application

This type of execution is particularly active using Latin American organized criminal groups in the destruction of their opponents or traitors. The killers can practice both horizontal and vertical cut on the throat. Strictly speaking, the horizontal incision is called the "Columbia Necklace", while the "tie" is considered to be a murder with a vertical section.

In culture

Colombian tie is sometimes referred to or demonstrated in cinema and television series.

  • In the film "Code of Silence", the hero of Chuck Norris threatens Colombian tie. Also this method is executed by one of the bandits.
  • In the 11th episode of the first season of the television series "Hannibal" Dr. Gunnibal Lecter and Abel Gideon make the victims of Colombian ties.
  • In the first season, the series bridge one of the victims kill Colombian tie.
  • In the second episode of the first season of the series "Better Salu", in the series "American Family" and the film "K-9" This method of murder is mentioned.
  • In the television show "

Colombian tie (Span. Corbata Colombiana. ) - The type of forced killing, in which a deep section is made on the sore throat, and a tongue is pulled out through the resulting hole, creating some kind of tie.


This type of murder was widely practiced during the armed conflict in Colombia, as a result of which received its name. In Colombia itself, the term uses Corte de Corbata., approximately converting as a "split tie". By virtue of particular cruelty, the Colombian tie is used as a method of intimidation and intimidation.

Sometimes the invention of this method is mistakenly attributed to the Colombian drug trap Pablo Escobaru. Despite the fact that the Escobar actively applied Colombian ties when killing his opponents, this type of murder arose significantly earlier. Escobar was born in 1949, when Colombian ties were already used by its compatriots. La Violnesia was distinguished by an extreme degree of cruelty: violence (including Colombian ties) were used in relation to both women and children.

Varieties and application

This type of execution is particularly active using Latin American organized criminal groups in the destruction of their opponents or traitors. The killers can practice both horizontal and vertical cut on the throat. Strictly speaking, the horizontal incision is called the "Columbia Necklace", while the "tie" is considered to be a murder with a vertical section.

In culture

Colombian tie is sometimes referred to or demonstrated in cinema and television series.

  • In the film "Code of Silence", the hero of Chuck Norris threatens Colombian tie. Also this method is executed by one of the bandits.
  • In the 11th episode of the first season of the television series "Hannibal" Dr. Gunnibal Lecter and Abel Gideon make the victims of Colombian ties.
  • In the first season, the series bridge one of the victims kill Colombian tie.
  • In the second episode of the first season of the series "Better Salu", in the series "American Family" and the film "K-9" This method of murder is mentioned.
  • In the TV show "Invincible Warrior" in the episode "Medellinsky cartel against Somali Pirates" with the assistance of the machete on the mannequin, a Colombian tie was clearly shown.
  • In the book "Hunter" (V.Poselagin), one of the victims of the main character was killed by a similar way to intimidate.
  • In the series "In all grave", this method of murder is mentioned. Season 1 2 series

Colombian tie - torture, which will amaze even revealed maniacs. This is the cruel execution method, during which the victim is sharply compatible with a horizontal cut on the throat, through which the language is drawn. Mainly it is done to intimidate those who see the corpse. The language stretches to the chest and looks like the most real tie. The victim usually dies from blood loss or suffocation. This murder method is quite aggressive, and one of its main goals is a kind of notification of illegal activities. Even the blurred photo of Colombian tie can sign on the path of many crazy and aggressive representatives of the human race.


For the first time, such a method of murder appeared approximately in 1950 in Colombia, during a major armed conflict of La Violnesia. Chaos began after the murder of the leader Jorge Elasera Gaitan.

The misconception is common that the Colombian tie was invented in the 1970s of Columbia drug trap Pablo Escobar. However, for the first time this and many other cruel kinds of execution were recorded precisely during La Violnesia. According to historians estimates, about 300,000 people died in that period, not counting those who were seriously injured, but managed to survive.

In the media, the term "Columbian tie" first appeared in 1985 in the newspaper "Washington Post", in the article dedicated to the film with Chuck Noris "Code of Silence". In addition, according to some data, in the late 1980s, this torture began to be applied in an illegal pharmaceutical industry. However, there is still no evidence that it is Columbia drug bands that said a tie beyond their country. It is also unknown, whether this "ritual" was made on a living person or sacrifice previously killed in other ways.

Simpson business

On June 12, 1994, a terrible event happened. American Nicole Brown-Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were cruelly killed in his own home, while two young women women slept peacefully in the next room. The bodies of the victims were strongly cut: Nicole's head was completely separated from the body, and Ronald Goldman was made by multiple wounds in the neck and chest.

Initially, the murder was suspected of the former husband Nicole Simpson, the famous basketball player O. Jay Simpson, however, after a protracted trial, the jury tried a man

The nature of the wounds is similar to the Columbia Tie - a favorite torture of Columbian drug trains. It is based on this that, during the proceedings, an alternative version arose that the murder was organized by Colombian drug addieres, which the large amount of the girlfriend Nicole - Fei Reznik was owed. Women were close friends, ones and lived next to each other, and presumably killer just confused the victim.

Appearance in the cinema

Such perverted and no sense to deny the spectacular torture to one degree or another appeared in many films and serials.

  • In the film "Code of Silence" Ganggers Luis Kamacho (Actor Henry Silva) tells the police officer Eddie Cusaku (Chuck Norris) about how once gives him a Colombian tie and how he will look good on it. Also in this film, one of the victims of the war between the gangsters was killed in this way.
  • In the 11th episode of the 3rd season of the "Nation Z" series, Annie heroine tells that it was exactly how her former husband died, before the onset of the apocalypse.
  • In the 7th episode of the 2nd season of the series "Agents" Sh.I.T. " In the Boston Bar, where a traitor Grant Ward, who is in the runs, escape, and from his allies, and from opponents, is mentioned by the Columbian Tie Cocktail.
  • In the 11th episode of the series "Hannibal" Dr. Hannibal Lecturer and Abel Gideon inspired by the victims of Columbian ties.
  • Also, this torture is mentioned in the series "Supernatural", "Escape", "American Family", "McGaiver" and "Game of Thrones".

Use in music

None of the musicians was noticed in any crime, but some of them used Colombian torture as a "strong sense".

  • In the song of the AC / DC DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIST CHEAP, when lingifying the methods of murder, "Ties" are mentioned, most likely, this is a reference to Colombian torture.
  • Hollywood undead in the song Dead Bite sing "You have a first-class ticket in Columbian Ticket" (You Got a First Class Ticket to Columbian Neckties).
  • The Australian Group I Killed The Prom Queen has a whole song Your Shirt Would Look Better with a Colombian Necktie, which is translated as "your shirt looks better with Colombian tie."

Recipe "Colombian Tie"

Not. We will not talk about how to put the neck right and the better pull the tongue.

Cocktail "Columbian Tie" really exists. This is not a fantasy of the creators of the series "Agents" Sch.I.. It is quite pleasant to taste a combination and a bold effect of intoxication, which has nothing to do with torture, except the name.

To prepare this drink you will need

  • 60 ml of Roma Bacardi 151.
  • 60 ml peach liqueur.
  • 120 ml of ginger ale.
  • Some sirop Grenadines.

High glass fill with ice. Add rum, ginger El and a couple of drops of Grenadin. Mix the cocktail slightly, decorate it with cherries and enjoy.

Let's hope that this cocktail will be the only Colombian tie, with whom will have to face all law-abiding citizens around the world.

Corbata Colombiana. ) - The type of forced killing, in which a deep section is made on the sore throat, and a tongue is pulled out through the resulting hole, creating some kind of tie.


This type of murder was widely practiced during the armed conflict in Colombia, as a result of which received its name. In Colombia itself, the term uses Corte de Corbata., approximately converting as a "split tie". By virtue of particular cruelty, the Colombian tie is used as a method of intimidation and intimidation.

Sometimes the invention of this method is mistakenly attributed to the Colombian drug trap Pablo Escobaru. Despite the fact that the Escobar actively applied Colombian ties when killing his opponents, this type of murder arose significantly earlier. Escobar was born in 1949, when Colombian ties were already used by its compatriots. La Violnesia was distinguished by an extreme degree of cruelty: violence (including Colombian ties) were used in relation to both women and children.

Varieties and application

This type of execution is particularly active using Latin American organized criminal groups in the destruction of their opponents or traitors. The killers can practice both horizontal and vertical cut on the throat. Strictly speaking, the horizontal incision is called the "Columbia Necklace", while the "tie" is considered to be a murder with a vertical section.

In culture

Colombian tie is sometimes referred to or demonstrated in cinema and television series.

  • In the film "Code of Silence", the hero of Chuck Norris threatens Colombian tie. Also this method is executed by one of the bandits.
  • In the 11th episode of the first season of the television series "Hannibal" Dr. Gunnibal Lecter and Abel Gideon make the victims of Colombian ties.
  • In the first season, the series bridge one of the victims kill Colombian tie.
  • In the second episode of the first season of the series "Better Salu", in the series "American Family" and the film "K-9" This method of murder is mentioned.
  • In the TV show "Invincible Warrior" in the episode "Medellinsky cartel against Somali Pirates" with the assistance of the machete on the mannequin, a Colombian tie was clearly shown.
  • In the book "Hunter" (V.Poselagin), one of the victims of the main character was killed by a similar way to intimidate.

see also

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Excerpt characterizing Colombian tie

The merit of Kutuzov did not in some brilliant, as they call, strategic maneuver, and in the fact that he alone understood the importance of the event. He alone understood the value of the inaction of the French army, he continued to argue that the Borodino battle was victory; He is one - the one who seemed to be the commander-in-chief, should be caused by the offensive, - he was one of all his strength to keep his Russian army from useless battles.
The baked beast under Borodin lay there somewhere where he left the hunter. But whether he was Silen whether he was, or he just plucked, the hunter did not know that. Suddenly he was heard a moan of this beast.
A moan of this wounded beast, the French army, the observing her death, was sending Loriston to Cutuzov's camp with a request for peace.
Napoleon with his confidence is that it is not good, which is good, and it is good that he occurred to him, wrote Kutuzov the words, the first who came to his head and having any meaning. He wrote:

"Monsieur Le Prince Koutouzov, - I wrote, - J" Envoie Pres De Vous Un De Mes Aides De Camps Generaux Pour Vous Entretenir de Plusieurs Objets Interesens. Je Desire Que Votre Altesse Ajoute Foi A CE QU "Il Lui Dira, Surtout Lorsqu" Il Exprimera Les Sentiments D "Estime ET De Particuliere Consideration Que J" Ai Depuis Longtemps Pour Sa Personne ... Cette Lettre N "Etant A Autre Fin, Je Prime Dieu, Monsieur Le Prince Koutouzov, QU" Il Vous AIT EN SA Sainte et Digne Garde .
Moscou, Le 3 Octobre, 1812. Signe:
Napoleon. "
[Prince Kutuzov, I send one of my General Adjutants to you to negotiate with you about many important items. I ask your lordship to believe everything that he will tell you, especially when, will express you to feel the feelings of respect and special respect, fed by me for you from a long time. We will assign a prayer for keeping you under your sacred blood.
Moscow, October 3, 1812.
Napoleon. ]

"JE SERAIS MAUDIT PAR LA POSTERITE SI L" ON ME REGARDAIT COMME LE PREMIER MOTEUR D "UN ACCOMMODEMENT QUELCONQUE. Tel Est L "ESPRIT ACTUEL DE MA NATION", [I would have been damned, if I watched at me on me on the first instigator, any transaction; Such will of our people.] - answered Kutuzov and continued to use all his strength on to keep troops from the offensive.
A month later, a change in the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers) was made to the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers), as a result of which the advantage of the Russian Federation turned out to be a change in the robbery of the Russian troop. Despite the fact that the position of French troops and its number were unknown by the Russians, as soon as the attitude changed, the need for an occurrence immediately expressed in countless signs. The signs of these were: and sending Loriston, and the abundance of the province in Tarutin, and the information came from all the parties about the inaction and unrest of the French, and the recruitment of our regiments with recruits, and good weather, and a long holiday of Russian soldiers, and usually arising in the troops due to recreation Impatience to fulfill the case for which everyone is collected, and curiosity about what was done in the French army, so long ago, and the courage, with which the Russians who stood in Tarutina, and the news of the light victories over the French of the French and partisans and envy excited by this, and the feeling of revenge lying in the soul of every person until the French were in Moscow, and (most importantly) is unclear, but the consciousness of every soldier who arose in the soul of the fact that the relation of the force has changed now and the advantage Located on our side. The substantial attitude of the forces has changed, and the offensive has become necessary. And immediately, as well, how to beat and play in the clock, Kurats, when the arrow made a full circle, in the highest spheres, respectively, a significant change in forces, reinforced movement, hissing and the game of the chimes.