Union Pi Ca Telueies of the USSR. Who and how manages the world

Union Pi Ca Telueies of the USSR. Who and how manages the world

Unifying the professional writers of the Soviet Union participating in their work in the struggle for the construction of communism, for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations »Charter of the Union of Writers of the USSR, see" Information Bulletin of the Secretariat of the Board of the joint venture of the USSR ", 1971, No. 7 (55), . 9. Before the creation of the joint venture of the USSR owls. Writers entered various literary organizations: RAPP, LEF, "Pass", the Union of Peasant Writers, etc. On April 23, 1932, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided "... to unite all writers supporting the platform of Soviet power and seeking to participate in socialist construction, Unified Union of Soviet writers with the communist faction in it "(" On party and Soviet printing ". Collection of documents, 1954, p. 431). 1st All-Union Congress of Sov. Writers (August 1934) adopted the Charter of the SP of the USSR, in which he made the definition of socialist peallis as the main method of owls. Literature and literary criticism. At all stages of the history of owls. The countries of the USSR joint venture under the leadership of the CPSU took an active part in the struggle for creating a new society. During the Great Patriotic War, hundreds of writers voluntarily went to the front, fought in the ranks of owls. Army and fleet, worked by military correspondents of division, army, front-line and naval newspapers; 962 Writers were awarded by combat orders and medals, 417 fell dead by brave. In 1934, USSR joint ventures included 2500 writers, now (on March 1, 1976) - 7833 writing in 76 languages; Among them are 1097 women. Including 2839 Prosaikov, 2661 poet, 425 playwrights and filmmatures, 1072 criticism and literary critic, 463 translator, 253 children's writers, 104 sketchs, 16 folklorists. The highest body of the USSR joint venture is the All-Union Congress of Writers (2nd Congress in 1954, 3rd in 1959, 4th in 1967,5th in 1971) - elects the Board that forms the Secretariat to address everyday issues. The Board of the joint venture of the USSR in 1934-36 was headed. Gorky, who played an outstanding role in its creation and ideological and organizational strengthening then at different times. . Stanky. A. Fadeev, A. A. Surkov now -. A. Fedin (Chairman of the Board, since 1971) ,. M. Markov (1st secretary, since 1971). The Board employs advice on the literature of the Union republics, according to literary criticism, in the essay and journalism, on the drama and theater, on the children's and youthful literature, on the artistic translation, according to international writers, etc. A similar structure of the union writers of the Allied and Autonomous Republics; in RSFSR and some dr. Union republics work regional and regional writing organizations. The USSR SP system publishes 15 literary newspapers in 14 languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the USSR and 86 literary and artistic and political journals in 45 languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR and 5 foreign languages, including the bodies of the USSR joint ventures: "Literary newspaper", "New World" magazines , "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples", "Questions of Literature", "Literary Review", "Children's Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Youth", "Soviet Literature" (enters foreign languages), "Theater", " Soviet Motherland "(enters the Jewish language)," Star "," Bonfire ". In the jurisdiction of the board of the joint venture of the USSR are the writers. A. A. Fadeeva in Moscow, etc. Directing the activities of writers to create works of high ideological and artistic level, the joint venture of the USSR provides them with versatile assistance: organizes creative business trips, discussions, seminars, etc., protects the economic and legal interests of writers. The SP of the USSR develops and strengthens creative ties with foreign writers, submits. Literature in international writer organizations. He was awarded the Order of Lenin (1967). Lit.; Gorky M., about literature, M., 1961: Fadeev A., for thirty years, M., creative alliances in the USSR. (Organizational and legal issues), M., 1970.

M. Gorky

M. Gorky. Collected works in thirty volumes M., Gichl, 1953 Volume 27. Articles, reports, speeches, greetings (1933--1936) So - the first universal congress of the Writers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and regions ended its work. This work turned out to be so significant and diverse that now, in the final word, I can only outwardly outline her deep meaning, I can only note the most significant of what it is detected. To the congress and at the beginning of his some and even it seems, many writers did not understand the meaning of the organization of the congress. "Why did he?" They asked these people. "Let's talk, we will disappear, and everything will remain as it was." These are very strange people, and at the congress they were rightly called indifferent. They see them see that in our reality there is something else "as it was", but there is no indifference to consciousness, which remains only because the proletariat, the owner of the country, is not enough time to completely destroy, destroy these remnants. These people are quite satisfied with the fact that it has already been done that they helped them advance, on comfortable positions, and that they strengthened their natural indifference individualists. They do not understand that we are all very small people in comparison with the great thing that is performed in the world, do not understand that we live and work at the beginning of the first act of the last tragedy of labor mankind. They are already accustomed to living without a sense of pride to the meaning of personal being and care only to keep the dim lightness, the dim borders of their small, poorly polished talents. It is not clear to them that the meaning of personal being is to deepen and expand the meaning of being of the multimillion mass masses of labor mankind. But these millionic masses were sent to the congress of their representatives: workers of various areas of production, inventors, collective farmers, pioneers. The whole country faced the literators of the Union of Socialist Councils, "he got up and presented to them - to their diving, to work them - high demands. These people are a great present and future of the Soviets. Interrupting our conversations, the glitter of unprecedented things blindly, they brought their victories - bread, airplanes, metal - themselves, they brought themselves as a topic as their work, love, life. And each of them sounded like a poem, because in each thunder Bolshevism. Raw, hastily made rows of poems Viktor Gusevacorrectly celebrate the meaning of the event: the thunder of Bolshevism, the indigenous converter of the world and forerunner of the Terrible events all over the world thundered once again. What do I see the victory of Bolshevism at the Congress of Writers? In the fact that those who were considered non-partisan, "heated", recognized, - with sincerity, in the fullness of which I do not dare to doubt, - recognized the Bolshevism of the only combat guiding idea in creativity, in painting in the word. I appreciate this victory highly, for me, the writer, I know how the very guests and a sense of writer, who is trying to find the freedom of creativity outside the strict instructions of history, outside its main, organizing idea. Deviations from a mathematically straight line developed by the bloody history of labor mankind and brightly illuminated by the teaching, which establishes that the world can be changed only by the proletariat and only by means of a revolutionary strike, and then through the socialist organized labor of workers and peasants, - deviations from mathematically direct are explained by That our emotions are older than our intelligence, the fact that in our emotions there is a lot of inherited and this inheritance hostile contradicts the indications of the mind. We were born in the class of class, where everyone needs to be defended against all, and many people enter the classless society, from which confidence in each other, who have a century-old struggle for a comfortable place in life, a sense of respect and love for labor mankind, creator of all values . We do not have enough sincerity required for self-criticism, we show too much petty mesh anger when we criticize each other. We still seem to us that we criticize a competitor to our piece of bread, and not a comrade for work, which takes an increasing value of the causative agent of all the best revolutionary forces of the world. We, writers, art workers are the most individual, mistaken, considering our experience with sole property, while he is a suggestion of reality and - in the past - her very difficult gift. In the past, comrades, for we all have already seen and see that the new reality, the welfare of the Bolsheviks, embodying the mind and the will of the masses, - the new reality offers us a gift is a beautiful - an unprecedented gift of intellectual flowering of many millions of working people. I remind a wonderful speech Vsevolod Ivanova,this one should remain in our memory as a sample of sincere self-criticism of the artist, thinking politically. Speech deserve the same attention Yu. Oleshi, L. Seifullinand many others. Two years ago Joseph Stalin,taking care of improving the quality of literature, told the Communist writers: "Learn to write with non-partisans." Not to mention that artists of non-partists have learned whether the Communists learned about the artists, I should note that non-party not bad learned to think about the proletariat. (Applause.) Once in the fit of the furious pessimismism, Leonid Andreev said: "Confectioner is a happier writer, he knows that the cake loves children and the ladies. And the writer is a bad person who does a good thing, not knowing for whom and doubting that this matter at all need it . That is why most writers have no desire to please someone, and I want to offend everyone. " The writers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics see for whom they work. The reader himself comes to them, the reader calls them "shower engineers" and requires that they organize simple words in good, truthful images of his feeling, feeling, thoughts, his heroic work. There was never such a dense, direct unity of the reader with a writer, never had anywhere, and in this fact - the difficulty we must overcome, but in this fact our happiness that we have not yet learned to appreciate. Just as cultures of fraternal republics, national forms, remain and must be socialist ones, - our creativity should remain individual for the forms and be socialistly Leninsky in the meaning of his main, guiding idea. The meaning of this is the liberation of people from the remnants of the past, from the suggestion of the criminal and distorting thought and a sense of class history, - the history of raising labor people - slaves, intellectuals - dual-sided or indifferent, anarchists or renegudes, skeptics and critics, or randomness of irreconcilable . In the end, the Congress gives the right to hope that from now on, the concept of "non-partisan writer" will remain only a formal concept, internally, each of us will feel like a real member of the Leninist Party, so beautifully and prompted their confidence in honor and work of the writers of non-partisan resolution of the All-Union Congress. At this congress, we have issued a multi-million reader and the government a lot of bills, and, of course, now we are obliged to pay the bill of exchange honest, the good quality. We will do it if you don't forget the performances of our readers prompted by us - and in their number of our children, - do not forget how huge the importance of literature in our country, which diverse high demands are presented to us. We will not forget it, if they are immediately destroyed in their environment, all the remnants of group relationships - relations that are ridiculous and disgusting are like the struggle of Moscow boyars for locality - for places in the Boyar Duma and the king's pirande closer to him. We should well remember the clever words of Comrade Seifullin, which correctly said that "we will be too soon and willingly made writers." And do not forget the instructions of the comrade Nejakova,what for 1928--1931 we gave 75 percent of books that are not eligible for the second edition, that is, very bad books. "You understand how many excess we have made, how much excess costs did, not only the material, but also the spiritual costs of our people, our creators of socialism who read gray, bad, and sometimes a guarantee book. This is not only a mistake of the writing team, but It is also one of the gross Publishing Errors. " The end of the last phrase of Comrade Nejakova, I consider it too soft and amiable. All that is said, I turned to the writers of the entire congress and, it means, to representatives of the fraternal republics. I have no reason and desires to allocate them on a special place, for they work not only each to their people, but everyone is on all the peoples of the Union of Socialist Republics and autonomous regions. History imposes on them the same responsibility for their work, as in Russians. For a lack of time, I have little read books written by the writers of the Union republics, but also small that I read by me, inspires me firm confidence that we will soon get a book from them, wonderful on the novelty of the material and the strength of the image. Allow me to recall that the number of people does not affect the quality of talents. Little Norway created huge figures of Gamsuna, ibsen. Jews had recently died almost a brilliant poet Bialik and was exclusively talented satirist and humorist Sholes Aleichem, Latvians created a powerful poet Rainis, Finland - Eino-Leino, - no such a small country that would not give great artists words. I only called the biggest and not all, and I called Writers born in the conditions of capitalist society. In the republics of peoples, fraternal to us, writers are born from the proletariat, and on the example of our country we see what talented children created the proletariat in a short time and how continuously it creates them. But I appeal to a friendly advice that can be understood as a request to representatives of the nationalities of the Caucasus and Central Asia. On me and - I know - not only for me, made an amazing impression of Ashug Suleiman Stalsky.I saw this old man, illiterate, but wise, sitting in the presidium, whispered, creating my poems, then he, Homer of the XX century, was amazingly read them. (Applause.) Take care of people capable of creating such pearls of poetry, which Suleiman creates. I repeat: the beginning of the art of the word - in folklore. Collect your folklore, learn from it, process it. It gives a lot of material and you and us, poets and prizes of the Union. The better we will know the past, the easier it is, the more deeply and joyfully understand the great meaning of the present we are doing. Speech at meetings of the congress and conversations outside the meeting room found the unity of our senses and desires, the unity of purposefulness and found an unacceptably small acquaintance with our art and in general with the culture of fraternal republics. If we do not want to go out a fire that flashed at the congress, we must take all measures to be blocked still brighter. It is necessary to start mutual and broad familiarization with the cultures of the fraternal republics. First you need to organize the All-Union Theater in Moscow, which would show on stage, in drama and comedy, life and life of the national republics in their historical past and the heroic present. (Applause.)Next: It is necessary to publish in Russian collections of current prose and poetry of national republics and regions, in good translations. (Applause.)It is necessary to translate and literature for children. The writers and scientists of the National Republics must write the stories of their countries and states, the stories that would acquaint the peoples of all republics with each other. These stories of the nations of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will serve as a very good means of mutual understanding and inner, ideological spike of all people of seven republics. This is a mutual understanding, this unity of the forces is needed not only for all people of the Union of the Republics - they are necessary as a lesson and an example for the entire labor people of the Earth, against which his old enemy, capitalism, is organized under a new ladler - fascism. A collective work on the creation of the book "Causes and People of Two Five-Year Plan" can serve as a good, practical method of illumination of cultural connections and business interdependencies of the Union of Our republics. This book should show the workforce of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the form of essays and stories The results of its labor and the facts of the cultural and educational influence of labor on people, on the growth of mind and. The will of the units, on the release of them from the narrow borders of the Meshchansky individualism of the owners, to upbringing in the context of the collective labor of the new, socialist individuality, - to show the spiral, according to which we go ahead and we go higher. Participation in this work is absolutely necessary for the writers of all fraternal republics, all regions. We are still at that stage of development when we should convince ourselves in our cultural growth. Of all that was said at the congress, most essentially and important is that many young writers for the first time felt their importance and responsibility to the country and understood their insufficient preparedness to work. Collective work on the creation of books covering the processes of grand labor, changing the world and people, will serve for us an excellent means of self-education, self-education. In the absence of serious, philosophical criticism, so the sound shown by the fact of not many professional critics at the congress, we need to take themselves for self-criticism not in words, but in fact, directly in work on the material. To the method of collective labor of writers of comrade Erenburgrelated skeptical, fearing that the method of such work can harmfully limit the development of individual, the abilities of the working unit. Comrades Vsevolod Ivanov and Lydia Seifullina, objection to him, it seems to me, dispelled his fears. Comrade Erenburg seems that the reception of collective work is to take the work of the brigade. These techniques do not have any other similarities, except physical: groups, groups work in the other case. But the brigade works with reinforced concrete, wood, metal, etc., always with definitely monotonous material that needs to be given a predetermined form. In the brigade, individuality can only identify himself with the strength of its work. Collective work on the material of social phenomena, work on the reflection, image of life processes, - among the koi, in particular, they have their place and the action of impact brigades, is the work on infinitely diverse facts, and every individual unit, each writer has the right to choose For itself, one or another number of facts is according to his grave, his interests and abilities. The collective work of writers over the phenomena of life in the past and present for the most, bright lighting of ways to the future has some similarity with the work of laboratories, scientifically exploring those or other phenomena of organic life. It is known that the experiment is based on the basis of every method - the study, study - and this method in turn indicates further exploration paths. I have a courage to think that it is the method of collective work with the material to help us best understand what the socialist realism should be. Comrades, in our country the logic of acts overtakes the logic of concepts, that's what we must feel. My confidence is that this reception of collective creativity can give absolutely original, unprecedented interesting books, such that I take the courage to offer such work and our guests, excellent masters of European literature. (Applause.) Will they try to give a book that would depict the day of the bourgeois world? I mean any day: September 25, October 7 or December 15, this is indifferent. You need to take a weekday day as it repelled the world press on your pages. It is necessary to show all the variegated chaos of modern life in Paris and Grenoble, in London and Shanghai, in San Francisco, Geneva, Rome, Dublin, etc., etc., in cities, villages, on the water and on land. It is necessary to give holidays of rich and suicide of the poor, meetings of academies, scientists of societies and reflected by the chronicle of newspapers Facts of wild illiteracy, superstitions, crimes, the facts of the refinement of refined culture, strikes workers, jokes and everyday dramas - the arrogant cries of luxury, the feats of fraudsters, lie political leaders, - We need, I repeat, give an ordinary, a weekday day with all the insane, fantastic variea of \u200b\u200bhis phenomena. It is the work of scissors much more than the work of the pen. Of course, the comments are inevitable, but it seems to me that they should also be brief as shiny. But the facts should be commented by the facts, and on these rags, on this burgh of the day commentary of the writer should glitter, as a spark, the flames of thought. In general, it is necessary to show the "artistic" creativity of history during one day. No one ever did it, but should be done! And if a group of our guests takes place for such work - they, of course, will give the world something unprecedented, unusually interesting, dazzlingly bright and deeply instructive. (Applause.) The organizing idea of \u200b\u200bfascism is the racial theory, the theory, which builds the German, Romanesque, Latin or Anglo-Saxon race as the only force as if able to continue the further development of culture, - the "purebred" racial culture, based, as it is known for merciless and More and more cynical exploitation of a huge majority of people are numerically an insignificant minority. This is a numerically, an insignificant minority is negligible and in its intellectual strength, she was estimated for the fabrication of the methods of operation of people's people and the treasures of nature belonging to people of labor. From all talents of capitalism, once playing a positive role of the organizer of civilization and material culture, modern capitalism retained only mystical confidence in his right of power over the proletariat and the peasantry. But against this mysticism of capitalists, history has put forward a real fact - the force of the revolutionary proletariat organized by the disadvantageous and non-resident, historically justified, formidable truth of teaching Marx-- Leninthe fact of the "Unified Front" in France and an even more physically tangible fact is the Union of the proletariat of Soviet Socialist Republics. Before the strength of these facts, a poisonous, but light and light fascism fog inevitably and will soon dispel. This fog, as we see, poison and seduces only adventurers, only people of unprincipled, indifferent, - people for whom "all - anyway" and which are indifferent to whom to kill, - people who are products of degeneration of bourgeois society and Mercenaries of capitalism for the most sub rule, nasty and bloody acts. The main strength of the feudal of capitalism is a weapon that manufactures the working class for him - rifles, machine guns, guns, poisoning gases, and all so on, which can be directed at any time and is sent by capitalists against workers. But it is not far a while, when the revolutionary skill workers will destroy the mystics of capitalists. However, they are preparing a new world slaughterhouse, organize a massive extermination of the proletarians of the whole world in the fields of national capitalist battles, the purpose of which is to hold, enslaves the enslave of small nationalities, turning them into slaves of Africa - half-starved animals that are obliged to work hard and buy bad, rotten goods Only so that the kings of the industry accumulated fat gold - the curse of the labor people, - gold, with insignificant dusting of the capitalists pay the workers for the fact that they are kidding themselves chains themselves, they themselves produce a weapon. Here, in the face of which acute ratios of the classes, our All-Union Congress worked, on the eve of what disaster will continue to work our Writers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! In this work, there can be no place for personal trifles. Revolutionary internationalism against bourgeois nationalism, racism, fascism - that is what the historical meaning of our days. What we can do? We have already done something. We are not bad for the union of all the forces of the radical, anti-fascist intelligentsia, and we cause proletarian, revolutionary literature in all countries of the world. Our environment has representatives of almost all European literatures. A magnet that attracted them to our country is not only a wise work of the party, the country's mind, the heroic energy of the proletariat of the republics, but also our work. To some extent, every writer is leading his readers, - I think it can be said. Roman Rolland, Andre Jhave the easier right to call themselves "Soul Engineers". Jean Richard Block, Andre Malro, PVI, Aragon, Toller, Becher, Some- I will not list all - these are the bright names of exclusively talented people, and all this is the harsh judges of the bourgeoisie of their countries, all these people who can hate, but know how to love. (Applause.)We did not know how to invite many more, which also possess in the whole of the beautiful human gift of love and hatred, we did not know how to invite them, and this is our considerable wines in front of them. But I am sure that the second congress of Soviet writers will be decorated with many dozens of writers of the West and the East, the writers of China, India, and it is no doubt that we are on the eve of the union around the III of the International of All the best and most honest people of art, science and technology. (Applause.) Between foreigners and us arose a little and - personally for me - not quite clear disagreement on the issue of assessing the position of the individual in classless society ... This question is characteristic of the advantage of academic, philosophical, and, of course, it was impossible to highlight it One or two meetings or in one conversation ... The essence of the case is that in Europe and everywhere in the world a writer who has the roads of the centuries-old conquest of culture and who sees that in the eyes of the capitalist bourgeoisie, these conquests of culture lost the price that on any day the book Any honest writer can be burned publicly - in Europe, the writer increasingly feels the pain of the goneta of the bourgeoisie, fears the revival of medieval barbarism, which probably would not exclude the institutions of the Inquisition for heretically thinking. In Europe, the bourgeoisie and government belongs to an honest writer more and more hostile. We have no bourgeoisie, and our government is our teachers and our comrades, in the full sense of the word comrades. The conditions of the moment sometimes encourage to protest against the personifestation of individualistic thought, but the country and the government are deeply interested in the need for free growth of individuality and provide for this to all means as possible in the conditions of a country that is forced to spend a huge amount of funds for self-defense against the new barbarian - European bourgeoisie, Armed with teeth to heels. Our congress worked at the high notes of sincere hobbies to the art of our and under the slogan: to raise the quality of work! It is necessary to say that the more perfect tool, the better it provides victory. The book is the main and powerful instrument of socialist culture. High quality books requires proletariat, our main, multi-million reader; High quality books are necessary for hundreds of novice writers who go into literature from the proletariat environment - from the factory and from the collective farms of all the republics and the regions of our country. We need this youth carefully, continuously and lovingly helping the difficult path chosen by it, but, as Seifulline said rightly, it should not be hurry to "make them writers" and should be remembered by the instruction of a comrade of the carak for the fruitless, unprofitable spending on the production of a book marriage. For this marriage we must answer collectively. On the need to improve the quality of our dramaturgy hotly and convincingly said all our playwrights. I am sure that the organization of the All-Union Theater and the "Theater of Classic" will very much help us assimilate the high technique of ancient and medieval playwrights, and the drama of the fraternal republics will expand the limits of the subject, will indicate new original collisions. in the report Bukharinathere is one point that requires objection. Speaking of poetry Mayakovsky,N. I. Bukharin did not mark the harmful - in my opinion - "hyperbiz", characteristic of this very influential and original poet. As an example of such an influence I take poems a very greenest poet Prokofiev- It seems that he edited the novel Molchanova"Peasant", "the novel, which was stated in the" literary fun ", in which a fool-like peasant was glorified as modern Mikula Selyaninovich. Prokofiev depicts verses of some Pavel Gromov - "the Great Hero", too, Mikula. Pavel Gromov is an amazing loss. The world song Walks about him, as he was walking, Lituya with a sword and fire. It -- shoulders that doors- thundered on Don. And dust from the hike eclipsed the moon. It -- mouth like a cellar- She walked, everything survived. So the wolf does not pass and the lynx does not run. It -- cheekbones that boards and mouth like a coffin- It was a complete owner of the pros and a trail. In another poem, Prokofiev depicts such a terrible: the eldest son does not know equal, Legs-- log, breasts-- mountain. He is one worth how Lavra Along the paved courtyard. ...Him mustache-- what to burn Beard-- that harrow. ... Seven desired loves suddenly. What a goat! By the way, Laurea is a rich, crowded monastery, almost town, such as the Kiev and Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. This is why Mayakovsky's hyperbolism leads! At Prokofiev complicates him, it seems, also hyperbololism Keevethe singer of the mystical essence of the peasantry and even more mystical "power of the earth." I do not deny the givingness of Prokofiev, his desire to form the epic even commendable. However, the desire for an epic requires knowledge of the ZPOS, and on the way to him it is impossible to write such poems: in the fields fame flew, the lurch was owned by a fate. If the stormies went to the right - she went to the left lurch. Storms again breathed anger, strong strules of all latitudes (?). If the storms went left, the lurika - on the contrary. I think this is already - not an epic. It looks like a vintage poem, which wanted to be funny: two friends lived in Kiev, an amazing people. The first birthplace was from the south, and the second is the opposite. The first terrible was a fitness, and the second was an idiot, the first died of constipation, and the second is the opposite. Our Soviet poetry for the short life of her life has achieved success quite significant, but just like the prose, it contains a very fair amount of emptiness, pokyankin and straw. In the struggle for high quality prose and poetry, we must update and deepen the theme, cleanliness and soundness of the language. The story put forward us forward as builders of a new culture, and this obliges us further to strive forward and higher, so that the whole world of workers seen us and heard our voices. The world would be very good and gratefully heard the voices of poets, if they tried to create songs with musicians, - new, which the world does not have, but which he should have. It is far from true that the melodies of the vintage songs of Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians are filled with grief and sadness, probably, Tatars, Armenians have songs of march, dance, comic, dance, labor rhythms, but I speak only about what I know. Old Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian songs have an endless diversity of musicality, and our poets should have familiarized with such collections of songs, such as "Velikorsos" Shaineas a collection Dragomanovaand Kulishaand other this type. I am sure that such acquaintance would be a source of inspiration for poets and musicians and that the labor people would receive beautiful new songs - a gift for a long time honored. It is necessary to take into account that the ancient melody, even somewhat modified, but filled with new words, creates a song that will be learned easily and quickly. It is necessary only to understand the meaning of the rhythm: the dubbing dubbing can be stretched for a length of minutes, but you can sing on the dance rhythm. It would not be necessary to make young poets to disguise the creation of folk songs. Forward and higher is the way for all of us, comrades, this is the path, the only worthy of people of our country, our era. What does it mean? This means: it is necessary to get up above small, personal degrity, above the pride, above the struggle for the first place, above the desire to command others, is the above all that we are inherited from the vulgarity and nonsense of the past. We are included in a huge case, the matter of world importance, and must be personally worthy to take part in it. We are entering the era, the full of the greatest tragedy, and we have to prepare, learn to transform this tragedy in those committed forms, as you knew how to depict his ancient tragics. We can never forget for a minute what he thinks of us, listening to us, the whole world of the labor nation, that we work before the reader and the viewer, which has not yet been in the entire history of mankind. I urge you, comrades, learn - learn to think, work, learn to respect and appreciate each other, how to appreciate each other fighters in the fields of the battle, and do not waste forces in the fight with each other for trifles, while the story urged you to Ruthless struggle with the old world. Japanese appeared at the congress Hijicato,chinese Hu Lan-Chiand Keetaque Amy Xiao. These comrades seems to have verified each other's hands, marking the unity of the purpose of the revolutionary proletariat of the country, the bourgeoisie of which has become acreated with an acute and fatal fallen in the madness of imperialism, and the country whose bourgeoisie not only betrays their victim to the imperialists, but also sacrifies him In favor of the imperialism of foreigners, just like Russian landowners and manufacturers did it in 1918--1922, using the zinic aid of Europe, America, Japan's shopkeepers. The congress is not clearly vividly noted the speeches of representatives of the revolutionary proletariat of the two countries of the East, which can only be explained by the extreme fatigue caused by two-weekly work that required a huge tension of attention to, finally taking care. Having completed its work, the All-Union Congress of Writers unanimously expresses its sincere thanks to the Government for the permission of the congress and the wide help of his work. The All-Union Congress of the writers notes that the success of the internal, ideological association of writers, bright and solid found at meetings of the congress, are the result of the decision of the Central Committee of the Lenin Party - Stalin dated April 23, 1932, - Decisions, which are convicted of a grouping of writers based on In general, with the great tasks of our Soviet literature in her whole, but not denying associations on technical issues of various creative work. The congress of writers is deeply dared and is proud of attention, which generously rendered to him by numerous delegations of readers. The Writers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will not force the readers presented to them and honestly try to meet these requirements. Most of the writers, judging by the construction of their speeches, perfectly understood how hugely in our homeland of our literature in her whole, understood what the demonstration of a strict, but loving relationship of readers to literature obliges them to the literature continuously for the entire congress. We have the right to believe that this love is caused by merits, the work of our young literature. The reader gave us the right to be proud of the attitude to us the reader and the party of Lenin, but we should not exaggerate the importance of our work, still not perfect. Self-education by self-criticism, a continuous struggle for the quality of books, the plannedness of work, - as far as it is permissible in our craft, - an understanding of the literature as a process, creatible collectively and imposing mutual responsibility for the work of each other, the responsibility to the reader is the findings, Which we have to do from the demonstration of readers at the congress. These findings oblige us to immediately begin practical work - the organization of all-union literature as a whole. We must treat the most huge and most valuable material of speeches at the congress, in order to serve us temporary - I emphasize the word "temporary" - guidance in our future work, should strengthen in every way and expand the connection for the congress with the literature of the fraternal republics. At the congress, before the face of representatives of the revolutionary literature of Europe, sadly and unworthy of the literature was discovered poor knowledge or complete ignorance by us of European languages. Due to the fact that our connections with European writers will inevitably expand, we must introduce our study of European languages \u200b\u200bto use our study. It is also necessary because it will open before us the possibility of reading in the originals of the greatest works of painting in the word. No less important knowledge of Armenian languages, Georgians, Tatars, Turks, etc. We need to develop a common program for classes with beginner writers, - a program that would exclude subjectivism from this work, extremely harmful to young. To do this, you need to combine the magazines "Growth" and "Literary Study" in one magazine of literary and pedagogical nature and cancel few successful classes of individual writers with beginners. A lot of work, all this is absolutely necessary. In our country, it is unacceptable, so that the growth of literature has developed by gravity, we are obliged to prepare a change to ourselves, to expand the number of word workers themselves. Then we should ask the government to discuss the need to organize the organization in Moscow "All-Union Theater", in which the artists of all the nationalists of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would have the opportunity to familiarize us, Russians, with their dramatic art and through it - with the past and real cultural life . The main, constant troupe of this theater should be Russian, which would play the play of Azerbaijan, Armenians, Belarusians, Georgians, Tatars and all other nationals of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Siberia - in Russian, in exemplary translations. The rapid growth of the literature of the fraternal republics obliges us to seriously follow the growth of these literature and can significantly contribute to the growth of Russian drama. It is necessary to discuss the organization in Moscow "Theater of Classic", in which only the play of the classical repertoire would be played. They, knowing the viewer to the writers with samples of the dramatic creativity of the ancient Greeks, Spaniards and the British of the Middle Ages, would increase the requirements of the viewer to the theater, writers - to themselves. We need to pay attention to the literature of areas, especially Eastern and Western Siberia, involve it in the circle of our attention, to print in the journals of the center, take into account its importance as an organizer of culture. We must ask the government to resolve the union of the writers to put a monument to the Hero-Pionar Pavel Morozov, who was killed by his relatives for the fact that, who understood the wedding activity of relatives by blood, he chose the interests of the employment of the labor nation. It is necessary to resolve the publication of the almanac of the current fiction of the fraternal national republics, at least four books per year, and give Almanacham the title "Union" or "Brotherhood" with the subtitle: "Collections of modern fiction of the Union of Socialist Soviet republics." Dear comrades! We are always a huge, diverse work for the benefit of our homeland, which we create as the homeland of the proletariat of all countries. For work, comrades! Friendly, slim, flaming-- for work! Long live a friendly, strong unity of workers and fighters in the word, Long live the All-Union Red Army of Writers! And let all-union proletariat, our reader,-- reader-friend who was so passionately waited for honest writers of RussiaXIX.a century and which came, lovingly surrounds us and teaches to work! Long live the party of Lenin-- the leader of the proletariat, let them live the leader of the party Joseph Stalin! (Stormy, long non-ceasing applause, turning into ovation. Everyone gets up and sing "Internationale".)


In the twenty-seventh volume included articles, reports, speeches, greetings, written and uttered by M. Gorky in 1933--1936. Some of them were included in authorized collections of journalistic and literary and critical works ("Publicistic articles", edition 2 - 1933; "On literature", Edition 1 - 1933, Edition 2 - 1935, and also In the edition of the 3rd - 1937, preparing for printing during the author's life) and repeatedly edited by M. Gorky. Most included in the articles, reports, speeches, greetings were published in periodic press and not included in authorized collections. The collection of writings, reports, speeches, greetings M. Gorky is included for the first time.

First printed in the newspapers "Pravda", 1934, no 242, September 2, "Izvestiya CEC USSR and VTCIK", 1934, NO 206, September 2, "Literary Gazeta", 1934, NO 117, September 2, and "Literary Leningrad" , 1934, NO 45, September 3, as well as in publications: "First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers", Stenographic Report, M. 1934; M. Gorky, Soviet literature, Goslitisdat, M. 1934. Included in the second and third publication of the collection of articles M. Gorky "On literature". Printed with a minor reduction in the text of the second edition of the specified collection, drilled with manuscripts and machinery (Archive A. M. Gorky).

From the charter of the Writers' Union, as editors in 1934 (the charter was repeatedly edited and changed): "The Union of Soviet writers puts the initial purpose of creating works of high artistic value saturated with the heroic struggle of the international proletariat, the Pafos of the Victory of Socialism, reflecting the Great Wisdom and Herism of the Communist Party. The Union of Soviet Writers aims to create artistic works worthy of the Great Epoch of Socialism. "

According to the charter, as amended in 1971, the Union of Writers of the USSR - "A voluntary public creative organization, uniting the professional writers of the Soviet Union, participating in the struggle in the struggle for the construction of communism, for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations."

The charter was given to the definition of socialist realism, as the main method of Soviet literature and literary criticism, following which was a prerequisite for the membership of the joint venture.

Organization of the joint venture of the USSR

The highest body of the USSR joint venture was the Congress of writers (between 1934 and 1954, contrary to the charter, did not convene), who elected the Board of the USSR joint venture (150 people in 1986), which, in turn, was elected chairman of the Board (since 1977 - First Secretary) and formed the Secretariat of the Board (36 people in 1986), who managed the activities of the joint venture in the period between the congresses. The plenum of the board of the joint venture was assembled at least once a year. The Board of the Charter of 1971 elected, in addition, the Secretariat Bureau, as part of which was about 10 people, the actual leadership was in the hands of the working secretariat group (about 10 full-time places occupied by administrative workers than the writers). At the head of this group in 1986, Yu. N. Verchenko was approved (until 1991).

The structural divisions of the USSR joint ventures were regional writing organizations with a structure similar to the Central Organization: the joint ventures of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the writer organizations of the regions, Kraev, cities in Moscow and Leningrad.

The Print Bodies of the SP of the USSR were the "literary newspaper", the magazines "New World", "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples", "Questions of Literature", "Literary Review", "Children's Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Youth", " Soviet literature "(published in foreign languages)," Theater "," Sovieties Geymland "(for the Yiddish)," Star "," Bustor ".

The Board of the joint venture of the USSR was the Publishing House "Soviet writer", literary consultation for novice authors, the All-Union Bureau of Affairs Propaganda, the central house of writers. A. A. Fadeev in Moscow, etc.

Also in the structure of the joint venture there were various units that carried out the functions of management and control. Thus, all foreign journeys of JV members were subject to approval by the Foreign Commission of the SP of the USSR.

At the board of the joint venture, the USSR operated a literary fund, regional writer organizations also had their own lithoflons. The task of lithofords was the provision of material support members (respectively, the "rank" of the writer) in the form of providing housing, construction and maintenance of "writing" country villages, medical and sanatorium-resort service, providing trips to the "House of Creativity of Writers", the provision of household services, Supply with scarce goods and food products.


Reception in the members of the Writers' Union was made on the basis of a statement to which the recommendations of the three members of the joint venture were supposed to be attached. The writer who wants to join the Union should have had two published books and submit reviews on them. The application was considered at a meeting of the local branch of the USSR joint venture and was to receive at least two thirds of the vote when voting, then the Secretariat or the Board of the USSR joint venture was considered and at least half of their votes were required to take into account.

Numerical composition of the Writers of the USSR for years (according to the organizing committees of the CP Congresses):

  • 1934-1500 members
  • 1954 - 3695
  • 1959 - 4801
  • 1967 - 6608
  • 1971 - 7290
  • 1976 - 7942
  • 1981 - 8773
  • 1986 - 9584
  • 1989 - 9920

In 1976, it was reported that out of the total number of members of the Union, 3,665 write in Russian.

The writer could be excluded from the Writers' Union "for misconduct, dropping the honor and dignity of the Soviet writer" and for the "retreat from the principles and tasks formulated in the charter of the Writers of the USSR." In practice, the reason for exception could be:

  • Criticism of the writer on the part of the highest party instances. An example is the exception of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova, who followed Zdanov's report in August 1946 and the party decree "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ".
  • Publication abroad works not published in the USSR. B. L. Pasternak for the publication in Italy, "Dr. Zhivago" in 1957, was first for this motive.
  • Publication in "Samizdat"
  • Open expressed disagreement with the Policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state.
  • Participation in public speeches (signing open letters) with protests against the persecution of dissidents.

Excluded from the Union of Writers refused to publish books and publication in journals, subordinate joint ventures, practically they were deprived of the opportunity to earn literary labor. With the exception of the Union, there was an exception from a lithofand, entailing tangible material difficulties. The exception to the joint venture on political reasons, as a rule, was indulging in a wide publicity, which was sometimes transformed into real injury. In some cases, an exception was accompanied by criminal prosecution under the articles "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" and "the distribution of knowingly false fabrications that are disrupted by the Soviet state and social system", deprivation of USSR citizenship forced emigration.

According to political reasons from the Union of Writers, A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel, N. Korzhavin, Vladimov, L. Chukovskaya, A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Maximov, V. Nekrasov, A. Galich, E. Ekind, V. Worn, I. Dzuby, N. Lukash, Viktor Erofeev, E. Popov, F. Lights.

In protest against the exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from SP in December 1979, V. Aksenov, I. Lynnyanskaya and S. Lipkin declared their exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR.


The head of the USSR joint venture according to the 1934 charter was the Chairman of the Board.

  • Alexey Tolstoy (from 1936 to the year); The actual leadership until 1941 was carried out by the Secretary General of the USSR joint venture Vladimir Stavsky;
  • Alexander Fadeev (from 1938 PO and C PO Hg);
  • Nikolay Tikhonov (from 1944 to 1946);

According to the Charter of 1977, the leadership of the Writers' Union was carried out by the first secretary of the Board. This position was occupied by:

  • Vladimir Karpov (since 1986; resigned in November 1990, but continued to do business until August 1991);

SP of the USSR after the collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Union of Writers of the USSR was divided into many organizations in various countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main successors of the joint venture of the USSR in Russia and the CIS are the international community of writing unions (which Sergey Mikhalkov was led for a long time), the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers.

SP of the USSR in art

Soviet writers and cinematographers in their work have repeatedly appealed to the topic of the USSR joint venture.

  • In the novel "Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov under the fictional name "Massol", the Soviet writer is depicted as the union of adaptors.
  • Piez V. Worthanovich and Gorina "Cat homemade, medium fluffy" is devoted to the backstage side of the joint venture. On the play, K. Warriors took off the movie "Cap"
  • IN essays of literary life "The caller was beamed with oak" A. I. Solzhenitsyn characterizes the joint venture of the USSR, as one of the main tools of total party-state control over literary activities in the USSR.

Criticism. Quotes

The Union of Writers of the USSR meant a lot to me. Firstly, this communication with high-class masters can be said with the classics of Soviet literature. This communication was possible because the Union of Writers arranged joint trips around the country, and foreign trips were. I remember one of these trips. This is 1972, when I just started in the literature and found myself in a large group of writers in the Altai Territory. For me, it was not only an honor, but also studying and experience certain. I communicated with many very famous masters, including my countryman Pavel Nilin. Soon Georgy Makeevich Markov gathered a big delegation, and we went to Czechoslovakia. And also meetings, and it was also interesting. Well, then every time the plenums, the congresses, when I traveled myself. This, of course, study, acquaintance and entry into the greater literature. After all, the literature includes not only by their word, but also by the fraternity defined. This brotherhood was. It was later in the Union of Writers of Russia. And there was always joy to come there. At that time, the Union of Writers of the Soviet Union was undoubtedly needed. .
I found the time when Pushkin's "My friends, our union is beautiful!" With a new force and I restended in a new way in a mansion on the cook. Discussion of the "Kramolnyaya" Tale of Anatoly Popaptopkin, Problem Essays and Acute Juri Chernichenko, Yuri Nagina, Alesya Adamovich, Sergey Zalina, Yuri Karyakina, Arkady Vaxberg, Nikolai Shmeleva, Vasily Celyunina, Daniel Gorne, Alexey Kondratovich, other authors were held in the bit of the audiences . These disputes answered the creative interests of like-minded writers, received a wide resonance, formed public opinion on indigenous issues of people's life ....


see also



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Union of writers

Union of Writers of the USSR - organization of professional writers of the USSR. It was created in 1934 at the first congress of the Writers of the USSR, convened in accordance with the Decree of the CPSU Central Committee (b) of April 23, 1932. This union was replaced by all the writers who existed before the organization: both united on any ideological or aesthetic platform (Pass, "Pass") and the observed writers of writing unions (the All-Russian Union of Writers, All-Commercials).

In the charter of the Writers' Union, as a result of 1934, it was said: "The Union of Soviet writers puts the initial purpose of creating works of high artistic value saturated with the heroic struggle of the international proletariat, Paphos of the victory of socialism, reflecting the Great Wisdom and Herism of the Communist Party. The Union of Soviet Writers aims to create artistic works worthy of the Great Epoch of Socialism. " The charter was repeatedly edited and changed. As amended 1971, the Union of Writers of the USSR - "Voluntary Public Creative Organization, uniting the professional writers of the Soviet Union, participating in the fight for the construction of communism, for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations."

The charter was given to the definition of socialist realism, as the main method of Soviet literature and literary criticism, following which was a prerequisite for the membership of the joint venture.

The highest body of the USSR joint venture was the Congress of Writers (between 1934 and 1954, contrary to the Charter, did not convene).

The head of the USSR joint venture according to the 1934 charter was the Chairman of the Board. The first chairman in 1934-1936 of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR was Maxim Gorky. At the same time, the actual management of the Union's activities carried out the 1st secretary of the joint venture Alexander Shcherbakov. Then the chairmen were Alexey Tolstoy (1936-1938); Alexander Fadeev (1938-1944 and 1946-1954); Nikolay Tikhonov (1944-1946); Alexey Surkov (1954-1959); Konstantin Fedin (1959-1977). According to the Charter of 1977, the leadership of the Writers' Union was carried out by the first secretary of the Board. This position was occupied by: Georgy Markov (1977-1986); Vladimir Karpov (since 1986, resigned in November 1990, but continued to conduct cases until August 1991); Timur Pulatov (1991).

The structural divisions of the USSR joint ventures were regional writer organizations with a structure similar to Central Organization: the joint ventures of the Union and Autonomous Republics, writing organizations of the regions, edges, cities Moscow and Leningrad.

The Print Bodies of the SP of the USSR were the "literary newspaper", the magazines "New World", "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples", "Questions of Literature", "Literary Review", "Children's Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Youth", " Soviet literature "(published in foreign languages)," Theater "," Sovietic Geymland "(for the Yiddish)," Star "," Bonfire ".

The Board of the USSR joint venture was the Publishing House "Soviet writer", Literary Institute. M. Gorky, literary consultation for beginner authors, the All-Union Bureau of the Propaganda of Fiction, Central House of Writers. A. A. Fadeev in Moscow.

Also in the structure of the joint venture there were various units that carried out the functions of management and control. Thus, all foreign journeys of JV members were subject to approval by the Foreign Commission of the SP of the USSR.

At the board of the joint venture, the USSR operated a literary fund, regional writer organizations also had their own lithoflons. The task of Lithofords was the provision of material support to members (respectively, "rank" of the writer) in the form of providing housing, construction and maintenance of "writing" country villages, medical and sanatorium-resort service, providing vouchers to the "House of Creativity of Writers", the provision of domestic services, Supply with scarce goods and food products.

Admission to the members of the Writers' Union was made on the basis of a statement to which the recommendations of the three members of the joint venture were supposed to be made. The writer who wants to join the Union should have had two published books and submit reviews on them. The application was considered at a meeting of the local branch of the USSR joint venture and was to receive at least two thirds of the vote when voting, then the Secretariat or the Board of the USSR joint venture was considered and at least half of their votes were required to take into account. In 1934, there were 1500 members in the Union, in 1989 - 9920.

In 1976, it was reported that from the total number of members of the Union, 3665 write in Russian.

The writer could be excluded from the Writers' Union. The reason for exception could serve:

- Criticism of the writer on the part of the highest party instances. An example is the exception of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova, who followed the report of Zhdanov in August 1946 and the party decree "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ";

- Publication abroad works not published in the USSR. B. L. Pasternak for publication in Italy, "Dr. Zhivago" in 1957, was exceeded the first for this motive;

- publication in "Samizdat";

- discovered disagreement with the Policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state;

- participation in public speeches (signing open letters) with protests against the persecution of dissidents.

Excluded from the Union of Writers refused to publish books and publication in magazines subordinate to the joint venture, almost they were deprived of the opportunity to earn literary labor. With the exception of them from the Union, there was an exception from a lithofand, which enchanting tangible material difficulties. The exception to the joint venture on political reasons, as a rule, was indulging in a wide publicity, which was sometimes transformed into real injury. In some cases, an exception was accompanied by criminal prosecution under the articles "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" and "the distribution of knowingly false fabrications that are disrupted by the Soviet state and social system", deprivation of USSR citizenship forced emigration.

According to political reasons from the Writers' Union, A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel, N. Korzhavin, Vladimov, L. Chukovskaya, A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Maximov, V. Nekrasov, A. Galich, E. Ekind, V. Worn, I. Dzuby, N. Lukash, Viktor Erofeev, E. Popov, F. Lights. In protest against the exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from SP in December 1979, V. Aksenov, I. Lynnyanskaya and S. Lipkin announced their exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Union of Writers of the USSR was divided into many organizations in various countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main successors of the SP of the USSR in Russia are the international community of writing alliances, which for a long time Sergey Mikhalkov, the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers.

The soil for the separation of the Unified Community of the Writers of the USSR, in which about 11,000 people consisted, for two wings: the Union of Writers of Russia (SPR) and the Union of Russian Writers (PSA) was the so-called "letter 74". The first included those who were solidary with the authors of the "Letters of the 74th", in the second - writers, as a rule, liberal views. It served as a indicator of moods that dominated the then in a number of literary figures. The most famous, the most talented writers of Russia spoke about the danger of Russophobia, about the infidelity of the chosen "restructuring" path, the meaning of patriotism for the revival of Russia.

The Union of Writers of Russia is a all-Russian public organization uniting a number of Russian and foreign writers. Formed in 1991 on the basis of the Unified Union of Writers of the USSR. First Chairman - Yuri Bondarev. For 2004, the Union consisted of 93 regional organizations and united 6991 people. In 2004, a commemorative medal A. P. Chekhov was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of A. P. Chekhov. Awarded to persons awarded the literary prize named after A. P. Chekhov "For the contribution to Russian modern literature."

Union of Russian Writers - the All-Russian Public Organization, which unites Russian and foreign writers. The Union of Russian Writers was formed in 1991 during the collapse of the Union of Writers of the USSR. At the origins of his creation, Dmitry Likhachev, Sergey Zaligin, Victor Astafiev, Yuri Nagibin, Anatoly Zhigulin, Vladimir Sokolov, Roman of the Solders. First Secretary of the Union of Russian Writers: Svetlana Vasilenko.

The Union of Russian Writers is a co-founder and organizer of the Voloshinsky Prize, the Voloshin Competition and the Voloshin Festival in Koktebel, All-Russian meetings of young writers, enters the Organizing Committee for the celebration of Jubileev M. A. Sholokhov, N. V. Gogol, A. T. Tvardovsky and other prominent writers , in the jury of the international literary premium. Yuri Dolgoruky, he holds "provincial literary evenings" in Moscow, was the initiator of the construction of the monument O. E. Mandelstam in 2008, participates in international and Russian book fairs, together with the Union of Journalists of Russia, conducts conferences of women writers, creative evenings, literary Reading in libraries, schools and universities, round tables on translation issues, regional prose seminars, poetry and criticism.

With the Union of Russian Writers, the publication "Union of Russian Writers" is open.

From the book, the price of metaphor, or a crime and punishment of the Sinyavsky and Daniel Author Sinyavsky Andrei Donatovich

Letter 62 Writers in the Presidium of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Dear Comrades! We, the group of Writers of Moscow, appeal to you with a request to allow us to take on the orders of the newly convicted writers Andrei

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The life of the Russian anniversary writers is a meeting of Friends of Alexander Nikitich Vlasenko know and love everyone who had happiness to learn in the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky, therefore, the 85th anniversary of Russia who celebrated in the Writers' Union of Russia

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The Union of Writers of Russia - the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Kasyanov, addresses the delegates of the Hi Extraordinary Congress of the Union of Writers of Russia, who is one of the largest creative organizations in today's Russia, which

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He just loved the writers of Panorama, he just loved the writers. Memory historically developed in such a way that Russian literature from its most ancient monuments was at the heart of the spiritual life of society. Writer, we have always been a moral legislator, extensive and aspirations, and

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The word writers have an ideal - communist humanity; Here from these positions and you need to pull out the first rubbish from all the cracks today. And not surprise her hiss, or even bites. After all, if Soviet science science fiction will look for calm beaks over the river, in society

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The teacher's union and the Union of Teachers - Internationalists The Tsarist Government picked up teachers who would serve him not for fear, and for conscience. It referred and sagged into the prison of socialist teachers. Socialist could get into the teacher only smuggling, hiding his

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Country of writers A year ago Wonderful philologist Alexander Zholkovsky, who has a happy opportunity to come to Russia once a year and is clearly clear to see the dynamics, noticed: "It's not to have your own book today indecently, as before - do not start

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Protest writers Empty Data Received from Address [http://zavtra.ru/cgi//veil//data/zavtra/01/381/16.html].

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Writers's radio playback is the only socialist literature in the world when the world explosion of the October Revolution was drunk, not only the socio-economic hardening was injected and collapsed, but in the field of art, the deepest crack separated old from the new.

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From the book of the author

Ukrainian National National Union - Ukrainian National Cover Soyuz - Pestrigent 24 ZovThe brought UNOOZOVI Person Practical result: to a warehouse for the sake of MіNіstvi Unsley "Schit Represents VNS (Usi-Chelya UPSF): Mіnіstr Yustitzії A. Vyazlov, Mіnіstr іspovіdan O.

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From the book of the author

Fiscal Union - Transfer Union If you compare the situation in the field of financial policy in the Eurozone or in the EU with a situation in such federal states as the United States, Germany or Switzerland, then the central difference is striking: - Although the European Union budget for


  • 1 Organization of the joint venture of the USSR
  • 2 membership
  • 3 executives
  • 4 SP of the USSR after the collapse of the USSR
  • 5 SP of the USSR in art
  • Notes


Union of Writers of the USSR - Organization of professional Writers of the USSR.

Created in 1934 at the first congress of the Writers of the USSR, convened in accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of April 23, 1932.

The Union was replaced by all the writers who existed before the organization: both combined on any ideological or aesthetic platform (Pass, "Pass") and the observed writer's trade unions (All-Russian Union of Writers), allocations.

According to the Charter of the SP of the USSR, as editors in 1971 (the Charter was repeatedly edited) - "... A voluntary public creative organization, uniting the professional writers of the Soviet Union, participating in their work in the struggle for the construction of communism for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations."

"II ... 7. The Soviet Writers Union puts the initial purpose of the creation of works of a high artistic value saturated with the heroic struggle of the international proletariat, the pathos of the victory of socialism, reflecting the Great Wisdom and Herism of the Communist Party. The Union of Soviet Writers aims to create artistic works worthy of the Great Epoch of Socialism. " (From the charter of 1934)

The charter was given to the definition of socialist realism, as the main method of Soviet literature and literary criticism, following which was a prerequisite for the membership of the joint venture.

1. Organization of the joint venture of the USSR

The highest body of the USSR SP was the Congress of writers (between 1934 and 1954, contrary to the Charter, did not convene), who elected the Board of the USSR joint venture (150 people in 1986), which, in turn, was elected Chairman of the Board (since 1977 - First Secretary) and formed the Board Secretariat (36 people in 1986), who managed the joint ventures in the period between the congresses. The plenum of the board of the joint venture was assembled at least once a year. The Board of the Charter of 1971 elected, in addition, the Secretariat Bureau, as part of which was about 10 people, the actual leadership was in the hands of the working secretariat group (about 10 full-time places occupied by administrative workers than the writers). At the head of this group in 1986, Yu. N. Verchenko was approved (until 1991).

The structural divisions of the USSR joint ventures were regional writer organizations: the joint venture of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the writer organizations of the regions, Kravev, Gords Moscow and Leningrad, with the structure of a similar central organization.

The SP system of the USSR was published a "literary newspaper", magazines "New World", "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples", "Questions of Literature", "Literary Review", "Children's Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Youth", " Soviet literature "(published in foreign languages)," Theater "," Soviet Motherland "(for Yiddish)," Star "," Kostyon ".

All foreign jourges of JV members were subject to approval by the Foreign Commission of the SP of the USSR.

The Board of the USSR joint venture was the Publishing House "Soviet writer", Literary Institute. M. Gorky, literary consultation for beginner authors, the All-Union Bureau of the Propaganda of Fiction, Central House of Writers. A. A. Fadeev in Moscow, etc.

At the board of the joint venture, the USSR operated a literary fund, regional writer organizations also had their own lithoflons. The task of lithofords was the provision of material support members (respectively, the "rank" of the writer) in the form of providing housing, construction and maintenance of "writing" country villages, medical and sanatorium-resort service, providing trips to the "House of Creativity of Writers", the provision of household services, Supply with scarce goods and food products.

2. Membership

Reception in the members of the joint venture was made on the basis of an application, in addition to which the recommendations of the three members of the joint venture were supposed to be attached. The writer who wants to join the joint venture should have two published books and submit reviews on them. The application was considered at a meeting of the local branch of the USSR joint venture and was to receive at least two thirds of the votes when voting, then the Secretariat or the Board of the USSR joint venture was considered, and for adoption of at least half of their votes.

Numerical composition of the joint venture of the USSR by year (according to the organizing committees of the CP congresses):

  • 1934 - 1500 members
  • 1954 - 3695
  • 1959 - 4801
  • 1967 - 6608
  • 1971 - 7290
  • 1976 - 7942
  • 1981 - 8773
  • 1986 - 9584
  • 1989 - 9920

In 1976, it was reported that from the total number of members of the joint venture 3665 they write in Russian.

The writer could be excluded from the joint venture "For offense, dropping the honor and dignity of the Soviet writer" and for the "retreat from the principles and tasks formulated in the Charter of the Union of Writers of the USSR." In practice, the reason for exception could be:

  • Criticism of the writer on the part of the highest party instances. An example is the exception of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova, who followed Zdanov's report in August 1946 and the party decree "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ".
  • Publication abroad works not published in the USSR. B. L. Pasternak for the publication in Italy, "Dr. Zhivago" in 1957, was first for this motive.
  • Publication in "Samizdat"
  • Open expressed disagreement with the Policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state.
  • Participation in public speeches (signing open letters) with protests against the persecution of dissidents.

An excluded from the joint venture refused to publish their books and in publication in journals, subordinate joint ventures, practically they were deprived of the opportunity to earn literary labor. With the exception of the SP, there was an exception from a lithofand, entailing tangible material difficulties. The exception to the joint venture on political reasons, as a rule, was indulging in a wide publicity, which was sometimes transformed into real injury. In some cases, an exception was accompanied by criminal prosecution under the articles "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" and "the distribution of knowingly false fabrications that are disrupted by the Soviet state and social system", deprivation of USSR citizenship forced emigration.

A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel, N. Korzhavin, Vladimov, L. Chukovskaya, A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Makovov, V. Nekrasov, were also excluded for political motives from the joint venture. Worn, I. Dzuby, N. Lukash, Viktor Erofeev, E. Popov, F. Lights.

In protest against the exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from SP in December 1979 V. Aksenov, I. Lynnyanskaya and S. Lipkin declared their exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR.

3. Officers

The head of the joint venture of the USSR on the charter of 1934 was the Chairman of the Board, and since 1977 the first secretary of the Board.

Conversation I. V. Stalin with bitter

The first Chairman (1934-1936) of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR was Maxim Gorky. (At the same time, the actual management of the joint venture was carried out by the 1st Secretary of the SP Alexander Shcherbakov).

In the future, this post occupied:

  • Alexey Tolstoy (from 1936 to 1938); The actual manual until 1941 was carried out by the Secretary General of the USSR joint venture Vladimir Stavsky
  • Alexander Fadeev (from 1938 to 1944 and from 1946 to 1954)
  • Nikolay Tikhonov (from 1944 to 1946)
  • Alexey Surkov (from 1954 to 1959)
  • Konstantin Fedin (from 1959 to 1977)
First secretaries
  • George Markov (from 1977 to 1986)
  • Vladimir Karpov (since 1986; resigned in November 1990, but continued to do business until August 1991)
  • Timur Pulatov (1991)

4. SP of the USSR after the collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Union of Writers of the USSR was divided into many organizations in various countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main successors of the SP of the USSR in Russia are the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers.

5. SP of the USSR in art

Soviet writers and cinematographers in their work have repeatedly appealed to the topic of the USSR joint venture.

  • In the novel "Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov under the fictional name "Massol", the Soviet writer is depicted as the union of adaptors.
  • Piez V. Worthanovich and Gorina "Cat homemade, medium fluffy" is devoted to the backstage side of the joint venture. On the play, K. Warriors took off the movie "Cap"
  • IN essays of literary life "The caller was beamed with oak" A. I. Solzhenitsyn characterizes the joint venture of the USSR, as one of the main tools of total party-state control over literary activities in the USSR.


  1. Charter of the Union of Writers of the USSR, see "Information Bulletin of the Secretariat of the Board of the SP of the USSR", 1971, No. 7 (55), p. nine]
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization executed 09.07.11 18:42:40
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