Great choreographers: Maurice Bezhar. Maurice Bezhar: "The highest joy! Create, die, love, disappear ... Beshar in Russia

Great choreographers: Maurice Bezhar. Maurice Bezhar:
Great choreographers: Maurice Bezhar. Maurice Bezhar: "The highest joy! Create, die, love, disappear ... Beshar in Russia

One of the most prominent ballersters and choreographers of the 20th century is the Frenchman Maurice Bezhar. This man in many ways turned the traditional ideas about the ballet, and his troupe successfully toured several decades around the world.

Biography Bezara

Maurice Bezhar was born in Marseille on January 1, 1927. Mother - Catalanka, and his father was born in Senegal. As Bejar himself has repeatedly noted, its creativity has greatly affected such a connection of national roots. Maurice began to engage in ballet and trained choreography. Bejar studied at beautiful choreographers, representatives of various schools: L. Georova, Madame Ruzan, L. Stats, V. Volkova, Rolan Pig. Maurice tried to try himself in all sorts of troupes, thanks to which he acquired the invaluable and comprehensive experience of choreography. In 1944, his debut took place in the troupe of the Marseille opera.

Path to glory

The first ballet from Moris Bezhar was put in Stockholm in 1951. The creative approach of Bezhar did a furor. The maestro undertook an experiment to create a fundamentally new type of performance, where singing, dance and pantomime occupy an equal place. The experiment with brilliance succeeded. In his productions, Bezhar used huge spaces of whole sports arena, so that the choir, orchestra, and dancers can accommodate. Spectators became full participants of all productions. All the performances of Bezhara accompanied the corporate identity, a peculiar steppe of the Great Master.

Of course, the contribution of Maurice Bezhar to the development of dance and art is generally difficult to overestimate. He constantly sought to the most diverse use of all the plastic capabilities of the body of the dancer. Bejar managed to organically transfer the traditions of ancient (and not only) spectacles and dances in our time, adding and developing the concept of universal male dance.

French choreographer, an outstanding master of ballet Maurice Bezhar (Byjart, Maurice) was born January 1, 1927 In Marseille, in the family of the famous French philosopher Gaston Berez (Bejar is a scenic pseudonym Maurice). Father was from Turkish Kurdistan, mother - Catalanka; Among his distant ancestors there were immigrants from Senegal. According to Bejar himself, this is a combination of national roots imposed a print on all his creativity.

As a child, Maurice was a painful, weak child and the doctor advised him to play sports, but, hearing from parents about passionate passion of the boy theater, recommended classic dance. In 1941. Bezhar began to train choreography, and in 1944. Already debuted in the ballet troupe of the Marseille opera. However, in the classic ballet Bejar did not come in and in 1945 he moved to Paris, where for several years she takes lessons from famous teachers: Leo Stats, Lyubov Yegorova, Madame Ruzan and Mrs. Volkova in London, as a result of which mastered many different choreographic schools .

At the beginning of his career, Bejar changed many troupes: he worked at Rolan Petit and Zhanin Sharra in 1948, he performed in Inglesby International Ball in London in 1949 and in the Royal Swedish Ballet in 1950-1952.

In Sweden, Bezhar made his debut as a choreographer, putting for the movie Fragments of Ballet "Fire-Bird" I. Stravinsky.

In 1953. Bejar, together with J. Laurent, founded in Paris the troupe "Ball de L" Etoile, "which existed until 1957. In 1957. He created the Ballea-Theater de Parpet. At that time, Bejar put ballets and at the same time he played in their lead roles. Beshar troupe put such ballets like "Sleeping in the summer night" to the music of F. Chopin, "Taming of the Shrew" to the music of D. Scarlatti, "Beauty in Boa" to the music of D. Rossini, "Journey to the child's heart" and "Mystery" Henri, "Tanit, or Twilight of the Gods", "Prometheus" ovana.

In 1959. Bejar puts on the scene of the Brussels Theater Monur Ballet "Spring Sacred" (music I. Stravinsky) for the Royal Ballet of Belgium, shook not only lovers of classical dance, but the whole world.

In 1960. Bezhar is based on the Ballet of the twentieth century ", which becomes the world famous choreographer, recognized as a modern dance. The troupe is based in Swiss Lausanne and in 1987 is renamed "Lausanne Ballet Bezhar".
Speaking in a new way as an artist-director, Bejar undertook an experiment to create synthetic performances, where dance, pantomime, singing (or word) occupy an equal place. In such a style he put in 1961. Ballets "Gala" to the music of Scarlatti, who walked in the "Venice" theater, the synthetic play "Four Sons of Eymont" to the music of composers of the XV-XVI centuries, which he put in Brussels together with E. Klosson and J. Bowl, as well as "torment Saint Sebastian ", delivered in 1988 with the participation of the stage orchestra, choir, vocal solo and dance performed by ballet artists. These experiments were evaluated by critics and specialists very high and in 1960 and in 1962, Maurice Bezhar was awarded the theater award of Nations, and in 1965 he became a laureate of the dance festival in Paris.

In 1970. Bejar founded a special school-studio "Mudra" in Brussels.

For the last twenty years, Maurice Bejar led the Lausanne ballet.

He created and put more than a hundred ballet, wrote five books. Among his most famous works are: "Bakhti" (for Indian music), "Fire-Bird" (on the music of suite from the same name of the ballet of Stravinsky), "Nizhinsky, Cloon of God" (on the music of Pierre Henri and Tchaikovsky), "Our Faust" (on the music of I.S. Bach and Argentine tango), "Brel and Barbara", dedicated to the two Great French chanson.

July 15, 2007 In the Milan theater "La Scala" premiere of the ballet "Thank you, Janni, with love" ("Grazie Gianni Con Amore"), timed to the decade from the day of the murder of the Italian fashion designer Jani Versace, with whom Bejara tied 15 years of friendship. After the tragic death of Versace, the program "Bolero for Gianni" appeared.

Bejara was often invited to different theaters for setting individual performances. For many years of cooperation tied him with the Great Russian Ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. He put the ballet "Iceedor" for her, as well as several solo concert numbers for her performances. The most famous among them "Vision of Roses" and "Ava, Maya". Over the years, Bejar worked with V. Vasilyev, who first performed the version of Ballet I. Stravinsky "Parsley", and, together with E. Maximova, he performed the capital parties in the ballet S. Prokofiev "Romeo and Juliet".

Maurice Bezhar died November 22, 2007 In one of the hospitals in Switzerland, where it was delivered on November 16; He had to undergo a course of treatment due to problems with heart and kidneys. It was the second hospitalization for the last month.

Maurice Bejar (Fr. Maurice Béjart, real name Maurice-Jean Berger (Fr. Maurice-Jean Berger), was born on January 1, 1927 in the city of Marseille. One of the famous French dancers and ballersters, theatrical and opera director. He is one of the best choreographers XX century.

Father Maurice Gaston Berez (1896-1960) - a philosopher, a cultural worker and education from Turkish Kurdistan, mother - Catalanka. In the family of Bezhara, the people from Senegal.

The fusion of blood and the combination of national roots made a large creative beginning to the art of artist. African blood, according to the choreographer itself, has become fundamental to the desire to create in dance.

The mother of the future choreographer lost aged seven. Little Maurice was a painful child, and the doctor believed that he was useful to sports. By that time, Bejar looked at the formulation of Serge Lifery, she pushed him into his ballet classes. Parents told about the passion of the Son theater, and the doctor approved classes. The first of his teachers were emigrant love Egorov and Vera Volkov. In 1941, Maurice began to engage in choreography, and in 1944 he achieved that he became a debutant in the ballet troupe of the Marseille opera. With all his talent and desire to dance, he did not fit in the classic ballet. In 1945, Bezhar moves to Paris. There, he takes the lessons of dancing for several years from famous choreographers. Due to this, he masters the skill of many different choreographic schools.

At first, Bezhar tried himself in many choreographic groups. In 1948, he worked at Zhanin Sharra, performed in Inglsby International Ball, in London in 1949 and in the Royal Swedish Ballet in 1950-1952.

Bejar at the age of 21 worked in the London troupe under the leadership of Nikolai Sergeyev over the classic repertoire. Sergeev was well acquainted with choreography glorified in the dance world, because he worked with him for more than 20 years. Thanks to this, Besar learned a lot about the ballet mace work.

In Sweden, Bejar worked in the Kulberg-Balletten troupe. They found out that he owns choreography and offered him to put a big pa-de-de-de from the "Nutcracker" for the Stockholm opera. He restored the duet, which was close to the original. In 1951, in Stockholm, together with Birgit, Kulberg set his first ballet. In the same place, Bezar made a choreographer and put Fragments of the "Fire-Bird" ballet I. Stravinsky for the movie.

In 1953, Bejar with J. Laurent opened the Ballet de L'Etoile in Paris (Ballet De L'Etoile), which spoke until 1957. In 1957, he created the "Ball-Theater de Paris" troupe. Bezhar combined the productions of ballets and performances in them in leading roles.

World triumph expect him in 1959, while his team "Ball-theater de Paris" experienced financial difficulties. Suddenly Bejar received a proposal from Moris Yusman, who was appointed a new director of the Brussels "Theater de la Monna", to put the Spring-Sacred on the music of I. Stravinsky. A group of talented dancers were selected, which should have created a ballet in just three weeks. Bezhar felt the music of Stravinsky, having heard and seeing in it, all the subtleties of the manifestation of love. At the beginning, it is a faint, careful impulse to the object of love. Then the all-consuming passion, with all the shades of the manifestation of the carnal desire. This formulation was amazed not only the connoisseurs of classical dance, but also the audience around the world.

The successful production of "Spring Sacred" became an impetus to the future of Bejara as a choreographer. Next year, Yuisma offers Bejar to gain a ballet troupe in Belgium. In France, no one suggested him, and he dreamed of working and create precisely in such conditions. Bezhar, without thinking, moves to Brussels. And in 1960 a "ballet of the twentieth century" appeared.

In 1970, Bezhar opened the Mudra Studio School in Brussels. In 1987, Maurice Bezhar travels with his team to Moscow. Our compatriots rated his creative work, and he became a pet favor. He was called Ivanovich, this sign of recognition was awarded to him only.

The stars of the Soviet ballet began the struggle for Beshar choreography. He is working with masters of ballet art with such as. Blonded in the created, especially for her, the ballet "Iceedor". Bejar was supplied for her and solo concert numbers.

In 1981, with Claude Lelche in the film "Some and others" he worked in cinematography.

One of the interesting facts of his biography was the transition from Catholic religion to Islamic in 1973. A significant role in this was played by his spiritual mentor Sufi Osta Elai.

For many years, Bezhar worked with, which was the first performer in the formulation of Bezhar's interpretation of Ballet I. Stravinsky "Parsley". With his wife, he performed the lead party in Ballet S. Prokofiev "Romeo and Juliet".

Since 1984, Bejara's ballet costumes worked famous in the world of Couturier Jianny Versace. Ten years later, after his death on July 15, 2007, the premiere of ballet "Thank you, Gianni, with love" was published in the Milan Theater "La Scala". It was delivered with gratitude and acute understanding of the feeling of friendship with early earliest. Bezhara did not even stop health problems.

In 1987, Maurice Bezar took the "ballet of the twentieth century" to the Swiss Lausanne and even replaced the name of the team on the "Lausanne Ballet Bajara" ("Béjart Ballet Lausanne").

In 1994, Maurice Bejar was elected a member of the French Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1999, Bejar showed its interpretation of the Nutcracker ballet, whose premiere was held in Turin in October. The famous music of Tchaikovsky was the like choreographer to create an autobiographical work. His main character is Clara's girl, he was replaced by Boy Boy from Beshar Ballet 1978 "Paris Fun". The subjects of the production is attitude to childhood and mother Bejara.

Bezhar came up with and put more than a hundred ballet, wrote five books.

Recognition and awards

1974 - Erasmus Prize

1986 - Dedicated to the Knights by Emperor of Japan

1993 - Imperial Prize

1994 - Le Prix Allemand De La Danse

2003 - Benoa Dance Prize ("For Life in Art")

2006 - Gold Medal for Merit in Arts, Spain

Member of the French Academy of Arts

Honorary citizen of Lausanne

Stages, disciples and parties and D.R.


1955 - " Symphony for lonely man"Symphonie Pour Un Homme Seul), Paris

1956 - "High Voltage" (High Voltage)

1957 - "Sonata for Troy" (Sonate à Trois), Essen

1958 - Orphea (Orphée), Liege

1959 - Spring Sacred, theater "La Monna", Brussels

1960 - "Such Sweet Thunder" (Such Sweet Thunder)

1999 - "Silk Road" (La Route de la Soie), Lausanne

2000 - "Child-King" (Enfant-Roi), Versailles

2001 - Tango (Tangos (FR.)), Genoa

2001 - "Manos" (MANOS (Fr.)), Lausanne

2002 - "Mother Teresa and Children of the World" (Mère Teresa et Les Enfants du Monde)

2003 - "Chao, Federico" (Ciao Federico), in honor of Federico Fellini

2005 - "Love - Dance" (L'Amour - La Danse)

2006 - Zarathoustra (Zarathoustra)

2007 - "Around the Light for 80 minutes" (Le Tour Du Monde EN 80 minutes)

2007 - "Thank you, Gianni, with love" (Grazie Gianni Con AMORE), Memorials of Giannie Versace


Maurice Bezhar spoke in a movie as director, balletmaster and actor:

1959 - "Symphony for a lonely man", choreography and performance of Maurice Bezhar, director Luis Kuni

1975 - "I was born in Venice", director Maurice Bezhar (with the participation of Jorge Donna, Shona Mirk, Philip Lizona and Singers Barbara)

2002 - B Comme Béjart, documentary


Maurice Bezhar allowed to fulfill his works only to whom he worked personally. Nevertheless, many famous dancers and dancers performed his stages by copying them with video. The high level of their execution, nevertheless was not in the "Bejarovsky" vision manner. And on violating prohibition, a cash fine is still superimposed.

Misha Van Hoecke was one of the followers of Maurice Bejara (Misha Van Hoecke), which worked in the "Ballet of the 20th Century" troupe about 25 years.

Famous French choreographer Maurice Bezhar (Maurice Béjart), Maurice Berger's real name was born on January 1, 1927 in Marseille in the family of Philosopher Gaston Berezh.

At the age of 14, the doctor began to engage in ballet.

Professional choreographic education received in private ballet studios of Paris, where his teachers were love Egorov, Leo Staths, Madame Ruzanne (Ruzanna Sargsyan), then practiced with faith in London.

In 1946, Bejar received a bachelor's degree in Philosophy at the University of Ex-en-Provence.

In 1946, as an artist of Ballet made his debut in Vichy (France). He spoke with small ballet troupe - Rolan Petit, Zhanin Sharra, Ballet Kulberg (Sweden).

In 1950, he implemented his first stage for the Royal Swedish Ballet (Stockholm) - Ballet "Fire-Bird" Igor Stravinsky.

In 1953, Maurice Bejar, together with Jean Lauren, organized his own troupe "Romantic Ballets". In 1954, she began to be called the ballet "Stars", under this title existed until 1957.

In the early emnce of Bezhar, his corporate handwriting was manifested - the balletmaster does not use traditional ballet clothes, he confesses minimalism in scenography, refers to topical topics and modern music.

In the 1950s, Bejar put ballets and at the same time he played in their lead roles. His troupe put such ballets like "Sleeping in the Summer Night" to the music of Frederick Chopin, "Taming the Shrew" to the music of Domenico Scarlatti, "Beauty in Boa" to the music of Giacomo Rossini, "Journey to the heart of the child" and "the sacrament" Pierre Henri, "Tanit, or twilight of the gods", "Prometheus" ovana.

Bejar's fame brought the playback of "Symphony for a lonely man" Pierre Henri and Pierre Schaffer (1955) and "High Voltage" Marius Konstan and Pierre Henri (1956).

In 1957-1960, Bejar worked with his new troupe "Ballet Theater of Paris", for which she put the ballet "Alien" to the music of Eitator Vila Lobos, "Pulchinell" Stravinsky (both - 1957), "Orpheus" Henri (1958), "Topics and variations "for jazz music (1959) and others.

In 1959, he created one of the most famous her ballets that became the classics of the 20th century, "Spring sacred". The performance was put on the stage of the Royal Theater De La Monna (Brussels), the artists of three ballet companies participated in it - Bejara himself, Milorad Miskovich and theater de la Monsn.

After the triumphal success of this formulation, Bezhar was proposed to work at the De La Monna Theater, in which in 1960 the world-famous troupe with the international composition of the 20th century ballet was created. She toured a lot and was the welcome guest of the largest theaters and the festivals of the world.

Among the most famous ballets created by Maurice Bejar for the "Ballet of the twentieth century" - "Bolero" Maurice Ravel, in which the solo party is dancing and a woman (1961), and a man (1977), and core. Also, this setting may be entirely male, or female. In the solo party of the melody with a special success, the famous dancer Jorge Donn was the star of the "Ballet of the XX Century". In 1977, Maya Plisetskaya debuted in Brussels in the party of the melody, which then repeated this performance in Moscow at his creative evening in the Bolshoi Theater (1978), whose program was also entered by Besar specially for her, "Iceedor" ballet for her music (the premiere took place In 1976 in Monte Carlo).

In 1978, the "ballet of the twentieth century" was successfully toured in Moscow. Also, the leading artists of the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Maya Plisetskaya ("Iceedor"), Ekaterina Maksimova ("Romeo and Julia" on the music of Hector Berlioz, partner Jorge Donn), Vladimir Vasilyev, who performed the title party in Parsley's ballet, Obedient Bejar for him in 1977. In 1987, the same touring troupes were held in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in collaboration with the opera and ballet theater of Kirov (now Mariinsky) and Vilnius (Lithuania).

For Plisetskaya Bezhar also put the duet "Swan and Leda" to the music of Camille Saint-Sansa and Japanese folk music (1978), Ballet "Kurazuk" Patrick Mimran, Toshiro Mauizumi and South Le Bars (1995), Choreographic Room "Ava, Maya!" On the music of Johanna Sebastian Baha - Charles Guno (2000). Ekaterina Maksimova and Vladimir Vasilyev repeatedly danced a duet from Ballet "Romeo and Julia".

For the "ballet of the twentieth century" carried out setting: "Ninth Symphony" to the music of Ludwig Van Beethoven (1964), "Webpers - Opus V" (1966), "Bhakti" for Indian folk music (1968), "Songs of the Wearing Apprentice" Gustav Maleer (1971), "Nizhinsky, Cloon of God" to the music of Peter Tchaikovsky and Pierre Henri (1972), "Our Faust" to the music of Baha (1975), "Diones" to the music of Richard Wagner and Mikis Teodrulycis (1984), "Malro, or Metamorphosis of the gods "on the music of Beethoven and Le Bars (1986)," Kabuki "to the music of Tosiro Maijuzumi (1986) and many others.

In 1987, Bejar, together with the leading dancers, moved to Lausanne (Switzerland), where in the same year organized a new troupe - Lausanne ballet Bajar (Béjart Ballet Lausanne), for which the ballet "Memories of Leningrad" on the music of Tchaikovsky and the group The Residents ( 1987), "Many times trying to leave, I stayed" to Maer's music (1988), "Ring around the ring" on the music of Wagner and Cooper (1990), "Mr. Ch." To the music of Charlie Chaplin (1992), "Metamorphosis" ("Mutation X") on the music of Jackie Glison, John Zorn, Le Barca (1998), "Nutcracker" on the music of Tchaikovsky and Mute (1998), "Brel and Barbara" to music Bach and many others.

In 1970, in Brussels, he created the "Mudra" school, in 1977 - her branch in Dakar (Senegal), in 1992 - the school-atelier "Rudra" in Lausanne.

In 2002, he organized for young dancers of the school "Rudra" Troupe "Company M.", for which he put the ballet "Mother Teresa and the Children of the World" with the participation of Marci Heide's ballerina known in the past.

In 2003, ten years after the death of the famous Italian director Federico Fellini, choreographer devoted him ballet "Chao, Federico." The subsequent creations of the Great Maestro and his troupe were "Love and Dance" (2005), "Zarathustra", "Safe, Gianni, with love", the memory of the famous couturier Giannie Versace, "around the world in 80 minutes" (2007).

Working on its last production "around the world in 80 minutes", Bezhar used the idea of \u200b\u200bJules Verne about the World Travel and supplemented it with the route his last tour with the troupe.

Bezhar was awarded various awards. In 1986, he was awarded the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, in 1993 he received the Imperial Prize of the Japanese Artistic Association. In 2003, the choreographer was awarded the degree of commander of the French Order "For merit in the field of art and literature".

In 1994, he was elected a member of the Academy of Fine Arts of France.

Bezhar was awarded the International Balenna Benoiet Award in the Honorary Nomination "Life in Art".

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

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Maurice Bejart.

Date of Birth: 1.1.1927
Date of death: 22.11.2007


Choreographer, director, dancer.

By the number of those who largely turned the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe ballet, the outstanding master belongs to the ingenious choreographer, which became a cult figure in the field of modern dance, Maurice Bezhar. He, like a fabulous wizard, snatched ballet from academic captivity. And the updated, sexy, fierce dance of Marcels Bejara became a symbol of the twentieth century. Maurice Bezhar is a son of a tour of Turkish Kurdistan and Catalanca. As the balletmaster himself admitted later, this connection of national roots imposed a print on all his creativity. Bejar began to train choreography since 1941, and in 1944 he had already debuted in the ballet troupe of the Marseille opera. He mastered many different choreographic schools. His success as a director and teacher is largely due to the fact that he began as a dancer and himself passed the path in which he then sent his students. In Sweden, Bezhar made his debut as a choreographer, putting for the movie Fragments of Ballet "Fire-Bird" I. Stravinsky. In 1959, made by Bezhar choreography of the Spring Spring ballet, set for the royal ballet of Belgium on the stage of the Brussels Theater MONER, shocked not only the world of classical dance, but in general the whole world. Maurice Bejar began work in the 1950s in the Ballet Etoile troupe. From 1960 he headed the "ballet of the twentieth century", since 1987 - "Balet Bezhar" in Lausanne. Together with this troupe, Bejar undertook a grand experiment to create synthetic performances, where dance, pantomime, singing (or word) occupy an equal place. During the years of creative activities, the choreographer was carried out more than 200 performances - from chamber lyrical miniatures to large-scale acts, such as the "Muticiation of St. Sebastian" or "Ring in the ring" on the music of Wagner. Among the performances recognized as masterpieces of world choreography - "Bolero", "Fire-Bird" (version 1970), "Wonderful Mandarin", "Metamorphosis", "King Lear", Opus No. 5 Weberna, "Light", "Night" , Baroque Belkanto, "Symphony for one person" and MN. Dr. In different years, the choreographer offered his original versions of ballet classics, "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", "Romeo and Juliet" and others. The performances of Maurice Bezhar are recognized as the most visited ballet ideas in the world. A number of their own productions of the choreographer dedicated to friends and close to Mother Teresa, Giannie Versace, Freddie Mercury, Federico Fellini, and others. In different years, M. Kulzhar collaborated with such outstanding composers as E. Kloson, Pierre Bulez and Nino Rota (in Particularly, his music was used in the famous formulation of "Chao Federico" dedicated to Fellini). The performances of Bejart Ballet Lausanne "were issued" Salvador Dali and Gianni Versace (who collaborated with Bejar for almost 15 years and creating costumes to 14 troupe performances), Jean-Paul Gauthier and Issia Miyaka. These outstanding dancers as R.Nuriyev, M. Karyshnikov, M. Glisetskaya, H. Donne, E. Maximov, V. Vasilyev, and others speaking about Bezhar, could not be mentioned about Bolero (1961), this Truly an epochal performance on M. Irall music. The leading dancer of Bezhar was Argentinian Jorge Donn (1947-1992), early from life. His memory of Maestro devoted ballets House of the priest, ballet for life, tango, or a rose for Jorge Donna. Bezhar said that choreography is a matter of two, as in the love that the work exists due to the dancer. Jorge Donn - Bejar Star, his medium, his conductor who carried out spiritual and energy contact with the public. Full participants in the performances were Elton John and The Queen. Over the years of creativity, M. Kelzhar is awarded the many government awards of France, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, he is a valid member of the Academy of Fine Arts of France. Among the latest works of the BEJART BALLET Lausanne troupe - the play "Zarathustra", the premiere of which took place on December 21, 2005 in Lausanne. Maurice Bezhar again turned to the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, one of his favorite authors.

November 22, 2007 - Skorbim: Horeographer Maurice Bezhar died

Maurice Beshar films: