Church calculation. Exile demons

Church calculation. Exile demons
Church calculation. Exile demons

How is the exile of demons, and who is it generally? You can find out about this if you read our cognitive article.

The Gadarinsky Pointed Radied Naked in Tombs, he fell and beat about the stones, inspireing the horror of his inhuman force. But after the legion of the demons came out of him, he was found dressed and in common memory, calmly sitting at the foot of the Savior. Are there many such people today who are in rabies can break chains and break shackles? Probably not very. Nevertheless, the Pilgrims go to the "Speach to the Starta" by whole buses. What is the meaning of the ranks of the demons? And when you need to resort to it? The "NA" correspondent tried to comprehensively explore this issue and even went to the read.

Something invisible and frightening

Coming over the prayer help, you can sometimes get on a specific service, able to hit the imagination: screams, screams, peashed persons, corti on the floor with foam from the mouth. The priest can also behave unusual: "Putting her knees, the father gives to drink holy water from the cross. If at the same time, the demon is somehow manifests itself, then the father becomes legs or sits on the sore, broken demon "(from the letter to the editorial board of the site" Orthodoxy and the World ". - Ed.). And this can happen not in some distant monastery, but in the very center of Moscow.

Natalia K., icon painter restorer, told us how, going to one of the metropolitan temples to discuss working questions with the Father, and defending the service, she surprised to find out that she would not be able to go out on the street, because the door of the temple locked from the inside. In her eyes, two strong altarians took his hands before that calmly standing woman, summed up to the amvon, and the priest began to read some prayers over it. And here in the temple it was going to work out that for the first time in the life of Natalia felt: her hair on her nape stand on horror on her head. She, like the rest of the parishioners, prayed in the fear of his knees, without daring even to raise the eyes of there, where he knew the creature with a vile thin voice. The fact that the voice that sounded from a woman cannot belong to a person, there was no doubt. Natalia said that she was not frightened by the convulsions of a woman and not even the content of her replicas. Scarecrow the obvious feeling of the presence of an absolutely hostile person and infinite evil creature. Presence, anticipant longing and despondency. From all that was seen from Natalia, an extremely difficult impression remained, which, according to her, did not strengthen her in faith. And still remember this episode, she does not want. There is a natural question - what is this phenomenon and how should it be treated?

Commissioner and Safety

The topic of exorcism and the caster was relevant already in apostolic times. In the "Acts of the Holy Apostles" (19: 13-16) we find a story about how the seven sons of the Jewish High Priest Skvah, seeing the Apostle Paul expelled demons, decided to try too. "We spell you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches," they said, and in response he heard: "I know Christ, and I also know Paul, and who are you?" And the launched attacked them, brutally beat, broke their clothes and one drove all seven on the street.

In relation to modern certificates, the church has no consensus. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II condemned the frequent practice of the claim. Archimandrite John (Peasteankin) advised a man, obsessed without demon, often coming and binding: "The figure is Chin, but the cobble is one of the seven sacraments of God. Feature and segregate more often ... So it will help you - and ignore the evil "(Letters of Archimandrite John (Peasteankin). 8th ed., Add .: Holy Assumption Pskovo-Pechersky male monastery, 2008).

Dr. Theology, Professor Mdais Alexey Ilich Osipov in his book "The Way of mind in search of truth" indicates: In assessing exorcism cases, it is necessary to be guided first of all the opinion of the Holy Fathers, and the fathers claim that such a dangerous case can be engaged exclusively to holy people who not only won Passion in yourself, but also received the appropriate gift from God. In the message of the Climate of the Rome (I century), "about the news" asketam-exorcists is prescribed "... to visit obsessed with evil spirits and to create prayers over them. Let the post and prayer let them come, not in words red, selected and sophisticated, but as a guy, from God received the gift of healing. " Avva Pitirion: "Who wants to cast out demons, he must first enslave passion: for what passion who will win, such a demon and drive."

At the same time, according to the Holy Fathers, demons can depict the fear of those who read the "elders", to publicly call them saints, introducing into the deception and the "elders" and innocent believers themselves. The results of the demonic lies are crying. Prp. John Cassiana Romans on this score is a warning: "Both beams are creating miracles in order to renderate the person who believes that he has a wonderful gift to prepare him to an even more wonderful drop. They pretend that they are burning and run from the bodies of those where they were, thanks to the alleged holiness of people, whose unclean they know. " "... A large number of tragic cases happened to those who passed the report," Professor Osipov writes. - And you can only regret deeply that there is no serious work on the observation of this pseudocerk activity. "

Now in some regions such work is carried out. For example, in the Sumy Diocese, the parish priests are forbidden to report without the blessing of the ruling bishop. As we were explained in the diocesan administration, such a decision was made due to the fact that the person turned into a kind travel business - Bedroom entrepreneurs began to organize pilgrimage travel In the monasteries where exorcism is practiced.

Service as a service, nothing special

There is a direct opposite point of view. Her adherents do not enter into public controversy, and simply report people themselves as, for example, Archimandrite Hermann (garlic) in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. He does it on the blessing of the Patriarch of Pimen and the Spiritual Cathedral of the Lavra. Talk with about. I did not succeed in Germany, I had to contact an interview, this Batyushka Newspaper "Labor" in 2002. In it, he says that he does not see anything special in the color: "Service as a service, any priest who received the blessing of the bishop (but no less) has the right to do this."

Maybe true every believer should be sent to such a spiritual and hygienic procedure? After all, we are all imperfect and not alien passions. And any passion is the Beshovsky property. And so I decided to "go to the counting" himself. To participate in reading, I have a prayer for the expulsion of evil spirits tried to come seriously - with faith, reverence and hope for help.

Not immediately reported, two and a half hours took the sermon. Kind short course Catechization with an explanation, who is such Christ and how to live: "Love each other, goodbye, inferior to each other, tolerate each other, graciously give each other, wash your feet, and always reinstate yourself, okay. Only then will you go to the right way to salvation. "

The temple of John the Forerunner is full to failure. People listen carefully. There are among them and young, well-dressed pairs, there are typical church grandmothers. What led them here? Standing on the counting next to me agreed to answer a few questions. One woman came, suspecting a damage, and took her daughter - "she is also useful, from diseases"; Another brought his wife to convince her to marry. "We must know my roots, your faith," he explained to me. "What often do you get to do - report or commit?" - I asked. "To report somehow more often," was the answer. I ask his friend: "Are you going to change something in your life after the person?" - "What to change? I am to Orthodoxy as a religion normally treat. "

Finally, the reading of the cyanocution began. Herman's father was anointing all with a holy bass, Kropyl water, Kadyl and read prayers from the cook. In general, the situation was relatively calm, except for several screaming and lever votes. After service about. Herman gave kissing the cross and at the time of kissing, as if she slapped a man's frozen person. "So, everyone came up? Not? Shnesel, Shnel, Shnesel! What did you come here in pants?! U-U, sinning, "the joke was angry about. Herman on a woman in jeans and with a smile cropped her after Holy Water. Chanication lasts about half an hour. If you judge only the number of time allotted by him, it is inferior to the importance of preaching it.

I did not feel any changes in myself after the service, except that I got sick. Maybe because I have lack faith ...

Do not take it, but do not condemn

How can an authoritative practicing exorcist can be taken to sell in the same laurel, to which 700 people are going to the person, and the authoritative enemy of exorcism, whose works are connected by entire dioceses for the prohibition of the person? For clarification, we turned to rector PSTGU Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyev.

- Why are the performes so popular?

- with deep antiquity, with pagan times, there was an idea that communication with the spiritual world depends solely from the "dedication", from the knowledge of some secrets hidden from all other things. It is a charm. Our Lord Jesus Christ approved the doctrine that it is necessary for salvation true veraconnected to love for God and neighbor. The grace of the Holy Spirit is possible only when a person accepts the feat of repentance, cleansing his heart from passions, a feat of the confession of his faith in the true God. And with Magism, no feat is required: money pay for some kind of magical events - and that's it. therefore modern people More arranged to choose magic than to go to church. Even those who accepted christian faith, often bring with you the magic ideas about spiritual life in the temples. For such parishioners, not Christian virtues are important, but what shoulder handed over the candle, as turned, as she bowed, etc. Finding special elders, special shrines or "countless", it may not have anything reprehensible in herself, but Bad, if it replaces the inner spiritual doing, if this is the form of a lightweight faith in which the center of gravity is dismissed outside, and not inside his own heart.

- What is obsession?

- This is a complete captive of the will of the person angry powerin which it cannot be managed. Often, such obsession arises against the background of a mental illness. Therefore, atheist psychiatrists claim that obsession is simply mental illness that medication treatment is required here, and not the expulsion of demons. In antiquity there was another extreme. Then they did not know that such a mental illness, all mentally ill and epileptics was recorded in obsessed. From the point of view of the believer, a mentally illness is a particularly convenient object for an evil power attack, because it usually cannot have resistance to it. But among the soulless patients there are very humble, gracious people.

- How to distinguish obsession from mental illness?

- obsession is often associated with the commission of serious sin, in addition, it can manifest itself in a pathological, incomprehensible desire to evil or in enslavement evil. It also manifests itself in an inadequate reaction to the shrine. Of course, we can say that it all stacked in the picture of the mental illness. But there are cases when a person did not know about the presence of a shrine, nevertheless an attack was happening near her. This suggests that not only mental diseases really exist, but also the state of obsession.

- What is the calculation?

- This is a liturgical chin, which consists of reading Psalms, canons, special prayers, Scripture. It is believed that reporting can positively affect the state of obsessed. Such a view is not new. For example, in a large church of St. Peter's grave, published in the XVII century, there is a rank of 12 spell prayers. In modern chin, there is such a rank too. In the rank of announcements, which precedes baptism, there are also so-called exorcizms, i.e., the expulsion of the dark, angry strength. The priest says: "I prohibit you a recruitment and unclean, and bad, and a dishonorant, and alien spirit by the power of Jesus Christ, all the power of it in the sky and on the earth, the rexpore, deaf and a silent demon: I am looking for an end in him ... "

- How do these exorcizms differ from magic spells?

- The church never practiced any witchcraft. Although there are holy words for us, such as the name of God, there are holy prayers. You can pray in your own words, but you can pronounce prayers written by ancient saints. When we pronounce our prayers from the bottom of my heart, pray with faith and love, we are spiritually anticitrate angry strength. We in prayer we acquire God's graceful help in the fight against the dark spiritual world. It is heartly participation, our faith and loyalty to God, the desire to be with God, a prayer for helping the terrible person is the content of our actions and our words when we are expelled unclean power From announceable or obsessed.

Everything orthodox sacraments committed on the principle pronounced words Christ "For your faith will be you" (Matt. 9: 29). Even if we made a sacrament, fully fulfilling the chinocutioned, completely uttered all the words, then the question always remains - how effective is this sacrament? For example, communion of saints Christ Tain, we always pray that it is not to court and not in condemnation, we were holy communion. Because we never feel deserve or ready enough to him. Even if it really, that is, it is committed correctly, the effectiveness of it remains primarily from the will of God and from the state of the human soul. No sacrament can be made over a person forcibly. Always required complicity, synergism.

From this point of view, it is necessary to appreciate what is performed when reporting. If an obsessed or mentally ill wants to take him to a deduction and there the priest prayed over him, then the prayer can be heard. If he does not want this, then to drag him forcibly to the defibration, so that something has done something over him, "does this mean? From the lives of saints, from church experience it is known that such cases were really but solely with respect to people, completely obsessed, that is, people who do not have any freedom of will and can no longer want anything, cannot come or confess. Then others, seeing the desperate position of such a person, dragged him even forcibly to the Holy Man. In the life of Rev. Sergius, it is described that the demons already on the way left their obsessed. And in the life of the Holy Righteous Father, John Kronstadt, there are evidence of many cases, when John was given or trimmed with an obsessed, whom he barely held some healthy men. Father John rushed towards him to meet with the words: "The name of the Lord Jesus Christ is telling you, get out of it." It happened that an obsessed person even joined the saint's hair, but he expelled his hot prayer to the demon, and the obsessed was healed. This is described by many witnesses. What's here just magic words? Of course not. Such a promised power of power over evil spirits have holy people.

What we hope are for some kind of chin or that the performer of this rank has a special power over unclean power, A certain spiritual gift? In the second case, the Chin is not very needed. Rev. Sergiy. And Father John Kronstadt expelled demons without any ranks. If the matter is precisely in the rank, then the issue of magic arises.

- And if not holy try to read?

- He risks to fall into the position of the seven sons of the Jewish High Priest Skva, described in "Acts". What can a simple priest do? With humility, in no case consider itself an exorcist, he can simply pray for a sore or obsessed. The priest about all sores can and should pray. But you need to remember that our prayer is weak. We can bring our faith, love, humility, repent and tender the Lord about help. If so the priest will pray, then he can read any prayers from the cook. And to such a kind and humble priest is definitely always good to go. If he will be challenging that he is a persecutor of demons, which in itself has the power over them, then it is for sure the path of dangerous charms. In all these subtle situations, it is not easy to figure out, and it is better not to judge this hastily.

- Does the priest take to take a special blessing to this?

- The blessing for a difficult matter is always helpful. But it is impossible to say that it is mandatory. The priest gets from the bishop the gift of the sacraments. During the baptism, for example, the priest and announces, and spends, and expels demons. In addition, the priest is given a demandman, and it has a rank of evil spirits. It can use every priest without an additional blessing of the bishop.

- How to treat the lean to the laity?

- This phenomenon always existed. Not in our power, nor cancel it nor spread. I would not advise to make categorical judgments. Each case is individual. I'll just give you an example. One very famous old man lived next to another devotee, famous for the entire Eczrugist. And this elder did not send anyone to him for a reading, but did not condemn anyone and did not forbid anyone. Here is such a position I would have adhered to.

Kirill Milovidov

Exile demons - myth or reality? In search of an answer to this question, Journalists RIA Novosti witnessed a rite, which in Russian orthodox church There is no unambiguous opinion, and talked with church and secular experts.

"Slotchni! Eyes!" - Father Herman exclaims, autumn cross crowd of people.

The Petropavlovsky Temple near the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra is packed by a bit. Here several times a week at noon, famous Archimandrite Hermann (garlic), whom many are called old man, makes the rank "Healing obsessed with unclean spirits." In the church, this rite is also called the "reading".

Before starting rank, Herman's father explains why in one or another person can accommodate "unclean spirit." The reason is simple - sin. "And we are sick due to the fact that sin," he inspires.

Father Herman preaches for a long time, more than an hour. People stand, and in the center the semicircle is sitting on benches and chairs and try to listen carefully to the father, who actively gesticulates, repeating: "We have to go to the temple, and not to fortune tellers or psychics! If someone has books with conspiracies, fortune tells - Shrew today immediately! It is very useful to commit! ".

Some come out of the stuffy temple on the street. The rest varies from foot to the leg, someone yawns, someone considers icons, someone checks messages on the phone. Everyone is waiting for the beginning of the person.

Temple in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Sergiev Posad

Unlike most Orthodox rituals, during the ranks of the expulsion of evil spirits, the priest always stands face to parishioners. Herman's father pronounces prayers not by Naraspov, as it usually happens on services, but very emotionally, with an abundance of gestures, like pastors from american films. Believers, standing in the first row, are even closer to the altar. A slight old woman in a black scarf begins to convulsely baptize his belly. Next to her, a woman with two photographs of the young man - during the preaching she did not reduce the eyes with the altar image of the Savior, and now it is continuously crying.

After reading the prayers and the gospel, the father of Herman with two priests descends from the Ambon and begins to smear the forehead santed butter. He asks a woman with a child, how long he is sick.

"A year and a half, a father. After the post began," the woman crying. "Are you married with her husband? You need to get married! From this he is sick," Archimandrite coins.

Then he takes a simple metal kettle with holy water in his hands and begins abundantly, reading a special prayer. The gaze is directed at the praying, but it seems that he is not looking at them. The row is all wet from the holy water, on the floor of large puddles. From cold splashes, praying to shudder, but they are immediately smiling. "Mother, if you come to make your children every Sunday day, then no diseases will take them!", "The exorcist repeats many times.

"Mom united the demon"

"Batyushka, what to do?" - With such a question, people whose relatives are often treated, according to their conviction, are truthful. The answer priests give different, based on a personal look at the person.

"With my mother, something was happening not that. We were constantly swearing because of some trivia. Every day she told me: Whether you are cursed, you don't need to live more, you don't even deserve the pillowcase," says Oleg from Moscow (name at his request is changed).

Mom forbade him to go to the temple, he was very annoyed, seeing the icon or cross. The man secretly appealed to the priest who advised to sprinkle the apartment and the Mother of Mother Holy Water. But, according to him, "no change did not happen."

Then, on one of the Orthodox forums, he learned about the person. Oleg admits that "some miraculous way" still persuaded Mama to go to the temple, where the rite of exorcism is committed.

"Now (after the person - ed.) It behaves very calmly. The father advised to come back. I later found out that many do so," Oleg said.

"The abbot of our parish blessed me to go to the Lavra to the father of Herman for a defibration, saying that I was a bare-eyed," Galina confesses (the name is changed) from the Leningrad Region.

She did not believe it for a long time. But in one of the evenings, convulsions began - it first thought it seemed that this was an attack of epilepsy.

"But the next day I learned that we were brought to our temple miraculous icon God's Mother. It turns out that I, not knowing about the arrival of such a shrine, has already felt it. It does not look like self-imposition, "she noted.

When the icon was brought, Galina "could not come up for a very long time" to relics without any assistance. According to her, at that moment she was powered in the temple, cursed everyone around, he fought his head about the floor.

"I was crying for a long time and asked for forgiveness for curses, but the priest, soothing me, said that this was tried to intimidate everyone," the woman explains. As a result, she went to the father of Herman for the defibration, after which, according to her, everything went.

However, there are other reviews about the benefits of the rite. President of the Russian Association of Religious Studies and Sect Centers (Racirtes) Professor of Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky state University Alexander Dvorkin led the case from his research practice.

One Orthodox believer who had certain mental problems came to the sect of Falchryst Vissarion (chapters of the organization "Church of the last Testament"). When the new Adept of Vissarion began to appear in doubts in the sect, he decided to go to the defibration. But, having passed the rite, I did not feel anything - and I concluded that I would correctly believe in Vissarion: after all, if he was a false christ, the exoccian would drive a demon of anxiety. Since then, this believer has been in the sect for many years, walks and teaches the Orthodox that Vissarion is right, and this "irrefutably proved".

"Helps, if you believe"

Archimandrite Herman for more than 30 years has been practicing mass expulsion of demons. For him, according to the adolescent Trinity-Sergiye Lavra Archimandrite Paul (Krivonogov), many people come. "Does the person help? Yes, I was an eyewitness. And it happens that someone does not help. It depends on the person, from his faith, from the state of his soul," said the renunal. He disagrees with the fact that the certificate performed in the laurel can be called mass (for which the Chin is most often criticized). Usually, as the renunal noted, 50-60 people comes to them, and not thousands of how to think.

It is believed that the ranging of demons should be accomplished only in exceptional cases, when a person turns out to be a total impact of the dark spirit who has been empowering him and no longer controls his movements and actions.

In the Gospel it is written about the Gadarinsky Pointeen, who in the afternoon he was fighting about the stones, and when he was thrown into the chains, he broke off the bonds and was rushing in deserted places. Christ his force in one instant liberated the unfortunate from the grave bonds. In the first centuries of Christianity, even the pagans knew about the existence of special persons who were encouraged by the names of Jesus Christ and thus expelled out of them.

Often, this was not even for the use of the Apostles, the closest students of Christ: in the New Testament, the case is described when they could not drive a demon from a demonstrated young man. Over time, the Christianity has developed an understanding that the victory over evil spirits is possible only with a decisive correction by a person of his life, subject to strict ascetic, and not thanks to the formally fulfilled rule.

Archimandrite Hermann (garlic)

In this case, the expulsion of demons in orthodox tradition It is considered a special gift of God who receives only some people by virtue of their special, holy life and which they can only be implemented on the blessing of the confessor.

Excursion in Russia

"According to the teachings that, after the fall, humanity is closely communicating with unclean spirits, trying to sanctify every soul, almost all Christian religious actions, including home prayer, contain elements of exorcism. Spells against demons are kept in the rank of baptism, great sanctification. Water and others, "- tells religious scientists, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University Ilya Vevurko.

Mass culture exorcism is familiar, first of all, on Western films about catholic priests. In Roman catholic church There is even an association of exorcists, for them there are courses and conferences. Experts from the Moscow Spiritual Academy have no unambiguous opinion about whether the exorbitism is inherent in Orthodox Christianity.

So, Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, Alexey Osipov, believes that, unlike the Catholic Church, exorcism is historically unknown by Eastern Christianity. "In Russia, they never reported. Only at the end of the 20th century, due to the penetration of Catholic influence, individual people began to perform the practice of reporting, and often without any blessing. Then, when People's Solve rushed, began to do it openly. But no special The blessings did not get blessings, "the Osipov emphasizes.

But the professor of MDA Archpriest Maxim Kozlov believes that the practice of exorcism is settled from the point of view of canons, therefore is not marginal. "Practice assumes that such a chin is committed from the blessing of the ruling bishop. But only in the case of its regularity," said Professor. This practice came to Rus from Byzantium immediately after baptism, "together with the liturgical books that were translated from Greek."

Modern exorcists use the text of the rank of the person from the famous demandman of the Metropolitan of Kiev Peter (graves) of the XVII century.

To church or clinic?

A couple of hundred years ago, various mental illnesses were beyond the obsession. Nowadays, the church takes the achievements of science and at the same time talks about the possibility of exposure to evil spirits on human behavior.

"Currently in the church there is no clear methodology for the separation of launched and mentally ill people. Sometimes it happens almost impossible, since demon-containingness is combined with mental illness. Sometimes the idleness proceeds isolated. Before the revolution, the sacred synod specially addressed the psychiatry clinic of the Medical and Surgical Academy (now the Military Medical Academy - Ed.) With a request to give guidelines For priests who have similar spiritual practice. The main task was precisely the establishment of the face between spiritual and mental pathology, "notes Dr. Theology and Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Psychiatrist, Archpriest Grigory Grigoriev.

According to him, if the priest "reads with faith church prayer", then a man is obsessed with demons - in spiritual practice, such people meet" extremely rare "- will experience a sharp relief of their mental state. After the person, mental disorders caused by spiritual reasons are usually passing.

But mentally ill people, according to a doctor, the doctor not only will not bring benefits, but even worsen the state. "For example, in some forms of schizophrenia, nonsense on religious grounds may develop. It requires serious medication treatment in a hospital," the psychiatrist explained. Therefore, he advises first to contact the doctor. And if he does not help - then in the temple.

The rector of the Optina Companion in Moscow Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin) explained why, for example, in the famous elders, the optical desert has never had a certificate. "In heavy spiritual cases, the Optina elders advised confession (detailed, since childhood), cobbing and communion. Such is the tradition. Nozzles are looking for those who have no desire to be rooted in tradition, but there is a desire for everything and immediately without fighting yourself. Besle practice. Healing is a process, not focus, "says Archimandrite Melchizedek.

"Report reporting"

Gregory Grigoriev's priest-psychiatrist emphasizes that before the revolution, the priests were recommended to carry out the personally, "to cut off the hysteria patients who were called clikula in the church." They, according to him, often attract attention to church services A sharp draws and other demonstrative actions that are perceived by believers as imperativeness, although they are not. The undelated, according to the priest, distinguishes fear of church sacraments, holy relics, holy water and miraculous icons.

Professor Alexander Dvorkin is extremely negative about the current practice of the person. According to him, he agreed with the opinion of Patriarch Alexy II, who many years ago at one diocesan meeting said that he should "report reading."

"The certificate is a completely unconventional phenomenon that degenerates into some hysterical, dark and extremely unpleasant shows. Of course, how orthodox manI understand that the demonic obsession undoubtedly happens. Christ expelled demons from obsessed people, the saints also did it with his name, "said the head of Ratars.

Professor Dvorkin proposes to turn to the lives of saints, of which it is seen: if some confessor or saint expelled demons, then it was always solely individually - not in public, not massively. "It was also never a long-lasting process and did not turn into long-term dialogues with demons, the collections of which were still recently sold in our church shops," he noticed.

Icon "Holy Marina Antioch, Breathing Besa". 1857 year. Lazaros. Athens. In the Byzantine Museum (Greece)

Where and how much you expel demons

According to Professor MDA Osipov, today for the calculation sometimes they are not at all those people who received this particular gift due to holy life. "People are taken for reporting sometimes on arrogance, according to vanity, according to korestolobiya, what we find evidence about more than enough," the Osipov states.

"It is clear that the certificate is popular to priests conducted by them. People begin to ride them, it brings mass cash, increasing incomes, therefore, in certain dioceses, the priest supports such activities, or at least does not interfere with their holding, "notes, in turn, Dvorkin.

Judging by the network reports are quite popular with the believers in the village of Chihachevo Ivanovo region to Schirchimandrit Johnniki (Efimenko). Also known to Ieromona Vladimir (Gusev) in the city of Livna Oryol region. In Ukraine, they are sent to the person in Pochaevskaya Lavra or to the Ilinsky monastery in Odessa.

On the Internet you can find lists of still dozens of places throughout Russia, where the person is performed. Therefore, on numerous pilgrimage sites there are even special tours to well-known exorcists. Pilgrimage is carried out mainly on weekends, they are advised to record in advance, due to big number Those who want.

As a rule, on the sites of pilgrimage centers, it is mentioned about the donation for the trip, but the "amount of donation" cannot be seen - it voiced when communicating by phone. It may include, for example, only the road back. There are also "All Included" packages, providing for, in addition to the road, housing, food and demand. For example, a trip from Moscow to Livna will cost approximately 6 thousand rubles, including two prayers "On the Salt" (so-called the pilgrimage center of the person) and the binding.

For the sake of fair, it is worth noting that it is possible to present on the readings without a contribution of donations.

"Unauthorized Exile"

Another problem is the recognition of the legitimacy of a particular exorcist. On the Internet, it is often possible to meet articles about how in any village, the father hurries demons in various ways.

"Anyone can dress with a rju, hood, take a cross and declare himself a bishop, a gracious old man, - and he will have followers and all that is more. It is clear that no one leads statistics," said the leading Internet Project "Batyushka online" Ieromona Makariya (Markish).

Such self-proclaimed priests of the bishop can prohibit in ministry or deprive of Sana. However, according to Hieromonakh, the man's expelling demons is unlikely to take the decision of the hierarch - therefore, "will become a self-slipping, or a direct splitter, sectarian."

"In particular, we can say: since our country is free, everyone can declare themselves (exorcist - ed.)," Markish is convinced.

Negative experts are negative to the eradication of such practices. However, this, in their opinion, is extremely difficult. People's Solve supports exorcism. And if, according to Professor Osipov, try to "prohibit", for example, to make the father's instruments Hermann, a big noise will rise.

"Sometimes those, from whom it depends, do not give of particular What is happening, do not understand how many people because of this simply die, become abnormal, "the Osipov is convinced.

He criticized the popularization of exorcism and performing his clergy. "If the saints hid their gift, now you can find a schedule on the website of our Lavra, which days and the clock, the priest makes a miracle of expulsion. Christ himself did not do this," the companion concluded.

However, the renunal Lavra Archimandrite Paul is convinced that there is little depends on a person - no one can limit "power God's grace"." The Lord himself manages and doctor. This is not how to drink aspirin, so that it becomes easier, "he emphasizes. The main thing that is required from a person - to believe sincerely.

After the launches manifested itself, it is necessary to spend the ritual of exorcism. It is believed that only a priest who is on the upper steps of perfection and mobility can be carried out. The ritual is to carry out certain actions and reading a prayer over the launched, who himself to pronounce the words of the Holy Scripture is not able to (this is actively opposed to the spirit of the Spirit). The procedure for the expulsion of demons in Orthodoxy is called "the henchman" from the word "read" prayer.

For a person who suffers from demons of man must necessarily lead to him in a native cross. Day Before the service, he should fast. Not allowed to read unresolved people. During the service of the obsessed, the priest acutely sprinkles with holy water and emphasizes incense. After that, he carefully reads certain prayers. It is necessary to do it extremely focused, the whole soul calling God and believing in his blessing. Each word uttered during this procedure is very important. And exorcism itself in any religion is considered a special mission, peculiar obedience.

Throughout the certificate, the priest reads biblical texts and prayers, baptizes and sprinkles with holy water of the launched, until it becomes better. List of prayers are extensive. This is "Our Father", "Prayer against Demon's Goats", "Prayer to the Holy Spirit", Psalm 90, Psalm 50, etc. There are several dozen saving prayers. The certificate can continue for quite a long time, sometimes a couple of hours, while the demon will finally leave the body of the suffering.

In Christianity there is a concept of sin. When passions and vices are becoming a habit for a person, then, according to the teachings of the Church, he is distinguished from God, opening the doors of his soul to the spirits of anger or, simply, demon. There are often cases when the invasion of the latter is so strong that it acquires the character of real obsession. Such people are called informative, or confused. Standing is a special state of the soul. It is extremely difficult to identify it. Clear face of each mental disorder And there is no obsession.

A person can make different sounds, easy to change the voice of voice, bark, meow, washed. Often he is aggressive, maybe even dangerous. The idleness is also manifested in convulsions, convulsive movements, seizures. However, if it is obsessed with the shrine, his behavior is replaced by fear (for example, in front of a glass of holy water) or aggressiveness (may be pounced on the icons), during the liturgy, especially at the time of reading the gospel, the launched loudly shout, call the priest, publish strange and terrible sounds .

Often you can hear the mysterious for an inexperienced question of the question - how do demons be expelled in the church? What is it? This is Chin, during which the priest reads the priest's special prayers for exile evil spirit. He is painted, the text is known to many priests. But only some of them have a blessing for the commission. It is decided to conduct it unimpressive units, for which there are very bits of demons.

As a rule, the blessing for the defibration has monks in the ancient monasteries (Trinity-Sergiyev, Kiev-Pecherskaya, Pocheevskaya Lavra, Optina Desert, etc.). How dangerous walk on thin iceexpose yourself to the influence of malicious factors ambientSo and touch with a subtle soul world, where they dwell, including the spirits of the malice, you should always be extremely careful. Without a special blessing of the confessor or the priest, the observation of the Chin is impossible.

Before you drive a demon from a person to a person, obsessed, it is necessary to confess and take the blessing to her from the confessor. During the commission of the very intellocation of demons, the priest reads over the undersistant prayer, sprinkles with holy water, applies a cross to his head, and also makes other actions. Present in the temple, relatives of the patient are praying hard.

With the randomy themselves at this time, various phenomena may occur, which are described above. Often, the Ba begins to shout that he burns, tells how she settled in this man how tormented him. He may leave a man after the first person. But it happens that one may take another one. The Lord himself said that this kind of this (evil spirits) is expelled only with prayer and post.

Relatives of the unfortunate, obsessed with the demon of people, should be remembered that they should be praying hard for them, to serve on the fortyausts, the psalter and every Sunday - to prosomide. You can order prayers, for example, Rev. Irinarhu, the Holy, which was particularly famous for the exaglement of demons. His holy verries stored in the currently restored, and once the Tsarist Borisoglebsky monastery in the Yaroslavl region also have the property of cure obsessed by the demon.