The purpose of the arrival of Prince Andrei to the bald mountains. III

The purpose of the arrival of Prince Andrei to the bald mountains. III
The purpose of the arrival of Prince Andrei to the bald mountains. III

Objectives of the lesson to identify the nature of the relationship reigning in the Bolkonsky family to compare the values \u200b\u200bof the families of Bolkonsky and growth to reveal compositional role first part of the first volume

The epigraph to the lesson life is infinitely diverse, the people are infinitely diverse. In general, they have the meaning of everything - only life. The manifestations of life in different people can be completely different. V. V. Vesheev. Living life.

L. N. Tolstoy about the novel All stage episodes are included in the "endless clutch labyrinth, in which the essence of art is" Evening in 1 Salon Episode A. P. Sherler 2 Episode of the Name Day in the House of Growth 3 Episode Death of Count Uzukhova 4 Episode Taking Contrast. Couplings all these episodes among themselves? Talk about Napoleon Andrey Bolkonsky in the Bald Mountains

Why did Prince Andrei goes to the Bald Mountains? Bald Mountains - the estate of General-Annef Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

General-Annev Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky .... It was shown in a pressing wig a low old man's figure, with small dry handles and gray hanging eyebrows, sometimes, as he was inhabited, covered with the brilliance of smart and precisely young shiny eyes.

N. S. Volkonsky - General, Grandfather L. N. Tolstoy on the maternal line, the prototype of Old Prince Bolkonsky. UNKNOWN ARTIST

Who lives General-Annef Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky? With my daughter, by cant Marya, and with her companion, M-Lle Bourienne

Classes of Old Prince Bolkonsky "He himself constantly was busy with the Scripture of his memoirs, then calculations from the highest mathematics, then the sharpening of tobacker on the machine, then work in the garden and observation of buildings, which did not stop in his estate. "

Relationship with others with people surrounded by his daughter to servants, the prince was cutting and unchanged, and therefore it was not cruel, he excited to himself fear and respect for which the most cruel person could have achieved.

Attitude towards the daughter-in-law - go, go! - said the old man, looking around her rounded waist. Hurried, not good! He laughed dry, cold, unpleasant, as he always laughed, in one mouth, and not through his eyes. "We need to walk, walk, as much as possible," he said.

Princess Mary Bolkonskaya with a sad, frightened expression, which rarely left her and made her ugly, painful face even more ugly the eyes of Princesses, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very Often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were attractive than beauty. With heavy feet

Training scene Princess Marya Geometry Mathematics lesson. Figure M. Bashilova. Engraving on the tree K. Richhau. 1866.

Figure M. Bashilova. 1866. L. Tolstoy: "The old prince is very good, especially where he and his son. This is exactly what I wished, but Prince Andrei really does not like me. It is grown in growth, the features are large and rude, an unpleasant acid expression of the mouth, and then the whole pose and suit are not representative. He must with an indulgent and softened smile listen to the Father "

The ratio of children of Bolkonsky to the faders of the father of Princess Marry Prince Andrei "I will not allow myself to judge him and would not want that others do that. "" With his great mind to succumb to this petties "(about the father genealogical tree) Father love very much, understand him and appreciate

The last clock in the hometown face of Prince Andrei was very thoughtful and gently. He, having laid his hands, quickly walked around the room from an angle in an angle, looking forward to himself, and pensively swayed his head. Is it terrible to go to war, whether to quit his wife sad, -

The last clock in the hometown face of Prince Andrei was very thoughtful and gently. He, having laid his hands, quickly walked around the room from an angle in an angle, looking forward to himself, and pensively swayed his head. Whether he was afraid to go to war, whether to throw his wife sadly, - maybe, both, only, apparently, not wanting him to see him in such a position, hearing the steps in the Seine, he loosely released his hands ...

Wires of brother "André, I will bless you way, and you promise me that you will never take it. Do you promise? "

The attitude of Andrei to his wife .... I can not blame anything, I did not reproach and never reproach my wife, and I myself can not blame himself in relation to her; And it will always be so, in no matter any circumstances. But if you want to know the truth. . . Want to know if I am happy? Not. Is it happy? Not. Why is it? I do not know. . .

Is it possible to say with confidence that Prince Andrei does not like his wife? "He hugged her. She screamed and fell without feelings on his shoulder. He cautiously shrugged his shoulder on which she lay, looked into her face and carefully planted her on the chair. " Princess Bolkonskaya. Figure M. Bashilova. 1866. L. Tolstoy: "This portrait is unusually good. You can't imagine the pleasure that he delivered me "

- I write Kutuzov, so that in the adjutants you did not hold for a long time - a bad post. And remember one thing, prince Andrei ... if you kill you, I, old man, it will hurt ... And if I find out that you didn't lead yourself as the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be ashamed!

What features prince Andrei inherited from his father? Restraint The activity of feelings in the activity of the deep mind The purposefulness of the family pride, the aristocracy depth of the spiritual world, hidden from prying eyes

What unites the families of Rostov and Bolkonsky in L. N. Tolstoy in the novel? Deep Cardicity Mutual Love Family members Naturalness of behavior Favorite heroes L. Tolstoy Proximity to people in language

What do these families differ? Rostov Openness In the manifestation of feelings mental activity is not a priority Bolkonoe restraint of feelings High intelligence Active activities

TEST. What role does the first part of the first volume play in the development of the main action of the novel? A. The collision of two worlds, Russia and Napoleonic France (climax) B. is given to acquaintance with the main heroes of the novel, with the situation, the place and the action time (exposition) V. Tied the main scene linesleading to the image of the war between Russia and France (prison)

What layers of the Russian society showed L. Tolstoy in the first part of the first volume? What does it say about? Aristocrats of St. Petersburg Moscow Nobility Local nobility Gootners servants companion architect

Homework Read the following episodes: 1. Chapters 3 - 7 (scenes of hunting), 9 - 12 (Episode of the Script) 4 Part 2 Volume 2. Chapters 12 - 17 (Departure of Rostova from Moscow) 3 part 3 Tom Reply orally to questions: 1 . How are these episodes "Captured" among themselves? 2. What is the general situation human life depicted in them? 3. What life does the writer call "real"? What heroes demonstrate it in the novel?

Literature lesson in grade 10.


Fedosova Galina Ivanovna.

Analysis of the episode. Name day in growth. Bald mountains.

Objectives lesson:

show what values \u200b\u200bare approved

L.N Tolstoy; reveal comparison and contrast as

the main compositional principle of the novel.

Tasks: develop artistic analysis skills

Type of lesson: Combined

Means of education: interactive board, Disk "Literature Lessons Kirill and Methodius", Audio Audiobook for 10th grade "19th century literature"

Structure lesson

1. The organizational stage is 1 min.

2. Check your homework 5 min.

3. Actualization of the previously studied material 4 min.

four . Analysis of the episode.

1) Named in growth. View illustrations. 8 min.

2) Bald mountains. View Film Fragment (episode analysis) 12 min.

3) Work with a simulator 3 min.

4) illustration of the audio technology (comments of students) 5 min.

5. Approach the results of the lesson. Conclusions. 5 minutes.

6. Homework. 2 minutes.

During the classes

What do you need a person for happiness?

Quiet family life With the ability to do

good people.

L.N. Tolstoy (epigraph on the board)

I. Let's start our lesson from checking homework. You wrote in writing in the form of a table, it was proposed to show what the difference and similarity in the behavior of guests and hosts in the names of Rostova and in the salon A.P. Sheher.

Students are read by notebook. Then check the table on the screen.

Evening at A.P. Sherler


1. Large generation

Behave unnatural and fake.

Rostov - Bosolnaya, Simple, simple, trusting, generous (episode with money for A.M. Drubetskaya; Sonya, raising in their family). Relationship between parents is mutual respect, respect. The position of the mother is the position of the household house (name day). Attitude towards guests - pleased with all without worship of the ranks (Name Day)

2. Relations in the family between adults and children.

There are no children in the Sherler salon.

Gullibility, cleanliness and naturalness (Natasha Mother's stories about all their hobbies). Respect for each other, the desire to help without tedious notations (the story with the loss of Nicholas). Freedom and love, lack of harsh educational standards (Natasha's behavior during a name; Dance of Graph Rostov). family relationship (Nikolai did not refuse the debts of the Father) The main thing in the relationship is love, life according to the laws of the heart)

3. Relations to guests.

Shero has a definite hierarchy: the central figure is a viscon.

Rostov meet everyone is equally welcome. Central Figure - MD Ahrosimova.

4. Attitude towards war.

Fashionable topic.

Sons are going to war, so this topic is really significant.

What principle did we compare episodes? (on the principle of contrast)

How are the chapters on growth?

(Interspersed with heads about the death of Count Uzukhova)

What helps to understand the admission of comparison?

(Complexity and variety of life)

While the growth was dancing in the Hall of the Sixth Angle ... with the Graph Bezukhov, the sixth shot was made.

Episodes "Salon A.P. Sherler "and" Name Day in Rostic "are detained in contrast.

Clutch - so called the thick internal connection of individual chapters and paintings.

So, from the very beginning of the novel, the reception of comparison becomes the leading.

Thin researcher human soul, Tolstoy argued that "people like rivers, each of their own beds, their source.

This is the source - native home, Family, Her Traditions and Laying. ("Family thought")

What is the atmosphere reign in the house of growth? (Name days of two Natali. Message student)

On the screen illustration (Rostov).

It is proposed to find the appropriate rows in the text.

What does not say about Natasha MD Ahrosimova? (Find in the text)

Everything is natural here, there is no false.

Conclusion: Rostov and Shero - people of the same class, but different. For growth, such qualities as simplicity, good, naturalness of behavior, heart love, nobility, sensitivity, along with the observance of the secular lifestyle and secular conventions, but they do not cost the calculation and care. In the family of growth reigns the atmosphere of joy and fun.

From Moscow, the action is transferred to the Bald Mountains, the estate of General Ansefa N.A. Bolkonsky, where the Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is expecting to war.

The life of Blocks in something is similar to the life of growth, but there are differences.

View Film Fragment (N.A. Bolkonsky escorts the Son on War, his pupricant speech)

Messages students.

What distinguishes Bolkon's from growth?

Output. Blocks from growth distinguishes deep work Thoughts, high intelligence of all family members, characteristic feature is pride.

Test on an interactive board.

Think what family is closer than L.N. Tolstoy?

The word of the teacher. Starting to work on the novel, Tolstoy sought to determine the characters of the heroes of the novel and amounted to them a kind of "questionnaire" on the following rubrics: property, public, love, mental, family.

In the process of creating a novel, many of the initial characteristics changed, but the main content of almost each of the images was taken by the thick of these "profiles".

Graph Rostov in the early sketches of the novel writer calls Tolstoy.

Work with illustration.

What is this episode in the novel? (These are bald mountains. Andrei Bolkonsky and Marya Bolkonskaya).

(Tenth-graders find the conversation of young prince and sisters in the text of the novel)

As an output, I propose an audio technology material.

Appeal to the epigraph.

U L.N. Tolstoy there is a fully beautiful Russian family family - Rostov. Tolstoy writes that the sun beam penetrates with the younger generation to the living room.

Output. Summing up the lesson.

Roman is built on antithesis. This part of the novel (1 volume) is the exposition of the entire novel: it shows the basic layers of Russian society, the main storylines are scheduled, reflecting the complexity and variety of life.

Homework: Write in the notebook, as the author belongs to the standards of life of growth and Bolkonsky, what are moral values These families.

Individual tasks on cards.

Salon Anna Pavlovna Sherren

Salon A.P. Sheherrer is a place where Peterbug Society cream are going. (26, 43) Among the guests of the salon Anna Sherrare set central heroes: Andrey Bolkonsky with his wife, Pierre Duhov, the family of Kuragin and DR . The meaning of her life lies in the content of his salon. One of the first guests she meets prince Vasily Kuragin. Their conversation gradually from the discussion of the terrifying actions of Antichrist-Napoleon and secular gossip goes to the themes sincere. Anna Pavlovna tells the prince that it would be nice to marry his son Anatoly - "Restless Fool." A woman immediately offers a suitable candidate - his relative is Princess Bolkonoe, living with a stingy, but rich father. At the exit to the princess Vasily, the elderly lady came up - Drubetskaya Anna Mikhailovna. The woman, trying to use the past charm, asks for the man to make her son Boris in the guardian. The time of the conversation about politics Pierre speaks about the revolution, as a great deal, going to other guests who consider Napoleon's actions to be terrifying. The young man could not fully defend his opinion, but Andrei Bolkonsky supported him. Guests are collected in separate circles., where, as a rule, someone is in the spotlight, and Anna Pavlovna rushes between them and pays special attention to the mug where the conversation fades. The lady has a sense of humor, mind, she presents new "faces" to its guestsTo make more interesting your evening: "At this evening, Anna Pavlovna served at first the viscont, then the abbot, as something supernaturally sophisticated." "Being an enthusiastic has become its public situation." Different people There are shero in the cabin. Here prince Andrey Bolkonsky. (61) He will soon go to fight with Bonaparte. It is not interesting for him in a smooth account in the living room of Anna Pavlovna and he comes there to accompany his wife who cannot go into a big light due to pregnancy, and little time visits the evening.

In the house of Crafa Bezuhova 366

The soulless mercenary atmosphere also reigns in the house of the dying graph of Bezukhov. We see what is happening by the eyes of Naive Pierre. The young man does not understand what caused increased attention Its modest person, which is worried about the relatives, because of what scandals occur and even fights near the mortal evidence of his father. The surrounding little concerns the status of the graph. They are important not to miss the chance to snatch a piece from a rich inheritance. The Count of Bezuhova has happened to the sixth blow, after which the doctors announced that there were no more hopes for recovery - most likely, the patient would die at night. Prince Vasily learns from Princess Catherine Semenovna, that the letter in which the Count asks to adopt Pierre, is located in the mosaic portfolio at the count under the pillow. Pier and Anna Mikhailovna come to the house of Zuhova. Going to the room to the dying, Pierre does not understand why he goes there and it is worth it to appear in the rest of the Father. During the bounds of Count Vasily and Catherine, the briefcase with the papers imperceptibly take. Seeing the dying messy, Pierre finally realized how close to death was close to death. The receptionive Anna Mikhailovna notes that the princess is something hides and trying to take the portfolio from Catherine. In the midst of a quarrel, the average princess reported that the graph died. Everyone is grieved by the death of Zuhovova. The next morning, Anna Mikhailovna tells Pierra that his father promised to help Boris and she hopes to fulfill the will of the count.

Name day in Rostova

Rostovs celebrate the name of Mother and the youngest daughter - two Natali. (175) Women are gossipped about the disease of the Count of the Bezuhova and the behavior of his son Pierre. The young man got into a bad company: his latch led to the fact that Pierre was sent from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Women are guessing who will be the heir to the wealth of Bezukhov: (183) Pierre or direct heir to the graph - Prince Vasily. Star Graf Rostov says that Nikolai, their eldest son, is going to throw the university and parents, deciding to fight with a friend. Nikolai replies that he really feels craving for military service.

Natasha (195) ("Chernobiaya, with large mouth, ugly, but a living girl, with his children's open shoulders "), accidentally seeing the kiss of Sony (the nephew of the graph) and Nicholas, calls Boris (son Drubetskaya) and kisses him herself. Boris is recognized as a girl in love, and they agree on the wedding when she is 16. Faith (217), Seeing worn out Sonya (204) with Nikolai and Natasha with Boris (200), Replies that it is bad for a young man who tries to hurt young people in every way. It grows up everyone, and they leave, but faith remains pleased. Jana Mikhailovna Drubetskaya tells Rostova, that Prince Vasily made her son in the guard, but she has no money even for sown outfit. Drubetskaya hopes only for mercy great Father Boris - Count Cyril Vladimirovich Bezuhova and decides to hang him right now. Anna Mikhailovna asks the Son "Be Mil, how you can be" in relation to the count, but he believes that it will be like humiliation. Holiday in growth. While the godfather Natasha is expected - Marwe Dmitrievna Ahrosimov - a sharp and straightforward woman, in the Rostov office cousin Countess Shinshin and the egoistic Guards officer Berg argue about the advantages and benefits of service in cavalry before infantry. Sheins rushes over Berg. Then came in front of the dinner, feels awkward, sitting in the middle of the living room, having to walk to the guests, he could not lead a conversation, constantly looking at someone in the crowd. At this time, everyone appreciates how such a snag could participate in the jet with a bear, about which the gossips were shoved. For a man's dinner, they talked about the war with Napoleon and the manifesto who were announced this war. Colonel claims that only thanks to the war you can keep the safety of the empire, the Shinshin does not agree, then the colonel appeals to Nikolai Rostov. The young man agrees with the opinion that "Russians must die or win," but understands all the awkwardness of their replica.

In the estate of the Balcony Bald Mountains

The estate of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is a strict person who considers the basic human vices "idleness and superstition" was located in the Bald Mountains. He himself raised her daughter Marwe and had a demanding-cut with all the surrounding, so everyone was afraid and were listened to. Andrei Bolkonsky and his wife Lisa come to the estate to Nikolay Bolkonsky. Andrei, tells his father about the upcoming military campaign, in response, it meets obvious discontent. Senior Bolkonsky against Russia's desire to participate in the war. He believes that Bonaparte - "An insignificant French who had success just because there was no longer a dotmkin and Suvorov." Andrei does not agree with the Father, because Napoleon is his ideal. Having been angry with the stubbornness of the Son, the old prince shouts to him to turn to his Bonaparta. Andrei is going to departure. Men torment mixed feelings. Marya, sister Andrei, asks his brother to wear "the ancient patterns of the Savior with a black face in a silver ride on a silver chain of small work" and blesses him. And Andrei asks the old prince to take care of his wife Lisa. Nikolai Andreevich, although it seems strict, betrays a letter of recommendation to Kutuzov. At the same time, saying goodbye to his son, it is upset. Coldly saying goodbye to Liza, Andrei leaves.

Austerlitsky squat

Start of Austerlitsky battle. At 5 am, the movement of Russian columns began. Standing a strong fog and smoke from the fires, which were not visible surrounding and directions. In motion there is a mess. Due to the displacement of the Austrians to the right, a strong confusion occurred. Course becomes at the head of the 4th column and leads it .. Before the battle, the emperor asks in Kutuzov, why the battle has not yet begun, to which the old commander-in-chief answers: "Therefore, I don't start, the sovereign that We are not at the parade and not at the Tsaritsyn meadow. " Before the start of the battle, Bolkonsky is firmly sure that "now there was his Toulon's day." Through the scattering fog, Russians see the French troops much closer than expected, break the system and flee from the enemy. Kutuzov orders to stop them and Prince Andrei, runs forward, leading to the battalion. On the right flank who commands Bagration, at 9 o'clock, nothing starts at all, so the commander sends Rostov to commander-in-chief to start hostilities. Rostov, moving along the Russian front, does not believe that the enemy is already practically in their rear. The village of Pracea Rostov finds only upset crowds of Russians. For the villages of the hotel, Rostov finally saw the sovereign, but did not decide to approach him. At this time, Captain Tol, seeing the pale Alexander, helps him go to the ditch, for which the emperor eats his hand. Rostov regrets her indecision and goes to the headquarters of Kutuzov. In the fifth hour in the Austerlitsky battle, the Russians lost all points. Russians retreat. On the dam, the ethylene cannonade of the French overtakes them on the dam. Soldiers are trying to move, walking on the dead. She is jumping from the dam on the ice, others flew behind him, but the ice does not stand it, everyone is drown. On the Pratsoman Mountain lies the wounded Bolkonsky, expired by blood and himself without noticing quietly moaning, in the evening flows into oblivion. Having woke up from the burning pain, he again felt alive, thinking that "nothing, I didn't know anything yet." The trampling of approaching French, among them, and Napoleon, heard. Bonaparte praises his warriors, looking at the dead and wounded. Seeing Bolkonsky, he says that his death is beautiful, whereas for Andrei all this did not matter: "He burned his head; He felt that he would feed blood, and he saw over his distant, high and eternal sky. He knew that it was Napoleon - his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person in comparison with what happened now between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running on it. " Bonaparte notes that Bolkonsky is alive and orders to attribute him to the dressing point. West with other wounded a man remains on the care of the local population. In delusion he is seen quiet paintings Life and happiness in the Bald Mountains, which destroys the little Napoleon. The doctor argues that Brad Bolkonsky will end with death rather than recovery.

Analysis of the episodes of "Name Day in Rostovaya", "in the estate of the Bolkonsky Bald Mountains." "Family thought in the novel L.N. Tolstoy" War and Peace "

In the house of growth. In the estate of Bolkonsky.

The objectives of the lesson are familiar with the heroes of the novel - representatives of the families of growth and Bolkonsky; show what families and Bologna families are similar to Determine the attitude of the author and its own to the families of Rostova and Bolkonsky and individual representatives; During the conversation, analyzing episodes, comparison to find out the general atmosphere in families; Select defining (family) features of all growth and Bolkonsky, moral values \u200b\u200bof these families.

    Check your homework.

    Quotation warm-up.

- "... Chernoglazaya, with a big mouth, ugly, but the living girl was in that kind of age when the girl is no longer a child, and the child is not yet a girl ..." (Natasha)

- "... Smile did not paint her face, as it can usually happen; On the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant ... "(Princess Marya)

- "... What are you, old sinewoman, you miss Moscow? Dogs to drive now? " (Marya Dmitrievna (Dragun) - Rostov)

- "... Every day she entered the waiter and was baptized with fear and read internally prayer that this daily date had gone safely ..." (Marya Bolkonskaya)

- "... If I killed me and if I have a son, do not let him down from myself, as I told you yesterday, so that he grew up with you ... please ..." (A. Bolconomsky - Father)

Scene Farewell Father and Son Reminds the scene from what novel? (Father and son gallets "Oblomov")

- "... it was a woman with eastern type Persons, 45 years, apparently exhausted by children, whom it had 12 people ... "(Rostov Countess)

Who said that "after dinner silver Son., and before lunch Golden "(Prince N. Bolonsky)

Family, a house is a special world, a place where a person most fully expresses and implements himself. Therefore, a fat family has a great attractive force. It is important to the writer to show what his heroes at home, in the family.

We will visit the Great House of Rostova in the name of the Countess of the Rostov-Mother and her thirteen-year-old daughter Natasha. And then - in the estate of the bald mountains in Bolkonsky.

    Work on the episode "In the House of Rostov" (T.I, Part 1, Gl.7-11.14-17) Conversation on issues:

    Where do Rostov live? (in Moscow, and in the summer in the estate "Otradnaya"). What is the general atmosphere in the family?

    Briefly retell the episode of "Name Day at Rostov" (list guests, appearance, behavior, maneru of guests' communication).

    Who is the most important guest in growth, whom everyone is waiting for? (Marwe Dmitrievna Akhrosimov, the lady famous not wealth, not honors, and straight the mind and frankly simplicity of communication, they are looking forward to everything)

    What kind of gift did Marya Dmitrievna loveditz? ("Cossack", "Girl's Potion") (Yachonovy earrings with pears)

    What are the people sitting at one table and adults and children?

    How is young people have fun in growth?

    Work on the episode "In the estate of Bolkonsky Bald Mountains"

(TI, Part 1, Ch.22-25) Conversation on questions:

1. Tell us about Bolkon. What are the relationships and this family?

2. Find the "portraits" of Maryia Bolkonskaya, Andrei, the old prince. What distinguishes Tolstoy in the appearance of heroes, their behavior? ( short stature "Dry" features, amazing eyes - "radiant", like Marya, "beautiful", like Prince Andrew, "smart", like the old prince. Restraint, respect in behavior and respect to each other)

3. What are you, in your opinion, the basic principles of education of children in families of growth and Bolkonoe?

4. What comes closer and Blocks? What are these families different?

5. Remember Kuragin. Why doesn't Tolstoy call their family?

(Curagins of false, fake, with predatory instincts, without any moral norms)

Rostov family and Bolkon

Respect for each other, the desire to help without tedious notations (the story with the loss of Nicholas). Freedom and love, lack of tough educational standards (Natasha's behavior during a name day; Dance of Graph Rostov).

Loyalty to family relationships (Nikolai did not refuse the debts of the Father).

The main thing in the relationship is love, life according to the laws of the heart.

Relationships without sentimentalities. Father was invariably demanding, he excited fear fear and respect. He himself was engaged in the upbringing of Mary.

Hidden love of his father (the death scene of the prince, the word about the princess Marya).

The main thing is to live according to the laws.

3. Children, relations between them.

Sincerity, naturalness, love, respect for each other (Sony's explanation scene with Nikolai, Natasha with Boris).

Interest in fate of each other (Natasha - Sonya, Natasha - Nikolay).

Classes: Passion for singing, dancing.

The main thing in the relationship is the soul.

4. Proximity to nature. More often live in estates than in the capitals.

The ability to finely feel like ( moonlight night in Otradnaya; Skating on the sagnes).

Feeling harmony of man and nature.

Permanent life In Bald Mountains, Natural Communication with Nature Princess Maryia and Old Prince. Comprehension of the Eternity of Nature by Prince Andrey (Austerlitsky Sky, Oak).

5. Attitude towards the people.

The perception of nationality is more on the emotional level (scene of hunting, the song of Uncle, Natasha dance).

Reasonable perception of folk problems: Transformation in Boguchars, aimed at improving the life of peasants.

6. Patriotism. Attitude towards war.

Sincere patriotism, pain for their homeland. Fights in the war Nikolai; Petya, quite another boy, goes to war in 1812 with the consent of his parents and dies in the first battle.

Natasha requires submission to the wounded. Rostov leaving their homes, like many inhabitants.

Deep patriotism of prince and children. Andrey fights in war in 1805-1807. In 1812 he leaves the headquarters, the soldiers call it "our prince."

Old Bolkonsky goes to protect his lands. Princess Marya refuses the patronage of the French.

7. Disadvantages

The kindness is sometimes external (Sony's history). Sometimes the cruelty of Nicholas in relation to the peasants. Impracticality, Moto Father Rostov.

Heavy character of the old prince.

Natasha is a beloved Heroine of Tolstoy, the ideal of a woman embodied in the family.

Princess Marya is one of his favorite heroines, can also be a good keeper of a homely hearth.

The author loves this family, although the cruelty of the upbringing is not always attractive. Autobiographical features In Nikolae Andreevich - Grandfather on the mother - and in Marya - the traits of the mother, the feeling that his mother was just like that. Andrei Bolkonsky embodied the thoughts of the thicker

Compilation of cluster

Family features of the growth of growth

Family features of the Bolkonsky family

CONCLUSIONS: Greetings and hospitality, heat of relationships and a sense of tact, respect for each personality, sincere love of growth causes a deep sympathy of the author and us, readers. In the house of growth reigns atmosphere of love and dreaminess. Rostov live not mind, and heart.

Everything else in the Bald Mountains in Bolkonsky. Calm, measured life. Blocks are restrained people, they have not been reveaned to be frank.

The unmistakable light is guessing the old prince Bolkonsky in Anatole Curagin immoral hanging (and so not a place in their house). Bolkonoe - people honor and debt. The old prince endlessly loves his son, but prefers to see him dead than the name of the name.

What comes closer?

(Smart, honest, proud Bologkoe with hospitable, kind, soft growth)

They are brought together the main attitude towards the Motherland, incompatibility with the Spirit of Kingdom, Lie and False of Court spheres, the process of gradual rapprochement with the people.

    Controlling task

Independent work "The thought of family in the novel L.N. Tolstoy"

The house is installed strict order.

Loving, trustful, delicate relations were established between her husband and his wife.

A member of this family is perceived in society as a dangerous eccentric.

A member of this family leads an extremely disturbing lifestyle.

Father holds daughter in "Help Mittens".

In this family, a niece and son of a friend of the head of the family are brought up.

Children are allowed to behave in such a way that sometimes the norms of etiquette are violated.

Father calls sons fools.

Eldest daughter rose no other children.

Father because of the circumstances never talked to his son.

Member of this family is going to war, as life secular society He does not attract it.

Father is drying up with her son, despite the fact that maybe forever.


Rostov 3,7,8,10

Block 2,6,12,13

Bezukhovy 4,11

Kuragin 1,5.

    Reflection "Moral Quality What family is closer to me?"

    Homework T ι, Part 2 (Quotation Workout)

Conversation on questions:

1. Tell us about Bolkon. What are the relationship in this family?

2. Find the "portraits" of Maryia Bolkonskaya, Andrei, the old prince. What distinguishes Tolstoy in the appearance of heroes, their behavior? (Pay attention to low growth, "dry" features, amazing eyes - "radiant", like Maryia, "beautiful", like Prince Andrew, "Smart", like the old prince. Restraint, respect for behavior and respect Friend.)

3. What are you, in your opinion, the basic principles of education of children in families of growth and Bolkonoe?

4. What comes closer and Blocks? What are these families different?

5. Remember Kuragin. Why doesn't Tolstoy call their family? (Kuragins are false, false, with predatory instincts, without any moral norms.)

Conclusions.Greetings and hospitality, warmth of relationships and a sense of tact, respect for each personality, sincere love of growth causes deep sympathy from the author and here, readers. In the house of growth reigns atmosphere of love and dreaminess. Rostov live not mind, and heart. Everything else in the Bald Mountains in Bolkonsky. Calm, measured life. Blocks are restrained people, they have not been reveaned to be frank.

An unmistakable little guess the old Bolkonsky in Anatole Curagin immoral hang. (And so is not a place in their house.)

Bolkonoe - people honor and debt. The old prince endlessly loves his son, but prefer to see him dead than the name of the name.

What comes closer to smart, honest and proud Blocks with hospitable, kind and soft Rostov?

"They bring together the main thing: the attitude towards the Motherland, incompatibility with the spirit of self-supporting, lies and false spheres, the process of gradual rapprochement with the people" (N. N. Naumova) .


2. Analyze the behavior of the heroes of the novel in the war. (Kutuzov, Bagration, Tushin, Timokhin, Bolkonsky, N. Rostov, staff officers.)

Lessons 119-120
Image of war 1805-1807
Shenguren and Austerlitsky battle

Objectives: Determine the attitude of L. N. Tolstoy to war, to reveal to the fat understanding of heroism; explain the reasons for the start of hostilities 1805-1807; to give brief description Shenagraben and Austerlitsky battles, find out from which factors, according to the writer, depends on the outcome of battles; Analyze the behavior of the heroes of the novel in war, show true heroism, humanity and modesty of simple soldiers and cowardice, vanity and arrogance of other (staff officers).

Stroke lesson

I. introduction Teachers.

War in Romana

War is the worst and serious test. What is the war in terms of fat? He responds perfectly clearly and definitely that the war is "the opposite human mind and the whole human nature of the event." So all the normal Russian soldiers and officers think. War, believes Tolstoy, should not be a way to resolve disputes between states. But at a minute of danger, the Russian people perform the following qualities: courage, patriotism, heroism.

It is necessary to stay on the most important contradiction of the writer in the "War and the World". Tolstoy approves the determining role of the masses in history (this is its strength) and at the same time - the elementaryness as the most important basis for the actions of the people (this is its weakness). And yet - the writer claims the importance of the moral factor in the war. The power of the Spirit, the resistance of the spirit of the Russian soldier can save the army almost in a hopeless position.

Wars are depicted and evaluated by the writer in different ways. Tolstoy distinguishes the grip and therefore not having an excuse of the "war of the kings" and the complete true heroism of the "war of peoples".

War 1805-1807 It was meaningless and useless, she was carried out outside of Russia, the meaning and purpose of her were incomprehensible and alien to the Russian people. ("Tsari War"). Kutuzov set the task - to withdraw the Russian army from the war, save it. Therefore, he sent Bagration's avant-garde to delay the French army, to enable the main forces of the Russians. This fight was given under Shengrab.

II. Work on the episode "Shenagraben Battle". Resection
(or reading).

Conversation on questions:

1. A description of the war from paintings in Brownau begins. What was the purpose of a review in Brownau? What is the Commander-in-Chief? What is the attitude towards a simple soldier?

2. How shows Shenagraben battle? Pay attention to the feature of the composition of the battle description. (First Tolstoy gives overall picture Fields of the battle, then any of the heroes, and here A. Bolkonsky observes the positions "above", hereinafter - the hero turns out to be in the thick of the fight, observes the battle of "from the inside.")

According to Tolstoy, it is almost impossible to lead the battle, it is necessary for another manual - moral, raising the spirit of fighting.

3. How is the soldiers' mass showed? Who is real Hero. Shenagraben's battle? (The infantry officer Timokhin, Artilleryman Tushin - the most important heroes of the Shenagraben battle in the description of Tolstoy.)

4. Why do the tuckers and tushin behave in different ways? What feat perform tushin? Why the author emphasizes neely The appearance of Tushina, the inconsistency of Timokhina? (Real greatness, true heroism - the lot of ordinary and modest soldiers.)

5. What is the reason for the success of Russians in the battle? How does the author explain this "unexpected victory"? (In the description of the Shenagraben battle, Tolstoy shows that the victory of the squad of Bagration identified some " inner fire", Heat of folk patriotism.)

III. Work on the episode " Austerlitsky Battle" Resection(or reading).

Conversation on questions:

1. Tell us about the prehistory of the battle, about the setting that has developed before the fight.

2. What do the Russian emperor, Prince Bolkonsky dream of, Nikolai Rostov on the eve of the battle? (The king is thinking about the winner's laurels, Andrei Bolkonsky - about his toulon, Nikolai Rostov dreams of meeting with the king.)

Have you come true dreams?

3. Tell us about the battle.

What is the reason for the random escheron concerns?

The reason is in the moral state of the army.

4. Why did the Austerlytsky battle been played? (A frivolous attitude towards the battle in the top, General Weoter made a mistake in the strategy, but main reason defeat, according to Tolstoy, in absence of the power of the spirit soldier mass.)

5. Read the episode "Prince Andrey Bolkonsky on the Austerlitz field."

6. What does the sky of Austerlitz in the spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky mean? (Rapid career Napoleon woke in Andrei Bologkoe ambition, forced to dream of his toulon. Bolkonsky waited for her starry hour.

Andrei in battle with Austerlice raises the banner, stops the flight of soldiers, gets a heavy wound. There is a sharp mental reaction, disappointing in its ambitious dreams. But disappointed in his idol, Prince Andrei acquires eternal values "What didn't know before: happiness just live, see the sky.)


1. Reading the II of Tom "War and Peace".

2. Analysis of episodes (by groups):

џ "The arrival of Bolkonsky to the Bald Mountains. Birth of the Son, Death of Wife "
(t. II, h. I, ch. 9).

џ "Pierre in Freemasonry" (t. II, h. II, ch. 4, 5).

џ "First Ball of Natasha Rostova" (t. II, h. III, ch. 15-16).

џ "Scene of hunting", "Natasha Rostina Dance" (t. II, h. Iv, ch. 6, 7).

Lesson 121.
"We must live, you need to love, you have to believe"
(L. N. Tolstoy)(Mastering the content of Toma II
Roman "War and World")

Objectives: show the peaceful life of the heroes of the epic in the period from 1806-1812, to help students penetrate spiritual world Heroes, comprehend the complexity and inconsistency of the behavior and searches of heroes.