So they see us because of the "bulb", or Russia through the eyes of foreigners. Amazing Russia: We are the eyes of foreigners

So they see us because of the
So they see us because of the "bulb", or Russia through the eyes of foreigners. Amazing Russia: We are the eyes of foreigners

It often happens that the reputation that one or another city has, has serious grounds. Few people doubt that the Favela Rio is not the safest place on earth or that Berlin is a world-scale youth culture center. However, sometimes I want to look at your native country through the eyes of people who came there for the first time, who managed to see such things in Russia, which we ourselves have ceased to notice in the confusion.

In this selection you will find several small stories that foreigners expected from this or that Russian city and that they found them really.


Aaron Kenneth, 21, USA, in a short time - English teacher in Vladimir.

I always represented Moscow as the exhausted version of New York. I thought that the businessmen were engaged in their affairs, bold politicians control the development of folk culture, and the crowds of Zhulikov roam the streets.


I was struck by the beauty around me, regardless of whether it was a monument to Yuri Gagarin or picturesque boulevards in the area of \u200b\u200bpure ponds. In addition, people in Moscow turned out to be quite kind and responsive, especially in the subway.


Jerry Bayer, 46, USA, Writer, Analyst and Director of New Directions Study Abroad.

I arrived in Siberia by train in January. Before I heard something about Novosibirsk, but I decided to see the city with my own eyes. Honestly, I expected to see a rather boring, very Soviet city with irresistible inhabitants and terrible frosts.


It should be said about what was really very cold. But still the city itself, and people seemed charming. I visited a beautiful cathedral, in the Museum of the History of the West Siberian Railway and in a small art gallery. But most of all I liked the ice town on the embankment of the river Ob, in which several icy slides were installed. Imagine a picture: an adult American zadorly rolls with an ice hill along with young children in a terrible frost. It is difficult to come up with something better.

Nizhny Novgorod

Yerk Merzor, 37, Netherlands, Director Director NUFFIC NESO RUSSIA.

Once I read that the Soviet times Nizhny Novgorod was called bitter and was a closed city. More I did not know anything about him, except that the city stands on the Volga River and there is a beautiful Kremlin in it.


I was seriously impressed - partly thanks to good weather - the old part of the city, although it was still seen that many of the beautiful vintage wooden buildings need reconstruction. But people were very kind to me, and this, I think the most important thing.


Jonathan Blaisdell, 26, USA, analyst.

All my knowledge of Vladivostok consisted of non-scientific facts, hoped from the GTA IV computer game.


Vladivostok is certainly not a forgotten border guard in the wilderness. This is primarily a charming area of \u200b\u200bintersection of a variety of Asian crops. Well, where else can you dine in the North Korean restaurant, block the sake on board the old Soviet submarine and enjoy the breathtaking views, sedated the anti-aircraft gun in the old fortress? In Vladivostok, all this can be done.

St. Petersburg

Randyland Leisheson, 29, USA, journalist and administrator at Jones Hopkins University.

A volunteer organization, participating in the events of which I had to spend the summer suddenly changed the destination, so I went to the country of white nights and the Cyrillic alphabet, nothing know about her.


St. Petersburg so fascinated me that ended up everything ended with the fact that I spent several summer holidays in my teenage years working in the city. Procurable catwalks and architectural masterpieces only reappeared my obsession with this beautiful city. The city, often called the window to Europe, became the window to the rest of my life.

Seeing the country after 10 years of separation. Cognitive dissonance is almost guaranteed.

Popular about Russia for tourists from different guidebooks

Politics in Russia

Moscow is so concerned about their own status, which will be quite fair to call it a bourgeois city. Perhaps it is the welfare of Muscovites that their complete apolitical explains. While the orange revolution is raised next door and the rose revolution, the Russians are quiet and are watching how Putin introduces censorship and eliminates their right to choose the government. Muscovites seem to be more concerned about new restaurants than the discussion of new rules of life.

Young Vladimir Putin held his youth, playing on the streets in St. Petersburg: his family lived at Baskov, 12. In the second half of the 1980s, being another young man, Putin was a recruitment of potential spies in the West. Obsessed with patriotism, he always defended the special services of Soviet times and said: "I will never read the book written by the Non-return, a man who betrayed the Motherland." In 1989 (shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall), Putin returned to Leningrad and soon worked as deputy mayor. For a steep temper and dedication, he earned his nickname.

Traditions in Russia

Many people will come in irritation if you will photograph drunks.

Men must be taken into account that they are not just waiting for the traditional gentleman's behavior from them, but they consider it to be granted. Therefore, it is not to be surprised if you see a woman who stands at a closed door waiting not clear what.

On the streets it is not decided to smoke unfamiliar people. If you smile Russian, he might think: what, my clothes are dirty?

Russians in many situations are becoming very close to each other and they say very quietly, each other in the ear - as if they whisper.

Russians have two faces: one is on the street, and completely different - at home. Until the middle of the XX century, Russia inhabited in the main peasants. And it is still felt: they are incredibly loyal and endlessly generous to those who know, and extremely incredulous and hostile to strangers.

Like most Slavs, the Russians do not associate sex with shame.

Gays in Russia

In Russian slang, homosexuals are called Goloboy (Blue Boy).

Vodka in Russia

The main thing is that vodka is not illegal (Podelnaya, Falshivaya, Levaya). At best, the collision with fake vodka will end in that you drink a weaker drink than they ordered, in worst - you will be supplied with diluted methyl alcohol, the use of which can lead to blindness and even death. The history of the origin of the word "drunk" is as follows: on the shore of a drunk river, the two troops of the same army of Spyan opened the fire on each other.

Statistics about Russia

For one person in Russia accounts for about 16.4 square meters. m residential space (in America - 60 sq. M).

A middle class representative buys approximately 5 books per year.

Russians go to the cinema on average five times more often than Europeans.

Transport in Russia

Cars do not slow down before pedestrians, and some drivers even increase the speed. Of course, they have no intention to kill them - they just want to see fear in your eyes.

Dangers in Russia

If you go one down the street, try to look Russian: To do this, carry a plastic bag in your hand.

Perhaps in Moscow you will need a mosquito net - the model that is attached to the ceiling and closes the bed entirely.

If we talk about pockets, be especially alert in the Metro Parisanskaya district - our readers informed us about incidents there.

There are cases when the caviar of white fish was painted by Wax, so that it was similar to black, and then packaged in branded banks.

In the trains, sleep with the money hidden on the body and passport. Tie locks with rope, belt or tie.

If you drink hot tea or coffee on a 30-40-degree frost, the teeth are starting to crack and black, which is clearly seen by the example of many people of Yakut cities.

Women travelers should know that most Russian men are aggressive, are not familiar with the rules of decency and tend to consider women as sexual objects.

If you hear the mat on the street - go from there as much as possible.

Entering the subway, keep your hand in the face - so that you do not beat the tooth.

Food in Russia

Borsch is a popular dish in the Caucasus.

Local water from the crane is one of the most terrible problems for foreigners. Some use water from bottles, even when children bathe.

Greens in Russian cuisine is almost presented. But if it takes it in turnover, then on all dishes, as a rule, it turns out a green blanket from a sliced \u200b\u200bdill. So it is better to say to the cook in advance: VSYO BEZ UKROPA.

Many foreigners surprise that in fact the most popular alcoholic drink here - beer.

White bread is called "white brick", black - "black brick".

Restaurant "Caucasian Captive" in Moscow is named after the film, as well as Roman Lermontov.

In more detail about the opinion of foreigners about Russian food, you can see in post

Music in Russia

Musicians from Yekaterinburg Boris Grebenshchikov and his group "Aquarium" wherever they play - everywhere produced Furore.

The god of Russian rock was a native of Kazakhstan Viktor Tsoi. Scenic movements in the style of Kung Fu made Tsoi king of steepness.

Fashion in Russia

New Russian in the sense of style is still behind her girlfriend. New Russian soul with AC / DC, he "back in black" (back in black - name AC / DC album. - Esquire): black suit, black shoes, black tie Hermes, black glasses. To distinguish a new Russian from the guard - and their favorite color is also black - look at his hands: there is a Cartier watch there.

In Russia, there is a phenomenon of wearing sunglasses on the back of the head (mugs are attached to the ears).

Many Russians wear long underwear - even under business costumes.

From all the clothes the most serious attitude among the Russians - to shoes. If you want people to think about you as a cultural and stylish person, - Express shine shoes.

Capital of Russia

In Moscow, it is almost impossible to break the tent.

Private cars, in a set circling around the city, are known under the name "Gypsy taxi."

From the square wearing his name, Alexander Pushkin overlooks his possessions. In the field of view - the cinema "Pushkinsky", Pushkin cafe and the Pushkinskaya metro station: Undoubtedly, in the ideology of new Russian Pushkin took the place of Lenin.

"The male toilet is denoted by the letter" M ". Women should look for a door with the letter "Sh".

A typical moskvichka has such an arrogant expression on the face, which seems to her completely disgusting the environment surrounding it (she really is disgusting to her). Despite the fact that she lived here all his life, she shows with all his appearance: in fact, I belong to Paris.

Private space in Moscow apartments is absorbed by public: the living room is turning every evening to the dining room, and with the onset of the night - to the bedroom. That is why in parks on benches - so much kissing young couples.

Muscovites experience sincere and well-deserved gratitude towards their mayor, who over the past few decades has renovated and updated the city center.

Clubs in Russia

How to pass face control. Enchant: Women should look like Barbie dolls, men - dress in black. Drive up to the club by car: what it is more - the better.

Hotels in Russia

On each floor of each hotel there is a "duty", which will be happy to help in the problems associated with hot water, washing and spying.

For sizes in truthful - a list of used guidebooks:

  • Living & working in Moscow. Kostromina-Wayne M., Wayne P. 2002.
  • MOSCOW. Everyman MapGuides. 2005.
  • MOSCOW. Lonely Planet. 2006.
  • Moscow, St. Petersburg & The Golden Ring. Masha NordBye / Odyssey. 2004.
  • The Rough Guide to St Petersberg. 2004.
  • RUSSIA & BELARUS. Lonely Planet. 2006.
  • RUSSIA, BELARUS & UKRAINE. Insight Guides. 2005.
  • RUSSIA, UKRAINE & BELARUS. Lonely Planet. 2000.
  • Russian Phrasebook. Lonely Planet. 2006.
  • St Petersburg. Lonely Planet. 2005.

Opinions about Russia from forums

"US saved Russia from Hitler", Mark, USA:

I was in St. Petersburg in 1997 and was shocked by cold huge buildings. Stalinist style, don't you call it? Ugly. Seeing the traces of destruction from bullets and bombs on the walls, I asked the guide, where it was. She said: "Traces of war" I was surprised: what war? I lived in London at one time, but there were no such traces of destruction. What was happening in St. Petersburg? Maybe I spent a history lesson? I asked to clarify. She confirmed that we are talking about World War II. But this is no longer withstanding no criticism - 50 years later, after the United States saved Russia from Hitler, they could not even clean the city.

"Without the US, the whole world would speak German," Joseph John Rosengast (Mr. Joseph John Rothengast), North Carolina, USA

We must remember from the history that millions of people did not want the United States to enter into the second world war, nor in the first. If we did not come to the first world war, then maybe everyone would say in German and in the world would not have been democracy ... As for World War II, while we were waiting for, millions of people died in German camps and the Germans captured a big Part of Europe.

"Your country dies from hunger," Tom, Texas

I feel sorry for you. Your country dies from hunger, you have a third-stranded army and your economy does not even have its own currency that the rest of the world would recognize. It is not surprising that you are sitting on the ass and shout on the USA. That's all you are capable of doing.

"You should not be biased to the country that saved you from fascism," Leaderof XMI, Ohio

You should not be so biased towards the country that saved you from Nazi primacy in World War II and which constantly assists you.

"Russian - ungrateful pigs", Ben Richardson (Ben Richardson), California

It is hard for me to think about how much you are, Russians are ungrateful to the United States. We helped you a lot in recent years. We handed the hand of friendship to your government and people we gave the countless number of dollars to your government, businessmen, churches and just people. America is the greatest country on Earth.

Megan K.Stek, Los Angeles Times

Metro-reflux of stray dogs and on the ears of lovers of adolescents, homeless alcoholics and wounded veterans, tourists and deadly people traveling to work or from work. But in the halls there is something that tells the story of Russia itself. These are the memories of the era of the communistical regime, when underground palaces with sparkling chandeliers, decorated with mosaks, frescoes, sculptures, built for rows of passengers ...

When I just arrived in Moscow, the summer heat and the crush in the subway almost made me a trident. I could not bear the sinic spreaded by drunk: vodka evaporated from their bodies along with the sweat, their wet leaf leaps to mine, as a plastic film. But immediately I saw how young people are hanalenly jumping on their feet, giving way to the old women, or as the Russians are stuck in the book, as long as the train rushes on the tunnel, and understood that it was not so terrible here.

Montse Arovalo, Spain

Doors in the Moscow metro closes straightforwardly: if they close, they really close. Even if someone stands between them.

Frank Hanselman, Holland-Spain

First of all, you must learn to pronounce this word correctly - "Mietro" (Myetro)! Still be careful next to the fragile elderly ladies, they are the most unbearable people in the subway. For the first time, when I was shoved with all my might, I turned around, expecting to see a big man, but faced face to face with granny. Since then, I have a naughty.

If you smile in public places, then according to Russian culture, you are an idiot, so the subway should stand with a look expressing disgusting or extreme degree of aggression. (step))))

Edward Adrian Wellas, United Kingdom

There is a strange view of grandmothers (Babushkas) in turnstiles before entering the subway. They sit behind the walls of transparent plastic in the design of about 2 m high and look at the ticket-barrier running through the "Ticket". They are in the form, similar to Militia. They have short haircuts and a gloomy look. Their work is to watch how people pass through turnstiles. If someone does not like them, they whistle in the whistle.

Newbies in Moscow often celebrate coldness and hostility passersby. But I understood: this is a shield. When you come across them in life situations, and not in the subway, Russians are welcome and hospitable. In the metro, everyone skews into space. Almost lovers are watching each other ... But once I saw how the crowd of schoolchildren flew into the car. They laughed, shouted, pushed - for them the trip was an adventure! And then I saw how everyone was buried. I think everyone thought about something good.

Dick Jansen, Netherlands

I was taught to drink beer with dried fish - I did not see this anywhere. At first I did not want to try because of the terrible look and smell, and then I liked it. Knock Vobly on the table is very Russian and fun. And at the present national product - rifle loaf. He is the personification of the country - white, simple, most often not the first freshness, but very tasty.

I have never seen people to drink so much tea. Even in the club at 3 o'clock, they order tea.

Hishti, USA

Having learned that for Russians, a trip to the restaurant is often connected with a special reason, I understood why the institutions where we came, were often half empty, and having received the bill, realized that I would have realized to stay at home.

Thomas form, Germany

Actually, no reasonable person will go on two nights to the store for sausage. But ... the number of services that can be rendered in Moscow around the clock is impressive. Towered at 23:30, Polystay books at 2:00 or buy drill at the construction market at 4:00 - everything is real! :)))))

25 facts about Russia's eyes of Canadian

But not everything is so bad, as it seems

Canadian - the English teacher living in Moscow made this curious selection. (Note to 1 and 2 parts)

  1. Moscow is the best metro in the world.
  1. Despite the best metro in the world, there are millions of Muscovites who refuse ever descend into it, and spend half of their lives in traffic jams.
  1. Russians use the slightest reason to treat all chocolate. "Your birthday after four and a half months? Wow! Chocolate for the whole office! "
  1. He who speaks in another language except Russian is automatically suspicious.
  1. For the new year, do not be surprised if you are invited at 11:30 pm, drink champagne and brandy until 6 in the morning, eat the herring under the fur coat and Salad "Olivier" in the kitchen, and then the holiday continues for three more days.
  1. The only non-alcoholic zone in Russia is McDonalds.
  1. Smile for no reason angry with Russians.
  1. Borsch, cabbage and pies in fact - Ukrainian dishes.
  1. Russians do not give their elderly parents in the nursing homes and do not remove their children from home when they are 18, instead, they all live together in the same 1-room apartment.
  1. Despite the narrow roads and creepy traffic jams, the Russians still buy giant SUVs.
  1. Sushi is more popular in Russia than in Japan.
  1. In fact, Japan is more popular in Russia than in Japan itself.
  1. Russians are very friendly if they are familiar with you more than ten minutes. If you are familiar with the Russian, at least a week, you will be invited to his house and are familiar with his family.
  1. Russians are also extremely emotional and passionate people, and although they do not show emotions in the public, they cry and laugh, scream and play more than the Italians.
  1. Russians care more about the philosophical side of life than the material, and they have a folk song for every situation.
  1. Most Russians are very superstitious, and young superstitions in fashion.
  1. Russian passionate lovers, in public places they quarrel as sworn enemies and kiss and hugging as pornstar.
  1. Russians love to criticize their own country, but they are terribly insulting if a foreigner does.
  1. If the cashier broke anything during the scan of your purchases, then this is a good service.
  1. Russians love McDonalds, KFC, Subway and Burger King more than Americans.
  1. Russian spoil their children, and then expect that they in 18 years old will magically begin to behave responsibly.
  1. Although Russian eat more fast food than people in the West, Russians are still healthier.
  1. Russians can not maneuver handing out the car back. The average Russian driver can take ten minutes to perform parallel-parking.
  1. Winter in Russia is actually very beautiful, and Russians - fantastically water the cars in the winter.

Russians are actually freer than the West; There are fewer laws and social limitations, and yet the crime rate is lower than in the United States or the UK.

Russia Eyes of the emigrant, or something still changed (2010)

Forward to Russia!

For about five years I have lived in Germany. We can safely say that despite the double citizenship, for Russia I am now a "foreigner". I received information about it mainly from the Russian-speaking press and in the overwhelming majority of a negative nature. Naturally, it suppressed any desire once again, at least for a short time, go there. Only approaching the anniversaries of the best friends and the persistent requests of the Son convinced me to "surrender."

And here our plane is landing in the Moscow region Domodedovo airport. I remembered more than modest, if not kidding, the airport building is not to know, or rather, it is not, and instead it is complete, several times more super-modern and already working building. A few minutes of passport control and, despite the construction kouter, our things are already spinning on the conveyor, causing me quite natural admiration. But not for long: one of our bag never appeared. Of course, it was the most necessary things! Restored me reassured me serving the airport, wrote my address and phone, the next day they reported that the bag was not sent from Düsseldorf, and in the evening they brought it home and the bag itself safely and maintained.

In memory, it remains that in Düsseldorf, during registration there was a queue, on passport control, the official interpreted about overdue visas, and without realizing that they were on permanent residence, until Ausexians showed him, and the aircraft took off with a 15-minute delay obviously from For a thorough, but able to scare only the average man, inspection: a policeman "Cook" even tested the soles of the shoe, but she, if not mistaken, does not react to plastic and on liquids - the last "invention" of terrorists - shakhids.

First impressions

Immediately make a reservation: we are talking about the notorious 101 kilometer, the radius that the Soviet power, in his time, burned in Moscow from the elements disagreeable it. In our case, this is Protvino, Serpukhov - South of the Moscow region.

Construction sites are an indicator of a developing state. A lot of them. But there are no dull high-rise buildings, and sports complexes, covered markets, shopping and entertainment complexes, where under the same roof - shops, cafes, cinema halls, discos and much more, working 24 hours a day. From housing - mostly elite cottage villages, and if the high-rise buildings, then according to an individual project with an increased comfort of apartments. It is not a place to discuss this correctly. Let's remember that "Khrushcheby" we have already built.

Almost not visible ordinary "Zhigult" and "Muscovites" on the roads. Mostly - foreign cars (and not "firewood", but not old) and the latest developments of Russian automobile plants. It's not about plagiarism, but it is impossible to distinguish them from foreign cars.

"Launched" and their great-grandfathers. So they are rusting almost every home, until another issue of their disposal is solved. AU, Entrepreneurs - Reedamigrants! Millions of cars and rubles are waiting for you in Russia!

The gas stations almost all pulled up to the European level and even "stepped over" it - they are much larger, and gasoline is 3 times cheaper.

The fields of the former collective farms are mainly not soles: the cost of collective farm agricultural products is an order of magnitude higher than imported. Little farm fields are abounded by harvest - another point of the application for future reemigrants.

At the grocery markets, goods are mainly Russian origin, which cannot be said about the worn markets.

The main two Russian troubles remained unchanged.


Another indicator of the development of the state is the standard of vital level of vital population - pensioners. Officially, the Russian pension is one of the lowest among civilized countries, much lower than the subsistence level, but the paradox is still of Soviet times, when with the empty stores of stores, the refrigerators of citizens were broken from the products, it works here: until no Russian pensioner died with hunger, Streets are not visible from the hectic and poor elderly people. I was struck by an abundance of empty bottles standing near Urn. At one time, vigilant grandmothers distributed them, barely had time to buy beer. Happy lucky patiently waited.

»Do you have any bottles? ", I asked if the urn asleep was asleep. "Take, yes, so collect no one ..." cool, even for prosperous Germany. As for the paradox ... Relative stability, the salary paid on time, the mass of workplaces of type "Watchman", "Watchman" (he is securiti) - there is a difference where to sleep: houses for free, or at work for money? You can sell harvest with cottages, apiary, helping the market ... in a word to do something more worthy than gathering bottles.

Local authorities, as far as possible and the status of the budget also help. In the Moscow region, for example, travel in buses on a special social map of the pensioner is free.

There is no point in leaving Germany to meet old age in Russia: no one will understand you, and medical care does not go to any comparison with German.

Colleagues, colleagues

I remember, in the 90s, when the question of our move to Germany was resolved, he often heard to his address: "It's lucky to people!", Accompanied by relevant views and sighs. Unfortunately, now, with meetings with former colleagues and colleagues, I hardly managed to suppress similar emotions. Over the past time, when I am here "Pariya" on the "social" in search of at least any lesson and only after three years I have found work with a slightly higher than the "Social", which was extremely glad, they are not even straining, they grew up and professionally and financially and socially. The heads of the plots became directors of technical or commercial, mechanics - the main mechanics, a locksmith - brigadiers ... The city had money to solve transport problems, the metro and tunnels are built (I was engaged in this over 30 years) I do not regret the means. Moreover, we are talking not only about Moscow. Former colleague - a partner told about business trips in Russia, the CIS and even Europe and Asia. Salary in Russia is not accepted to hide: workers metrostroittsev in the region of 50 - 70 thousand rubles (1.5 - 2 thousand euros), at an ITR (engineering and technical workers) - 100 thousand rubles. (about 3 thousand euros) and above.

Let me remind you: the fee for 3 bedroom apartment is about 3 thousand rubles, passage by bus in the city 15 rubles. (0, 4 euros), to Moscow (more than 100 km) - 120 rubles. (3.5 euros), cigarettes - 0.3 - 0.5 euro pack, new "Ford" with delivery to the house, produced by the St. Petersburg plant - 10 thousand dollars. What struck most of all, (here I am already a loyalty from this) so this is the demand for specialists. Several of my ex-colleagues at work celebrated their 70th anniversary! These are not the notorious Soviet Stargiers, but quite workable professionals. My acquaintance was my 65th anniversary, I celebrated three times: at the main job, on additional and with numerous relatives. She is a widow, he lives together with his mother and with a joke refused to proposed material support.

Do not think that everyone is satisfied and everyone is happy. Dissatisfied full. But they are everywhere.

Even in Germany. Almost all my neighbors are unemployed, younger than me and knows me better. When I moved here and in a month I found a job, they had previously convinced me that I was looking for useful. Here are the arguments of the type: "We were the fascists in the USSR, and in Germany they became Russians," there in the whole crook the oligarchs who stood up Russia.

What can you do: someone should be to blame for all our troubles. Not we ourselves are to blame ...

Home to Germany

Three weeks flew like one day. Again "Domodedovo". It's all around the circle, but there are already ready-made halls. On registration, except for us - not a single person, passport control stamp in the passport, customs - inspection, about a miracle! - Gave "Good" literally after 10 seconds. Round transparent cabin, become in a specific place, hands on the handrail, a few seconds and are free. A terrorist - Shahid there is nothing to do here - any foreign object is scanned with liquid, the belt is shakhid. What was my surprise when I learned from newspapers that in Germany a similar device is used in the store for contactless removal of measurement for the buyer of clothing. Naive, I thought that only in Russia a microscope was clogged with nails. But it was later, and now we have already twisted to Düsseldorf and the quarters of Ratinen's quarters flashed, here are the three multicolored multi-storey buildings - "Parrots". What time is some time - and smiling faces of children, laughing face of grandchildren. And when, the next day, going to work, hugging as if after a long separation with colleagues at work, masters who were asked, well, as there "Russland", I finally understood - I am at home!

Resources used:


If we ask any Russian, what places should I show foreigners that we will hear in response?
Red Square, Palaces of St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal - These sights are likely to be called among the first (absolutely deservedly, it should be noted). But you are unlikely to hear something like "Forest in the Moscow region and an abandoned Soviet antenna in the form of a ball."

Obviously, so photos of Frank Herfort have gained such popularity on the network. Many people think that part of his photographs are made using photoshop, so psychedelically and incredibly they look. But the photographer assures that every frame is a real place.

True, he sometimes asks a little to pop up, because it is not always the moment you can catch the first time. Frank actually lives into two countries and spends about the same amount of time both in Germany and in Russia. Special attention of the Internet A series of photos Frank called "Russian fairy tales" ("Russian fairytales").

On photographs, various moments of Russian life are depicted, often with an unusual perspective. So, in this photo you see the cadets of the Military Academy in the relaxation room. The conditions of training of the Academy implies a permanent stay on the territory of the educational institution, in view of which the guys do not see the parents for several months (cadets for photography - 15 years). Due to the hard routine of the day and high physical and psychological loads, students are necessary to remove the psychological stress.

And in this photo shows the old Soviet antenna and the mushroom picked up rest. Frank admits that his mushroom scared him healthy, appeared almost silently, in fact, from nowhere. "This is the case when I asked a person to pose me if it can be called that, of course, because I was more likely suggested a specific place for a break."

Geographical Institute and Museum of St. Petersburg

Herfort was born in East Germany, in Leipzig before the fall of the Berlin Wall. This can partly explain it to the attributes of the Soviet past. "I never perceived the art of photos as a profession, it's rather my life. Do not say that I dreamed of becoming a photographer since childhood - rather, on the contrary: I even somehow specially lit up the film in the camera of my mom. But with age, I understood the beauty of this art and its main advantage - to tell the story that it is impossible to express in words.

Frank notes that Russian people are much more open than Europeans. "I live immediately in two cities: Moscow and Berlin, and, although my native language is German, I know Russian rather well. In Moscow, people are easier to contact: Sometimes I am already ready to finish a photo session, but new acquaintances continue to communicate with me, ask - you have to linger. I know that in many countries, people reluctantly sacrifice their time for the sake of a stranger photographer - but it is not about Russia.

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Wardrobe Kremlin Theater

"Chechnya", photo taken in Grozny

Entrance to the only hotel in Polyarnya, which is near Murmansk.

The photo was made at 3 am in July, in one of the white nights. This military city is still considered closed, as there is a base of the Northern Fleet. "I don't know why, but I didn't really check me at the checkpoint: they just asked a German passport. However, at the hotel, at the reception, I was asked how I was in the city, and asked if I had any other documents allowing me in the city. I decided not to make even more problems, just made a couple of pictures (including this one) and left the city.

Norilsk, Pink residential building

Restaurant "Globus" in Grozny

VIP waiting room at the Kazan station

Traditional headdress seller, Grozny

Some photos Frank sells, so they have their own names. According to our standards, photography are expensive, but for Europeans and Americans prices are more than acceptable. Here are some of the photographs presented in the online store.

"Seller Honey"


"Smell in spring"

"Elevator in Kirov"

"This photo of the grandmother was made in the town called the future, although the time there seems to be stopped and left somewhere in the past," Frank comments

Alexander Latsa

Myths about Russia. From Terrible to Putin. We are the eyes of foreigners

Russia Eyes of the Frenchman

Regard Français Sur La Russia d'Aujourd'hui.

"Too often, the truth about Russia speaks with hatred, and false - with love."

Andre L.

For most Western people, among which there are the same French as I, huge Russia has always been a closed country surrounded by insurmountable milk rosters. The history textbooks told us that the numerous army could appear literally from nowhere to protect the "Holy Rus". Literature described us untouched expanses, uninhabited lands, distant cities somewhere behind the Urals - about which no one knew practically nothing. Books create a blurred portrait of a paradoxical country, which is so difficult to understand a foreigner. Russia is at the same time European, Caucasian and Asian, not like a different country. It is difficult to imagine that she could be interested in foreigners into era and serfdom, and the absolute royal power, and later, in the times of delegation, proletarian dictatorship and the Soviet regime. Despite this, Russia pulled many Western adventurers, merchants, writers, and some of them left us precious stories.

A few years ago, reading the book Ferdinand Ossendovsky "and the beasts, and people, and gods," I first learned about the "Western foreigner who made the choice of living in Russia." This autobiographical book tells the history of the Pole, which in 1917 he joined the Russian white army of Marshal Kolchak, and after the victory of the Bolsheviks hid and eventually fled to India.

One of his stories struck me especially. During the hunting in the Omsk region, Ossendovsky met the British, who accepted Russian citizenship and lives in Siberia. This meeting has become a great discovery for me: both of them, and Eastern European, and the subjects of the British Empire, chose to live in Russia.

Since then, I have read and heard many stories about traveling and the lives of foreigners, mostly French, in Russia, and I had a certain understanding about this country.

I noticed that she was always described very brightly. The French traveler who went to Italy or Switzerland of the eighteenth or nineteenth century, described landscapes, mounted tourist jokes with humorous or critical comments on the kitchen and customs of the country.

Travel notes about Russia are completely different. They are almost never neutral. They are compiled mainly from personal relationship, passion, hot criticism due to painful disappointment, misunderstandings and hate to Russian society, but sometimes from genuine recognition in love for Russia.

Flemish Knight Zhilbert de Lannua was the first author of the description of this country in French. Part of his work "Travel and Embassy" he dedicated to Russian land. In 1413, during the crusades in Prussia, he visited Novgorod, and then returned to Russia again in 1419.

The oldest story in French about the journey to Russia was written in 1586. Jean Soviet left the port of Dieppe on a trading ship sailed along Norway, Cape North Cape and Kola Peninsula. He is the first Frenchman who arrived in Russia across the White Sea. In June, he landed in Arkhangelsk, founded two years earlier by order of Ivan the Terrible, and it was the only northern way out of Russia to the sea. Jean Sovade's book describes the impressions of the Frenchman of the Sixteenth Century, who collided with the customs of the Moscow state in those times. This trip laid the beginning of the first serious diplomatic and trading relations between Russia and France.

The work of Jean Soviet is the first of the long series. From the 1600th to 1611th, the French mercenary Jacques Margör served Boris Godunov - commanded Cavalry, before heading the foreign troops of the king. From this position, he very accurately studied and described Russia of the Doperer's era - his book "The State Russian Empire and the Grand Principality of Moscow" was published in Paris in 1607.

Voltaire wrote "Russia's history under Peter Great", the first volume was published in Geneva in 1759. Voltaire sympathized with the Russian monarch and admired them; The publication of this book degenerate the stormy intellectual purely French disputes between the Voltaire and its liberal opponents. They accused Russian monarchs in tyranny, while Voltaire welcomed the absolutism and violence of the ruling forces required during the modernization of the country. Two hundred and fifty years later, the French are still arguing about Russia almost as sharply - supporters of "soft democracy" and adherents "Vertical of power", Wolter heirs.

Many French who visited the western part of Russia and Siberia also described Russian society. Among them were teachers and artists, such as Madame Vizhe Lebrene, who came to serve in the Russian aristocratic family, were mercenari officers, such as Thomas Villenev, former Tomsk military commandant. About these foreigners who lived temporarily or moved forever, Empress Catherine II in 1773 wrote Voltera: "I want to note that I need it to introduce good manners in our provinces."

Empress Catherine II cared not only about the "good manners" of his subjects, she defended the reputation of Russia. In 1761, Abbot Jean Chapp, French Astronomer, went to Siberia, to Tobolsk to observe Venus. His journey lasted two years, and on his return to France he published a book in five volumes: "A trip to Siberia, made in 1761, with a description of Kamchatka," and some parts of this text created an unfavorable impression of Russia. Catherine II answered him by publishing a brochure: "Antidote, or a refutation of a bad, beautifully printed book" Traveling in Siberia, made in 1761, written by Abbat Kamen. "

In 1843, the work "Russia in 1839" is published in France by Marquis de Kyustina, who drove the European part of this country and met with the king Nikolai I. These travel notes became the first to be frankly Russophobic Book. Kystin depicted Russia "backward, where the roads and hotels are catastrophically lousy" and where "rules fear and violence." And the clear mind of the French Enlightenment Epoch criticized the authoritarian royal government of Russia. But the author suggests that in the future Russia will take an important place in the world. One hundred seventy five years later, we can say that the author "Maybe, did not see, but guess the future."

Soon after, Alexander Duma traveled in Russia for almost two years, from 1858 to 1859, and described it in two stories "from Moscow to Astrakhan" and "Journey to the Caucasus", brightly and convex by portraying the corruption of the time. In the first book, the whole chapter is devoted to the "official theft" industry in Russia, from theft of state property by officials to extortion by assemblers of taxes of money from peasants. But Dumas admiringly described the meeting with princesses, beautiful horseback walks in the steppe, hunting and lush celebration.

One of the most beautiful confessions in the love of Russia was done, undoubtedly, Jules Verne in the novel "Mikhail Strevers", published in Paris in 1876. This book is challenged by Zararal's expanses and Russian heroes. In cruel and huge Siberia, men are strong, and women are very beautiful. At that time, there were excellent relations between Russia and France, and this book was written in honor of the visit of Tsar Alexander II to Paris.

Perhaps, all the French of the older generation, interested in Russia, read an extraordinary story "Everyday life in Russia during the latter king", published in 1959, Henri Troyia. He narrates on the journey of the French Jean Roussel from Moscow to Kazan in 1903. It is a very positive book, and it ends with a beautiful Franco-Russian love story. Troyia was born in the Armenian family of Russian origin, which explains his nostalgic tenderness to Russia, and his knowledge of local customs.

Now Russia is an open country. Every year it is visited by about three million foreign citizens, and everyone takes home their impressions of Russia. Of these, a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe country is formed in general.

Conditionally impressions of visiting any country can be divided into three categories: positive, negative and surprise. The latter, often accompanies two first. Each person has, of course, is definitely in this regard. But when the overwhelming majority of people express about certain phenomena in someone else's country, the same opinion is already becoming like the truth.

Russian positive eyes of a foreigner.

Foreigners very much like Russian grandmothers. Communication with them is literally delight. Foreign guests of their kindness and simplicity are especially bribed.

Good nature, hospitality and latitudes of the Russian man are also pleased with foreigners.

They admire the lion thick. But even more bowed before the courageous people who are capable of his huge novel "War and Peace".

Red Square in Moscow - the most revered by foreigners a place in Russia.

Russian negative by the eyes of a foreigner

"Russian ever unfamiliar people" - in this opinion all foreign guests of Russia are united without exception. In one of the guidebooks for Moscow, there is even a warning: "Never smile unfamiliar Russian. They have not been accepted. In addition, they can take your smile for a mockery over yourself. "

"Russians do not comply with the laws" - this is convinced absolutely all foreigners. When they see somewhere in Moscow, skipping on the red light, they look at it with amazement. If they come across the eyes of smoking people under the sign "not smoking", they covers horror.

"It is better not to ride in Russia" - so consider foreign motorists. They are not so much frightened by the poor quality of the roads and the lack of a proper roadside service, how much manner