Pechistan behavior The result of the influence of the circumstances. Grigory Pechorin from the novel m

Pechistan behavior The result of the influence of the circumstances. Grigory Pechorin from the novel m

About nine years, almost half of their creative life, I gave Pushkin to the creation of a novel, putting the fruits of the "mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful notice."

With the entire latitude of the subject of the novel, "Eugene Onegin" is, first of all, a novel about mental life and the searches of the Russian nobility intelligentsia of the 20s of the XIX century. Pushkin turned to creating an image of his contemporary Pushkin in the early romantic works, for example, in the "Caucasian prisoner". However, the hero of this work did not satisfy the author, as it turned out to be romantic. The circumstances in which he acted were greenhouse, his past remained foggy, the causes of disappointment - unclear. Therefore, to the thoughts to create a typical image of the contemporary Pushkin returned in the main work - the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Now we are also a disappointed hero, and this can be seen with romantic poems, but it is depicted quite differently: it describes in detail its upbringing, education, the environment in which he was born and lives. The poet not only indicates the obvious signs of his disappointment, but aims to explain the reasons for her who have given rise to it.

The concept of "extra person" appeared in 1850, when the "Diary of an extra person" I. S. Turgenev came out. However, Pushkin in his draft flashes the remark about the fact that Onegin at the secular round "as something superfluous", and it was Pushkin for the first time in Russian literature creates an image of an "excess person."

Onegin is the "St. Petersburg Young Man", the metropolitan aristocrat; "Fun and Luxury Child", he received a typical for aristocratic youth of that time home education and upbringing under the leadership of the Frenchman-Governor, who, "that did not speak the child, he taught him everything jokingly, did not bother morally strict ..."

Onegin is typical for "golden youth" of that time life: balls, restaurants, walks through Nevsky Prospekt, visiting theaters. It took it eight years old. But Onegin is distinguished from the total mass of aristocratic youth. Pushkin celebrates his "dreams involuntary dedication, inimitable strangeness and sharp, chilled mind," feeling of honor, the nobility of the soul. It could not not lead Onegin to disappointment in life, in a secular society.

Handra and boredom captured Onegin. Out of the "light of empty", it tries to do any useful activity. From the attempt to write nothing happened. Eugene did not turn out to be a vocation: "Yawning, he took the pen", and he does not have the habit of work: "The work stubborn him was tsen." An attempt to combat "spiritual void" through reading also turned out to be unsuccessful. The books that he read, or not satisfy, or turned out to be consonant with his thoughts and feelings and only strengthened them.

And the Onegin is trying to engage in the life of the peasants in the estate, which he inherited from uncle:

Jar he is an old bar
The lifestyle replaced the loss ...

However, all his activities of the owner landowner this reform limited to. Former moods, although somewhat softened by life on the lap of nature, continue to own them. He feels free and superfluous everywhere: both in the Great Lights, and in provincial living rooms. He was hard and impexually see before

Some dinners long row,
Look at life like a rite
And after the Chinny Tribule
Go without sharing her
Not common opinions or passions.

The outstanding mind of Onegin, his freedom-loving moods and the critical attitude to reality set it high above the "secular mobile", especially among the local barbell, thereby condemning to complete loneliness. Purviving with a secular society in which he did not find any high interests or real feelings, but only a parody of them, Onegin loses relationship with people.

From "mental void" could not save Onegin and such strong feelings like love and friendship. He rejected the love of Tatiana, as the "liberty and peace" appreciated above, did not manage to see the whole depth of her soul and her feelings. With the love of secular ladies, Onegin was disappointed in this feeling. His attitude to the love of dispersal and pretended. It is sustained in the spirit of the assimilated secular "truths", the main goal of which is to be fun and seduced, seem in love.

How soon he could hypocrite
Hide hope jealous
Default, make you believe
It seems gloomy, languish.

And finally, the friendship of Onegin with Lensky ended tragically. No matter how the noble mind of Onegin protested against the fight, the top of all the same took social conventions formed by the light. Onegin killed his friend Lensky, since he could not be elevated over the public opinion of the local nobility, which he was internally despised. He was afraid of "whisper, stratus fools," gossip of mining, cockpit, cattle.

And here is public opinion,
Spring honor, our idol.
And this is what the world turns! -

exclaims Pushkin. The result of the life of Onegin is soft:

Having live without a goal, without work
Up to twenty six years
Timing in the inaction of leisure
Without service, without Zamya, without deeds,
It did not know how to do ...

V. G. Belinsky called Onegin "Egoist to Injury", "the Egoist", because such a "strong, non-life nature" made a society. "Evil is not hiding in a person, but in society," the critic wrote. The skepticism of Onegin, disappointment is a reflection of the general "illness of the newest Russians", which swept a significant part of the noble intelligentsia at the beginning of the century. Pushkin condemns not as much hero as a secular environment formed him as a person.

Obviously, Onegin is doomed to inaction. The transformation of Onegin in the "excess person" is definitely inevitable at the time. He treated that enlightened part of the noble intelligentsia, which avoided serving Tsarism, did not want to be in the ranks of silent, but stood aside from social activities. The undoubted merit of Pushkin is that in his novel showed the tragedy of "extra people" and the reasons for their appearance in the nobility intelligentsia of the 20s of the XIX century.

In Pushkin's poetic heritage, Yevgeny Onegin romance occupies one of the central places. The work begins the new period in Russian literature. In the "Eugene Onegin", as in the mirror, the Russian life of the Pushkin period of time was reflected. Eight (1823 - 1831), during which the novel was written, was turning in the history of Russia and in the unclean fate of the author himself. In the novel, they found their reflection of the aspirations and the duma of the poet, his worldview and feelings.

"Evgeny Onegin" is not just a novel, but a novel in verses, he obeys special artistic laws. It is free from classic canons in the field of literary plot and opened "unpredictable freedom of the plot of life."

The central figure of Roman - Evgeny Onegin. Who is Yevgeny Onegin, and why did he get at the beginning of the list of "extra people" in Russian literature?

On the arena of life - a young nobleman with a complex, contradictory character. He was born on the shores of the Neva; Received a typical education for that time. French teachers, governors taught him so, "so that the child is not angry." The years of study were quickly minimized, and now Evgeny Onegin expects light.

"Oxt of the last fashion,
How Dandy London is dressed ... "

He knew French perfectly, easily and easedly danced, was clever and mil, that is, a perfect way fits into the standards of the highest light. Onegin tried to take everything from a young life, for which he had enough time: balls, visits, restaurants, ballet, meetings, masquerades ...

But too early young, brilliant Dandy was killed by the light and disappointed everything.

As a nellueous man, he began to look for a way out. He began for writing, but the surface attitude towards any case, the inability to focus on serious classes led to the fact that "nothing came out of his pen." He began to read, "And without anything."

Partly, the situation was saved by the fact that Onegin, albeit in a sad deal, but changes the place of residence and finds himself in the village. But the Kandra, boredom and longing catch up with him here.

On the love feelings of the modest young lady of Tatiana, he responds with refusal. Yes, and reads her a sermon on this topic:

"Learn to mainstream;
Not everyone, as I understand;
Before the misfortune is inexperienced. "

An acquaintance of Onegin with a young neighbor Lensky also does not lead to anything good. Between them there was a duel and Lensky dies. Onegin begin to nibble the flour of conscience. He leaves on a journey in Russia. Handra everywhere "follows him.

The traveler returns to the capital. And what does he see? New Tatiana is a married woman, a secular lady. This is not the enthusiastic, modest rustic young lady.

"She doesn't notice him
How he does not beat, although die.
Free at home takes
Visiting the words three with him,
Sometimes one ponom will meet
Sometimes it will not be noticed at all ... "

Now in the heart of Onegin flashes love. But Tatyana rejects it. Onegin is forced to part with her forever.

Let us turn more about the figure of Onegin. Onegin is smart, "good my friend", a person is an old-sample intellectual. He is able to certain activities (one of his good deeds is the destruction of the barbecue, replacing its lifting), but not capable of hard work. It is deprived of the will of the will, demandingness and criticality to himself. He has no strength necessary for meaningful, useful public affairs.

Onegin is a person suitable for the category of "extra people" in Russian literature. The term "extra person" originated in 1850 after the release of the story I.S. Turgenev "Diary of an extra person." An extra person is the type of nobleman suffering from boredom, longing and loneliness. Experienceful fatigue, self-destruction, deep skepticism is imperative.

Onegin displeased, bored in society, lives in the name of some high started and ideal aspirations. In fact, the high ideas about the human person, about the freedom and its rights Eugene are ready only to apply to themselves, and in other these rights not only does not recognize, but does not carry out.


Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - one of their most significant, prominent works of our poet Alexander Pushkin. The main character, Onegin, idle and bored, is a sign of Russian literature as a type of "excess person."

Onegin has no prospects for self-realization; He has abilities, but no will. On all throughout the story, the attitude of the author of the novel to Onegin is ironic, without sarcasm; With shades of sympathy to the main hero.

The poem "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin began in Russian literature the topic of "extra" people. Following him, this problem was developed by Griboedov's play "Mount from Wit", M. Lermontov in the story of the "Hero of Our Time", Turgenev in the "Fathers and Children" and in the "Notes of an Excess Human", Goncharov in "Oblomov" and other writers of that time .

Russian literature The second half of the XIX century nominated the education of a new person, active, initiative and useful society to the fore. Then it appeared for the first time this expression is extra people. As a rule, these are wealthy people, educated. They are able to purposefully serve their Fatherland and society. Capable, but do not want. Under the ministry was often implied by the struggle for democratic freedoms.

But Pushkin and his contemporaries were influenced by Bayronovsky romanticism. They created images of all dissatisfied, bored skeptics. An external person in early romantic literature was Aleko from who fled from a civilized society to the Gypsy Tabor, but also in it did not find his place and destination in life. Alecos served as a predecessor, as a literary hero.

Why do we think Evgeny Onegin is an extra person? It would seem that we have a young man who has everything ahead. But Eugene lives. While he lived in St. Petersburg, everything that was interested in is entertainment: balls, theaters, boys with buddies, women, intrigue. The daily repetition of the same entertainment, the same conversations, faces led our hero to a skeptical attitude towards people.

Onegin does not seek to create a family, it does not serve anywhere. Lives income from the peasants, but even here he doesn't hit his finger to a finger to somehow increase productivity, improve the lives of those who belong to him. Not. We must give him due in the fact that he was replaced by the barbecue, for which the peasants were grateful to him, and the neighbors were alerted. On this, his economic processes ended. If you remember the famous proverb, it can be said that Onegin did not build at home, did not plan the tree, and did not give birth to a child.

Onegin was capable of intrigue for the sake of dispersed the blood, enchant. When he began to flirt from the birthday party, he did not really think about the consequences. After all, the young and pretty creation with a puppet larger could take his flirting for a clean coin and fall in love. He did not care how he would take his flirting with Olga, that she feels. It was important for him to swee the ego and scatter.

Does not talk about where Onegin left after a duel, where he was before meeting with Tatiana. But having met Onegin in St. Petersburg, we again see a celebrating person who will now master themselves with love for someone else's wife, and sees the meaning of his being in what is dragged behind her in all secular events where it happens.

Literary critics believe that "extra people" appeared because of some social instability, and be in Russia a different public system, and a different political situation, there would be no. But it is not. You can call a lot of examples of people who lived and workers in the same years and in the same socially socially public, and at the same time have discouraged the glory that created the state for their descendants (that is, growing a tree and built a house). Examples? We will not go far behind them. This is the authors of literary works that have written the mentioned books. By the way, Onegin tried to take a pen, and write something, but it did not go. Laziness, inability to socially significant work turned out to be stronger than him.

But not even laziness spawned extra people. She herself was born from the lack of any goal.

One of the literary critics flashed the idea that Onegin will fall on the way to fight autocracy, will be in the ranks of the Decembrists. If this happens, it is not from belief in its rightness, and the desire to release the country from tyranny. But only from the desire to take your idle mind at least something, driving adrenaline in the blood.