Biography of Martina Stossel and facts from her life. Permanent and temporary residences of Martina Stossel What kind of dog does Martina Stossel have?

Biography of Martina Stossel and facts from her life.  Permanent and temporary residences of Martina Stossel What kind of dog does Martina Stossel have?
Biography of Martina Stossel and facts from her life. Permanent and temporary residences of Martina Stossel What kind of dog does Martina Stossel have?

Martina Stossel: 34 interesting facts Martina Stossel is an Argentine actress, singer and dancer, best known for her leading role in the youth television series Violetta on Disney Channel Interesting facts about Martin: 1) Violetta is the first TV series where Martina was filmed. 2) Tina was born in Buenos -Aires, Argentina. 3) Martina is Aries by the zodiac sign. 4) Martina is Spanish, she doesn't know much English. 5) Martina's best friend, Mercedes Lambre. 6) Martina loves OREO cookies. 7) Martina auditioned for the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Violetta is more suitable for her. 8) In life, she is a little selfish. 9) Tiny uses perfumes such as: Hypnotic Poison by Dior, 212 VIP for women, Carolina Herrera, Dior Jadore and Someday by Justin Bieber. 10) Tini, besides Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, also likes Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and 1D and the Jonas Brothers. 11) Besides Sofia Caputo's clothes, Tini also wears Cook clothes. 100 photos with Martina 12) Teenie loves TV shows and music programs like "Gossip Girl" and "Smash". 13) Martina loves apple pie and chocolate muffins. 14) Martina loves to ride a bike with Mercedes. 15) Martina loved as a child 16) Martina does not like public transport. 17) As a child, Martina had a doll Lucia. 18) In elementary school, Martina loved history. 19) For creams, Martina loves the smell of coconut and pineapple. 20) Martina is very fond of banana ice cream sprinkled with chocolate chips. 21) Martina loves such films as: horror films and comedies. 22) Martina is very fond of freshly squeezed orange juice. 23) When Martina was given an iPhone, she immediately wrote Swords about it. 24) In kindergarten, Martina always asked to give her a role. where one should sing a song. 25) When Swords and Martina get together, Tina always makes her different hairstyles. 26) Martina loves to go shopping with Swords, but most often they also go with Martina's mother and Swords. New articles can be found in the group 27) Martina is very fond of. There are 12 drawings from fans that Martina keeps at home, and 4 more are hung on the wall. 28) When Martina doesn't like something in a person, she tries to subtly hint at this quality. 29) First once Martina sang in kindergarten, when she was asked to sing her favorite song. 30) Martina says that she would stay in the house where Violetta lives, because, as she thinks, it is very cozy there. 31) Martina loves when at school she is sometimes called Violetta for the lower grades. 32) Martina really likes the "Violetta" episode from the first season: episodes 2, 14, 15, 35, 47 and 68. 33) Martina and her family often arrange trips to a restaurant, sometimes to the theater. 34) Martina watched Eurovision and voted for Italy. 35) As a child, Martina was very afraid to fly airplanes. But when she had to fly for the first time at 6 years old , her mother flew with her, and Tina was not so scared. She overcame her fear. 36) Martina has the song "Hoy somos mas" in her player. 37) Martina says that she likes season 2 of Violetta more. 38) Martina in 2011 she wrote the song "The Glow", which was included in the album "Disney Princess" .39) At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof. 40) Martina loves sushi. She tried them for the first time in 5 years. A selection of pictures about Martin from glossy magazines Plus 58 facts: Latest news about Tina 1. Martin is inspired by singing, as in the TV series 2. Martina still goes to school, but only for two, three lessons she has shooting, she goes to 9 B. 3.Demi Lovato loves Martina's songs. 4. Martina loves to paint. 5. Martina's favorite sport is dancing. 6. Martina is afraid to fly airplanes. 7. Martina Stossel has a brother, Francisco. 8. At the age of 11 Martina fell from the roof 9. At the moment Martina has no one to meet 10. Martina is a fan of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus 11. Martina loves to sing live and tries not to use phonogram 12. Tini loves to appear in the series, and when she found out that she was approved for the role, she burst into tears. 13. On the set of the series Martina and Bridget became very good friends 14. Tiny has a dog named Panda 15. Teenie spent the new year 2012 at CARILO 16. Martina is Jonatic in the past 17. Martina wants to record her solo album after graduation. 18. Martina's family and friends say that she is a little selfish. 19. Violetta is the first TV series where Martina was filmed. 20. Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina 21. Martina is a zadiac sign of Aries. 22. Martina is Spanish, she doesn't speak English well. 23. Martina loves “OREO” cookies 24. Martina auditioned for the role of Ludmila, but the directors said that the role of Vil is more suitable for her. 25. MARTINA IS NOT ON, SHE CONFIRMED IT HIMSELF. 26. Martina has a special box in which she keeps various letters, trinkets, and other things that her fans gave her. 27. Martina loves Baticks pants. She has a large collection of these pants. 28. Martina really likes Russian names, she would like to name her daughter Maria in the future. 29 Martina traveled with her family to Walt Disney as a 15-year gift. In an interview, she said that this is the best gift. 30. Martina doesn't really like chocolate, especially dark chocolate. She prefers milk chocolate. 31. Martina prefers bright outfits. In her wardrobe there are a lot of skirts of different styles and different colors. Both dim and bright. - Martina loves to wear pants, pants are spacious, because in Spain it is always very hot and she tries, if to wear them, then very rarely. ○ Jewelry Martin is very fond of bracelets and rings. The main thing is that the rings are with a large flower or just a light ring without jewelry on it Martina loves heels in one of her interviews she says that she cannot live without them Most of all she loves the platform. 32. Martina says that she has already received several offers to play in this or that film, but she rejected everything, since almost all the shooting coincides with the shooting of VIOLETTA2. 33. Martina's plans. At the moment, Tini does not think about anything other than the TV series Violetta. But later she still wants to continue both an acting and a musical career. He wants to record his solo album, as well as visit New York. 34. Martina about continuing her career. "Further in my career will be studying hip-hop" 35. Martina Stossel loves shopping in large malls. 36. As a child, Martina was in love with her friend named Chavez. She named the pig on her uncle's farm after him 37. Martina admitted in an interview that her heroine is sometimes a little annoying. 38. Martina says she doesn't like it when fans dress like her, "It's unbearable to see my Martinique dress like mine. I understand that you are my fans, but not to that extent." 39. TINEY loves stud earrings in the form of pearls. Also, she loves neon bracelets. In general, Tini loves different "fashionable little things". 40. Martina Stossel would like to participate in the Phineas and Ferb Talk Show. 41. Martina Stossel dreams of becoming a professional singer and working with top people. 42. Martina confessed that she loves animals very much, especially dogs. 43. Martina has never tasted beer, wine. She only allows herself a glass of champagne for the holidays. You can learn a lot about Tina's personal life on the website 44. Martina is afraid to fly airplanes, she has this fear of flying since childhood. 45. Martina doesn't like the smell of the hospital and the smell of the subway. 46. ​​Martina prefers bags more than backpacks. 47. In elementary school, Martina did not like mathematics and physical education. 48. Martina doesn't like fat cats and dogs, she doesn't think it's cute. 49. Martina doesn't like cottage cheese buns. 50. As a child, Martina was very fond of raisins. 51. Martina went to the parties that were held at the school only 2 times. 52. As a child, Martina invented her own personal language. 53. Martina is not very fond of serious people, but when it comes to work, here Martina speaks in no way without seriousness. 54. Martina sometimes has to go with a huge number of bags, because she does not have time to go home. 55. Martina doesn't even want to remember some of her performances. More often than not, she thinks that she behaved childishly ineptly. 56. Martina says she never wanted her school to burn down, etc. 57. Martina says she sits at the computer more often than watches TV. 58. Martina started ballet at the age of 5, but then she did gymnastics, then swimming

This year the entire Christian world celebrates the 500th anniversary of the great Protestant reformation. Reformation, which brought not only spiritual changes to Europe, but also socio-economic ones. One of the leaders of this spiritual movement was the simple monk Martin Luther. It was thanks to him that the church of that time was shocked and did not remain the same ...

It is said that at the beginning of the 16th century, the entire Christian world was divided into two camps. The first is the people who hated Martin Luther and called him the devil, and the second considered him a hero and saw him as a reformer.

Today I collected 13 interesting facts from the life of this outstanding person, which I want to present to your attention.

* * 1 * *

In 1517, when the Reformation began, Martin Luther was only 34 years old and he was not even married yet :)

* * 2 * *

Legend has it that the idea that Europe needs a spiritual reformation came to Martin Luther when he was thinking ... on the toilet in the toilet of his house :). For a long time, this theory was criticized, as it was believed that at that time such a civilization did not exist yet :). But according to the history channel, in 2004, a thorough archaeological excavation of the house where Martin Luther lived was carried out, and a sensational discovery was made that there really was a sewer in his house and there was even a primitive floor heating! So, who knows, maybe it was :)

* * 3 * *

Before Martin Luther became a prominent reformer, he was a monk.

In 1505, 22-year-old Martin Luther, a law school student, was walking across a field when a violent storm suddenly broke out. The earth was already trembling with thunder, and lightning struck only meters from him. Martin was so frightened that he shouted in fear: "Saint Anna, if I survive, I promise to become a monk!"

By the way, the decision to become a monk greatly upset his father, who wanted his son to become a lawyer.

* * 4 * *

Martin Luther's future wife, Katharine von Bora, was also a celibate nun. In 1523, Martin helped her and 12 other girls escape from the monastery and helped to hide from the official persecution of the Catholic Church. When they got married, Katerina was 26, and Martin was 41. There was a 15-year difference between them :)

* * 5 * *

After becoming a monk, Martin Luther became a great zeal for the traditions of the church. To please God, he prayed daily for several hours, fasted several days a week, stained his flesh with lack of sleep, stayed awake for several days, slept without a blanket in cold weather, and regularly scourged himself to pacify his flesh.

* * 6 * *

An exemplary monk with a doctorate in theology, Martin Luther became a professor at Wittenberg University. It was as a professor at the theological institute that Luther had a lot of time to reflect on the state of the church today, and we know what this led to :).

* * 7 * *

One day, while reading the epistle of the apostle Paul to the Romans, Martin's eyes rested on verse 1:17 "The righteous will live by faith!" These words seemed to pierce him, and he received enlightenment that, it turns out, salvation cannot be earned by deeds, it is given by faith. In the future, this verse became a key one in promoting the reformation.

* * 8 * *

Martin Luther's patience finally snapped at the end of October 1517. One day, walking down the street, he saw preacher Johann Tetzel selling indulgences, saying: "As soon as a coin falls into a piggy bank, one soul from purgatory goes to heaven!"

* * 9 * *

On October 31, 1517, the day the Catholic Church celebrated Halloween, Martin Luther broke down and nailed 95 theses to the doors of the Wittenberg Church. Historians claim that he did it on Halloween night, because Martin opposed the celebration of Halloween, considering it a demonic holiday.

* * 10 * *

Martin Luther used modern technologies of the day, such as prints and the printing press, to spread the ideas of the reformation from the small town of Wittenberg throughout Europe.

He had the gift of writing clear and short messages in a language accessible to people.

* * 11 * *

Martin Luther taught people to read the Bible. During his time, the population of the Holy Roman Empire (modern territories of Germany and Austria) spoke German, and liturgy in churches was conducted only in Latin. Martin Luther personally translated the Bible into modern German, which the common people understood.

* * 12 * *

Martin Luther brought a new style of worship to the church. As a musician and composer, Martin wrote many sacred songs that were simple and easy to remember. Previously, in the church, only priests sang some boring tunes in Latin, and with the arrival of the Reformation, singing became part of the ministry.

* * 13 * *

It is believed that Martin Luther was the first person to set up a Christmas tree in his home at Christmas, decorated with fruits and small candles. This tradition quickly spread in reformist circles, and people who adopted Protestant views began to massively plant trees in their homes for the Christmas holidays. It is interesting to note that in the beginning the tree in Germany was called the Christbaum tree.

Martina Stossel is an Argentine actress, singer and dancer best known for her starring role in the Disney Channel youth television series Violetta

Interesting facts about Martin: 1) Violetta is the first TV series where Martina was filmed. 2) Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3) Martina is Aries. 4) Martina is Spanish, she does not know English well. 5) Martina's best friend, Mercedes Lambre. 6) Martina loves OREO cookies. 7) Martina auditioned for the role of Ludmila, but the directors said that the role of Violetta is more suitable for her. 8) She is a little selfish in life. 9) Tini uses perfumes such as: Hypnotic Poison by Dior, 212 VIP for women, Carolina Herrera, Dior Jadore and Someday by Justin Bieber. 10) Tiny, besides Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, also likes Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and 1D and Jonas Brothers. 11) In addition to Sofia Caputo's clothes , Teenie still wears Cook clothes.
12) Teenie loves TV shows and music programs like "Gossip Girl" and "Smash". 13) Martina loves apple pie and chocolate muffins. 14) Martina loves to ride a bike with Mercedes. 15) Martina loved the color blue as a child. ) Martina does not like public transport. 17) Martina had a doll Lucia as a child. 18) In elementary school, Martina loved history. 19) For creams, Martina loves the smell of coconut and pineapple. 20) Martina is very fond of banana ice cream sprinkled with chocolate crumb. 21) Martina loves such films as: horror films and comedies. 22) Martina is very fond of freshly squeezed orange juice. 23) When Martina was given an iPhone, she immediately wrote Swords about it. 24) In kindergarten, Martina always asked to give her a role. where one should sing a song. 25) When Swords and Martina get together, Tina always makes her different hairstyles. 26) Martina loves to go shopping with Swords, but most often they also go with Martina's mother and Swords. New articles can be found in the group
27) Martina is very fond of. When they draw her. There are 12 drawings from fans that Martina keeps at home, and 4 more are hung on the wall. 28) When Martina doesn't like something in a person, she tries to subtly hint at this quality. 29) First once Martina sang in kindergarten, when she was asked to sing her favorite song. 30) Martina says that she would stay in the house where Violetta lives, because, as she thinks, it is very cozy there. 31) Martina loves when she is sometimes called Violetta at school for the lower grades. 32) Martina really likes the episodes of "Violetta" from the first season: episodes 2, 14, 15, 35, 47 and 68. 33) Martina and her family often go to a restaurant, sometimes to the theater .34) Martina watched Eurovision, and voted for Italy. 35) As a child, Martina was very afraid to fly on airplanes. But when she had to fly for the first time at 6 years old, her mother flew with her, and Tina was not so scared. her fear.36) Martina has the song "Hoy somos mas" in her player. 37) Martina says that she likes season 2 better with episode Violetta. 38) Martina in 2011 wrote the song "Shining" (the "Glow"), which was included in the album "Disney Princess". 39) At the age of 11, Martina fell from the roof. 40) Martina loves sushi. She tried them for the first time in 5 years.

Plus 58 facts:

Latest news about Tina
1 Martin is inspired by singing, just like in the show
2.Martina still goes to school, but only for two, three lessons from her
filming, she goes to 9-B.
3.Demi Lovato loves Martina's songs.
4. Martina loves to paint.
5. Martina's favorite sport is dancing.
6. Martina is afraid to fly airplanes.
7. Martina Stossel has a brother, Francisco.
8.At 11, Martina fell off the roof
9. At the moment, Martina does not meet with anyone.
10. Martina is a fan of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus
11. Martina loves to sing live and tries not to use phonogram
12 Teenie is very fond of acting on the series, and when she found out that she was approved for the role, she burst into tears.
13. On the set of the series, Martin and Bridget became very friendly
14 Teenie has a dog named Panda
15. Teeny spent the new 2012 at CARILO
16. Martina in the past Jonatic
17. Martina after graduation, wants to record her solo album.
18. Martina's family and friends say that she is a little selfish.
19. Violetta is the first TV series where Martina was filmed.
20. Tina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
21. Martin at the sign of the zadiac Aries.
22. Martina is Spanish, she doesn't speak English well.
23. Martina loves OREO cookies
24. Martina Probe
played the role of Lyudmila, but the directors said that the role of Vilu was more suitable for her
26. Martina has a special box in which she keeps various letters, trinkets, and other things that her fans gave her.
27. Martina loves Baticks pants.
She has a large collection of these pants.
28. Martina really likes Russian names, she would like to name her daughter Maria in the future.
29 Martina traveled with her family to Walt Disney as a 15-year gift. In an interview, she said that this is the best gift.
30. Martina doesn't really like chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
She prefers milk chocolate.
31. Martina prefers bright outfits. In her wardrobe there are a lot of skirts of different styles and different colors. Both dim and bright. - Martina loves to wear pants, pants are spacious, because in Spain it is always very hot and she tries, if to wear them, then very rarely. ○ Jewelry Martin is very fond of bracelets and rings. The main thing is that the rings are with a large flower or just a light ring without jewelry on it
Martina loves heels in an interview, she says she can't live without them
She loves the platform the most.
32. Martina says that she has already received several offers to play in one or another
movie, but she's open
lonel, since almost all the shooting coincides with the shooting of VIOLETTA2.
33. Martina's plans.
At the moment, Tini does not think about anything other than the TV series Violetta. But later she still wants to continue both an acting and a musical career. He wants to record his solo album, as well as visit New York.
34. Martina about continuing her career.
"Further in my career I will study hip-hop."
35. Martina Stossel loves shopping in large malls.
36. As a child, Martina was in love with her friend named Chavez.
She named the pig on her uncle's farm after him
37. Martina admitted in an interview that her character is sometimes a little annoying.
38. Martina says she doesn't like it when fans dress like her,
"It is unbearable to see my Martinique wear the same clothes as mine. I understand that you are my fans, but not to that extent."
39. TINEY loves stud earrings in the form of pearls. Also, she loves neon bracelets.
In general, Tini loves different "fashionable little things".
40. Martina Stossel would like to participate in the Phineas and Ferb Talk Show.
41. Martina Stossel me
dreamed of becoming a professional singer and working with people of the highest level.
42. Martina confessed that she loves animals very much, especially dogs.
43. Martina has never tasted beer, wine. She only allows herself a glass of champagne for the holidays. You can learn a lot about Tina's personal life at
44. Martina is afraid to fly in airplanes, she has this fear of flying since childhood.
45. Martina doesn't like the smell of the hospital and the smell of the subway.
46. ​​Martina prefers bags more than backpacks.
47. In elementary school, Martina did not like mathematics and physical education.
48. Martina doesn't like fat cats and dogs, she doesn't think it's cute.
49. Martina doesn't like cottage cheese buns.
50. As a child, Martina was very fond of raisins.
51. Martina went to the parties that were held at the school only 2 times.
52. As a child, Martina invented her own personal language.
53. Martina is not very fond of serious people, but when it comes to work, here Martina speaks in no way without seriousness.
54. Martina sometimes has to go with a huge number of bags, because she does not have time to go home.
55. Martina doesn't even want to remember some of her performances. More often than not, she thinks that she behaved childishly ineptly.
56. Martina says she never wanted her school to burn down, etc.
57. Martina says she sits at the computer more often than watches TV.
58. Martina started ballet at the age of 5, but then she did gymnastics, then swimming

Where does Martina Stossel live? How did this young actress win the hearts of many fans? What is an Argentine girl interested in? Fans are actively texting on the Internet, learning more and more information about Martin. Some rumors break about facts, others grow over time, but this only fuels interest in the girl. So what is known about her?

The life of an actress

Martina was born in Buenos Aires on March 21, 1997. Her father is Alejandro Stossel, renowned director of the Baila Conmigo Paraguay program. The girl did not grow up in the family alone: ​​her older brother Francisco supported her in everything.

If you ask, who from the entourage is closest to Martina, the answer is unambiguous: mom. It is to her that all secrets are entrusted and the news is reported first. It is very good that family relationships have become a powerful support for the aspiring singer. When the opportunity arose to try herself in the role of an actress, Stossel agreed to change school (closer to the set).

In September 2011, the girl made her debut in the youth TV series "Violetta", which became an international project with the cooperation of Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and even Europe. The premiere took place on May 14, 2012 in Italy and Latin America. The Disney Channel in Zapping Zone a week before the show aired the clip "En Mi Mundo", which carried a musical note throughout the episodes.

Stossel's career as a singer is also successful:

    in 2011 won the right to perform the Spanish version of the popular song "The Glow" ("Tu Resplandor"), originally sung by Shannon Saunders;

    in 2012, the title single of the TV series "Violetta" was the song "En Mi Mundo" ("In my world");

    in 2012, joint videos were filmed with Pablo Espinosa ("Tienes Todo"), Lodovica Comello "Junto a Ti" and other actors of the series ("Ser mejor", "Hoy Somos Mas").

The best gift for Martina's fifteenth birthday was a trip to Walt Disney. Despite the immediate rise in fame, the actress considers herself "an ordinary person." In an interview, she wisely noted that the success of the series is due to all the actors, and not one main character. Martina is grateful to the filming for meeting her best friend Mercedes Lambre, who knew her at the age of four.

It is unlikely that Violetta's fans know where Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev lives. But on the other hand, young people are well versed in searching for information on the Internet, finding time to discuss each episode of their favorite saga filmed. A lot of groups have been created on social networks in which you can find basic facts about Martina's life. The girl herself periodically comes in to chat with fans of the series, leaving her comments or new photos in the news feed.

Where does Martina Stossel live?

The young actress is still underage, so her parents decide all accommodation issues. She spends most of her time in Argentina, sometimes traveling to various cities for recreation. Martin hardly cares about where Selena Gomez lives. Your own plans for life are much more important.

The girl saves the main part of the fee for her future apartment. Her dream is to move to live in New York in order to hone her musical data as well as possible. Although most of all Martina would like not to study, but to spend time with her loved ones, for the sake of music she is ready for a lot. Perhaps the number of fans of the TV series "Violetta" is constantly growing due to the beautiful voice of the singer. In any case, while the shooting is taking place in Argentina, Martina is unlikely to change her place of residence.

The young actress described her ideal life partner as a "cheerful and sweet" person. And even better, that he was next to her 24 hours a day! Views may change as they grow older, but for now Martine is fond of surfers and skaters, of which there are plenty in Argentina. In March 2013, the girl confessed to the whole world on Twitter: "Jorge said he loves me!"

Apparently, the love between Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo in the series was transferred to the set, uniting the hearts of the actors. Jorge Blanco confirmed his confession to Martina and hoped that the feelings would be mutual.

The new season of the beloved series is just around the corner. Will Martina cope as well with the role of the matured Violetta? Or will you have to watch the fading of interest in your person? Life will show...

Hello dear readers! Many people fell in love with the TV series "Violetta", and with it the performer of the main role - Martiny Stoessel (in Russia she is known as Martina Stoessel, Martina Stoessel, and also Martina Stoessel). In the series, Martina got a wonderful role - a girl who came with her father from Europe to her native Buenos Ares. Here Violetta finds friends, falls in love, meets her own aunt, learns family secrets and plunges into a world saturated with music ...

I suggest you watch the video from the series and at the same time listen to a great song!

It should be noted that for Martina, the role of Violetta became her debut, so the girl sometimes found it difficult to endure the acting rhythm. By the way, the series was filmed for 7 months, on the screens of Italy and Latin America, it appeared on May 14, 2012.

What about the family ... Martina Stossel was born on March 21, 1997 in Buenos Ares (Argentina), in the family of Alejandro and Marianna Stossel. It is also known that the rising star has an older brother - Francisco Stossel.

From an early age, Martina was sent to a music school, where she learned to play the piano, learned the basics of the comedy genre, studied dancing and participated in theatrical performances.

Among her friends, Martina is known as a cheerful, active and sympathetic girl. By the way, her friends call her Tini (short for her full name). An interesting fact, in the TV series "Violetta" the main character has an evil ill-wisher - Lyudmila, and so in real life, the girls are friends, their friendship lasts from the age of 4!

Let's digress a bit and put together the Martina Stossel puzzle!

Well, what about the girl's biography, everything is clear, let's look at the style of Martina Stossel using the examples of Violetta, and, in general, her own image of the singer.

1. In these photos we see a well-thought-out look, a cute loose skirt, complemented by a peach-colored belt and a T-shirt with layered sleeves. The style is complemented by gray lace-up shoes.

2. Here we see the street style of the girl, a snow-white tunic with a hatched image, as well as blue ripped denim shorts. By the way, we recently reviewed the shorts, so you can see a selection of stylish denim shorts. Tiny decided to complete the look with a stylish leopard-colored arm band. photo of Martina Stossel

3. A very delicate look, notice how superbly matched the shades, a blue T-shirt with thin straps with lowered sleeves, a pale pink belt, and a white sun skirt embroidered with sequins. The girl is wearing long mesh knee-highs and gray shoes with low, stable heels.

4. This image is much brighter than the previous one, and all thanks to the colorful skirt ...

5. Pleated skirt, warm shade with a dark print and pale pink T-shirt with lace, go well with a girl, don't you think ?!

6. In everyday life, Martina likes to wear jeans and loose-fitting T-shirts and T-shirts. The style in this photo, the actress decided to supplement with voluminous wrist bracelets and a bright pink knitted hat.7. Such a wonderful, slightly hooligan style of Martina Stossel, simply cannot be left unnoticed. Check out the singer's stylish shorts, embellished with rivets and a gradient that fades from dark to light. In addition, a fashionable tunic, beveled to one shoulder, is very suitable for the girl.

8. A gentle image suits the girl no less than a hooligan one, a pink dress with voluminous flowers and a tied belt, emphasize Tini's perfect posture and thin waist.

9. A very cute and cheerful set - striped shorts and a T-shirt, only emphasize Martina's mischievous character, it would be ideal to fit neat striped slates here.

10. This look turned out to be incredibly stylish and youthful, pink jeans with white stains look great in addition to a white cropped T-shirt, silver boots and a purple knitted hat.

11. It should be noted that unobtrusive golden shades are incredible for a successful actress. I think I should describe the whole look, notice how good a gold sleeveless blouse looks with black tight trousers with an elastic band. Tini decided to complement her style with large wristwatches and massive gold-plated bracelets.

12. Recently, it is very fashionable to wear incongruous things, a fluffy skirt and sports shoes, Martina chose just such a mischievous style for her performance, and it should be said that everything looks quite harmonious! photo of Martina Stossel

13. A short purple dress, completely embroidered with sequins, suits the girl very well, in it she sang her favorite song "En Mi Mundo".

14. This is how the singer goes to the beach: short denim shorts, a white oversized shirt and a bandage on her leg.A wonderful image!

15. Serious image of Martina: a jacket with gold braid, and a snow-white blouse, embroidered with sequins. photo of Martina Stossel

16. Black flared skirt, just looks great in addition to a beaded, milky blouse, and a black headband.

17. Girl's casual style: dark jeans, a white T-shirt with tight straps and a cropped, oversized sweatshirt with the image of her favorite Disney character - Mickey Mouse. photo of Martina Stossel

Are you delighted with the TV series "Violetta", do you like Martina Stossel? Then I recommend that you study the following selection of articles:

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